Russian Journal of Occupational Health and Industrial Ecology — 2019; 59 (9)
DOI: Togawa K.
Cancer in agricultural populations
International Agency for Research on Cancer, 150, cours Albert Thomas, Lyon, France, 69372
Agricultural workers can be exposed to a wide variety of agents (e.g. pesticides), some of which may have adverse health effects, such as cancer. To study the health effects of agricultural exposures, an international consortium of agricultural cohort studies, AGRICOH, was established. The present analysis compared cancer incidence between the AGRICOH cohorts and the general population and found lower overall cancer incidence in the AGRICOH cohorts, with some variation across cohorts for specific cancer types. The observed lower cancer incidence may be due to healthy worker bias or lower prevalence of risk factors in the agricultural populations. Further analysis is underway. Keywords: agriculture; pesticide; cancer
For citation: Togawa K. Cancer in agricultural populations. Med. truda i prom ekol. 2019; 59 (9).
For correspondence: Togawa K., E-mail: [email protected]
Funding. The study had no funding.
Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Тогава К.
Злокачественные новообразования у работающих, занятых в сельском хозяйстве
Международное агентство по изучению рака, 150, Альбер Тома, Лион, Франция, 69372
Сельскохозяйственные работники могут подвергаться воздействию широкого круга агентов (например, пестицидов), некоторые из которых могут оказывать неблагоприятное влияние на здоровье, например приводить к злокачественным новообразованиям. Для изучения влияния на здоровье человека различных видов воздействия в сельском хозяйстве был создан Международный консорциум когортных исследований в сельском хозяйстве (AGRICOH). В настоящем исследовании проведено сравнение числа случаев рака в когортах AGRICOH и общей популяции и выявлено меньшее число случаев рака в когорте AGRICOH с некоторыми различиями между когортами по конкретным типам злокачественных новообразований. Более низкая заболеваемость злокачественными опухолями может быть обусловлена превалированием здоровых работников или меньшей распространенностью факторов риска у сельского населения. Проводится дальнейшее исследование.
Ключевые слова: сельское хозяйство; пестицид; злокачественные новообразования
Для цитирования: Тогава К. Злокачественные новообразования у сельского населения. Мед. труда и пром. экол. 2019;
59 (9).
Для корреспонденции: Тогава К., E-mail: [email protected]
Финансирование. Исследование не имело спонсорской поддержки.
Конфликт интересов. Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов.
Introduction. Agricultural workers can be exposed to a wide variety of agents, including pesticides. Some of these agents have been linked to adverse health outcomes, such as cancer [1]. However, the existing epidemiological studies of agricultural exposures remain largely subject to limitations, such as imprecise exposure information, retrospective nature of study, and insufficient sample size. To further investigate the associations of agricultural exposures with health outcomes, an international consortium of agricultural cohort studies, the AGRICOH, was established. The present analysis aimed to compare the cancer incidence between the AGRICOH cohorts and the general population.
Methods. Information of cancer incidence was available in eight of the AGRICOH cohorts from six different countries: Australia (Victorian Grains Farmers cohort, Pesticide Exposed Workers cohort), Denmark (SUS), France (AGRICAN), Norway (CNAP), South Korea (KMCC) and the United States (AHS, MESA). From each cohort, information on primary incident cancers (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer), person-years of follow-up, and national/regional cancer rates was obtained. With this information, we estimated cohort- and sex-specific cancer standardized incidence ratios (SIR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI).
Results. The cohorts differed in age distribution and also included a variety of agricultural-related workers, including farmers, farm workers, farming students, and pesticide applicators working in various settings (e.g. farming, forestry, pest control). During > 3,000,000 person-years, 25,985 cancers
were newly diagnosed. Breast and prostate cancers were the most common cancers in women and men, respectively. The combined SIR for overall cancer incidence was 0.74 (95% CI: 0.67, 0.81) in men and 0.75 (95% CI: 0.64, 0.88) in women. In particular, lower incidence was observed for cancers of breast and lung in women and for cancers of bladder, larynx, liver, lung, oesophagus, and pancreas in men. SIRs were slightly elevated for melanoma in women and non-Hodgkin lymphoma in men although the CI included one. Some variations in SIR were observed across cohorts [2].
Conclusion. The overall cancer incidence was lower in the AGRICOH cohorts than in the general population, which may be due to healthy worker bias or lower prevalence of risk factors, such as smoking in the agricultural populations. Some differences in agricultural exposures/settings or other factors may partly explain the differences observed across the cohorts. Further analysis is underway to investigate the heterogeneity across cohorts and the associations between different types of pesticide and cancers.
1. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), IARC Monographs on the identification of carcinogenic hazards to humans:
2. Leon ME, Beane Freeman LE, et al. AGRICOH: a consortium of agricultural cohorts. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2011; 8 (5): 1341-57. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph8051341. Epub 2011 Apr 29.
Медицина труда и промышленная экология — 2019; 59 (9)
DOI: Turner M.C.
Shift work and cancer
Barcelona Institute for Global Health, Doctor Aiguader, 88, Barcelona, Spain, 08003
Circadian disruption and night-shift work have been associated with a range of acute and chronic health effects including cardiometabolic diseases, obesity, as well as breast and prostate cancer. Circadian disruption may also affect the health of the general population because of widespread mistimed lifestyle practices including mistimed eating and sleep patterns and increasing exposure to light-at-night and particularly blue light spectrum through the use of e-readers, LEDs and smartphones. New epidemiological evidence on the effects of circadian disruption and light-at-night in workers and the general population will be presented, and mechanisms of disease and potential preventive measures discussed. Keywords: night shift work; circadian disruption; sleep; light at night
For citation: Turner M.C. Shift work and cancer. Med. truda i prom ekol. 2019; 59 (9).
For correspondence: Michelle Turner, E-mail: [email protected]
Funding. The study had no funding.
Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest. Тернер М.С.
Сменная работа и рак
Институт глобального здравоохранения Барселоны, ул. доктора Айгуадера, 88, Барселона, Испания, 08003
Нарушение циркадного ритма и работа в ночную смену связаны с рядом острых и хронических последствий для здоровья, включая кардиометаболические заболевания, ожирение, а также рак молочной железы и простаты. Нарушение циркадного ритма может также влиять на здоровье населения в целом из-за широко распространенной практики неправильного образа жизни, включая нарушение режима питания и сна, а также увеличение воздействия света в ночное время, особенно синей части спектра за счет использования электронных считывателей, светодиодов и смартфонов. Представлены новые эпидемиологические данные о последствиях нарушения циркадного ритма и освещенности в ночное время для работающих и населения в целом, а также обсуждены механизмы заболевания и возможные профилактические меры.
Ключевые слова: работа в ночную смену; нарушение циркадного ритма; сон; свет в ночное время
Для цитирования: Тернер М.С. Сменная работа и рак. Мед. труда и пром. экол. 2019; 59 (9).
Для корреспонденции: Мишель Тернер, E-mail: [email protected] Финансирование. Исследование не имело спонсорской поддержки. Конфликт интересов. Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов.
Introduction. This review will provide an overview of the prostate cancer among men, with fewer studies of other
current state of the epidemiological evidence on shift work, cancer sites. Results of an updated forthcoming evaluation
circadian disruption, and cancer risk, including a discussion of shift work that involves circadian disruption by IARC
of potential preventive measures. will be presented. Results from other recent studies have
Methods. An expert up to date evaluation of the current also noted the importance of timing in studies on diet and
state of the scientific evidence on the potential cancer health cancer, with adherence to diurnal eating patterns and a long
effects of shift work that involves circadian disruption is being interval between last meal and sleep associated with a lower
conducted by the International Agency for Research on Can- cancer risk. Both breast and prostate cancer risk were also
cer (IARC), the cancer research agency of the World Health recently associated with higher levels of estimated outdoor
Organisation (WHO), in June of 2019. There are also a num- exposure to artificial light at night in the blue-enriched
ber of recent and ongoing epidemiological studies examining light spectrum in Spain [2, 3]. Results of studies examin-
the effect of mistimed lifestyle practices including mistimed ing circadian rhythms of steroid hormones and melatonin
eating and sleep patterns, and increasing exposure to light- as possible underlying mechanisms of night shift work and
at-night, including the blue light spectrum, and cancer risk, cancer risk have noted complex endocrine pathways to dis-
including in several studies conducted in Spain including in ease involving a range of hormones. Several epidemiological
the large-scale MCC-Spain population-based case — control studies have also examined associations of different indices
study. of sleep and sleep duration, both breast, and prostate cancer
Results. Shift work affects a large proportion of the risk with mixed results observed. labour force, approximately 20% of workers worldwide. Conclusions. Shift work and circadian disruption are asIn 2007, shift work that involves circadian disruption was sociated with a range of acute and chronic health effects includ-classified by IARC as a probable human carcinogen (Group ing cancer. There is also emerging evidence regarding the effect 2A),based on sufficient evidence in experimental animals of light at night and mistimed lifestyle practices in the general for the carcinogenicity of light during the daily dark pe- population, though further research is needed to examine such riod and limited evidence in humans for shift work that factors more extensively. Few recommendations for better adap-involves night work [1]. The majority of epidemiological tation to circadian disruption due to night shift work are based studies have focused on breast cancer among women and on solid evidence.