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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Gaakh Tatiana Vladimirovna

New higher education standards require continuous improvement of processes for monitoring and evaluating students’ learning achievements, taking into consideration the implementation of the competence-based approach. The application of quantitative assessments of the quality of future specialist training makes relevant the demand for pedagogical qualimetry, which expands the possibilities of applying new control and measurement tools for assessing the competencies formed in accordance with the requirements of Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education (FSES HE). In scientific research, the qualimetric approach is interpreted ambiguously: as a quantitative assessment of the quality of learning (A.I. Subetto); as a theory of measuring the quality of learning (N.F. Talyzina); as a scientific approach that studies the mechanisms of qualitative and quantitative measurements of pedagogical objects (E.V. Yakovlev, A.O. Tatur). It is obvious that the unpreparedness of a specialist for the new quality assessment mechanisms not only increases the probability of subjective assessment of competence, but also reduces the personal and innovative potential of the future specialist and worsens the quality of work with students. This has determined the purpose of this study, which is an attempt to identify and resolve the contradictions between the traditional assessment system and the new test and measurement tools through the application of the qualimetric approach. Research methods. An anonymous survey of students and teachers was conducted and analysed using a Pareto diagram, with a total sample size of 187 people. Conclusions and recommendations. Based on empirical data, the article describes differences in the understanding of the evaluation mechanism, provides a prognostic assessment by students and teachers of the effectiveness and advantages of qualimetric methods for assessing foreign language communicative competence and independent study. It has been shown that future specialists do not consider the traditional system of evaluation to be fully objective, while they perceive the new one as motivation for quality performance of tasks. The identification of students’ and teachers’ attitudes towards the rating system reveals the problems they face when using it in the learning process. The data obtained indicate that the particularity of pedagogical qualimetry application in the educational process is that it acts as an important component of the education quality management process by reason of being based on a scientifically substantiated technology of quantitative assessment of the quality of education.

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2. Гершунский, Б.С. Философия образования для XXI века / Б.С. Гершунский. - Москва: Совершенство, 1998. - 608 с.

3. Зимняя, И.А. Ключевые компетентности как результативно-целевая основа компетентностного подхода в образовании / И.А. Зимняя. - Москва: Исследовательский центр проблем качества подготовки специалистов, 2004. - 42 с.

4. Концепция подготовки педагогических кадров. - URL: https://ug.ru/konczepcziya-podgotovki-pedagogicheskih-kadrov-dlya-sistemy-obrazovaniya-na-period-do-2030-goda/ (дата обращения - 20.11.2022)

5. Приказ Минтруда России от 18.10.2013 № 544н (с изм. от 25.12.2014) «Об утверждении профессионального стандарта «Педагог». - URL: https://fgosvo.ru/uploadfiles/profstandart/01.001.pdf (дата обращения - 20.11.2022)


UDC 37.013

senior lecturer Gaakh Tatiana Vladimirovna

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky» (Kaluga)


An^taUm. New higher education standards require continuous improvement of processes for monitoring and evaluating students' learning achievements, taking into consideration the implementation of the competence-based approach. The application of quantitative assessments of the quality of future specialist training makes relevant the demand for pedagogical qualimetry, which expands the possibilities of applying new control and measurement tools for assessing the competencies formed in accordance with the requirements of Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education (FSES HE). In scientific research, the qualimetric approach is interpreted ambiguously: as a quantitative assessment of the quality of learning (A.I. Subetto); as a theory of measuring the quality of learning (N.F. Talyzina); as a scientific approach that studies the mechanisms of qualitative and quantitative measurements of pedagogical objects (E.V. Yakovlev, A.O. Tatur). It is obvious that the unpreparedness of a specialist for the new quality assessment mechanisms not only increases the probability of subjective assessment of competence, but also reduces the personal and innovative potential of the future specialist and worsens the quality of work with students. This has determined the purpose of this study, which is an attempt to identify and resolve the contradictions between the traditional assessment system and the new test and measurement tools through the application of the qualimetric approach. Research methods. An anonymous survey of students and teachers was conducted and analysed using a Pareto diagram, with a total sample size of 187 people. Conclusions and recommendations. Based on empirical data, the article describes differences in the understanding of the evaluation mechanism, provides a prognostic assessment by students and teachers of the effectiveness and advantages of qualimetric methods for assessing foreign language communicative competence and independent study. It has been shown that future specialists do not consider the traditional system of evaluation to be fully objective, while they perceive the new one as motivation for quality performance of tasks. The identification of students' and teachers' attitudes towards the rating system reveals the problems they face when using it in the learning process. The data obtained indicate that the particularity of pedagogical qualimetry application in the educational process is that it acts as an important component of the education quality management process by reason of being based on a scientifically substantiated technology of quantitative assessment of the quality of education.

