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Ключевые слова
communication skills / presentations skills / educational model / economics / foreign language teaching / коммуникативные навыки / презентационные навыки / модель обучения / экономика / преподавание иностранного языка

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Popova O.Yu., Kulichenko Yu.N., Yanina V.V.

This article describes an educational model of the development of foreign language presentation skills as a competitive advantage in the labour market in the context of growing globalization and integration of international economy. The correlation between the level of English as a means of international communication and the factors determining employment opportunities and social development of a region is confirmed by the results of many surveys and researches. The most important task of teachers is to develop students’ communication skills that can help them efficiently use a foreign language in international communication and get better jobs. Presentation skills are important for achieving career goals. The purpose of the research is the presentation of the theoretical basis for the educational model of teaching foreign language presentation skills, development of this model and analysis of results. As a result, an educational model of teaching foreign language presentation skills to students of economics is developed, described and tested out.

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В данной статье представлена модель формирования иноязычных презентационных навыков и умений, являющихся конкурентоспособным преимуществом на рынке труда в условиях растущей глобализации и интеграции международной экономики. Взаимосвязь между степенью владения английским языком как средством международного общения и факторами, определяющими возможности трудоустройства и социального развития региона, подтверждается результатами многочисленных опросов и отмечается исследователями в ряде работ. В связи с этим развитие у студентов коммуникативных навыков, необходимых для профессионального общения и способствующих будущему трудоустройству, является основной задачей в процессе преподавания иностранного языка. К таким профессионально значимым коммуникативным навыкам и умениям относятся навыки и умения проведения презентации. Целью данного исследования является теоретическое обоснование, практическая разработка и опытная проверка обучающей модели формирования иноязычных презентационных навыков и умений. В результате проведенного исследования была разработана модель обучения иноязычным презентационным навыкам и умениям студентов-экономистов, охарактеризованы ее этапы и проведена апробация в процессе преподавания иностранного языка.


The main constituents of POT are communication, collaboration, equality in everything, mutual understanding, subject-to-subject relations and personality-oriented pedagogical interaction. "Personality-oriented pedagogical interaction can be defined as a special form of communication which is based on a learner-centered approach and is shaped by subject-to-subject relations, empathy, sympathy, mutual respect and the interaction of the participants of the educational process." [3, p. 111]. One of the most important moments of online teaching is the individual pedagogical support of every person which implies diagnosing the problems of the personality and monitoring the problems of student's development. This peculiarity of POT is topical in the situation of online teaching and helps to improve its results. While employing this technology a teacher creates such pedagogical situations that make students to choose, evaluate, express their opinions, assess their own behaviour, make decisions by themselves [4].

Among the essential features of POT are the objectives to develop student's personality, the focus on the subjective experience of the students, efficiency, effectiveness, an individual style of teaching as well as the aspiration for encouraging students to study the subject, to develop general learning skills and for providing them with all the necessary conditions for their cognitive activity.

One of the main problems of distance learning is a decrease in the students' motivation and their psychophysiological health. The emotional component is corrupted in the situation of distant learning and the educational process on the whole is dilapidated which also influenced students' motivation greatly [5]. To reduce the negative consequences of distance learning, we suggest using the following personality-oriented technologies (POT): creating a situation of success and positive psychological environment; giving problematic, creative tasks related to professional activities and personal experience; working in small groups; combining training with the educational process; using health-saving technologies; practicing individualized teaching and pedagogical support.


Distance learning has its pros and cons. Online form of teaching influenced all other components of the educational process. One of the most significant disadvantag-

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es is that distance learning reduces the possibility of implementing educational work, destroys the integrity of the pedagogical process. It is also necessary to emphasize that there are some skills and competencies which cannot be acquired through distance learning. In our opinion, distance learning is better used in combination with other forms of training. Communication, collaboration, equality in everything, mutual understanding, positive teacher-student relationship and personality-oriented pedagogical interaction made it possible to partly solve the problems of higher education institutions when shifting to online teaching.

