Научная статья на тему 'Certain social and economic aspects of suicides committed in the region of Smolyan, Republic of Bulgaria, over the period 2000-2009'

Certain social and economic aspects of suicides committed in the region of Smolyan, Republic of Bulgaria, over the period 2000-2009 Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Baltov Marin Kostadinov, Bivolarski Iliya Petrov, Mihaylova Vanina Krasteva

Although the suicide issue is not recent, it is still topical. The region of Smolyan in Bulgaria is characterised by mountainous relief, underdeveloped economy and high unemployment rate. Quantitative evaluation of suicides committed in the region during the period 2000-2009 has been carried out. It was established that the suicide rate over that period varies between 5.98 per 100,000 and 14.92 per 100,000. Out of all suicides, 83.22 ±3.14% are committed by men. People aged between 20 and 64 years commit 81.12 ±3.27% of all suicides. In the region of Smolyan, married, unemployed and retired people form groups at risk of suicide. A correlation was discovered between financial difficulties, the struggle for survival and the number of suicides in the region of Smolyan over the period 2000-2009.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Certain social and economic aspects of suicides committed in the region of Smolyan, Republic of Bulgaria, over the period 2000-2009»

Примечание: Р1 -достоверность между группой «нон-дипперов» и группой контроля; Р2-достоверность между группой «найт-пикеров» и группой контроля

Таблица 1

Клинико-элементная харакщ ристика «нон-дипперов» и «найт-пикеров» в группе больных АГ с МАУ в

Показатель Нон-диперы M±m, n=17 Найт-пикеры M±m, n=6 Здоровые M±m, n=30 Р1 Р2

Возраст, лет 48,8±3,7 52,7±4,4 51,7±2,2 0,15 0,2

Длительность АГ, лет 10,7±1,3 9,6±2,1 - -

ЧСС (уд/мин) М: 98,2±6,1 Ж: 100,3±4.7 М:109,2±5,3 Ж: 113,3±4.7 М: 79±6,7 Ж:86±5,4 0,03 0,01 0,01 0,001

САД, мм рт.ст 176,0±5,1 159,0±8,1 130,0±2,6 0,02 0,04

ДАД, мм рт. ст. 94,1±6,1 86,4±5,3 75,5±3,6 0,03 0,04

Ca 2+ (ммоль/ л) 2,31±0,04 2,33±0,06 2,35±0,021 0,06 0,09

Mg ++ (ммоль/ л) 0,90±0,03 0,88±0,04 0,89±0,012 0,07 0,70

О- (ммоль/ л) 103,7±1,1 104,6±1,0 104,3±0,6 0,08 0

К+ (ммоль/ л) 3,74±0,04 3,78±0,06 3,77±0,08 0,09 0,1

№+ (ммоль/ л) 147,8±1,2 149,8 ±1,7 140,4±0,06 0,04 0,03

С целью оценки влияния содержания натрия в крови на риск отсутствия снижения АД в ночное время («нон-дипперы») или даже повышение АД в ночное время («найт-пикеры) нами проведен анализ показателя отношения шансов с расчетом доверительного интервала. Установлено, что как на риск отсутствия снижения АД в ночное время (нон-дипперы), так и на риск повышения АД в ночное время (найт-пиккеры) статистически значимое влияние оказывает повышение содержания в крови натрия (0Ш=33,0[3,0;5,9], Р=0,0001 и ОШ=25,0[2,7;4,2],Р=0,0012 соответственно. Проведенный нами анализ воздействия фактора принадлежности пациента к группе «нон-дипперов» и «найт-пикеров» на риск возникновения МАУ показал, что недостаточное снижение и даже повышение уровня АД во время сна в 9 раз повышает риск развития МАУ у больных АГ ( ОШ=9,3 [1,9;3,8], р=0,002).

Список литературы: 1. Диагностика и лечение артериальной гипертензии. Рекомендации Российского Медицинского Общества по артериальной гипертонии и Всерос-сийиского Общества Кардиологов 2010 (четвертый пересмотр). Системные гипертензии. - М., 2010. -№ 3. - С. 5-26.

2. Калинина А.М. Концептуальная основа профилактического консультирования пациентов с хроническими неинфекционными заболеваниями и факторами их развития/ Кардиоваскулярная терапия и профилактика, 2012; 4: С.4-9.

