Научная статья на тему 'Coloristic phraseologisms of metaphoric and metanomic character in the Azerbaijani and English languages'

Coloristic phraseologisms of metaphoric and metanomic character in the Azerbaijani and English languages Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Shabanova Aysel

Culture, history, traditions and customs national mentality of this or that people find their reflections in the phraseology of the very people. The unit of the phraseology phraseologisms are considered elements of motional colourings. Both in the English and Azerbaijani languages, there are a number of phraseologisms formulated by the names of colors within their compositions. The article is aimed at investigating phraseologisms of metaphoric and metanomic character, formulated by the names of colors in the compared languages. The article consists of an abstract, an introduction, four subtitles, a conclusion and references (The list of used literature). Each of these subtitles has been substantiated by both scientific theses and practical evidences. In the conclusion, the brief generalization of the introduced ideas has found its reflection.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Coloristic phraseologisms of metaphoric and metanomic character in the Azerbaijani and English languages»

Shabanova Aysel, Baku Slavic University (BSU) Azerbaijan E-mail: ayselshabanova.02@gmail.com



Culture, history, traditions and customs national mentality of this or that people find their reflections in the phraseology of the very people. The unit of the phraseology - phraseologisms are considered elements of motional colourings. Both in the English and Azerbaijani languages, there are a number of phraseologisms formulated by the names of colors within their compositions. The article is aimed at investigating phraseologisms of metaphoric and metanomic character, formulated by the names of colors in the compared languages.

The article consists of an abstract, an introduction, four subtitles, a conclusion and references (The list of used literature). Each of these subtitles has been substantiated by both scientific theses and practical evidences. In the conclusion, the brief generalization of the introduced ideas has found its reflection.

Keywords: phraseologism, metaphor, metanomy, conceptualization.

1. Introduction 2. Method of Investigation

When we say cognitive approach to the no- In this research work descriptive and compara-

tion of language, we mean "world conceptions, tive- diachronic method has been used. being the product of human consciousness, which 3. Metaphor and Metanomy in Phraseology are expressed by the forms of language means, but Metaphor and Metanomy show themselves

the meanings of these forms are understood as as the result of our mutual experience with the

the system of certain knowledge and notions, de- surrounding us environment. Figurativeness, ex-

scribed by these linguistic signs". During the latest pressiveness and their influencing possibilities,

investigations cognitive approach to the linguistic increase, just thanks to metanomy and metaphors

study is highlighted on the basis of metaphoric and in phraseologisms. Putting them in other words,

metanomic characterization of phraseologisms used we may say that metanomy and metaphor are as-

with the names of colors in the compared languages sociations among the objects and events surround-

stands just cognition. Thus, all the metaphors and ing us in the world. Metaphorization belonging to

metanomies are created as a result of cognitive pro- the mechanism of thinking, reflects the manner of

cesses directly influencing on the conceptualization dealing of the people with the events and objects

of reality, peculiar to this language and culture. Con- in itself, and penetrates into the essence of target

ceptualization is the whole of information of non- objects which derives from the nature of the very

metaphoric and metaphoric bases on the world, cre- object; unless a person possesses knowledge in the

ated in the process of cognition of the world. level of semantic synthesis on the comparing and

the compared notions, the process of metaphori-zation cannot take place [4, 129]. The process of metophorization appears from the imagination of the people on the outer world and here emotional intervention also finds its reflection. As to G. Paul, by the operative metaphors in a concrete period of time, we can determine which circle of interests in that century the people possessed, what purposes they fought for, which ideas stood on the bases of cultures. As to the books of J. Lakoff "Metaphors. We live in" (Lakoff Johnson 1980) and "Women. Fire and Dangerous Things" (Lakoff 1987) describing the role and main considerations of Metaphors, we may come to the conclusion that metaphors not only penetrate into our daily life, but they also penetrate into both of our thinking and actions. In other words, our cognition, our thinking is meta-phoric in them. For many years metaphors have been the object of investigation of both - philosophers and investigators, but metaphors have always been considered in one direction - from the stylistic view point they have been considered as the means of literary expression. During the last 20 years investigators base on cognitive approach in studying metaphors, this is a new field. From this view, metaphors show themselves not only as the means, bringing figurativeness to the language, but they also show themselves as the means creating new thoughts in the language and as the means of cognition of the surrounding world. Metaphors as cognitive process are the indicators of analogical possibilities of human consciousness. They are inseparable parts of language bearers of cultural paradigm. Phraseologisms too as to their nature are metaphoric. Just their metaphoric features make them difficult to understand. We may say that all the phraseologisms are of metaphoric character. Metaphoric phraseologisms are created on the basis thinking of both - individually taken persons and literary thinking of the people on the bases of their world outlook. Metaphoric phraseologisms are at the same time reflections of the national-

cultural features of the people in the language. Just as to these peculiarities it is difficult to translate metaphors from one language into the other one.

