CAS CENTURIES AND CULTIVATION TECHNOLOGY'S FEATURES ECOBIOLOGICAL ACUTIFOLIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
medicinal herbs / flowers / fruit / plant / praise for the light-loving / heat-loving the soil. / лекарственные травы / цветы / плоды / растения / хвала светолюбивой / теплолюбивой почве.

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Sariboyeva, Malika

Article Acutifolia cas centuries, to the type of areal distribution, and the growing areas in the southern regions of Uzbekistan osim current situation of disorder and medicinal properties, belonging to the family A family of anglers praise (cas centuries acutifolia Del.) Medicinal properties of the plant, lit

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Статья «Acutifolia cas» веками к типу ареала и ареалам произрастания в южных регионах Узбекистана. Осим текущего состояния беспорядка и лечебных свойств, принадлежащих к семейству. завод, лит


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Article Acutifolia cas centuries, to the type of areal distribution, and the growing areas in the southern regions of Uzbekistan osim current situation of disorder and medicinal properties, belonging to the family A family of anglers praise (cas centuries acutifolia Del.) Medicinal properties of the plant, lit.

Keywords: medicinal herbs, flowers, fruit, plant, praise for the light-loving, heat-loving the soil.

Статья «Acutifolia cas» веками к типу ареала и ареалам произрастания в южных регионах Узбекистана. Осим текущего состояния беспорядка и лечебных свойств, принадлежащих к семейству. завод, лит.

Ключевые слова: лекарственные травы, цветы, плоды, растения, хвала светолюбивой, теплолюбивой почве.


Nowadays, the reserves of naturally growing medicinal plants are declining due to human activities. In order to compensate for this and meet the needs of our people, it would be expedient to increase the number of medicinal plants and plant them in irrigated areas, taking into account the soil and climatic conditions of Uzbekistan [3]. Cassia acutifolia Del. Is a promising medicinal plant.

Currently, the problem of expanding the domestic medicinal plant raw material base, as well as the search for new sources of biologically active substances of plant origin, is quite acute. In connection with the new requirements for drugs and dietary supplements, the modern search can be conditionally divided into two directions: this is a more in-depth study of biologically active substances in the objects of official medicine and in objects that are not reflected in official medicine [1].

The legume family is the object of close study by many scientists from different countries. This increased attention is due to their wide range of physiological effects. They have anti-inflammatory, emollient, anticonvulsant, laxative, expectorant effects. But in recent years, a number of new properties have been identified that have hypotensive, antihyperglycemic action.

Sariboyeva Malika

Gulistan state university



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A significant number of species have saponins, coumarins, flavonoids, anthracene derivatives, etc. [2].

The availability and annual reproducibility of such raw materials is of considerable importance. Cassia holly

Senna Fruit (Cassia) - Folia Senna (Cassiae) Senna Leaves (Cassia) - Fructus Senna (Cassiae) Cassia holly - Cassia acutifolia Del. Legumes family - Fabaceae Other names:senna hay

Botanical characteristics. Small shrubs from 0.5 to 1 m in height. Leaves are large, pair-pinnate, containing 4-8 pairs of leaflets, alternate. Flowers yellow irregular, collected in axillary racemes. The fruit is a flat, broadly oval membranous dry brownish polyspermous pod. Blooms from July to autumn.

Currently, the genus Cassia belongs to the Caesalpiniaceae family. Spreading. A plant in a tropical climate. It does not occur in the wild in the country. Before the revolution, cassia leaves and fruits were imported in significant quantities from abroad. Cassia holly grows in the basin of the middle Nile, narrow-leaved cassia - along the shores of the Red Sea. Cultivated in India and Pakistan.

Habitat. The necessary conditions for plant cultivation are found in Central Asia. Cassia is cultivated only as an annual crop. Cultivated in the mountains, does not tolerate winter cold. Cassia narrow-leaved: leaves and beans are imported in insignificant quantities.

Chemical composition. Cassia holly belongs to medicinal plants containing anthracene derivatives.

Depending on the structure of the carbon skeleton, anthracene derivatives can be divided into 3 main groups: Compounds based on 1 anthracene nucleus -monomers .. Compounds with 2 anthracene nuclei are dimers (Figure 1).