At the same time, the use of distance learning should not be total and determine the forms, means, and content of educational process. The goal, the means of the pedagogical process chosen by the teacher should be built taking into account the combination of all pedagogical components. Personality-oriented technologies do not exclude working with computers, audio-video recordings, modeling situations, but they should not be the only tools used in remote educational process.

Tasks formulated on the basis of the main POT components form the conditions for consolidating motivation to receive education in any form, including distance one. After analyzing the conditions for implementing the components in distance learning, we came to the conclusion that the use of personality-oriented technologies will increase not only the students' motivation, but also the quality of this form of education. POTs have long-term goals, take into account personal motives, students' values, and have been effectively used in teaching humanities for several years. The pedagogical conditions, written above, ensure the effective use of POTs. The peculiarities of POTs help to improve the results of education.

The knowledge of each student' individuality and the use of differentiation in the educational process help to build a personality-oriented approach to learning. The use of POTs, in our opinion, directs the learning process along an individual trajectory, increases the student' motivation, the level and quality of learning. It also allows us to include a set of educational methods that form students' critical, logical thinking, a holistic system worldview, an adequate response to emerging modern socio-cultural problems, the development of the right strategy for solving personal and professional problems.

1. Болотова К.П. Индивидуальная образовательная траектория и курсы LCMS MOODLE. Электронное обучение в непрерывном образовании. 2016; № 1: 154 - 157.

2. Ходусов А.Н., Кононова С.А. Личностно ориентированный подход в профессиональном образовании. Интегративные тенденции в медицине и образовании. 2018; № 3: 109 - 118.

3. Кремлева Ю.В. Личностно ориентированный подход как основа обучения иноязычной речевой деятельности студентов технического вуза. Мир науки, культуры, образования. 2010; № 3 (22): 110 - 112.

4. Кремлева Ю.В. Индивидуализация целей, содержания, результатов обучения иноязычной речевой деятельности на основе личностно ориентированного подхода. Сибирский педагогический журнал. 2010; № 7: 212 - 219.

5. Шутенко А.И., Шутенко Е.Н., Деревянко Ю.П. Применение информационных технологий как средств развития образовательных коммуникаций для реализации личностного потенциала студентов вуза. Сибирский педагогический журнал. 2020; № 6: 81 - 92.


1. Bolotova K.P. Individual'naya obrazovatel'naya traektoriya i kursy LCMS MOODLE. 'Elektronnoe obuchenie v nepreryvnom obrazovanii. 2016; № 1: 154 - 157.

2. Hodusov A.N., Kononova S.A. Lichnostno orientirovannyj podhod v professionalem obrazovanii. Integrativnye tendencii v medicine i obrazovanii. 2018; № 3: 109 - 118.

3. Kremleva Yu.V. Lichnostno orientirovannyj podhod kak osnova obucheniya inoyazychnoj rechevoj deyatel'nosti studentov tehnicheskogo vuza. Mir nauki, kultury, obrazovaniya. 2010; № 3 (22): 110 - 112.

4. Kremleva Yu.V. Individualizaciya celej, soderzhaniya, rezul'tatov obucheniya inoyazychnoj rechevoj deyatel'nosti na osnove lichnostno orientirovannogo podhoda. Sibirskij pedagogicheskij zhurnal. 2010; № 7: 212 - 219.

5. Shutenko A.I., Shutenko E.N., Derevyanko Yu.P. Primenenie informacionnyh tehnologij kak sredstv razvitiya obrazovatel'nyh kommunikacij dlya realizacii lichnostnogo potenciala studentov vuza. Sibirskij pedagogicheskij zhurnal. 2020; № 6: 81 - 92.

