Научная статья на тему 'Bioenergy in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Germany) as a contribution to sustainable energy supply'

Bioenergy in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Germany) as a contribution to sustainable energy supply Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
bioenergy / renewable supply / sustainable development / energy potential / биоэнергия / обновительные ресурсы / устойчивое развитие / энергетический потенциал

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Andreas Gurgel

Fossile energy sources are limited. Furthermore the use of fossile energy damages our environment. Climate change is visable now and mankind has to take care for limiting this climate changes. The energy demand of all nations is rising at present. But the use of fossile ressources increases the global warming.That's why we are looking for alternatives. One of them is the use of bioenergy. It is reneweable and does not intensify the green house effect. So we could see the use of bioenergy as a contribution to sustainable energy supply. All nations of Europe try to increase the utilization of bioenergy now, and so does Mecklenburg-Western Pommerania. In a study we tried to estimate which part of primary energy consumption we are able to replace by bioenergy. The result is, that it would be possible to reach nearly one quarter in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. In addition we also will export a respectable amount of bioenergy.

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Биоэнергия в Мекленбург-Западная Померания (Германия) как вклад к постоянным энергетическим ресурсам

Энергия полезных ископаемых является ограниченной. Кроме этого, использование энергии полезных ископаемых наносит вред окружающей природной среде. Климатические изменения являются очевидными и человечество должно позаботиться об их ограничении. Потребление энергии всеми народами растет в настоящее время. Но использование полезных ископаемых усиливает глобальное потепление. И собственно потому мы ищем альтернатив. Одной из них есть использование биоэнергии. Она является обновительной и не интенсифицирует парниковый эф-фект. Таким образом мы можем рассматривать биоэнергию как вклад к постоянным энергетическим ресурсам. Все народы Европы пытаются увеличить утилизацию биоэнергии в настоящий момент, и Мекленбург-Западная Померания также. В исследовании мы пытались оценить, какую часть первичной энергии потребления можно заменить биоэнергией. Результатом является то, что возможно достичь близко четверти в Мекленбург-За-падная Померания. К тому же мы будем экспортировать значительную частицу биоэнергии.

Текст научной работы на тему «Bioenergy in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Germany) as a contribution to sustainable energy supply»

Науковий вкиик НЛТУ Украши. - 2009. - Вип. 19.14

Гулька В., Ды Р. Збшьшення науково'1 шформацп, що зосереджена на пiдтверджуючiй продуктивное^ земель для деревини й шших товар1в i послуг у Моддовi

Молдова - невелика краша, що розвиваеться, у Схiднiй Gвропi. Проте, порiвня-но з iншими кранами, що розвиваються, Республiка Молдова мае обмежеш природ-нi ресурси. Ми пропонуемо, щоб новi альтернативнi землi використовували, базу-ючись на люових ресурсах, що приведе до урiзноманiтнення та значного покращення економiки. Тому, одне з головних завдань нашого проекту Фулбрайта - синтезувати i дослiдити iнформацiю щодо приватних землевласниюв та про потенцiйнi можли-вост вирощування й отримання деревини та iншi товари i послуги, пщтверджуючи продуктивнiсть iхшх земель.

Ключов1 слова: лiсовi ресурси, використання земель, товари i послуги, державна власшсть.

Гулька В., Дил Р. Увеличение научной информации, которая сосредоточена на подтверждающей производительности земель для древесины и других товаров и услуг в Молдове

Молдова - небольшая развивающаяся восточноевропейская страна. Однако, в сравнении с другими развивающимися странами, Республика Молдова имеет ограниченные природные ресурсы. Мы предлагаем, чтобы новые альтернативные земли использовали базируясь на лесных ресурсах, что приведет к разнообразию и значительному улучшению экономики. Поэтому, одно из главных заданий нашего проекта Фулбрайта - синтезировать и исследовать информацию относительно частных землевладельцев и о потенциальных возможностях выращивания и получения древесины, а также другие товары и услуги, подтверждая производительность их земель.

Ключевые слова: лесные ресурсы, использование земель, товары и услуги, государственная собственность.

1 2

УДК 504.062.2 Dr. Andreas Gurgel, dr. Ulyana Bashutska



Fossile energy sources are limited. Furthermore the use of fossile energy damages our environment. Climate change is visable now and mankind has to take care for limiting this climate changes. The energy demand of all nations is rising at present. But the use of fossile ressources increases the global warming.That's why we are looking for alternatives. One of them is the use of bioenergy. It is reneweable and does not intensify the green house effect. So we could see the use of bioenergy as a contribution to sustainable energy supply.

