Научная статья на тему 'Biogas production as an effective method of reducing the eutrophication of reservoirs'

Biogas production as an effective method of reducing the eutrophication of reservoirs Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Cherevko G., Shuhalo V.

The article substantiates ecological and economic efficiency of blue-green algae utilization. The factors of eutrophication development on the example of creation of a hydroelectric power station complex on the Dnipro River have been described. The research characterizes blue-green algae, their structure, properties and features of development. The complexity of the influence of eutrophication development factors in the Dnipro River cascade has been revealed. The damage caused by blue-green algae and hazardous substances they can produce have been indicated. It is revealed that the negative state of the Dnipro is not just a problem for the people who live near it. It has been suggested to add control over rates of cyanobacteria reproduction to other quality indicators in sanitary water reservoirs. The article analyzes and compares methods of combating eutrophication and the best ones have been selected. On the example of the Kremenchuk reservoir the ecological and economic calculations on the efficiency of recycling of cyanobacteria and production of biogas and fertilizers have been provided. These are important factors for applying a promising method related to cyanobacterium collection. Possible ways to implement this method have been described and various problems you may encounter. An optimizing method of processing raw materials for increasing mass transfer has been represented which, in turn, increases the efficiency of lipid extraction and the volume of produced biogas, and thus the profitability of the project. The effective concept of the scheme for ecologically and economically efficient utilization of blue-green algae on the basis of pollution of the Dnipro water area has been revealed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Biogas production as an effective method of reducing the eutrophication of reservoirs»



Черевко Г.В.,

д. е. н., професор, завгдувач кафедри Економжи, Львгвський нацюнальний аграрний утверситет

Шугало В.М.

аспгрант, Львгвський нацюнальний аграрний утверситет



Cherevko G.,

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics, Lviv National Agrarian University

Shuhalo V.

Ph.D. student, Lviv National Agrarian University


У статп обгрунтовано еколого-економiчну ефектившсть yTrai3a^i' синьо-зелених водоростей. Описано чинники розвитку евтрофшацп на приклащ створення комплексу ГЕС на pi4^ Дншро. Охарактеризовано синьо-зелеш водоросп, 1х будову, властивосп та особливостi розвитку. Розкрита складшсть впливу фактоpiв розвитку евтрофжацп у каскадi piчки Днiпpо. Зазначено шкоду, яку створюють синьо-зелеш водоросп, та небезпечш речовини, яш вони можуть продукувати. Висвiтлено, що негативний стан Днiпpа не просто проблема людей, яш мешкають бшя нього. Запропоновано у водоймах сашгарно-побутового водо-користування до iнших показнишв якостi додати контроль над показниками розмноження цiанобактеpiй. Пpоаналiзовано та поpiвняно методи боротьби з евтpофiкацieю та на цш основi обрано оптимально На пpикладi Кременчуцького водосховища висвгтлено еколого-економiчнi розрахунки щодо ефективностi yтилiзацil цiанобактеpiй та отримання бiогазy i бiодобpив. Наведено вагомi чинники для застосування перспективного методу, пов'язаного зi збором цiанобактеpiй, описано можливi шляхи pеалiзацil даного методу та проблеми, з якими можна зyстpiтись. Розкрито оптимiзyючий метод обробки сировини для шдви-щення масопередач^ що в свою чергу шдвищуе ефективнiсть екстрагування лiпiдiв та об'ему добутого бiогазy, а вiдповiдно i pентабельностi проекту. Виявлено ефективну концепцш схеми для еколого-еко-номiчно ефективно! yтилiзацil синьо-зелених водоростей на основi забруднення Дшпровсько! акватори.