Статья поступила в редакцию 31.03.22

УДК 378

Popova O.Yu., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Volgograd State University (Volgograd, Russia),

E-mail: [email protected]

Kulichenko Yu.N, Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Volgograd State University (Volgograd, Russia),

E-mail: [email protected]

Yanina V.V., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), Volgograd State University (Volgograd, Russia),

E-mail: [email protected]

BUSINESS PRESENTATION SKILLS AS A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN THE GLOBAL LABOUR MARKET. This article describes an educational model of the development of foreign language presentation skills as a competitive advantage in the labour market in the context of growing globalization and integration of international economy. The correlation between the level of English as a means of international communication and the factors determining employment opportunities and social development of a region is confirmed by the results of many surveys and researches. The most important task of teachers is to develop students' communication skills that can help them efficiently use a foreign language in international communication and get better jobs. Presentation skills are important for achieving career goals. The purpose of the research is the presentation of the theoretical basis for the educational model of teaching foreign language presentation skills, development of this model and analysis of results. As a result, an educational model of teaching foreign language presentation skills to students of economics is developed, described and tested out.

Key words: communication skills, presentations skills, educational model, economics, foreign language teaching.

О.Ю. Попова, канд. пед. наук, доц., Волгоградский государственный университет, г. Волгоград, E-mail: [email protected]

Ю.Н. Куличенко, канд. филол. наук, доц., Волгоградский государственный университет, г. Волгоград,

E-mail: [email protected]

В.В. Янина, канд. филол. наук, Волгоградский государственный университет, г. Волгоград,

E-mail: [email protected]



В данной статье представлена модель формирования иноязычных презентационных навыков и умений, являющихся конкурентоспособным преимуществом на рынке труда в условиях растущей глобализации и интеграции международной экономики. Взаимосвязь между степенью владения английским языком как средством международного общения и факторами, определяющими возможности трудоустройства и социального развития региона, подтверждается результатами многочисленных опросов и отмечается исследователями в ряде работ. В связи с этим развитие у студентов коммуникативных навыков, необходимых для профессионального общения и способствующих будущему трудоустройству, является основной задачей в процессе преподавания иностранного языка. К таким профессионально значимым коммуникативным навыкам и умениям относятся навыки и умения проведения презентации. Целью данного исследования является теоретическое обоснование, практическая разработка и опытная проверка обучающей модели формирования иноязычных презентационных навыков и умений. В результате проведенного исследования была разработана модель обучения иноязычным презентационным навыкам и умениям студентов-экономистов, охарактеризованы ее этапы и проведена апробация в процессе преподавания иностранного языка.

Ключевые слова: коммуникативные навыки, презентационные навыки, модель обучения, экономика, преподавание иностранного языка.


Significance. In the context of growing globalization and the integration of the international economy, the knowledge of a foreign language is becoming an increasingly popular skill in the modern labour market. The fact that the demand for foreign language communication skills in the global labour market has been increasing significantly in recent years can be explained by such factors as the existence of the multilingual and multicultural environment in which firms of all sizes operate nowadays, the global competition that they face and their goal to expand their market shares.

Finding employment can be a challenge for young people nowadays because of current labour market demands [1, p. 205]. That is why skill development should be linked to labour market demands [2, p. 272].

The results of numerous surveys which examined the importance of foreign language competence on the labour market show that language is an essential part of human capital and has a great influence on labour supply and labour market allocation. Moreover, the ability to speak in public is the key to success and an important component in any professional activity including economics. Business professionals must possess strong communications skills [3, p. 176].

In the modern globalized world, which is characterized by technological progress and the development of information and communication technologies, the leading role in the process of communication belongs to the English language. English has become the main global business language and is widely spoken all over the world.

As far as English is the most requested foreign language, the demand for English language skills on the global labour market is very high. The relationship between the level of English proficiency and the factors determining employment opportunities and social development of the region is stated by researchers in a number of works. Their findings demonstrate the impact of the knowledge of the English language on better jobs opportunities, higher wages and a low probability of unemployment. The fact that job applicants in Russia include their English language skills in their CVs clearly demonstrates a big role which they give to these skills.

In this regard, the most important task for ESL teachers of non-linguistic universities is to develop students' communication skills and abilities that will help them use English in professional communication and will open access to the best jobs in the labour market.

