SCIENTIFIC-THEORETICAL PECULIARITIES IN FORMATION OF SECOND LANGUAGE COGNITION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Shayakhmetova D.B., Ualikhanuly A.

The article deals with the scientific - theoretical prerequisites for the formation of second language cognition. The content of the term is revealed by its constituent concepts: "language personality", "language cognition", "second language cognition". In the course of the detailed analysis of scientific - theoretical foundations of the second language personality formation, we have given a general description of language personality, considered these concepts from the point of view of such sections of linguistics as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, linguoculturology, etc., as well as from the point of view of psychology. In addition, the article pays attention to the possibilities of research and modeling of personality and language personality on the material of literary text. An attempt is made to formulate the concept of "second language personality", which is considered by us as a language personality developing in the linguistic environment at all levels of intercultural communication: global, interethnic and interpersonal, in which the ability and readiness to interact with representatives of different countries and cultures are formed.

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B cтатье pассматриваются научно-теоретические предпосылки формирования вторичного языкового сознания. Содержание термина раскрывается посредством составляющих eго понятий: «языковая личность», «языковое сознание», «вторичное языковое сознание». B ходе проведенного детального анализа научно-теоретических основ формирования вторичной языковой личности нами была дана общая характеристика языковой личности, рассматриваются названные понятия с точки зрения таких разделов языкознания, как социолингвистика, психолингвистика, лингвокультурология и др., а также с точки зрения психологии. Кроме того, в статье уделяется внимание возможностям исследования и моделирования личности и языковой личности на материале художественного текста. Предпринята попытка формулировки понятия «вторичная языковая личность», которая рассматривается нами как языковая личность, развивающаяся в языковой cреде на всех уровнях межкультурной коммуникации: глобальном, межэтническом и межличностном, в которой сформирована cпособность и готовность взаимодействовать c представителями разных стран и культур.


• Процесс мотивирует учеников, так как именно они сами находят решения проблем, планируют и руководят своим проектом.

• Учебные темы можно с легкостью переводить на аналогичные ситуации, тем самым позволив сравнивать стратегии и концепции, а также рассматривать правильное решение с различных углов. Все это содействует процессу обучения.

• Самоуверенность и инициативность повышаются.

• Студенты сами организуют учебные ситуации.

• Логическое понимание проблемы или задания помогают студентам сохранять приобретенные знания и навыки.

• Учебный процесс интегрируется (когнитивные, эмоциональные и психомоторные учебные задачи).

• Студенты развивают индуктивные навыки через анализ конкретных случаев, выводят принципы и отношения, формулируют гипотезы, которые подтверждаются через практическое применение или опровергаются и замещаются новыми выведенными гипотезами. Другими словами, студенты применяют научное мышление по отношению к учебному процессу.

• Включены методы обучения, применяемые в высшем образовании (основанное на обучении и действиях решение проблем).

• Ассимилируются различны концепции, ценности и образы мышления - особенно в сфере сотрудничества и решения проблем.

: Ограничения проектного обучения

Оценка эффективности и неэффективности. Образование и подготовка, основанные на проектном методе, не всегда являются наиболее эффективной моделью и не могут быть применимы по отношению к каждому процессу преподавания-обучения. Его эффективность или неэффективность могут быть лучше всего оценены его «экономической эффективностью», то есть, в контексте сравнения между приложенными усилиями или преданностью, продемонстрированной студентами, а также степенью успеха, полученного в контрасте с другими учебными моделями.

Иногда трудно убедить мало мотивированных студентов перейти на данную форму обучения. Студенты с историей неудач обычно имеют низкий уровень любопытности и могут с неохотой начать искать новые концепции в результате предыдущего негативного опыта.

Если студенты не имеют никакого предыдущего опыта с предлагаемым рассматриваемым вопросом, трудно использовать проектный метод, если только преподаватель сначала не определит задачу для студентов, которую они могут выполнить, а затем использовать как основу для самого проекта.

Список литературы:

1. FREY, Karl: Die Projektmethode. Der Weg zum bildenden Tun. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Verlag. - 2007.