The article substantiates ecological and economic efficiency of blue-green algae utilization. The factors of eutrophication development on the example of creation of a hydroelectric power station complex on the Dnipro River have been described. The research characterizes blue-green algae, their structure, properties and features of development. The complexity of the influence of eutrophication development factors in the Dnipro River cascade has been revealed. The damage caused by blue-green algae and hazardous substances they can produce have been indicated. It is revealed that the negative state of the Dnipro is not just a problem for the people who live near it. It has been suggested to add control over rates of cyanobacteria reproduction to other quality indicators in sanitary water reservoirs. The article analyzes and compares methods of combating eutrophication and the best ones have been selected. On the example of the Kremenchuk reservoir the ecological and economic calculations on the efficiency of recycling of cyanobacteria and production of biogas and fertilizers have been provided. These are important factors for applying a promising method related to cyanobacterium collection. Possible ways to implement this method have been described and various problems you may encounter. An optimizing method of processing raw materials for increasing mass transfer has been represented which, in turn, increases the efficiency of lipid extraction and the volume of produced biogas, and thus the profitability of the project. The effective concept of the scheme for ecologically and economically efficient utilization of blue-green algae on the basis of pollution of the Dnipro water area has been revealed.

Ключовi слова: yтилiзацiя, бюпаливо, евтрофжа^, синьо-зелеш водоросп, забруднення Дншра, бю-маса, бюгазовий реактор, бюгаз, бюдобриво, енергонезалежшсть, бюлопчш вщходи, еколого-економiчна ефектившсть, щанобактерп.

Keywords: utilization, biofuels, eutrophication, blue-green algae, pollution of the Dnipro river, biomass.

Eutrophication is a complex process in fresh and marine waters, where rapid development of certain types of microalgae disrupts aquatic ecosystems and poses a threat to human and animal health. The primary cause of eutrophication is the over-concentration of nutrients by industrial, agricultural, or wastewater sources. Food chain imbalances can also be mentioned, leading to high levels of phytoplankton biomass in water. Water eutrophication has become an international

environmental concern. Eutrophication has a negative impact on human and animal health. Risks to public health emerge from the consumption of drinking water, obtained after freshwater treatment from eutrophied sources.

Ukraine is an energy-scarce country that imports a significant amount of natural gas and other fuels for its own consumption. At the same time, the energy inten-

sity of the domestic economy largely exceeds the corresponding indicators of economically developed countries, which makes Ukraine extremely sensitive to the conditions of import of both natural gas and other fuels. The usage of renewable energy sources is one of the most important areas of Ukraine's energy policy, aimed at saving traditional fuel and energy resources and improving the environment. We need to diversify our energy sources. And by far the best option is to increase the use of renewable energy sources, different types of production in the energy balance of Ukraine, which will help to strengthen the energy independence of the state. It is important to optimally develop all types of alternative energy, i.e. to receive the most energy at the lowest cost and to maintain an effective level of pricing and profitability.

The bioenergy industry in Ukraine has perhaps the greatest potential for development. However, the realization of existing bioenergy potential is complicated by the underdeveloped infrastructure and raw material base needed to ensure uninterrupted supply of raw materials. There is also work with a suboptimal technological process, having a negative impact on development potential. We should not forget about a considerable period of low-temperature climatic regime, which does not contribute to the development of the industry. Large objects are very high-value and require extensive inventories of raw materials for efficient operation, which cannot always be guaranteed in these volumes. Therefore, they are designed for one type of raw material or in general for waste from a separate production line. In this regard, the dynamics of biomass electricity generation are lagging behind heat and power generation on the basis of other renewable energy sources. Moreover, biogas production is a complex process of energy production and much longer than, for example, wind power or solar panel operation. But in the complex of the energy balance of the country it is a very important property that can significantly smooth out the load fluctuations and occupy its niche.

