Abubakirova R.
Master student of the University of International Business
Secondary School #11 22 Volgograd street Zhacheva E.
Senior teacher of the language center of the University of International Business. Specialist
8A, Abay avenue, Almaty
The article considers the subject-language integrated approach (CLIL), which is currently characterized in the world scientific and methodological literature as one of the innovative approaches to the organization of bilingual education and involves the implementation of two learning goals in two subject areas-language and subject; various interpretations of its essence are presented, its varieties, opportunities and features of implementation in bilingual education through the application of its basic principles and strategies.
Keywords: bilingual learning; subject-language integrated approach; CLI components and principles, CLIL versions, CLIL implementation stages.
Modern complex and constantly changing living conditions dictate higher requirements for human capabilities, both physical and social. Comprehensive development of the individual is the primary task of education today. That is why the most important goals of training are called the development and formation of a strong and reliable system of knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary for the future independent activity of students. Knowledge of a foreign language, especially English, becomes a basic skill in modern conditions, is an absolute necessity for successful career development and personal growth. One of the reasons for this global trend is clearly reflected in the extremely important observation of the British linguist D. Greddol, who argues that these educational and social changes are caused by the development of the Internet and the parallel growth of globalization. Thus, the popularity of bilingual education is increasing every day, and this situation certainly requires changes in the teaching of a foreign language, that is, it is necessary to develop new effective approaches and methods, forms and ways of organizing the process of language acquisition.
To this end, in 2004 The European Commission recommended the subject-language integrated approach (CLIL - content and language integrated learning) for implementation in universal education. The principle of this approach is bidirectional, namely: the subject is studied through a foreign language, and the foreign language is also studied through the subject. It is important to note that this approach does not require adding additional academic hours to the curriculum. Moreover, within the framework of Russian education, the subject-language integrated approach could be considered as one of the ways to solve the problems of small rural schools, where the academic load of the teacher often exceeds the norm.
To date, there are quite a large number of definitions of the subject-language integrated approach
(CLIL), each of which in one way or another characterizes its multi-faceted essence (Kotlyarova, 2012).
For example, F. ball, who works within the framework of this approach in Spain, gives five definitions in his article. The first and most simplified is interpreted by the European Commission as follows: "Subject-language integrated learning is learning in which students learn a subject through a foreign language and Vice versa".
The most detailed, detailed and generally accepted definition is considered to be the founder of this approach, D. Marsh, who in 1994. he first used the term "content and language integrated learning" (the acronym" CLIL " is currently used in scientific and methodological literature in various languages). Later, this concept became the official name of the subject-language integrated approach. Coyle give a more detailed explanation of this concept, defining it as an educational approach where subjects or parts of subjects taught in a foreign language, therefore, pursued a two-pronged objective: to study the discipline content and the simultaneous learning of a foreign language.
D. Coyle to describe a CLIL essence of a scheme of 4"C", which is presented in the form of a triangular pyramid with four vertices:
1. "content" (content) ;
2. "communication";
3. "recognition" (cognition);
4. "culture".
Each component of the design proposed by D. Coyle has indicators. "Content" is designed to answer questions: "What are the goals of training?", "what should I teach?", "What do students learn?", " what is the result of this training?". "Communication" defines the working language of training, the creation of a special dictionary, language correction in the learning process, the choice of communication types, indicating the need to use polylogical discussion forms of interaction in the learning process. "Cognition" highlights the
thinking skills that determine the concentration of attention on the subject and the language being studied, the types of questions that lead to correct answers, and the tasks necessary for reasoning. "Culture" involves choosing the socio-cultural meaning of the topic and combining all the lesson material, as well as taking into account the individual qualities of students. The most remarkable thing is that, according to the author, the Central part of the entire pyramid is the "communication" element, which means the implementation of the other three components through communication.
Russian and foreign scientists distinguish the following didactic principles that define CLIL:
1. the principle of duality (reliance on native and foreign languages);
2. the principle of integration of a foreign language and subject content;
3. the principle of gradual complication of content;
4. the principle of focusing on the acquisition of knowledge on a specific
subject using two languages(native and foreign);
5. the principle of developing motivation for the ability and willingness to use a foreign language for special purposes;
6. the principle of unity of mental and speech activity in a foreign language.
The main methodological principles of CLIL were defined by K. S. Grigorieva:
1. multiculturalism;
2. sustainable learning;
3. the development of thinking skills of the highest order;
4. intensive and productive foreign
language proficiency of the teacher;
5. variety of teaching methods;
6. use of authentic educational material.
