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CeMeHixiHa О.В., Козлов Д.О., Козлова О.Г. Поняттeво-термiнологiчний апарат дослiдження проблеми розвитку iнновaцiйно¡ культури майбутнього кер'!вника закладу загальноi середньоi освти у процеа маг'стерськоi пдготовки. Ф'!зико-математична освта. 2021. Випуск 3(29). С. 18-23.
Semenikhina O., Kozlov D., Kozlova O. Conceptual and terminological apparatus of problem research of innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the master's training process. Physical and Mathematical Education. 2021. Issue 3(29). Р. 18-23.
DOI 10.31110/2413-1571-2021-029-3-003 UDC 378.046-021.68
O. Semenikhina
A.S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0002-3896-8151 D. Kozlov
A.S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0003-1875-0726 O. Kozlova
A.S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
fpdo @sspu. ORCID: 0000-0003-1626-5188
Formulation of the problem. The need for a categorical interpretation of the thesaurus is due to methodological priorities for scientific, objectivity, systemic, integrity, unity, complexity and logic of the study. The correctness of the use of relevant concepts and categories is determined by the accuracy of their definitions, fully depends on the verification of the presented innovative culture concept of the leader. Consequently, there is a need for a comprehensive research analysis of conceptual and terminological apparatus of problem research of innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the master's training process.
Materials and Methods: Solving the highlighted aim, a set of methods of scientific research adequate to them were used, theoretical: a comparative analysis of conceptual and terminological apparatus of problem research of innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the master's training process; a systematic analysis of conceptual and terminological apparatus of problem research of innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the master's training process.
Results. The article presents the innovation culture development of the future manager of general secondary educational institution as a systematically organized, respectively providing process in master's training, determined by the needs of society, state and customers of educational services and institutionalized, which substantiates the relationship and interdependence of innovation culture, which correlate with the content and pedagogically appropriate methodological systems of professional training at higher education. It is determined the IC development of the future manager of general secondary educational institution.
Conclusions. Thus, modern theories of social development make it possible to identify the specifics of the innovative culture development and give grounds to conclude that the innovation and innovation culture development is a natural, necessary, historically determined and self-organized process of objectification and institutionalization of innovative content at the social and individual levels. It is important to understand that the emergence of innovation and innovation culture is possible only if the dialectical and synergetic nature of life is taken into account. For the innovation culture development is exceptional importance the openness of educational systems, the presence of the environment and mechanisms for the natural struggle of contradictory and opposing forces, the absence of authoritarian and artificial interference in the institutionalization of innovation culture.
KEY WORDS: innovation, culture, innovative culture, society, personality, manager, general secondary educational institution, master's training process.
© O. Semenikhina, D. Kozlov, O. Kozlova, 2021.
Substantiation of theoretical-conceptual and methodical bases of development of the IC of the future manager of general secondary educational institution in the master's training process needs the analysis of leading definitions of research. First of all, we are talking about the concepts of "innovation", "culture", "innovative culture", "innovative culture of personality", "innovative culture of the future manager of general secondary educational institution", "development", "development of innovative culture of the future manager of general secondary educational institution" etc. The need for a categorical interpretation of the thesaurus is due to methodological priorities for scientific, objectivity, systemic, integrity, unity, complexity and logic of the study. The correctness of the use of relevant concepts and categories is determined by the accuracy of their definitions, because it is from what we mean by one or another concept, fully depends on the verification of the presented concept of innovative culture of the leader.
Consequently, there is a need for a comprehensive research analysis of conceptual and terminological apparatus of problem research of innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the master's training process.
