COMMUNICATION SKILLS AS A USEFUL TOOL FOR IMPROVING LEARNING IN HIGH SCHOOL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
communication / improve learning / high school students / English language / academic achievement / critical thinking / discussion

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Zebo Akmaljon Qizi Hotamova, Mavluda Abduvaliyevna Komiljonova

Our daily lives depend heavily on communication. For efficient operation in the workplace, excellent communication is obviously essential. There is abundant evidence that having strong communication skills can increase one's versatility and, thus, one's competitiveness in the profession. Every one of us uses communication as a means of conveying messages, ideas, feelings, thoughts, and imagination. Every individual has this ability, either innate or preinstalled, to express himself or herself through language. Therefore, it goes without saying that every student needs to have strong communication abilities.

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Zebo Akmaljon qizi Hotamova

Student, Chirchik State Pedagogical University zeboxotamova07@gmail.com Scientific adviser: Mavluda Abduvaliyevna Komiljonova Teacher, Chirchik State Pedagogical University mavlyudadj urayeva@gmail .com


Our daily lives depend heavily on communication. For efficient operation in the workplace, excellent communication is obviously essential. There is abundant evidence that having strong communication skills can increase one's versatility and, thus, one's competitiveness in the profession. Every one of us uses communication as a means of conveying messages, ideas, feelings, thoughts, and imagination. Every individual has this ability, either innate or preinstalled, to express himself or herself through language. Therefore, it goes without saying that every student needs to have strong communication abilities.

Keywords: communication, improve learning, high school students, English language, academic achievement, critical thinking, discussion


The process of communicating in the twenty-first century necessitates human engagement, which naturally leads to a variety of experiences and/or benefits for those involved. Moreover, it is a type of authority that guides nations and societies. For many industrialized nations, the use of communication as a force transcends national boundaries. Competing in the political, social, economic, educational, and cultural spheres and securing a position in the global marketplace need the efficient application of communication. The concept of communication has succeeded to transcend the strength of technological weapons in today's world. Effective communication can be viewed as a key factor in the development and prosperity of developing and underdeveloped nations.

English is a vital language for global communication since it is used as a language of education around the world. English has also evolved into a language that is indispensible in day-to-day living, with words and sentences of English origin appearing in practically every context, making it a language we use frequently. Even

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though there are words and sentences in English that we occasionally happen to read, many Indonesian students have not been able to fully utilize their knowledge by mastering their grasp of the language, despite the fact that English is a highly important language. Therefore, in order to give students high-quality knowledge, comprehension and command of English language skills must be enhanced and taught extensively. It should be possible for the instruction to actively engage students in following directions, taking on duties, and engaging in classroom learning.

It is crucial for instructors to be able to identify the best way for pupils to overcome the obstacles they experience because they play a significant part in guiding their success. Here, an English teacher needs to be able to help pupils realize their potential in order to pique their interest and inspire them to keep getting better at communicating in English.

However, many students believe they are not comprehending and using English to its full potential due to the situations that exist in different institutions. Many people believe that speaking English is tough, are too sluggish to utilize it, or even feel ashamed of themselves when they do.

What is communication?

The process of exchanging ideas or information between two or more people or entities is called communication. A sender transmits a message to a recipient through a chosen medium, such as speech, writing, or gesture, and the recipient interprets and responds. Effective communication necessitates that both parties share a common language or code as well as a common context or frame of reference.

The term "communication" describes how two or more people connect with one another. Life is impossible without mutual understanding and communication. Effective communication skills are critical for making sure that things are moving forward correctly and in the appropriate way. Therefore, it is imperative that we improve our written and vocal communication skills.

The value of effective communication

For students to thrive academically, socially, and professionally, communication skills are crucial. The following justifies the significance of communication skills for students:

1. Academic achievement: The ability to communicate effectively is necessary for academic success. Effective communication of ideas is a prerequisite for participation in class discussions, presentations, and paper writing for students.

2. Career readiness: The success of a career depends on effective communication skills. Candidates who can communicate effectively and concisely

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are highly valued by employers, and students who can exhibit these abilities have an advantage in the job market.

3. Social and emotional growth: The development of social and emotional intelligence also depends on effective communication. Pupils who have good communication skills are more likely to have high self-esteem and be able to build strong relationships with both teachers and peers.

4. Critical thinking: Critical thinking and communication abilities go hand in hand. Students who can communicate well are also better at developing and expressing their own ideas, as well as analyzing and evaluating information.

5. Cultural competence: Understanding various cultures and viewpoints is another necessary ability for effective communication. Pupils that are proficient in cross-cultural communication are more equipped to function in a multicultural environment.

Understanding Effective Communication

Effective communication involves the clear and concise exchange of information between individuals. It encompasses both verbal and non-verbal communication. Verbal communication includes speaking and listening, while nonverbal communication involves body language, facial expressions, and gestures. Both components are essential for effective communication.

