Научная статья на тему 'Combined reuse of wastewater and desalination for the management of water systems in conditions of scarcity'

Combined reuse of wastewater and desalination for the management of water systems in conditions of scarcity Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Maiolo M., Pantusa D.

The occurrence of problems related to the shortage of water resources and the consequent higher difculties in meeting the needs of users, require studies aimed at identifying possible interventions for the increase in water availability. They are mainly the large drinking water infrastructure for multiple purposes that are in crisis in meeting the needs on a local basis. In such circumstances, rationalization and integration of water resources should be sought through the use of unconventional supply systems. This is the case of the Alto Ionio Cosentino (Region Calabria, Southern Italy), a territory characterized by a signicant water decit, competition between drinking and irrigation use and an inefcient water supply system in terms of satisfying demand. Through the optimization of the allocation of water resources, to overcome the problems of the territory, this paper assesses the possibility of a combined use between desalination of sea water and reuse of wastewater to meet the drinking needs and to increase irrigation requirements

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Текст научной работы на тему «Combined reuse of wastewater and desalination for the management of water systems in conditions of scarcity»

УДК 626.811/.816 doi:10.23968/2305-3488.2017.22.4.116-126



Maiolo M., Pantusa D.


Майоло М., Пантуса Д.


The occurrence of problems related to the shortage of water resources and the consequent higher difficulties in meeting the needs of users, require studies aimed at identifying possible interventions for the increase in water availability. They are mainly the large drinking water infrastructure for multiple purposes that are in crisis in meeting the needs on a local basis. In such circumstances, rationalization and integration of water resources should be sought through the use of unconventional supply systems. This is the case of the Alto Ionio Cosentino (Region Calabria, Southern Italy), a territory characterized by a significant water deficit, competition between drinking and irrigation use and an inefficient water supply system in terms of satisfying demand. Through the optimization of the allocation of water resources, to overcome the problems of the territory, this paper assesses the possibility of a combined use between desalination of sea water and reuse of wastewater to meet the drinking needs and to increase irrigation requirements.

Keywords: water scarcity, competition between water uses, reuse of wastewater, desalination, sustainable management of water systems.


The water emergency has assumed a planetary relevance; the increasingly frequent drought has created significant water supply problems in some countries as a result of the considerable reduction in the possibility of water management. The capacity of regulation of reservoirs water availability is threatened mainly by climate change that has a negative effect on the amount of inflows and especially on their time distribution. Climate change is continuing globally [1] and growing are


Возникновение проблем, связанных с нехваткой водных ресурсов и, как следствие, с растущими проблемами в удовлетворении потребностей потребителей, требует проведения исследований, направленных на выявление возможных мер для увеличения водоснабжения. В основном, это касается крупномасштабной инфраструктуры водоснабжения для различных целей, которая не обеспечивает полностью потребности потребителей на местном уровне. В таких условиях необходимо добиваться рационализации и интеграции водных ресурсов путем использования нетрадиционных систем водоснабжения. Так обстоит дело и в Альто-Ионио Косентино (Регион Калабрии, Южная Италия), территории, характеризующейся значительным дефицитом воды, конкуренцией между питьевым и ирригационным водопользованием и неэффективной системой водоснабжения с точки зрения удовлетворения спроса. Посредством оптимизации распределения водных ресурсов, для преодоления проблем данной территории, в данной работе оценивается возможность комбинированного использования опреснения морской воды и повторного использования сточных вод для удовлетворения потребностей в питьевой воде и повышения уровня ирригационных потребностей. Ключевые слова: дефицит воды, конкуренция между различными видами водопользования, повторное использование сточных вод, опреснение, устойчивое управление водными системами.

