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Ключевые слова
language personality / linguistics / speech behavior / speech activity / communication / language system / communication theory / языковая личность / лингвистика / речевое поведение / речевая деятельность / общение / система языка / теория коммуникаций

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — N.Yu. Buryak

The article presents modern concepts of the study of the culture of the linguistic personality at the junction of several sciences, which seems to be very fruitful and promising. Further, the expediency and even the need to study the culture of a linguistic personality within the framework of a linguistic paradigm is emphasized, since it is the linguistic sciences that have always had common subjects of study and areas, aspects of functioning. The purpose of the study is to prove the inseparable connection of language and personality and to present the structure of the language personality, highlighting the levels.

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В статье представлены современные концепции исследования культуры языковой личности на стыке нескольких наук, что представляется весьма плодотворными и перспективными. Далее подчеркивается целесообразность и даже необходимость изучения культуры языковой личности в рамках именно лингвистической парадигмы, так как именно лингвистические науки всегда имели общие предметы изучения и области, аспекты функционирования. Цель исследования – доказать неразрывную связь языка и личности и представить структуру языковой личности, выделяя уровни.



N.Yu. Buryak, Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor Academy of Marketing and Social and Information Technologies - IMSIT (Russia, Krasnodar)


Abstract. The article presents modern concepts of the study of the culture of the linguistic personality at the junction of several sciences, which seems to be very fruitful and promising. Further, the expediency and even the need to study the culture of a linguistic personality within the framework of a linguistic paradigm is emphasized, since it is the linguistic sciences that have always had common subjects of study and areas, aspects offunctioning. The purpose of the study is to prove the inseparable connection of language and personality and to present the structure of the language personality, highlighting the levels.

Keywords: language personality, linguistics, speech behavior, speech activity, communication, language system, communication theory.

Personality and language are inextricably linked, because it is in personality that "the interests of all human sciences converge" [1, p. 3]. As the extensive experience of linguistic analysis shows, the problem that permeates all aspects of language learning and at the same time smooths the boundaries between disciplines that study a person is precisely the problem of language personality. You can't study a person outside of his language.

The problem of linguistic personality is not a new object for linguistics. However, according to Yu. N. Karaulov, "the scientific tradition has developed in such a way that the study of this object remained small-scale; it was viewed as if from a "bird's eye view", and the researcher was able to see and fix in this case only the most general features that characterize a person as a species, as a talking being, as homo loquens" [1, p. 3-4].

The father of the Soviet school of psycho-linguistics was A. A. Leontiev. The scientific direction created by him was based mainly on the achievements of domestic psychology and, above all, on the conceptual provisions developed by L.S. Vygotsky and his students and associates (A.R. Luria, A.N. Leontiev, etc.). The basis of psycholinguistics was based on the theory of activity, because the domestic version of psycholinguistics at the early stages of its formation was called the

theory of speech activity. Current psycholinguistics is developing in the direction of social psychology and sociopsycholinguistics. Its interests lie in determining the psychological features of the relationship between linguistic consciousness and human social activity, his social being.

Until recently, psycholinguistics was engaged in research of speech activity in general, meaning some average native speaker. This generalization allows us to identify the universal laws of generation, perception and understanding of speech, which all speakers obey. However, people differ from each other, including in their speech actions. Attempts to identify the distinctive features of speech behavior and speech activity have led to the emergence of a new object of study in psy-cholinguistics - a linguistic personality, which is considered from the point of view of its ability to perform speech actions - generation and understanding of utterances.

There is a well-known interest of psycho-linguistics in the relationship between the language system (language as a subject of study) and the language ability. The language ability is a specific psychophysiological mechanism that is formed in each native speaker on the basis of neurophysiological prerequisites and under the influence of communicative relations. The language ability ensures the assimilation, reproduction, ad-

equate perception and production of language signs by the members of the language team. The social nature of this phenomenon is determined by the fact that it is formed, on the one hand, in the process of assimilation of a system of language signs that models the social existence of people; on the other hand, the prevailing role in this case is played by the form of activity that creates the prerequisites for this assimilation of interpersonal communication. This ability develops and manifests itself in a person in the process of communication and only through it. In the same process, the speech intention is actualized and the ability of its productive implementation is formed. The speech intention is correlated only with the content of the speech action, which is a psychological role within the activity as a whole. As for the implementation of the speech intention, it has to do with the specific language design of the utterance, the degree of elaboration of the speech action, etc. The following factors can be attributed to the factors that determine the speech intention: "... motivation, situational afference, probabilistic experience, the task of action" [2, pp. 31-32]. The factors that serve the implementation of this intention include "... language (speech operations), the degree of mastering it, functional-stylistic, sociolin-guistic and affective factors, individual differences in speech experience, speech context and situation" [2, pp. 34-35].

By carefully listening to the speech of an unfamiliar interlocutor, observing him in different communicative situations, we can make a portrait of a linguistic personality. A person's speech is his business card. It contains information about the most diverse personality traits of the speaker: about his origin, age, profession, education, intelligence, etc. The linguistic personality manifests itself in speech behavior. The content of the term "speech behavior" is broader than the concept of "speech activity", because it includes both voluntary (the term E. D. Polivanova) communicative actions and reactions of the speaker / writer and depends on the culture to which the speaker / writer belongs. So, the "talking person" appears as a multi-faceted object of research, the uniqueness of which is

determined by a unique combination of socio-psychological characteristics.

