CLASSIFICATION OF BORROWINGS ACCORDING TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Usmonova G.A., Jumaboyeva U.H.

This article analyzes the prediction of words from other languages and discusses historical cases of words from Latin, Scandinavian dialects, Norman and French, and many other languages. This article also assays to estimate borrowing words from other languages and historical circumstances.

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UDK 10.02.01

Usmonova G.A. teacher

Tashkent Regional Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute

Jumaboyeva U.H.


Tashkent Regional Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute


Annotation: This article analyzes the prediction of words from other languages and discusses historical cases of words from Latin, Scandinavian dialects, Norman and French, and many other languages. This article also assays to estimate borrowing words from other languages and historical circumstances.

Key words: Cultural communication, borrowed words, loan words, characteristics of borrowings, ancient borrowings, classification of borrowings, source language.

Borrowed words are words borrowed from other languages. Many linguists believe that foreign influence plays the most important role in the history of any language. But grammar and phonetic systems are very stable and often not influenced by other languages. For example, in the 15th-century history of written manuscripts, English was in long and close contact with other Latin, French, and Old Norse languages. The large influx of borrowing from these sources can be attributed to a number of historical reasons. Due to the great influence of Roman civilization, Latin has long been used as the language of education and religion in England. The ancient Scandinavian was the language of social and cultural development at the same level and the language of the invaders who pushed much easier with the 9th, 10th, indigenous peoples and the first half of the 11th century. French (Norman dialect) was the language of other invaders. Who developed a high social system with them brought a lot of new peoples to feudalism. It was the language of the upper classes, official documents, and schooling from the middle of the eleventh century to the end of the fourteenth century.

Uzbek also developed under the influence of Persian, Arabic, and later Russian. Persian spread in our region in 500-300 years, and since then the peoples of Central Asia have been in close contact with Iran, the homeland of Persian. Until the fifteenth century, writing poems and prose works in Persian was 'fashionable' and expedient, but the Old Turkic language was also used among the people mainly by ordinary people. In the 7th century, the Arabs conquered Central Asia by spreading their religions and languages to the peoples. Thus, until the XI-XII centuries, the Arabic language was predominant. Books were written in the Arabic language too. e.g. outstanding scientists and scholars Ibn Sina, Farabi, Beruni created their works in the Arabic language. It was only in the 15 th century that the

great writer and statesman Alisher Navoi, proving the beauty and importance of the Turkic language, began to write his best masterpieces in this language, although he knew Persian and Arabic very well. From the 18th century, the Uzbek language was influenced by the Russian language. In the study of the borrowed element in English, the main emphasis is as a rule placed on the middle English period, and in Uzbek, it is the middle Turkic language. Borrowings in later periods have only been the subject of investigation in recent years. These investigations have shown that the flow of borrowings has been steady and uninterrupted. They see different areas of socio-political, scientific, and cultural life. A large portion of them (41%) is scientific and technical terms. When it comes to the role of local and mastered words in the language, it is not their number but their spiritual, methodological properties, word formation ability, frequency value, coherence (valence), and productivity that should be taken into account. If we approach the study of the role of local and assimilated words from this perspective, we find that local words play an important role in English and Uzbek, even though they are not so numerous. Almost all words of native origin belong to very important semantic groups. The number and nature of the words borrowed give us information about the relations between nations, their level of culture, and so on. That is why debts are often referred to as important milestones in history. It is for this reason that borrowings have often been called the milestones of history.

The well-known linguist Shuchard said «No language is entirely pure», that all the languages are mixed. It should be noted that although the general historical reasons for borrowing from different languages have been studied, the purely linguistic reasons for borrowing are still open to investigation. The number and characteristics of borrowings depend not only on the nature and length of the relationship, historical conditions but also on the degree of genetic and structural similarity in the respective languages. The closer the languages are, the deeper and more multifaceted the impact. Borrowed words enter the language as a result of the influence of two main causes or factors: linguistic and non-linguistic. The economic, cultural, industrial, and political relations of the speakers of the language with other countries represent extralinguistic factors. For example, due to the great influence of Roman civilization, Latin has long been used as the language of education and religion in England. Ancient Norway of the Scandinavian tribes was the language of the conquerors. French (the Norman dialect) was the language of other conquerors who developed feudalism, which brought with them many new concepts of higher social order. It was the language of upper classes, official documents, and school. The same thing is available in Uzbek. Due to the expansion of Islam, Arabic was used as the language of science and religion in Central Asia for centuries. For about two centuries, the Russian language dominated the peoples of the former Soviet Union. Knowledge of Russian was a priority and it was a language of communication and friendship. These factors are extra-linguistic ones. The lack of equivalent words to express new topics or events in a language forces people to borrow words. E.g. the words football, volleyball, pitchman in Uzbek; saving linguistic means, i.e. using a foreign word instead of distant local

expressions, etc. are called linguistic reasons. The closer the two interacting languages are to the structure, the easier it will be for words from one language to penetrate the other. We distinguish translation loans, borrowing proper and semantic loans. Translation loans are words and expressions formed from the material already existing in the language but according to patterns taken from another language, by way of literal morpheme - for - morpheme translation, e.g. wall-newspaper -devoriy gazeta.

The term «semantic loan» is used to denote the development in a word of a new meaning due to the influence of a related word in another language. The English word pioneer meant «explorer» and «one who is among the first in new fields of activity.» now under the influence of the Russian word «Пионер» it has come to mean «a member of the Young Pioneers' Organization" Borrowings proper are words which are taken from another language with their sound graphic forms and their meaning. The "guests from another language," or borrowed words, permeate the English language. Through linguistic osmosis, these many thousands of words were taken over from one language by another during the course of English history mainly due to the constant uninvited arrival of invaders to the island. If borrowings are testimonials to our "physical mobility and mental laziness" then the British would probably win the gold medal. As the invaders settled in, they transformed both the written and spoken words of the English residents, who were able to adapt through the assimilation of borrowed words.

In general, this article deals with English language borrowing. Borrowing is the result of cultural communication between two language communities. Borrowing of words can go in both directions between the two languages in contact, but often there is an asymmetry, such that more words go from one side to the other. In this case, the source language community has some advantages of power, prestige, and/or wealth, which makes it necessary and useful for the language community to borrow objects and ideas. The actual process of borrowing is complex and involves many usage events (i.e. the use of a new word). In general, some speakers of borrowed language also know the source language, or at least use a sufficiently relevant word from it. They adopt a new word when they speak the language of borrowing (often consciously) because it is almost entirely consistent with the idea they are trying to convey. If they are bilingual in a common source language, they may pronounce words similarly or similarly to the pronunciation in the source language. In this article, we have analyzed the classification of borrowings. And the influence of borrowings to enrich the vocabulary is also discussed.


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