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Ключевые слова
online learning / COVID-19 pandemic / onsite learning / recommendations / post-pandemic syndrome / motivation / transition / integrated learning format / онлайн-обучение / пандемия COVID-19 / очное обучение / рекомендации / постпандемический синдром / мотивация / переход / интегрированный формат обучения

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nenyuk E.A.

In this article, the author shares her experience of transitioning back to a traditional onsite teaching format at the university following almost two years of online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, draws some conclusions and makes recommendations. The problems associated with teaching and learning English in a collective setting as opposed to an individual online one are also touched upon. The article provides conclusions based on the experience of transitioning to teaching English after a period of teaching it online during the pandemic. The opinions of various researchers regarding the complications and problems that arise during the transition are presented. The article also deals with the possible behavioral and mental problems that students and teachers face during the transition. The reasons associated with the unexpected denial of the onsite routine by the students, called “post-pandemic syndrome” are examined, as well as the connection between this process and loss of motivation. Other aspects that are analyzed are the so-called “acquired” psychological problems triggered by the change in the everyday routine and the return to collective onsite learning. Detailed recommendations for each problem are provided.

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В данной статье автор делится своим опытом перехода к формату традиционного очного обучения в университете после почти двух лет преподавания в условиях пандемии COVID-19, делает некоторые выводы и дает рекомендации. Затрагиваются проблемы, связанные с преподаванием и изучением английского языка в коллективной, а не индивидуальной онлайн-среде. В статье представлены выводы, основанные на опыте перехода и возвращения к очному формату преподавания английского языка после периода его онлайн-обучения в условиях пандемии. Представлены мнения различных исследователей относительно сложностей и проблем, возникающих при переходе. В статье также рассматриваются возможные поведенческие проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются студенты и преподаватели при переходе к традиционному обучению. Исследуются причины возникновения «постпандемического синдрома», связанные с неожиданным неприятием студентами привычных реалий очного обучения. Анализируется связь данного процесса с потерей мотивации. Также рассматриваются так называемые «приобретенные» психологические проблемы, связанные с возвращением в коллектив и с изменением жизненного распорядка. Даются подробные рекомендации по каждой проблеме.


ученика, находила подход к каждому и максимально раскрывала его талант, направив на верный путь. Учеников класса Артоболевской всегда отличал индивидуальный пианистический почерк, неповторимая яркость и самобытность как музыкантов.

Школа А.Д. Артоболевской - авторская методика, запечатленная в изданных пособиях «Первая встреча с музыкой» и «Хрестоматия маленького пианиста», - преодолевает рамки данных пособий и до сих пор продолжает воссоздаваться в практике ее учеников.

Повседневная востребованность данной методики, необходимость обращения к ней, внедрение в учебный процесс пособий свидетельствуют о её актуальности и исторической устойчивости. Таким образом, преемственность её методов в деятельности современных педагогов-исполнителей доказана.

В ходе работы над изучением педагогического стиля А.Д. Артоболевской были выявлены индивидуально-авторские черты её методики, основанной на непрерывном взаимодействии учителя и ученика, их единстве на основе сопричастности к творчеству, что становилось благодатной почвой для раскрытия творческих дарований.

Было установлено, что педагогическая система Анны Даниловны всецело отвечала научным концепциям второй половины XX века в области возрастной

Библиографический список

психологии, физиологии, искусствознания и музыковедения, а также философии и эстетики, теории систем и эргономики.

В результате данного исследования была доказана необходимость применения авторской методики А.Д. Артоболевской в современном музыкальном образовании. Описание основных приемов и методов работы известного педагога, а также последовательные рекомендации к их использованию способствовали раскрытию содержания данного процесса, включающего все наиважнейшие его компоненты. Анализ методики Артоболевской помог создать уникальный инструментарий, позволяющий в дальнейшем проводить исследования авторских методик других выдающихся педагогов-музыкантов. Разработана также методика внедрения и применения уникального опыта А.Д. Артоболевской, которую могут использовать начинающие педагоги-пианисты.

