COMPARATIVE HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
linguistics / relationship of languages / etymology of words / origin of words / group of languages / лингвистика / родства языков / этимология слов / происхождение слов / группа языков

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Gasimova Samira Firuddin

Comparative-historical linguistics is a field of linguistics devoted, first of all, to the relationship of lan-guages, which is understood historically and genetically (as a fact of origin from a common proto-language). Comparative-historical linguistics is concerned with establishing the degree of kinship between languages (building a genealogical classification of languages), reconstructing proto-languages, studying diachronic processes in the history of languages, their groups and families, and the etymology of words.

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Сравнительно-историческое языкознание область лингвистики, посвящённая, прежде все-го, родству языков, которое понимается историко-генетически (как факт происхождения от обще-го праязыка). Сравнительно-историческое языкознание занимается установлением степени родства между языками (построением генеалогической классификации языков), реконструкцией праязыков, ис-следованием диахронических процессов в истории языков, их групп и семей, этимологией слов. [1. p.94]




UDC: 811.111

Гасымова Самира Фируддин

Азербайджан, Гянджинский Государственный Университет Старший преподаватель, Доктор философии по филологии DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-35122-43-45 СРАВНИТЕЛЬНО-ИСТОРИЧЕСКОЕ ЯЗЫКОЗНАНИЕ.

Gasimova Samira Firuddin

Azerbaijan, Ganja State University Senior lecturer, Doctor of Philosophy on Philology



Сравнительно-историческое языкознание область лингвистики, посвящённая, прежде всего, родству языков, которое понимается историко-генетически (как факт происхождения от общего праязыка). Сравнительно-историческое языкознание занимается установлением степени родства между языками (построением генеалогической классификации языков), реконструкцией праязыков, исследованием диахронических процессов в истории языков, их групп и семей, этимологией слов. [1. p.94]


Comparative-historical linguistics is a field of linguistics devoted, first of all, to the relationship of languages, which is understood historically and genetically (as a fact of origin from a common proto-language). Comparative-historical linguistics is concerned with establishing the degree of kinship between languages (building a genealogical classification of languages), reconstructing proto-languages, studying diachronic processes in the history of languages, their groups and families, and the etymology of words.

Ключевые слова: лингвистика, родства языков, этимология слов, происхождение слов, группа языков

Keywords: linguistics, relationship of languages, etymology of words, origin of words, group of languages

Language is the most important means of human communication. There is not a single type of human activity in which language is not used to express their thoughts, feelings and will to achieve mutual understanding between them. And it is not surprising that people became interested in the language and created a science about it! This science is called linguistics or linguistics.

Linguistics studies all types, all changes in language. He is interested in everything that is connected with the amazing ability to speak, with the help of sounds to transmit his thoughts to another; this ability in the whole world is peculiar only to man.

Along with the living, they are occupied with the languages of the "dead", that is, those that no one speaks today. We know a lot of them. Some have disappeared in the memory of people; a rich literature has survived about them, grammars and dictionaries have come down to us, which means that the meaning of individual words has not been forgotten either. There is only no one who would now consider them their native languages. This is "Latin", the language of Ancient Rome; such is the ancient Greek language, such is the ancient Indian "Sanskrit". This is one of the languages that are averagely close to us, "Church Slavonic" or "Old Bulgarian".

But there are others - say, Egyptian, from the time of the Pharaohs, Babylonian and Hittite. Until two centuries ago, no one knew a single word in these languages. People with bewilderment and trepidation looked at the mysterious, incomprehensible inscriptions on the rocks, on the walls of ancient ruins, on clay tiles and half-rotted papyri, made thousands of years ago. No one knew what these strange letters meant, the

sounds, what language they expressed. But a person's patience and wit have no limits. Linguists have unraveled the secrets of many letters. This work is dedicated to the intricacies of solving linguistic secrets.

Linguistics, like other sciences, has developed its own research methods, its own scientific methods, one of which is comparative-historical (4. p. 16). A large role in the comparative historical method in linguistics belongs to etymology.

Etymology is the science concerned with the origin of words. Trying to establish the origin of this or that word, scientists have long compared the data of different languages among themselves. At first, these comparisons were casual and mostly naive.

Etymology has a prominent place in the comparative historical method of research, which in turn opened up new possibilities for etymology.

