Научная статья на тему 'BRAIN DRAIN IN RUSSIA'

BRAIN DRAIN IN RUSSIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Shevchenko A.A.

This article is devoted to such an important problem as the "brain drain", that is, the drain of highly skilled workers who for some reason emigrated abroad. The article highlights the main reasons for the brain drain of the Russian population, as well as measures to retain scientific specialists in the country.

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Данная статья посвящена такой важной проблеме, как «утечка умов», то есть утечка высококвалифицированных работников, которые по какой-то причине эмигрировали за границу. В статье выделены основные причины утечки умов российского населения, а также меры по удержанию научных специалистов в стране.

Текст научной работы на тему «BRAIN DRAIN IN RUSSIA»

3. Инновационный менеджмент: учебник для вузов / Под редакцией д-ра экон. наук, профессора Ильенковой С.Д. - М.: Банки и биржи, ЮНИТИ, 1997. - С.327.

4. Зверев В. Венчурный бизнес в России [Электронный ресурс] / GAAP.RU Теория и практика управленческого учета. - 2007. - URL: http://www.gaap.ru/articles/biz

УДК 338

Шевченко А.А. студент 4 курса факультет «Управления и бизнеса» Кемеровский институт (филиал) РЭУ им. Г.В. Плеханова

Россия, г. Кемерово


Аннотация: Данная статья посвящена такой важной проблеме, как «утечка умов», то есть утечка высококвалифицированных работников, которые по какой-то причине эмигрировали за границу. В статье выделены основные причины утечки умов российского населения, а также меры по удержанию научных специалистов в стране.

Ключевые слова: эмиграция, утечка умов, квалифицированные работники.

Shevchenko А. А. 4th year Bachelor's Degree student Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Kemerovo Institute (branch) Kemerovo


Annotation: This article is devoted to such an important problem as the "brain drain", that is, the drain of highly skilled workers who for some reason emigrated abroad. The article highlights the main reasons for the brain drain of the Russian population, as well as measures to retain scientific specialists in the country. Keywords: emigration, brain drain, skilled labour.

The main feature of a person that distinguishes him from all other living beings is his ability to think, namely his intellectual activity.

Human intellect is defined as a special function of a complexly differentiated brain - the ability to perceive, understand and analyze incoming information, make certain conclusions and give out new knowledge.

During the period of Russia's development, it faces such an important problem as the "brain drain", that is, the problem of highly skilled workers drain who for some reason emigrated abroad. Therefore, the state is faced with the task of solving this problem by developing a system of programs and implementing the right policy for regulating the labor market of skilled labor and issues related to it. The relevance of this study is that intellectual property plays a crucial role in

the development of the country. But the paradox is that in order for the country to develop effectively and its economy to improve, the state should be interested in developing and supporting its intellectual potential. Also, the state should monitor the market of intellectual labor and not allow the emigration of highly skilled workers, highly qualified doctors, professors, inventors.

Intellectual product means the creation of the human mind, namely the range of intellectual, cultural values, works of art, innovations, various symbols, names and images that are used in commerce. That is it should be concluded that the main feature of intellectual property is immateriality, which distinguishes it from ownership of material things. Products of intellectual activity contribute to the development of society. Thus, at the end of the 15th century, even such a system as the "Intellectual Property System" emerged, which later changed the position of the results of intellectual activity and limited the uncontrolled use of the results of intellectual activity that already existed earlier.

Despite the fact that the intellectual property system is considered the engine of social progress, there is still a dual opinion about the impact it has on the economic, cultural and social development of the population, and in general it accelerates or slows down the development of society.

As for supporters of the intellectual property system, in their opinion, since social development is accelerating, it is precisely due to the intellectual property system, that is, they believe that the intellectual property system contributes to the progress of society.

Opponents of the intellectual property system believe that it only slows down the social progress, as it impedes social development and suppresses the economies of the countries, however, they do not insist that this system be abolished, it should only be changed so that the public development. And, indeed, it is worth to make the intellectual property system work, preserving both copyright and related rights, and at the same time having a positive influence on the progress of society [1, p. 9].