the impacts of climate change on our planet. Europe and in particular Mediterranean regions are subject to negative impacts due to climate change, which combined with the effects of anthropic pressures on natural resources, make the Mediterranean area one of the most vulnerable in Europe [2]. Additionally, other complex problems are related to incorrect development and management of water systems that took place in the past and to the significant growth in demand. Faced with this scenario appears necessary to find solutions to improve water availability by

pursuing the sustainable use of resources. Proper programming and management of multi-use and multi-user systems, waste elimination, consumption reduction, reduction of water volumes from the environment, and use of unconventional water resources are all actions which find justification for an overall vision of sustainable water management and water protection. Proper water management thus requires multi-sectorial strategies that address infrastructural, ecological, managerial and institutional aspects. Today, and even more in the future, the effects of climate change, the growth in demand and pressures on water resources, will be responsible for the impacts on all sectors of water demanding. Because of the greater consumption of water, about 70 % of the total [3], the agricultural sector is most affected by water shortages: deficiencies that can have a negative effect not only on the quantity of agricultural production but also on quality of the products offered, with negative consequences for the competitiveness of the market and economic development. The overcome of the sector criticality requires actions such as the conversion of water-based irrigation systems to improve irrigation efficiency, the promotion of agricultural innovation and the diversification of production, but also the development of integrated management programs for agricultural, potable and industrial sectors. With regard to drinking water systems, the occurrence of water scarcity problems requires the identification of possible interventions aimed at the increase and rationalization of water availability and the optimal management of these systems to overcome the various criticalities of the sector. Therefore, optimum design and management of such systems require improved reliability and operational efficiency [3-8] the proper allocation of available water resources [9-14] but also resolution of conflicts between different uses.

Urban wastewater can be reused for various purposes, such as irrigation, industrial uses, and recreational activities. In particular, the reuse wastewater for irrigation provides a renewable resource and, in multi-use systems, frees water resources for drinking purposes. The scientific bibliography on the reuse of wastewater with real experiences in different countries, particularly those affected by drought is wide-ranging [15-16]. Among the various examples is the one with positive results

of Mexico City whose depuration plants are used for irrigation in the Mezquital valley [17]. Another interesting experience is that of the project for the reuse of waste water in an integrated water system in the Jeezrael valley in Israel [18]. The reuse of wastewater is increasing, and several studies have also been conducted in relation to potential health risks, economic benefits, agronomic aspects [1921] as well as interesting prospects for innovative uses, such as artificial snow [22]. Economic analysis of waste water reuse has been conducted in Spain with reference to Water National Plan for Health and Care 2007-2015, which planned to reuse more than 3000 hm3 of water per year and the average cost of reused water is 0.39 € / m3 [23]. Investments in wastewater management are required both in developed and developing countries. The selection of the most appropriate wastewater management approach requires an economic appraisal of alternate options [24-26].

As for desalination, generally, desalination technologies can be classified into two different categories, thermal and membrane based desalination. The most deployed desalination technologies worldwide include RO (60 %), MSF (25 %), MED (8 %) and electrodialysis ED (4 %), [27].

Saudi Arabia hosts currently the world's largest desalination market which reached a total of 3.3 million m3/d (1.2 billion m3/year) of water desalination supply in 2011 [28].

In recent decades, the cost of desalination has decreased significantly thanks to technological advances so as to increase the desalination interest in the context of the management of scarce water systems. Full cost of desalination, including externalities, has been estimated in Israel, where is in the process of developing wide-scale desalination. Cost of desalination has been compared to the costs of several alternative options for addressing water scarcity, including both demand management and supply augmentation measures and result is that desalination, despite being the primary policy option pursued by Israel, is among the least cost-efficient of all the alternatives considered, even without taking into account the externalities involved [29]. In recent years the cost of desalination has declined dramatically; in particular, brackish water desalination cost ranges between 0.30€ (0.38$) and

0.6€/m3 (0.75$/m3) and seawater varies between 0.6€ (0.75$) and 1.6€/m3 (2.00$/m3) [30] Desalination markets have expanded in the last decades. The market with the greatest installed capacity is the Gulf Region (Middle East); the Mediterranean market follows, ahead of the American and Asian markets. In Europe, desalination capacities are concentrated around the Mediterranean Sea in Spain and Italy where desalination is used to overcome water shortage in regions with limited water resources that suffer from intense water demand from tourism and agriculture [31].