The definition of the term "innovative culture of personality" is one of the most pressing debatable interdisciplinary problems, due to its complex nature. This category consists of two universals, each of which has a different interpretation depending on the field of knowledge (philosophy, culturology, pedagogy, sociology, psychology, etc.). Scientists, comprehending the individual aspect of the studied phenomenon, present their own definitions, within which certain essential characteristics are highlighted. In particular, B. Lysin believes that "innovative culture" is a life culture, where the main motivation for human actions is the desire to update, create and implement new ideas, and the subjects have a moral and psychological ability to perceive innovations, support and broad implementation (Lysyn, 2008, p. 51-52). Instead, L. Kholodkova considers "innovative culture" as a sphere of spiritual life of the individual, which reflects its value orientations, which is enshrined in motives, knowledge, skills, abilities and norms of behavior and allows the perception of new ideas, readiness and ability to implement innovations in all life spheres. (Kholodkova, 2006, p. 82-83). In the Law of Ukraine "On priority areas of innovation in Ukraine" the concept of "innovative culture" is considered as a component of innovation potential, which determines the level of educational, cultural and socio-psychological training of individuals and society as a whole to the perception and creative implementation of the economy principles (Law of Ukraine "On Priorities of Innovation in Ukraine", 2011).
In our opinion, the "innovative culture of personality" is a dynamic characteristic that covers the readiness, ability of the individual to create, perceive, disseminate and verify innovations and provides key qualities such as creativity, intuition, risk-taking, ambition, courage and foresight. The innovative culture of the individual includes creative abilities along with the means of restraint, which in this context are the norms of morality, the ability to anticipate the consequences of innovation, personal responsibility. Innovative culture becomes a protective filter for general culture. As its component, innovative culture should produce outwardly only those innovations that will promote the culture development (Kozlova, Milenkova, 2007, p. 20).
Thus, the issues of conceptual and terminological apparatus of problem research of innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the master's training process are urgent nowadays.
The aim of the article. To conduct a comprehensive research analysis of conceptual and terminological apparatus of problem research of innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the master's training process.
Solving the highlighted aim, a set of methods of scientific research adequate to them were used, theoretical: a comparative analysis of conceptual and terminological apparatus of problem research of innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the master's training process; a systematic analysis of conceptual and terminological apparatus of problem research of innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the master's training process.
The innovative culture emergence, which replaces the traditional, is determined by the processes of creation and dissemination of innovations that determine the vector and nature of modern world development. Innovative culture occupies a prominent place at both the individual and socio-cultural levels. On the one hand, innovative culture can be seen as the readiness and ability of the individual to create and disseminate innovations, the use of new media, the presence of such characteristics as speech culture, spatial imaginative thinking, creativity and self-education. All these qualities are extremely important in a knowledge society, as they allow the subject to productively use the opportunities offered by an innovative society to achieve personal and social goals (Tsvetkova, 2014, p. 21). On the other hand - innovative culture is a fundamentally new level of human development, characterizing the conscious desire of society for material and spiritual self-renewal. Innovative culture is a prerequisite and at the same time the result of qualitative changes in social development, value-semantic and methodological basis of progress, a means of harmonizing all life spheres. The "dualistic" status of innovative culture is illustrated, on the one hand, by its position as a special culture type, on the other - as an element inherent in each type of culture (Tarasova, 2015, p. 308).
We support the opinion of modern researcher B. Lysin that the paradigm source of the "innovative culture" is the "culture" concept in general. Innovation is a quality that is immanent to culture in general, because renewal and progress are necessary conditions for cultural development in general. In the mainstream of the rise of innovative culture, the processes of renewal of various branches of social activity become more intense, include changes of a higher order, such as the transition to new information technologies in education or the introduction of business incubators in higher education or the creation of youth
startups. Innovative culture reflects the axiological orientation of the individual to innovation, recorded in motivation, knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as norms and patterns of behavior. Innovative culture makes it possible to achieve a significant impact on the entire culture of society, especially on the culture of professional activity and industrial relations (Lysyn, 2008, p. 49).
In modern academic thesauri, the number of definitions of "culture" is measured by four-digit numbers. According to the famous modern culturologist P. Gurevich, the multiplicity of culture definitions can be explained by the fact that it reflects the depth and immensity of human existence. To the extent that people are inexhaustible and diverse, how multidimensional and multifaceted culture is (Gurevich, 2001, p. 32). The term "culture" (from the Latin cultio, cultura - cultivation), first of all, denotes a set of material and spiritual values that are the result of socio-historical practice of mankind and reflect the historically achieved level of society (Rapatsevich, 2006, p. 363). Culture is a process and result of human development of the world, a special being, the content of which is knowledge and creativity; culture reflects both the development of human spirituality (moral, aesthetic, religious, philosophical, political culture, etc.) and the process of creating material goods (technology, material values, industrial relations, etc.) (Khamytov, Krylova, 2006, pp. 97-98).
