Научная статья на тему 'Can online education replace traditional classrooms after COVID-19 pandemic? (A case study of one school in Kazakhstan)'

Can online education replace traditional classrooms after COVID-19 pandemic? (A case study of one school in Kazakhstan) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
research / school / online learning / tra­ ditional lessons / creativity / зерттеу / мектеп / онлайн оқыту / дәстүрлі сабақтар / шығармашылық / исследование / школа / онлайн-­обучение / традиционные уроки / творчество.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kurmangaliyev A.A.

This case study explores the possibility of online education replacing traditional classrooms in a comprehensive school in Kostanay, Kazakhstan, focusing on the experiences of both students and a teacher. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning became a necessity to ensure the safety of students and teachers. The study, conducted in the first two months of the 2022-2023 academic year, includes a survey of 55 students and an interview with the English teacher who worked in a hybrid format due to an injury. The findings reveal that while many students adapted to online learning, technical issues, low motivation, and a lighter workload were noted concerns. Despite challenges, students appreciated creative assignments and video projects, while the teacher highlighted drawbacks such as poor Internet connectivity and lack of face-to-face interaction. The research suggests that, while online education is not yet a complete replacement for traditional classrooms in this context due to infrastructure limitations, it offers opportunities to enhance the learning experience.

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В этом тематическом исследовании рассматривается возможность замены онлайн-обучения традиционными уроками в общеобразовательной школе в г. Костанае, Казахстан, с упором на опыт как учеников, так и учителя. В ответ на пандемию COVID-19, онлайн-обучение стало необходимостью для обеспечения безопасности учащихся и преподавателей. Исследование, проведенное в первые два месяца 2022-2023 учебного года, включает опрос 55 студентов и интервью с преподавателем английского языка, работавшим в гибридном формате изза травмы. Результаты показывают, что, хотя многие учащиеся адаптировались к онлайн-обучению, были отмечены технические проблемы, низкая мотивация и меньшая рабочая нагрузка. Несмотря на трудности, учащиеся высоко оценили творческие задания и видеопроекты, а преподаватель выделил такие недостатки, как плохое подключение к Интернету и отсутствие личного общения. Исследование показывает, что хотя онлайн-образование еще не является полной заменой традиционных классов в этом контексте из-за ограничений инфраструктуры, оно предлагает возможности для улучшения опыта обучения.

Текст научной работы на тему «Can online education replace traditional classrooms after COVID-19 pandemic? (A case study of one school in Kazakhstan)»


Педагогическая наука и практика

УДК 373.1

ГРНТИ 14.25.01






Бұл жағдайлық зерттеуде оқушылардың да, мұғалімдердің

де тәжірибесіне баса назар аудара отырып, Қазақстанның Қос­

танай қаласындағы жалпы білім беретін мектепте онлайн-оқытуды дәстүрлі сабақтармен алмастыру мүмкіндігі қарастырылады. Covid-19 пандемиясына жауап ретінде онлайн оқыту

студенттер мен оқытушылардың қауіпсіздігін қамтамасыз ету

қажеттілігіне айналды. 2022-2023 оқу жылының алғашқы екі

айында жүргізілген зерттеу 55 студенттен сұхбат алуды және

жарақатына байланысты гибридті форматта жұмыс істеген

ағылшын тілі мұғалімімен сұхбатты қамтиды. Нәтижелер

көрсеткендей, көптеген студенттер онлайн оқытуға бейімделгенімен, техникалық мәселелер, төмен мотивация және аз жұмыс жүктемесі байқалды. Қиындықтарға қарамастан, студенттер шығармашылық тапсырмалар мен бейне жобаларды жоғары

бағалады, ал мұғалім нашар интернет байланысы және бетпе-бет қарым-қатынастың болмауы сияқты кемшіліктерді атап

өтті. Зерттеу көрсеткендей, онлайн білім беру инфрақұрылымдық шектеулерге байланысты бұл тұрғыда дәстүрлі сыныптарды толығымен алмастырмаса да, ол оқу тәжірибесін жақсарту

мүмкіндіктерін ұсынады.

Kurmangaliyev A.A.,

Master of Science,

English teacher,

Abai General Education

School, Kostanay

Негізгі сөздер: зерттеу, мектеп, онлайн оқыту, дәстүрлі сабақтар,


Ключевые слова: исследование, школа, онлайн-обучение, традиционные уроки, творчество.



school, online learning, tra­

ditional lessons, creativity.


В этом тематическом исследовании рассматривается возможность замены онлайн-обучения традиционными уроками

в общеобразовательной школе в г. Костанае, Казахстан, с упором на опыт как учеников, так и учителя. В ответ на пандемию

COVID-19, онлайн-обучение стало необходимостью для обес­

печения безопасности учащихся и преподавателей. Исследование, проведенное в первые два месяца 2022-2023 учебного

года, включает опрос 55 студентов и интервью с преподавателем английского языка, работавшим в гибридном формате изза травмы. Результаты показывают, что, хотя многие учащиеся

адаптировались к онлайн-обучению, были отмечены техничес­

кие проблемы, низкая мотивация и меньшая рабочая нагрузка.