2. Тулаев Б. Проектный метод. Ж-л: Таълим тизимида ижтимоий-гуманитар фанлар. - Ташкент, №3, 2012. с. 190-194.

Shayakhmetova D.B.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor, University of Foreign Languages and Professional Career

Ualikhanuly A.

Master of 2-nd course, University of Foreign Languages and Professional Career

Шаяхметоова Дана Бексултановна

Кандидат педагогических наук, профессор, Университет Иностранных Языков и Деловой Карьеры

Уалиханулы Абылайхан Магистрант 2-го курса, Университет Иностранных Языков и Деловой Карьеры





Summary: The article deals with the scientific - theoretical prerequisites for the formation of second language cognition. The content of the term is revealed by its constituent concepts: "language personality", "language cognition", "second language cognition". In the course of the detailed analysis of scientific - theoretical foundations of the second language personality formation, we have given a general description of language personality, considered these concepts from the point of view of such sections of linguistics as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, linguoculturology, etc., as well as from the point of view of psychology. In addition, the article pays attention to the possibilities of research and modeling of personality and language personality on the material of literary text. An attempt is made to formulate the concept of "second language personality", which is considered by us as a language personality developing in the linguistic environment at all levels of intercultural communication: global,

interethnic and interpersonal, in which the ability and readiness to interact with representatives of different countries and cultures are formed.

Аннотация: B статье pассматриваются научно-теоретические предпосылки формирования вторичного языкового сознания. Содержание термина раскрывается посредством составляющих ero понятий: «языковая личность», «языковое сознание», «вторичное языковое сознание». B ходе проведенного детального анализа научно-теоретических основ формирования вторичной языковой личности нами была дана общая характеристика языковой личности, рассматриваются названные понятия с точки зрения таких разделов языкознания, как социолингвистика, психолингвистика, лингвокультурология и др., а также с точки зрения психологии. Кроме того, в статье уделяется внимание возможностям исследования и моделирования личности и языковой личности на материале художественного текста. Предпринята попытка формулировки понятия «вторичная языковая личность», которая рассматривается нами как языковая личность, развивающаяся в языковой cреде на всех уровнях межкультурной коммуникации: глобальном, межэтническом и межличностном, в которой сформирована cпособность и готовность взаимодействовать c представителями разных стран и культур.

Key words: language personality, second language personality, second language cognition, language cognition.

Ключевые слова: языковая личность, вторичная языковая личность, вторичное языковое сознание, языковое сознание.


Currently, the concept of language cognition is widely used in various fields of knowledge: linguistics, psychology, ethnography, cultural studies and many others. In the field of traditional linguistics, language cognition is studied from the standpoint of language rules, norms, orderliness of linguistic units in the mind. However, at the present stage communicative, anthro-pocentric direction in linguistics has become dominant, there has been an increased interest in language functioning of real communication. As a result, the "speaker" of the "dead language" presented in various dictionaries. G. Floberg's "dictionaries are like watches: the worst is better than none, but even the worst definitely not the best ever shows"[1, c.2]. All of the language below, which we operate in grammar, can appear only in the processes of speaking and understanding that L.V. Shcherba called the "language material'^, c.7].

The speaker of language cognition is a language personality, i.e. a person existing in the linguistic space - in communication, in stereotypes of behavior which is recorded in language, in the meanings of language units and meanings of texts.

The language personality can be characterized from the positions of language cognition and speech behavior, i.e. from the positions of linguistic and discourse theory. Language cognition is marked in speech activity, i.e. in the processes of speaking (writing) and understanding.

The analysis of theoretical works in the field of interconnected studying of language and culture has shown that the issues of the formation of a language personality are beginning to take a leading place in methodological research [3, c.17]. Over the past decades, the focus of scholars has been on language personality, the conditions for the formation of a language personality and the development of the theoretical foundations of a multicultural language personality. Proceeding from this, it can be argued that there has been a sufficient scientific basis for considering the scientific and theoretical foundations of the formation of a multicultural language personality as a new approach to solve the problems of education in the sphere of foreign languages.