Key words: qualimetric approach, pedagogical qualimetry, foreign language communicative competence, qualitative culture.

Аннотация. Проблема исследования. Новые стандарты высшего образования требуют постоянного совершенствования процессов контроля и оценивания учебных достижений студентов с учетом реализации компетентностного подхода. Применение количественных оценок качества подготовки будущего специалиста делает актуальным запрос на педагогическую квалиметрию, расширяющую возможности применения новых контрольно-измерительных средств оценивания формируемых компетенций в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС. В научных исследованиях трактовку квалиметрического подхода рассматривают не однозначно: как количественную оценку качества обучения (А.И. Субетто); как теорию измерения качества обучения (Н.Ф. Талызина); как научное направление, исследующее закономерности качественных и количественных измерений педагогических объектов (Е.В. Яковлев, А.О. Татур). Очевидно, что неподготовленность специалиста к новым механизмам оценки качества не только увеличивает вероятность необъективности оценки компетентности, но и снижает личностный и инновационный потенциал будущего специалиста, ухудшает качество работы с обучающимися. Это определило цель данного исследования, которая состоит в попытке выявления и устранения противоречий между традиционной системой оценки и новыми контрольно-измерительными средствами на основе применения квалиметрического подхода. Методы исследования. Был проведен анонимный опрос студентов и преподавателей и их анализ с помощью диаграммы Парето, общий объем выборки 187 человек. Выводы и рекомендации. На основе эмпирических данных в статье описаны разночтения в понимании механизма оценивания, дана прогностическая оценка студентами и преподавателями эффективности и преимуществ квалиметрических методов оценки иноязычной коммуникативной компетентности и самостоятельной работы. Показано, что будущие специалисты считают традиционную систему оценивания не вполне объективной, новую - воспринимают как мотивацию к качественному выполнению заданий. Выявление отношения студентов и преподавателей к балльно-рейтинговой системе показывает проблемы, с которыми они сталкиваются при ее использовании в учебном процессе. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что особенностью применения педагогической квалиметрии в образовательном процессе является то, что она выступает важным компонентом процесса управления качеством образования в силу базирования на научно-аргументированной технологии количественной оценки качества образования.

Ключевые слова: квалиметрический подход, педагогическая квалиметрия, иноязычная коммуникативная компетентность, квалитативная культура.

Introduction. In today's globalised world, the ability to integrate into the global community and to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of international competition becomes a crucial factor for the success of a professional career.

In this context, there is a need to modernise Russian education to conform to European quality standards.

At the moment, all changes in Russian education system, including language teaching, are taking place in the context of the competence-based approach, which is becoming fundamental in the formation of a new educational paradigm [4].

The competence-based approach, which focuses on the results of educational activities, which are viewed not as a set of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired, but as the capacity to apply them in various situations, including non-standard ones, by demonstrating a sufficient level of competence, is seen as an alternative to the traditional knowledge-based learning model, an attempt to implement the personal, practical and cultural components of the educational process, while maintaining the fundamentality and universality of the knowledge paradigm [5].

Literature review. Considering competence as a desired result of specialist training, almost all researchers try to describe it by the presence of a certain number of competences (E.F. Zeer, I.A. Zimnyaya, A.K. Markova et al.). In their opinion, the use of competences in specialist training means a significant shift towards person-centred learning, an attempt to realise the activity-based, practical and culturological components of education, a transition from subject differentiation to interdisciplinary integration [10].

From the point of view of the competence approach, foreign language communicative competence (FLCC) can be defined as an age-appropriate level of acquisition of a specific set of competences (linguistic, speech, discursive, sociolinguistic, etc.) necessary to carry out speech activities in a foreign language in accordance with the purposes and situation of communication within a particular sphere of activity.

The research of scientists in the field of linguodidactics and methods of teaching foreign languages leads to the conclusion that the structure of foreign language communicative competence is multidimensional, but the question of its component composition remains unresolved, which varies on average from 3 to 8 competencies depending on the researcher's point of view.