3. Мычка В.Б., Чазова И.Е., Оганов Р.Г. Первичная профилактика сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний // Consiliummedicum. - 2009. - Т. 11. №»1. - С. 105-110.

4. Оганов Р.Г., Тимофеева Т.Н., Колтунов И.Е. и др. Эпидемиология артериальной гипертонии в России. Результаты федерального мониторинга 20032010 гг //Кардиоваскулярная терапия и профилактика. - 2011. - Т.10 №1. - С.9-13.

5. Рекомендации по диагностики и лечению артериальной гипертонии Европейского Общества по Гипертонии (ESH) и Европейского Общества Кардиологов (ESC), 2013, С.39.

6. Саракаева А.З. Макро- и микроэлементозы, дисфункция эндотелия и их взаимосвязи у больных артериальной гипертонией в условиях высокогорья: автореф. дис. ... канд. мед. наук. - Нальчик, 200722 с.


Marin Kostadinov Baltov

PhD, Chief assistant - Department of General and Clinical Pathology and Forensic Medicine,

Medicine Faculty, Medical University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Iliya Petrov Bivolarski

Chief assistant - Department of General and Clinical Pathology and Forensic Medicine,

Medicine Faculty, Medical University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Vanina Krasteva Mihaylova

PhD, Professor - Department of Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Public Health Medical University, Sofia;

Department of Health Care Management, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria


Although the suicide issue is not recent, it is still topical. The region of Smolyan in Bulgaria is characterised by mountainous relief, underdeveloped economy and high unemployment rate. Quantitative evaluation of suicides committed in the region during the period 2000-2009 has been carried out. It was established that the suicide rate over that period varies between 5.98 per 100,000 and 14.92 per 100,000. Out of all suicides, 83.22 ±3.14% are committed by men. People aged between 20 and 64 years commit 81.12 ±3.27% of all suicides. In the region of Smolyan, married, unemployed and retired people form groups at risk of suicide. A correlation was discovered between financial difficulties, the struggle for survival and the number of suicides in the region of Smolyan over the period 2000-2009.

Key words: suicides, suicide rate, region of Smolyan, groups at risk

During the last decade, the suicide issue is becoming more and more topical. Every 40 seconds, a human being ends his or her life somewhere around the world [1, 5, 9, 12]. Changes in the suicide rate are quite often more precise indicator of society's economic and social stability than prices of primary commodities [4]. In Bulgaria, suicide surveys cover given time periods or individual regions, and most of them study mental and psychological aspects of suicides [1, 5, 6, 7, 8]. Most suicides committed in the country are registered in the South Central Region, part of which is the region of Smolyan [10, 11]. In terms of area and population, this is the smallest region and it is affected by high unemployment [13, 14]. Suicide surveys for the region of Smolyan have never been conducted before.

Objective of this survey are the social and economic aspects of suicides committed between 2000 and 2009 in the region of Smolyan.

Materials and methods: The 143 cases of suicide registered between 2000 and 2009 at the Forensic Medicine department of the Bratan Shukerov General Hospital in Smolyan were analysed. Data was processed using the historic archive study method. The information on the region's population and unemployment rate is taken from the web sites of the National Statistical Institute, the Employment Agency and the Ministry of Regional Development [13, 14, 15]. The


/ oooo 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2

statistical processing of data obtained involved variation analysis and analysis of dynamic changes [1, 3].

Results: The suicide rate for the region during the years concerned has been determined and it varies in the range between 14.92 per 100,000 and 5.98 per 100,000. Its dynamics has been compared to the data for South Central Region and that for Bulgaria [see Chart 1]. The suicide rate for the region of Smolyan is almost half of that for the whole country. There is a initial level of 14 per 100,000 for 2000 and a statistically significant decrease between 2001 and 2003 [a period of political, economic and social stability in the country]. The number of suicides in the region of Smolyan increased suddenly in 2008, and in 2009 it marks peaks exceeding by far the initial value for the period [more than 15 per 100,000]. In addition, there are some particularly ostentatious cases of suicide [self-immolation, etc.] in the country, as well as certain frustration acts similar to suicide with inquisition elements perpetrated mainly by men.