All nations of Europe try to increase the utilization of bioenergy now, and so does Mecklenburg-Western Pommerania. In a study we tried to estimate which part of primary energy consumption we are able to replace by bioenergy. The result is, that it would be possible to reach nearly one quarter in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. In addition we also will export a respectable amount of bioenergy.

Keywords: bioenergy, renewable supply, sustainable development, energy potential

Prevailing Circumstances. A lot of effort is made in the state Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as well as in Germany and in the European Community

1 State Research Centre of Agriculture and Fishery Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Dorfplatz 1, 18276, Gülzow, Germany;

2 Ukrainian National Forestry University, O.Kobilyanskoyi st. 1, 79005, Lviv, Ukraine

to increase the percentage of bioenergy. The aim for 2020 is to replace 20 % of energy consumption by renewable energies.Why do we do so?

We all know that the amounts of crude oil, natural gas and coal are limited, but the demand for energy is rising constantly. During the last few years fossile energy becomes more and more expensive. So we have to look for alternatives of energy supply. Now it is the turn of bioenergy and other renewable forms to secure energy supply for the future.

Bioenergy takes an important contribution to reduce the greenhouse effect.

Since 2004 the circumstances of bioenergy have crucially improved by starting the "Law of reneweable Energies" in Germany. There was determined a defined payment for electric current. This system of guaranteed prices was an important step to get profit by producing bioenergy (table 2).

The European Community has posed several targets of use of Bioenergy. This targets are specified by each nation of the EC. In 2010 in Germany 12.5 % of electricity use has to be produced by reneweable energy sources. At the field of Biofuels the target is to replace 5.75 % of the fuel consumption by biofuels till 2010. These targets get their realizing step by step. The member states are committed to report about it. For the succeding future is planned much more, for instance to increase the part of biofuel supply up to 6.25 % in 2015.

The german government pursues several targets by supporting bioenergy production and consumption:

• development of energy supply and protection of climate, nature and environment

in the long run;

• a part of reneweable energies of 12.5 % on current consumption;

• decreasing external costs of energy;

• declining dependence on fossile resources;

• development of techniques at the field of reneweable resources.

Since 2006 there has been being conflicts between the new government and the branche of biofuels due to the new contract provisions on mineral oil tax. The problems have solved not yet. Biodiesel and rape seed oil have become much more expensive. So that a lot of oil mills and biodiesel plants were set aside. It is estimated that the capacity is used only by 40 % in Germany in 2009.

The state Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has a conception to support bioenergy. Several projects are promoted by supporting programmes.

After a boom of bioenergy there are also a lot of critical meanings. Especially the percentage of maize on arable land has increased. The percentage of set aside arable land has decreased. Now almost al countries are working on sustaina-bility of growing energy crops. So does Germany. In summer 2009 the government issued a decree on sustainability of biofuels. The producers of biofuels get their financial benefits only by using raw matarials produced under conditions of regulations of sustainability.

Potentials of bioenergy in the State Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. In the ferderal state Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania there are about 1.074 Mio hectares of arable Land. It never would be possible to cultivate only energy crops on it. First of all it is necessary to secure the food and feed production. It is estimated that about one third of arable land in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania could

HiiyK'QBiiii BÏCHHK H^TY YKpaÏHH. - 2009. - Bun. 19.14

be used for growing bioenergy crops. Several crops are useful as bioenergy crops. Choosing the right crop depends on the way of conversion and also on the yields under conditions of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Our state is a Rape-seed-state number one all over Germany. Every year about 230,000 hectares are cultivated with rape seed. 140,000 ha of them are used to produce biofuels. The role of maize has been increasing since the commencement of the German Reneweable Energies Law because because maize is the main raw material as a co-substrate in biogas plants. So the area of maize has risen up to 10,000 hectares in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 2005. Now the cultivation area is about 30,000 ha in addition to 70,000 ha for feeding animals.

Cereals have developed to an important raw material. Cereals can be used to produce biofuels or as a solid fuel. Also straw of cereals can be used for bioenergy production as well. It is estimated that about 120,000 ha of straw of cereals can be removed from the arable land for energy production. This means a part of nearly 22 % of the acreage of cereals. The other part ist necessary for reproduction of the fertility and for the animals.

But bioenergy material is not grown only on arable land. There are also opportunities to use greenland grasses, wood and organic wastes to produce bioenergy (table 1).

