Научная статья на тему 'Changing of indicators peroxidation of lipids and antioxidation system, in children with purulent inflammatory diseases of middle ear'

Changing of indicators peroxidation of lipids and antioxidation system, in children with purulent inflammatory diseases of middle ear Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Похожие темы научных работ по фундаментальной медицине , автор научной работы — Orziev Sobirjon Habibulaevich, Saatov Talat Saatovich, Karabaev Xurram Esonkulovich

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Текст научной работы на тему «Changing of indicators peroxidation of lipids and antioxidation system, in children with purulent inflammatory diseases of middle ear»

относительной инертностью количественных изменений в динамике заболевания, более выраженной клеточными реакциями воспалительно-репаративного процесса и менее распространенными экссудативными явлениями. Характер изменений толщины и хода КВ свидетельствует о доминировании явлений коллагенолиза.

Список использованной литературы 1. Автандилов Г.Г. Медицинская морфометрия / Г.Г.Автандилов М.: Медицина.- 1990.- 384с.

2. Воронин Г.Н. Особенности регенерации ткани сухожилий / Г.Н.Воронин // Архив анатомии, гистологии и эмбриологии.- 1954.- №2.- С.18-28.

3. Федосеев А.В. Оценка результатов лечения повреждений сухожилий сгибателей пальцев кисти / А.В.Федосеев, В.В.Лапин, Д.С.Лобанов // Вест. орт. и травм. им. Н.Н.Приорова.- 2003.- №2.- С.64-67.

4. Bainbridge P.K. Biologic aspects of flexor tendon laceration and repair // Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery; Boston; Mar 2003. - Vol.85, issue 3. - P. 539551.



Orziev Sobirjon Habibulaevich

Candidate of medicine science, doctorate of Andijon State medicine institute, Andijon

Saatov Talat Saatovich

Academician Academy of science Uzbekistan, Institute of Bioorganic chemistry, Tashkent

Karabaev Xurram Esonkulovich

Doctor of medicine science, professor of Tashkent Pediatrics medicine institute, Tashkent

Antioxidant defense system in early period of fully untenable and unstable, therefore violating its happening very easily. Older children have a weakening of antioxidation system (AOS) and uncontrolled strengthening of peroxidation of lipids (POL) are the main links in the pathogenesis of various diseases including inflammatory disease [5, p. 11].

Numerous studies conducted recently in various countries show that the main cause of pathological processes in the human body, is the excessive accumulation of oxygen free radicals in the body. Effective protection against harmful free radicals are antioxidants that can neutralize them [2, p.22].

Viewed literature emphasizes that in the body for a variety of reasons enabling POL left without supervision, is one of the causes of formation and deterioration in the course of the disease [6, p.49].

In the literature, which we tested, information about of protection of AOS and POL in patients with purulent otitis media is not sufficient, especially in childhood.

The aim of this study was to examine about of protection of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system in children with purulent-inflammatory diseases of middle ear.

Materials and methods

We have learnt the blood of quantitative indicators -POL products diean konugaty (DK) and malon dialdegidi (MDA) [7] and AOS-enzymes superoxiddismutase (SOD) [4] and catalase (CT) [3] in patients with acute purulent otitis media (APOM, n=47), with chronic purulent mezotimpanit (HPM, n=125), as well as with chronic purulent epitimpanit and epimezotimpanit (HPE and HPEM, n=49). The results compared, studied and evaluated 28 healthy indicators described above, children of similar age (control group). The ages of the children in the study were from 2 to 14 years (inclusive).

The results have been looked through (discussed) using special programmers of statistics for Windows 98 and Microsoft Excel and marked.

Result of research and discussion

The results obtained in the studies have shown that the activity of the AOS and POL in children with acute and chronic suppurative inflammatory diseases of middle ear are some variations.

Table 1

Comparative indicators of AOS and POL in serum in healthy children and children with purulent inflammatory

diseases of middle ear

Groups Indicators

ДК nmol /ml MDA nmol mda/ml SOD active identitiy/ml CT nmol/ H202/ml

APOM (I) n=47 7.18±0.03х 4.73±0.03х 2.42±0.01х 11.23±0.04х

HPM(II-A) n=125 6.74±0.01х 3.95±0.02х 2.08±0.01х 10.49±0.04х

HPE and HPEM (II-Б) n=49 6.91±0.03х 4.23±0.04х 1.91±0.02х 9.26±0.05х

Healthy n=28 5.73±0.03 3.28±0.02 2.86±0.01 12.64±0.06

Note: x-0.001. The results obtained by comparing the indicators evaluated, results indicators of healthy children.

The first table shows that the group of children with APOM (I) DK was statistically significantly higher than in healthy children (P<0.001) and these indicators consist of the following: 7.18±0.03 and 5.73±0.03. MDA in patients of this group amounted to 4.73±0.03 and in healthy children -3.28±0.02 (P<0.001). Of the enzymes protect the AOS only number of SOD was statistically below the (2.42±0.01 vs.

2.86±0.01, P<0.001) and lowering the concentration of CT was statistically implausible (11.23±0.04 against 12.64±0.06, P>0.001).

