Костш Юрiй Дмитрович, доктор eKOHOMi4HMx наук, професор кафедри eKOHOMi4HOi юбернетики,
Телегiн Вiталiй Сергiйович, аспiрант,
Харшський нацiональний унiверситет радiоелектронiки
просп. Науки, 14, м. Харш, 61166, Украша,
e-mail: nsipatova@gmail.com
Костин Юрий Дмитриевич, доктор экономических наук, профессор кафедры экономической кибернетики,
Телегин Виталий Сергеевич, аспирант
Харьковский национальный университет радиоэлектроники
просп. Науки, 14, г. Харьков, 61166, Украина,
e-mail: nsipatova@gmail.com
Kostin Yuriy, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economic Cybernetics
Telegin Vitaliy, рost-graduate student,
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
prosp. Science, 14, Kharkov, 61166, Ukraine
e-mail: nsipatova@gmail.com
УДК 331: 664 (477)
Кошулько О.П.
У данш статт/ представлен загальн риси / в'дм'тност'! у стратегях поведнки украУнських жiнок-iммiгранток в Польщi / Туреччин/'.
Основы причини, що змушують украУнських жнок Тхати за кордон, е безробття в кра'Унi походження; б'/дн'/сть, низький р'/вень зароб'/тно'У плати та пенсй, борги, насильство в родинах, бажання досл'джувати нов краУни, одруження з ¡'ноземцями, бажання самореал'заци й кращого майбутнього для своУх д/'тей, медичн причини або й полiтичнi пересл'дування.
Бльшсть украУнських '¡мм'гранток у Польщi е трудовими мгрантками, тод! як у Туреччину украУнки Удуть переважно для вступу в шлюб. У досл'дженн'! представлений анал'з проблем / труднощiв украУнських /ммгранток у Туреччин!' / Польщi. Дослiдження являе собою анал'з даних Мнстерства прац та соцальноУ полiтики Польщi щодо жночоУ м'грац'и з УкраУни, а також результати опитування украУнських /ммгранток у Туреччин!'. У досл'дженн'! прийняло участь бльше 60 украУнок, як проживають у Туреччин/'. Результати опитування допоможуть зрозумiти причини, проблеми, труднощi, можливост'!, перспективи, досягнення / результати украУнських !ммгранток в Туреччин!'.
Ключовi слова: стратеги поведши, Польща, Туреччина, украУнськ жнкичммгрантки, опитування, проблеми
Кошулько О.П.
В данной статье представлены сходства и различия в стратегиях поведения украинских иммигранток в Польше и Турции.
Основными причинами, побуждающими украинских женщин выезжать за границу, являются безработица в стране происхождения; бедность, низкие заработные платы и пенсии, долги, насилие в семье, желание работать за границей и исследовать новые страны, браки с иностранцами, желание самореализации, желание создать лучшее будущее для детей, медицинские цели и политические преследования.
Большинство украинских иммигранток отправляются в Польшу, чтобы найти работу, а в Турцию, чтобы выйти замуж. В исследовании представлен анализ проблем и трудностей украинских иммигранток в Турции и Польше. В исследовании представлен анализ данных Министерства труда и социальной политики Польши относительно миграции женщин из Украины в Польшу и результаты опроса среди украинских иммигранток в Турции. В опросе приняли участие 60 украинок, которые живут в Турции. Результаты опроса помогут понять причины, проблемы, трудности, возможности, перспективы, достижения и результаты украинских иммигранток в Турции.
Ключевые слова: стратегии поведения, Польша, Турция, украинские женщины-иммигрантки, опросы, проблемы
Економiчний вюник ушверситету | Випуск № 33/1
© Кошулько О.П., 2017
Koshulko O.P.
This article presents similarities and differences in strategies of behavior of Ukrainian female migrants in Poland and Turkey.