Since presentations occupy a very important place in the world of business we believe that foreign language presentation skills are valuable professional skills which should receive much attention while teaching English to students of economics.

Modern society needs specialists with the skills to conduct such an innovative form of business communication as a presentation. Due to the expanding international economic, scientific, and political contacts, presentations are often given in English. The need to form a foreign language presentation competence among students studying in economic areas is due to the fact that it is directly related to professional competencies. The relevance of teaching presentation is determined by the fact that in the process of teaching presentation skills, the preparation of students for future professional activities begins.

The purpose of the research is to provide the theoretical basis for the educational model of teaching foreign language presentation skills, develop this model and examine the results.

The research purpose requires the solution of the following tasks:

- identify the main aspects of a successful presentation;

- select educational material for developing foreign language presentation skills of students of economics;

- create a model for teaching foreign language presentation skills;

- provide a number of training exercises;

- test the effectiveness of the educational model in the process of teaching foreign language presentations to students of economics.


To solve research tasks, the following methods were used:

- diagnostic (surveys and questionnaires of students);

- experimental;

- cognitive-generalizing;

- mathematical.

The theoretical and methodological basis of this study was the fundamental works in the field of linguodidactics, communicative linguistics, rhetoric, pedagogy, psychology, the theory of intercultural communication (I.A. Zimnyaya, N.A. Bezmeno-va, N.V. Karaulov, N.N. Kokhtev, B.A. Lapidus, A.A. Leontiev, E.A. Nozhin, E.I. Passov, G.V. Rogova, V.V. Safonova, S.G. Ter-Minasova, I.I. Khaleeva, etc.). The study was significantly influenced by the work of foreign authors devoted to the theory and practice of teaching presentation speeches (L. Arredondo, J. Weissman, R. Dilts, E. Jay, I. Koddler, T. Henninger-Chiang, J. Reel, M. Krzanowski, M. Powell, J. Ring and others).

Theoretical basis for the development of the educational model for teaching foreign language presentation skills

In order to develop an effective model for teaching foreign language presentation skills to students of economics, we carried out a thorough analysis of presentation speeches in English. The purpose of our research was to understand what makes a good presentation, what aspects of business presentation should be taken into account while teaching our students and what skills are needed to make a foreign language presentation in a proper way.

First of all, we paid attention to the structure of the content of presentations and came to the conclusion that a good presentation is divided into three parts: 1) the introduction, 2) the main body and 3) the conclusion. Each of these parts has specific metacommunication elements (signposts) which help a speaker express his intentions and guide the audience through the presentation. Thus, the introduction includes a greeting (Good morning, colleagues), the speaker's name and job position (Let me introduce myself... My name is... I'm a marketing manager of...), the topic area and purpose of the presentation (This morning I'm going to talk about ...), the key points or highlights of the topic (The subject can be examined under three headings... First ... Second ... Third ...), the explanation of question / discussion opportunity (If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt), etc. The main body should correlate with the purpose and information stated in the introduction. In this part the speaker presents his ideas (The first point I'd like to raise is...Secondly...), emphasizes the main point (I'd like to stress that.), gives examples (A good example is ...), explains the reasons and their causes and effects (This led to.), comments on visual aids (Take a look at this graph.Here we can see.), etc. The conclusion signals the end of the talk and may state the speaker's main points again. It contains closing words (That brings me to the end of my talk), a summary of information (I'd like to finish with.), the speaker's findings (The evidence shows that.), expressions of gratitude to the audience (Thank you for your time and attention today), invitation to ask questions (I'd now like to open the floor for discussion).

So, the talk must proceed logically and the structure of the presentation is crucial. This makes it necessary to include the structural aspect of the presentation in the model of teaching public speaking to economics students.