As a result of the analysis of classifications presented in the studies of domestic (A.N. Shchukin, I.L. Bim, V.V. Safonov, N.D. Galskova, N.I. Gez) and foreign scientists (D. Himes, L. Bachman, J. Savignon, M. Canale and M. Swain, Common European Framework of Reference: Learning, Teaching, Assessment, 1996), it can be noted that the following competencies, necessary for the formation of professional competence of future foreign specialists, are found in most works:

- language competence;

- speech competence;

- discursive;

- socio-cultural or sociolinguistic.

Auxiliary elements of foreign language communicative competence also include:

- strategic or compensatory competence (the ability to receive and transmit information, logically and coherently build one's speech in accordance with the set goals and objectives, find a way out with a lack of language resources) (A.N. Shchukin., Bim I.L., Safonova V.V.);

- educational and cognitive competence (ability to learn, motivation to learn) (I.L. Bim);

- cognitive competence (readiness to create communicative content as a result of speech-thinking activity (L. Bachman));

- professional or pragmatic competence (readiness to use a foreign language in professional activities and in situations of everyday communication) (A.N. Shchukin, M.A. Bocharnikova, Pan-European competence: training, training, evaluation) [12].

Therefore, it can be noted that the first four competencies are directly related to the study and use of a foreign language, while in the content of the rest you can find general knowledge, skills and abilities that are also characteristic of information and educational competencies.

New standards in Russian education, the introduction of a competence-based approach, the continuous improvement of the processes of monitoring and evaluating students' academic achievements through the use of a point-rating system make it relevant to use complex quantitative assessments of the quality of various aspects of the educational process. higher educational institutions that can be obtained using research methods of pedagogical qualimetry.

Methodology. The definition of methodologically related ways to quantify the quality of various objects belongs to G.G. Azgaldov, as does the term «qualimetry» introduced by him [1]. In the pedagogical literature, interpretations of the term qualimetry are ambiguous. It is seen as a quantitative assessment of the quality of learning (A.I. Subetto); as a theory for measuring the quality of learning (N.F. Talyzina); as a scientific approach that studies the mechanisms of qualitative and quantitative measurements of pedagogical objects (E.V. Yakovlev, A.O. Tatur) [13, 15, 16, 17].

Pedagogical qualimetry sets the following requirements for the assessment and evaluation system of higher education institutions:

- continuity and regularity of assessment at all stages of learning;

- consistency of assessment with the tasks corresponding to the level of the competence to be formed;

- timely adjustments based on the obtained results.

Thanks to its main components (assessment scales (quantitative and ordinal) and control (assessment)), educational qualimetry is a source of information, a means of stimulating learning, positive motivation, pedagogical prognosis [3]. The qualimetric approach contributes to resolving the contradictions between the traditional system for assessing learning results and the new testing and measurement tools.

All this determines the problem of using the qualimetric approach in monitoring and evaluating students' knowledge in modern higher educational institutions.

The point-rating method is a good way to increase the effectiveness of the monitoring and evaluation system. It should be noted that the use of a point-rating system is closely related to the qualitative knowledge and skills of participants in the educational process. This assessment system is comprehensive and includes: cumulative approach in the formation of the final assessment of the discipline, rating assessments of various types of classroom and independent work for the semester. The main direction of the pointrating system is to increase the motivation of students in mastering the program and improve the quality of the educational process. This system is based on the principles of consistency, reliability, openness and reproducibility and eliminates the disadvantages of an irregular and subjective traditional management system.

Research base. The Institute of Linguistics and Foreign Languages at K.E. Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University widely uses a point-rating system to control students' academic achievements. It involves organising regular monitoring of vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, listening comprehension, monologic and dialogic speech. Current control is systematic and operational. Points are awarded for each competency aspect; assessment criteria have been developed and communicated to students and lecturers, as well as to the departmental management. The techniques and forms of control perform not only a controlling function, but also a learning function. The learning function is expressed in the formation of students' self-control and self-assessment mechanisms. In the process of performing the final examination, the studied material is revised, and students improve their skills and abilities. The purpose of the monitoring function is to establish a feedback (external: student-teacher and internal: student-student) and to consider the results of the monitoring. This function provides a level test of students' foreign language communicative competence as defined in programme of study.

In order to identify and eliminate the contradictions between the traditional assessment system and the new control and measurement tools based on the qualimetric approach, a questionnaire survey was conducted among full-time undergraduate students and teachers at Kaluga State University (a total sample size of 187 people).