The distribution of suicides by gender was studied showing that 83.22 ±3.14% of them were men and 16.78 ±3.14% were women. On the basis of information about the distribution of the region's population by gender was determined the rate of men's and women's suicides [see Chart 2].

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 ^^ region of Smolyan SCR ^^ Bulgaria

Yt = 10.83 ±0,08x

Chart 1: Dynamics of suicide rate for the region of Smolyan, South Central Region and Bulgaria over the period 2000-2009


/ oooo


25 20 15 10 5 0

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009




Men: Yt = 18.54 ±0,15x Women: Yt = 3.54 ±0,32x Chart 2: Dynamics of suicide rate by gender for the region of Smolyan over the period 2000-2009

The suicide rate in men varies in the range between 10.61 per 100,000 in 2003 and 28.33 per 100,000 in 2009. In women, these values are quite lower ranging from 6.06 per 100,000 in 2006 to 1.43 per 100,000 in 2002.

Suicide distribution by age shows that most suicides are committed by persons aged between 45 and 64. The share of suicides committed by persons aged from 20 to 64 years, i.e. the active population of the region, is 81.12 ±3.27% [see Chart 3].

under 19 years;

Chart 3: Distribution of suicides by age for the region of Smolyan

Suicide distribution by place of residence was studied. It appears that their share corresponds to the distribution of the population of the region of Smolyan by type of settlement [town/village] [see Chart 4].

60/00o/o 50,00/ 40,00/ 30,00// 20,00/ 10,00// 0,00//



town village

55,24/ 44,7б/

54,99/ 45,01/

Chart 4: Distribution of suicides by place of residence

Suicides in the region of Smolyan differ by family status and social status. Highest is the rate of suicides committed by married, unemployed and retired persons [see Charts 5 and 6]

Chart 5: Distribution of suicides by social status Chart 6: Distribution of suicides by family status

This is the reason why we decided to trace the changes in the region's economic situation by comparing the evolution of the unemployment rate over the years to the dynamics of suicide rate [see Chart 7].






2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 ^^"unemployment o/o suicide rate %ooo

Chart 7: Dynamics of unemployment rate and suicide rate in the region of Smolyan over the period 2000-2009

Discussion: According to WHO's statistics, a suicide rate between 10 and 20 per 100,000 is considered medium. Over the whole period of the study, the mean suicide rate for the region of Smolyan was 10.83 per 100,000, i.e. it was medium. The suicide rate for the region of Smolyan in the period 2000-2009 was lower than the rate for Bulgaria [13.58 per 100,000], for the South Central Region [15.53 per 100,000] and for the largest region in the area, that of Plovdiv [14.53 per 100,000] [9, 10, 11]. The trend of the suicide rate for the South Central Region and for Bulgaria is decreasing while for the region of Smolyan the dynamics is unstable, with increasing trend and reaching its highest value during last year.

The distribution of suicides by gender shows they are predominantly male like in other regions of the country but the share of female suicides is lower than the average for the area [6, 8]. Therefore, the men/women ratio of suicides for the region of Smolyan is 4.69/1.0 which is higher than the ratio for South Central Region [3.1/1.0] and that for Bulgaria [10, 11]. The evolution of suicide rate in men is similar to the overall suicide rate for the region given their larger number, whereas in women that rate is decreasing without sudden changes. It is interesting to follow the evolution of suicide rate during the period 2007-2009 where the values for men suddenly increase while they decrease for women. In the same time the overall suicide rate for the region increased. The reason for such sudden change should be attributed to the advancing economic crisis that strikes poorer regions of the country first. In 2009, an increase of unemployment rate, affecting mainly men, was observed.

Most suicides are committed by persons aged between 45 and 64 years who account for almost half of all suicides. People in the age range 20-44 commit 1/3 of all suicides. Characteristic of the region of Smolyan is lower share of suicides committed by retired persons in comparison with the data for the country and the area [7, 8, 10, 11].

According to information from available literature, rural population commits more suicides than urban population [6, 7, 8]. Another particularity of the suicide rate for the region of Smolyan is that the shares of urban and rural suicides are similar.

It is believed that loneliness is one of the motives for suicide. However, more than half of all suicides in the region of Smolyan have been committed by married people and that could indicate that loneliness is not among the reasons for suicide.