The problem of eutrophication is caused by a significant anthropogenic impact that the natural ecosystem is unable to cope with. As for the impact of human activity, every year it increasingly stimulates the desta-bilization of the natural balance. The increase in urban population and the development of industrial production provoked an increase in the amount of wastewater and raise in the concentration of pollution, which resulted in pollution of rivers and seas. Improper waste disposal and lack of recycling have greatly exacerbated this problem. The impregnation of these contaminants only accelerates the rapid growth of algae and the "flowering" of natural reservoirs. And as a result, oxygen disappears and biogenic elements accumulate, which are detrimental to fish and other inhabitants of reservoirs. In addition, the flow velocity of rivers decreased sharply, and the time of water reaching the mouth of the river, on the contrary, increased several times. This has created favorable conditions for water "flowering", i.e. the development of blue-green algae, the ideal environment for which is extensive, well-warmed annual shallow water, rich in phosphorus and

nitrogen due to the large amount of organic matter contained in sewage and rainwater from soil [1].

No less important factor in the development of eu-trophication was the creation of a complex of hydropower plants on the Dnipro. Besides the planned result, namely the production of cheap electricity, the construction of a hydroelectric power plant on the Dnipro River also created a threat to the security of Ukraine. And the result was a significant deterioration of the environmental status of the Dnipro. The following negative environmental impacts are due to four main reasons:

1. Flooding of the territories by waters of the newly created reservoirs, where settlements, agricultural lands, animal farms and a living space of the population were located.

2. Significant decrease in the flow rate of the Dnipro. In general, the total area of the reservoirs of the Dnipro cascade hydroelectric power plant is about 7000 km2, in these reservoirs there is about 45 km3 of water.

3. Absence of enough consumers of blue-green algae.

4. Getting into the river of municipal and industrial runoff. Virtually every inhabitant of the area around the channel is also a pollutant of the aquatic environment when using chemical detergents such as ones containing phosphate. Moreover, as Kyiv is located at the top of the River Dnipro and is a metropolis, it significantly affects the food chain of blue-green algae.

Taking into account that the annual flow of the Dnipro is about 50 km3 of water, it becomes clear that the volume of water that fills the artificial reservoirs of the river is close in value to its annual runoff. Due to the appearance of artificial reservoirs, the section of the river, which determines the rate of continuous flow, has become an order of magnitude, so in reservoirs (in particular in Kremenchuk, which is the largest) the speed of water movement is so small that the water can be considered as standing. On this basis, it will be fair to accept the current state of the River Dnipro in the middle and lower waterways not as the river but as a cascade of flowing joints over a large area of water area and volume. In view of the above mentioned information, the most methodologically correct approach is to accept a limnological approach for the research of the Dnipro ecosystem. Huge areas of farmland, located under the waters of newly formed reservoirs, have caused the saturation of river waters with organic compounds. The content of these compounds is constantly replenished with the influx of huge masses of municipal and industrial runoff, polluted rain runoff and melted snow waters into the Dnipro. Coastal zones, unlike the floodplains of the Dnipro, have long been incorporated into intensive arable technologies, whereby surface waters (which later enter the Dnipro) are saturated with mineral and organic fertilizers. Such radical changes (a significant decrease in the flow of the Dnipro in large reservoirs down to a practically standing state and enrichment with organic pollution) eventually led to a significant change in the river biota. The result of the creation of new relationships in the new biota and the creation of a new biotic hierarchy was the rapid

uncontrolled development of blue-green algae (cyano-bacteria), which captured the newly formed reservoirs of the River Dnipro [7].

Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) are the simplest unicellular, colonial and multicellular (filamentous) organisms, usually microscopic. They form balls rarely, and crusts are up to 10 cm in size. Some filamentous cyanobacteria are able to move by means of sliding (cells are often topped with a slimy cover, and sliding on slime some shapes can move at a speed of 2-11 |im/s, thus just under 4 cm/h). In this case, the moving forms never have flagella. Most blue-green algae are stationary. Their cells do not contain a detached nucleus, mitochondria, plastids and vacuoles. The coloration is due to the green pigment chlorophyll and the blue pigment phycocyanin. They also have the red phy-coerythrin pigment and the orange carotenoid. These algae feed on autotrophic (by means of photosynthesis) and heterotrophic (by means of absorption of organic substances from the environment) [14]. Cyanobacteria are propagated by division (unicellular) and hormones - sections of filaments (multicellular). In addition, for reproduction are the following: akinets, formed from vegetative cells; endospores, occurring several in the mother cell; exospores, which are separated from the outside of the cells, and nanocytes are small cells that appear in the mass due to the rapid division of the content of the mother cell [1]. Dying off, the blue-green algae do considerable harm: phenols, indole, scatol and other toxic substances and their decay products enter the water in large quantities. Fish leave such reservoirs, because the water becomes unfit even for recreational purposes [4].