The historical experience of theoretical and semantic enrichment of the "culture" concept led to the emergence of a number of relevant culturological concepts, which highlighted its various aspects. Among them: naturalistic, axiological, rationalistic, theological, emotivist, technological, theory of culturological symbolism, personalistic, substantial, information-semiotic, systemic, etc. Appearing in classical Latin, the term "culture" meant caring for the cultivation of the land, and the ancient Roman authors did not distinguish between the concepts of "nature" and "culture". Thus, began the naturalistic paradigm formation, theorists of which considered the origins of culture in nature, because man as its creator is a biological being, and the main environment for the emergence of cultural heritage are the nature resources.
Among the existing palette of approaches to understanding the culture phenomenon of exceptional importance is activity, in which culture is considered as a man's socially progressive creative activity in all life spheres and consciousness, which is a dialectical unity of objectification processes (exteriorization, creation of values, norms, sign systems, etc.) and objectification (interiorization, cultural heritage development), aimed at transforming reality, the transformation of human history into the development of a spiritually rich personality, the comprehensive identification and the personality essential forces development (Fedotov, 2010, p. 225). Man creates a culture in the process of activity - free, purposeful, meaningful, diverse and creative activity, which has the appropriate result. Thus, culture should be considered as a dynamic set of meanings and values (material and spiritual), born of free and creative activity of the individual (Gurevich, 2001, pp. 39, 42).
The methodology of the activity approach to understanding the essence of culture enriches the culturological discourse with the position of creativity as the culture essential feature. As man is inseparable from culture, so culture is impossible without innovation. The famous philosopher and culturologist S. Averintsev noted that it seems an illusion to think that we have a choice between culture and something else; a person living among people has no choice but to have a culture or not. Lack of culture -this person is not given (Gatalska, 2005, p. 38). Extrapolating the scientist's opinion to the problem of the relationship between culture and innovation, we can say that innovation is an integral attribute, a key feature of the creation and culture development, its source, process and result. Thus, the concept of "innovative culture" is largely fundamental to the theoretical positioning of the actual culture phenomenon.
The broad understanding of the term "culture" as a system of material and spiritual values is enriched by individualistic and deontological connotations, because culture is also an ethical and aesthetic category, which generalizes individual personality traits, such as: intelligence, education, morality, humanism, education etc. (Hipsters, 2006, pp. 173-174). The point is that man is not only the creator and subject of culture, he is its bearer, the representative. Thus, culture as a level of society development is present, first of all, in the system of certain qualities of personality, which, in turn, become a prerequisite and means of further mankind's socio-cultural development. In view of the above, in general, the term "culture" we understand the set of attitudes expressed by the individual to all life aspects, which is represented in the creative activity process.
Innovative culture is an extremely broad concept, scope and scale of influence. Like culture in general, innovative culture develops at the socio-cultural (global) and individual levels. On the one hand, the innovative culture manifests itself in the formation of a stable motivation in society to perceive the new, the ability and willingness to comprehensively use innovation in the interests of social progress. Society itself is the author, implementer and consumer of an innovative product. On the other hand, the innovation culture reflects the holistic orientation of a person to innovation, is evidenced by the presence in the individual of abilities, abilities and willingness to produce, implement and enrich innovations (Lysyn, 2008, p. 49). Thus, it is the individual, the professional, who is the subject of the innovative culture.
The innovative culture development depends on a number of criteria that are imperatives of its functioning, namely: interactivity (the interaction presence between the elements, the ability to respond to the challenges and needs of today); systemicity (in this context, innovative culture is considered as a holistic set of interconnected components that form a hierarchical structure); strategic (focus on solving global and long-term problems, a crucial role in organizing the modern world); polyvariance (innovative culture multi-vector development); permanence (continuous innovative culture development, unity of evolutionary and revolutionary ways of creating innovations) (Miklovda, Margitich, Fialkovsky, 2017, p. 20).
