CHOICE OF OPTIMIZATION MODELS OF RELIABILITY INDICATORS OF VEHICLES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Tulenov Aydarali, Pernebekov Saken, Dzhunusbekov Aitmukamed, Balabekov Zetbek

The main characteristics of the efficiency of the use of mass and serial production machines, as well as many technical products, are their performance and cost, as determined in the specific calculation per production unit. Production cost depends on the cost of production (purchase) and ensuring the serviceable condition, on the expenses rate of operating materials. In this regard, this paper proposes methods for determining the total average resource of the machine, its aggregation, subassembly, parts, spare parts, the total costs of wear of the machine for the full resource, as well as the cost of maintenance and compensation for damage due to wear for a full resource through cycles of exploitation, in which the optimization criterion is the minimum overall average unit cost of production and ensuring the serviceable condition of machinery at constant performance

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Важнейшими характеристиками эффективности использования машин массового и серийного изготовления, как и многих технических изделий, является их производительность и себестоимость, определяемая в удельном исчислении на единицу продукции. Себестоимость зависить от стоимости изготовления (приобретения) и обеспечения работоспособного состояния, от расхода эксплуатационных материалов. В связи с этим в данной статье предложены методы определения полного среднего ресурса машины, ее агрегата, сборочной единицы, детали, запасной части, общей стоимости изнашивания за полный ресурс машины, а также стоимости текущего ремонта и компенсации ущерба из-за износов за полный ресурс с помощью циклов эксплуатации, в которых критерием оптимизации является минимум суммарной средней удельной стоимости изготовления и обеспечения работоспособного состояния техники при постоянной производительности



Tulenov Aydarali

Candidate of Engineering, professor of M.Auezov, South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent city

Pernebekov Saken

Candidate of Engineering, associate professor of M.Auezov, South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent city

Dzhunusbekov Aitmukamed

Candidate of Engineering, Senior lecturer of M.Auezov, South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent city

Balabekov Zetbek

Candidate of Engineering, Senior lecturer of M.Auezov, South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent city ВЫБОР МОДЕЛИ ОПТИМИЗАЦИИ ПОКАЗАТЕЛЕЙ НАДЕЖНОСТИ ТРАНСПОРТНЫХ СРЕДСТВ

Туленов Айдарали Туленович, к.т.н., профессор Южно-Казахстанского, государственного университета им. М.Ауэ-зова, г.Шымкент

Пернебеков Сакен Садибекович, к.т.н., ассоциированный профессор Южно-Казахстанского, государственного университета им. М.Ауэзова, г.Шымкент

Джунисбеков Айтмухамед Сагимбекович, к.т.н, старший преподаватель Южно-Казахстанского, государственного университета им. М.Ауэзова, г.Шымкент

Балабеков Зетбек Агабекович, Candidate of Engineering, Senior lecturer of M.Auezov, South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent city


The main characteristics of the efficiency of the use of mass and serial production machines, as well as many technical products, are their performance and cost, as determined in the specific calculation per production unit. Production cost depends on the cost of production (purchase) and ensuring the serviceable condition, on the expenses rate of operating materials. In this regard, this paper proposes methods for determining the total average resource of the machine, its aggregation, subassembly, parts, spare parts, the total costs of wear of the machine for the full resource, as well as the cost of maintenance and compensation for damage due to wear for a full resource through cycles of exploitation, in which the optimization criterion is the minimum overall average unit cost of production and ensuring the serviceable condition of machinery at constant performance.


Важнейшими характеристиками эффективности использования машин массового и серийного изготовления, как и многих технических изделий, является их производительность и себестоимость, определяемая в удельном исчислении на единицу продукции. Себестоимость зависить от стоимости изготовления (приобретения) и обеспечения работоспособного состояния, от расхода эксплуатационных материалов. В связи с этим в данной статье предложены методы определения полного среднего ресурса машины, ее агрегата, сборочной единицы, детали, запасной части, общей стоимости изнашивания за полный ресурс машины, а также стоимости текущего ремонта и компенсации ущерба из-за износов за полный ресурс с помощью циклов эксплуатации, в которых критерием оптимизации является минимум суммарной средней удельной стоимости изготовления и обеспечения работоспособного состояния техники при постоянной производительности.

Keywords: the optimization criterion, standards of reliability, the objective function, failures and faults, compensation for losses, wear, full resource, the frequency of service, exploitation cycle, maintenance, productivity of machines.

Ключевые слова: Критерий оптимизации, нормативы надежности, целевая функция, отказы и неисправности, компенсации потерь, износ, полный ресурс, периодичность обслуживания, цикл эксплуатации, текущий ремонт, пороизводительность машин.