The main causes forcing Ukrainian women to go abroad are unemployment in the country of origin; poverty, low wages and pension, debts, domestic violence, seeking work abroad by choice, desire to explore new countries, marriage with foreign men, self-fulfillment, a better future for children, medical purposes, and political persecution.
The majority of Ukrainian female migrants go to Poland to find jobs but they go to Turkey to marry. The study presents the analysis of the problems and difficulties of Ukrainian female migrants in Turkey and Poland. The research presents an analysis of the data the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Poland concerning female migration from Ukraine in Poland and the results of a survey among Ukrainian female migrants in Turkey. The survey consists of 60 women who are living in Turkey. Results of a survey will help to understand causes, problems, difficulties, opportunities, prospects, achievements and outcomes for Ukrainian female migrants in Turkey.
Keywords. strategies of behavior, Poland, Turkey, Ukrainian female immigrants, survey, challenges
Introduction. Around the end of the 20th and the start of the 21st century migration of women from Ukraine abroad became possible as an independent and personal choice. Ukrainian women have always been very strong and a hard-working part of the society because of all that they have endured throughout the history of the state with wars, revolutions, the genocide, the famine and the communist past. After the «Iron Curtain» of the communist past was destroyed, Ukrainians began to seek better opportunities for jobs and hosting abroad. Among Ukrainian women who decide to go abroad are intellectuals and workers, brides and housewives, professionals and students, business women and scientists, victims of Human Trafficking etc.
This research has explored and analyzed reasons that forced Ukrainian women to go abroad; also similarities and differences in strategies of behavior of Ukrainian female migrants in Poland and Turkey etc.
Data and methodology. For the research we used primary and secondary statistical data. For studies in Poland we used secondary statistical data from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Poland (Danych Ministerstwa Pracy i Polityki Spotecznej), and in Turkey were used the data of the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) and primary statistical data collected from questionnaires and interviews with Ukrainian female migrants in the host country. We also used the method «Snowball sampling» because it was necessary to find women for questionnaires and interviews in the framework of our study in Turkey. In the research of Ukrainian female migration in Turkey we used quantitative research methods (sociological observations; questionnaires methods (questionnaires, interviews); and detection of expert assessments), and qualitative research methods (field research; participant observation; narrative interviews; semi-structured interviews; focus group interviews) etc.
Table 1. Reasons that forced Ukrainian women to go abroad
Reasons The explanation of these causes
Needs in Ukrainian families Financial problems in Ukrainian families because of poverty, unemployment, low wages, debts
Job abroad as forced work Young girls, victims of human trafficking
Violence in families Sometimes Ukrainian women can't find protection or support from society or the state from domestic violence. They are afraid of their partners and the only way for them to survive is migration
Interest The desire to know other countries, cultures, languages, societies, and traditions
Marriage to foreign men Ukrainian women marry foreign men for better prospects in life
Self-fulfillment Ukrainian women can use their talents as painters, poets, writers, photographers, journalists abroad when they are unable to develop these talents in their country of origin
A better future for children Female migrants work abroad to secure a better future for their children, and because of the possibility of reuniting their family in a host country, they take their children with them to obtain a good education, and the chance of a better life
Medical purposes Some Ukrainian female migrants are forced to go abroad because of the sickness of members of their family. Others, due to their poverty, go abroad to be surrogate mothers or organ donors
Political persecution Some Ukrainian women were forced leave the country of origin due to political persecution
Similarities and differences in strategies of behavior of Ukrainian female migrants in Poland and Turkey
Ukrainian women try to find better opportunities abroad because of problems within families - unemployment in the country of origin, poverty, low wages and pension, debts, domestic violence. In these cases Poland and Turkey are the nearest countries to the Ukrainian border and in these host countries female migrants try to find better opportunities and prospects.
Many categories of Ukrainian women go to Poland to work, from cleaners to scientists, and the number of job applications from them in 2014 was 143956, and this number of job applications will be increase every year because of the situation in Ukraine.