Italy is characterized by a non-homogeneous distribution of the availability of water resources and human pressure on the territory; the main vulnerabilities, particularly in the southern regions, are related to the alterations in the hydrological system, the reduction of water availability, the risk of drought, the reduction of agricultural productivity. There are also many critical issues regarding infrastructures and water management, with an adequate regulatory framework, in line with European Community rules but only partially applied. In the agricultural sector there are several imbalances and dysfunctions: irrigation occurs with methods that require considerable volumes of water even for excessive improper use. In the case of drinking water systems, the realization of large schemes, which has significantly characterized the organization of the response to drinking water needs in the last century, while maintaining intact the value of the forecast and the engineering interest in the realization and management, sometimes shows signs of crisis and, in any case, of insufficiency. Regulatory developments in water management, the increased requirements combined with a qualitative deterioration of the available resources, thus requires a thorough critical review of water systems, and particularly those utilized by multiple use.

The present paper, starting from the critical analysis of the water system ""Sinni". designed for multiple use, assess the possibility of using unconventional resources to overcome the scarcity of water resources available in the area of Alto Ionio Cosentino, in Southern Italy, and to overcome the existing conflict of use.

Infrastructure intervention is a methodological example of assessing the use of unconventional water resources in order to rationalize the management of

water systems and could be a concrete contribution to better management of water resources in an area with a strong agricultural and tourism vocation, subject to water crisis.

Case study area

In Italy, drinking water systems have faced the growth of demand by resorting to reconsideration of uses (by renouncing the multiple use of large schemes and specifying the destination to a single sector) and sometimes redefining the user basin. An example of this evolution is given by the «Sinni» scheme in the region Basilicata (Southern Italy), which provides for a multiple service for the territories of the region Apulia and Alto Ionio Cosentino in the region Calabria. The project plan for the year 1976 assigned to the territory of region Calabria a volume of 12 million m3/year; after 30 years there was a supply that did not exceed 7 million m3/year and which has fallen further over the last decade, due to the evolution of the infrastructure and demand system, making it necessary to find o solutions which allow for increased water availability. In the Calabrian stretch, the conveyance pipelines is positioned longitudinally to the coast, from north to south, and along the conveyance pipelines start the service branches of the coastal urban centers and irrigation districts. The area has a Mediterranean pluviometric regime, with winter precipitation and minimum summer conditions, and is affected by drought phenomena both on a short and long-term scale [33]. The resident population is approximately 26,000 inhabitants distributed in small centers. The territory is an agricultural and tourist vocation with

Fig. 1. Case study area

Fig. 2. Drinking water system - Blue lines represent the adduction pipelines and blue squares represent the tanks and the dividers

competition between drinking water sector and irrigation sector in the summer.

The drinking water system is constituted by some small municipal schemes, by two intermunicipal schemes, and by the interregional schema "Frida" fed from the basin of Sinni. Altogether there are 40 tanks, 33 dividers, around 200 km of adduction pipes and 720 km of water networks.

Table 1 describes the data of interest of the drinking water sector for municipalities in the study area.

As part of the volumes injected into network about 1.400.00 m3/year are purchased by inter-regional water scheme of Frida fed by the basin of the Sinni; these volumes require a potabilization treatment before being injected into the network that takes place in a plant located in the municipality of Rocca Imperiale. It should be noted that potabilization treatment is dependent on the quality of the primary water resource and by analyzes carried out by the

operators of the water service, the potabilization treatment requires an average cost of approximately 0.44 €/m3.

As can be seen from the previous table (Table 1), most of the water injected into the network is lost before reaching the utilization; the causes of such losses are due to the poor state of the adduction and distribution networks but, given the considerable difference between net volumes and invoiced volumes, it is possible that happens the use for other uses of water resources destined for drinking. In Italy, the optimal management of water resources, launched more than twenty years ago with the adoption of National Law 36/94, known as "Legge Galli" from the author's name, has been characterized by considerable application difficulties and delays. This law has identified the so-called Optimal Territorial Area (ATO) as the territorial entity for an optimum management of the integrated water system. According to the Law 36/94, each Italian Regional Government has identified a certain number of ATOs in its own territory of jurisdiction and in the Calabria Region - in Southern Italy -there are 5 ATOs, each of them corresponding to the territory of the 5 Calabrian