Table 1. Uilization of energy biomass in 2005 and estimated technical potentials

for the year 2020

utilization in in 2006 estimated estimated

1 agricultural biomass 2005 potential for 2020 use in 2020

area hectares area hectares area hectares

crops on arable land

co-substrates for biogas plants (maize, cereals, catch crops) 9,500 60,000 84,000

Biofuels (rape seed, cereals, sugar beet) 165,000 200,000 93,000

solid fuels (wood, cereals, energy grasses) 0 102,000 148,000

sum hectares 174,500 362,000 325,000

Energy content Petajoule Energy content Petajoule Energy content Petajoule

by-products (straw) 0 19.3 8.2

wastes (liquid manure, excrements)... 0.6 4.7 2.4

2 forestry Biomass quantity tons quantity tons quantity tons

waste wood from forestry and landscape conservation 116,000 166,000 166,000

by-products from sawmilling, timber from pulling down 530,000 430,000 430,000

sum t 646,000 596,000 596,000

3 Sum PJ total 20,2 69,1 39,7

The table 1 shows that the federal state Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has a potential to triple bioenergy production during a period of only 15 years, regarding the danger of removing all biomass from the field.

rroôa^tm 3MÏHH K^ÏMaTy: 3arpo3H ^rogcTBy Ta MexamîMH Bi.iBcpnciiim


The reproduction of organic matter is important for the fertility of the soils. By producing bioenergy crops we want to get high yields from the whole plants. Regarding to reproduction of humus and soil fertility a certain percentage of harvest residues from the biomass must stay on the field. That's why only about 20 % of the straw can be removed from the field. Together with the straw of rape seed the organic matter is enough to secure the content of carbon in our soils.

Biogas in the state Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The basis for the very fast rising number of biogas plants in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as well as in Germany is the payment for the electric current which has been regulated in the Reneweable Energy Law since 2004. This payment is guaranteed for a period of 20 years (table 2).

Table 2. Payment for electric current from biogas plants

Payment category P< depenc lyment in Cent / kWh ent on the electrical power

up to150 kWel. up to 500 kWel. up to 5 MWel. up to 20 MWel.

Basic payment 11,67 9,18 8,25 7,79

Add-on payments

Bonus for limitation of formaldehyde 1,00 1,00 0,00 0,00

Bonus for biomass 7,00 7,00 4,00 0,00

Bonus for liquid manure 4,00 1,00 0,00 0,00

Bonus for landscape conservation material 2,00 2,00 0,00 0,00

Bonus for cogeneration of heat and electricity 3,00 3,00 3,00 3,00

Bonus for innovative techniques 1,00-3,00 1,00-3,00 1,00-3,00 1,00-3,00

Duration of guaranteed payment 20 years

Annual degression decreasing payment by 1 % compared with the previous year

There are several models of operating biogas plants. Either the farmer can set up a new enterprise or he can sell co-substrates and liquid manure to biogas plants. There are also different mix models between this two extremes.

A very important fact in the biogas production is a bold change in the crop rotations on the field. The percentage of co-substrates especially maize has risen considerably. This diversification is followed by changes in whole agriculture and also in agricultural trading. Higher parts of agricultural products remain in enterprises and this leads to a higher creation of value within agriculture.

The number and the installed electrical power of biogas plants is still rising now. At the end of 2005 there were about 50 biogas plants with an electrical power of 18 MW. It is estimated that about 110 MW will be installed 2010. This means an increase above 600 % in a short period of 5 years. This increase in biogas plants will demand a higher amount of co-substrate crops. In 2010 we will need about 55,000 hectares of arable land for supplying biogas plants with co-substrates. Production of Biogas has become an important part of income of agriculture.

Biofuels in the Federal State Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The percentage of rape seed is about 24 % of arable land. It has reached a limit in crop rotation. About 140,000 hectares of rape seed are used for biofuel production. It is

HiiyK'QBiiii BiCHHK H^TY YKpaiHH. - 2009. - Bun. 19.14

not possible to increase the cultivation area of rape seed in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania because of deseases dependent on the percentage in the rotations. Nevertheless there is a rising demand on vegetable oil fuels. The biodiesel production capacity has been risen up to more than 400,000 tons since 2006 (fig. 1). This means theoretically that all rape seed yield of the federal state Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania could be crushed within Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Fig. 1. Development of Biodiesel production capacity

Biodiesel is not the only biofuel on the basis of vegetable oil. It is also possible to use pure vegetable oils in special engines or mixtures of diesel and vegetable oil in series-production engines. At present about 170,000 tons of pure vegetable oil are used as fuels all over Germany.