In modern socio-humanitarian discourse, the concept of "innovative culture of the individual" becomes relevant. It is considered as a sequence of actions and measures for the production, dissemination and implementation of innovations; as a key factor in economic development; as a system of change values and a set of norms and institutions for their implementation, respectively; as an environment in which innovations are created and enriched, implemented and verified; as a set of innovative and cultural components, the interaction of which causes the emergence of new benefits, and so on. Within the system approach, innovative culture is a matrix in which the innovations development is reflected vertically, and the culture types are reflected horizontally (economic, technological, organizational) (Kubiniy, 2017, pp. 24-26).
It is important in our study to consider the concepts at the micro and macro levels. The micro level involves the personal innovation culture development. These are such personality traits formation as communication, creativity, ability to self-education, innovative behavior, social activity, cooperation and co-creation, ability to adapt quickly, reflection, creative and
intellectual activity, ability to find and use information, ingenuity, development of readiness and ability to innovation, critical perception of information, ingenuity, ability to work in a team and socialization skills. The innovation culture macro level is represented by its subjects such as the population of the city, country, continent, which has a positive attitude to innovation, perceives the conditions of the competitive environment and actively participates in the production and distribution of new products (Karamalikova, 2015, p. 327).
A significant heuristic value for our study is the categorical understanding of the concepts of "development" and "innovative culture development". In general, the concept of "development" is one of the most used in modern socio-humanitarian cognition. With the help of its semantic potential, the content of all aspects of material (material), subjective (ideal), biological (living) and social (social) existence is considered and covered. At the everyday level, the concept of "development" is usually used interchangeably with terms such as "movement", "change", "genesis", "modernization", "reform", "renewal", "improvement", "functioning". , and its semantic load is associated with qualitative transformations, especially progressive content. Of particular importance is the concept of "development" in the cognitive continuum of philosophy of education, educational, psychological and professional-pedagogical knowledge. Within the pedagogical discourse, the category "development" is analyzed along with such concepts as "self-development", "formation", "socialization", "correction". A special place is occupied by the scientific discussion on the relationship between the human context of the concepts of "development" and "formation". Moreover, the problems analysis of modern pedagogical research shows that when studying any pedagogical problem, scientists necessarily turn to its consideration in the context of development. We are talking about the educational ideals of personal development, factors, criteria and conditions of socialization, conceptual approaches, principles, methods, forms, techniques and means of individual development and more.
The problem of development and self-development of the individual becomes extremely important in our time, when society is in constant search of trajectories of global, national, professional and individual development. Moreover, the modern world sets clear criteria for social development, which are reflected in such terms as "sustainable development", "environmental progress", "innovative development" and others. State and political leaders, philosophers, educators and thinkers focus their interests on the purpose, direction and future development of mankind, vectors and strategies of movement, its roadmap, priorities, criteria and indicators of progress, etc. (Weizsäcker, Wijkman, 20019; Strategy; development "Ukraine - 2020", 2015). Society is united in its opinion on the priority of innovative development of all activity spheres: from economic and managerial to educational and cultural. The socially oriented part of humanity calls for the need to create an innovative ecosystem of society and appropriate conditions for the development of economic and technological innovations.
In covering the content and ways of innovative development, the concept of "innovative culture" acquires considerable importance, the formation of which in society is seen as a key indicator of progress in the XXI century. Thus, the Strategy of Innovation Development for the period up to 2030 approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine states that the current stage of socio-cultural development requires a strategic vision and consistent state policy to transfer Ukraine to an innovative path of development, formation of a national innovation ecosystem increased the innovative culture development in the country (Development Strategy, 2019). As you can see, the prospect of innovative development depends on the availability of the necessary theoretical and methodological, methodological and technological foundations for the innovative culture development, both in professional and personal dimensions.
An important methodological significance for understanding the essence of the innovative culture development is the specific terminological apparatus of synergetics, in particular such terms as "bifurcation", "nonlinearity", "open system", "attractor" and so on. Valuable is the idea that development is a set of bifurcation points (choices), after which an open system must be determined between several alternatives. As a result of such self-organization processes, attractors are formed -structures that crystallized after the "attenuation" of transients. Such ideas help to understand and take into account the specifics of the innovative culture development of the individual, do not allow to ignore the objective conditions of the educational systems functioning.