The results of the study showed that undergraduates had no experience of such assessment in school and therefore faced difficulties with the new assessment of knowledge in higher education (Table 1).

Table 1

Undergraduate students' understanding of the point and rating system

Number of respondents Were you informed about the university point and rating system before you entered?

yes no can't answer

187 66 95 26

% 35 50,8 14,2

The students' familiarisation with the point and rating system of the educational process was carried out with the help of teachers and supervisors - 58%, with the help of a student tutor - 34% and independently - 8%. For this reason, it can be assumed that there is some variation in the understanding of the evaluation mechanism.

The research showed that 43% of the respondents did not think that the point-rating system at school is objective, while 46% said that their assessment was more objective with the point-rating system, although a rather large number found it difficult to answer this question (about 22% of the respondents).

The ability to see their ratings as a motivation to perform tasks well was indicated by more than half of the students (72%). To the question: «Do you think that the point-rating system contributes to the control of students' knowledge?», 46% of respondents answered positively, which shows that the system of indicators for monitoring the learning process is inadequate and needs further improvement, as mentioned by 86% of respondents.

It is evident from the foregoing that the point-rating system is a pedagogical qualimetric tool that can provide teachers with objective results of learning achievements, but requires further scientific study of its application in higher education institutions.

As the implementation of the competence-based approach is related to the development of students' experience of independent work and increasing its share in the learning process, this aspect becomes an important factor in the study of the learning and assessment process.

According to the research, students and teachers are not in agreement on the question of increasing the percentage of independent work. Among teachers, a third were positive and another third negative, and the majority had difficulty answering the question.

The most popular forms of students' independent work, many of which, according to teachers, produce good results.

A Pareto diagram (Picture 1) is created from the results of the questionnaire, which identifies the most significant forms of independent work: information search when working with foreign language text material, multimedia presentation, tasks of various levels of difficulty on vocabulary and grammar, abstracting articles from foreign-language media, listening comprehension, individual or group project.

Students' preferences in selecting forms of independent work that develop foreign-language communicative competence

forms of work

Picture 1. The value of forms of independent work on the Pareto diagram

The question of students' motivation for independent work is also of interest. The study shows the interest of students in improving the results of independent work, and it is associated with the possibility of improving the final grade in the subject (most high school students) and the possibility of expanding knowledge (this answer is most often given by younger students).

Conclusion. As a result of the research, we conclude that the analysis of the theoretical foundations of the competence approach, various models of the component composition of the FOCC, as well as empirical data and teaching experience in the field of foreign language teaching gives grounds to assert the existence of a number of unresolved issues in the implementation of the competence approach in the modern educational paradigm. Nevertheless, it meets the requirements of the new educational reality and the needs of consumers of educational services, focusing on the development of a holistic, intellectually active and creative personality with a certain set of competencies for effective professional activity.

Qualimetric procedures are aimed at providing a differentiated assessment and determining the educational level of students in different areas of professional training (for example, in the field of teaching a foreign language). Qualimetric procedures allow multiple use of standardized assessment materials and the ability to conduct assessments on a regular basis. Compliance with the following basic principles in the implementation of qualimetric procedures for evaluating learning outcomes contributes to the

accurate, timely and objective determination of the levels of educational achievements of students. Thus, validity shows the conformity of assessment objects with learning objectives; reliability is ensured by the unity of evaluation criteria and indicators; fairness ensures equal opportunities for students to achieve results; timeliness is ensured through rapid feedback; efficiency is achieved by comparing results with goals.

We also note the requirements of pedagogical qualimetry for the control and evaluation activities of the university: the continuity and frequency of evaluation from the beginning of the development of the main program to its completion, from the beginning of the development of the module to its completion, from the beginning of the development of the work program of the discipline to its completion. The requirement of consistency in assessment is especially important, and the assessment tools for each stage of training should be adequate to the level of competence formation. Attention should be paid to the requirement of control and correction based on the received statistical information, which provides for a multi-stage assessment.

Therefore, pedagogical qualimetry acts as a means of improving the quality of education through the use of innovative technologies in the control and evaluation activities of the university, including a point-rating system, which, taking into account the high requirements for the system of qualimetric procedures, provides a unified technology of control and evaluation for all students and contributes to the development of a quality culture of all participants in the educational process.


