Научная статья на тему 'Concepts of educational work and activity of the courator'

Concepts of educational work and activity of the courator Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Pavlovych L., Bilous I.

Objective. The curators of academic groups are subject to a system of material incentives, accepted at a higher educational institution. The results of the curator's activity are discussed systematically at the meeting of departments, academics, faculty councils, meetings of the administration and academic councils of higher educational institutions

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Текст научной работы на тему «Concepts of educational work and activity of the courator»

11. Клочко В.1. Формування мотивацп на-вчально-шзнавально! дiяльностi студентiв техшч-них спецiальностей : монографiя / В. I. Клочко, А. А. Коломieць. - Вшниця : ВНТУ, 2012. - 188с.

12. Лозовицький О.С. Молодь Укра1ни - здоровий споаб життя. - URL: http:// www.experts.in.ua /baza/analitic/index.php?ELEMENT_ID=73111.

13. Мiхеeва Л. Особливостi формування здорового способу життя у молодого поколшня // URL: http: // www.social-science.com.ua /змюг/13. - 2011. -№ 3. - 318с.

14. Нацюнальна доктрина розвитку освгга Украши у XXI столгтп // Ольська школа Украши. -2001. - 22 лип. - С. 1-16.

15. Основи здоров'я i фiзична культура : Про-грама для загальноосвггшх навчальних закладiв. 111 класи. К. : Початкова школа. - 2001. - 112с.

16. Страшко С. В. До питания формування свь домосл мотивацп на здоровий споаб життя в учшв / Страшко С. В., Животовська Л. А. // Проблеми освгш. - К., 2002. - Вип. 28. - С. 71-77.

17. Силантьева Т. Н. Формирование здоро-вьесберегающей среды в общеобразовательной школе / Т. Н. Силантьев // Педагогика. - 2010. - № 1. - С. 61-64.

18. Пономарева Е. Ю. Структура готовности студентов вуза к самоорганизации здорового образа жизни // Психология образования в поликультурном пространстве. - 2014. - № 28(4). - С. 54-63.

19. Про Загальнодержавну програму «Нацюна-льний план дш щодо реалiзацil Конвенци ООН про права дитини» на перюд до 2016 року : Закон Украши ввд 05.03.2009 № 1065-VI [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу : http ://zakon5. rada. gov.ua/laws/show/1065-17.

20. Про загальну середню освпу : Закон Украши ввд 13.05.1999 р. № 651XIV [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу : http://zakon5.rada.gov.ua/ laws/show/651-14.

21. Про запобп-ання захворюванню на синдром набутого iмунодефiциту (СН1Д) та сощальний за-хист населення : Закон Украши ввд 23.12.2010 р. № 2861-VI [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу : http ://zakon4. rada. gov.ua/laws/show/2861-17.

22. Про заходи щодо попередження та змен-шення вживання тютюнових виробiв i 1х шкодливого впливу на здоров'я населення : Закон Украши ввд 22.09.2005 № 2899-IV [Електронний ресурс]. -Режим доступу : http://zakon5.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2899-15.

23. Про Нацю нальну стратегш розвитку освгш в Украш на 2012-2021 роки : Указ Президента Украши ввд 25.06.2013 р. № 344/2013 [Елект-ронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу : http://zakon5.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/344/2013.

24. Про освпу : Закон Украши // Освпа. - 1995. - 15 серп. (№ 31). - С. 1-4.

25. Про ФГзичну культуру i спорт : Закон Украши ввд 24.12.1993 № 3808-XII [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу : http ://zakon5.rada.gov.ua/laws/ show/3 808-12.

26. Урум Н. С. Шдготовка майбутшх вчитслГв до забезпечення здорового способу життя молод-ших школярГв : дис. ... кандидата пед. наук : 13.00.04 / Урум Наталiя Степашвна. - К., 2008. -213 с.

27. https://vseosvita.ua/library/formuvanna-kompetentnostej-na-urokah-trudovogo-navcanna-55747.html.


Pavlovych L.