Young, educated Ukrainian women with Graduate degrees are going to Turkey to marry and the majorities of them do not work and do not develop their careers in the host country for various reasons.
Ukrainian female immigrants in Poland
Ukrainians are the largest group of immigrants in Poland. Today the number of Ukrainian migrants in Poland is larger than in Spain, Italy, and Portugal. Every year the number of Ukrainian migrants in Poland increases including female migrants. According to the data of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in Poland (Danych Ministerstwa Pracy i Polityki Spotecznej), during 2007-2014 the number of Ukrainian female migrants who would like to get an official job in Poland increases 18 times, from 7968 Ukrainian women in 2007 to 143956 in 2014 (Table 2).
Table 2. Number of applications for job from Ukrainian labor migrants during 2007-2014 in Poland (Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Poland, 2014) ________
Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Number of all applications 20260 142960 180133 169490 153779 223671 80243 372946
Number of applications from Ukrainian female migrants 7968 69310 88895 77889 69089 86073 35114 143956
% of female migrants 39,3 48,4 49,3 45,95 44,9 38,48 43,75 38,59
Women under 26 years 3186 24404 36345 36644 33684 53350 18921 98263
26-40 9758 66054 82732 76364 69511 97670 34457 161381
41-65 6991 51903 62220 56037 50275 72122 26629 112612
over 65 74 709 562 393 309 529 236 690
Of all Ukrainian migrants in Poland female migration occupied 39-49%, and the majority of these women are under 40 years old. The majority of Ukrainian female migrants working officially in Poland during 2007-2010 were in agriculture (permanent or seasonal work), domestic service, trade, industry, food service, the hotel industry etc. (Table 3), and during 2011-2014 including manufacturing, information and communication, financial and insurance activities (Table 4).
Table 3. Number of Ukrainian migrants wanting to work officially in Poland during 2007-2010 (Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Poland, 2014)_
Years 2007 2008 2009 2010
Agriculture 6336 74079 119665 107742
Home services 1218 7614 8399 6245
Trade 671 3343 3018 2111
Industry 2705 8926 5993 5430
Food service 420 2014 1720 2065
Hotel industry 186 1203 1379 1272
Employment agency 972 9860 10872 9912
Other 2016 11878 10638 14200
According to data from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in Poland (Danych Ministerstwa Pracy i Polityki Spotecznej), during 2011-2014 Ukrainian female migrants obtained the following number of work permits: in 2011 - 7376; in 2012 - 8429; in 2013 - 8956; in 2014 - 10300 (Table 5).
Table 4. Number of Ukrainian migrants wanting to work officially in Poland during 2011-2013 (Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Poland, 2014)_
Years 2011 2012 2013
Agriculture 95989 111616 32138
Manufacturing 6399 13439 8004
Wholesale and retail trade 2017 5735 5119
Activity connected with accommodation and food service 2015 3901 1363
Financial and insurance activities 123 114 472
Other professional, scientific and technical activities 180 736 581
Education 29 100 48
Health care and social assistance 336 867 178
Households with employed persons 5659 6749 2350
Others 12780 26442 16095
Therefore, Ukrainian female migrants during 2011-2014 in Poland obtained 21,5% of all work permits in Poland for foreigners, and 40,9% of all citizens of Ukraine in general (Table 5).
Table 5. The number of work permits for Ukrainian female migrants in Poland during 2011 -2014 (Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Poland, 2014)___
Total number of Citizens of Female % of female migrants % of female migrants from
Years work permits for Ukraine in migrants from from all Ukrainian all work permits for
foreigners general Ukraine citizens foreigners in Poland
2011 40808 18669 7376 39,5% 18,1%
2012 39144 20295 8429 41,5% 21,5%
2013 39078 20416 8956 43,8% 22,9%
2014 43663 26315 10300 39,1% 23,6%
Total 162693 85695 35061 40,9% 21,5%
The ratio between the number of statements from Ukrainian female migrants and the number of work permits that Ukrainian female migrants obtained in Poland in 2014 is 7,15% (Table 6).