Несмотря на трудности, учащиеся высоко оценили творческие

задания и видеопроекты, а преподаватель выделил такие недостатки, как плохое подключение к Интернету и отсутствие личного общения. Исследование показывает, что хотя онлайн-образование еще не является полной заменой традиционных


Педагогическая наука и практика



Online learning in the 2020-2021 academic

year in many countries, due to the coronavirus

pandemic, turned out to be the only way not

only to save the life and health of students and

teachers, but also to continue quality teaching

and learning in all educational institutions

around the world. In Kazakhstan, never in the

history of education have students and teachers

of general education encountered such a format

of education. A huge amount of recent scientific

research has been devoted to the topic of the

advantages and disadvantages of online learning,

especially during the COVID-19 epidemic

(Nambiar, 2020; Mukhtar, Javed, Arooj, Sethi,

2020; Akuratiya, Meddage, 2020). However, at

the moment, the country's Ministry of Education

does not imply online education in public schools

(Law, 2007). According to this law “in cases of

introduction of a state of emergency, restrictive

measures, including quarantine, in the relevant

administrative-territorial units, declaration of

emergency situations, local executive bodies

and educational organizations introduce distance

learning for all students in the manner determined

by the authorized body in the field of education”

(37-1, 2007).

Now returning to traditional education, the

author of this research work wanted to know

whether it is possible in the near future to replace


online education in full or in part with traditional

education in schools in Kazakhstan using the

example of their own school. The reason was

a serious leg injury of an English teacher at the

very beginning of the 2022 school year. As an

exception, the Department of Education of the

city of Kostanay and the school administration

gave this teacher the opportunity to work in

a hybrid format for two months, i.e. teaching

remotely while students were in the classroom as


This article considers the results of a survey

among 55 students who studied English in order

to identify the degree of satisfaction with such a

blended learning format. Also, an interview was

conducted with this English teacher to understand

his perspective too. So the research objective was

to find out what students and the teacher think of

a blended learning format they had during the first

two months of 2022-2023 academic year because

of the teacher’s inability to come to school.

Literature review

Having studied the literature on the forced

transition to online learning due to the illness of

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

a teacher, it seems that there haven’t been any

similar studies in Kazakhstan. However, a huge

number of projects have been carried out on the

topic of the pros and cons of online education

(Milicevic, Sremcev, Cosic, Ralevic, Lazarevic,

2020; Leo, Alsharari, Abbas, Alshurideh, 2021).


классов в этом контексте из-за ограничений инфраструктуры, оно предлагает возможности

для улучшения опыта обучения.


This case study explores the possibility of online education replacing traditional classrooms in a

comprehensive school in Kostanay, Kazakhstan, focusing on the experiences of both students and

a teacher. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning became a necessity to ensure

the safety of students and teachers. The study, conducted in the first two months of the 2022-2023

academic year, includes a survey of 55 students and an interview with the English teacher who

worked in a hybrid format due to an injury. The findings reveal that while many students adapted

to online learning, technical issues, low motivation, and a lighter workload were noted concerns.

Despite challenges, students appreciated creative assignments and video projects, while the teacher

highlighted drawbacks such as poor Internet connectivity and lack of face-to-face interaction. The

research suggests that, while online education is not yet a complete replacement for traditional

classrooms in this context due to infrastructure limitations, it offers opportunities to enhance the

learning experience.



Педагогическая наука и практика

In general, international sources were used for

this review, such as reports and publications on

Google Scholar. In this literature review, we

mention the key advantages and disadvantages of

online education.

Advantages of online education

First, it is an opportunity to work with

each student individually. Distance teaching

technology helps to find its own approach to each

student. Sometimes students are embarrassed to

work actively in a class, but such a quiet person

feels more freedom, asks the teacher questions

in the chat, and successfully completes the tasks.

And the teacher can choose for such students

additional tasks in order to maintain interest in

learning. Therefore, distance learning is a great

chance to get to know the students better.

Second, it is game tasks. Distance learning

involves a very active use of digital technologies

such as online games, quizzes, interactive brain

teasers. Games do not only make learning fun, they

help measure progress and bring a competitive

mood to learning. A student who enjoys online

learning games may achieve greater success than

one who is bored in class.

Third, it is a more relaxed pace of work. The

main thing that distance education can give us

is time. Now that most of communication with

students is done via messengers, teachers have

more time to think about answers to their students’

questions. This makes the relationship between

the teacher and students more professional, but at

the same time more relaxed.

Fourth, it is an ability to work in a comfortable

environment. A teacher who works remotely can

live anywhere. Many teachers have appreciated

the advantage of remote work e.g. you can get up

later, there is no need to pack up and drive across

the city to work. Getting away from the hustle and

bustle of the school atmosphere is good for many

educators and helps them focus on important

aspects of their work.

