Научная статья на тему 'Cognitive models representing the category of evidentiality in the modern art discourse'

Cognitive models representing the category of evidentiality in the modern art discourse Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Козловский Д. В.

The process of mastering a language is connected with the study of linguistic categories, among which it is possible to single out a number of modus categories. They help the speaker to express his/her subjective relation to the event described and to give the evaluation of the event. It is possible to mention a number of modus categories: axiological categories, approximation categories, the category of negation and the category under study in this paper – the category of evidentiality. The article is devoted to the cognitive models representing the category of evidentiality. We establish the role of evidential interpretation in the semantic structure of the evidential sentence and the connection of this category with the modus categories.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Cognitive models representing the category of evidentiality in the modern art discourse»

мационного общества, такие как экономия языковых средств и интернали-зация слов, отражающих процессы, происходящие на современном этапе становления общества, а также упрощение языковой системы.

Список литературы:

1. Будагов Р.А. Что такое развитие и совершенствование языка / Р.А. Бу-дагов. - М.: Наука, 1977. - 264 с.

2. Буров В.Г. Китайско-русский словарь новых слов и выражений / В.Г. Буров, А.Л. Семенас. - Восточная книга, 2007. - 736 с.

3. Денисова Э.С. Активные словообразовательные процессы в языке современных СМИ / Э.С. Денисова // Вестник Нижегородского университета им. Н.И. Лобачевского. - 2010. - № 4 (2). - С. 507-510.

4. Захарова С.В. Виртуальная реальность в смыслах и значениях языка / С.В. Захарова // Вестник Челябинского государственного университета. -2009. - № 29 (167). Философия. Социология. Культурология. Вып. 13. -С. 7-11.

5. Попова Т.В. Графиксация как новое явление в научной когниции / Т.В. Попова // Вестник Челябинского государственного университета. -2011. - № 24 (239). Филология. Искусствоведение. Вып. 57. - С. 160-163.

6. Травин А. Виртуальная коммуникация как синтез письменной и устной речи / А. Травин // Мир Internet. - 1999. - № 7-8. - С. 94-96.

7. Machlup F. The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States / F. Machlup // Princeton University Press. - 1962. - P. 416.

8. Umesao T. Information Industry Theory: Dawn of the Coming Era of the Ectodermal Industry / T. Umesao // Hoso Asahi. - 1963. - Jan. - P. 4-17.


© Козловский Д.В.*

Саратовский государственный университет им. Н.Г. Чернышевского,

г. Саратов

The process of mastering a language is connected with the study of linguistic categories, among which it is possible to single out a number of modus categories. They help the speaker to express his/her subjective relation to the event described and to give the evaluation of the event. It is possible to mention a number of modus categories: axiological categories, approximation categories, the category of negation and the category under study in this paper - the category of evidentiality.

* Ассистент кафедры Английского языка и методики его преподавания.

The article is devoted to the cognitive models representing the category of evidentiality. We establish the role of evidential interpretation in the semantic structure of the evidential sentence and the connection of this category with the modus categories.

The trend of integrity combined with the anthropocentric approach in language learning has become one of the most active trends in the field of the humanities in recent decades [Кубрякова 1995: 212]. The integrity can be treated as a similarity of some science branches in the study of human thinking foundations. It is also the integration within a scientific field called cognitive linguistics. The linguistic knowledge acquisition is regarded as the manifestation of the general cognition problem- the surrounding reality perception. A person involved in the analysis of linguistic phenomena becomes a reference point that determines the prospects and ultimate goals of the study. The discourse analysis methods usage is a logical transition from the description of static models to dynamic ones. The shift in emphasis turns out to be closely related to the problems of discourse modeling, which is an integral socially-oriented sphere of a communicative action. The concept of discourse as an integrated system of communicative acts aimed at specific social action, is closely related to the discursive approach concept. Discursive approach involves the study of communicative interaction modeling. It studies the influence of different models on the communication process [Арутюнова 1990: 136].

While reproducing a particular utterance, the speaker can not specify the source of his / her information. In addition to basic information constituting the statement content the speaker can mention more information on the information sources. Linguists distinguish a variety of modus (or evaluative) categories in a language, which provide the possibility of different conceptual contents interpretations and the individual senses formation. These categories include the category of evidentiality [Болдырев 2006: 19]. The paper considers cognitive modeling of evidentiality in the English art discourse. Continuous sample method was used to collect the corpus of examples for analysis which were taken from the electronic version of J.R. Tolkien's book "Hobbit" [www.triada-web.ru].