Table 6. The ratio of applications and work permits for Ukrainian female migrants in Poland during 20112014 (Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Poland, 2014)_
Years 2011 2012 2013 2014
Number of applications from Ukrainian female migrants 69089 86073 35114 143956
The number of work permit for Ukrainian female migrants 7376 8429 8956 10300
The ratio of statements and work permits, % 10,66 9,8 25,5 7,15
However, the majority of Ukrainian women in Poland can't work legally and because of this they are working illegally in the host country. It is the primary problem of female migrants in Poland. The second problem is the level of salaries as they receive even lower salaries than female migrants who have official work permits in Poland. Another problem of Ukrainian female migrants is the lack of possibility for them to add the time of their employment in Poland to their pension entitlement in Ukraine according to the Agreement between the Republic of Poland and Ukraine on social security that was signed on May 18, 2012 in Kiev between Poland and Ukraine. Before that another agreement between the government of Ukraine and the government of the republic of Poland was signed on February 16, 1994 in Warsaw concerning the mutual employment of workers (Table 7).
Table 7. Agreements between the Republic of Poland and Ukraine on social security and the mutual employment of workers_
Name of agreements Date of signing Date of ratification or entry into effect
Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Poland on the mutual employment of workers Signed in Warsaw on February 16, 1994 for 3 years, renewed automatically for 1 year Came into force on December 19, 1994
Agreement between the Republic of Poland and Ukraine on social security Signed in Kiev on May 18, 2012 Ratified on October 10, 2012
Ukrainian female immigrants in Turkey
This group of Ukrainian female migrants in Turkey consists of thousands of women and it is possible to separate these women according to their reasons for staying in the host country: a job and career, labor migration, marriage, business, new opportunities etc. According to data of the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) (Turkish Statistical Institute, 2014), the number of Ukrainians in Turkey during 2006-2014 increased to 112,032 people or 21% (Table 8).
Table 8. The number of Ukrainians in Turkey, 2006-2014
Years 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Number of Ukrainians in Turkey 426 305 462 821 574 923 460 980 455 159 489 140 496 190 598 668 538 337
The Turkish Statistical Institute doesn't keep separate data for male and female Ukrainian migrants in Turkey, but we are sure that the majority of them are women.
It is necessary to divide this group of women into further categories: professional women, who are staying in Turkey because of their contracts of employment; business woman who are owners of companies and employers; female labour migrants, who are working legally or illegally in Turkey in the domestic sector of the economy or similar; female victims of Human Trafficking or crime; women who are seasonal workers in the hotels of the Turkish tourist trade; the wives of Turkish men.
So it is necessary to describe the categories of women in Turkey.
The first category of professional women constitutes a small percentage of all women from former Ukraine because is not easy for women to find a legal job with contracts of employment. These women are working legally in Turkey.
The second category is business women who are owners of companies and are also employers. These women have their own businesses and the majority of these businesses are in tourism, the service sector or commerce in Turkey.
The third category of women is labor migrants, who are working in the host country legally or illegally, or who come to the host country for a limited period on tourist visas (a pendulum migration). Depending on their visas they can stay in the host country as 'visible' people or as 'invisible' when they do not have the right to stay in the host country.
Female victims of Human Trafficking constitute a fourth category of women. They are totally 'invisible' and is not possible to know their real number in the host country because more and more victims arrive every day into the country.
The fifth category is seasonal workers in hotels of the Turkish tourist trade. These women come to Turkey during the holiday season and they need to leave the country at the end of the season. However the majorities of these women try to find husbands or new prospects and attempt to stay in the host country.
The last, sixth, category of women are the wives of Turkish men. This category is the most numerous.