The second important factor is using metacommunication elements (signposts), which give the presenter an opportunity to make the topic clear to the audience, highlight the main sections of the talk, come to mutual understanding with listeners and achieve the main goal of the presentation. These signalling words are important for the audience as well. They help the listeners follow the flow of the speaker's thoughts and understand presented information better. This brings us to the point that our model should include the metacommunication aspect of the presentation.

The next stage of our research was to analyze the language of presentation speeches to select the necessary English vocabulary and grammar structures that will be of use to students when they prepare their own business presentations. In general, a presentation requires formal language and business vocabulary. The students should know such nouns as business professions / positions; names of departments and branches of the company; professional qualities and activities; names of graphs / tables and their parts; trends in product development, labour market and consumer demand. Adjectives to be practiced characterize professional qualities, describe companies, product or service qualities, markets, prices, projects and their advantages, etc. Essential verbs include phrases which describe professional activities, hierarchical relationships within the company or organization, companies' activities and financial transactions, trends in company development and changes on the market. The most common grammar structures are the verb "to be", Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Future Simple, Passive Voice, degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs.

One of the important features of oral presentation speech is its specific form which involves more than just presenting planned and rehearsed material. Making a presentation is a creative process that doesn't exclude spontaneous speaking. There is no doubt that any public speech is based on a certain textual material, but while presenting this material the speaker doesn't reproduce someone else's text, but creates his own. The creative nature of oral presentation is especially evident while answering questions after the talk. So, the teacher's task is to teach students to use and understand not only affirmative grammatical constructions, but also interrogative ones.

Thus, business presentation vocabulary and grammar patterns needed for creating a presentation constitute the lexical and grammatical aspect of our teaching model.

In order to make a presentation more persuasive and powerful and to influence the audience's view on a certain subject the speaker uses a variety of techniques. Our research shows that presentations are characterized by the following features: expressive vocabulary (extremely stable, to increase dramatically), frequent use of adjectives in the comparative and superlative degree (much cheaper, the most expensive), use of simple intensifiers to emphasize the points (only, just, simply, whole, even), active voice instead of passive voice, frequent use of auxiliary words and negatives (They did promise to limit the danger; Do we or do we not believe in success?), use of opposition to highlight the advantages of a product, bank or company (Our bank gives financial opportunities no other bank offers). It is also important to build up a good relationship with the audience. These are some simple language patterns to do it: using question tags; using the words our, we all, us all; using negative question forms.

Speakers can also use different stylistic techniques that make the text of their presentations more expressive and convincing and help them achieve pragmatic goals. The most frequently used stylistic techniques are:

- Rhetorical questions, which make presentations sound more conversational and involve the audience. Rhetorical questions can be made much more powerful by repeating key words (e.g. advantage, idea, problem, solution). The common pattern is statement + rhetorical question + answer (Our sales are low. So what's the problem? The problem is our products are of poor quality.

- Contrasts, which help speakers to get the attention of the audience very quickly (If we don't ..., someone else will...).

- Repetition, which is one of the most powerful techniques. It highlights the most important points of the presentation. A common pattern is statement > repetition > explanation (Our sales figures are low (statement). Our sales figures are low (repetition) because our prices have increased (explanation). Our research allows us to distinguish several types of repetition in presentation speeches: lexical repetition (using a word or phrase for effect two or more times), anaphora (two sentences or two parts of a statement begin with the same phrase), reduplication (phrases at the end of the first part of the statement are repeated at the beginning of the second part).

- Antithesis, which is opposition of concepts and images (we agree on., but disagree on.).

- Softening, which is often used when the speaker needs to reduce the force of less significant points. Sometimes this technique helps the speaker soften his reaction to negative remarks of the audience by replacing vocabulary with a negative meaning by lexical units with a positive meaning (It was a total disaster. - It wasn't a complete success).

We consider stylistic techniques to be essential for making an effective presentation and include the stylistic aspect of presentations in our model.

