Научная статья на тему 'Business career of expert in physical education and sport'

Business career of expert in physical education and sport Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Masyagina N.V.

Business career is a steady progress of an individual in any field of activity, changes in skills, abilities, qualified opportunities and remuneration amount, related to activities; progress on a once chosen path, getting famous and wealthy. Thus, employee's career is his successful professional advancement. It should be noted that the fact of employee's professional advancement is essential not only for the employee, but for the organization, where he works too. This is explained by the fact that during professional advancement the employee surely acquires new business qualities (otherwise he can not move forward), which are certainly useful for his work. Thus, both the employee and the organization should be interested in the implementation of the employee's business career. Assessment of employee's business qualities and his possible professional advancement has become relevant in recent years, due to the fact that according to the principles of market economy, employees should be involved in solving the problems of the organization. Employee working on his business career, is willingly involved in problem solving and works more efficiently. The staff of sports organizations was among the first who started to evaluate the possibility of personal business career, which is due to the specificity of work of experts with students. These developments need to be continuously optimized, which explains the relevance of this paper.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Business career of expert in physical education and sport»

BUSINESS CAREER OF EXPERT IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT N.V. Masyagina, associate professor, Ph.D. Moscow Department of Physical Culture and Sport

State budget educational institution of additional professional education "Moscow sports training center" of the Moscow Committee of Sports, Moscow

Key words: business career, types of business career, indicators business career professionals of Moscow Committee of Sports, objectives of Centre for business career development for experts of physical education and sport.

Relevance. Business career is a steady progress of an individual in any field of activity, changing skills, abilities, qualified opportunities and remuneration amount, related to activities; progress on a once chosen path, getting famous and wealthy.

Thus, employee's career is his successful professional advancement. It should be noted that the fact of employee's professional advancement is essential not only for the employee himself, but for the organization, where he works too. This is explained by the fact that during professional advancement the employee surely acquires new business qualities (otherwise he cannot move forward), which are certainly useful for his work. Thus, both the employee and the organization should be interested in the implementation of the employee's business career. Assessment of employee's business qualities and his possible professional advancement has become relevant in recent years, due to the fact that according to the principles of market economy, employees should be involved in solving the problems of the organization. An employee working on his business career is willingly involved in problem solving and works more efficiently. The staff of sports organizations was among the first who started to evaluate the possibilities of personal business career, which is due to the specificity of work of experts with students. These developments need to be continuously optimized, which explains the relevance of this paper.

The purpose of the present study was to concentrate the information on the development of an employee's business career and on the potentials of the Education and Sports Centre of the Moscow Committee of Sports in this area.

Results and discussion. There are several types of career: intra-organizational, inter-organizational, specialized, general, vertical, horizontal, stepped and hidden. All of them are in a certain relation to each other (Fig. 1). The types of career can be defined as follows:

Intra-organizational career means that a person in the course of his professional activity -from the moment of entering on duty and until his retirement - progresses up the career ladder within one organization.

Specialized career is carried out in one profession, in the same area of activity. However, it may be carried out within different organizations.

General career - an employee changes various positions within the organization and performs various functions, what helps him explore well the activity of the organization and to progress up the career ladder.

Inter-organizational career can be specialized and general. This career is characterized by the fact that in the course of professional activity a person passes all stages of career - from the moment of hiring to retirement - in various positions with different responsibilities and in different organizations. Vertical career is the advancement to higher position, usually associated with an increase in


Fig.1. Types of business career

Horizontal career is not usually associated with the concept of promotion. In this case, an employee can move into other functional area, to the temporary or nominal position in the organizational structure or he can be charged with new functions with a relevant increase in wages, etc.

Stepped career - this type of career combines elements of both vertical and horizontal career. An employee can be promoted by alternating vertical and horizontal growth with a significant effect. This career can be intra-organizational and inter-organizational.

Hidden career - this type of career is almost invisible to others. It is available to a narrow circle of employees who usually have extensive business connections out of the organization. Note the concept of centripetal career, according to which an employee is getting closer to the top management in the course of daily work. For example, such worker is often being invited to closed

formal and informal meetings; he gets access to informal sources of information and receives special orders.

Business career implies the interrelation of all types of career. The goals of organization should be connected with the goals of an employee. It is important for the organization that the employee's career is open and clear and matches the nature of his work, and the employee wants his interests to be taken into account and to see the career prospects.

Organization of the study. The first studies on business career of specialists of the Moscow Committee of Sports were conducted in the Education and Sports Centre. For this purpose, 17 anonymous principals of youth sports schools were surveyed about their professional advancement.

Results and discussion. Notwithstanding the fact that this group of employees is usually the most stable and easy in the practice of the Committee, the respondents' answers were very diverse. Thus, the answers for the first question - How many years have you been working as a principal? -were as follows: up to one year - 2 pers., from one to three years - 5 pers., from three to five years - 7 persons, for more than five years - 3 persons.

These data indicate different working experience of the respondents - from one to more than five years. This suggests that these professionals should rely on different types of career; however, as shown by further survey, their career plans are not just different - some of them don't plan their career at all. The second question - What was your last job? - resulted in the following answers:

- I was studying - 2 persons (11.8%);

- I was a director of studies in a comprehensive school - 1 person (5.9%);

- I was a coach - 9 people (52.9%);

- I was a methodologist - 5 people (29.4%).

