BIOESTHETICS: HARMONY OF FORM AND MOVEMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
bioesthetics / aesthetics / beauty / content / form / ethics

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Umaralieva G.B.

The article describes the concept of bioesthetics and its essence, the harmony of form and movement. The interrelationship of the concepts of form and motion is shown, and it is scientifically substantiated that bioesthetics is a science that studies beauty.

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UDK 111.83

Umaralieva G.B.

senior Lecturer Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Uzbek State Institute of Arts and Culture


Annotation: The article describes the concept of bioesthetics and its essence, the harmony of form and movement. The interrelationship of the concepts of form and motion is shown, and it is scientifically substantiated that bioesthetics is a science that studies beauty.

Key words: bioesthetics, aesthetics, beauty, content, form, ethics

Beauty is always useful, but that usefulness is meant to serve the development of society. Finally, beauty finds expression, in Schiller's pertinent phrase, as a symbol of human freedom.After all, by striving for beauty, a person tries to form his own spiritual and moral qualities. The pursuit of perfection and beauty is in many ways related to the search for the most appropriate form, which requires that the form correspond to the content of the created thing.According to historical sources, the Avesto also recognized philosophical and moral ideas that glorified purity, cleanliness, and honesty.(1)

The Islamic Qur'an and Hadith also deal with moral and aesthetic culture. Be an example to people like a face! There are tips such as brushing your teeth with a miswak (toothbrush) and getting in the habit of cleaning. Be honest in everything you do, and be nice to people! Expect good-natured, open-minded people. God is beautiful, loves beauty. The best of you is the one who behaves well! There are many ideas about moral and aesthetic culture. Amir Temur says that one of the qualities of our ancestor in the "Statutes of Timur" should be the beautification of the country, the improvement of socio-economic, political life, cultural and spiritual development, as well as the development of moral and aesthetic foundations of moral and aesthetic culture. Kant, F.V. Gegel, Yums conducted research.After the independence of our country, a number of scientific researches in the field of aesthetics were carried out, in this regard, a new generation of educational and methodological literature was created. In particular, the role of aesthetics in ensuring the integration of education with upbringing has led to research in a new approach. In particular, issues such as the importance of moral and aesthetic culture in the development of the individual have been studied by a number of aesthetic scholars. In this regard, the scientific works of such scientists as G.Mahmudova, Abdulla Sher, B.Husanov, L.Muhammadjanova, M.Nurmatova, N.Abdullaeva, Agzamova N, deserve special recognition.The article discusses the concept of bioesthetics and

its essence, the harmony of form and movement. The interrelationship of the concepts of form and motion is shown, and it is scientifically substantiated that bioesthetics is a science that studies beauty. It has been shown by comparative analysis that bioesthetics is an integral part of aesthetics, that beauty without aesthetic knowledge is incomprehensible to its laws. It has been studied that the harmony of the form and motion of animate and inanimate objects in nature depends on its usefulness."General knowledge about bioesthetics and beauty.

It is about beauty, its rules, norms, attitude to nature and being, its influence, its conclusions. Dr. Robert Lee. "Scientist IV Botvinko (2006) "Aesthetic characterization is the idea of life as a being - the boundary, proportion, harmony, unity in different forms and unity. This principle is inherent in bioesthetics and is related to nature and being. ""Bioesthetics is a part of aesthetics and is based on the laws of symmetry as a science that studies beauty. The law of symmetry is characteristic of living and inanimate objects. Symmetry means numbers, and the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras' idea that "numbers rule the world" is important for all times. " "Russian scientist AA Lyubishev hypothesized that the formation of forms during evolution is subject to the rules of aesthetics, so our ability to perceive beauty testifies to the fact that we should consider ourselves the fruit of beauty evolution and the harmony of the imaginary world. The symmetrical laws and gold combination mentioned above have the power for us not only to distinguish beauty and ugliness, but also to attract the attention of others with their distinctive symbols of various distinctive symbols in human society, such as icons in Christianity. The structure of the icon is symmetrical. Because Jesus crucified is in one line, and the state of asymmetry is the book in Jesus 'left hand. The special biopolitical significance of symbols, on the other hand, has a bioesthetic motif, i.e., it includes a political symbol. This is not an exaggeration, but a historical policy of the twentieth century. The earliest political symbols were the five-pointed star, the six-pointed star, and the pentagon-pentagon, and there were conflicting views. But the bioesthetic role of the swastika (i.e., the use of a symbol), the umbrella-like appearance of a floating jellyfish, says G. Weil, "because it was used as an ornament on the bars of the Vatican Church."