Due to active development of international business and trade it becomes obvious that graduates of economic specialties will definitely become part of the multicultural business environment and global labour market. According to the research in cross-cultural communication the effect of different cultures on the presentation is significant. All aspects of a presentation such as structure, language, style, introducing visuals, organizing and presenting material, handling questions, use of body language, etc. vary from country to country. It is important to understand these cultural differences, since Russian students may transfer into their presentations the model which they have traditionally followed in their own culture. In the international context, knowledge of the most significant features of British or English-speaking presentations is of paramount importance. Lack of information about cross-cultural issues can complicate the process of international interaction and lead the presentation project to a breakdown. So, the teacher's role is to show two contrasting presentation patterns and explain why the speakers have delivered their talks differently.

Thus, the cross-cultural aspect is one more component which we take into account when developing an effective model of teaching Russian students how to make business presentations in English.

We have conducted a survey of first- and second-year students of economics to evaluate their attitude towards public speaking and identify their difficulties in delivering presentations. 82% of respondents answered that they are worried and anxious when speaking in public. 3% are terrified of any speeches and only 15% are calm. 92% of students noted that the necessity to prepare a speech in a foreign language increases the anxiety.

These psychological problems should be taken into consideration while teaching foreign language presentation skills. The educational process is effectively organized if it is aimed not only at the developing language competence but also at the overcoming psychological difficulties of students.

The results show that only 60% of the students, who took part in the survey, consider influencing the communication partner, persuasion, achievement of mutual

understanding the main goal of the presentation speech. Some students (40%) considered building a competent, logically harmonious speech.

In one of the tasks, students were asked to name the skills required to deliver a successful presentation. Half of the students surveyed (50%) noted the obligatory presence of a high level of language training of the speaker, knowledge of the subject area, which the presentation is devoted to, and highlighted general skills:

- the ability to clearly express thoughts;

- the ability to speak competently and logically;

- the ability to use intonational expressiveness;

- the ability to use non-verbal communication means appropriately.

A minority of students (40%) note such necessary public speaking skills as:

- the ability to influence the audience;

- the ability to establish direct contact, both on an individual and mass level;

- the ability to remove psychological barriers;

- the ability to keep oneself free, confident, and energetic.

Only 10% of the respondents considered such skills as the speech situation of communication, the peculiarities of the listeners' psychology, knowledge of the age, educational characteristics, cultural and national identity of the listeners to be important.

It turned out that most of the students had the past communicative experience of speaking before a group of people in their mother tongue, however, 30% of students failed in their speech presentation, because their speech was unconvincing and they did not manage to adapt his message to expectations and attitudes of their target audience (81%), they also noted the inability to overcome the psychological reasons associated with the fear of speaking (19%). Most students are reluctant to speak in public. Presenting in a foreign language only increases the level of anxiety [4, p. 67]. Many students do not like delivering presentations. The idea of giving a presentation may sound more difficult than an exam [5, p. 8].

Thus, the general analysis of the survey showed that students are aware of public speech only on an empirical, intuitive level, they consider the fact that the skill of public speaking is important for a future professional career and that the two main components of presentation competence are a sufficient level of both linguistic and professional training. Presentation is not just a speech, it is interpersonal communication, and its success depends on the level of formation of communication skills and presentation skills. All this indicates the need for special training of students in economics in the skill of public speaking and the formation of their foreign language presentation competence and communicative behavior making a presentation speech.

Developing effective presentation skills suggests that students should:

- know the structure of the presentation;

- achieve a certain level of communication skills;

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- know lexical, grammatical, stylistic and metacommunication elements of business presentations;

- be aware of cross-cultural specificity of foreign business community;

- be able to establish contact and influence target audience;

- overcome the fear of public speaking.

Having taken into account these conclusions, we have developed our educational model of teaching foreign language presentation skills to future economists.

Educational model for teaching foreign language presentation skills

Our model for teaching foreign language presentation skills to future economists consists of three stages.

