Научная статья на тему 'Comparative analysis of psychological characteristics of children-athletes with mental retardation'

Comparative analysis of psychological characteristics of children-athletes with mental retardation Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
mental retardation / sport / track and field / ski race / psychic state / psychological characteristics / temperament / behavior / Eysenck test / Lüscher-Test

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Darya V. Fedulova, Lyudmila N. Rogaleva, Nina B. Serova

Studying psychic health, characterological and behavioral characteristics of people with cognitive impairment (PCI) is an important question, as children of this nosological group have additional difficulties in adaptive and social behavior [1, 2]. It influences children’s development and socialization, mastering some activity and self-realization in some activity. Materials. The article considers the questions concerning psychological characteristics of children with mild mental retardation at the age of 12-13. They are involved into track and field and ski race, in comparison with healthy athletes and children with mental retardation. They don’t attend sport clubs. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, psychological testing at an adaptive-program complex “NS-PsychoTest” of “Neurosoft” enterprise, methods of mathematical statistics. Methodical base of the research work included two tests: Eysenck test and Lüscher-Test. With the help of these tests we defined the type of temperament, which each group has, the level of extraversion/introversion, neuroticism, anxiety, the indices of children’s inner state. Results. It was revealed that children with mental retardation, who are involved into sport, have mainly phlegmatic type of temperament. They have autonomy and distinctive tendency of anxiety increase and personal influences unsteadiness; among healthy athletes of the same age predominates the following: sanguine type of temperament, balanced character of personal features, the lowest index of anxiety and stress among all groups of respondents. Among schoolchildren with mental retardation, who don’t have active life style, predominates the following: choleric type of temperament, indices of inner state don’t reveal considerable differences from PCI. They are involved into sport. They have excessive excitation, activity and the average index of anxiety increase.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Comparative analysis of psychological characteristics of children-athletes with mental retardation»

UDC 612.821 DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-2-211-217

Comparative analysis of psychological characteristics of children-athletes

with mental retardation

Darya V. Fedulovah2*, Lyudmila N. Rogaleva1, Nina B. Serova'

1 First President of Russian BN. Eltsyn Ural Federal University

Ekaterinburg, Russia ORCID: 0000-0001-7289-3328, Darya-fedulova@yandex.ru* ORCID: 0000-0002-6870-9409, Liudmila/rogaleva@yandex.ru

ORCID: 0000-0002-9532-2314, ninasero@mail.ru 2Sports-adaptive school of paralympic and surdolympic reserve Ekaterinburg, Russia

Abstract: Studying psychic health, characterological and behavioral characteristics of people with cognitive impairment (PCI) is an important question, as children of this nosological group have additional difficulties in adaptive and social behavior [1, 2]. It influences children's development and socialization, mastering some activity and self-realization in some activity. Materials. The article considers the questions concerning psychological characteristics of children with mild mental retardation at the age of 12-13. They are involved into track and field and ski race, in comparison with healthy athletes and children with mental retardation. They don't attend sport clubs. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, psychological testing at an adaptive-program complex "NS-PsychoTest" of "Neurosoft" enterprise, methods of mathematical statistics. Methodical base of the research work included two tests: Eysenck test and Luscher-Test. With the help of these tests we defined the type of temperament, which each group has, the level of extraversion/introversion, neuroticism, anxiety, the indices of children's inner state. Results. It was revealed that children with mental retardation, who are involved into sport, have mainly phlegmatic type of temperament. They have autonomy and distinctive tendency of anxiety increase and personal influences unsteadiness; among healthy athletes of the same age predominates the following: sanguine type of temperament, balanced character of personal features, the lowest index of anxiety and stress among all groups of respondents. Among schoolchildren with mental retardation, who don't have active life style, predominates the following: choleric type of temperament, indices of inner state don't reveal considerable differences from PCI. They are involved into sport. They have excessive excitation, activity and the average index of anxiety increase

Key words: mental retardation, sport, track and field, ski race, psychic state, psychological characteristics, temperament, behavior, Eysenck test, Luscher-Test.

For citation: Darya V. Fedulova*, Lyudmila N. Rogaleva, Nina B. Serova. Comparative analysis of

psychological characteristics of children-athletes with mental retardation. Russian Journal of Physical

Education and Sport. 2022; 17(2): 165-169. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-2-211-217.


Studying psychic health, characterological and behavioral characteristics of people with cognitive impairment (PCI) is an important question. Children of this nosological group have additional difficulties in adaptive and social behavior [1, 2]. It influences children's development and socialization, mastering some activity and self-realization in some activity.

Inconsistency and interest are caused by the research works. They, on the one hand, describe minimal differences in children's temperament between the groups of usual and special education and at the same time, significant differences in social behavior. They are conditioned by the difference in

intellectual abilities [3].