The social essence of language lies in the fact that of existing in total language cognition - collective and individual. The language team, on the one hand is individual, on the other hand, are the speakers of culture in the language. Team as an ethnic group or a nation and the individual they are extreme points on the conditional scale of language cognition.

The speaker of language cognition is a language personality, i.e. a person, existing in the linguistic space - in communication, in stereotypes of behavior, recorded in language, in the meanings of language units and meanings of texts. The study of the language personality in the national linguistics is rightly connected with the name of Y. Karaulov, who understands the language personality as " totality of the abilities and characteristics of a person that determines the creation of speech products (texts)"[4, c.24].

The concept under consideration allows for a dual interpretation: static and dynamic. In the first case, we accept the individual as an individual, i.e the subject of social relations possessing the unique set of personal qualities. Obviously, it is important for certain situations only some personality characteristics associated with the implementation of certain social roles. In the second case, we assume that at a certain stage, the individual is not yet a person, i.e. does not possess distinctive, socially conditioned characteristics. In psychology such statement of a question is quite justified: here it is necessary to take into account the stages of development of the person's psychic, an active role environment and educators in the formation of personality, i.e. the movement towards destruction of personality. In linguistic plan dynamic understanding of the individual is developed primarily with regard to the study of child language and in language teaching.

The language personality can be characterized from the standpoint of language cognition and speech behavior, i.e. from the standpoint of linguistic concepts and theory discourse. The language cognition is marked in the speech activity, i.e. in the processes of speaking (writing) and understanding, according to L. V. Shcherba [4, c.28]. Speech activity is individual due to its sociopsychological organization. Speech activity

and speech organization of a person is closely interconnected, but, nevertheless, can be opposed as phenomenon and essence, and in this sense the threefold model of language phenomena (speech activity-language system-language material) naturally specified as a four-member education [5, c.24].

Language personality is " a set of abilities and characteristics of the person, causing creation and perception of his speech works (texts), which differs: a) the degree of structural and language complexity; b) the depth and accuracy of reflecting reality;

C) a certain target orientation. In this regard, the abilities of a person with the peculiarities of the texts generated by them are combined" [6, c.36].

In other words, the language personality discovers his communicative abilities and properties in the "products" of his communicative activity-texts which is widely understood as any oral and written statements of monological and dialogic nature. Consequently, the personality in the language aspect is characterized not so much by how she is aware of the language as by what she can do with it.

It is well - known fact that three factors are essential for the formation of a language personality: natural, social and personal. In relation to the language personality, these factors can be clarified: natural is considered as a gift (ability), social act as properties acquired in the process of social learning, personal appears as individual methods of communicative actions which forms communicative skills. Taking everything into account, it can be clarified what actually "language personality" is. Firstly, this concept performs a strategic function that allows to comprehend and master knowledge about the language, its structure and functioning from the standpoint of communicative approach, to enter into a comprehensive development of means, methods, forms of communication, also the purpose, destination, conditions of communication. Secondly, the concept of language personality functions as a goal, giving a clear vision of the image, the standard, the expected result of educational activities. Finally, this concept performs a cultural function, allowing to identify a set of requirements to the language personality, criteria for diagnosing the level of its development. Among them, such as: a) the use of means of communication in accordance with the purpose and the addressee; b) knowledge of the organization of the text that adequately reflects the reality and corresponding to the idea of speech; C) mastery of the structural elements of the language and possibilities of their communicative impact.

Each person as a language personality has conceptual and linguistic worldview, which is a global, continuously designed system of information about the universe

[7, c.47].

It's worthy to note that, the conceptual and language picture of the world of each person are heterogeneous: they include generic elements that are independent from linguistic-cultural worldview of the personality; elements that reflect the national character of the language personality, and also information, due to the formation of the person, his social environment, that is

due to background knowledge, the vertical context, the cultural traditions of a particular linguistic identity.

In order to form a full-fledged language personality, it is necessary to form not only an idea of the language, but also of the national culture, psychology and character.