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Figure 1- Sennoside A

Condensed AP [4].

In addition, flavone glycosides have been found: isorhamnetin, kaempferol, kaempferin. Organic acids (linoleic, stearic, palmitic, etc.), phytosterol, phytosteroline, traces of alkaloids, and polysaccharides were also isolated.

In cassia angustifolia, in addition to these substances, mericylic alcohol was found. The content of anthraglycosides in the leaves of cassia angustifolia reaches 3.77%, in fruits - 4.6%.

Of the accompanying components, resinous substances that cause pain in the intestines are contained, from which they are freed by filtering the prepared infusions in a cold form. Harvesting, primary processing and drying. Harvesting is carried out in the flowering-fruiting phase in a mechanized way. Raw materials are dried and dried on prepared concreted or earthen drying areas. After drying, they are passed through a forage harvester, where the leaves are separated from the stems. To remove coarse fractions of stems and mineral impurities, the crushed heap is passed through a pneumatic separation unit. The collection of fruits on seed plantations is carried out manually as they ripen. The collected fruits are dried in currents or in dryers, threshed and seeds are separated on cleaning machines. After threshing and cleaning the seeds, the fruit leaves are used as raw materials. In addition, harvesting of fruits of various degrees of ripeness is carried out in the production of senna leaves. Drying is carried out in the shade, under a canopy, turning the raw material several times [5].

Storage. In pharmacies - in well-closed boxes, in warehouses - in bales or bales in a dry, well-ventilated area. The powder is stored in well-sealed jars in a dark place. Shelf life is 3 years.


Pharmacological properties. Cassia leaves have laxative properties, they increase the motor function of the intestines, especially the colon. Medicines. Senna leaf,

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senna leaf briquettes, infusion. The leaves are part of the laxative fees. Preparations "Kafiol" (in the form of briquettes), "Senadexin" (tablets), senna extract. Imported drugs (Senade, Glaxena (tablets, India), Regulax (fruit cubes, Germany).

Application. Cassia is one of the main remedies used on all continents as a laxative. Cassia is used for habitual constipation, before surgery, and for postoperative intestinal atony. Laxatives containing anthraglycosides are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, as they can cause abortion and enter the mother's milk in concentrations that are toxic to the baby.

Senna leaf is released from pharmacies in packs of 50 g and as part of laxative or choleretic charges. At home, infusions are prepared.

Powder of greenish-yellow color, with the smell of dill, bittersweet taste.

Hay leaves and fruits in the form of tablets, capsules and other dosage forms are recommended for persons controlling body weight as a dietary supplement to food


1. Zaichikova, S.G. Botanical and pharmaceutical study of some representatives of the genus of the rank of the legume family and assessment of their biological activity: author. dis. Doctor of Pharmacy: 05.18.15 / S.G. Zaichikova; - Moscow, 2010 .-- 94p.

2. Kolchanov, R.A. Family Legumes (Fabaceae) in the flora of the Belgorod region / R.A. Kolchanov, A.F. Kolchanov // Scientific Bulletin of Belgorod State University. -2012.-№3. - 122p.

3. Annaev, Ch. Chemical structure of triterpene glycosides from Climacoptera transoxana and Salsola micranthera: author. dis. Cand. technical sciences: 05.18.15 / Ch. Annaev; - UzSSR, 1983 .-- 126s.

4. Konopleva, M.M. Pharmacognosy: natural biologically active substances / M.M. Konoplev. - Textbook. manual, 2006. - 183p.

5. Shelyuto, V.L. Pharmacognosy / V.L. Shelyuto. - M .: VSMU, 2003.-490s. Belous, V.N. Morphological features of astragals of the Stavropol Territory and Karachay-Cherkessia. Problems of botany at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries: author. dis. Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences: 05.18.15 / V.N. Whitebeard; -Moscow, 1998 .-- 52p.

6. Belous, V.N. Astragalus of Stavropol region as promising sources of ALS. Successes of modern natural science, abstract of Ph.D. dis. Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences: 05.18.15 / V.N. Whitebeard; - Moscow, 2003 .-- 145s.


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