Disadvantages of online education

First, it is lack of socialization and belonging

to the community. A lot of what we learn from

childhood happens through peer-to-peer learning

or mutual learning. Growing up and feeling

belonging to a social group is an extremely

important component of becoming adults. Online,

students seem to be deprived of this. In ordinary

life, students learn teamwork, conflict resolution

and effective interaction with each other. In the

context of distance learning, they do not have

many opportunities to acquire such soft skills

which are among the skills of the 21st century.

Second, it is the technical issues. No one is

immune from the fact that during the lesson there

may be a bad internet connection, or maybe the

student or teacher's gadget will break. Also, not

everyone has the opportunity to stay silent at

home. Quarantine forced many to work remotely,

so during online classes, parents, siblings, and

older relatives can all be in one apartment. It can be

difficult to find time and focus in such conditions.

Third, it is self-discipline. Not every student

has a sufficient level of self-organization, so online

learning is not effective if the student regularly

skips lessons and does not do homework. Online

learning has changed the life of universities and

schools, but both students and teachers have found

many advantages in this. If students develop selfdiscipline, then by studying remotely, they can get

a high level of competences.


This aim of this research was to understand

English students’ perspectives on their learning

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practices during a hybrid format of learning in

the first term of 2022-2023 academic year. The

research site was one of comprehensive schools

in the city of Kostanay, Kazakhstan. The main

participants of this research were 55 students in

Grades 9, 10 and 11. The research design was a

mixed design case study and the main research

tool was an online questionnaire with 10 closed

ended and open ended questions.

The survey was conducted in October, 2022 so

that students could provide more in-depth answers

right after the end of the term. The data of the survey

was collected, reviewed, and analysed in Google

Forms. This platforms has a lot of advantages, e.g.

it has got a simple interface and an ability to export

data in diagrams and Excel sheets. Additionally,


Педагогическая наука и практика


electrical issues which led to a screen projector

being broken. Another common trend among

the answers was that online education provided

opportunities for active learning through group

project works and interactive assignments.

In the reference to the main question of our

study if online education can replace traditional

classes, the answer seems to be obvious: the

school technological infrastructure doesn’t seem

to allow teachers and students fully replace

traditional in-person classes with online education

yet. However, the possibilities that e-learning

provides nowadays may enhance students’ and

teachers’ experiences in the classroom.


1.Akuratiya, D. A., & Meddage, D. N. (2020).

Students’ perception of online learning during

COVID-19 pandemic: A survey study of IT

students. Tablet, 57(48), 23.

2.Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2007)

"On Education" No. 319-III (with amendments

and additions as of 01.01.2023).

3.Leo, S., Alsharari, N. M., Abbas, J., & Al­

shurideh, M. T. (2021). From offline to online

learning: A qualitative study of challenges and

opportunities as a response to the COVID-19

pandemic in the UAE higher education context.

The Effect of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

on Business Intelligence, 203-217.

4.Mukhtar, K., Javed, K., Arooj, M., & Sethi,

A. (2020). Advantages, Limitations and Re­

com­­mendations for online learning during

COVID-19 pandemic era. Pakistan journal of

medical sciences, 36 (COVID19-S4), p.27.

5.Nambiar, D. (2020). The impact of online

learning during COVID-19: students’ and

teachers’ perspective. The International Journal

of Indian Psychology, 8(2), 783-793.

6.Milicevic, J., Sremcev, N., Cosic, I., Rale­

vic, N., & Lazarevic, M. (2020). ONLINE




INSTITUTION. DAAAM International Scien­

tific Book.


an online 30-minutes interview was conducted

with the teacher to understand his perspective on

this format of work.


Looking at the major quantitative data, the first

finding was that 85.5% of the respondents believe

that they adapted to this format easily. 16.4% of

students think that their level of motivation in

the English lesson decreased in the first term and

21.8% said that the learning load was lower in

comparison with a traditional format of learning.

None of the students though mentioned that they

were unsatisfied with the work of their English


As for the qualitative results, the majority of

students expressed their concern with the low

quality of the Internet and the broken classroom

projector due to an electrical accident at school.

Among other learning issues that the respondents

reported were the discipline in the lesson, poor

sound quality, and time spent joining Zoom


In general, it was clear from students’

responses that despite all the above-mentioned

problems, they liked the creative assignments and

summative assessment works in the form of video

projects which they had to complete online in

groups. Also, the English teacher in the interview

noted that even though it was very convenient

at first to teach from home, the disadvantages

of such a format outweigh the advantages. For

example, poor Internet connection at school, lack

of face-to-face communication, and inability to

control the discipline in the classroom were the

drawbacks of online education from the teacher’s

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perspective. All this may have had a negative

impact on students’ learning experiences during

the first term of 2022-2023 academic year.


The main goal of this research project was

to understand whether online education could

replace traditional classes from students’ and

tea­cher’s perspectives in the context of one

school in the city of Kostanay. The respondents

of the study expressed their concerns towards the

school’s poor Internet connection and repeated


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