It is clear that the Dnipro carries its waters and a considerable amount of pollutants received through all the cascades into the Black Sea. And it has a negative impact on the ecosystem of the sea, accumulates many pollutants, reduces species diversity and reduces the number of tourists.

The unsatisfactory condition of the Dnipro is not just a problem for the people who live near it, it is a matter of national security. And the country must ensure that there is a strategic supply of quality fresh drinking water in Ukraine. We cannot forget about quality control, too. It should be noted that the quality of drinking water has a significant impact on human health and longevity.

Depending on the hydrodynamic conditions, the shape of the shoreline, the force and the direction of the wind, the blue-green algae are concentrated at different times in different parts of the Dnipro reservoirs. This fact also caused the loss of Dnipro's ability to self-purify, which led to the progressive uncontrolled development of blue-green algae. The nature of the biological cycle of life and death of blue-green algae causes them to play a dominant role in the Dnipro ecosystem. Since blue-green algae do not require contact with the soil environment, their population is not affected by the depth of the reservoir. Therefore, under the influence of wind, blue-green algae migrate throughout the reservoir, which creates the conditions for their progressive reproduction. The specific density of cyanobacteria is

slightly less than the water density, so even after a severe storm they float to the surface in a short time and develop intensively, consuming solar energy. A dense surface layer of blue-green algae is formed quickly enough to reduce the sun's reflectance. It also causes additional warming of the surface layer (where the cy-anobacteria are accumulated) and, consequently, acceleration of algae development - the process becomes au-tocatalytic. It contributes to the uncontrolled development of cyanobacteria and the absence of biological species for which they would be feed. The consequences of the uncontrolled development of cyanobac-teria in artificial reservoirs of the Dnipro are the conversion of river water during the decomposition of blue-green algae (from the second half of July to the end of September) into a dirty liquid with a strong unpleasant odor. On the other hand, the algae themselves release toxins (alkaloids and peptides) into the water, which are a danger only in the case of mass reproduction of phytoplankton. However, during eutrophication, the toxicity of the aquatic environment can reach significant levels, presenting a significant threat to aquatic organisms and humans. One of the causes of contamination of reservoirs with toxic substances can be considered the process of decomposition of algae during their extinction [2]. Therefore, in reservoirs of sanitary and domestic water use, along with other indicators, careful monitoring of the basic cycles of algae reproduction should be ensured [5]. Consequently, eutrophi-cation processes are always associated with increased aquatic toxicity, mainly due to compounds of Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus and some other elements. This makes it impossible to qualitatively purify river water to the requirements of standards for drinking water at the stations of primary treatment of water intakes of coastal cities. The atmosphere air is filled with the smell of decay, increasing concentrations of such gases as ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methane [9]. This, in turn, may cause numerous respiratory diseases. Water depletion of the River Dnipro by oxygen in the process of decay of cyanobacteria causes the breath of valuable fish species, leading to considerable damage to the fisheries of the country. The evidence of asphyxiation is the massive flooding of dead fish to the surface and its decomposition, which creates an additional environmental threat to the ecosystem. The catastrophic decrease in the oxygen content in the water is also confirmed by the results of analyses of the air composition over the water area of the Rybinsk reservoir during its flowering period. Among the components, the authors [3] identified methane, which is formed during anaerobic fermentation. Therefore, during the decomposition of blue-green algae, the decrease in oxygen concentration in river water is so significant that the surface layer creates conditions for their oxygen-free fermentation. Due to fluctuations in the water level in artificial reservoirs often floods the wide coastal stripes of the Dnipro, and cya-nobacteria get into flooded water areas (floodplains, lakes, sleeves and old Dnipro). The result is siltation and almost complete destruction of the famous sandy beaches of the Dnipro, known as recreational areas. The unpleasant odor of decomposing algae has greatly reduced popularity and water tourism, and the water area

in the summer itself becomes a source of dangerous microbiological contamination [10, 11].