1. Azgaldov, G.G. Theory and practice of assessing the quality of goods (basics of qualimetry) / G.G. Azgaldov. - M.: Economics, 1982. - 256 p.

2. Voronova, L.S. Foreign language communicative competence and its components / L.S. Voronova, A.Yu. Mayevskaya // Actual problems of humanities and natural sciences. - 2015. - № 2-2. - P. 73-76

3. Gaakh, T.V. Technologies for the development of control and measuring materials on a qualimetric basis for assessing learning outcomes / T.V. Gaah // Education and problems of society development. - 2021. - № 1 (14). - P. 30-36

4. Gorgarova, Ya.Yu. Formation of foreign language communicative competence of university students in the paradigm of modern education / Ya.Yu. Gorgarova // Pedagogical journal. - 2021. - № 2-1. - P. 251-262

5. Degterev, V.A. Competence approach - a new paradigm of education / V.A. Degterev, V.A. Tribunskaya // Messenger of social and humanitarian education and science. - 2014. - № 4. - P. 35-47

6. Efimova, I.E. Pedagogical qualimetry as a means of improving the quality of education in Russian universities / I.E. Efimova // Academic journalism. - 2018. - № 12. - P. 225-231

7. Zeer, E.F. Competence approach to education / E.F. Zeer // Education and science. Izvestiya URO RAO. - 2005. - № 3 (33). - P. 27-40

8. Zimnaya, I.A. Competence approach. What is its place in the system of modern approaches to the problem of education? (theoretical and methodological aspect) / I.A. Zimnaya // Higher education today. - 2006. - № 8. - P. 20-26

9. Kiseleva, M.V. The educational process through the eyes of students: Sociological support of the intra-university quality assurance system. - Kostroma: KSTU Publishing House, - 2013. - 99 p.

10. Malikova, I.A. On the problem of the difference between the concepts of «communicative competence» in its two meanings / I.A. Malikova // Messenger of the Orenburg State Pedagogical University. - 2010. - № 1-2 (55). - P. 90-98

11. Nepochatykh, E.P. Development of ideas about the concepts of «competence» in its two meanings / E.P. Nepochatykh // Scientific Vedomosti of Belgorod State University. Series: Humanities. - 2013. - № 20 (163). - P. 243-251

12. Popova, T.P. Formation of foreign language communicative competence among students of the correspondence department of a language university: monograph / T.P. Popova; Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky. -N. Novgorod, 2013. - 186 p.

13. Problems of application of the point-rating system in the university to control the educational achievements of students / L.V. Zubova, E.I. Rener, T.D. Rozhina, O.S. Stepanova // Pedagogical education in Russia. - 2016. - № 10. - P. 53-60

14. Subetto, A.I. Qualimetry of a person and education: genesis, formation, development, problems and prospects of the symposium «Qualimetry in education: methodology, methodology and practice» / A.I. Subetto. - M.: Research Center for Problems quality of training specialists, 2006. - 97 p.

15. Talyzina, N.F. Educational psychology: Proc. allowance for students. avg. ped. textbook institutions / N.F. Talyzina. - M.: Publishing center «Academy», 1998. - 288 p.

16. Tatur, A.O. Scientific and methodological problems of creating a testing system in Russian education / A.O. Tatur, M.B. Chelyshkova // Development of a testing system in Russia: Tez. report Vseros. conf. - M. - 1999. - Part 1. - 77 p.

17. Yakovlev, E.V. Intrauniversity education quality management: Monograph / E.V. Yakovlev. - Chelyabinsk: ChGPU Publishing House, 2002. - 390 p.


УДК 378

декан факультета физической культуры, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Галеев Искандер Шамильевич

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Поволжский государственный университет физической культуры, спорта и туризма» (г. Казань); старший преподаватель Минигалеева Альбина Зуфаровна Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет» (г. Казань); старший преподаватель Усманова Елена Александровна Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет» (г. Казань)


Аннотация. В работе раскрывается проблема внедрения квестов как инновационной формы организации учебных занятий по дисциплине «Безопасность жизнедеятельности». Обосновывается необходимость использования квестов в образовательном процессе высшей школы, одним из основных требований к которому является его современность. Охарактеризована целесообразность использования квестов в ходе обучения по БЖ, проведен анализ понятийно-терминологической базы по данной проблеме. Аргументируются позиции авторов относительно аттрактивности квеста для студенческой молодежи, а также привлекательность данной формы организации занятий в контексте преподавания БЖ. В

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