Теоретические разработки исследования могут быть полезны для более глубокого понимания достижений, связанных с лучшими традициями русской фортепианной школы. Применяемая авторская методика отдельно взятого педагога - А.Д. Артоболевский - в классе фортепиано, а также готовность педагогов-музыкантов к освоению других авторских методик доказывает, что успешность их профессиональной деятельности зависит от уровня владения разными методами обучения.

1. Майковская Л.С. Приемы и методы проблемного обучения в фортепианной педагогике. Мир науки, культуры, образования. 2021; № 2 (87): 341 - 343.

2. Мадримов Б.Х. Представление учителя музыкальной культуры о педагогическом творчестве и педагогической технологии. Вестник науки и образования. 2-20; № 2. Available at: //https://cyberleninka.rU/article/n/predstavlenie-uchitelya-muzykalnoy-kultury-o-pedagogicheskom-tvorchestve-i-pedagogicheskoy-tehnologii/viewer

3. Михайловская Н.М. Музыка и дети. Москва: Советский композитор, 1977.

4. Есаков В.А. Модель образовательного процесса в инструментальном классе в контексте теории познания. Межкультурное взаимодействие в современном музыкально-образовательном пространстве: материалы XVIII Международной научно-практической конференции. Москва: МГИК. 2021: 43 - 49.

5. Артоболевская А.Д. Сборник воспоминаний, статей, трудов и писем. Научно методическое издание. Москва: TIMITT при МГК им. П.И. Чайковского, 2015.

6. Есаков В.А. Народно-музыкальное творчество как инструмент развития международного сотрудничества. Государственное управление и развитие России: глобальные угрозы и структурные изменения: сборник статей Международной конференц-сессии. Москва: Издательский дом «Научная библиотека», 2020; Т. 3: 71 - 73.

7. Давыдов В.В. Проблемы развивающего обучения: опыт теоретического и экспериментального психологического исследования. Москва: Педагогика, 1986.


1. Majkovskaya L.S. Priemy i metody problemnogo obucheniya v fortepiannoj pedagogike. Mir nauki, kultury, obrazovaniya. 2021; № 2 (87): 341 - 343.

2. Madrimov B.H. Predstavlenie uchitelya muzykal'noj kul'tury o pedagogicheskom tvorchestve i pedagogicheskoj tehnologii. Vestnik nauki i obrazovaniya. 2-20; № 2. Available at: //https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/predstavlenie-uchitelya-muzykalnoy-kultury-o-pedagogicheskom-tvorchestve-i-pedagogicheskoy-tehnologii/viewer

3. Mihajlovskaya N.M. Muzyka i deti. Moskva: Sovetskij kompozitor, 1977.

4. Esakov V.A. Model' obrazovatel'nogo processa v instrumental'nom klasse v kontekste teorii poznaniya. Mezhkul'turnoe vzaimodejstvie v sovremennom muzykal'no-obrazovatel'nomprostranstve: materialy XVIII Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Moskva: MGIK. 2021: 43 - 49.

5. Artobolevskaya A.D. Sbornik vospominanj, statej, trudovipisem. Nauchno metodicheskoe izdanie. Moskva: TIMITT pri MGK im. P.I. Chajkovskogo, 2015.

6. Esakov V.A. Narodno-muzykal'noe tvorchestvo kak instrument razvitiya mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie i razvitie Rossii: global'nye ugrozy i strukturnye izmeneniya: sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj konferenc-sessii. Moskva: Izdatel'skij dom «Nauchnaya biblioteka», 2020; T. 3: 71 - 73.

7. Davydov V.V. Problemy razvivayuschego obucheniya: opyt teoreticheskogo i 'eksperimental'nogo psihologicheskogo issledovaniya. Moskva: Pedagogika, 1986.