In order to suppress the mass development of blue-green algae, one should pay attention to mechanical, physico-chemical, environmental and biological methods. The most effective physico-chemical methods include water aeration and the use of algicides. However, the use of these methods leads to sharp decrease in the number of cyanobacteria, and they have significant disadvantages. Aeration of large volumes of water by air is economically unprofitable (0.65-0.90 UAH / m3), and the use of algicides is possible only in reservoirs, not intended for economic drinking or fishery use as well as in systems of return water supply.

According to the experiments, conducted by postgraduate student N.I. Avramenko, it can be concluded that the reproduction of blue-green algae can be controlled both by the direct influence of chemicals on the latter and by the decrease in water of phosphate ion (PO3-4), which finally ensures reduction in the number of blue-green algae. He obtained the most effective result from the use of potassium permanganate (0.2x106 cells / l), molybdenum fluid (0.3x106 cells / l), magnesium mixture (0.4x106 cells / l), chlorine (0.5x106 cells / l) and iron chelate (0.6x106 cells / l). Slightly worse results were the use of silver nitrate (1.0x106 cells / l) and barium chloride (2.0x106 cells / l). The largest amount of blue-green algae remained due to the influence on the last aluminum sulfates together with the copper sulfate (2.5x106 cells / l) [1].

The collection of cyanobacteria with their further utilization (production of biogas, lipids, fertilizers) is more promising. Available cyanobacterial processing technologies include the option of constructing a biostation to produce biogas, biodiesel, fertilizers and other valuable industrial and agricultural products. The method of producing biogas is based on the method of purification of surface water from blue-green algae, in particular, due to the collection and use of its concen-

trated biomass as a substrate for the production of biogas by biotechnology of methane "fermentation" and ensuring the proper level of water quality in the cascade of reservoirs, while saving energy. The yield of the biogas mixture at + 28 ° C per day was 200 ml with 1 dm3 of substrate. The analysis of the biogas flame spectrum revealed a significant predominance of the percentage of methane in the gas mixture under study [6]. The economic and environmental efficiency of using cyanobacteria for biogas production (on the example of the Kremenchuk reservoir with an area of a water mirror of 2250 km2) is estimated as follows: if the sexton is collected up to 50 kg / m3 [11] from the volume of 828 million m3 of shallow water, its biomass will be 4.14 * 107 tonnes during the growing season. By fermenting this biomass in the process of methane fermentation, up to 30 million m3 of biogas (18.8 million m3 of methane) can be produced, which is equivalent to 20,000 tonnes of oil or 17,000 tonnes of diesel. Based on this information, we can make a profit of 18.8 million m3 * 4 711.34 UAH / excluding VAT per 1000m3 (a purchase price of natural gas formed during the gas month (June 2019)) [12] and as for me will be the lowest for the entire current year. Profit is UAH 88 573 192 for 18.8 million m3 of pure methane (more than 80% methane in natural gas), all the rest are gases: ethane, propane, butane, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and helium. We will also receive a significant amount of biofertilizers, which is a valuable product for farmers and will increase net profit. In order to reduce investment costs and increase the profitability of the project for bio-contamination disposal, it would be great to connect to an existing biogas plant, which should be located not far from the collection point. It would effectively stimulate the project. Accordingly, a biogas plant near the Dnipro hydroelectric power station was found. The biogas station belongs to the MHP unit at the "Oril-Leader" Poultry Farm in Dnipro Region. The distance from different points of the Dnipro hydroelectric station is from 9 to 12 km (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The distance from the Dnipro hydroelectric power station to the MHP unit at the poultry farm of JSC