At the first stage of the model, we teach our students how to structure their presentations. First of all, we give them a list of metacommunication elements (signposts) corresponding to each of the three parts of a presentation (introduction, the main body, conclusion) and explain the correlation between the given phrases and communication intentions of a speaker at each stage of a presentation. Our practice shows that students often face difficulties of adapting information for the target audience. Therefore, we pay much attention to the use of appropriate language and emotions in accordance with a style of communication, the audience, situational context, speech rules, etc. A special role is also given to the cross-cultural aspect of a presentation in order to prevent misunderstanding while presenting information to people belonging to different cultures.

At the second stage of the model, we practice the use of business vocabulary and grammar structures which are necessary for making a good and effective presentation in English. Particular attention is paid to dealing with visual aids (explaining visuals, interpreting them, commenting on them, giving additional information which is not on the visual aid, etc.) We put into practice the use of stylistic devices which make presentations more persuasive and unique and help to establish rapport with the audience. This stage of the model also implies developing students' discussion skills which are essential for holding Question and Answer session of the presentation. These skills include the ability to ask and answer questions of different types, to agree or disagree on the point, to give explanations for viewpoints, etc.

At the third stage, the consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities of the previous stages of teaching is carried out. Students prepare and conduct their own business presentations demonstrating effective public speaking skills.

Creating a favourable psychological environment in the classroom is essential at all three stages of training because it helps students reduce their fear, anxiety, awkwardness and embarrassment when speaking in public. It has long been known that the effectiveness of any process is largely dependent upon cooperation and friendly relationships between team members. Personal characteristics of teachers and students

determine this aspect of educational process and they should be taken into account when selecting teaching materials, methods and techniques.

In order to develop and maintain cooperation in a group it is necessary to take into account the interests of all participants of the communication process and respect their values. It is necessary to change the traditional role of a teacher in the educational process: from the authoritarian style of communication to a democratic one in which a teacher plays a new role - the role of a consultant and assistant in learning. It is a teacher's responsibility to create a favourable psychological atmosphere in the classroom contributing to productive work and effective results in teaching foreign language presentation skills.

We have developed a system of exercises aiming at improving students' skills in making and delivering business presentations in English. These exercises correspond to the tasks of each stage and include different types of training exercises.

The exercises of the first stage prepare learners for making speeches. Students analyse the parts of a presentation and develop their ability to structure their own speeches. They study the rules, instructions and templates, they learn to match 'signposting' phrases with speaker's intentions and get acquainted with the foreign cultural specificity of a business partner.

The exercises of the second stage are aimed at learning the lexical means and grammatical constructions necessary for making a presentation, different types of visual aids (diagrams, graphs) and ways of making them useful and effective, language to refer to visual aids, different techniques to engage the audience as much as possible and developing skills to deal with questions.

The third stage of our educational model focuses on the development of communication skills necessary for preparing and delivering a good presentation in English.

Библиографический список / References

Students are asked to make their own speeches taking into account the specificity of a particular situation and their audience. Some exercises are profession-oriented and require advanced skills. It is recommended to actively use role-playing games and "brainstorming" at this stage.


The result of our study is the development of an educational model for teaching foreign language presentation skills to students of economic specialties. In order to create this model we carried out an analysis of the texts of presentation speeches which made it possible to identify the main aspects of the presentation to be activated in the educational process, such as structural, lexical, grammatical, stylistic, metacom-munication, cross-cultural and psychological aspects. The selection of material appropriate for developing business presentation skills was based on didactic principles of communicative necessity and sufficiency. The model is supported by different types of training exercises. Experimental testing of this educational model proved its effectiveness. The implementation of this educational model in foreign language teaching can help students reduce their anxiety of public speaking and develop their presentation skills.

The practical value of this study lies in the fact that the authors developed various types of exercises aimed at the gradual development of skills in preparing and conducting a business presentation. These exercises can be used when teaching presentations not only to students of economic specialties, but also to students of other areas of training.

Perspective for further research. The three-stage model proposed by the authors can become the basis for creating manuals for teaching professionally oriented monologue speech to students of linguistic and non-linguistic faculties.