Статья поступила в редакцию 24.05.22

УДК 378

Nenyuk E.A., Senior Lecturer, Department of English Language and Professional Communication; PhD (Linguistics), Financial University under the Government

of Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: janna_tev@hotmail.com

THE NEW NORMAL. TRANSITION TO ONSITE EDUCATION AFTER THE PANDEMIC. PROBLEMS, CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS. In this article, the author shares her experience of transitioning back to a traditional onsite teaching format at the university following almost two years of online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, draws some conclusions and makes recommendations. The problems associated with teaching and learning English in a collective setting as opposed to an individual online one are also touched upon. The article provides conclusions based on the experience of transitioning to teaching English after a period of teaching it online during the pandemic. The opinions of various researchers regarding the complications and problems that arise during the transition are presented. The article also deals with the possible behavioral and mental problems that students and teachers face during the transition. The reasons associated with the unexpected denial of the onsite routine by the students, called "post-pandemic syndrome" are examined, as well as the connection between this process and loss of motivation. Other aspects that are analyzed are the so-called "acquired" psychological problems triggered by the change in the everyday routine and the return to collective onsite learning. Detailed recommendations for each problem are provided.

Key words: online learning, COVID-19 pandemic, onsite learning, recommendations, post-pandemic syndrome, motivation, transition, integrated learning format.

Е.А. Ненюк, ст. преп., Департамент английского языка и профессиональной коммуникации, Ph.D in Linguistics, Финансовый университет

при Правительстве РФ, г. Москва, E-mail: janna_tev@hotmail.com



В данной статье автор делится своим опытом перехода к формату традиционного очного обучения в университете после почти двух лет преподавания в условиях пандемии COVID-19, делает некоторые выводы и дает рекомендации. Затрагиваются проблемы, связанные с преподаванием и изучением английского языка в коллективной, а не индивидуальной онлайн-среде. В статье представлены выводы, основанные на опыте перехода и возвращения к очному формату преподавания английского языка после периода его онлайн-обучения в условиях пандемии. Представлены мнения различных исследователей относительно сложностей и проблем, возникающих при переходе. В статье также рассматриваются возможные поведенческие проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются студенты и преподаватели при переходе к традиционному обучению. Исследуются причины возникновения «постпандемического синдрома»,

связанные с неожиданным неприятием студентами привычных реалий очного обучения. Анализируется связь данного процесса с потерей мотивации. Также рассматриваются так называемые «приобретенные» психологические проблемы, связанные с возвращением в коллектив и с изменением жизненного распорядка. Даются подробные рекомендации по каждой проблеме.

Ключевые слова: онлайн-обучение, пандемия COVID-19, очное обучение, рекомендации, постпандемический синдром, мотивация, переход, интегрированный формат обучения.

Throughout the entire COVID-19 pandemic the majority of the academic staff, as well as students, much like the rest of the population longed for a return to the normal and to the familiar. Numerous obstacles that students and academic staff were forced to face as a result of sudden distance learning were expected to vanish. However, the expectations of a smooth comeback to a familiar learning/teaching process are confronted with new and often unanticipated complications.

Much like the post-COVID physical complications in an individual's health it is becoming apparent that teaching and learning processes are also suffering from post-COVID complications.

The transition from distance learning to a regular onsite process in local Moscow institutes was far from gradual. The sudden withdrawal of regulations and specific protocols of distance learning enforced by the pandemic resulted in a sense of confusion and drops in motivation in both groups - students, as well as teaching staff. For almost two years' students and teachers had to adapt, often painfully and in a disorderly fashion, to a specific format of distance learning which had specific goals. The first goal is to maintain the continuation of the learning process, using new or different technological tools and means. And second goal - universally paramount to all groups - is to ensure the health and well-being of people.

Higher, academic education in its regular, traditional format has always been a collective process. A live interaction between scholars and teachers. The sudden and often discerning transition to the acutely individual format - where traditional means of academic interaction became almost entirely irrelevant - lead not only to a renewed methodological approach, but to a renewed state of mind. Thus, the abrupt going back to old ways is proving to be traumatic to both teachers and students.

Today one of the biggest challenges posed before teachers and students alike is confronting the emotional side effects of post-COVID-19 transition to onsite classes and dealing with them.

As we begin to acknowledge that transition was not met with equal enthusiasm among students and teachers we must learn to develop new tools and approaches to tackle this issue.