The survey among Ukrainian female migrants in Turkey
With the aim of exploring strategies of behavior of Ukrainian female migrants in Turkey, we conducted a survey among women in Turkey. The sample consists of 60 Ukrainian women in Turkey. The aim of this survey was to explore causes, problems, difficulties, opportunities, prospects, achievements and outcomes of female migrants (Table 9).
Table 9. Results of the survey among Ukrainian female migrants in Turkey
Questions Answers Number of women %
Your nationality Ukrainian 57 95
Crimean Tatars 3 5
Total 60 100
Your citizenship Ukrainian 41 68
Ukrainian & Turkish 19 32
Have you changed your citizenship? Yes 19 32
No 37 62
Do not answer 2 3
I would like to change 2 3
What is your age? 20-29 14 23
30-39 29 49
40-49 9 15
50-59 3 5
Without answer 5 8
Your purpose(s) in coming to Turkey? Marriage 45 75
Jobs and Careers 11 18
Labor migration 1 2
Other reasons 3 5
Your religion? Orthodoxy 43 72
Muslim 6 10
Atheism 5 8
Without answer 6 10
Have you changed your religion in Turkey? Yes 4 7
No 54 90
Without answer 2 3
Your level of knowledge of the Turkish language Native 8 13
Advanced 26 43
Intermediate 17 29
Elementary 9 15
How long have you been here? 11-20 years 15 25
10 years 8 13
1-9 years 29 48
1 month - till 1 year 7 12
Without answer 1 2
How long did it take for you to adapt here? 16 years 1 2
9-10 years 2 3
4-5 years 5 9
3 years 9 15
2 years 11 18
1-1,5 years 9 15
1 month -1 year 20 33
Without answer 3 5
Your marital status Married 46 77
Single 8 13
Divorced 4 7
Widow 2 3
If you are married, is this is your first marriage? Yes 37 62
No 11 18
Without answer 12 20
So, the nationalities of these women are Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars. The majority of them have Ukrainian citizenship (68%), but 32% of them have changed their citizenship to Turkish even if it is prohibited by Ukrainian law. The majority of Ukrainians are women under 40 years old - 72%. The purpose of the majority of them in coming to Turkey is marriage (75%), and because of traditions of host country 7% of them have changed their religion from Orthodoxy to Muslim. Out of all the respondents of the survey, 38% have been living in the host country 10 years and more, and the level of knowledge of the Turkish language for the majority of them, 56%, is native and advanced. Most of these women adapted to the host country in first few years. The majority of women, 77%, are married, and for 62% of women this is their first marriage.
The majority of women-respondents of a survey, 72%, have children. In the Table 10 we have found that one woman has three children (2% of all the women who have children), 28% of the women have two children, and 70% of the women have one child. Of the children of Ukrainian female migrants 40% are boys and 60% are girls. 58% of these children were born in the host country and are Muslim, but mothers of children (39%) didn't mark it in the questionnaire of the survey. Therefore, 25% of children are orthodox, 36% are Muslim.
The ages of children of Ukrainian female migrants, who were respondents of a survey, are 0-5 years - 36%; 5-9 years - 25%; 10-19 years - 25% etc.
Table 10. The part of a survey about children of Ukrainian female migrants in Turkey
Questions Answers Number of women %
Do you have children? I have children 43 72
I do not have children 17 28
How many children do you have? Three Kids 1 2
Two children 12 28
One Child 30 70
Gender of your children Boys 23 40
Girls 34 60
Were your children born here? Yes 25 58
No 12 28
Yes & No 6 14
What is the age of your children? 31-35 years 2 4
20-26 years 3 6
10-19 years 14 25
5-9 years 14 25
0-5 years 20 36
Without answer 2 4
Religion of your children? Orthodoxy 11 25
Muslim 16 36
Without answer 17 39
The educational level of women from Ukraine also is very important to explore. So, in the study we have explored this educational level of women from Ukraine in Turkey, their opportunities to work (legally) and in their professions (Table 11). According to results of the survey, 5% of women are PhD holders; 82% of women are with a Graduate degree; and 13% are with a College Degree. 42% of women are working, and only 36% of them are working in their professions. 82% women had the opportunity to work.