The term ''evidentiality'' was firstly mentioned be Boas, but it came into light only after the appearing of the Jakobson's research works. "Evidentiality" is the category which takes into consideration three facts: the reported fact, the fact of the report, and also the transferability of the reported fact [Якобсон 1972: 101]. Different scientists have different views on its nature. Guided by the ideas of R.O. Jacob-son, N.A. Kozintseva defines "evidentiality" as an area of frame values, which bear the meaning of the information source indication [Козинцева 2000: 321].

The semantic structure of the evidential sentence unifies 2 notions: dictum and modus. Dictum represents the objective part of the meaning It is opposite to modus, which represents the subjective part of the meaning. It gives the evaluation and interpretation of the dictum part [Шмелёва 1988: 27]. In other words, the category of evidentiality exists in a discourse only if there is a modus-dictum

opposition. Marking of the source of information, evaluation and interpretation of the event described by the speaker is combined into a concept of evidential interpretation. That is the distinguishing feature of the category of evidentiality. Hence we can draw a conclusion that evidentiality is a correlation between the speaker's evidential interpretation of the event and the event described. Evidential constructions can be described graphically as S+Ei/Ed, where "S" - is the speaker (the subject of communication), "Ei" - is the evidential interpretation and "Ed" - is the event described by the speaker. "Ei" can be expressed by modal parenthesizes and groups of main verbs. According to this we have identified the following cognitive models of evidentiality realization in the English art discourse:

1. Explicit indication model (EI-model). This model is used by the speaker for indication or a description of any event. The modus part of the utterance can be represented with the help of the following EI-verbs: to tell, to declare, to announce, to report, to inform, to remark, to say, etc. Verbs of this group are the most neutral in emotional and semantic content. Graphically, the given model can be represented as follows: S+EI-verb/Ed. Let us give an example:

Bilbo wished he had never heard them, or at least that he could feel quite certain that the dwarves now were absolutely honest when they declared that they had never thought at all about what would happen after the treasure had been won.

2. Implicit indication model (II-model). The event described is usually of the private nature and does not receive wide publicity. The following II-verbs belong to this model: to rumour, to intimate, to hint, to imply, to mention, to mutter, etc. Accordingly, the given model has the form: S+II-verb/Ed.

Some of the younger dwarves were moved in their hearts, too, and they muttered that they wished things had fallen out otherwise and that they might welcome such folk as friends; but Thorin scowled.

3. Meaning intensification model (MI-model) The importance of the event is described by the MI-verbs of this model: to point out, to stress, to emphasize, to claim, to confess, etc. This model has the following graphical form: S+MI-verb/Ed.

So Bilbo told them all he could remember, and he confessed that he had a nasty feeling that the dragon guessed too much from his riddles added to the camps and the ponies.

4. Opinion expression model (OE-model). This model is used to express personal points of view on the situation described. We use the following OE-verbs: to consider, to believe, to accept, etc. The model can be represented as follows: S+OE-verb/Ed.

That Somebody made the steps on the great rock-the Carrock I believe he calls it.

5. Comprehension expression model (CE-model). This model represents the process of thought. The CE-verbs used in modus part are: to estimate, to think, to reflect, to interpret, to contemplate, etc. The model has the following graphical representation: S+CE-verb/Ed.

So it was that Bard's messengers found him now marching with many spearmen and bowmen; and crows were gathered thick, above him, for they thought that war was awakening again, such as had not been in those parts for a long age.

6. Self-knowledge expression model (SKE-model) The absolute confidence in knowledge of the situation is the distinctive feature of this model. The model requires SKE-verbs and SKE-modal parenthesizes expressing certainty: to conclude, to acknowledge, to recognize, to know, to understand, to learn, surely, naturally, actually, undoubtedly, evidently, obviously, in fact, no doubt, etc. This model can be depicted graphically as: S+SKE-verb/Ed or S+SKE-modal parenthesis/Ed.

In this way they learned that the Elvenking had turned aside to the Lake, and they still had a breathing space.