Most suicides are committed by unemployed or retired people, i.e. people with the lowest income in the region. This fact shows that the economic status of residents of the region of Smolyan is among the leading causes of suicide. Out of 24

women that have committed suicide 12 were unemployed and 8 were retired. Sixteen of these women were married but half of them were unemployed, and out of 5 single women 4 were unemployed. This data shows once again that the struggle for survival is among the causes of suicide.

The region of Smolyan is among the regions with highest unemployment rates in the country. Although over time unemployment rate decreased, in 2009 it increased again. The comparison between unemployment rate and suicide rate over time shows certain similarities between these rates. After having decreased in 2007 and 2008, both of them increased in 2009 reflecting the advancing economic crisis.


1. During the period 2000-2008, the suicide rate for the region of Smolyan was lower than the rate for South Central Region, but in 2009 the former marked a peak and exceeded the latter.

2. Most of the suicides in the region are committed by men [83.22 ±3.14%].

3. People aged 20 to 64 years - i.e. the active population - commit 80% of all suicides.

4. Married, unemployed and retired people form risk groups in respect of suicide.

5. Financial difficulties and the struggle for survival are among the leading causes of suicide in the region.


The following measures appear necessary for an efficient prevention: institutionalisation of prevention; identification of groups at high risk; training of suicide experts among professions like psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers and volunteers; creation of a suicide prevention centre with cabinets for social and psychological help outside of mental hospitals and promotion of the centre's activities; putting back in operation hot lines in the administrative centres; crisis management hospitals; introduction of modular training at the public health departments of universities in suicide prevention as an important social issue; attracting the intellectual elite and the Bulgarian Orthodox Church to the debate and the activities of institutions in this field; increasing the awareness of the general public and of the medical profession in respect of suicide.


1. Angelova V, Regional analysis of suicides in Europe, Collection of reports of the seventh national convention on medical geography, with international participation, Sofia, 2006, p. 103-110.

2. Dimitrov I, Fundamentals of scientific research in medicine, Methods and methodology, medical publishing house ET Vasil Petrov, Plovdiv, 2007.



3. Dimitrov I, Medical statistics, Pigmalion, Plovdiv, 1996.

4. Ermenov B, Suicide, in Sociology of deviant behaviour, compilation by G Fotev, Prosveta, Sofia, 2005, p. 107-148.

5. Levenova I, Bakalova V, Telchalova G, Todorova N, Bogatinova M, Dynamics of suicides in the region of Plovdiv after 2000, Social medicine, XII, 2004, # 4, p. 20.

6. Milenkov K, Tsoneva-Pencheva L, About suicides in Bulgaria and essential guidelines on suicide prevention, Modern medicine, XLV, 1994, # 1, p. 3-8.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

7. Tsoneva-Pencheva L, Tsonov P, Yordanova R, Suicide acts - results from a one-year social medical study in four municipalities around the country, Forum medicus, LI, 1996, # 17, 29 April, p. 7.

8. Tsoneva-Pencheva L, Vukov M, Dikova K, Suicides and attempted suicides in the Republic of Bulgaria: demographic, social, psychological and meteotropic factors, Receptor, Ill, 2006, # 4, p. 54-62.

9. Ajdacic - Gross V. Weiss M. Ring M. Hepp U et al.; Methods of suicide: international suicide patterns derived from the WHO mortality database. Bulletin of the WHO 2008, 86, 726-732.

10. Baltov Marin: QUANTITATIVE INDICES OF THE SUICIDE RATE IN THE SOUTH CENTRAL REGION FOR THE PERIOD 2000 - 2009; http://journal.sustz.com/VolumeII/Number1/index.htm lgora

11. Baltov Marin: Retrospective analysis of suicides in Bulgaria for the period 2000-2009. Presentations from the 22nd Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey, 5-8 July, 2012 Copyright 2013 by MEDIMOND s.r.l. 40065, Italy, ISBN 978-88-7587-676-0

12. WHO - Suicide Statistics, Geneve 2010

13. www.az.govermment.bg

14. www.mrrb.govermment.bg

15. www.nsi.bg


Барташевич Галина Михайловна

Ассистент кафедры факультетской терапии и эндокринологии ГБОУ ВПО УГМУМЗ России, Екатеринбург

В связи с включением мочевой кислоты (МК) в скрининг по оценке риска развития сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний (ССЗ) в амбулаторной практике стала выявляться бессимптомная гиперурикемия (БГУ). Так, по данным литературы, у 19,3% населения России встречается БГУ [1].