Some other research works reveal positive correlation between the defect influence not only on social, but also on personal qualities, psychological peculiarities of children with mental retardation [2, 4].

Special attention should be paid to children's development in terms of sport classes. Sport is undoubtedly useful and important. It is proved by great amount of research works [5-7]. However, this question should be considered from the point of view of sports classes influence on personal qualities of children, emotional health and steadiness of psychic states.

Savchenko Yu.I. underlines that among children with mental retardation the first place takes hereditary potential, genetic program of temperament formation. It is influenced by inborn (or genetic) disorders in nervous system [8].

Said B.E and others mention that temperament changes together with the ability increase to cope with difficulties [9]. It considers sport as one of the elements of influence on a person's behavior.

Taking into account that such children have emotional instability [10, 11], which is demonstrated in anxiety, aggression, disorganizing activity, sport can influence these indices [8, 10]. However, it is necessary to understand such differences can be not only in terms of groups of children, who are not involved into sport, but also in terms of the group of healthy schoolchildren. In the future it is necessary to reveal correlation between the term of lessons and the index of children's psychological health change.

The aim of the research is to organize comparative analysis of sport influence on psychological development of children with mild mental retardation.

Materials and methods

The research was held among 110 children at the age of 12-13. The respondents formed three groups, equally created according to gender differences:

1) children with mild mental retardation from correction schools of the VIII kind (40 people);

2) children with mild mental retardation, who are involved into cyclic kinds of sport (track and

field, ski race), 35 people;

3) healthy children, who are involved into cyclic kinds of sport (track and field, ski race), 35 people.

Testing was organized at "NS-PsychoTest" hardware and software complex of "Neurosoft" enterprise. We studied the questions of going through two tests:

1. Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) (H. J. Eysenck). The test is created to diagnose the type of temperament on the basis of extraversion/ introversion and the level of neuroticism determination. The test includes 57 questions. 24 of them are connected with extraversion-introversion scale, 24 questions are connected with neuroticism scale, 9 questions were included into control false scale. It helps to determine the degree of sincerity while answering the questions. The respondent had to answer the questions of the test using the following variants: "Yes" or "No".

2. 8 color M. Luscher test. The test helps to diagnose person's psychic state. The respondents had to place (range) 8 colors according to the degree of their subjective preferences.

Results and discussion

The results presentation according to Eysenck Personality Inventory was divided into 2 parts: the first part presented the values according to extraversion/introversion scale, Neuroticism scale and False scale (table 1), the second part presents the results according to the types of temperament determination (fig. 1).

Table 1

The results of Eysenck Personality Inventory according to Extraversion/introversion, Neuroticism

scale and False scale

Group Extraversion/introversion Neuroticism False scale

Value Gradation Value Gradation Value Gradation

PCI 12,88±0,78 ambiversion 13±1,33 Moderate stability 6,06±0,57 critical level

PCI, athletes 11,72±0,73 ambiversion 10,78±0,8 Stability 5,83±0,31 critical level

Healthy athletes 12,88±0,71 ambiversion 10,12±0,8 Stability 4,42±0,39* critical level

Notes: *p<0,05

Among all examined groups we see the average result in "Extraversion/introversion" scale -ambiversion. It characterizes them according to psychological types as a combined type in terms of external world: children can be communicative one moment and self-absorbed several minutes later and minimize contacts with people around.

According to "Neuroticism" scale athletes

with mental disorders and healthy athletes have steadiness, PCI have moderate steadiness. It proves deeper emotional stability of children, who are involved into sport. "False scale" indices are at a critical level in both groups, which shows not complete sincerity in the answers.

According to Spearman correlation analysis method we didn't reveal dependent connections

between "Extraversion/introversion" "Neuroticism" scales.


Types of temperament

BO 50 40 30 20 10


3D 38 38

25 25 24

m ■ 11 5 , ■ _ IS ■ m 15

■ I 1 F

Sanguneperson Choleric



■ PCI ■ PCI, athletes ■ Healthy athletes Fig. 1. Types of temperament according to H. J. Eysenck test

According to the results of types of temperament prevalence we revealed that healthy athletes more often have sanguine type (energetic, cheerful, emotionally stable); among athletes with mental retardation melancholic type prevails (avoidant, sensitive, vulnerable), among athletes with mental retardation, who don't have an active life style, choleric type prevails (impetuous, not smooth-tempered, with often cases of mood change).