One of the main issues with transition is the general decline in students' motivation and ability to concentrate once they returned to onsite classes. Over the course of the pandemic and the distance learning format that accompanied it students actually learned to accept that even such interpersonal interaction based studies as linguistics and language studying were more or less achievable remotely. Therefore, upon their return to onsite classes it is often evident that students are lacking motivation and a number of them have lost the ability to interact in a collective manner. Over the course of almost two years the entire learning system has led them to believe that necessary knowledge and information was possible to obtain in the comfort of their own home, sometimes even their own bed - aided by such technical means as a personal laptop or mobile phone. The "individual" practically replaced the "collective" as more and more students realized that necessary knowledge minimum as well as required grades were possible to obtain without the former amount of interaction and collective work.

Another issue that influences students' motivational levels directly is the renewed requirement of being physically present in class as opposed to simply performing their tasks and homework remotely. This is particularly accurate for students who had access to pre-recorded seminars and were not required to participate in a remote class in real time. As a result this provided students with a certain availability to plan their time individually - some students preferred to devote this time (which in usual and normal circumstances they would have spent in class) to personal needs, for example work, and there is undeniable logic in that, given the fact that "distance learning was historically largely organized to address the needs of adult learners who could not take years away from their professional lives for full time studies at a university" [1, p. 5].

As we all know another side effect of the pandemic was the flourishing of online job opportunities and a number of students had seized that opportunity - otherwise unavailable to them - to earn extra money and expand their income. The much anticipated but sudden return to normal classes and onsite learning basically deprived some of them of that income and deemed it impossible to continue working. This has proven to be a great impact on the motivation of the students. The question that some of them ask is: if it is indeed possible to fulfill university requirements remotely via distance learning and advance professionally simultaneously, why must I suddenly give up some of the opportunities just to be present in class?

This question cannot be ignored, and the reality of this new challenge laying before the teaching staff must be acknowledged and dealt with.

We must realize that due to the unprecedented phenomenon of the COVID-19 pandemic a normal educational process has not only been disturbed in a practical or technical sense. It has been disrupted in a psychological sense as well and this has been backed a number of recent studies. "Indeed, college students' experiences of relatedness, competence, and autonomy were almost certainly diminished due to the social isolation, transition to emergency remote instruction, and constraints placed on their daily behaviors during the pandemic" [2, p. 5].

Students preparing to enter a normal four-year onsite educational program have basic prerequisite expectations and plan their next few years accordingly. However, this plan was suddenly disrupted and along with the scares and devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic it also provided them with new opportunities which some of them are reluctant to give up.

Hence the transition to onsite learning must take this fact into consideration and teachers must prove themselves to students all over again. The formerly unshakeable and unquestionable value of onsite higher education must be justified to students in this new post-pandemic world.

Another important issue must be addressed as well and that is the declining motivation and somewhat reluctance of the teaching staff to return to regular onsite teaching.

Throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic linguistics and language-related teachers have often stressed the technical difficulties of teaching language online to a large class of students. Important to bear in mind that when addressing such difficulties, we are not talking about individual language studies where a teacher and a single student interact remotely but rather of a class of 8 to 15 students. The challenges of distance learning for language studies have been discussed frequently and many teachers acknowledge the decline in quality of language studies in said remote format.

However, a crucial psychological issues concerning the teaching staff has been largely overlooked over the course of the transition back to a normal onsite format of learning/teaching. There are some, but not nearly enough conversations concerning the issue of mental health that began as early as September 2021. "Mental health will be front and center in the coming year. Now is the time to draw on trauma-sensitive practices and evidence-based tools for managing stress and anxiety, including a variety of mindful awareness and compassion-based practices" [3, p. 2].

During two years of the COVID-19 pandemic it has been stressed over and over again that one of the main targets of the pandemic are older people. In general, the older the person, the greater the risks accompanying the disease. Many members of the teaching staff are older people who are statistically more vulnerable in physical terms. In a regular onsite teaching environment, a single teacher (who is often aged 45 or older) is surrounded by a large number of younger students with whom he/she must interact closely.

This is particularly accurate for those teaching language/linguistics. Unlike many other subjects' language studies requires a higher level of close interaction specifically due to a speaking nature of its process. In order to maintain a proper learning process students must speak, physically remove or lower their masks (which provide a barrier and a precautionary mean for both student and teacher) and as a result the risks for the teacher who is surrounded by different groups of younger people constantly interchanging, all in close proximity, for contracting a disease are much higher.

