CONCEPT "TECHNIQUE" AND "PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES" Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kurbanov S.R.

This article discusses the term methodology and pedagogical technologies. their distinctive features and place in the teaching of cultural studies

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УДК: 08.00.01

Kurbanov S.R.


Abstract: This article discusses the term methodology and pedagogical technologies. their distinctive features and place in the teaching of cultural studies

Keywords: Teaching, methods, education, methods, pedagogical technologies, discipline

Changes in society, economics, politics and culture at the turn of the century are so great that the conservatism of teaching practice often turns out to be a brake on social development, it limits the ability of school graduates to realize themselves, to succeed in a rapidly changing and multiproblem world.

Education can be a powerful incentive for progressive transformations in the country, provided graduates possess functional literacy and universal competences: make choices in situations of uncertainty, solve problems non-violently, set goals for their own activities, plan and organize activities, work in a team, evaluate the results.

Technologization of education and the educational process, in particular, is an objective trend that is increasingly manifesting itself in teaching practice. Its objectivity is due to the many problems that really exist and are understood by both teachers and students, and their parents, managers and methodologists.

Pedagogy as an area of human activity, includes in its structure the subjects and objects of the process. In traditional subject-object pedagogy (Ya. A. Komensky), the child is assigned the role of an object to which the older generation transmits experience. Preparing a child for life is the ultimate goal of the system. It is fundamentally important - what and how to form in it for its achievement.

Modern pedagogy is increasingly turning to the child as a subject of learning activity, as a person, striving for self-determination and self-realization. From this point of view, it is necessary to answer the questions: what is the student as a whole person? What structures define its subject positions? What qualities should he develop?

Pedagogy of subject-subject relations is gaining more and more supporters, and all progressive educational technologies are more or less aimed at the realization of this idea.

With the concept of technology associated words such as manufacturing, process, technology, machinery, standard, etc. may be another technology of conducting the election campaign. It is not at all necessary to associate teachers, a lesson, an institute, a lecture with the word technology, since it is customary to associate this concept with production. Indeed, "technology" is a set of methods for processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, materials or semi-finished products carried out in the process of production. Technology - the term production. Nevertheless, technology is actively penetrating the humanitarian spheres of human activity: politics, culture, medicine, and

education. This is due to the most important feature of any technology: a clear planning of the expected result of activity and a focus on its achievement. The desire of people to achieve the planned results with the least expenditure of intellectual, raw materials, time and energy resources leads them to the technologization of activity.

Naturally and clearly, the desire of teachers is guaranteed to ensure the achievement of high results of the educational process. Currently, the literature describes a variety of technologies. To understand the essence of these technologies, it is important to streamline them, find a basis for their systematization; each of them find a place, relate to the concepts of methodology, didactics. As such grounds, various authors propose: targets, the content of training, the nature of the interaction between the teacher and the students, the way of managing the cognitive activity of the students, the scale of application, etc.

So, M. V. Klarin, based on the analysis of the practice of teaching in a foreign school, identifies 4 models of the teaching and educational process: a) learning as learning of given patterns, b) learning as a discussion, c) learning as a game, d) learning as research. These models correspond to the technology: full learning, communication, gaming and research.

Currently, the two leading trends in the modernization of the pedagogical process are becoming more and more active: the first is related to the technological approach to its design and implementation, the second to the humanization and humanization of education. In accordance with this, G. D. Levites proposed to distinguish between object-oriented and personal-oriented technologies. The first of them are also called knowledge or learning, the second - aptitude, developmental, humanitarian. There are several reasons for this separation: a) by the leading activity in the lesson - learning or cognition; b) on the content of education - knowledge, skills and abilities, or, besides them, also abilities; c) on "products" of application of technology - a person who can work according to ready-made standards, in standard situations or - capable of successful activity in atypical situations, in conditions of rapid changes and multiple options for their own choice.

There are many definitions of learning technology, in which, as G. K. Selivko notes, the following criteria of adaptability are emphasized to one degree or another.

Conceptual: each technology is based on one or several theories (philosophical, pedagogical or psychological). For example, programmed learning is on behavioral theory; developmental training - based on theories of educational activities and meaningful generalization; integral technology - on the idea of consolidating didactic units.

Consistency, which is characterized by the logic of construction, interconnection of elements, completeness and structuredness of the material and activities.

Manageability, i.e., the ability to effectively manage students' learning and cognitive activity through diagnostic goal setting; designing the learning process.

efficiency. It involves the achievement of the planned result with the optimal cost of funds and time for training.