Through verbal communication, people can express their feelings, ideas, and thoughts. Conversely, nonverbal communication improves comprehension and adds more context. It consists of things like posture, tone of speech, and eye contact. Effective and meaningful conversations are the result of a combination of verbal and nonverbal communication.

A supportive and inclusive classroom environment is crucial for fostering effective communication skills. Teachers can create this environment by promoting respect, active listening, and open-mindedness. Encouraging students to share their thoughts and ideas without fear of judgment or ridicule can greatly enhance their communication abilities.

Being assertive is a crucial communication ability that enables people to voice their demands and ideas while respecting the rights and viewpoints of others. Students in high school who learn assertiveness skills will be better able to ask insightful questions, speak their minds with confidence, and participate in worthwhile conversations.

Teaching High School Students to Communicate Effectively

Fostering strong communication skills requires a classroom climate that is both inclusive and supportive. Respect, attentive listening, and an open mind are qualities

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that educators may cultivate in their students. Encouraging pupils to express their ideas and opinions without worrying about criticism or mockery can significantly improve their communication skills.

A key component of good communication is active listening. Students who actively listen to their professors and peers are better able to comprehend diverse viewpoints, develop empathy, and respond intelligently. Instructors might include exercises like group discussions and reflective practices that encourage active listening.

Being assertive is a crucial communication ability that enables people to voice their demands and ideas while respecting the rights and viewpoints of others. Students in high school who learn assertiveness skills will be better able to ask insightful questions, speak their minds with confidence, and participate in worthwhile conversations.

Team debate competitions can aid in the development of students' cooperation, critical thinking, and articulation of opposing viewpoints. When starting a debating competition, divide students into groups and assign each group a topic to investigate and gather data on. Give each team five minutes to prepare their speech after they complete their study and specify which side of the issue they must debate. Once the allotted time has elapsed, initiate the discussion by taking on the role of the judge. This will enable the students to clarify their positions and refute the opposing team's points.

A more comfortable learning environment is created in the classroom through group discussions and teamwork. Students can more readily communicate their thoughts and develop their personal communication abilities by working in small groups. Through these exercises, they can also ask you questions and receive comments on their work, which will help them comprehend the course better and will boost their academic performance.

Discussion as an instructional method

Some philosophers hold that students acquire information internally rather than from outside sources. Students in a classroom exchange knowledge, which leads to conversation.

A discussion is a structured face-to-face contact process where participants share ideas in order to solve problems, find answers, advance their knowledge, or come to a decision. Here, students take control of the communication skills course by approaching it from different angles and using questioning and responding to help. The teacher serves as a moderator when using this teaching strategy. This is a suitable approach for teaching a social science subject like communication skills.

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Bridges (1998) correctly pointed out that for a discussion to be considered an exchange of ideas, it must fulfill the following requirements: a) participants must speak to one another; b) participants must listen to one another; c) participants must respond to one another; d) participants must present multiple points of view; and e) participants must intend to advance their knowledge, comprehension, or assessment of the topic being discussed.

It is believed that using conversation promotes cooperative thinking. It is required of students to participate in class discussions and exchange ideas on academic matters. This type of active learning fosters internal understanding among students.

Technique for teaching discussions Innovative ways to employ communication skills can include incorporating them into other teaching methods or using them as a standalone course. Similar to this, a conversation can be used to focus on investigating open-ended connected subjects or to solve communication challenges. When students are expected to think critically about the subject matter in order to develop their communication skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation rather than just memorizing the facts, teachers can facilitate classroom discussions. Students are also expected to develop a sense of ownership over their new knowledge and responsibility for their own learning.

Why Is It Vital for Teachers to Be Skilled in efficient dialogue?

An important component of good communication is nonverbal communication. Teachers that concentrate on body language, gestures, and facial expressions can assist pupils in developing their nonverbal communication skills. Video analysis and role-playing games are useful resources for honing nonverbal communication skills. When kids contribute, acknowledge them with smiles, nods, and thumbs up. Keep your arms extended, never folded. By moving throughout the classroom, you can break down the barriers that separate you and your pupils and reduce their chances of becoming distracted or zoning out. Dealing with undesirable behavior also requires paying attention to body language. Make sure you don't point at a student, stand directly in front of them, or invade their personal space in order to avoid coming across as confrontational. To avoid drawing too much attention, it might be useful to speak with them outside of the classroom or to get down on their level and have a discreet conversation about their behavior. Keep in mind that children communicate through their behavior as well, and consider what it is trying to tell you.

It is important to remember that nearly 60% of all misunderstandings stem from inadequate listening skills. You can gain from practicing active listening in the classroom in two ways. First of all, by improving their own listening abilities, your

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students will look up to you as an example and learn from you more effectively. Second, you can improve your pupils' education by employing active listening to clarify misconceptions and expand on what has been learned. Active listening means paying close attention to what your students are saying, making sure you have understood them (by giving them a second chance, for example), expanding on what they have said, and raising questions or challenging them.

