ANALYSIS OF METHODS OF LEARNING ENGLISH IN A TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
English for students of technical higher educational institutions / higher professional education / methodology of teaching English in aviation specialties / multi-level training / continuous training / integrated method / information perception / thematic communication. / английский язык для студентов технических вузов / высшее профессиональное образование / методика преподавания английского языка по авиационным специальностям / многоуровневое обучение / непрерывное обучение / комплексный метод / восприятие информации / тематическое общение.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Boysunov Botir Pulat Ogli, Hamraeva Nilufar Hamidullaevna

An important role in the modern technical university is the study of English. Due to the large number of foreign materials, sources, aviation standards and regulations (for example, ARINC), the provision of knowledge and knowledge of a foreign language for future specialists in the aviation industry is a prerequisite for professional training. The problem becomes urgent development and implementation of innovative methods of teaching English. It is important that traditional methods combined with modern technologies and remote monitoring capabilities provide the greatest effectiveness in language learning, also increasing the interest and motivation of students to study the subject. This article provides a brief overview of the methods used in professionally profiled training and their analysis. The author presents classical and modern methods of teaching English, presents the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science for the learning process, shows and describes the methods of language learning, and synthesizes the optimal teaching methodology that corresponds to the ESP methodology in application to the learning process in a technical university. The analysis of the effectiveness of the proposed methodology is carried out, the psychological and psychophysiological features of the perception and memorization of information by students are briefly described, as well as the methodology of material presentation and interaction with students, which is most relevant today.

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Важную роль в современном техническом вузе играет изучение английского языка. Из-за большого количества зарубежных материалов, источников, авиационных стандартов и правил (например, ARINC) предоставление знаний и знания иностранного языка будущим специалистам авиационной отрасли является обязательным условием профессиональной подготовки. Актуальной проблемой становится разработка и внедрение инновационных методик обучения английскому языку. Важно, чтобы традиционные методы в сочетании с современными технологиями и возможностями удаленного мониторинга обеспечивали наибольшую эффективность в изучении языка, а также повышали интерес и мотивацию студентов к изучению предмета. В статье представлен краткий обзор методов, используемых в профильном обучении, и их анализ. Автор представляет классические и современные методы обучения английскому языку, представляет требования Минобрнауки к процессу обучения, показывает и описывает методы изучения языка, синтезирует оптимальную методику обучения, соответствующую методике ESP применительно к процесс обучения в техническом вузе. Проведен анализ эффективности предложенной методики, кратко описаны психологические и психофизиологические особенности восприятия и запоминания информации студентами, а также наиболее актуальная сегодня методика изложения материала и взаимодействия со студентами.


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UNIVERSITY Boysunov Botir Pulat ogli

2nd year student of the Tashkent state technical university named after

Islam Karimov, Hamraeva Nilufar Hamidullaevna senior lecturer of the Tashkent state technical university named after

Islam Karimov

Abstract: An important role in the modern technical university is the study of English. Due to the large number of foreign materials, sources, aviation standards and regulations (for example, ARINC), the provision of knowledge and knowledge of a foreign language for future specialists in the aviation industry is a prerequisite for professional training. The problem becomes urgent development and implementation of innovative methods of teaching English. It is important that traditional methods combined with modern technologies and remote monitoring capabilities provide the greatest effectiveness in language learning, also increasing the interest and motivation of students to study the subject. This article provides a brief overview of the methods used in professionally profiled training and their analysis. The author presents classical and modern methods of teaching English, presents the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science for the learning process, shows and describes the methods of language learning, and synthesizes the optimal teaching methodology that corresponds to the ESP methodology in application to the learning process in a technical university. The analysis of the effectiveness of the proposed methodology is carried out, the psychological and psychophysiological features of the perception and memorization of information by students are briefly described, as well as the methodology of material presentation and interaction with students, which is most relevant today.

Keywords: English for students of technical higher educational institutions; higher professional education; methodology of teaching English in aviation specialties; multi-level training; continuous training; integrated method; information perception; thematic communication.