MD, PhD;

Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Endocrinology HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi

Bilous I. MD, PhD;

Department of Nervous, Diseases, Psychiatry and Medical Psychology HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi Higher State Educational Establishment "Bukovinian State Medical University"


Objective. The curators of academic groups are subject to a system of material incentives, accepted at a higher educational institution. The results of the curator's activity are discussed systematically at the meeting of departments, academics, faculty councils, meetings of the administration and academic councils of higher educational institutions

Keywords: curators of academic groups, educational work

Concepts of educational work taking into account features and traditions of an educational institution.

The content of his activities is laid down in the following basic documents: the Law of Ukraine "On Education", the State National Program "Education. Ukraine XXI Century"; "The Concept of the Education of Children and Youth in the National System of Education", "National Doctrine of the Development of

Ukraine's Education in the 21st Century", the relevant instructional documents of the Msc of Education and Science of Ukraine, as well as the provisions developed by the structural units of the higher educational institution. According to its social status and functional responsibilities, the curator of the academic group in its activities implements specific educational functions.

The curators of academic groups are subject to a system of material incentives, accepted at a higher educational institution. The results of the curator's activity are discussed systematically at the meeting of departments, academics, faculty councils, meetings of the administration and academic councils of higher educational institutions.

The curator conducts documentation in accordance with the main normative documents on the organization of educational work in higher educational institutions. The curator of the academic group acts on the basis of the educational work plan developed for the semester, year, according to the perspective and annual planning of the higher educational institution in the form approved by the academic council.

Organizational and methodical assistance to curators is provided by the administration of a higher educational institution in accordance with their official duties and professional competence. The methodical training of the curator provides various forms of methodical work.

Functions of the curator of the academic group: analytical, organizational, communicative and social.

The analytical function involves planning and organizing the educational work of the student group on the basis of consideration of: interpersonal relationships in the team, motives of educational and cognitive activity of students, their intellectual development, individual characteristics, social and living conditions of life (the last curator explores in co-operation with the group's advocate) health, learning outcomes, etc.

Organizational function provides the necessary assistance to student self-government, creative groups, councils, etc.

The function of socialization is realized in the humanist-oriented interaction "teacher - student". The curator of the academic group helps students in personal development, assimilation and adoption of social norms, values, and observance of the principles of spiritually perfect life. He assumes the mission of an elder colleague to help the student to master positive social roles, using non-auditing educational work as a "situation of social behavior". But the IDraut itself is the object of socialization, because it also takes over and transforms the social experience, which is the bearer of students.

Thus, the pedagogical means of socialization is the plurality of relationships that arise not only in the educational process, but also in the organization of educational non-auditing work.Curator of the academic group:

■ together with the assets of the group develops a draft plan of educational work for the academic year, which is approved at the meetings of the academic group;

■ monitors the implementation of the plan, in the process analyzes the effectiveness of educational work, the development of the creative initiative of students of self-government;

■ Individual work with students; Detects the inclination and abilities of students and promotes their par-

ticipation in the work of scientific circles, creative studios, cultural societies, clubs of interests, sports sections, amateur performances;

■ keeps students in sight, establishes contacts with appropriate departments to create the right conditions for training, provide them with the necessary assistance, and take steps to work with gifted students;

* expresses its recommendations to the academic group regarding the holding of educational hours, attending them, facilitates the involvement of students in faculty and general university activities;

■ cares about housing and living conditions of students, their cultural holiday, takes part in the distribution of places in the hostel, periodically visits it;

■ makes suggestions on the promotion of the best students, participates in the compilation of the characteristics of the students of the academic group;

■ is responsible for his work in front of the dean's office and the department.

Planning largely determines the results and perspectives of the educational work system. Purposeful and clear planning helps curators avoid many mistakes and negative events in the student group. The grounded plan allows us to outline the general perspectives and concrete ways of solving the set educational tasks. Basic requirements for the plan:

■ The purposefulness, that is, the content and forms of the planned educational work, involves the realization of specific goals and objectives. Each case should contribute to solving the tasks. Depending on the purpose, each form of work has its own specifics;

■ taking into account the needs and interests, the individual characteristics of each student;

■ co-creation of teachers and students in the organization of educational work;

■ connection with the life of society, future professional activities of students;

■ the complex nature of the plans;

■ holistic approach to the planning process;

■ Continuity of content and forms of educational work;

■ Concreteness, expediency of the plan, validity of educational work, taking into account the features of the student's staff, level of its development, traditions;

■ Sufficient saturation of the plan.