According to the classification Of F. ball, who
notes in one of his works the relatively recent appearance of the subject-language integrated approach (CLIL), as well as the complexity of recognizing this approach in practice, distinguishes two versions of the implementation of the subject-language integrated approach: content-driven and language-driven (Maljers, Marsh, Coyle, Hartiala, Marsland, Pérez-Vidal, Wolff, 2002).
Also, in foreign scientific and methodological literature, such concepts as "hard" and "soft" CLIL are often found.When implementing the" soft " version of CLIL, the Learning process is focused on a foreign language, and its study becomes one of the main tasks. This model assumes that teachers of language subjects present the material through a scientific or professional context. The introduction of the" hard " version of CLIL Sets a double goal for the teacher: teaching the content of the subject itself and teaching the academic language (Usova, 2012).
Both concepts are successfully applied in educational institutions today, but in order to meet the requirements of the subject-language integrated approach, a foreign language teacher or a teacher of a particular subject needs to make changes to their methodological principles of work (Vaindorf-Sysoeva, 2012). These transformations are fundamental to CLIL.
The introduction of a subject-language integrated approach to learning certainly has an important educational potential, which consists in its cognitive and linguistic advantages. Analysis of the principles and versions of the subject-language integrated approach shows that the "soft" version of the CLIL model is the most recommended at the initial stage of training (Smith, 2010).
Based on the analysis of specific features of the "soft" version of the subject-language integrated approach, the following stages of implementing this CLIL model in the process of teaching a foreign language were identified:
1. review and selection of the necessary educational and methodological material;
2. distribution of means and techniques of pedagogical communication;
3. direct implementation of CLIL in the learning process.
Based on the principles of the subject-language integrated approach, the following pedagogical conditions are necessary at the first stage of implementation (Fortanet-Gomez, 2013):
1. correct definition of the object of study;
2. correct selection of the material taking into account the psychological aspects
of cognitive activity;
3. mandatory consideration of age characteristics.
Thus, at the first stage, the teacher needs to analyze and select the necessary educational and methodological material that corresponds to the level of knowledge of a foreign language, in particular English, and the profile subject of students (Coyle, Hood, March, 2010). It is worth noting that the level of cognitive abilities of students should be determined as accurately as possible, since too simple or,conversely, complex material is likely to negatively affect the level of motivation of students (Meyer, 2010).
At the next two stages of distribution of means and techniques of pedagogical communication, as well as implementation in the learning process, the following pedagogical conditions are necessary:
1. high professionalism and creative cooperation of a subject teacher and a foreign language teacher;
2. stimulation of cognitive activity at all stages of the lesson;
3. optimal combination of individual and group forms of work.
Therefore, at the stages of planning and application, it is subject to the language integrated approach (CLIL) teacher is recommended to create a visual standard for the unit, which should include several lessons dedicated to the same topic and fit into a certain time frame in accordance with the curriculum of the educational institution (Salekhova, Grigorieva, 2013). This standard, which is necessary for the successful conduct of foreign language classes within the framework of the subject-language integrated approach, must also follow scheme 4 "C":
1. content ("content») the training material is aimed at improving skills and abilities in the relevant subject;
2. communication ("communication») defines the communicative purpose of discussing the topic of a specialized subject through a foreign language;
3. cognition ("cognition») focuses on combining the knowledge gained with the expression of their own thoughts in a foreign language;
4. culture ("culture") involves the selection of material aimed at learning and defining yourself, the people around you and the world as a whole.
The use of a subject-language integrated approach requires thorough, time-consuming training from a teacher (Serikov, 2014). Moreover, this process requires constant creative search. However, as mentioned earlier, this approach does not require an increase in academic hours for mastering a foreign language and reducing the hourly load on specialized subjects. It is worth noting that the subject-language integrated approach, when implemented, can be the optimal solution to the problem of small rural schools, where the load on the teacher is often exceeded multiple times (Ball, 2017).
It is also worth noting that at the initial stage, the application of the subject - language integrated approach (CLIL), based on full immersion in a foreign language, is quite difficult to implement (Marsh, 2017). Therefore, you can start by implementing CLIL elements in the course of the lesson. The following activities and exercises can serve as such elements:
• search for analogs of Russian-language terms in the proposed text;
• highlight keywords;
• creating a relationship diagram(mind-map);
• formulation of questions;
• creative task.
Thus, when planning and conducting a class with using CLIL at the initial stage, a certain algorithm of actions is followed: the material is analyzed and selected, and means of pedagogical communication are planned for further practical application. Choosing the CLIL version or varying It (soft -hard) can be an extremely effective learning model at all stages of implementing this approach in the educational process.
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2. Coyle D., Hood Ph., March D. CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010. 170 p.
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