Аннотация: Важную роль в современном техническом вузе играет изучение английского языка. Из-за большого количества зарубежных материалов, источников, авиационных стандартов и правил (например, ARINC) предоставление знаний и знания иностранного языка будущим специалистам авиационной отрасли является обязательным условием

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профессиональной подготовки. Актуальной проблемой становится разработка и внедрение инновационных методик обучения английскому языку. Важно, чтобы традиционные методы в сочетании с современными технологиями и возможностями удаленного мониторинга обеспечивали наибольшую эффективность в изучении языка, а также повышали интерес и мотивацию студентов к изучению предмета. В статье представлен краткий обзор методов, используемых в профильном обучении, и их анализ. Автор представляет классические и современные методы обучения английскому языку, представляет требования Минобрнауки к процессу обучения, показывает и описывает методы изучения языка, синтезирует оптимальную методику обучения, соответствующую методике ESP применительно к процесс обучения в техническом вузе. Проведен анализ эффективности предложенной методики, кратко описаны психологические и психофизиологические особенности восприятия и запоминания информации студентами, а также наиболее актуальная сегодня методика изложения материала и взаимодействия со студентами.

Ключевые слова: английский язык для студентов технических вузов; высшее профессиональное образование; методика преподавания английского языка по авиационным специальностям; многоуровневое обучение; непрерывное обучение; комплексный метод; восприятие информации; тематическое общение.

At present, the problem of language knowledge is highly relevant. The amount of professional information in foreign languages is huge and continues to grow. The most dynamic in terms of international integration and information exchange are the branches of economy, law, industry, supply and trade and market relations, and aviation, the rapid development of which leads to the need for foreign language proficiency by every specialist in the industry [1], [2]. Classical approaches to teaching a foreign language, previously used as independent methods, are somewhat losing their effectiveness in modern times. Due to the increasing information load, students ' assimilation of the material is becoming more difficult, the culture of education is also changing, and the methods of presenting language knowledge and monitoring individual progress are being improved. ESP learning methods are very popular - methods of learning a professionally-oriented language or a language for special purposes, which is proved by published monographs [3-7], the development of ESP teaching methods [8, 9], and ongoing scientific research [10]. The experience of foreign colleagues proves the effectiveness of structuring the training program


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according to the industry orientation and suggests improving the curricula and plans for language teaching. [11-13], [16]


Development of programs and curricula for training students to teach technical English at an aviation university. According to the program recommended by the scientific and Methodological council for foreign languages [14], it is possible to note the main provisions recorded in the documents prescribing the modernization of higher professional education:

- Knowledge of a foreign language is an integral part of the professional training of all specialists at the university.

- The English language course is multi-level and is developed in the context of continuing education.

- The study of English is based on an interdisciplinary integrated basis.

- English language training is aimed at the comprehensive development of students ' communicative, cognitive, informational, socio-cultural, professional and general cultural competencies.

But, even with a single program, it is always necessary to take into account the specifics of the educational institution or its departments, the needs of customers and students themselves. One of the main factors in learning a language is the teachers themselves. When developing curricula, it is necessary to take into account the variety of methods and approaches used, depending on the purpose of the course and the available resources.

Briefly, the development of language learning methods can be presented in the form of an illustration (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Time diagram of the development of methods of learning English.

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The diagram shows the main methods used and applied in the study of English:

- Method of grammatical translation;

- Direct study;

- Audio-lingualism;

- Suggestopedic method;

- "Silent" method (the method of silence);

- Full physical response method;

- Method of learning by the community (group);

- Communication method;

- Principled Eclecticism.

Methods using information and communication technologies (ICTs) are also most widely used at present.

Based on this, we can distinguish four groups of methods: problem-based learning, autonomous education, learning by abstraction, and learning using ICT. Traditionally, methods of direct language learning are used together with the method of grammatical translation. Listening and image visualization are widely used. [15]

The suggestopedic method, based on learning a language while relieving stress in a calm, relaxing environment, is difficult to apply in universities, due to the specifics of the learning process. In a certain number of educational institutions that have entered into close integration with foreign teachers, the "silent" method is used, that is, the method of non-verbal teaching, which consists in the fact that the desire to know the language is initially inherent in the person who wants to learn it, and most importantly - not to interfere with students and not to impose the teacher's point of view. Following this method, the teacher initially does not say anything, using graphic illustrations, tables and other didactic materials. The method shows its effectiveness, but its use in a technical educational institution is difficult.

The next most popular method is the method of learning by the community (group), which consists in motivating the internal work of a group of students studying English through the collective solution of a number of tasks. The method also demonstrates its pedagogical effectiveness when used in teaching technical English.

