VENTURE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Shevchenko A.A.

This article considers the state of venture entrepreneurship in Russia. The article deals with the infrastructure of the venture industry, as well as the main activities that contribute to its improvement and development, such as the transition from single unilateral legislative acts, the organization of a clearer distribution of functions between financial institutions of venture activity in the Russian Federation, the further implementation of programs for the formation and development of innovative infrastructures, etc.

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В данной статье рассмотрено состояние венчурного предпринимательства в России. В статье говорится об инфраструктуре венчурной отрасли, а также основные направления деятельности, способствующие его улучшению и развитию, такие как осуществление перехода от принятия единичных односторонних законодательных актов, организация более четкого распределения функций между финансовыми институтами венчурной деятельности в РФ, дальнейшая реализация программ по формированию и развитию инновационных инфраструктур и т.д.


create all favorable conditions for receiving income and raising it, improving the quality of life, and the working people themselves should take the initiative to obtain optimal incomes and ensure their own budget, thanks to their skills and, if it is necessary, further training . Thus, an effective allocation of funds in society can be achieved only in the aggregate of necessary state processes aimed at a reasonable distribution of the incomes of the population and the purposefulness of citizens.

Использованные источники:

1. Сажина М.А. Экономическая теория: учебник / М.А.Сажина, Г.Г.Чибриков; МГУ им. Ломоносова. - 3 - изд. перераб. и доп. - М.: ИД ФОРУМ: ИНФРА - М, 2012. - 608 с.

2. Станковская И.К. Экономическая теория: полный курс МВА / И.К.Станковская, И.А.Стрелец. . - М.: РидГрупп, 2014. - 608 с.

3. Иванова Ю.И. Экономическая статистика: учебник / под ред. Ю.Н.Иванова. - 5 изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: НИЦ ИНФРА - М, 2015. - 576 с.

УДК 338

Шевченко А.А. студент 4 курса факультет «Управления и бизнеса» Кемеровский институт (филиал) РЭУ им. Г.В. Плеханова

Россия, г. Кемерово РАЗВИТИЕ ВЕНЧУРНОГО БИЗНЕСА В РОССИИ Аннотация: В данной статье рассмотрено состояние венчурного предпринимательства в России. В статье говорится об инфраструктуре венчурной отрасли, а также основные направления деятельности, способствующие его улучшению и развитию, такие как осуществление перехода от принятия единичных односторонних законодательных актов, организация более четкого распределения функций между финансовыми институтами венчурной деятельности в РФ, дальнейшая реализация программ по формированию и развитию инновационных инфраструктур и т.д.

Ключевые слова: риск, рисковое предпринимательство, инновации.

Shevchenko А. А. 4th year Bachelor's Degree student Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Kemerovo Institute (branch) Kemerovo


Annotation: This article considers the state of venture entrepreneurship in Russia. The article deals with the infrastructure of the venture industry, as well as the main activities that contribute to its improvement and development, such as the transition from single unilateral legislative acts, the organization of a clearer distribution offunctions between financial institutions of venture activity in the

Russian Federation, the further implementation ofprograms for the formation and development of innovative infrastructures, etc. Keywords: risk, risk business, innovations.

The relevance of this study is that today the development of the global economy depends on the ability of countries to generate new knowledge, master, introduce and develop high technologies, new markets, and the ability to use human capital competently and effectively. First of all, this kind of entrepreneurship stimulates competition, encouraging other firms to innovate, to search for new technologies, directions, etc. This in the end influences the scientific and technological progress in general.

The word "venture" has come to Russian from the English "venture". This word also reflects the essence of venture entrepreneurship, whose work is constantly fraught with risks. Thus, V. Zverev gives the following definition to venture business: "Venture business is a kind of business focused on the practical use of technical and technological innovations, the results of scientific achievements not yet tested in practice" [1].

Venture company is an enterprise that deals with various innovations in all spheres of life [2].

Venture firms need financing at all stages of their development. In the beginning a firm has nothing but its own ideas, the realization of which is impossible without good monetary support. There are many different interpretations of what is venture financing, but the main essence of this financing is to provide a certain amount of money to the firm in exchange for a stake in the equity capital or acquisition of a stock of shares.

Using the advantages of venture financing presupposes, on the one hand, the ability and interest of enterprises to bring modern developments, on the other hand, the availability of a progressive and reliable financial system [3].

Risk business also influences the understanding and the way of managing. There are new ideas about business ethics, new models of organization and culture of production. The methods and style of production management are changing. The importance of creativity, personal initiative, flexibility in conducting business grows. The system, when all decisions are taken from the center, becomes irrelevant.

In various sources, the infrastructure of the venture sector is considered in several aspects:

I. Creation and availability of innovation support.

For example, business incubators offer office space for rent at preferential rates, but do not provide additional consulting, accounting, legal assistance. [4]

II. Information transparency of the venture capital market.

According to the development strategy, in Russia the problem of insufficient saturation of the venture market with developed communications, information channels and products has not been solved yet. Most transactions are of a closed nature, cannot be accounted for and are not lost on researchers.

In the end, all this reduces the attractiveness of the venture industry for young entrepreneurs, potential venture investors.

III. Professional competences of market participants.

Nowadays the Russian venture market is short of specialists qualified to meet the requirements of innovation policy and who could work with the venture company at all stages of its development.

It should be noted that certain steps are being taken in the Russian Federation towards the development of professional competencies. For example, RVC, throughout the development of the innovation ecosystem, is carrying out a program for the development of investors.

So, already more than 400 participants (representatives of venture funds and corporations) went through a series of unique educational programs; Special services and unique sites have been created to support communication and exchange of experience between entrepreneurs in Russia and internationally.