Psychic state diagnostics through 8 color Luscher test (table 2) revealed the same preferences among all categories of respondents: orange-red and yellow colors. They characterize excitement,

activity, persistent tendencies; indifference was demonstrated by healthy athletes and PCI, who are not involved into physical activity, in terms of brown and gray colors, which characterize steadiness, tranquility and some passiveness; PCI, who are involved into sport, showed indifference in terms of brown and blue-green colors- colors of self-confidence and tranquility. Thus, according to current state during the research children demonstrate readiness to act, orientation toward outer components, and less orientation to tranquility and inner harmony.

Results of color Luscher test

Table 2

Gwy D&rfc blue Btpc-jrciit Orange red Yellow V inlet Broun Black Qrij

PCI 4.47± 0,4 4,67± 0,34 3,69± 0,54 3,97* 0,52 4.17* 0.47 5,64+ 0.32 4,33* 0,52 5,U6f 0,46

PC], athlete* 4,15* 0,43 5,(№t 0,47 3,4 It 0,4* 4.09+ 0,29 4,itK* 0,55 5,35* 0.41 4,35* 0,53 0,42

Healthy athlete* 4,62* 0,42 3,K3± 0,36* 3,1 5± 0,4 3,52* 0T39 3,7 1* 0.44 6,75+ 0.34* 4,40i-0,45 5,17* 0,35

Notes: *p:50.05

Table 3 presents the results of inner state indices among children.

The results of inner state indices among children

Table 3

{¡raup Total deviation from autogenic norm IJcICTünomy - autüjionj y ( oupent licite - CHcnlricily YeflitJliVC Lhrr Pcrutnd] baluce ^Yarkinq capacity inj» Mr«s Lndfï

PCI m 11,45 1,1 L,47± îjtwj -l,L4± U4 0,47± U,û7 I2j3± U.H4 2,75

PCL atblctci L7,94=r LIÉ l,74± 1.1 -L,0U± l.l Lj62± U.62 22,KH-2,11

Healthy atblctci L&.5Uz IUI U5i 0,72 l,77± -2,35-H L,Û7 -0.42± 0,75* 10 ÜJ5* %\1*

Nolo*: *p3)„tl5

According to "Total deviation from autogenic norm" index we reveal the average level of non-productivity among all categories of children (criterion: 13-19 points). According to "Heteronomy - autonomy" index, the criteria of which are the following:

"0 and less" - autonomy (independence, activity), "more than 0" - heteronomy (passivity, inclination for dependence on people around, sensitivity). Autonomy is typical for PCI, athletes. Passivity is typical for healthy athletes and schoolchildren, who have not active life style. "Concentricity - eccentricity" and "Vegetative balance" indices reveal Concentricity and prevalence of parasympathetic nervous system tonus, it means

then the activity of an organism, is directed toward rest, strength renewal, resources preservation among all categories of children. "Personal balance" shows balanced character of personal features among healthy athletes; among schoolchildren with intellect disorders - unsteadiness.

Working capacity and stress indices are at the same level. Great attention is paid to stress index. It demonstrates stress state among children, who have mental retardation (criterion: more than 20 points). At the same time among health athletes this index is at the average level (criterion: 12-20 points).

Taking into account these results we separately analyzed anxiety state (table 4).

Anxiety index

Table 4

Group The first index of anxiety The second index of anxiety

PCI 3,56±0,75 4,78±0,78

PCI, athletes 3,29±0,53 5,29±0,55

Healthy athletes 2,85±0,5 3,35±0,6*

All categories of groups have the tendency to anxiety increase. The lowest index was registered among healthy athletes. The highest index was among the athletes with intellect disorders.


Thus, 12-13 year-old children with mental retardation, who are involved into sport, have

mainly phlegmatic type of temperament, they have autonomy and considerable tendency to anxiety increase and unsteadiness of personal features; among healthy athletes of the same age sanguine type of temperament prevails, they have balanced character of personal features and the lowest index of anxiety and stress among all groups of respondents. Among schoolchildren with mental

retardation, who don't have active life style, choleric type of temperament prevails. The indices of inner state don't reveal considerable differences from PCI, who are involved into sport. They have excessive excitation, activity and the average index of anxiety increase.


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Submitted: 05.05.2022 Author's information:

Darya V. Fedulova - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, First President of Russia BN. Eltsyn Ural Federal University, 620002, Russia, Ekaterinburg, Mira str., House 19, e-mail: darya-fed-ulova@yandex.ru

Lyudmila N. Rogaleva - Candatiate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, First President of Russia BN. Eltsyn Ural Federal University, 620002, Russia, Ekaterinburg, Mira str., House 19, e-mail: Liudmila/rogaleva@yandex.ru

Nina B. Serova - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, First President of Russia BN. Eltsyn Ural Federal University, 620002, Russia, Ekaterinburg, Mira str., House 19, e-mail: ninasero@mail.ru

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