The study, conducted by F. N. Fayzullaeva [1, p. 59], in adults, sick APOM (DK in this study did not examine) MDA significantly increased than in the groups checking (P<0.05), a chronic form of than purulent otitis media are not reliable

(P>0.05). When the number of mapped SOD and CT data rate control group (2.19±0.14 and 22.47±2.14), identified the reliable increasing it is 0.59±0.01 and 11.35±0.06 respectively. The author explains this condition this process by connecting a compensatory mechanism of the organism.

In our study, groups of children, patients suffering with HPM (II-A) of the number of DK 6.74±0.01 and this result was in stayed with a group of children, patients suffering from HPE and HPEM (II) distinguished the unreliable (6.91±0.03), but with the data control group differed significantly (5.73±0.03, P< 0.001). Number of MDA in patients of this group than the control group improved basic (3.95±0.02, P<0.001). The activity of enzymes of the AOS, in contrast to the changes in the change in pOl, characterized the decrease of their number. In this study, concentrations of SOD were 2.08±0.01, CT -10.49±0.04.

In patients of group II-B DK, MDA, SOD and CT same were as follows: 6.91±0.03; 4.23±0.04; 1.91±0.02 and 9.26±0.05 and they significantly differed from that of the control. The study, which is mapped to the MDA in blood of the patients with healthy senior ages 2.3 times improved (P<0.05) than in the control groups. We communicate in this study significant tangible increase of this indicator with the duration of the illness. As well as a significant reduction of the enzymes SOD and CT (0.63±0.03 and 10.35±0.72, P<0.05).

Therefore, the results can be concluded that in patients with purulent -inflammatory disease middle ear increase POL indicators significantly and at the same time reduces the activity of enzymes in the AOS and they vary depending on the clinical course and forms of purulent otitis.


1. Activity of production POL and decrease enzyme activity of the AOS can be considered one of the factors

in the pathogenesis of at purulent inflammatory middle ear diseases.

2. Inclusion of antioxidants in the complex treatment of purulent inflammatory diseases of middle ear is considered appropriate for the correction of disorders in POL and AOS.

3. In clinical practice, you can use the methods of the determination of enzyme activity of the AOS and POL products in blood prognostic criterion for evaluation of the severity and course of purulent otitis.

Lists of literature

1. Fayzullaeva F.N. Rationale for the use of antioxida-tions in complex treatment of patients with acute and chronic purulent otitis media with taking into account the indicators of lipid peroxidation: dis... doctor of medicine subjects. - Tashkent, 1998. - 152 p.

2. Gudkovsky V.A. Natural antioxidants and fruit - reliable protection of human from disease. // Vashae pitanie, 2001, №1. - p. 22-26.

3. Korolyuk M.A., Ivanova L.I., Mayorova I.G. Determination of catalase activity. // Laboratornoe delo, 1998, №1. - p. 16-19.

4. Mchitaryan V.G., Badalyan G.E. Determination of su-peroxiddismutaze activity. // Journal of experimental and clinical medicine, 1978, №6. - p.7-11.

5. Shilina N.M. Antioxidational protection mechanisms in the children. // Voprosi pitania, 2009, d-78, №3. - p. 1116.

6. Sim E.V., Karimov M.Sh. Role of free radical oxidation and inflammation in the progression of the disease Reiter free. // Medical journal of Uzbekistan, 2005, № 2. - p.49-51.

7. Vladimirov Y. A., Archakov A.I. Peroxidation of lipids of biological membranah - M.: Nauka, 1972. - 252 p.



Исследование динамики работоспособности и утомления - это традиционная область изучения наук о труде: психологии, физиологии и охраны труда. Под работоспособностью понимается потенциальная возможность индивида выполнять трудовые функции на необходимом уровне в течение определенного времени, это понятие объединяет в себе два важных момента: качество трудовой деятельности и ее физиологическую цену. Соответственно для оценки работоспособности и ее динамики, применяются показатели характеризующие качество деятельности, и показатели функционального состояния работника [1]. Поскольку показатели функционального состояния прямо характеризуют возможности организма, его способность к тому или иному уровню физических усилий, эмоциональных и умственных нагрузок, особую важность приобретают исследования динамики изменения физиологических показателей в процессе трудовой деятельности и развития утомления.

Осипенко Александр Викторович

Магистрант, НИУ «МЭИ» г.Москва

Как известно для операторов слежения зрительное восприятие является основным способом получения информации о состоянии объекта управления, поэтому при исследовании динамики работоспособности и утомления данной категории работников наибольший интерес представляют показатели, характеризующие работу зрительного аппарата человека. Значение данной группы характеристик функционального состояния определяется, прежде всего, тем обстоятельством, что в зрительном акте участвует более половины коры головного мозга. Данная работа посвящена обоснованию выбора методов и показателей характеризующих работу зрительного аппарата человека, наиболее пригодных для оценки функционального состояния операторов слежения.

Из методик исследования зрительного анализатора в физиологии труда наиболее часто применяется пулилло-метрия, измерение глазодвигательной активности, временные характеристики зрительного анализатора: критическая частота световых мельканий и критическая частота

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