1. Nikunen M. Labour Market Demands, Employability and Authenticity. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s43151-021-00049-1

2. Lee S.H. Skills Development Driven by Labor Market Demand. Anticipating and Preparing for Emerging Skills and Jobs. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects. 2020; Vol 55. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-7018-6_33

3. Kerby D., Romine J. Develop oral presentation skills through accounting curriculum design and course-embedded assessment. Journal of Education for business. 2009; № 85 (3): 172 - 179.

4. Oprit-Maftei C. Intercultural communication - developing presentation skills. International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on the Dialogue between Sciences & Arts, Religion & Education. 2018; Vol 2, Issue 2: 67 - 71.

5. Burton G. Deliver presentations with confidence. London: HarperCollins Publishers. 2013.

Статья поступила в редакцию 24.03.22

УДК 378.1

Molotok A.A., postgraduate, FSBEI HE Northern Trans-Urals SAU, teaching assistant, Department of Documentation and DMS, FSBEI HE University

of Tyumen (Tyumen, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

Malchukova N.N., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), sensor lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University

(Tyumen, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

MODELING OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS USING A "VIRTUAL CLASSROOM" AT A UNIVERSITY. The article studies a current problem of organization of distance learning in universities. Distance learning has become an integral part of education in various disciplines in higher education institutions. The article discusses the Microsoft Teams platform for video meetings, which is used in the authors' personal pedagogical practice when organizing distance learning. According to the title, the article describes a developed and implemented "Virtual Classroom", in which meetings and classes for university students were held. Advantages and disadvantages of the chosen platform are especially noted. The article will be of great help to novice teachers who will build their own individual virtual classroom in distance learning mode. The proposed method of conducting distance learning is a proven way of organizing the educational process. The stages of work for creating a "Virtual Classroom" are briefly described. Programs that can further improve the online learning process are emphasized. In conclusion, the author gives recommendations on the use of the MS Teams platform for future students and novice teachers. The paper concludes that information and communication technologies do not stand still, but move and develop, simplifying the joint construction of the educational process between the teacher and the student.

Key words: virtual classroom, video meeting, video meeting, distance learning, distance learning technologies, educational process.

А.А. Молоток, аспирант ФГБОУ ВО ГАУ Северного Зауралья, г. Тюмень, асс., Тюменский государственный университет, г. Тюмень,

E-mail: [email protected]

Н.Н. Мальчукова, канд. пед. нак, доц., ФГБОУ ВО ГАУ Северного Зауралья, г. Тюмень, E-mail: [email protected]


Статья посвящена актуальной на сегодняшний день проблеме организации дистанционного обучения в вузах. Дистанционное обучение стало неотъемлемой частью получения образования по различным дисциплинам в высших учебных заведениях. В статье рассмотрена платформа Microsoft Teams для проведения видеовстреч, которая используется в личной педагогической практике автора при организации дистанционного обучения. Согласно названию, в статье описывается разработанный и реализованный «Виртуальный класс», в котором проводились собрания и занятия для обучающихся вузов. Особенно отмечаются в статье преимущества и недостатки выбранной платформы. Эта статья окажет большую помощь начинающим преподавателям, которые будут строить свой индивидуальный «Виртуальный класс» в режиме дистанционного обучения. Предлагаемый метод проведения дистанционного обучения - это современный и динамичный способ организации учебного процесса. Кратко описываются этапы работы для создания «Виртуального класса». Подчёркиваются программы, которые могут дополнительно улучшить учебный процесс в режиме онлайн. В заключение авторы дают рекомендации в использовании платформы MS Teams для будущих студентов и начинающих преподавателей. Делает выводы, что информационно-коммуникационные технологии не стоят на месте, а двигаются и развиваются, упрощая совместное построение учебного процесса между преподавателем и обучающимся.

Ключевые слова: виртуальный класс, видеовстреча, видеособрание, дистанционное обучение, дистанционные образовательные технологии, образовательный процесс.

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