Color images are also enough and necessary for the imagination. Colors place a certain difficulty on the brain. We know that the color green is unique in plants, but since the advent of mankind, it has been believed that the color green serves to enhance the light of the eye, feeding on greenery is pleasing to the eye. Other colors can sometimes have a positive and sometimes a negative effect on the brain's perception, giving unexpected results. For example: red signifies warmth, dark blue signifies coldness. In general, in bioesthetics, especially in bioarchitecture, colors are used in practice in the creation of various compositions.The main task facing architects and designers is to study the biological and psychological effects of colors on people when drawing a

building project. In ancient times, attractive bioesthetic schemes were used in construction and decoration in temples and churches.Bioesthetics is closely related to biopolitics and bioethics. In some cases, it gives people an exemplary assessment of success and failure, the discovery and implementation of the edges of initiative. For example, it is possible to measure and evaluate whether an initiative has had a positive impact on production or not. To do this, the impact of that production on the pollution of land, air, water, plants, biomass or the restoration of this diversity must be exhibited and this initiative must be evaluated by an expert. done Everything is natural and beautiful, using natural landscapes, trees, flowers. Or take the city of Tashkent, how skillfully it used spruce."From time immemorial, humanity has been based on four aspects: self-awareness, aspiration, closeness to God, and the idea of embracing the world.

The real purpose of these aspects is to strive for the truth, to be compassionate, to feel beautiful, to understand the benefits and harms. " It follows that these four aspects, like the Egyptian pyramids, bring man to the highest point in the category of humanity. If these 4 aspects are drawn diagrammatically, humanity will be at the top. Bioesthetics is at the top of the pyramid, but this category belongs to the world of life. "The border is a place of beauty, a useful step. In addition to practical benefits, bioesthetics is a place where truth follows, where kindness results.If we say that bioenlightenment, biopolitics, bioethics and bioesthetics are at the top of the pyramid, then at the top are truth, kindness, beauty and practical benefits. It is important to understand that bioeducation needs to be understood in a broad sense. "Using bioesthetics can misdiagnose patients. Hence, it is not possible to apply bioesthetic treatment without biological knowledge. Because bioesthetic treatment requires subtlety. Even biologist Robert Lee says, "Bioesthetics is aesthetic education, that is, the manifestation of the impact of a living being on beauty in real form and function." As the creator of the panadent system, Dr. Robert Lee, with his many years of world-famous creative work, created a system of treating patients who have lived with their teeth and dentures for a lifetime. That is, he compared the two and comes to this conclusion based on his own observations. For example, your smile and the appearance of your healthy teeth that appear at the same time give a person a good mood. This naturalness means that you can pick something up with your teeth, taste it, and work your jaw and gums at the same time. The "chewing system" is healthy.

Bioesthetic dentistry is the study of philosophy, observation, and accurate diagnosis. At its core lies the correct diagnosis. The results of scientific research show that natural teeth are long-lived and perform their function properly. Sometimes, in some diseases, the tooth is unable to perform its function, which can be congenital and develop later. During treatment, these teeth are restored and restored to their original state. Beautiful teeth, healthy teeth not only do their job, but are the key to conveying beauty to those around you.We can also

see bioesthetic processes in the hairdressing profession. The barber uses natural and chemical products to dye and style the hair. There are many benefits and harms to this. Because chemical elements can affect hair fibers, roots, skin. But the barber gets the result he wants. Creates beauty."It is known that certain aspects of the labor process have played a different role in the aesthetic culture of the people. The history of aesthetic activity shows that in almost all nations the aesthetic properties and properties of recyclable materials such as wood, clay, glass were learned in the process of labor and used creatively in the creation of works of art. Of course, in the first place, the function, shape and structure of things and objects correspond to the ergonomic features of man." The geometric essence that represents the appearance and boundary of an object is considered to be the shape.

Shape (Latin form) - appearance, border. Art critics believe that art begins with the choice of form and its structure.The concept of form should be analyzed from the following perspectives: form is a philosophical category; form - symbol; form - object, thing; form - activity. Alternatively, form is the accumulation of a series of factors and their constant change, i.e. a dynamic model of the system.The concept of form is closely related to a person's worldview. Plato, for example, considered form to be the essence of the external world. In the ancient Greeks, form was a symbol of organization, harmony, the material world. It is no coincidence that they call the harmony of the world "Cosmos" and chaos - "Chaos". According to Kant, form is a figure, a type, an image, a game. However, the game can be a house of figures or perceptions. The house takes place in space and at a specific time. , the present form cannot be analyzed without comparing it with past forms and drawing conclusions for the future form. Over time, he understands the sequence of development of the form, the pattern, the emergence of the modern form standard as an ideal form (which is constantly violated by designers), which leads to a change in style, its development and renewal.

The form is characterized by the method of technical, aesthetic and aesthetic necessity of the product. A form represents a certain psychological meaning, and a sign that represents a certain figurative content is called a symbolic system. When creating a design form, attention is paid to the following requirements: functional - pre-determination of the technical purpose of the product and the utilitarian requirements of man; constructive-technological -rational expression of physical and mechanical and properties and shape of the material; aesthetic - the conformity of an object to the aesthetic ideals of society. For example, the shape of a suit is closely related to a person and should be analyzed only in terms of his image, size, movement. Shape goes through different phases in the process of development, because motion - this is not just the movement of a physical body in space, but biological, intensity and tension changes, sound and rhythmic movement - all of which are the movement of

matter.Hence, form is a spatial-temporal model in which the human figure, the environment, and a specific function are defined, and the elements are mutually compatible.