The main activities of the educational work of the curators include: weekly educational hours, which are included in the schedule of academic classes, and in the scientific and pedagogical worker-to the individual plan of work; round-table discussions, discussion clubs, other educational activities in student's classrooms and dormitories (with the involvement of specialists of different profiles); cultural processions of historical places of the native land, to museums, art galleries, theaters; collective review of films and performances and their discussion; Individual educational work with students taking into account their individual characteristics.

Curators of academic and creative group leaders have an initiative in choosing the forms, methods, techniques, means and directions of educational work; their work at the faculties is coordinated by the dean's offices, and the departments provide educational activities.

Criteria for the effective management of the system of educational work at the level of the curator of the academic group:

■ level of education of students;

■ activity, cohesiveness of the group, socially useful character of the group's activity;

■ stable operation of the academic group, the absence of serious cases of violations of labor and academic discipline;

■ positive motivation of students' educational and educational activities, which is manifested in educational, cognitive, research and other activities;

■ microclimate in a group that promotes self-realization of each student's personality;

■ a variety of forms of educational out of classroom work, which promotes the self-realization of each student's personality;

■ student self-government activities in the group;

■ participation of the group in general university activities;

■ favorable conditions for passing the adaptation period for 1 st year students;

■ mastering the experience of social behavior by students.

The result of the educational activity of the curator should be a sufficient level of education of students. Nursing in the pedagogical sense is interpreted as a complex property of the individual, for which the presence and level of socially significant qualities that reflect the purpose of education are formed.

Effectiveness of education - the level of achievement compared with the goal in the process of formation of spirituality, socially significant qualities of the individual.

The activities of the curator require a high level of culture, proper psychological and pedagogical preparation, devotion to the pedagogical affair. Only in such a condition can he form the student's personality. Curriculum content:

■ formation in the academic group of the state approach and responsibility for solving the problems of the educational process;

• Youth acquisition of social experience, inheritance of spiritual achievements of the Ukrainian people;

• directing the intellectual activity of student youth to discuss the most pressing problems of the present, attracting to work in various spheres of scientific activity, conducting national-cultural, educational and organizational-pedagogical work among youth, studying the Ukrainian language and history of Ukraine;

■ formation of historical memory, national consciousness and a clear civil position;

■ Assisting students in mastering the new intellectual vision of the world and determining their place in it, developing abilities, their full realization in various activities;

■ Formation in the student group of work ability and appropriate attitude to the educational process;

■ provision of system-targeted planning of educational work, formation of civic and social activity among students of youth through its involvement in diverse activities;

■ Continuous cooperation, co-creation with student actives and student self-government bodies, youth creative associations, movements, as well as organization of the life of academic groups, development of initiative, creativity, acquisition of organizational knowledge, skills and abilities;

■ active involvement of students in the management of the educational process;

■ education of students of interest and love for work;

"conducting educational work with students living in a dormitory, promoting their healthy lifestyle organization, and resolving housing and living problems;

■ constant psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the level of intellectual development and moral education of students, correction of educational process;

■ Participation in the work of the Academic Council of the University, faculty councils, meetings of educational and methodological, organizational and educational commissions, meetings of departments during the discussion of issues related to the work of the group or the training of its individual students;

• introduction of proposals of the administration, deans of faculties on the material encouragement of students and bringing to justice the offenders of the discipline;

■ involvement of parents of students in the educational process.

The fulfillment of the specified tasks, functions, and the implementation of the content of educational work in the academic group requires the curator of the necessary level of training, as well as civic and moral maturity, love for people, certain knowledge of the foundations of pedagogy, psychology and methodology of educational work, constructive, organizational, communicative, diagnostic and applied skills.

The work of a curator with a student asset lasts from the first to the sixth course inclusive, but over time this process acquires new qualities. The initiators of most of the events are students themselves, their moral and intellectual responsibility is growing. The curator with senior students pays attention to the issues of professional self-determination, the formation of social orientation, professional endurance.

In their work, curators use a variety of methods and forms of educational work. These are weekly educational hours, round-table discussions, discussion clubs, and other educational activities in student's classrooms and dormitories; cultural processions of historical places and others like that.