Evidently people had given up going that way.

No doubt we shall feel properly grateful, when we are fed and recovered.

7. Doubt expression model (DE-model). The peculiarity of this model is the lack of confidence in verity of an utterance. The DE-verbs and DE-modal parenthesis used in this model are: to doubt, to suppose, to admit, to concede, to presume, to assume, may be, frankly, etc. The given model has the following graphical form: S+DE-verb/Ed or S+DE-modal parenthesis/Ed.

"That does not prove it, " said Balin, "though I don't doubt you are right".

There may be no Smaug at the bottom but then again there may be.

8. Presentiment expression model (PE-model). There is an attempt to predict the result of the event in this model. The following PE-verbs and PE-modal parenthesizes can be used: to anticipate, to expect, to suspect, to plan, to predict, probably, possibly, etc. The graphical image of this model is: S+PE-verb/Ed or S+PE-modal parenthesis/Ed.

Anyway I expect it is safe for the moment.

Probably, for that is the dragons' way, he has piled it all up in a great heap far inside, and sleeps on it for a bed.

9. Mental perception model (MP-model). The event is described with the help of recollections and past experiences. The model can utilize different MP-verbs: to learn, to forget, to recall, to remember, etc. Graphically, the given model can be represented as follows: S+MP-verb/Ed.

You remember Bilbo falling like a log into sleep, as he stepped into a circle of light?

10. Sense perception model (SP-model). The information obtained through the senses is used in the situation description. The SP-verbs are: to hear, to notice, to feel, to see, to watch, etc. The model can be represented as follows: S+SP-verb/Ed.

If Balin noticed that Mr. Baggins' waistcoat was more extensive (and had real gold buttons), Bilbo also noticed that Balm's beard was several inches longer, and his jewelled belt was of great magnificence.

In conclusion it should be emphasized that in modern English art discourse one can find the following cognitive evidentiality models: explicit indication model, implicit indication model, meaning intensification model, opinion expres-

sion model, comprehension expression model, self-knowledge expression model, doubt expression model, presentiment expression model, mental perception model, sense perception model. These models have the meaning of evidential interpretation and are expressed by modal parenthesizes and groups of main verbs.

The list of the used literature:

1. Арутюнова Н.Д. Дискурс [Текст] / Н.Д. Арутюнова // Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь / Гл. ред. В.Н. Ярцева - М.: Сов. Энциклопедия, 1990. - С. 136-137.

2. Болдырев, Н.Н. Языковые категории как формат // Вопросы когнитивной лингвистики. - 2006. - № 2. - С. 36-49.

3. Козинцева Н.А. К вопросу о категории засвидетельствованности в русском языке: Косвенный источник информации [Текст] / Н.А. Козинцева // Проблемы функциональной грамматики. Категории морфологии и синтаксиса в высказывании. - СПб.: Наука, 2000. - 482 с.

4. Кубрякова Е.С. Эволюция лингвистических идей во второй половине XX века (опыт парадигмаль-ного анализа) [Текст] / Е.С. Кубрякова // Язык и наука конца 20 века / под ред. Ю.С. Степанова. - М., 1995. - 260 с.

5. Шмелева Т.В. Семантический синтаксис [Текст] / Т.В. Шмелёва. - Красноярск: КГУ 1988. - С. 9-27.

6. Якобсон Р.О. Шифтеры, глагольные категории и русский глагол [Текст] / Р.О. Якобсон // Принципы типологического анализа языков различного строя. - М.: Наука, 1972. - 242 с.

7. Tolkien J.R.R. The Hobbit [Электронный ресурс] / J.R.R Tolkien. - Режим доступа: www.triada-web.ru.


© Матулевич Т.Г.*

Новосибирский государственный технический университет, г. Новосибирск

Работа посвящена нескольким из пятидесяти размещённых на картографическом изображении США необычных для него надписей, каждая из которых создаёт новый образ конкретного штата. В статье рассматриваются контекст и состав надписей, предлагается их социолингвистическая интерпретация.

Изучаемые надписи принадлежат каноническому картографическому изображению США в вынесенной на обложку британской газеты «Эконо-

* Доцент кафедры Иностранных языков Факультета гуманитарного образования, кандидат филологических наук, доцент.

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