The challenge of improving the system of maintenance and repair aims to improve the structure of the standards and methods of determining the values of the norms in their relationships, by the creation of these methodological prerequisites for managing the implementation of the reliability indicators of machines in exploitation process.

We propose a method based on the use of mathematical modeling that allows to optimize the value of frequency of maintenance and allowable wear and resource in their relationship at the minimum of the initial information, minimizing the natural experiment. For the optimization criterion of periodicity of maintenance operations a minimal sum of specific general costs for maintaining the machines in fixed or only working conditions was set that provide maximum machine performance in these exploitation conditions.

Reliability engineering is engineering that emphasizes dependability in the lifecycle management of a product. Dependability, or reliability, describes the ability of a system or component to function under stated conditions for a specified period of time. Reliability engineering is a sub-discipline within systems engineering. Reliability is theoretically defined as the probability of failure, the frequency of failures, or in terms of availability, a probability derived from reliability and maintainability. Maintainability and maintenance may be defined as a part of reliability engineering. Reliability plays a key role in cost-effectiveness of systems.

Although reliability is defined and affected by stochastic parameters, according to some acknowledged specialists, quality, reliability and safety are achieved by mathematics and statistics. Nearly all teaching and literature on the subject emphasizes these aspects.

Currently, most research organizations involved in further development of transport schemes and development activities to enhance the reliability of transport equipment and complex as a whole.

Scientists of Kazakhstan, including scientists of M.Aue-zov South Kazakhstan State University are working on the development of new advanced methods of selecting and determining the reliability of transport systems and introducing them to life.

The need of application for engineering calculations of dependences considering the influence of reliability of machinery on efficiency of their use is caused by requirements of reliability level. When determining indicators of reliability of assembly units and systems, refusals of which are not life-threatening for people, is used the criteria of efficiency. It belongs also to machinery and their aggregation. In this regard, primarily it is necessary to develop a definition model by criterion of reliability indicators of products in general view, and then - special cases of its application.

Optimization criterion of reliability standards of machinery, proceeding from the economic interest as a whole can be the minimum sum c(t) of average specific costs of machinery production Cm, capital repairs Cc.r.m., maintenance of emergency and malfunctions (running repairs) Cr.r.m., compensations of losses caused by wear (productivity decline, increasing of an expense of exploitation materials, etc.) Cc.l.m..These costs on average specific calculation are defined on operating time unit tr.m. for a full resource. For decreasing a wear rate and providing a demanded level of probability of no-failure operation the maintenance, costs of which Cm belongs to frequency of tr.m service is carried out.

Restriction at such criterion is the constant productivity of the machinery. As it decreases in process of increase of an operating time because of growth of parameters of a stream of refusals and idle times accompanying them, and also increase of wear, the additional number of machinery is required, cost of which should be considered when determining a minimum of expenses. Besides, restriction is the limit wear WL revealed by criteria of impossibility of further operation: consequently in wear it is caused a breakage of details, mechanism jamming, etc. or assembly unit gets to a zone of intensive failure.

Model posterization, as accepted is, that the cost of elimination of refusal is considered independent from an operating time between failures and value of admissible wear, and the cost of maintenance doesn't depend on frequency of its performance. It is accepted also that maintenance completely restores the system.

Taking into account the made prerequisites an objective function (sum c(t)) has the following appearance:

C{t) =

Cm + С .гдъс^г.щ + Сг.г.гн.+ c:.Lw. <тж


-5 min


We will accept the general process of restoration at which, as it is known from the theory of reliability [1], the average operating time to first failure tr' differs from an average operating time between refusals tr", but the last are accepted by the identical; the random variable v(t) is equal to number of the refusals which have happened for an operating time t. In this case t=tr.m..

Therefore, the full average resource of the machine, of its aggregate, assembly unit, details, spare part is defined by a ratio

= v

■■ tr



The first two members Cm and Cc.l.m. criterion function (1) reflect a total cost of wear for a full resource tr.m.. Now, we will express a total cost of wear Ct.c.m. by means of number of the period v(t) (cycles) of operation and we will consider that objects are exposed to repair (v(t)-1) more times as at requirement under repair after the last cycle of operation they are written off. Therefore,


Thus Ct.c.- the average total cost of wear, falling on one refusal (an operation cycle), - is defined as


We will reveal also the cost of maintenance and damage compensation because of wear for a full resource by means of number of cycles of operation. When determining resources by efficiency criterion of maintenance cost Cr.r. for any cycle of operation has the same value. The same belongs and to the cost of compensation of damage because of wear Cc.r..

In this regard the overall cost of maintenance Cr.r.m. for a full resource is defined as

= * Си,


and the overall cost of compensation of losses because of the wear Cc.l.m. for the same resource will be

Cc.Lm. = V(t) ■ C^


Let's transform criterion function (1) by means of the received ratios (2), (4), (5) and (6) and after elementary algebraic transformations we will receive

Ctt> = ^ +


L m


-s mtvi.


