Научная статья на тему 'Comparative manganese content in the top soil horizons in the Kirov region'

Comparative manganese content in the top soil horizons in the Kirov region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Simonova O., Lisitsyn E.

Content of mobile and acid-soluble forms of manganese was determined in the top horizons of the natural and anthropogenically changed soils of the Kirov region. It is revealed that in organogenic horizon of natural podsolic soil the content of mobile forms of manganese (100…400 mg/kg) considerably exceeds maximum allowable concentration. In the mineral horizon their concentration is much lower (2…30 mg/kg). Content of mobile compounds of manganese in the arable horizon of the agro-sod-podsolic soil is much less, than in the podsolic soil under forest (from 25.9 up to 67.48 mg/kg). The greatest amount of acid-soluble Mn compounds in podsolic soil determined in the organogenic horizon (220 up to 1428 mg/kg); in the mineral horizon, content of these connections is 10 times less (about 22 mg/kg). Content of the acid-soluble Mn compounds in soil under an arable land in the arable horizon is 233…541 mg/kg. In general, number of acid-soluble compounds of manganese in soil is 10 times more the content of their mobile connections. It needs to be considered in agricultural practice as they can become mobile (available to plants) in case of change of soil conditions, mainly an acid-base situation.

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В верхних горизонтах естественных и антропогенно измененных почв Кировской области определяли содержание подвижных и кислоторастворимых форм марганца. Выявлено, что в органогенном горизонте естественной подзолистой почвы содержание подвижных форм марганца (100…400 мг/кг) значительно превышает ПДК. В минеральном горизонте их концентрация значительно ниже (2…30 мг/кг). Содержание подвижных соединений марганца в пахотном горизонте агродерново-подзолистой почвы значительно меньше, чем в подзолистой почве под лесом (от 25,9 до 67,48 мг/кг). Наибольшее количество кислоторастворимых соединений Mn в подзолистой почве приходится на органогенный горизонт (220 до 1428 мг/кг), в минеральном горизонте данных соединений на порядок меньше (около 22 мг/кг). Содержание кислоторастворимых соединений Mn в почве под пашней в пахотном горизонте составляет 233…541 мг/кг. В целом, количество кислоторастворимых соединений марганца в почве на порядок выше содержания их подвижных соединений. Это необходимо учитывать в сельскохозяйственной практике, так как они могут стать мобильными (т.е. доступными для растений) в случае изменения почвенных условий, главным образом кислотнощелочной обстановки.

Текст научной работы на тему «Comparative manganese content in the top soil horizons in the Kirov region»




Симонова О.А.

Федеральный аграрный научный центр Северо-Востока имени Н.В. Рудницкого, г. Киров, научный сотрудник

Лисицын Е.М.

Федеральный аграрный научный центр Северо-Востока имени Н.В. Рудницкого, г. Киров, ведущий научный сотрудник;

Вятская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия, г. Киров,

профессор кафедры экологии и зоологии



Simonova O.

Federal agricultural scientific center of the North-East named N. V. Rudnitsky, Kirov, researcher,

Lisitsyn E.

Federal agricultural scientific center of the North-East named N. V. Rudnitsky, leading researcher,

Vyatka state agricultural academy, Kirov, professor in cathedra of ecology and zoology,


В верхних горизонтах естественных и антропогенно измененных почв Кировской области определяли содержание подвижных и кислоторастворимых форм марганца. Выявлено, что в органогенном горизонте естественной подзолистой почвы содержание подвижных форм марганца (100...400 мг/кг) значительно превышает ПДК. В минеральном горизонте их концентрация значительно ниже (2.30 мг/кг). Содержание подвижных соединений марганца в пахотном горизонте агродерново-подзолистой почвы значительно меньше, чем в подзолистой почве под лесом (от 25,9 до 67,48 мг/кг). Наибольшее количество кислоторастворимых соединений Mn в подзолистой почве приходится на органогенный горизонт (220 до 1428 мг/кг), в минеральном горизонте данных соединений на порядок меньше (около 22 мг/кг). Содержание кислоторастворимых соединений Mn в почве под пашней в пахотном горизонте составляет 233.541 мг/кг. В целом, количество кислоторастворимых соединений марганца в почве на порядок выше содержания их подвижных соединений. Это необходимо учитывать в сельскохозяйственной практике, так как они могут стать мобильными (т.е. доступными для растений) в случае изменения почвенных условий, главным образом кислотно-щелочной обстановки.