The study [8] confirms that the production of biodiesel and biogas from algae is future-oriented. The content of lipids in the harvested blue-green algae culture is negligible (1.27%), and, therefore, only a small fraction of the energy contained in biomass can be extracted. The influence of the cavitation field (hydrody-namic cavitation) due to the destruction of cyanobacte-ria cell walls and the increase of the mass transfer surface can significantly increase the efficiency of lipid extraction and the volume of biogas produced.

Based on the analysis of research data [8], which developed a strategy for avoiding environmental hazards from the uncontrolled development of cyanobac-teria and their negative impact on the environment, it was stated that they cover the sequential implementation of the following stages: collecting cyanobacteria and transporting them to biostations ^ biomass treatment in the field of hydrodynamic cavitation ^ biomass concentration ^ extraction from biomass lipid ^ biomass biodegradation using bioprocessing [7].

The most effective method would be to prepare aerial photographs from the drone from which a map would be generated. This map shows where the cyano-bacteria are most concentrated and installs pipes with holes fixed to the floats. By calculating the flow velocity, direction and wind force, you can set the pump to automatically start to pump the next batch of blue-green algae that will float. If pumping is done near a threshold or dam, it is possible to bring pipes and a tank below the water level and save electricity to pump the substrate. Along the river, the substrate will be collected near the hydroelectric dam. But there is a good chance that there will be pieces of water mirror on which the cyanobacteria will remain stationary. And so that they do not turn into toxic waste over time, they must be removed from the site. For these purposes, a small barge would be required to pump the top layer of cyanobac-terial water in such territories. As soon as this water is pumped into the sump, the process of separation begins, where the cyanobacteria rise to the surface and the water sinks to the bottom. After separation, the water will

be lowered back into the reservoir and cyanobacteria will be moved to the storage tank. Having accumulated a full tank of cyanobacteria, the vessel will return to the pumping station, where it will pump the contents of the tank to the raw material storage facility for the biogas plant. The process with the vessel is repeated, and the biogas plant operates in a continuous mode during the cyanobacterial breeding season. Raw material discharged from storage is prepared in advance using a cavitation column, which will also serve as a system for separating the water fraction and blue-green algae fraction. But the main process is to increase the activity of anaerobic fermentation and increase the availability of raw materials through the destruction of cyanobacterial cell walls and, as a consequence, increase the volume of biogas produced. It is desirable to place this substrate preparation column close to the sources of raw material sampling so as to return some of the clean water back to the river with minimal cost. The part of the fraction consisting of the concentrated cyanobacteria of the raw material is pumped to the biogas station of PJSC "Oril-Leader". Several reservoirs are to be built in the area near the biogas station to automatically store raw materials with automatic feed to the biogas reactor. Since this biogas plant has idle capacity, capacity expansion is a significantly lower cost of design and construction from scratch. And it leads to increased profitability and reduced investment and, in turn, will stimulate the fastest implementation of this project.

An important optimizing component of biogas production is hydrodynamic cavitation treatment. It leads to more efficient extraction of lipids, as well as increases the speed of biogas production and increases its volume by making raw materials more readily available for digestion. Cell membranes of untreated algae have been found to be difficult to penetrate and their use without treatment for energy is difficult [13]. The lipids can then be extracted from the substrate and sent to a methane tank for anaerobic digestion. After the fermentation process, we will receive biogas, biofertilizer and a bio-pollution disposal service.