The origin of many words of any given language often remains unclear to us because in the process of development of the language ancient connections between words were lost, the phonetic appearance of words changed. These ancient connections between words, their ancient meaning, can very often be found with the help of related languages.

Comparison of the most ancient linguistic forms with archaic forms of related languages, or the use of the comparative historical method, often leads to the disclosure of the secrets of the origin of the word. (3.p.6, 12)

The foundations of the comparative historical method were laid on the basis of comparing materials from a number of related Indo-European languages. This method continued to develop throughout the 19th



and 20th centuries and gave a powerful impetus to the further development of various areas of linguistics.

A group of related languages is a set of languages between which regular correspondences are found in the sound composition and in the meaning of the roots of words and affixes. Revealing these natural correspondences that exist between related languages is the task of comparative historical research, including etymology.

As mentioned above, the comparative historical method in linguistics is one of the main and is a set of techniques that allow you to study the relationship between related languages and describe their evolution in time and space, establish historical patterns in the development of languages. Using the comparative historical method, the diachronic (that is, the development of a language over a certain period of time) evolution of genetically similar languages is traced, based on evidence of the commonality of their origin.

The comparative-historical method in linguistics is associated with descriptive and general linguistics in a number of issues. Comparative grammar is considered the core of this method by European linguists, who became acquainted with Sanskrit at the end of the 18th century. And they completely underestimate the ideological and intellectual discoveries in the field of scientific philosophy and natural sciences. Meanwhile, it was these discoveries that made it possible to make the first universal classifications, consider the whole, determine the hierarchy of its parts and assume that all this is the result of some general laws. An empirical comparison of facts inevitably led to the conclusion that behind external differences, there must be an internal unity that needs interpretation. The principle of interpretation for the science of that time was historicism, that is, the recognition of the development of science in time, carried out in a natural way, and not by divine will. A new interpretation of the facts has taken place. This is no longer a "ladder of forms", but a "chain of development". The development itself was conceived in two versions: along an ascending line, from simple to complex and improved (more often) and less often as degradation from the best along a descending line - to the worst (3.p. 10).

Comparative-historical linguistics appeared after Europeans discovered Sanskrit, the literary language of ancient India. Back in the 16th century, the Italian traveler Filippo Sasseti noticed the similarity of Indian words with Italian and Latin, but no scientific conclusions were made. The beginning of comparative historical linguistics was laid in the 18th century by William Jones, who owns the following words:

The Sanskrit language, whatever its antiquity, has an amazing structure, more perfect than the Greek language, richer than Latin, and more beautiful than either of them, but bearing in itself such a close relationship with these two languages as in the roots verbs, and in the forms of grammar, which could not be generated by chance, the relationship is so strong that not a single philologist who would study these three languages cannot believe that they all originated from one common source, which, to be maybe no longer exists. There is a similar rationale, albeit not so convincing, for suggesting that both Gothic and Celtic, although mixed with completely different dialects, were of the same origin as Sanskrit.

At the beginning of the 19th century, independently of each other, various scientists from different countries began to clarify the relationship of languages within a particular family and achieved remarkable results.

Franz Bopp studied the conjugation of basic verbs in Sanskrit, Greek, Latin and Gothic using a comparative method, comparing both roots and inflections. On the basis of a large amount of material examined, Bopp proved the declarative thesis of W. Jones and in 1833 wrote the first "Comparative grammar of Indo-Ger-manic (Indo-European) languages."[2.p.106]

Through the works of these scientists, the comparative method in linguistics was not only declared, but also shown in its methodology and technology.

The results of almost two hundred years of studies of languages by the method of comparative historical linguistics are summarized in the scheme of the Genealogical Classification of Languages.


1. Aspects of comparative studies. - M.: RGGU, 2005.-- 500 p. - (Orientalia et Classica VI. Proceedings of the Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity). -ISBN 5-7281-0660-9.

2. Aspects of comparative studies 2. - M.: RGGU, 2007. - 380 p. - (Orientalia et Classica XI. Proceedings of the Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity). - ISBN 978-5-7281-0903-7. (region)

3. A.V. Bondarenko Modern comparative historical linguistics / Scientific notes of the Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute. - L., 1967.(3)

4. B.N. Golovin Introduction to linguistics. - M., 1983.(5)

5. Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary (1990) / Comparative Historical Linguistics

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