Another biofuel is ethanol. It is made from the starch of cereals or from sugar of sugar beet. In future it will be also possible to produce ethanol from straw or other materials. At the moment Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is not able to produce ethanol fuel in an ethanol plant. But for instance the crop of 25,000 hectares of cereals is exported to Brandenburg. It was also planned to build a bioethanol plant in Rostock, where about 340,000 tons of cereals could be processed. From this resulted an add-on demand of 50,000 hectares of cereals. But the project was cancelled because of increased prices of cereals.

A fuel of the future could be synthetic fuels made from each kind of biomass. Today they have not yet produced in plants, but only in laboratories. If crude oil, coal and natural gas are not available any longer it will be possible to secure the rising demand of fuels with this BtL (Biomass to Liquid) and hydrogen fuels. An important advantage of BtL fuels is to process whole plants and not only parts like the grains. In this way it is possible to get higher yields of fuel per hectare. But a dangerous effect in agriculture and in environment of taking away all biomass would be the losses of organic matter. So the farmer has to take much more care of his soil fertility than before.

rroSa^tm 3MiHH K^iMaTy: 3arpo3H ^rogcTBy Ta Mexam3MH BiiBcpnciiim


Solid fuels in the State Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Solid fuels are very important for heating houses and factories. There is a bold diversity of solid fuels but the calorific value of dry matter is not very different. The most important solid fuel is wood from forests. Especially waste wood is used as a fuel. About 100,000 tons of wood from forestry could be used every year. But it is also possible to grow wood on arable land. The yields of poplar are higher than the yields of willows under conditions of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Also straw of cereals is a valuable fuel. Regarding the demand of animal production and the needs of our soil fertility it would be possible to harvest the cereal straw of about 120,000 hectares. Till now it is not allowed to use the grains of cereals as a fuel. But it is estimated that cereals will take an important role in fuel supply of the future.

There are also grasses, which can be used as a fuel. Many hectares of green land are not necessary for our animals any longer. On arable land it is possible to grow grasses like miscanthus. We calculated a potential of grasses and similar biomass of about 55,000 hectares for utilization as a fuel.

Conclusions. In 2020 we will have a technical potential of bioenergy production of 69 Petajoule in the federal state Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Nevertheless we will not be able to use up this potential. The rate of realization depends on the prevailing circumstances and on prices in the food sector compared with non food. Besides bold amounts of cereals and rape seed are crushed and used outside Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. About 40 Petajoule could be really used inside Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to replace fossile energy (table 3).

Table 3. Use of biomass in 2005 compared with estimation _ for 2020 (Petajoule)

Kind of use Utilization in 2005 Prognosis of utilization in 2020

Biogas 1,6 13

Liquid biofuels 1,9 5,8

Biodiesel 1,7 3,7

vegetable oil fuel 0,2 0,9

Bioethanol 0 1,2

solid fuels 13,2 21,8

from agriculture 0 5

rom forestry 13,2 16,8

sum of bioenergy 16,7 40,6

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The production of bioenergy crops competes against production of food and feed. That is why we estimate that about 345,000 hectares of arable land in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania could be used for energy crops in 2020. Furthermore the main part of all arable land will be needed to secure nutrition of people and animals.

The largest increase we expect at the field of biogas. Favourable conditions of payment support this development substantially because of the reneweable energy law. Compared with this there will be no increase of oilseed production area in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. That is why it is necessary to increase the yields per hectare. An important percentage of bioenergy will be exported and utilized outside of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The main parts within export

Науковий вкиик НЛТУ Украши. - 2009. - Вип. 19.14

will be biodiesel, cereals for ethanol production and perhaps also BtL fuels. The percentage of bioenergy on primary energy consumption will rise from 10 % in

2005 up to 24 % in 2020 (fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Development of part of bioenergy on primary energy consumption in the state

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Bioenergy is an important component of business within the state Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, which has only less industries. But nowadays the raw material production already has played an important role of energy production in Germany. Compared with other states in Germany Mecklenburg-Western Pomera-nia is able to replace a high part of primary energy consumption by bioenergy.

Гургель Г.А., Башуцька У.Б. Бтенерпя у Мекленбург-Захвдна Померашя (Шмеччина) як вклад до сталих енергетичних pecypciB

Енерпя корисних копалин е обмеженою. OKpiM цього, використання енерги ко-рисних копалин завдае шкоди навколишньому природному середовищу. Клiматичнi змши е очевидними i людство мае потурбуватися про 1хне обмеження. Споживання енерги вама народами зростае у тепершнш час. Але використання корисних копалин посилюе глобальне потеплшня. I власне тому ми шукаемо альтернатив. Одшею з них е використання бюенерги. Вона е вщновлювальною i не штенсифшуе парнико-вий ефект. Таким чином ми можемо розглядати бюенерпю як вклад до сталих енергетичних ресурав.