With the introduction of the language personality into the scientific paradigm, a certain balance is achieved in the ratio of the fundamental properties of language with each other. Yu.N. Karaulov, who has thoroughly studied the problem of language personality, believes that the latter can be reached as a research task, an object of study and a research technique in three ways: from the psychology of language and speech - this is the psycho-linguistic path (I. A. B. De coUrtenay); from the laws of language teaching - from lin-guodidactics (F.I. Buslaev); from the study of the language of fiction and oratory, that is, from stylistics (V.V. Vinogradov). For the first time, a three-level (although differing in an unconventional hierarchy of its levels) was proposed the structure of the Russian language personality. The peculiarities of the functioning of these levels are represented by the lexicon, thesaurus and pragmaticon of the linguistic personality [4].

So, at the" zero " or verbal-semantic level (ordinary language semantics), although it is possible to state some non-standard, uniqueness of verbal associations of an individual linguistic personality, but they themselves do not yet provide information about the phenomenon of interest to us, about more complex stages of its organization.

Describing the first (after zero), or thesaurus level in this structure, it is necessary to say about the identification and establishment of a hierarchy of meanings and values in the language picture of the world, in the thesaurus of the language personality. A complete, unambiguously perceived picture of the world is possible only on the basis of establishing a gradation of meanings and values for an individual linguistic personality. This refers to the identification and analysis of a variable, variable, specific and unique part in the world picture of a linguistic personality. This can be achieved only if the basic, invariant part of this picture (a single and common one for an entire epoch) is known to the researcher. The characterized level assumes the reflection of the personality in its language model of the world.

As for the second, or motivational-pragmatic (higher in relation to the lin-guocognitive) level of analysis of the linguistic personality, it includes the identification and characterization of its motives and goals. The latter are the driving force of the development and behavior of the studied personality, controlling the beginning of its text production and, as a result, the determining criterion for the gradation of meanings and values in its language model of the world.

E.V. Krasilnikova gave a clear definition of the linguistic personality as an independent subject of study in linguistics for the first time. It defines this term as "a set of abilities and characteristics of a person that determine the creation and perception of speech works (texts) that differ: a) the degree of structural and linguistic complexity, b) the depth and accuracy of reflection of reality, c) a certain target orientation" [3, p. 3].

We suggest the following structure of the linguistic personality consisting of three levels, which echoes the above-described one. The first level is verbal-semantic, which assumes for a native speaker of the language system sufficient knowledge of this natural language, and for a researcher — a traditional description of the formal means of expressing certain meanings.

The second level of the structure of the linguistic personality is the cognitive level,

cepts that are formed in consciousness into an ordered picture of the world, reflecting the hierarchy of human values, the expansion of meaning and the transition to knowledge.

The third level of the structure of the language personality is the pragmatic level, which includes goals, motives, interests, attitudes, intentions and provides a natural and conditioned transition in the analysis of the language personality from the assessments of its speech activity to the understanding of real activity in the world. According to A.R. Luria, the genetic roots of language should be sought in those forms of specific human actions in which the external reality is reflected and the subjective image of the objective world is formed, the main methods of communication with others. Thus, based on the definition of E.V. Krasilnikova, and in the context of the above, we will summarize some results:

A linguistic personality is a person considered from the point of view of his ability to create and perceive speech works (texts), whose uniqueness is determined by a unique combination of socio-psychological characteristics. A language personality manifests itself in speech behavior, which has a number of distinctive features from the behavior of other language personalities and depends on the culture to which this language personality belongs.

the units of which are concepts, ideas, con-


1. Karaulov Yu. N. Active grammar and associative-verbal network. - M., 1999.

2. Luria A. R. Speech and thinking. - M., 1975. - 120 p.

3. Personality and Intelligence / Ed. by R. Sternberg & P. Ruzgis. - N.Y.

4. Ur P. and Wright A. Five-minute activities: a resource book of sport activities // Cambridge handbooks for language teachers / Ed. by P. Ur. - University Press, Cambridge, 2004. - 105 p.

- Культурология -


Н.Ю. Буряк, кандидат культурологии, доцент

Академии маркетинга и социально-информационных технологий - ИМСИТ (Россия, г. Краснодар)

Аннотация. В статье представлены современные концепции исследования культуры языковой личности на стыке нескольких наук, что представляется весьма плодотворными и перспективными. Далее подчеркивается целесообразность и даже необходимость изучения культуры языковой личности в рамках именно лингвистической парадигмы, так как именно лингвистические науки всегда имели общие предметы изучения и области, аспекты функционирования. Цель исследования - доказать неразрывную связь языка и личности и представить структуру языковой личности, выделяя уровни.

Ключевые слова: языковая личность, лингвистика, речевое поведение, речевая деятельность, общение, система языка, теория коммуникаций.

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