Provinces. The present case study area is into the territory of the Province of Cosenza. The medium and long-term strategic planning tool for technical and economic management identified by law 36/94 was an Ambit Plan, that each ATOs had to draw up (ATO-1 Calabria Ambit Plan for the Province of Cosenza). Over the years, the integrated water service has been subject to regulatory changes in its management at both national and regional level; currently the 5 ATOs have been abolished and have

Table 1

Data of interest of the drinking water sector for municipalities of Alto Ionio Cosentino

Municipality Resident Population Fluctuant Population Water volume injected into the network (m3/year) Invoiced water volume (m3/year) Water losses (%)

Albidona 1.781 964 173.841 60.707 65

Amendolara 3.135 4.045 498.343 280.000 44

Montegiordano 2.125 4.883 337.500 177.825 47

Rocca Imperiale 3.351 5.337 498.298 183.966 63

Roseto Capo Spulico 1.760 16.595 672.870 480.000 29

Trebisacce 9.023 5.662 1.265.698 660.000 48

Villapiana 4.762 16.295 1.220.926 759.387 38

Totale 25.937 53.781 4.667.476 2.601.885 44

Table 2

Water demand according to the ATO-1 Calabrian Ambit Plan for 2032

Resident Population Fluctuant Population Water gross daily demand (m3/inhabitant/day) Water gross demand to 2032 (m3/year)

Resident Population Fluctuant Populatio Resident Population Fluctuant Populatio Total Total net water demand

l.78l 964 0,26 0,2 l69.0l7 l7.352 l86.369 l49.095

3.l35 4.045 0,26 0,2 297.5l2 72.8l0 370.322 296.257

2.l25 4.SS3 0,26 0,2 20l.663 87.894 289.557 23l.645

3.35l 5.337 0,26 0,2 3lS.0l0 96.066 4l4.076 33l.26l

1.76O l6.595 0,26 0,2 l67.024 298.7l0 465.734 372.587

9.023 5.662 0,26 0,2 856.283 l0l.9l6 958.l99 766.559

4.762 l6.295 0,26 0,2 45l.9l4 293.3l0 745.224 596.l79

25.937 53.781 2.461.421 968.058 3.429.479 2.743.583

been replaced by a single Entity, but the forecasts of the Calabrian Ambit Plans remain valid.

Table 2 reports the drinking water needs data for the study case area based on "ATO-1 Calabrian Ambit Plan" forecasts to 2032.

As for the irrigation system, the irrigation system «Sinni» is part of the "Consorzio di Bonifica Integrale dei Bacini dello Jonio". The plant is at the service of the area between the streams S. Nicola and Saraceno and develops for more than 38 Km along the coast of Alto Ionio Cosentino. The total irrigation area is 3110 ha, while the irrigated area is 1160 ha. The irrigation system "Sinni" is divided into 2 areas with 21 sub-areas. Water supply is carried out through the use of the «Sinni» river waters, invaded by the dam of «Monte Cotugno», in the province of Matera, in region Basilicata, which by means of forced steel adduction pipe reaches a piezometric tower in the municipality of Rocca Imperiale; here converges the maximum flow rate, which is subject to continuous variations, such as to give rise to significant dysfunctions to the programmed shifts.

The irrigation system consists of:

• n. 1 steel adduction pipe for approximately 38 Km with diameter of 800 to 600 mm;

• n. 21 pipelines at the service of the sub-areas with a development of about 90 km (steel, asbestos cement, P. V.C. and HDPE), with a diameter of 90 to 400 mm;

• n. 13 storage and compensation tanks for a total capacity of 49000 m3;

• n. 10 pumping stations (1600 KW);

The system operates by gravity up to 100 m (MSL) for a total of 2400 ha, while for the remaining areas it operates with a pressure network (Fig. 3).

Table 3 shows the characteristic data of the irrigation area. Table 4 shows the data relating to the needs of the irrigation sector with reference to the irrigated and irrigable area.