4. Coloristic Phraseologisms of Metaphoric Character

In the English and Azerbaijani languages a great majority of phraseologisms having the names of colors in the composition are of metaphoric character. Here features, belonging to different objects, beings and notions are transferred onto the colors. Names of colors used within the composition of phraseologisms, sometimes reflecting universal and sometimes national colorings, are expressed by figurative thinking of human beings. Names of colors reflect the features characteristic to the outer appearance of the people; reflect the features peculiar to their characters, including the events and notions, characteristic to them.

In the both of the compared - Azerbaijani and English languages, there are plenty of phraseolo-gisms used with "white" color. In some of the phraseologisms, the word denoting "white" color are used to express innocence, purity, exactness, security, rightfulness etc. For e.g.

White bird means pure honor. In this word combination the notion of innocence has been substituted by the word white, but the word honor has been substituted by the word bird. Speaking more exactly, the features of combinations of purity, innocence, and honor have been transferred onto the words of white and bird.

White sepulcher means a hypocritical person. In the word by word translation white sepulcher means a white mausoleum. In this example the word white has found its sarcastic expression. Here white sepulcher indicates the white view but it is a hint to the blackness of the internal part of the object. Despite the fact that hypocritical persons try to show themselves as good people, in fact they are not good morally. As it is obvious, the feature belonging to a human being, to his/her moral world has transferred onto the lifeless notion.

White alert is a signal given after the emergency situation or a state of excitement has been over and all is normalized. In this example white color gives the meaning of safety.

In the coloristic phraseologisms white color can be used to substitute the feeling of excitement or fear.

White at lips means very nervous.

Ag bayraq qaldirmaq - to raise (show) white flag

In the phraseological combinations of the English and Azerbaijani languages the words denoting black color are used to substitute misfortune, lawlessness, gloom, excitement and so on:

To be in one's black books - to be in smb's black list: not to be in good terms with someone.

Black outlook - badbaxt, yaziq gorunu§.

Qara dalik - kosmik obyekt (black hole), here the word black has been used in the meaning of uncertainty, having no light.

In the both compared languages the phraseologisms, formulated by the words denoting green color express freshness, youth, inexperience.

Green horn - cavan, ganc (young, mainly used about boys). In this phraseologism the green color indicates youth but the word horn (buynuz) has been used to substitute a man (a boy).

Phraseologisms formulated by the word denoting green color expresses meanings linked with naivety, gelausy, also meanings linked with "money".

To see green in smb's eye - to consider smb. naive, plain. Here the word denoting green color has been used instead of the word plainness (naivety).

Ya§il i§iq yandirmaq, to permit smb. do smth. Here the word ya§il (green) gives the meaning of permission, agreement.

In the both English and Azerbaijani languages red color expresses danger, warning shyness, excitement, a distinguished event etc. These meanings of red color find their expressions in coloristic meanings as well:

Red alert - means a signal of danger (word by word translation it gives the meaning of a red signal). It is a signal given during the air alarm.

Go red in the face - to flush, to become red, to redden means to have a change of color in the face caused by shyness, or excitement.

Qirmizi adam - means a disgraceful person. Here the word "qirmizi" (red) has been used to substitute the word "disgraceful".

In the compared languages the word denoting "blue" color acts as a part of the following metaphoric expressions:

The blue blanket means a blanket in the color of sky. Here instead the word sky the word blanket has been used.

To feel blue means to fall under depression, to subject to depression, to be in melancholic situation. Here the word blue which expresses color, has been used in the meaning of depression, intensity, strain position.

Bolt from the blue means an unexpectedly happening event. Here the notion of "event" has been substituted by the word bolt, but its unexpected happening has been expressed by the word "blue".

Phraseologisms in the composition of which the words, denoting yellow color are used, express warning, fearfulness, timidity. All these features have transferred onto the yellow color.

Yellow dog - a coward (word by word translation is - sari it). Here the features of a person have transferred onto the animal, but the notion of cowardness has transferred onto the yellow color.