At determination of costs Cr.r. of carrying out of maintenance it is necessary to consider not only the cost of the spent spare parts Cs.p., materials Cm, cost of work of the production personnel Cw, but also cost of compensation of idle times at repairs Ci.t.r:

= + ^w '-ru ^i.tr io.


Cost of Ci.t.r. reflects reduction of productivity of the machinery because of idle times in maintenance. Idle times are estimated by Kt.u. coefficient of technical use. As in process of increase of an operating time the coefficiency Kt.u. decreases, it is necessary to introduce a reserve for ensuring former productivity, as is connected with cost Ci.t.r. on acquisition (production) of additional number of the machinery that compensate idle times.

If to take for as a measurement the productivity measure at maximum value of coefficient Kt.u. max, which takes

place at the initial stage of a resource t'r, then expenses for this resource on compensation of idle times will be equal

^-Ltr. - ^tt fl JLT

\ л -



where Kt.u.(tr) - the average value of coefficient for an operating time tr.

At all always it is necessary to introduce all earlier listed factors into model of calculation of indicators. Really, the criterion of optimization (7) is revealed proceeding from requirements of market economy - and directly related to machines as a whole. As for separate assembly unit for which it is required to develop, for example, optimum rules of replacements of constructive elements at elimination of refusals, in this case the highest system is the aggregate and the machinery.

The need for private models of optimization of such indicators, as a resource of assembly units, limit wear, frequency of service, and then the rules of replacements of constructive elements is defined by the specified. These models are special manifestation of model (7) and differ by a specification of considered factors and used mathematical apparatus.

The main characteristics of the efficiency of the use of mass and serial production machines, as well as many technical products, are their performance and cost, as determined in the specific calculation per production unit. Production cost depends on the cost of production (purchase) and ensuring the serviceable condition, on the expenses rate of operating materials. In this regard, this paper proposes methods for determining the total average resource of the machine, its aggregation, subassembly, parts, spare parts, the total costs of

wear of the machine for the full resource, as well as the cost of maintenance and compensation for damage due to wear for a full resource through cycles of exploitation, in which the optimization criterion is the minimum overall average unit cost of production and ensuring the serviceable condition of machinery at constant performance.

In summary it should be noted that criterion function is developed for which criterion of optimization by which the minimum sum of average specific expenses for production (acquisition) of machines and their maintenance in the operating state providing a constant, the maximum possible productivity in these conditions are accepted. The offered models allow to predict the need in corresponding technical influences and, therefore, to carry out a preparation of production.


1. Sheynin A.M., Tulenov A.T. Improvement of standards of reliability of machines and their aggregates // Increasing the efficiency of the use of labor, energy and material resources at operation of machinery: Collected papers of scientific works /MADI. - M - 1981. pp.4-7.

2. Baykhelt F. Franken P. Reliability and maintenance. Mathematical approach: Translated from German. -M.: Radio and communication, 1988.

3. Pernebekov S.S., Ussipbayev U.A., Dzhunusbekov A.S., Meiirbekov A.A., Tortbayeva D.R. Definition of optimization model of reliability indicators of transport equipment in general view // In Science, Technology and Higher Education: materials of the IV international research and practice conference. - Westwood, Canada, 2014. - Vol. II. - P. 405-408



Лащеных Александр Андреевич

кандидат техн. наук, доцент, Запорожский национальный технический университет, г. Запорожье

Турпак Сергей Николаевич

кандидат техн. наук, доцент, Запорожский национальный технический университет, г. Запорожье

Грицай Сергей Васильевич

старший преподаватель, Запорожский национальный технический университет, г. Запорожье LOGISTICS OF REPRESENTATION PROCESSES MATERIAL RESOURCES MOVEMENTS

Laschenyh Alexander, the candidate tehn. Sciences, Associate Professor, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Zaporozhye

Turpak Sergey, the candidate tehn. Sciences, Associate Professor, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Zaporozhye Gritsay Sergey, senior Lecturer, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Zaporozhye АННОТАЦИЯ

В статье предложены концептуальные основы логистического подхода к изучению и анализу транспортных процессов. Выполнена классификация логистических материалопроводящих процессов, определены их назначение, решаемые задачи и соответствующие технологии перемещения материальных ресурсов, методы организации и управления их перемещением. ABSTRACT

In the article are considered conceptual bases of logistical approach to the study and analysis of transport processes. Logistics processes are classified, defined their purpose, tasks and related technologies move material resources, methods of organization and control transport.

Ключевые слова: логистический процесс; транспортный процесс; материальный поток; способ транспортирования; складские операции.

Keywords: logistics process; transport process; material flow; method of transportation; warehouse operations.

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