The main problems of the area concern the competition between drinking water use and

Fig. 3. Scheme of the irrigation system "Sinni"; green line represents the conveyance pipelines, green squares represent the storage tanks, red line represents the municipal boundaries

Table 3

Characteristic data of irrigation districts

Crops Olive grove 45 %

Citrus grove 35 %

Orchard lO %

Vegetable garden 7 %

Other 3 %

Operating hours l2/24

Irrigation period l Gen - 3l Dic

Table 4

Data on the needs of the irrigation sector

Irrigation system "Sinni" Area (ha)

Dominata Irrigable Irrigated

7200 3110 1160

Colture Irrigation water demand (irrigated area)

Area (ha) Demand (m3- ha • irrigation period) Demand (Total) (m3)

Olive grove 522 2000 1.044.000

Citrus grove 406 4000 1.624.000

Orchard 174 3000 522.000

Other 58 4000 232.000

Total 1160 2950 3.422.000

Colture Irrigation water demand (irrigated area)

Area (ha) Demand (m3- ha • irrigation period) Demand (Total) (m3)

Olive grove 1400 2000 2.799.000

Citrus grove 1089 4000 4.354.000

Orchard 467 3000 1.399.500

Other 156 4000 622.000

Total 3110 2950 9.174.500

irrigation use in the summer period given the concomitance between the bathing season and the irrigation season. The situation is aggravated by the difficulty of the interregional water scheme to meet the demands; this situation will probably be aggravated by the decreasing availability of resources due to the effects of climate change, even in the short [33].

As for the irrigation sector, the area also has several problems that can be attributed to structural but also managerial difficulties. The whole area, due to the particular climatic conditions, is characterized by the presence of valuable crops and the possibility of obtaining early crops and late harvests without excessive burdens on the farm. These potentials are scarcely exploited because of the lack of water availability in the most demanding times for crops due to the increase in water demand for tourists. Currently, water availability is inadequate and requires users to reduce irrigated areas or to resort to private self-contained facilities, which in most cases are drawn from groundwater, which over time have led to the rise of the saline wedge, making this source no longer usable for irrigation purposes. The following figure shows the private autonomous installations declared on the territory.

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In order to reduce the critical condition of the area, it is therefore necessary to identify

rationalization and integration of water resources using, for example, the use of unconventional water resources, with a view to integrated and sustainable management.

Proposal for intervention

For the case study, the drinking water system leaks amount to approximately 44 %; as mentioned above, such leaks include the actual leaks of the system and probably also improper uses; therefore the proposed intervention does not expect to carry out preliminary leak research efforts, and to assess

Fig. 4. Private autonomous installations declared on the case study area


Fig. 5. Proposal of technical intervention

Table 5

Water gross demand with reference to current leaks values

Municipality Water gross demand (m3/year) Water gross demand (Resident population) (m3/year) Water gross demand (fluctuant population) (m3/year) Water gross demand (current leaks values) (m3/year)

Albidona 149.095 241.453 24.789 266.241

Amendolara 296.257 425.016 104.014 529.031

Montegiordano 231.645 288.089 125.563 413.652

Rocca Imperiale 331.261 454.300 137.237 591.537

Roseto Capo Spulico 372.587 238.606 426.729 665.334

Trebisacce 766.559 1.223.261 145.594 1.368.855

Villapiana 596.179 645.591 419.014 1.064.605

Totale 2.743.583 3.516.316 1.382.940 4.899.256

the water balances with reference to that water leaks value. It is also considered necessary to renounce the purchase of water from "Sinni" scheme in relation to the existing difficulty for this system; with a view to rational and sustainable management of water resources, this choice would also make free volumes of water that could be allocated to other water schemes currently fed by the "Sinni" scheme.

In order to meet the drinking water sector, the proposal for intervention provides for desalination of sea water for the volumes needed for the drinking water demand, while to increase the irrigation availability, the proposal provides for the wastewater reuse.

• Proposal for desalination of sea water for the increase of water resources

On the basis of the «ATO-1 Calabrian Ambit Plan» forecasts, the water gross demand with reference to current leaks values, yare the ones described in table (Table 6).

To estimate the volumes of water from desalination, it is necessary consider the balance between available supply and demand.

Considering the part of the year where only residents are present:

(3.516.316/365) • 275 = 2.649.279 m3/year = = 9633,7 m3/day = 111,5 l/s Considering the availability of 103.3 l/s, it is clear that desalination is only necessary in the tourist season.