It is been said that the person who owns the information owns the world, this explains the great value of intellectual (immaterial) property, rather than the material one, and also the fact that we now live in the 21st century - in the information technology age. For this reason, both from the point of view of economic development and from the point of view of state significance, the problem of the realization of intellectual property is actual at the present time. The one who creates the product of intellectual property must imagine the future of gaining the benefits from the creation of its object and its further realization.

It is possible to say that when a society is interested in inventions and various studies, then the state can develop in the best way. However, while realizing intellectual property products, it can be difficult.

At present, each country needs intellectual potential, namely, the ability of people to think differently from others, to innovate, and also to the quality of higher education. But, since in the country there can be difficulties with the implementation of intellectual property, the intellectual potential is forced to leave its native country, that is, it emigrates to another state in the hope that it will be evaluated there. This

phenomenon was called "brain drain" and it appeared in the early 1950s when the process of mass resettlement of English scientists in the United States was described in the UK, but the urgency of this problem can be emphasized even in our time [2 , C. 182].

Mass emigration of Russian scientific potentials began after the collapse of the USSR, in the 1990s. This was due to the fact that after 70 years of the Soviet system people had the opportunity to go abroad. However, this problem is relevant up to now, but not on such a large scale. There are the data on the two most popular countries for brain drain below- Germany (Pic. 2) and the United States (Pic. 3).

Picture 2 - The flow of Russian scientific emigrants to Germany, 20002010, (thousand people).




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Picture 3 - The flow of Russian scholars to the United States for 1990-2011,

(thousand people).

At the moment, the emigration flow of scientific potential is declining year by year, however, despite this, it is still at a sufficiently high level. The main criteria for preferring a scientific career abroad by Russian specialists are:

1) higher level of remuneration of labor to scientific employees;

2) more satisfying material and technical and instrumentation base;

3) absence of bureaucracy and red-tape in another country in comparison with one's own, which makes it possible to develop properly;

4) great value of the European and American diploma.

Of course, most of the immigrants are students who went abroad to study and who stayed in the same country after receiving an education for permanent residence.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to take the following measures to retain scientific specialists in the country:

1) to prepare programs for the effective support of young scientists after their defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations;

2) to carry out contacts with compatriots abroad for creating joint scientific and scientific-technical research programs, for strengthening professional ties and for creating conditions for their return to their home country.

3) to align the training of specialists with the needs of the developing branches of the Russian economy of the present and near future, but it also requires a state-funded or credit retraining for qualified workers who have become unemployed as a result of structural changes in specialists.

4) to create programs for the construction of departmental housing for young scientists, develop mortgage lending, and then write off part of the loan to those who work fruitfully for the benefit of Russian science.

5) to develop a national policy that will be aimed at supporting scientific schools and priority funding of researches that meet the country's scientific interests.

6) To improve the Russian labor market in terms of filling it with jobs for scientists, but at the same time paying attention not only to the quantity, but also the quality of vacancies [3, c. 14].

Thus, the problem of brain drain is actual in our time. Due to the fact that the state does not fully follow the scientific potential of its country and supports it, it regularly loses its best specialists who migrate to another country, because, in their opinion, conditions for the realization of their scientific knowledge are much better there. For this reason, Russia is losing its domestic "minds", that further glorify another country.

Использованные источники:

1. Юревич А.В., Цапенко И.П., Нужны ли России ученые? Проблема утечки умов Изд.2 - М.: Книжный дом "ЛИБРОКОМ", 2009г.

2. Шлепаков А.Н., Смирнова Л.А. США: "похищение умов" в прошлом и настоящем.-М.: Мысль, 1983. 182 с.

3. Бурдуков П.Т., Звычайный Ю.Н. "Утечку умов" можно сделать обратимой// "Управление персоналом". 2001. №10. С. 13-44.

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