Yd народи Свропи намагаються збшьшити уташзащю бюенерги зараз, i Мек-ленбург-Захiдна Померашя також. Y дослiдженнi ми намагалися ощнити, яку частку первинно'1 енерги споживання можна замiнити бiоенергiею. Результатом е те, що можливо досягнути близько четвертини у Мекленбург-Захщна Померашя. До того ж ми експортуватимемо значну частку бюенерги.

Ключовi слова: бюенерпя, вiдновлювальнi ресурси, сталий розвиток, енерге-тичний потенцiал.

Гургель Г.А., Башуцкая У.Б. Биоэнергия в Мекленбург-Западная Померания (Германия) как вклад к постоянным энергетическим ресурсам

Энергия полезных ископаемых является ограниченной. Кроме этого, использование энергии полезных ископаемых наносит вред окружающей природной среде. Климатические изменения являются очевидными и человечество должно позаботиться об их ограничении. Потребление энергии всеми народами растет в настоящее время. Но использование полезных ископаемых усиливает глобальное потепление. И

собственно потому мы ищем альтернатив. Одной из них есть использование биоэнергии. Она является обновительной и не интенсифицирует парниковый эффект. Таким образом мы можем рассматривать биоэнергию как вклад к постоянным энергетическим ресурсам.

Все народы Европы пытаются увеличить утилизацию биоэнергии в настоящий момент, и Мекленбург-Западная Померания также. В исследовании мы пытались оценить, какую часть первичной энергии потребления можно заменить биоэнергией. Результатом является то, что возможно достичь близко четверти в Мекленбург-Западная Померания. К тому же мы будем экспортировать значительную частицу биоэнергии.

Ключевые слова: биоэнергия, обновительные ресурсы, устойчивое развитие, энергетический потенциал.

УДК 504 Доц. А.М. Дейнека, канд. екон. наук - НЛТУ Украти, м. Львiв


Проаналiзовано потенцшш ризики та вигоди для лiсiв i люового господарства, яю пов'язаш з глобальною змшою ^мату. Обгрунтовано доцшьшсть запровадження нових пiдходiв i стратегш щодо запоб^ання негативним наслщкам змши кшмату та адаптацп до них люового господарства. Встановлено, що адаптащя до змiни кшмату i послаблення його негативних впливiв е взаемопов'язаними i взаемно доповнюваль-ними. Адже для того, щоб ефективно виконувати функцп щодо пом'якшення впливу змiни клiмату необхiдно, щоб люи були здатними пристосуватися до трансформова-них природних умов, викликаних змшами клiмату.

Ключов1 слова: еколопчна полiтика, стратегiя, менеджмент сталого люового господарства, змiна клiмату.

Вступ. Науково доведеним е факт, що сьогодш вщбуваються активш, прогресуюч1 змши у функцюнуванш клiматичноi системи планети. Вчеш сходяться на тому, що змша кшмату на Земл1 перебувае залежно вщ сонячно1' активност та кшькосл парникових викид1в в атмосферу планети. Роль остан-шх у глобальному потеплшш оцшюеться 10-15 %. Оскшьки людина не може впливати на актившсть Сонця, то м1н1м1зування викид1в парникових газ1в та iхне пов'язування е надзавданням для людства. Тому л1си мають важливе зна-чення для кшматичного режиму планети через абсорбщю вуглецю, що м1с-титься в бюсферь Вони зв'язують мшьярди тон CO2 щор1чно, що в екв1вален-тному вим1р1 (тобто, коли необхщно було б створити штучш поглинач1) ста-новить мшьярди долар1в.

Окр1м посилення рол1 лшв у забезпеченш продукування бюмаси для поновлюваноi енергii, люи високо цшуються як природш об'екти, що створю-ють запаси вуглецю. Загалом в Сврот структура землекористування, змши характеру землекористування i люове господарство скорочують об'ем чистих викид1в в атмосферу майже на 6 % i, здебшьшого, це скорочення вщбу-ваеться саме завдяки люам. Цей вклад е особливо значним у Центральны i Схщнш Сврош, де спостер1гають прирют площ лшв i вщносно низький рь вень викидiв вiд iнших секторiв економжи. Окрiм цього, Свропа стала шщь атором запровадження ринкового пiдходу у цш сферi, тобто введення торпв-лi квотами на викиди.


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