In the tourist season, therefore, it is necessary to desalinate a volume equal to 1.642.000 m3/tourist season = 18.230.400 m3/day = 211 l/s.

On the basis on the physical-chemical characteristics of seawater in the study area (temperature: 12-24 °C, pH: 7.5, total dissolved solids: 38000 ppm), the plants considered are the MSF Flash Multi-Stage for thermal processes, and reverse osmosis OI for membrane processes. For each of these, a number of key management and economic type parameters were evaluated for comparison and final choice.

Table 6

Evaluation of the water resource volume to be integrated into the drinking water scheme

Water gross demand 4.899.256

Availability without the contribution of the «Sinni» scheme 3.257.817

Deficit 1.641.439

- MSF Plant

For this type of plant, the choice is based on two multi-expansion modules with 18 Cross Tube Configuration with a capacity of 450 m3/h (125 l/s) each, for a nominal total production of 10.800 m3/ day for each module.

The yield of this type of plant is about 80 %, with a low pressure steam demand of 2.0 bar. The sea water used to produce the volume is 7.5 times the volume of desalinated water to be obtained. As for the time of the work, they are around 22 months and the cost of the plant is about 22.000.000 €.

- OI Plant

The system includes two modules with spiral-wrap membrane with brine recirculation, with a potential of 20,000 m3/day.

The yield also in this type of plant, being a high yield process, was estimated at 60%. In this case, the timing of the plant's implementation is around 18 months and the required sea water volume is 3.2 times the amount of water desalinated to be obtained while the costs are about 21.000.000,00 €.

Plant costs were calculated on the basis of the regional price of public works and a market survey. The overall unit cost of desalination for the two plant types considered is in accordance with the literature [30, 32].

The water leaving the desalination treatment still needs treatments such as potabilization and salt addition (for MSF). Such treatments are necessary because the sterility of the product is such as to make the water leaving the plant easily contaminable by bacteria present in air, pipes, storage tanks and the environment. It is therefore necessary to add chemical disinfectant additives to the water or preferably treat it with anti-microbial technologies such as ultraviolet rays [34]. In order to meet the requirements of high health standards and to give the product typical characteristics of drinking water, it is also the addition of salts, usually present, in the range of 0.3 ^ 0.5 g/l. The addition of these salts

Table 7

Management parameters data

Plant type MSF OI

Production per unit (m3/day) 2 X 8.523 2 X 8.523

Yield 80 % 60 %

Water needed (m3/day) 127845 54547,2

Cost of the plant ( €) 22.000.000,00 21.000.000,00

Cost (€/m3) 0,56 0,41

does not occur for the OI because the output water should only be disinfected.

Based on the results obtained and the considerations made, the plant that best suits the case study is the reverse osmosis treatment, OI. • Proposed of wastewater reuse The availability of wastewater for reuse is calculated by considering a value equal to 80 % of water consumption rate (Table 8):

Table 8

Estimate volumes available for reuse

Municipality Demand (m3/year) Wastewater available

Albidona 149.095 119.276

Amendolara 296.257 237.006

Montegiordano 231.645 185.316

Rocca Imperiale 331.261 265.009

Roseto Capo Spulico 372.587 298.070

Trebisacce 766.559 613.247

Villapiana 596.179 476.943

Total 2.743.583 2.194.867

By integrating these volumes, it is possible to satisfy about 64 % of the seasonal requirements for irrigated area and about 24 % compared to the irrigable area.

The available volume of wastewater daily for the tourist season (15 June to September 15):

Vd =




2-194-867 = 6013 m



For residual periods of irrigation seasonal, however, a daily volume of vday = 4316 m3/day will be supplied to the irrigation system.

As far as the depuration system of the study area, it is composed of several sewer networks that serve one or more urban agglomerations, collectors and various depuration plants.The proposal foresees to endow the depuration plants, which have none, of tertiary treatment with rapid sand filters, and collettare the wastewaters directly into the tanks that are part of the irrigation scheme as shown in Figure 8.The total cost considering the construction of the pipeline stretches and ancillary works (wells, pumping stations) is equal to 2.665.000 €, as specified in Table 10.

The total cost for the realization of the tertiary treatment in some plants is specified in Table 11.