For a scientifically correct understanding of the innovative culture development process of the individual of considerable interest is the synergetic position on self-development and self-support of any system. Therefore, self-learning and self-improvement play a key role in achieving a high level of innovative culture development. On the one hand, the innovative culture is the result of purposeful activity of the subject and is provided by his self-improvement, on the other hand, it itself forms the subject of activity. In this context, it is valuable that the innovative culture should develop, especially in the process of purposeful learning and professional activity, with the future acmeological attitude to self-development and self-improvement (Shumakov, 2008b, pp. 290, 297).
Innovative culture of personality in the paradigm context of sustainable human development. If scientists consider the development essence within the dialectical and synergetic paradigms, the discussions on its purpose and direction, in particular, are devoted to the concept of mankind's sustainable development, which acquired its final form in the 80s of the twentieth century. Its main task is to achieve a development level when meeting the needs of the current generation will not jeopardize the ability of future generations to meet their needs (Gizatullin, Troitsky, 1998, p. 124). The tasks of sustainable development were concretized in the UN General Assembly Resolution "Transformation of our world. Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030" (Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development), approved in 2015. It outlined seventeen global goals, including: quality education, gender equality, inequality reduction, clean energy, partnership, etc. (Transforming, 2015). Coordinates for achieving sustainable development, defined by the UN, were implemented in the Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine until 2030" (Decree, 2019).
It is important to emphasize that the concept of sustainable development is socially oriented. It is aimed at maintaining social and cultural stability, reducing the number of destructive conflicts (Gizatullin, Troitsky, 1998, p. 128). The priority of the sustainable development strategy is innovation, which is based on the active use of knowledge and scientific achievements,
stimulation of innovative activity, creation of a favorable investment climate, etc. The absolute goal of sustainable development is the individual, ensuring decent living and working conditions (Strategy for Sustainable Development of Ukraine until 2030, 2017). An integral part of achieving the criteria and indicators of sustainable development is the educational reform, within which the innovative culture development of teachers and organizers of educational activities is a priority.
So, It is determined that the IC development of the future manager of general secondary educational institution is a systematically organized, scientifically and methodically provided master's training process, determined by the needs of society, state and other customers of educational services and institutionalized, which substantiates the relationship and interdependence of the future manager's IC with its development stages, which correlate with the content and pedagogically appropriate methodological systems of professional training in higher education.
Thus, modern theories of social development make it possible to identify the specifics of the innovation culture development and give grounds to conclude that the innovation and innovation culture development is a natural, necessary, historically determined and self-organized process of objectification and institutionalization of innovative content at the social and individual levels. Enriching the individual's innovative culture is a multifaceted and specific process, the demand and success of which depends on a number of socio-cultural and global political conditions, such as: the level of public policy, features of religious life and more. It is important to understand that the emergence of innovation and innovation culture is possible only if the dialectical and synergetic nature of life is taken into account. For the innovative culture development is of exceptional importance the openness of educational systems, the presence of the environment and mechanisms for the natural struggle of contradictory and opposing forces, the absence of authoritarian and artificial interference in the institutionalization of innovative culture. The main task facing national education today is to legitimize in society the idea of the need for innovation and the innovative culture importance, to translate innovation from the status of a trend term into an objective, perceived by society and government vital needs of the XXI century.
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О.В. Семенхна, Д.О. Козлов, О.Г. Козлова
Сумський державний педагогiчний унверситет ÍMeHÍ А.С. Макаренка, Украна
Анотаця. Розглянуто науково-теоретичн пдходи досл'днишв до розумння основних понять i категорий проблеми. Можна констатувати, що в'дпов'дна термносистема не мае унiфiкованих та однозначних визначень, адже науковi пдходи до
розум1ння 1нновац1й, або ж культури складно перерахувати. У той самий час, сучасн1 тлумачення пров/'дних категор)й досл1дження дають змогу запропонувати визначення 1К майбутнього кер1вника ЗЗСО як динам1чну та системну цт1сн1сть, що мстить пзнавально-практичну, акс'юлог'ино-рефлексивну та креативно-прогностичну складов\ та в1дображае готовн1сть до вльного оперування знаннями, умннями, навичками з обрано) професИ' та характеризуе здатн)сть майбутнього кер1вника до вир1шення управл1нських завдань задля забезпечення конкурентоспроможност) закладу загально) середньо)'осв)ти в ситуацях невизначеност) мнливих соц)ально-економ)чних та осв)тн)х умов.