When the shape reaches its final boundary, it becomes as close as possible to a circle, square, or triangle, which becomes a sign of change. A form that represents a particular historical period is a form-scheme that emerges in the process of research. Its external foundations arise as a result of social choice, not born within the personal consciousness. They stem from practical needs, the environment assimilates them and selects the most necessary ones from among them.The structural foundations of the classical form will be normative for future generations, and products based on it will be considered exemplary. The classic form has democratic and international features. The classic form items are suitable for people of all ages and different statures.The basic form is an ideological-symbolic principle of social and material life and a form that has an aesthetic effect on a person. It is an expression of the idea of a particular artistic style form.

The basic form has the following features:- unity of geometric elements based on form and harmoniously connected integrity based on stability;- almost stable ratio of sections for a long time;- the presence of a specific composition that represents the scientific, technical and aesthetic level;- geometric type of shape, constructive and silhouette lines, proportional and rhythmic structure of sections, symmetry, colors, materials, textures and ornaments; "It's a representation of a certain plastic shape."It is said that a person can keep his body free in his normal state. A person's height depends on the development of his skeleton, muscles and nervous system. The role of the spine is especially important in the formation of stature. There are several types of malformation of the body: kyphosis, arrogant, bent, lordosis. Normal stature body upright and straight, head raised, shoulders straight. Both shoulders are straight, the abdomen is slightly pulled in, the legs are straight and straight. Abnormalities not only change a person's appearance, but also negatively affect the development and function of internal organs (lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines).In the philosophical essence of the concept of form, one of the types of connections between objects and phenomena in existence is the dialectic of form and content. The dialectical unity of form and content is important, and philosophers consider content to be "a set of internal elements and changes that characterize certain things and events." Form and content are so intertwined that a flaw felt in one can undermine the integrity of the other.

Everything that exists in reality has its appearance (form) and its essence (content) that is understood through this form. Therefore, the categories of "form" and "content" have a general philosophical character, they are scientific abstractions that are important in the perception of reality (thing). The reason we call abstraction is that the division in form and content is conditional,

because they are two sides that are always present in unity in a single thing and require each other."Form is a concept that reflects materiality. It is determined by a number of properties of matter, such as space and its location, movement, geometric structure, volume, density, durability." After all, if the form is the side of the thing that we see and feel directly, then the same form tells us what the thing is - the essence. For example, if there is a chair in front of us, we see its shape and say "chair", i.e., "a device designed to sit". If the characteristic appearance of a chair is its shape, the content is that it is a "seating device" that this shape represents. We see that form represents content, that content can only exist in a certain form, that it can exist. Let's say that if we dismantle the shape of that chair - if we break it into pieces, the content disappears as the shape disappears, because the thing itself no longer exists. So, content lives only in a certain form, just as there is no formless content, there is no meaningless form.

It is known that over the centuries, the shape of various buildings and structures has found expression in accordance with their content. In the historical process, the types of architecture have changed with the progressive development of science, technology, art, social conditions of human life. Interests are these forms and appearances in art. New products and projects, in particular, occur at a time when new economic, living conditions are emerging in the development of the productive forces of society. The appearance of different buildings and objects in the design is formed in the creative process, taking into account the basic principles, including the principle of unity of form and content. Only a designer can feel the twists and turns of a new aesthetic path in the field of technical design."Everyone strives for discipline, discipline and cleanliness. Strengthening this tendency destroys the child's carelessness, saves him from dirty walking and indiscipline. Man divides the work of others into good and bad, imitates the good and hates the bad. This is called "love of virtue." Children are empowered by the love of virtue by dividing people's deeds into good or bad, explaining the benefits of good deeds, reminding them of the harms of bad deeds. Some people try to show off most of the good deeds they are doing, to let people know right away. There are people who do what is in their heart, do what their heart tells them to do, and enjoy doing good to others, not expecting benefits.Thus, if the inclinations are brought up in accordance with the purpose, your child will think of good deeds with the help of these inclinations, think more of useful deeds during the discussion in their minds, and decide to do good deeds. At the same time, three of the five pillars of will and willpower improve and take on a useful form. They are:- love of virtue;- inclination to beauty;"Let me know."Man looks at the world carefully, seeks knowledge, and sometimes strives to know what is pleasing. This is called knowing. This tendency should develop. But this tendency is manifested in some in conversations and in the knowledge of secrets, and such people lie in wait among the people. This tendency to be aware is very dangerous. But in

some people this tendency appears in the form of truthfulness and a desire for knowledge, and encourages them to know the truth of everything. This part of awareness is called "truth-loving" and "science-loving." Parents must be aware of this tendency of the child. After all, the upbringing of a child opens the door to this choice: either he goes the right way, or he falls into a destructive path.

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