Content of mobile and acid-soluble forms of manganese was determined in the top horizons of the natural and anthropogenically changed soils of the Kirov region. It is revealed that in organogenic horizon of natural podsolic soil the content of mobile forms of manganese (100.400 mg/kg) considerably exceeds maximum allowable concentration. In the mineral horizon their concentration is much lower (2.30 mg/kg). Content of mobile compounds of manganese in the arable horizon of the agro-sod-podsolic soil is much less, than in the podsolic soil under forest (from 25.9 up to 67.48 mg/kg). The greatest amount of acid-soluble Mn compounds in podsolic soil determined in the organogenic horizon (220 up to 1428 mg/kg); in the mineral horizon, content of these connections is 10 times less (about 22 mg/kg). Content of the acid-soluble Mn compounds in soil under an arable land in the arable horizon is 233 .541 mg/kg. In general, number of acid-soluble compounds of manganese in soil is 10 times more the content of their mobile connections. It needs to be considered in agricultural practice as they can become mobile (available to plants) in case of change of soil conditions, mainly an acid-base situation.

Ключевые слова: подвижные формы, кислоторастворимые формы, органогенный горизонт, элювиальный горизонт, подзолистая почва, дерново-подзолистая почва.

Keywords: mobile forms, acid-soluble forms, organogenic horizon, eluvial horizon, podsolic soil, sod-pod-solic soil.

Introduction. One of important indicators of soil properties and their chemical state is the element structure. It is known that the majority of elements is necessary for plant nutrition and their full development. On the other hand, heavy metals are toxic for live organisms in case of surplus of their contents. Manganese, having the atomic mass more than 50 atomic mass units

and density more than 7 g/cm3 [3], simultaneously belongs both to biophile and to heavy metals. At the same time, this element is one of the most widespread components of the soils exerting impact on plant growth. Contents and behavior of elements depends on type of the soil and its properties: acidity, oxidation-reduction potential, content of organic substance, etc. Typical

soils of the Kirov region are podsolic and sod-podzolic one [8]. High content of both total, and mobile compounds of manganese is characteristic of them; frequently in quantities, toxic for agricultural plants. Soils under an arable land are of the main interest to agriculture. Sod-podsolic soils under an arable land were formed of podsolic soils under the forests in the course of cultivation that exerts direct impact on the content of the studied element. In the environment, heavy metals are both in the form of compounds, and in a free state [4]. Therefore, the method of extraction of elements from soils is important as interpretation of data on their contents depends on it. The mobile compounds of elements taken with acetate ammonia buffer solution are considered as available to plants (given extractor with pH 4.8 approximately corresponds to reaction of cellular sap of their root hairs) [1]. Acid-soluble compounds of chemical elements can be considered the general reserve amount capable to pass into a mobile form. Acids take from the soil not only forms available to plants, but also a part of total forms of an element [2].

Thus, the purpose of work is the research and comparison of content of mobile and acid-soluble compounds of manganese in the podsolic soil under the forest and in the arable horizon of sod-podsolic soils (analog of the natural soil) and soil of stationary experiment field.

Materials and methods. Two key sites, which were chosen as research objects, are located in the territory of the Kirov region in 15 km to the south from Kirov. Soils of these sites are podsolic, sandy, created on the water-and-glacial deposits spread by loams. Phy-tocenosis on key site No. 1 is presented by a wood sorrel spruce forest, 60...80 years old. According to [6], this soil belongs to typical podsolic soil. Phytocenosis on key site No. 2 is presented by long-term crops of milk vetch. According to [6] the soil on key site No. 2

Anthropogenic influence is resulted by changes of physical, chemical and physical-chemical properties of the soil and also quality and the content of humus. All this exerts impact on contents and dynamics of chemical elements. According to our data, the content of mobile compounds of manganese in the arable horizon of the agro-sod-podsolic soil, in general, is much less, than in the podsolic soil under the forest; it varies in the following limits: on site No. 2 from 25.9 to 59.5 mg/kg;

belongs to agro-sod-podsolic. Key site No. 3: soil of stationary experiment field of Federal Agricultural Research Center of the Northeast, Kirov. The soil is sod-podsolic middle loam, created on an eluvia of the Perm clays.