This is a source of anxiety and concern for numerous teachers especially the older ones. As a result, this inevitably influences the entire structure and format of the teaching/learning process. The teacher involved in language studies may unintentionally limit the amount of speaking practice in class simply to minimize potential health risks. In turn this results in a less diverse and rich curriculum. A class dedicated to studying language or linguistics is not complete without proper speaking practice. In turn a language class without a substantial amount of speaking does not involve interpersonal students' communication furthermore damaging the concept of a traditional collective learning and negatively influencing the motivation of students - "language is a system, a means of communication, not a set of grammatical rules" [4, p.18].

In simple terms: the acquired and legitimate personal fear of contracting COVID-19 results in a more cautious and distant approach and a less stimulating and interesting learning process.


As I mentioned above not only the mandatory transition to distance learning but also the transition back to normal onsite classes has put both students and teachers under a great amount of stress. In is paramount to acknowledge that students and teachers alike are struggling with the post-COVID-19 transition and things are not simply "back to normal".

The mentioned mental and psychological problems which, in turn result in numerous issues in languages studies specifically are already beginning to be acknowledged by various researches. And if we generalize some of the issues mentioned above we can safely say that we are dealing with something that has recently been defined as "cave syndrome" - a term first coined in his article by psychiatrist Arthur Bregman: "Caveman syndrome occurs when people become attached to this Covid-19 situation. Not attached to the virus itself of course but attached to the home, the anxiety of uncertainty, and its effects on our daily lives" [5, p.1].

The idea that a transition back to onsite education may not necessarily feel as a blessing to students and teachers is somewhat controversial. After all, most of us, if not everyone, longed for a return to a normal life and to a normal quality of life. However, it's becoming increasingly more obvious that a transition must be taken slowly and

gradually with careful consideration and awareness of the mental and psychological health issues it brings along with it.

People are creatures of habit and just like we were used to a certain way of life and a specific format and order of schooling prior to the pandemic, in the same fashion we have gotten accustomed to the new mandatory formats of living and learning during the pandemic. Breaking that unfortunate habit in a delicate manner is a paramount goal for all of us.

Specifically, when we are talking about language studies that have suffered greatly in quality after being forced to transition from a collective onsite format to an individual distance learning format and then back to a collective format again.

What furthermore deepens the problem is the lack of structuralized guidelines for addressing these issues. First students and teachers were abruptly convinced that it was essential for them to restructure their mode of learning/teaching in the time of COVID-19 pandemic and now in the same ubiquitous fashion students and teachers must effortlessly adapt to the onsite transition. But like it was mentioned earlier the post-COVID trauma is more than a bundle of unfortunate physical side-effects that some suffer after contracting and treating the disease. It is an assortment of factors and psychological concerns that directly influence the teaching/learning process. Students should be able to voice these concerns and discuss them with teachers and work through them respectively. The lack of motivation, the problems of transitioning back to a collective format of learning should be addressed and new solutions must be developed by teachers.

As for the teaching staff they also must have an opportunity to voice their concerns, including health risks and issues with the decrease of student motivations. These are all valid anxieties that can lead to a high level of distress among students and teachers and result in a lower quality teaching/learning environment.

According to The Wall Street Journal article: "studies suggest many people will need time to adjust to newly reopened society. In a June survey by Ipsos and the World Economic Forum, the majority of 12,497 adults in nine countries - including the U.S., France, Japan, Mexico and the U.K. - said they would likely continue social distancing and wearing a mask in public after being vaccinated" [6, p.4]. Which just goes to show that this is universal problem for various categories of people. However, we must keep in mind that in higher education institutes where you have a high density of young, socially active students (in general) and older, more prone to health risks teaching staff - the transition to onsite teaching format is particularly problematic due to all the specific reasons mentioned above.

Nevertheless, we must collectively look for a proper solution to resolve those issues and find renewed approaches which will work in an academic environment following the transition.


In the aftermath of a COVID-19 pandemic we often find ourselves anxious and confused. For an academic environment to remain stable and productive we mustn't brush off these feelings of confusion but rather work on developing instruments to overcome them. Most of us expected to transition back to a so-called normal academic environment feeling certain that that the threats of a pandemic are behind us. Instead teachers and students alike are going back to onsite learning knowing that COVID-19 can still manifest itself and that currently there are no guaranteed treatments to the disease. Despite the vaccinations due to the changing nature of the virus we are still very much at risk.