Причинами БГУ принято считать дефекты генов, отвечающих за активность ферментов, влияющих как на синтез МК (гиперпродукция), так и на ее транспорт в почках (гипоэкскреция). Также ГУ наблюдается при гемобла-стозах, тяжелом псориазе, саркоидозе, болезнях накопления, гипотиреозе, гиперпаратиреозе, ХБП, застойной сердечной недостаточности, гестозе, ожирении, а также химио- и лучевой терапии. Жирная мясная пища, богатая пуринами, также нарушает экскрецию МК почками. Алкоголь, метаболизируясь до молочной кислоты, препятствует экскреции уратов. Наибольшую опасность представляют крепкие алкогольные напитки и пиво. Вклад в развитие вторичной ГУ вносит и прием лекарственных препаратов (туберкулостатики, циклоспорин, диуретики и др.).

Самые первые предположения о связи МК с риском ССЗ появились в Британском журнале еще в 1886 году. В настоящее время по результатам многочисленных исследований (БГУ) рассматривается как независимый фактор риска ССЗ и выступает значимой составляющей метаболического синдрома (МС) [2]. Так в исследовании NHANES при наблюдении за 14000 пациентов с 1970-71гг до летального исхода была выявлена связь между исходным уровнем МК и ССЗ, но связь была независимо значимой только у женщин [3]. Фрамингемское исследование не выявило достоверной связи между уровнем МК и ССЗ, но было установлено что гиперурикемия - предиктор развития артериальной гипертензии (АГ) [4]. В исследовании MONICA было показано, что у больных с ИБС повышение МК, независимо от других факторов риска (ФР), связано с достоверным увеличением как сердечно-сосудистой, так и общей смертности [5]. 12-летнее исследование PIUMA, в котором участвовало более 1500 ранее не леченых пациентов с АГ, также продемонстрировало, что уровень МК

сыворотки - сильный предиктор ССЗ и смертности [6]. Такие данные достаточно неоднозначны и требуют дополнительных исследований. Исследование LIFE впервые показало, что у больных с АГ и гипертрофией левого желудочка медикаментозное снижение МК может уменьшать кардиоваскулярный риск [7,8].

Еще в середине прошлого века дискутировались и благоприятные эффекты ГУ на организм человека. Orowan E. утверждал что МК сходна по своей химической структуре с триметилированным ксантин кофеином и поэтому повышает умственную и физическую работоспособность [9]. Проведенные исследования в 1960-70 годах подтверждали, что люди с ГУ отличаются более высоким интеллектом и быстротой реакции [10-12]. Наряду с данными о некотором положительном влиянии МК, большинство работ связывают ГУ с развитием кар-диоваскулярного риска и поражением почек [13-15].

Цель данного исследования - установить влияние бессимптомной гиперурикемии на развитие коронарного атеросклероза.

Объекты и методы исследования В одномоментное сравнительное исследование на условиях добровольного информированного согласия было включено 110 мужчин. Критерии включения в исследование: мужчины от 25 до 55 лет без ИБС и НПО; с БГУ без клинических проявлений ИБС. Критериями исключения являлись: возраст старше 55 лет, наличие ИБС, ХСН, ХПН, сахарного диабета, онкопатологии.

Всем исследуемым проведено общеклиническое обследование (антропометрия с определением индекса массы тела, АД, биохимические параметры крови: липи-дограмма, уровень МК, ЭКГ); специальные методы обследования: компьютерная коронароангиография (КТ КАГ). Для изучения зависимости кардиоваскулярного риска от нарушений пуринового обмена пациенты были разделены на 2 группы: с НПО (40 пациентов с БГУ), и без НПО (группа сравнения, 70 человек).

Результаты исследования и их обсуждение Все обследованные были сопоставимы по возрасту, массе тела, стажу курения, параметрам АД и показателям липидного спектра сыворотки крови.

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