Conclusions. It has been established that uncontrolled development of blue-green algae is one of the determinants of water quality deterioration in the waters of the Dnipro River and their negative impact on the environment is described. Based on the analysis, we see the possibility of effective neutralization of bio-pollution in the form of accumulation of blue-green bacteria in the waters of the Dnipro River, with the integrated use of the biogas plant. Implementing it, we receive direct products and services, such as: purification of water from blue-green algae, which act as bio-pollution, biogas production, biofertilizer. And also we get a lot of side services mostly preventative. This is to prevent the deterioration of drinking water quality, to reduce the incidence of people consuming it, to prevent fish fatigue, to prevent the accumulation of toxic substances that adversely affect living organisms and may enter the Black Sea. Of course, if you use a biogas plant to dispose of several types of organic waste, the profitability and efficiency of the project will only grow in such an integrated approach. Therefore, the biogas plant should be located optimally close to the Dnipro threshold and

far from enterprises for processing waste of agricultural plants or disposal of animal waste. Methods that can significantly increase the biogas yield after pre-treat-ment of cyanobacteria biomass in the hydrodynamic cavitation field to increase the biomass decomposition have been considered, which will increase the biogas output and its quality, and, consequently, increase the profitability of the project. The approximate calculations for the possible income with the possibility of connection to the existing biogas plant are presented. There is no indication of the cost for creating a system for connecting the pumping line and the preliminary preparation of raw materials (cavitation column). But these costs should not exceed 30-35% of income.


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Щербак В.Г.

д.э.н., профессор,

профессор кафедры предпринимательства и бизнеса, Киевский национальный университет технологий и дизайна

Дудорова Т.Ю. аспирант,

Киевский национальный университет технологий и дизайна


Shcherbak V.,

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business, Kiev National University of Technologies and Design

Dudorova T. aspirant,

Kiev National University of Technologies and Design


В данной статье рассмотрено состояние рынка логистических услуг в сфере таможенных операций на современном этапе. Приведены основные предпосылки передачи таможенных логистических операций на аутсорсинг и рассмотрены ключевые преимущества, которые получают участники внешнеэкономической деятельности от передачи таможенного оформления и сопровождения перемещаемых через границу грузов таможенным посредникам, в том числе основанные на исследовании зарубежных авторов. Выделены основные тенденции развития аутсорсинга в таможенной логистике на современном этапе.


This article describes the current state of the market of logistic services in the field of customs operations. The article discusses the main reasons for use of customs outsourcing and key advantages which are got by the participants of foreign economic activity from transfer of customs registration and maintenance of the freights moved through border to customs intermediaries including based on a research of foreign authors. We have emphasized the main current tendencies of development of outsourcing in customs logistics.

Ключевые слова: таможенная логистика, таможенные процедуры, аутсорсинг, таможенные представители, внешнеторговые операции, таможенное дело, логистический сервис.

Keywords: customs logistics, customs procedures, outsourcing, customs intermediaries, foreign trade operations, customs affairs, logistic service.

В процессе ведения внешнеэкономической деятельности компании, осуществляющие экспортные и импортные операции, сталкиваются с необходимостью соблюдения таможенных формальностей, что требует от них наличия специальных знаний и ведет к увеличению финансовых и временных затрат в ходе движения материального потока. Для небольших и средних компаний, а также для фирм, впервые осуществляющих внешнеэкономические операции, целесообразным становится передача функций по таможенному сопровождению на аутсорсинг.

Организация товародвижения на основе аутсорсинга является достаточно распространенной логистической практикой в современном бизнесе. Аутсорсинг услуг в таможенной сфере обладает как характерными для логистического аустосринга

чертами, так и некоторыми специфическими особенностями.

Согласно международным исследованиям, наиболее часто на аутсорсинг передаются такие направления логистической деятельности, как транспортировка, таможенное оформление, грузо-переработка, складирование, организация снабжения, обработка заказов и логистика возвратных потоков [4].

Результаты проведенного опроса среди представителей крупнейших американских компаний показывают, что почти три четверти респондентов считают, что именно аутсорсинг позволяет компаниям выжить в современной мировой экономике. Они утверждают, что в результате использования аутсорсинга фирмы становятся более динамичными и гибкими (60% опрошенных), и что деньги, сэкономленные от передачи некоторых функций на

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