The findings suggest that almost all of our respondents (except the former director of studies) continue the chosen career and they may be willing to pursue that career further. These professionals should plan their career.

The next, third question in our questionnaire was - Have you had any plans to become a principal of youth sports school? - 12 (70.6%) responded positively and 5 (29.4%) gave negative answers. This indicates that the vast majority of respondents - over 70% - had planned to become a principal of youth sports school and implemented their plans. Therefore, once they were developing their career without an understanding of the problem of career development. So, the Centre should teach the students the issues of business career, given the characteristics of our work.

The fourth question - Do you like your work? - caused mostly positive emotions. So, 13 people (76.5%) answered yes, and 4 (23.5%) responded negatively. Thus, more than 70% of our respondents are working with positive emotions and we recommend them to develop their business career. But a considerable number of respondents answered negatively. We don't recommend them to

develop their career in the area which they don't like. Thus, there is a need to identify those professionals who are satisfied with their work and develop their career and then help the rest of the employees find the reasons of the negative attitude to work - perhaps they can be eliminated - and only then develop their business career.

Whilst answering the fifth question - Do you plan to advance further? - our respondents divided into two opposing groups: 9 of them (52.9%) are planning to move on, and 8 (47.1%) do not have such plans. It should be noted that the work with the staff in the organization is unfavorable. Almost half of the students don't want to follow their career. The lack of interest of the workers in career advancement indicates the poor quality of the work. This is an example that the development of business career of an employee is within the interests of the organization and it should be provided. With regard to the Education and Sports Centre, this example makes it clear that the Centre should provide the career training for the specialists of the Moscow Committee of Sports.

Let us consider the responses of the students to the sixth question - How do you plan to advance? Our respondents mentioned five forms of promotion associated with an improvement of their skills. These are: self-study; exchange of experience with same schools as ours; participation in professional development contemplated by our administration; promotion to a new job; increase of the level of knowledge in psychology and law. The respondents' opinions on these forms of promotion distributed as follows:

- independent work - 4 people (23.5%);

- experience of other schools - 1 person (5.9%);

- further training - 3 persons (17.6%);

- new job - 3 persons (17.6%);

- knowledge in psychology and law - 6 people (35.4%).

These data suggest that planned development of business career of specialists is lacking in the organization and they need to plan it on their own, namely: they consider business career only as the opportunity to increase their skills; they attach greatest importance to the branches of knowledge which are now particularly relevant for the practice in physical culture and sport - knowledge in the field of psychology and law - but are not relevant for career advancement (specific for each student); they are least interested in the experience of other schools where their career can be changed. In conclusion of this thesis bear in mind that all of the respondents perceived the business career only as a way of moving up the ranks, as a vertical career and didn't take into account other types of career: horizontal, non-specialized, stepped, etc., which were discussed above. Thus, the Centre has unlimited possibilities of staff development in the area of business career, considering the employees of the Moscow Committee of Sports.

The seventh question - Do you consider your salary satisfactory? - was expected to result in negative answers, the same as across the country. But, nevertheless, our respondents gave the following answers to this question: "Yes" - 5 people (29.4%), "No" - 12 people (70.6%). Those 29.4% who answered yes to this question are most likely those people who are more satisfied with their work that is very important for the quality of performance of their duties. Therefore, the organization should identify such employees and arrange better working conditions for them.

The eighth question - Do you consider your choice of profession right? - was responded positively by 15 specialists (88.2%). This means that these employees are work wholeheartedly and they can easily start planning their business career. The other two specialists (11.8%) who gave negative answers should be notified that the development of career in that area has no use for them -they just won't manage their duties. Hence, the organization should identify in advance those employees who do not like their profession and develop special approaches to them.

The ninth question - Have you achieved a balance between your work and your family? -supposes that the work of our students is taken easy by their families, as the confrontation within the family associated with the negative attitude to the work of one of the members can have a big negative impact. The answers were: "Yes" - 13 people (76.5%) and "No" - 4 people (23.5%). These answers deserve particular attention - 23.5% is too much to characterize the unfavorable situation in the family related to the work of our respondents. So although family matters are deeply personal and they don't concern the work, however, they can significantly influence the quality of work and this way they also should be taken into account. At the same time, it is necessary to train specialists to evaluate the family opinion about their work and the Center should be entrusted with this task.

The last tenth question - Are you going to improve your skills? - was answered 100 percent positively, meaning that our respondents understand correctly the situation of the formation of professional competencies in our work.


• The specialists of the Moscow Committee of Sports are barely familiar with business career planning;

• The specialists don't know the types of business career;

• The specialists see the business career only as a way to improve their skills.

According to these findings we can recommend the following:

1. The Centre should provide qualified lectures on business career in the nearest future;

2. The lectures should contain a series of skill building session on the business career planning and evaluation for the specialists of the Moscow Committee of Sports;

3. The specialists of the Moscow Committee of Sports should be trained how to develop personal business career, including different types of business career.


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Corresponding author: svnach@yandex.ru

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