COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN RCT AND ESP Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Dehkonov B.

The article reflects the theoretical aspects of the teaching methods of RCTs, their structure, a comparative analysis of traditional and project-based teaching methods, European approaches to learning the language for special purposes (LSP / ESP), identifies features of specialized training in tourism discourse, identifies possible models for conducting projects as one of the effective forms of communicative learning RCT

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УДК: 10.02.20

Dehkonov B.


Abstract: The article reflects the theoretical aspects of the teaching methods of RCTs, their structure, a comparative analysis of traditional and project-based teaching methods, European approaches to learning the language for special purposes (LSP / ESP), identifies features of specialized training in tourism discourse, identifies possible models for conducting projects as one of the effective forms of communicative learning RCT

Key words: Export of education, Russian as a foreign language, project method, tourist discourse, communicative learning, communicative competence, language for special purposes, pragmatic learning paradigm, intensive learning method

The development of the export potential of the education system assumes an increase in the attractiveness of Russian education in the international educational market. In the framework of the Federal project "Education Export", a set of measures was developed to increase the attractiveness of educational programs for training foreign citizens. The list of certification and accreditation measures for vocational education and language as a foreign language has been approved. This puts universities (international services, quality management, teachers) facing the challenge of changing approaches not only in creating conditions for learning and adaptation of foreign students, but also in qualitative changes in the development of training programs and teaching methods.

In order to become popular in a rapidly changing labor market, foreign students choosing Russian education seek to study Russian as soon as possible in order to prepare for entering Russian-language higher education programs in various fields and profiles.

In this regard, in preparing for the development of programs in Russian, it is necessary for one year of study to give foreign students both extensive vocabulary (conversational and scientific) and professional and to fix the correct grammatical construction in skills, teach it to use during oral and written communication . In other words, it is necessary to form grammatical and communicative competences in a short time.

Such a strategy leads to the search for and use of effective teaching methods based on intensive and communicative approaches. One of such approaches can be considered a project teaching method, which is an effective pedagogical tool.

The goal requires the following tasks:

1) to identify the distinctive features of the Russian and European approaches to teaching foreign languages: traditional methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language and the communicative, project method

2) to characterize the features of the project method in teaching RCT in the tourist discourse.

3) to analyze the effectiveness of the use of the project method in core (specialty language / language for special purposes) RCT classes.

The language of the specialty in tourist discourse is presented in several genres, one of which is the promotion of tourist services or products, which can be designated as perhaps the most famous and used genre in the field of tourism. As a rule, it is the promotion of places, cities, natural and cultural destinations or entire countries. His communicative purpose is to convince potential customers to visit these places and buy travel services and / or products, and it takes the form of printed leaflets, brochures or web pages. This language contains a number of repetitive communicative functions that work on beliefs, such as explanation, description, examples, etc., which form various grammatical structures. Specific vocabulary also plays a very important role, since it carries the entire semantic and conceptual load.

The designation of tourist discourse is considered to be more relevant as an independent type of discourse, the thematic focus of which focuses on a specific recipient, the uniqueness of the goal, the specificity of the set of language means, its own genre paradigm. L.P. Tarnaev, V.V. Datsyuk to determine the typological status of tourist discourse consider (a) the scope of communication in which it operates, (b) the purpose of communication, (c) the type of communicators (addressee and addressee). Potential tourists and various organizations of the tourism industry (tour operators and travel agencies, transport organizations, accommodation facilities, organizations of the service sector, employees of tourist facilities, and tour guides) act as participants in communication.

Such a communicative approach and concentration of lexical professional material is used in the European language learning system "foreign (English) language for specific purposes" (Language (English) for Specific Purposes LSP (ESP)). The early history of the birth of LSP is largely connected with European thinking and the development of European scientists. The study of language for special purposes (specialty language) was undertaken within the framework of linguistic functionalist theory. Emphasis was placed on common characteristics at different levels (vocabulary, syntax, style) of various sublanguages, such as medical, economic, legal, and technical sublanguages. The relevant knowledge base was the basis for this differentiation into sublanguages, while the functional aspects formed the basis for differentiation by type of text. Since the 1970s, linguists have agreed that the LSP serves the needs of individual areas of science, technology, economics, management, medicine, law, media, etc. In other words, the number of languages for specific purposes, as opposed to languages for general purposes (LGP) is relatively high.

Dudley-Evans and St. John (1998) suggest that the LSP is an independent and separate activity and has its own LSP research program in applied linguistics. In addition, the LSP design has its own methodology, and its research is interdisciplinary.

The LSP learning methodology integrates various techniques and the latest technologies. However, the use and integration of new technologies in the context of, for example, English for specific purposes (ESP) can create problems and create

opportunities that may differ from those in the context of English as a foreign language (EFL). Since ESP learning is closely related to the acquisition of academic literacy and socialization into larger and more complex academic discursive communities, it is imperative that any aspects of new technologies be studied and researched in the specific context of ESP contexts to ensure that ESP teachers, institutions and students can integrate these technologies into their educational practices.

For example, the use of chat rooms and blogs can contribute to the practical application of students' vocabulary, learning word combinations, and communication skills. Using a wiki can help ESP students study academic writing more effectively. However, the benefits and learning outcomes of using new digital technologies are not obvious and are not supported by experimental studies.

The use of authentic educational materials related to the specific needs of students and the content area, providing access to international academic discursive communities, promoting critical thinking and cognitive abilities of students, encouraging joint and group learning, make it easier to acquire language skills. Creating a student-oriented and student-specific learning environment, adapting the teaching to students 'styles and preferences, and providing appropriate tools for feedback and assessing students' language and knowledge on specific content is the most effective approach to learning LSP.

In our opinion, this approach and the most effective tool for the formation of communicative competence among foreign students and the construction of a communicative model of occupations of professionally-oriented teaching Russian as a foreign language in a tourist discourse presents a method of projects. How does the project relate to learning in general and, in particular, to learning foreign languages and RCTs?

Partially the technology of the project method is already used in the RCT didactics; these are oral and written presentations, research reports, performances, role-playing games and other interactive teaching methods. However, in the scientific literature on the methodology of teaching RCTs, the project method is practically not described as a didactic method. At the level of preparatory training of RCTs, a review of the application of the project method was carried out by Tyurina E.A. in the thesis on the topic "Application of project technology in the course of Russian as a foreign language at the preparatory department of a Russian university". She carried out special studies on the issue of the impact of the project methodology on the integrated formation of the communicative and professional competencies of university graduates. But at present there is still "no typology of projects that takes into account the specifics of getting higher education in a foreign cultural environment; The technologies for developing competencies in the course of project activities have not been developed. "

Issues of application of the project method in the organization of training were investigated in the works. In the field of teaching foreign languages, the project methodology was considered in research.

Many RCT methodologists have paid attention to communicative, direct,

interactive, intensive (suggestopedic) approaches to learning with the use of which the most profound mastering of a foreign language is achieved. The main idea of such approaches is to shift the focus from reproductive learning, mechanistic performance of wildcarding exercises, frontal transfer of knowledge to active experimentation and communication in the learning process, in other words, to stimulate passive knowledge in output to speech.


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2. Smith N.L. Comparative analysis of Russian traditional methods of teaching RCTs, the project method and the European approach to teaching foreign languages for special (professional) purposes (LSP / ESP) in tourism discourse // Service in Russia and abroad. 2018

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