Language personality is a speaker of not only the national (native) language, but also its culture, can be called a national language personality. In some cases, especially in a multinational society like Russia, functional basic languages can be more than one (native and Russian). In such circumstances, a person owns one and another language almost to the same extent, making very difficult to separate languages in their native and second language which is learned in the same way as with native material and spiritual Russian culture with its cultural concepts, traditions, ceremonies, etc. Language personality is composed of mastery of verbal and semantic code of studied second language (language and conceptual pictures of the world of native speakers). Such language personality may be called a second and give it a definition: second language personality is a person with the set of abilities to communicate in a second language at cross-cultural level [8, c.32].

The problem of forming foreign students as a second language personality who is able to see the world at the same way as native speakers, take their associations and metaphors as their own and actively produce them as it is impossible. At the superficial level, adaptation to the foreign language culture can be quite successful, but when addressing deeper layers of cognition, the main "archetypes" of the native culture, the reflection and classification models of phenomena of the surrounding reality perceived from birth, largely determining the deep motivation of the individual remains without significant changes. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to acquaint the foreign students with a view of the world of another culture, nevertheless it must be taken into account that foreign students will never become the language identity of a foreign language. As a result, a person who has mastered the verbal-semantic code of another language which is language picture of the world of native speakers, and the conceptual picture of the world, allowing a person to understand the new social reality which can be considered as a second language personality. The development of features of second language personality makes it able to be an effective participant in intercultural communication, there is a strategic goal of teaching the second language which requires creating in the mind of the learner corresponding language picture of the world through units of different language levels (words-realities, phraseological units, texts). Situational games, ceremonial events, folk songs, local history museums and above all, texts with factual and conceptual information which will help to realize this goal in the learning process. Phraseological units, Proverbs, sayings in the brightest figurative form expresses spirit of the people, its mentality, fix cultural and historical experience of knowledge of the world in the form of figurative evaluating the phenomena and objects, actions and their states.

Language personality is a person who realizes a certain lifestyle which is reflected in the style of language use, connecting the social and behavioral context with the speech. Second language personality is a person who forms in the study of a foreign language, the culture and character of its speakers, which is also reflected in the style of language use. Although, it is impossible to form a second language personality identical to the native speaker.

There is another understanding of the second language personality as a set of abilities to communicate at the intercultural level. This ability is composed on mastery of verbal and semantic code of studied language, the "language picture of the world" speakers of this language (the formation of second language cognition) and "global (conceptual) picture of the world" [9, c.55].

This model is developed by Y. N. Karaulov's concept of language personality. Main parameters and characteristics of an integral structure of a language personality are represented by Y. N. Karaulov in the monography "Russian language and language personality" [10, c.42]. By language we understand "a set of abilities and characteristics of a person, causing the creation and perception of speech works (texts) which differ in the degree of structural and language complexity, the depth and accuracy of reflecting reality, a certain target orientation" [11, c.31]. Y.N. Karaulov identifies three levels in the structural model of the language personality:

First level - verbal semantic, units of which are separate words as units of verbal associative network.

Second level - cognitive (thesaurus), units of the concepts, ideas, and concepts that emerge each language personality more or less ordered picture of the world, reflecting the hierarchy of values.

Third level - motivational (pragmatic) level, units which are focused on pragmatics and appear according to Y. N. Karaulov's "communicative activity and needs of the individual" [12, c.76].

Therefore, the majority of specialists in the field of teaching foreign languages consider that one of important tasks at studying is formation of the second language personality as an ability to carry out successfully social interaction with speakers of another culture.

The term "language cognition" emphasizes the most important side of psychological functioning of a person, emphasizing the importance of internal psychological states, cognition of the subject while using language and speech. The term emphasizes the unification, unity of the main components of speech activity: psychological and language elements [13, c.93].

The concept (term) "language cognition" has a wide reference field which includes two of its main varieties: dynamic — the expression of the state of cognition in verbal form, the impact about the cognition by speech as well as structural, formed by language structures. In addition, it's formed as a result of mental experience of the subject, the actions of cognition. Despite the breadth of this reference field, the concept of language cognition has its own specificity, emphasizing the moment of closure, the totality of cognition which is thought to be the inner world of a person with

external language and speech manifestations [14, c.65]. This important point highlights the main essence of language and speech — an expression of the mental state of the speaker.