As it is impossible to remain locked up in our homes forever or until a one hundred percent certainty that this particular pandemic is behind us, we must take measures into our own hands, invent as we go and strive to make this transition to onsite learning smoother.

Below are a number of recommendations that I draw from my personal experience as a language studies professional in an academic environment. Some of the following recommendations are applicable to students, some to the teaching staff, while others are relevant to both parties of the academic process.

1. Set your priorities straight

In the aftermath of COVID-19 pandemic it is important to review your academic and professional goals for the students, as well as teachers. The pandemic with its rapid development of the distance learning format has opened a Pandora's box education wise. Nowadays students and teachers alike are fully aware of the pros and cons of remote learning. Students are coming to terms with the concept that it is possible to obtain necessary academic knowledge and education through online technological means. If prior to the pandemic many students were intent on getting a traditional degree and following a traditional onsite learning format, today students are realizing that they can choose a different path. It is important to maintain that while there are numerous educational online opportunities - a traditional university or institute is not one of them. A student must decide for him/herself whether they are willing to invest their time and effort into a traditional onsite education or an online format is more beneficial for their personal goals.

Same incentive goes for teachers. After being exposed to an online teaching format a teacher must choose whether he wants to continue teaching in a traditional format (onsite) or it is more comfortable for her/him for their own personal safety reasons to transitional fully to distance learning format. Students and teachers have to carefully consider the risks as well as the advantages of each format (online and onsite) and

commit to one of it. We cannot expect traditional universities to suddenly transform into integrated new formats. That it is not a process that will happen overnight nor will it necessarily affect every academic institution.

2. Be responsible in your personal health decisions

It is extremely important for teachers and students alike to maintain a responsible approach to personal health. The psychological effects of COVID-19 pandemic, the anxiety and fear, will diminish with time as we learn that we can trust one another in terms of health guidelines. It is paramount for each student and each teacher to take personal responsibility in the case of a worsening health condition. General guidelines applicable during the pandemic are still very much in use. Whenever you witness an onset of symptoms that resemble a possible COVID-19 infection - one must stay away from a collective learning space to prevent health hazards for your academic peers or students.

3. Emphasize collective learning experience

As mentioned earlier COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a mental and psychological strain for teachers and students. The process of teaching/learning has become overwhelmingly individual. Following the transition, the participants of the academic process on both sides often feel reluctant and uneasy. It is the teachers' goal to break this psychological barrier and create a safe and comfortable environment for students. Language studies is a collective activity - mainly because communication is the primary function of any language. While online learning was all about individual study process - in our transition to onsite studies we must emphasize educational tools and activities that make onsite collective learning worthwhile. Discussions, conversations, interactions, speaking exercises among groups - they are all direct advantages of traditional onsite learning and should be used widely. Bring the collective fun back into the educational process. Because the more you enjoy it the less anxious you feel about possible health risks.

4. Develop and provide a flexible educational environment

Educational institutions should develop a flexible teaching/learning systems that will be mutually beneficial for students and teaching staff. Teachers should feel comfortable to contact administration in regards to their health concerns and risks and to make suggestions for innovative educational tools. Upon our return to traditional means of teaching/learning we shouldn't ignore the fact that COVID-19 is unfortunately not entirely gone. It is up to the administration of educational institutions that should collaborate with teaching professionals and strive to integrate technical and methodological tools that came to light with the development of online learning into our traditional curriculum.

Unfortunately, students and teachers are still prone to catching a virus and those who do - should not be left behind in the process of onsite learning. The development and integration of educational "backups" should be an important aspect of our transition to "normal". Students that get sick and teachers that are forced to spend time away from educational institutions due to quarantine or health risks should be able to continue teaching and learning. It is still dangerous to ignore potential health risks to yourself and to your peers yet the educational process must go on.

Education is a process that's constantly changing, we develop new methodologies and formats, we take the best from the "old" and try to integrate it into the "new" -that's what education is truly about.