Table 11. The educational level of women from Ukraine in Turkey
Your educational level Number of women % Employment Number of women %
Ph.D Degree 3 5 I work 25 42
Graduate degree 49 82 I do not work 35 58
College Degree 8 13
Total 60 100 Total 60 100
Do you work in your profession? Do you have the opportunity to work (legally)?
Yes 9 36 Yes 49 82
No 16 64 No 11 18
A very important achievement for the research is to study the experiences of women in respect of discrimination or harassment within their Turkish families and the host society (Table 12). Therefore, 28% of women replied that they have experienced discrimination or harassment in the host society, and also 13% of women answered the same about their Turkish families.
Conclusions. Similarities in strategies of behavior of Ukrainian female migrants in Poland and Turkey concern their desire to find a better life and better prospects abroad. Differences in strategies of behavior of these
migrants in Poland and Turkey are in their choice of methods to achieve a better life abroad because the majority of Ukrainian female migrants go to Poland to find jobs, but to Turkey to marry.
Table 12. Experiences of women in respect of discrimination or harassment within their Turkish families and the host society__ __
Have you experienced any discrimination or harassment in the host society? Number of women % Have you experienced any discrimination or harassment within your Turkish family? Number of women %
Yes 17 28 Yes 8 13
No 43 72 No 49 82
Without answer 3 5
Total 60 100 Total 60 100
The main causes forcing Ukrainian women to go abroad are unemployment in the country of origin; poverty, low wages and pension, debts, domestic violence, seeking work abroad by choice, desire to explore new countries, marriage with foreign men, self-fulfillment, a better future for children, medical purposes, and political persecution.
According to data from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Poland, 143956 Ukrainian female migrants in Poland have asked about legal jobs in 2014, and the majority of them were under 40 years old. Also according to data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), the number of Ukrainians in Turkey in 2014 was 538337 people, and the majority of them are women.
With the aim of exploring strategies of behavior of Ukrainian female migrants in Turkey, we conducted a survey among women in Turkey. The sample consists of 60 Ukrainian women in Turkey. The majority of Ukrainians are women under 40 years old - 72%. According to the results of a survey, 5% of women are PhD holders; 82% of women have a Graduate degree; and 13% have a College Degree. 42% of the women are working, and of them only 9 women out of 60 respondents are working in their professions. 82% of women had the opportunity to work.
So, while in Poland Ukrainian women are seeking jobs but in Turkey they are housewives even if they have Graduate degree, but they are unable to achieve personal success in the host country. Even if Ukrainian female migrants are seeking jobs in both host countries, it is a very big problem for them to find legal jobs. The time in a legal job in Poland may be added to future pension entitlement for of women in Ukraine because an agreement between Ukraine and Poland exists on social security, signed in Kiev on May 18, 2012. Thinking about returning migrants, only a few of Ukrainian female migrants will back to the country of origin ever, and Ukraine need to analyze causes that have forced Ukrainian women to go abroad.