Water Resource (Sinni)

Fig. 6. Operation for the irrigated season

Water Resource (Sinni)

Fig. 7. Operation for residual periods of irrigation seasonal

Table 9

Depuration system of the case study area

Municipalit Plant Type Treatments

mechanical primary secondary tertiary

Albidona Fontana Gatta Activated Sludge Yes Yes Yes No

Amendolara Marina Activated Sludge Yes Yes Yes Yes

Montegiordano Marina Activated Sludge Yes Yes Yes No

Rocca Imperiale Marina Activated Sludge Yes Yes Yes Yes

Roseto Capo Spulico Marina Activated Sludge Yes Yes Yes No

Trebisacce Capoluogo Activated Sludge Yes Yes Yes Yes

Villapiana Lido Scalo Activated Sludge Yes Yes Yes Yes

Fig. 8. Proposal for reuse of wastewater: in green the existing irrigation pipelines, in yellow the depuration plants


Increased water needs combined with a deterioration in quality and a decrease of available resources require a profound critical review of water

systems. The need for rationalization of water systems on a territorial basis implies a greater knowledge of the various water services, with reference to the quantitative and qualitative aspects. In this paper, starting from the critical analysis of the water system "Sinni", the possibility of using unconventional water resources to meet the scarcity of water resources available in the tourist area of Alto Ionio Cosentino (Southern Italy) have been assessed. Studies and research on the modalities of reuse of wastewater and on desalination techniques, according with the goals of better water use as set out in current legislation, confirm the existence of a concrete opportunity to use unconventional water resources in management of multi-user water systems.

The proposed infrastructural intervention represents a methodological example of assessing the use of unconventional water resources in order

Table 10

Costs for the realization of the pipelines, the wells and the pumping stations

Sewage collectors

Stretch Municipality Lenght (m) Pressure Gravity Cost (€) Wells Cost (€) Pumping stations Cost (€)

1 Rocca imperiale 5765 yes no 853.220,00 58 2.651,90 2 23.560,00

2 Montegiordano 1531 yes no 226.588,00 15 704,26 1 11.780,00

3 Roseto Capo Spulico 577 yes no 85.396,00 6 265,42 1 11.780,00

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4 Amendolara 524 yes no 77.552,00 5 241,04 1 11.780,00

5 Albidona 7178 no yes 789.580,00 299 13.757,83 /

6 Trebisacce 1382 yes no 204.536,00 14 635,72 1 11.780,00

7 Villapiana 2206 yes no 326.488,00 22 1.014,76 1 11.780,00

19163 2.563.360,00 419 19.270,93 7 82.460,00

Table 11

Cost for realization of tertiary treatment

Municipality Plant m3/day Type Tertiary treatments Cost (€)

Albidona Fontana Gatta 166 Activated Sludge No 6.139,00

Amendolara Marina 767 Activated Sludge Yes

Montegiordano Marina 487 Activated Sludge No 65.496,67

Rocca Imperiale Marina 504 Activated Sludge Yes

Roseto Capo Spulico Marina 1315 Activated Sludge No 184.212,00

Trebisacce Capoluogo 1808 Activated Sludge Yes

Villapiana Lido Scalo 2081 Activated Sludge Yes

Total 7128 255.847,67

to rationalize the management of water systems; also concretely it could be a valuable contribution to a better management of this resource in an area with a strong agricultural and tourist vocation, often subject to water stress. The proposed solution, therefore, provides a positive approach to the possibility of increase in water availability through desalination of sea water and the reuse of treated wastewater in order to overcome the difficulties and the conflicts between the various uses.


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Mario Maiolo

University of Calabria

Daniela Pantusa, Ph.D in Engineering

University of Salento

E-mail: daniela.pantusa@unisalento.it


Марио Майоло

Отдел технической защиты окружающей среды и химического машиностроения.

Университет Калабрии, Понте П. Буччи, I-87036 ApcaBacara ди Ренде (CS), Италия.

Даниела Пантуса,

Отдел технических инноваций, Экотекне,

Университет Саленто, Виа Монтерони, I-73100 Лечче, Италия.

E-mail: daniela.pantusa@unisalento.it

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