It is becoming apparent that even with the decline of health risks associated with COVID-19 we are still left anxious and confused about the proper way to teach and learn. There doesn't exist a single universal solution that would work perfectly for everyone. However, we are entering a unique time when we can integrate features and approaches specifically developed for online learning into traditional on-site classes.

From the traumatic experience of the pandemic and the global isolation we can learn to respect and care for one another's health. From my personal experience as an educator I can safely assume that transition back to onsite learning is not at all effortless for neither teachers nor students. Therefore, we must make an effort to rediscover the advantages of the collective learning experience.

It is becoming apparent that we can't just fall back into old familiar patterns and forget everything that has happened to us over the past two years. We must develop new patterns, and at the same time preserve the positive aspects of a traditional onsite university education. We should emphasize the educational and psychological advantages of a collective learning format. It's up to us to rediscover the enjoyment in learning together and interacting with one another without constantly looking over our shoulder in terms of potential health risks.

From a personal point of view as an educator and an English teacher I can wholeheartedly state that "live" learning experience, in particular in fields of language study, is mentally and psychologically more beneficial than an online learning one. Obviously online learning has provided us with many advanced technical tools and instruments and has proven to be extremely useful - with flexibility being one of its biggest and most apparent advantages. However, we mustn't replace traditional learning experience with its live interpersonal communication - with a flexible individual one. The transition from online to onsite learning is a continuing process and it is up to us to create a new educational "normal" where benefits of both formats will be successfully integrated. All of the above phenomena can be called post-pandemic syndrome, which is yet to be studied by teachers, linguists and psychologists.

Библиографический список / References

1. Lassoued Z., Alhendawi M. and Bashitialshaeer R. An Exploratory Study of the Obstacles for Achieving Quality in Distance Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Education Sciences. 2020; № 5.

2. Henderlong Corpus J., Robinson K.A. and Liu Z. Comparing College Students' Motivation Trajectories Before and During COVID-19: A Self-Determination Theory Approach. Frontiers in Education. 2022; № 5.

3. Eva A.L. How to Make This Hard Transition Back to School With Your Students. Greater Good Magazine; 2021; № 2.

4. Melnichuk M.V., Nenyuk E.A., and Alisevich M.V. Innovatsionnyye Psikholingvisticheskiye Priyemy kak Neobkhodimaya Sostavlyayushchaya Produktivnogo Obucheniya Inostrannomu Yazyku. InnovazyiiI Investizyii. 2014: 11 - 18.

5. Bregman A. Cave Syndrome: A Condition of Our Times? LinkedIn, 2021; № 1.

6. Smith R.A. Fully Vaccinated but Anxious About a Return to Normal Life? You May Have "Cave Syndrome". The Wall Street Journal. 2021; № 4.

Статья поступила в редакцию 26.05.22

УДК 378

Drakina I.K., Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor, Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Work, High School of Folk Arts (Academy)

(St. Petersburg, Russia), E-mail: vshnidpo.drakina@yandex.ru


The article deals with issues of organization of training in higher education in the field of traditional applied arts and folk crafts. The relevance of the problem is related to the introduction of changes in the federal state professional standards for the training of bachelors, masters and highly qualified specialists, as well as the requirements of the coordination of the educational process with the field of work. The organization of training programs in the field of traditional applied arts provides for the practice of a discrete accumulative system, as well as a modular format for organizing training both in the contact form of students working with a teacher and in distance forms. The conclusions of the article are based on the generalization and analysis of the experience of the Higher School of Folk Arts.

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Key words: higher education, educational process, modular training, discrete training, educational standard of the academy.

И.К. Дракина, д-р пед. наук, проф., проректор по методической работе Высшей школы народных искусств (академия), г. Санкт-Петербург,

E-mail: vshnidpo.drakina@yandex.ru


В статье рассмотрены вопросы организации обучения в высшем образовании в области традиционного прикладного искусства и народных художественных промыслов. Актуальность проблемы связана с введением изменений в Федеральные государственные профессиональные стандарты подготовки бакалавров, магистров и специалистов высшей квалификации, а также с требованиями координации образовательного процесса со сферой труда. Организация обучения по программам в области традиционного прикладного искусства предусматривает практику дискретной накопительной системы, а также модульный формат организации обучения в контактной дистанционной формах. Выводы статьи опираются на обобщение и анализ опыта работы Высшей школы народных искусств.