1. Act of 10 October 2012 on the ratification of Agreement between the Republic of Poland and Ukraine on social security, signed in Kiev on 18 May 2012 (Text No. 1378). (Ustawa z dnia 10 pazdziernika 2012 r. o ratyfikacji Umowy miedzy Rzeczapospolita Polska a Ukraina o zabezpieczeniu spolecznym, sporzadzonej w Kijowie dnia 18 maja 2012 r.) Dziennik Ustaw, 2012-12-10, Vol. 232, ISSN: 0867-3411. Retrieved from ILO: http://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/natlex_browse.details?p_lang=en&p_country=UKR&p_classification=23.01&p_origin= COUNTRY&p_sortby=SORTBY_COUNTRY, http://www.sejm.gov.pl/sejm7.nsf/agent.xsp?symbol=PROJUSTST &NrKadencji=7&KodKom=SZA
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8. Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Poland. http://www.mpips.gov.pl/analizy-i-raporty/cudzoziemcy-pracujacy-w-polsce-statystyki/
9. Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) http://www.turkstat.gov.tr/UstMenu.do?metod=temelist
10. Ustawa z dnia 27 kwietnia 2012 r. o zmianie ustawy o cudzoziemcach oraz ustawy o promocji zatrudnienia i instytucjach rynku pracy. Retrieved from Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej: http://bip.udsc.gov.pl/?cid=61&bip_id=291
11.Zezwolenia na pracq dla cudzoziemcow w 2011 r. http://biuletynmigracyjny.uw.edu.pl/36-czerwiec-2012/zezwolenia-na-prace-dla-cudzoziemcow-w-2011-r
Кошулько Оксана Павлiвна, к.е.н., доцент,
Полоцький державний ужверситет, м. Новополоцьк, Республiка Бторусь e-mail: oksanakoshulko2015@gmail.com
Кошулько Оксана Павловна, к.э.н., доцент,
Полоцкий государственный ужверситет, г. Новополоцк, Республика Беларусь e-mail: oksanakoshulko2015@gmail.com
Koshulko Oksana, Ph.D. in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Polotsk State University, Novopolotsk, Belarus e-mail: oksanakoshulko2015@gmail.com
УДК: 339.137.2
Лисиця К.С.
Ключов'1 слова: конкурентоспроможнють, кра/'ни СНД, ¡нновацй, логстика, м1жнародн1 ¡ндекси конкурентоспроможност1, ВВП.
Лисица Е.С.
Предмет исследования: взаимосвязь между торговлей и конкурентоспособностью стран СНГ.
Цель исследования: на основе анализа мировых индексов конкурентоспособности стран СНГ определить основные факторы роста и возможные пути усиления конкурентоспособности и улучшения условий торговли стран СНГ в мировой торговле.
Методы: общенаучные методы анализа и синтеза, методы группировок, обобщения и систематизации данных, а также экономико-математические модели.
Результаты работы: В статье содержится анализ подходов к определению понятия «конкурентоспособность», в особенности «международная конкурентоспособность», как с теоретической, так и с практической точки зрения. На основе анализа мировых индексов (индекс глобальной конкурентоспособности, индекс «Ведения бизнеса», индекс экономической свободы, индекс развития логистики, индекс инновационного развития) выделены доминирующие факторы роста конкурентоспособности в странах СНГ, а также предложены различные пути формирования стратегии конкурентоспособности и улучшения условий торговли в мировой экономике.
Результаты исследования могут быть использованы для формирования национальныхстратегийразвития конкурентоспособности стран СНГ, как на национальном уровне, так и на уровне региональной интеграции; для стимулирования экономического роста в краткосрочной и долгосрочной перспективах.
Выводы:Существует множество мировых индексов, которые анализируют различные аспекты (политические, экономические и нормативные) развития стран. В мировой экономике эти индексы используются правительствами стран, иностранными инвесторами, национальными предприятиями. Реформы, направленные на устранение структурных недостатков, с одной стороны, и повышение конкурентоспособности, с другой, сосредоточены, как на повышении эффективности государственного регулирования и региональной конкурентоспособности, так и либерализации различных секторов экономики.
Страны СНГ в формировании национальной конкурентоспособности базируются на различных точках роста. При этом в большей мере используются «базовые составляющие», а не инновационные. Это приводит к формированию различных стратегий развития конкурентоспособности, различному уровню торговой специализации, различным подходам к улучшению условий торговли и созданию административной системы. Для устранения элементов непрозрачности и разработки единых принципов развития и регулирования, страны СНГ на уровне региональной интеграции должны предусмотреть единые принципы и механизмы развития конкурентоспособности, не противоречащие национальным.
© Лисиця К.С., 2017
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