Формулювання проблеми. Необх1дн1сть категоричного тлумачення тезаурусу зумовлена методологчними проритетами науковост), об'ективн'стю, системн1стю, ц1л1сн1стю, еднстю, складнстю та лог)чн)стю дослдження. Правильнсть використання в)дпов)дних понять ) категор1й визначаеться точн1стю )х визначень, оскльки саме в)д того, що ми маемо на уваз) п)д тим чи ншим поняттям, повнстю залежить переврка представлено)' концепц))' ¡нновац/йно)' культури лдера.
Отже, ¡снуе потреба в комплексному дослдницькому анал1з1 концептуального та терм1нолог1чного апарату проблемного дослдження розвитку ¡нновац/йно)' культури майбутнього кер1вника закладу загально) середньо)' осв)ти в процеа пдготовки маг1стра.
Матер/'али / методи. Вир1шуючи видлену мету, було використано комплекс адекватних )м методв наукового дослдження, теоретичний: пор1вняльний аналз понят'шно-терм'шолог'иного апарату проблемного дослдження розвитку ¡нновац/йно)' культури майбутнього кер1вника закладу загально) середньо)' осв)ти в процес) пдготовки маг1стр1в; систематичний анал)з понят)йно-терм)нолог)чного апарату проблемного дослдження розвитку )нновац)йно)' культури майбутнього кер1вника закладу загально)середньо)'осв)ти в процес) пдготовки маг)стр)в.
Результати. У статт) подано розвиток )нновац)йно)' культури майбутнього кер1вника закладу загально) середньо) осв)ти як системно орган1зований, в1дпов1дно забезпечний процес у маг)стерськ)й пдготовц), визначений потребами сусп1льства, держави ) замовникв осв1тн1х послуг та ¡нституал1зований, що фунтуе взаемозв'язок /' взаемозалежн1сть складових )нновац)йно)' культури з етапами ))' розвитку, яш корелюються з) зм1стом ) педагогчно доцльними методичними системами профес1йно)' пдготовки в заклад) вищо) осв)ти.
Визначено, що розвиток 1К майбутнього кер1вника ЗЗСО - це системно органзований, науково-методично забезпечений процес у маг'стерсьшй пдготовц), визначений потребами суспльства, держави й ¡нших замовникв осв)тн)х послуг та ¡нституал1зований, що фунтуе взаемозв'язок ) взаемозалежн1сть складових 1К кер1вника з етапами ))' розвитку, як корелюються з) змстом /' педагогЫно доцльними методичними системами профес1йно)' п1дготовки в заклад) вищо)' осв)ти.
Висновки. Отже, сучасн) теорп розвитку суспльства дають можливсть виявити специф1ку розвитку )нновац)йно)' культури та дають п1дстави для висновку, що розвиток ¡нновац/'й та )нновац)йно)' культури е закономрним, необхдним, сторично обумовленим ) самоорган1зованим процесом об'ективац))' та ¡нституц1ал1зац1)' ¡нновац1йного контенту на суспльному та )ндив)дуальному рвнях. Збагачення )нновац)йно)' культури особистост) е багатогранним ) специф1чним процесом, затребувансть та усп1шнсть якого залежить в)д низки соцокультурних /' глобально-пол)тичних умов, як-от: р1вень НТП, державна пол1тика, особливост) рел1г1йного життя тощо. Важливо розумти, що поява ¡нновац/'й та )нновац)йно)' культури можлива винятково за умов урахування д)алектично)' та синергетично) природи буття. Для становлення )нновац)йно)' культури виняткове значення становить в/'дкритсть осв1тн1х систем, наявнсть середовища й механ1зм1в для природно)' боротьби взаемосуперечливих ) протилежних сил, в1дсутн1сть авторитарних ) штучних втручань у процеси ¡нституц1ал1зац1)' )нновац)йно)' культури.
Ключов/ слова: ¡нновац1я, культура, ¡нновац/'йна культура, суспльство, особистсть, кер1вник, заклад загально)' середньо)' осв)ти, процес маг)стерсько)' пдготовки
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