Sampling of soil on key site No. 1 was carried out from organogenic (0.5 cm) and eluvial (5.13 cm) horizons; on sites No. 2 and 3: from an arable layer (0.20 cm) everyone 2.3 weeks during the vegetative period. Frequency of sampling was sixfold, sampling method was randomized (casual). Preparation of soil tests for the analysis was carried out by the standard methods (GOST Each sample was analyzed individually. Content of mobile compounds of the studied metal was determined with use of acetate ammonia buffer solution, ph 4,8; acid-soluble - in 1 M nitric acid at a ratio a soil:solution 1:10 by method of an atomic absorbing spectrophotometry [12].

The data presented in article are average for the vegetative period. Statistical processing of the received results was carried out by method of ANOVA with use of the software package Microsoft Excel 2007 and Agros 2.07. The statistical importance of differences of element contents between variants was estimated with use of Duncan criterion.

Results and discussion. As a result of researches it is revealed that the content of mobile compounds of manganese in the organogenic horizon varied within 100.400 mg/kg (table 1). These values exceed the maximum allowable concentration of mobile compounds of manganese for sod-podsolic soils with ph 4.0 (60 mg/kg). In the mineral horizon the amount of the mobile Mn compounds was much lower and made 2.30 mg/kg. High content of manganese in the organogenic horizon is explained with the fact that forest vegetation promotes considerable accumulation of manganese [9].

on site No. 3 from 20.59 to 67.48 mg/kg (table 2). Lower content of mobile compounds of manganese in soils under an arable land, in comparison with the soil under the forest was noted by other researchers [7, 11]. On the other hand, these values are close or exceed maximum allowable concentrations values that can exert negative impact on plant growth and, as a result, on their productivity.

Table 1.

Content of manganese in the organogenic horizon of the podsolic soil, the Kirov region (2018.2019)

Type of Manganese compounds Year

2018 2019

Organogenic horizon

mobile 52 up to 457 102 up to 385

Acid-soluble 221 up to 1428 42 up to 511

Eluvia horizon

mobile 3 up to 26 1 up to 30

Acid-soluble 8 up to 48 5 up to 27

Table 2.

Content of manganese in an arable layer of the podsolic and sod-podsolic soils, Kirov region (2018.2019)

Type of Manganese compounds Year

2018 2019

Agro-sod-podzolic soil

mobile 27 up to 67 26 up to 59

Acid-soluble 233 up to 486 194 up to 329

Podzolic soil

mobile 33 up to 52 21 up to 67

Acid-soluble 316 up to 541 -

The greatest amount of the acid-soluble Mn compounds in the podsolic soil under the forest falls on the organogenic horizon: from 220 to 1428 mg/kg. In the mineral horizon content of these compounds of an element was 22 mg/kg on average.

In the agro-sod-podsolic soil under an arable land the content of elements differs a little from that in the podsolic soil under the forest. Content of the acid-soluble Mn compounds in the soil under an arable land in general is higher, than in the soil under the forest; in the arable horizon it is 233.486 mg/kg on site No. 2 and 316.541 mg/kg on site No. 3. It is connected with the fact that arable soils differ in smaller intensity of eluvial processes and carrying out of compounds down a profile; therefore, they are richer with total forms of metal [1, 10]. In general, the amount of acid-soluble compounds of manganese in the soil is 10 times more the content of their mobile compounds. However, they are not available to plants. At the same time, they can become mobile in case of change of soil conditions, mainly an acid-base situation [5].

Conclusion. Thus, the content of mobile compounds of manganese in the natural podsolic soil is much higher, than in the anthropogenic changed soils. Nevertheless, their quantity in arable soils is rather high and exceeds maximum allowable concentration that can exert negative impact on development of plants. Content of acid-soluble compounds of manganese in arable soils is higher, than in the natural soil. Under certain conditions, they can become available to plants.


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