IV. Popularization of technological entrepreneurship and venture investment.

The development strategy says that in Russia there are a small number of

projects demonstrating a significant increase in capitalization as a result of the "exit", and the profession of an entrepreneur operating in a venture environment does not attract young specialists.

Successful projects are extremely important. They, on the one hand, allow funds to replenish own capital for further financing of new projects and firms, and on the other hand, attract new investors to the venture market, inspiring them with their success and creating a positive perception of the national venture innovation sector.

The objectives of this program are:

- "development of the information infrastructure of the innovation and venture market, implementation of accelerated programs for thematic media;

- formation in the mass consciousness (mainly among the youth) of the image of a technological entrepreneur as "the hero of our time";

- Involving representatives of science and education in the orbit of innovative business, increasing the information transparency of the venture market".

It should be noted that an important factor in the development of the country's innovation sphere is also international scientific and technical cooperation. Such cooperation in the venture field is very important, as it contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge, and is an additional source of finance, which, in conditions of shortage of money, facilitates the state's position. First, there is a problem of the closed and non-transparent nature of the Russian venture industry. The result of this is that many venture deals in Russia do not come into the view of international agencies. Secondly, in recent years, the foreign policy environment has significantly worsened, which led to a decrease in interest in investing in the Russian market from foreign investors and limiting the possibility for Russian venture companies to enter international markets.

So, based on the above, it will be tried to identify the main areas of activity that contribute to its improvement and development:

1. Implementation of the transition from the adoption of single unilateral legislative acts to the creation of a full-fledged regulatory and legal framework that comprehensively regulates the sphere of innovative entrepreneurship. Having a strong legal foundation will create confidence for Russian companies, as well as foreign firms that would like to cooperate with Russia in the sphere of high technologies.

2. Organization of a more precise distribution of functions between financial institutions of venture activity in the Russian Federation. This will make the venture investment system more clear and increase the efficiency of its financial regulation. V.L. Zinin in his dissertation suggests "to limit the creation of new development institutions and focus on building the mechanisms of interaction existing." It is necessary to form a unified concept for the development of the innovation sphere in the Russian Federation, to clearly delineate the goals and functions of financial institutions.

3. Further implementation of programs for the formation and development of innovative infrastructures. "It is necessary to continue workng jointly with the state, development institutions and private market players in synchronizing the activities of territorial and sectoral clusters, engineering centers, major state companies, leading universities and research centers."

4. Stimulation of the subjects of the venture investment industry to the disclosure of information. This will give a better understanding of the status of the Russian venture market to its existing and potential participants. The Development Strategy also mentions the institution of professional intermediaries who collect initial market information and transform it into information products, and also help venture companies to choose investment funds, thereby facilitating information exchange between them. This institution also needs to be developed.

5. Processing programs to develop the professional competencies of venture market participants to create specialists whose level of training would be in line with modern innovation policy.

6. Increase in the number of successful venture projects and increase the transparency of the venture market to attract new participants. Increase the prestige of the profession of the

7. Activation of international economic activities of Russian venture companies.

Thus, the most risky kind of organization management is the management of a venture enterprise. Only a rational approach to the conduct of this type of business guarantees the effective implementation of high technology, as well as the subsequent implementation of this enterprise.

Использованные источники:

1. Зверев В. Венчурный бизнес в России [Электронный ресурс] / GAAP.RU Теория и практика управленческого учета. - 2007. - URL: http://www.gaap.ru/articles/biz

2. Что такое венчурная компания? [Электронный ресурс] / RUSHBIZ. - URL: http ://rushbiz.ru/startbiz/terms/venchurnaya-kompaniya.html

3. Инновационный менеджмент: учебник для вузов / Под редакцией д-ра экон. наук, профессора Ильенковой С.Д. - М.: Банки и биржи, ЮНИТИ, 1997. - С.327.

4. Зверев В. Венчурный бизнес в России [Электронный ресурс] / GAAP.RU Теория и практика управленческого учета. - 2007. - URL: http://www.gaap.ru/articles/biz

УДК 338

Шевченко А.А. студент 4 курса факультет «Управления и бизнеса» Кемеровский институт (филиал) РЭУ им. Г.В. Плеханова

Россия, г. Кемерово


Аннотация: Данная статья посвящена такой важной проблеме, как «утечка умов», то есть утечка высококвалифицированных работников, которые по какой-то причине эмигрировали за границу. В статье выделены основные причины утечки умов российского населения, а также меры по удержанию научных специалистов в стране.

Ключевые слова: эмиграция, утечка умов, квалифицированные работники.

Shevchenko А. А. 4th year Bachelor's Degree student Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Kemerovo Institute (branch) Kemerovo


Annotation: This article is devoted to such an important problem as the "brain drain", that is, the drain of highly skilled workers who for some reason emigrated abroad. The article highlights the main reasons for the brain drain of the Russian population, as well as measures to retain scientific specialists in the country. Keywords: emigration, brain drain, skilled labour.

The main feature of a person that distinguishes him from all other living beings is his ability to think, namely his intellectual activity.

Human intellect is defined as a special function of a complexly differentiated brain - the ability to perceive, understand and analyze incoming information, make certain conclusions and give out new knowledge.

During the period of Russia's development, it faces such an important problem as the "brain drain", that is, the problem of highly skilled workers drain who for some reason emigrated abroad. Therefore, the state is faced with the task of solving this problem by developing a system of programs and implementing the right policy for regulating the labor market of skilled labor and issues related to it. The relevance of this study is that intellectual property plays a crucial role in

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