The method of full physical response is more applicable in school, with the age group of children from 8 to 14 years, due to its binding to physical and motor activity. The communicative method is widely used in high-quality training of professional personnel, based on dialogues and conversational communication with native speakers. Principled Eclecticism, a method of selective combination of the most effective modern methods, deducing the goals and objectives of training, based

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on the needs and interests of the student, unfortunately, is still exotic, due to the complexity of its implementation. Nevertheless, it is this method that allows you to fully learn the language, applying a variety of approaches to the presentation of information and realizing the potential of the student.

The seemingly simple procedure for determining the content of training and the organization of training should include theoretical provisions. Therefore, the curriculum should be adjusted to the overall course methodology.

In modern times, a variety of interactive, automated methods are widely used:

- Multimedia manuals;

- Online communication with the teacher;

- Thematic communication in the studied language in various social networks,

- Video tutorials, listening skills;

- Electronic communication types: e-mail, conference calls, etc.

The use of interactive/media / electronic aids in language learning can be characterized as a combination of natural, cognitive and content-oriented methods using audio-lingualism. This combination significantly increases the effectiveness of language learning, using a set of advantages however, the use of information technologies in the study of English in technical universities is not so widespread due to the unjustified overcomplication of the course. [12] The integration of the method of grammatical translation, coupled with the use of thematic content in group study and active communication skills of students in the classroom, shows itself to be the most optimal in terms of statistics of data processing of students ' academic performance. [17]

With regard to the study of English in the first year, it can be noted that the most well-behaved complex technique that combines audio - lingualism, the use of mind-map, a multimedia method and exercises to actualize the perception of language through the worldview (see-describe, feel-remember). [16] In this way, the transition from the perception of the language environment by a former schoolboy to the perception of the industry orientation is carried out. The necessary skills of cognitive perception are laid down through an audiovisual channel, and the following actions are carried out: the translation of thinking to the perception of language constructs and abstractions and the tab of the thesaurus is made. Particularly effective at this stage is the use of infographics as a way of presenting information

For second-year students, the most effective approach is an inclusive learning approach: in addition to expanding the thesaurus and training pronunciation, tasks for



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translating and composing industry-specific texts are added. At this stage, it is possible to exclude the multimedia channel of information delivery due to the formation of the skill of perception of the language environment as a whole and to focus on the formation of the skill of understanding and perception of industry topics. Thus, the formed soft neural connections are reoriented to the target use of the skill. It is advisable to encourage the student to mapping the perception of already targeted information. The general view of such maps is shown below, in Figure 2:


gure 2. Mind-map.

The application of this approach encourages the student to engage in the language environment of the industry and to form the skill of orientation and memorization of abstraction, which allows to operate with "triggers" - some reference information bases branching into a set of semantic subgroups, as for example, illustrated in Figure 3.:

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Figure 3. Trigger mind-map.

In the third year, he demonstrated the effectiveness of the approach with the use of cognitive and communicative methods. This allows students to form their own language environment, which they can adjust independently, which strengthens communication skills and allows them to dive more deeply into the professional communication environment.


Briefly, you can describe the process of learning a language using the illustration shown in Fig. 4. Shows the student's acquisition of a skill, in this case -knowledge of the English language. In the first year, the student acquires 25-30% of the foreign language proficiency in general, as a basis, expanding this skill in the second year, through discussions and practices, also forming an industry branch of the skill, consolidating this skill in the third year by transferring the skill to other students.

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Figure 4. The "pyramid" of learning a skill.

Thus, in the third year, the student receives a comprehensive language skill focused on the industry focus.


The approaches considered in this article to the organization of the educational process in the study of English at a technical university have shown their applicability and effectiveness, which is confirmed by an increase in students ' interest in learning the language and improving academic performance based on surveys and statistical analysis. When modifying ESP methods, you should take into account the industry orientation and current didactic materials. [4, 11] The resource and didactic base of the department should regularly undergo modernization, due to the rapid development of technical and material industry resources and the expansion of the semantic composition of the language base. When preparing students, it is very important to evaluate the initial level of the student's language understanding and its individual characteristics. This approach is applicable to the study of any foreign language in any industry, but it shows the greatest effectiveness when it is used in technical specialties. The main methods used in the implementation of this approach are considered, and the psychological and psychophysiological features of information perception and memorization are briefly described. The method of presentation of the material and interaction with students is derived.


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