It is important to remember that nearly 60% of all misunderstandings stem from inadequate listening skills. You can gain from practicing active listening in the classroom in two ways. First of all, by improving their own listening abilities, your students will look up to you as an example and learn from you more effectively. Second, you can improve your pupils' education by employing active listening to clarify misconceptions and expand on what has been learned. Active listening means paying close attention to what your students are saying, making sure you have understood them (by giving them a second chance, for example), expanding on what they have said, and raising questions or challenging them. It is the most effective way to promote comprehension in the classroom and a great illustration of successful communication.

Another crucial element of communication in the classroom is feedback. In recent years, a large number of studies have focused on feedback. Positive reinforcement, or praise, has been demonstrated to boost students' self-esteem and enhance their likelihood of believing they will succeed. It also fosters a friendly environment and promotes academic success.

Positive reinforcement can also be used to change students' behavior. For instance, if you compliment a kid for raising their hand, other children will probably follow suit and stop "shouting out" in order to receive the same praise.

Positive reinforcement, however, can be counterproductive to learning if it is given too freely or without merit. Good job and gorgeous are examples of phrases that might not inspire pupils since they don't know what exactly they are being praised for. On the other hand, over-praising might make kids uninterested in situations where they aren't receiving praise. You should therefore utilize the student's name, specifically point out their strengths, and extend your heartfelt gratitude while providing them with well-deserved favorable feedback.

It has been suggested by numerous researchers that there should be less use of positive feedback in the classroom and more use of negative feedback. Negative comments might encourage students to work harder on a task or change their behavior, for example, but it can also lead to tense relationships between students.


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Additionally, it has been proposed that it may result in decreased levels of academic success.

These drawbacks are made worse by the fact that negative feedback tends to lower students' motivation and interest in a task and is not always effective (students prefer to continue the behavior despite negative input about 20% of the time) (e.g. Spilt et al., 2016). Reduced self-worth is one of the other effects, which affects kids' academic achievement.

It has been discovered that humour in the classroom promotes learning, self-motivation, and goodwill among students and teachers. It enables you to build a relationship with your students and maintain their interest throughout the course.

You could laugh at the jokes that students make, repeat jokes or amusing tales, or provide lighthearted personal experiences. But, you must take care to avoid using forced, offensive, violent, sexual, or demeaning humor, as well as humor that is unrelated to the subject or that is offensive to pupils. Only keep using humor when it has elicited favorable reactions from the class, like laughter.

Understanding and being understood are key components of both effective education and communication. As a result, you should always be precise and unambiguous, and you should modify your language according to the needs of the reader. Consider this both when you are creating lesson plans (make sure you simplify difficult concepts into manageable chunks for your audience to comprehend) and when you are interacting with the students following the class. One way to ensure that your instruction was understood by your pupils would be to ask them questions or ask them to summarize the lesson using their own words.

Make sure your pupils comprehend the questions you are asking by providing the proper scaffolding when you pose them. The linguistic skills of your elementary school pupils will not yet be at their full potential.

When speaking with younger children, closed inquiries (which require a yes or no response), forced alternatives (such asking, "Is he angry or happy?," and sentence starters (like "a noun is...") work well. Open-ended questions, like "tell me about..." or "how do you think," help older kids think more deeply and improve their problemsolving abilities.

Overcoming Issues with Communication

Many high school students experience nervousness when they have to give a public speech. Teachers that create a safe, accepting environment for their kids can aid them in overcoming this phobia. With gradual exposure to public speaking, anxiety management skills, and positive reinforcement, students can conquer their concerns and develop confidence.

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Any social setting, including high school, will inevitably experience conflicts and disagreements. By teaching students effective communication strategies for resolving conflicts, like active listening, compromise, and assertiveness, we can help them navigate these situations in a constructive way. Students can also practice conflict resolution skills through mediation techniques and role-playing exercises.

Students in high school engage with people of various backgrounds and communication skills. Developing communication resilience and adaptability requires recognizing and respecting many viewpoints, being receptive to criticism, and modifying communication tactics as necessary. Embracing variety and cultivating empathy in pupils can help them become proficient communicators in any setting.


Proficiency in communication is crucial for achieving success in high school and beyond. They give children the tools they need to express who they are, have deep conversations, and form enduring bonds.

Gaining proficiency in effective communication is a continuous process that calls for commitment and effort. Students in high school should be encouraged to actively focus on developing their communication skills because it will help them in all aspect of their lives.

Being able to communicate effectively is a skill that may be developed throughout life. Students in high school should be encouraged to take advantage of growth opportunities, ask for criticism, and practice speaking in many contexts. They can develop into self-assured and proficient speakers with commitment and work.



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