Ключевые слова: высшее образование, образовательный процесс, модульное обучение, дискретное обучение, образовательный стандарт академии.

Изменения законодательной базы в области профессионального образования связаны с достаточно сложными корректировками в организации и содержании учебного процесса. Для вуза, осуществляющего подготовку кадров для сферы труда, связанной с творчеством, этот процесс сложен вдвойне. В учебном заведении высшего образования, где обучаются студенты искусству традиционных художественных промыслов, внести изменения в учебный процесс еще более сложно.

Актуальность темы данного исследования детерминирована необходимостью обновления содержания профильного высшего образования в соответствии с вызовами времени, требованиями государственной образовательной политики, отраженными в Федеральных государственных образовательных стандартах и регламентируемыми нормативно-правовыми актами.

Цель данной работы - обосновать необходимость введения собственного образовательного стандарта творческого вуза как инструмента совершенствования качества высшего образования в этой сфере и значимого условия сохранения контингента. Достижение цели предполагает решение задач: анализ существующего опыта подготовки художников в области традиционных художественных промыслов (на примере деятельности Высшей школы народных искусств); обоснование аспектов, требующих корректировок в контексте создания образовательного стандарта вуза (содержание обучения, методическое сопровождение, ресурсное и кадровое обеспечение и др.); раскрытие сущности и специфики разработанного образовательного стандарта академии в области традиционного прикладного искусства.

Научная новизна исследования обусловлена разработкой образовательного стандарта Высшей школы народных искусств (академии) по направлению «Традиционное прикладное искусство», что было сделано впервые.

Теоретическая значимость статьи связана с выявлением специфических черт образовательного стандарта академии, соответствующего актуальным мониторинговым показателям аккредитационной экспертизы работы вуза.

С введением Министерством науки и высшего образования РФ показателей мониторинга аккредитации вуза возникает ситуация, требующая от образовательной организации изменений в работе приемной комиссии, вступительных испытаний, процессов организации и содержания обучения. Уровень подготовки

студентов должен быть достаточно высоким и мотивированным, чтобы численность контингента при поступлении была равна численности выпускников.

Для большинства компонентов, являющихся составными частями процесса обучения в творческом вузе, решение такой задачи возможно только с введением образовательного стандарта конкретного учреждения высшего образования. Такой стандарт разработан и утвержден в «Высшей школе народных искусств (академии)».

Процесс аккредитации подчиняется следующей целевой установке: подтвердить соответствие обучения государственному образовательному стандарту. Цель имеет продолжение в предмете данной процедуры. А именно - определение соответствия разработанного образовательного стандарта вузом требованиям не только федерального уровня в целом, но и требованиям сферы труда в области традиционных художественных промыслов, сохранившихся в местах их исторического бытования.

С этой целью корректировке подвержено содержание обучения. Изменения вводятся в объем, сроки подготовки, учебный план, график учебного процесса. Преподаватели в процессе обучения студентов ориентируются на то, что традиционные народные промыслы не только должны быть сохранены, но «осовременены» для их продвижения в социуме. С этой целью ими вносятся изменения в рабочие учебные программы, модули учебных дисциплин и оценочные материалы. Выпускающие кафедры корректируют планируемые результаты обучения. Все эти процессы требуют изменений и в оценочных средствах. Структурные и содержательные изменения программ учебных дисциплин приводят к тому, что другими становятся условия их реализации.

Все обозначенные выше процессы, безусловно, должны сопровождаться методически. Это касается текущего, рубежного (промежуточного), итогового контроля, обязательного исполнения всех компонентов мониторинга качества, экспертизы разработанных компетентностных учебных материалов, контрольных оценочных средств. Внутренний мониторинг качества должен быть разработан с учетом мнения обучающихся как будущих носителей традиций народного творчества. В этом случае контроль приобретает форму реального действия, исключающего формальный подход к оценке. В рамках такой организации контроля возможно выявить и оценить индивидуальные творческие качества студентов,

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