Reproducibility, that is, the possibility of replication, transfer and borrowing technology by other teachers.

For a clear understanding of the essence of the technological approach to the educational process, it is advisable to compare learning technologies with traditional educational practices.

Can traditional education be attributed to technology? It undoubtedly has certain technological characteristics, since it is carried out within the framework of a class-lesson system, in many respects resembling conveyor production. However, traditional learning does not meet all the criteria for manufacturability. It can be characterized by conceptual, systemic. Three other criteria of a technologically organized educational process — controllability, efficiency, and reproducibility — for traditional learning.

It is necessary to separate the concepts of methodology and technology of training. This is difficult to do, because there are many definitions of these concepts, there are significant discrepancies. Referring to authoritative sources. "Methodology is a pedagogical science that explores the patterns of learning for a particular academic subject." "The teaching methods are the ways the teacher and the student work, with the help of which mastering of knowledge, skills and abilities is achieved, the students' worldview is formed, their abilities are developed." The concept of "methodology" expresses the mechanism of using a complex of methods, techniques, means and conditions of training and education of students.

If the methods of the activity of the teacher in the classroom, in the technology of training, as a rule, describes the activities of the students themselves.

If the methodologies are soft, recommendatory in nature (the teacher is entitled to more or less follow the methodological guidelines), then the training technologies prescribe a certain sequence of activities of the teacher and the teacher's actions, deviating from them violates the integrity of the educational process, which may hinder the achievement of the planned result.

It is far from always correct to speak about technology "my technology", because it manifests a claim to universality, to the scientific validity of what is being said, that it is reproducible and can be accepted by others without notes. After all, nobody completely repeated the system of V.F. Shatalov. He has an author's technique, which includes, at the same time, a large number of reproducible, technological fragments.

The practical embodiment of the methodology is the teacher's lesson plan, which prescribes, in particular, a specific sequence of steps, actions by the teacher, and sometimes by the students. As V.P. Bespalko writes, "... any planning, and without it, it is impossible to manage in pedagogical activity, resists impromptu. By intuition, by intuition, this means the beginning of technology. " It is important to note that it is only the "beginning of technology", since it is generally accepted that there are a number of signs that distinguish subject-oriented technology:

• diagnostic goal setting: planning learning outcomes through the actions of students they own;

• the presence of a certain technological chain of pedagogical and

educational activities that lead to the planned result;

• the presence in the basis of each holistic technology of one or several pedagogical theories;

• possibility of reproduction of technology by any teacher, since technology is built on objective - scientific grounds that do not depend on the personality of the teacher;

• availability of diagnostic procedures that contain indicators and tools for measuring results.

Often in the pedagogical environment they discuss the question: "What is a broader concept - technology or methodology?". The answer to this question can not be unambiguous. Within the framework of a technology, a teacher can use local author methods, for example, deriving a formula, drawing up a table, etc. Another example has the opposite meaning: the teacher builds the educational process according to his author's method, however, it uses technological inserts.

When teaching subjects of the cultural cycle, you can use both pedagogical technologies and their elements. The traditional technologies used in the teaching of subjects of the culturological cycle include a lecture-seminar-credit system of education: first, the teaching material is presented by the lecture method, and then it is worked out in seminars, practical and laboratory classes. And the results of learning are verified in the form of offsets. The main methods of learning are based on the communication of ready-made knowledge; sample learning; inductive logic from the particular to the general; mechanical memory, verbal presentation, reproductive reproduction.

The development of education, progress in its individual areas can only be carried out as an innovation process. The organization and management of this process is based on a specific base, which includes:

• pedagogical bank, information base of concepts, algorithms, teaching and methodical support;

• criteria for the selection of pedagogy. The starting point of designing a new educational practice;

• mechanisms for the incorporation of pedtechnology into the real process.

When using pedtechnologies in education, it is necessary to remember that

they are as effective as they can be used to solve a specific training task - to teach something, to develop the skill of working with something.


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2. V. Guzeev. Educational technology: from admission to philosophy. M., 1996.

3. Zaprudsky N.I. Modern school technology. Mn .: "Sir-Wit", 2004.

4. Kashlev S. S. Modern technologies of the pedagogical process. Mn.: "University", 2000.

5. Klarin MV Innovations in the world pedagogy. Riga, 1995.

6. Levites DG. Training practice: modern educational technologies. M., "Institute of practical psychology", 1999.

7. Selevko G. K. Modern educational technologies. M., "Public Education", 1998.

8. Khutorskoy A.V. Modern didactics. St. Petersburg: "Peter", 2001.

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