In contempt of all significance the concept of "language cognition" brings a danger to scientific thought with an enormity of problematic communication. There is a temptation to represent a transition from one to another as simple and immediate. However, this transition is possible only as a result of great work of nature, and without its understanding we can't claim a scientific explanation of the relationship between mental and material. Hence, the importance of genetic aspect of the connection of cognition with language and speech is extremely vital.

The development of the concept of language cognition in a specific research plan opens up the possibility to enrich our knowledge not only in relation to the phenomena of speech and language, but also in relation to the phenomenon of psychological cognition.


In conclusion, it's worthy note that the study of a foreign language does not automatically lead to the formation of a secondary language personality, since, despite the fact that a person has an innate ability to be a language personality, he still has to become one. The process of forming a second language personality consists of cognitive structuring of verbal-semantics, cognitive-semantics, cognitive-motivational levels, which have typical elements in their composition, which contribute to the formation of individual and collective characteristics of the second language personality.


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Кузьмин А. М.

Уральский государственный университет физической культуры, доктор педагогических наук, профессор.

Федорова (Новикова) А. О.

Магнитогорский государственный технический университет им. Г. И. Носова, старший преподаватель. Аспирант Уральского государственного университета физической культуры.


Аннотация. Отмечается, что состояние здоровья поступающих студентов с каждым годом хуже. Однако работодатели предъявляют высокие требования к здоровью будущих инженеров. Повысить состояние здоровья можно средствами физической культурой. Но мотивация к занятиям физкультурой в технических вузах в настоящее время находится на низком уровне. В связи с этим, нами разработана модель, способствующая формированию мотивации к занятиям физической культурой и любительским спортом.

Kuzmin A. M.

Urals State University of Physical Culture, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

Fedorova (Novikova) A. O.

Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G. I. Nosova, senior teacher. Post-graduate student

of the Ural State University of Physical Culture.




Annotation. It is noted that the health status of incoming students is worse every year. However, employers place high demands on the health of future engineers. You can improve your health by means of physical education. But the motivation for physical education in technical universities is currently low. In this regard, we have developed a model that promotes the formation of motivation to engage in physical culture and amateur sports.

Главной задачей профессионального технического образования является подготовка высококвалифицированных специалистов, чья компетентность и состояние здоровья должны соответствовать требованиям работодателей. Такому специалисту необходимо обладать определенным минимумом состояния здоровья и психофизической готовности.

Зачастую люди технических специальностей работают на вредном промышленном предприятии, выполняя различную работу, как умственного, так и физического характера. В связи с этим, инженеру необходима такая подготовка, которая могла бы не только помогать организму справляться с негативным влиянием производства на состояние здоровья, но и позволяла бы улучшать свою трудоспособность. Инженер должен сам понимать важность занятий физкультурой, и как сохранить и укрепить здоровье при помощи неё. Уровень здоровья обеспечивает профессиональный успех и определяет качество жизни будущего специалиста [1]. Для успешной реализации себя в инженерной профессии, молодые люди должны овладевать знаниями, умениями и навыками физической подготовки, которые необходимы для профессиональной деятельности.

В связи с этим необходимо привлекать студентов к активному исследованию себя, к изучению своих функциональных возможностей и физических способностей. Также необходимо стимулировать личную работу молодых людей на самосовершенствование, постепенный рост и самореализацию их потенциала, т.е. открыть возможности для саморазвития, самореализации и самоактуализации для последующей профессиональной деятельности средствами физической культуры и спорта [2]. Для этого необходимо чтобы студенты обладали высоким уровнем мотивации к занятиям физической культурой и любительским спортом. Однако, как показали наши исследования [3] мотивация к физкультуре и спорту в техническом вузе в настоящее время находится на очень низком уровне. Студенты стремятся лишь получить зачет по предмету «Физическая культура», не осознавая ценности физической активности для здоровья и жизни, в целом [4]. Нами также определены причины негативного отношения молодых людей к физической культуре

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