The effectiveness of the educational work of the curator of the academic group depends to a large extent on its planning. It should be clear and purposeful, which will allow to avoid many mistakes and negative phenomena in the student group.

The effectiveness of the work of the curators largely depends on compliance with the relevant conditions, which include:

■ planning work together with the group's assets;

■ Building relationships with the group depending on the pedagogical situation, as well as taking into account the individual characteristics of the students;

■ Involvement of all students in public affairs and responsibility for them;

■ helping students accomplish many social roles;

■ prevention of indifference, lack of control and irresponsibility;

■ promoting student self-government, initiative, public activity.

The purposeful formation of curators' readiness for pedagogical activity involves the systematic and comprehensive use of the principles, means, forms, methods of professional education.

The effectiveness of the educational process depends on certain pedagogical conditions, among which the relationship between the position of the individual and the system of pedagogical influences is particularly significant.


iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

1. Mazukha D. S., Opanasenko N. I. Pedagogics: A manual. - K.: Center for Educational Literature, 2005. Maksimenko S. D. Psychology in social and pedagogical practice: methods, programs, procedures. Teaching high school textbook. - K., 1998.

2. Martynenko SM, Khoruzha L. L. General pedagogics: Teaching. manual - K.: MAUP, 2002.

3. Moiseyun N. E. Pedagogy. Training manual / 3rd edition, additional. - K., 2001.

4. Nikopaenko S. M. The Development Strategy of Ukrainian Education: The Beginning of the XXI

Century. - K .: Knowledge, 2006. Padalka O. S., and others. Pedagogical Technologies: Tutorial. - K., 1996.

5. Palchevsky S. S. Pedagogy: Textbook. - K.: Caravel, 2007.

6. Pedagogics: Pedagogical Theories, Systems, Technologies / Ed. S. A. Smirnov. - M., 199b.

7. Pedagogy: Study. manual for student pedagogical studies.

8. Institutions / VA Slastinin, I.F. Isaev, A.I. Mashchenko,

9. I. I. Shiyanov. - 4th ed. - M., 2002.

10. Pedagogics of higher education: Teaching. manual / 3 I. Courland

11. P. Khmelyuk, A. V. Semenov and others; Ed. 3. N. Kurland. -

12. 2nd form. Processing. and add - K .: Knowledge, 2005.

13. Pedagogy: Hestomatiya / Structure: A.I. Kuzminsky,

14. V. L. Omelyanenko. - K., 2003.

15. Peralov VF Preparation of officers for management activities (questions of theory and methodology). - M., 1991. Podlasyi I.P. Pedagogics: New Course: Study. for the stud higher studying institutions: in 2 books. - M., 2002. Psychology and pedagogy. Tutorial / sub. edit A. A. Bodeleya, V. I. Zhukova, P. G. Lapteva, V. A. Slastenina. -M., 2002


Pavlovych L.

MD, PhD;

Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Endocrinology HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi

Bilous I. MD, PhD;

Department of Nervous Diseases, Psychiatry and Medical Psychology HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi Higher State Educational Establishment "Bukovinian State Medical University"


Objective. The development of various types of pedagogical control stimulates learning and cognitive activity of students. Attempts to remove pedagogical control completely or partly from the educational process, as evidenced by the history of education, led to a decrease in the quality of education, level of knowledge. The main purpose of the control is to determine the quality of the learning of the learning material, the degree of correspondence of the formed skills and skills to the goals and objectives of the training.

Keywords: pedagogical control, educational work

At the high school, at the end of each semester, take exams and credits in accordance with the "Regulations on course examinations and credits in higher educational institutions of Ukraine". This document, in particular, states that course exams with all disciplines or parts of it envisage the goal to evaluate the student's work for the course (semester), the theoretical knowledge gained, their strength, the development of creative thinking, the mastery of the skills of independent work, the ability to synthesise acquired knowledge and apply them in solving practical problems.

Credits are usually a form of verification of the successful completion of laboratory and settlement and graphic works, course projects (works), the acquisition of training material in practical and seminar classes, as well as a way of checking the training and production practices and the implementation of these practices of all educational orders according to the program. In some cases, credits can be made both from discipline in general and from its individual parts.

Examinations and credits are the result of an individual student's work during the semester or academic

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