Yellow flag - karantin bayragi (word by word translation is - sari bayraq). This phraseological expression expresses a flag denoting the territory, which is under guarantine. As it becomes clear, here the word guarantine has been denoted by yellow color.

In the compared languages, in the phraseolo-gisms, having the word, denoting brown, reddish and golden colors also exist. These contain a number of phraseologisms of metaphoric character:

Golden hours - hayatin xo§baxt anlari, (happiest moments of life). Here the notion of happiness has been expressed by the word "golden".

Grey area - qeyri-muayyan na isa (something which is uncertain). Word by word translation is -boz saha. In this example the word "grey" expresses uncertainty.

^ahrayi inqilab - the revolution without bloodshed (word by word translation is "a pink revolution"). Here the word denoting the color of gahrayi (pink) expresses an action (revolution) without bloodshed.

There are too many other phraseological combinations with the participation of word, denoting names of colors in the composition of the both compared languages but it's out of possibility to embrace them all in one article.

5. Coloristic phraseologisms of Metanomic Character

In the English and Azerbaijani languages, some of the coloristic phraseologisms are also of metanomic character. Metanomy in the translation of the Greek language means "change of names". Here, transference of names belonging to one class or event or the names denoting one notion onto the other, takes place. Since the antique periods metanomy attracted the attention of the philosophers. Aristotle, in his work "Rhetoric" distinguished metanomic expressions from visual expressions: When we say visual expressions, we mean combinations, whose results are visually seen by ours, eyes and these expressions visually describe notions and show themselves as the results of this or that activity: [5]. Here, when he said visual expressions, he meant expressions of metanomic character. Metanomy in the traditional approach only as a means of literary expression was considered from the stylistic viewpoint. But cognitive approach investigated metanomy as a mode of thinking, as a product of thinking. Metanomies as metaphors showed themselves as the result of cognitive processes. Here, when we say cognitive process, we mean cognition, thinking, understanding and other process. When we approach the problem from the cognitive viewpoint, metanomy and metaphor

show themselves as the development of daily consciousness of human beings. J. Lakoff and M. Johnson not that metanomies as cognitive means influences on the world outlook of the peoples. As to them "metanomy is conceptualization of one" [7, 37]. In cognitive linguistics metanomy is: 1) conceptual phenomenon; 2) cognitive process; 3) a constituent part of cognitive model. Metanomy does not passes only the function of naming this or that notion, on the ground of lexis meaning, it expresses the formulated concept. The fact that metanomy is a constituent part of cognitive model, derives from the fact that it is the unity of both traditional approach and cognitive approach related to metanomy. As to the traditional approach, one notion is used instead of another notion, which is related to it, and this gives the determination of the term metanomy. As to the cognitive approach this among these notions are studied and this process is carried out on the conceptual level.

Both, separately taken words and phraseolo-gisms can be of metanomic character.

Both in English and Azerbaijani languages it is possible to see metanomic phraseologisms with nouns, denoting color:

White Christmas means qarl; Milad (snowy Christmas). The word by word translation is -a] Milad. In this example the white color of snow is used to substitute the word snow.

Climb into the black - to start getting benefit. The word by word translation is "qaraya dirmanmaq". In this example the color of black (substantially it is the color ofprofit) wholly has been used in to substitute the word profit, benefit. It is necessary to note that the color "black" in American and English cultures give the meaning of materially richness. But in the Azerbaijani language the word "black" does not give such a meaning.

To turn grey means sa^i agarmaq. Here the word "grey" is used instead of the notion "to become old":

Red-handed - aliqanli (the word by word translation is (qirmizi alli) - (having red hands). In this

phraseologism instead of the word "blood" the word red, which is the color of blood, is used:

Qara qizil means balck gold (neft - oil): In this example instead of the word oil, its two elements. Its color (black) and its value (gold) have been transferred onto the words - "qara" and " qizil".

6. Conclusion

We may say that as a result ofdevelopment of cognitive linguistics metaphor and metanomy began to be studied as different from the traditional linguistics. Development of the languages is the result of mutual relation of people with surrounding environment.

Metaphor and metanomics being the product of human consciousness have been specified, structural-ized and conceptualized. Metaphor and metanomics in many cases have been represented with different phraseological expressions. Phraseologisms in the composition of which there are names of colors can be both of metanomic and metaphoric character. Col-oristic phraseologisms of metaphoric and metanomic character are linked with the conceptual system of the mother tongue and this grounds on the literary and associative notions, of the language bearers, on the world.


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