Widiyanto Agus, Wijayanto Dian*, Saputra Suradi Wijaya
Coastal Resources Management Program, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University, Indonesia *E-mail:
Hairtail Fish (Trichiurus sp.) is one of the potential export commodities in the international market. The worldwide export value of hairtail fish had increased by 128%within the period of 2011-2015. In 2015, it increased by US $15.5 million from the previous year. Great market opportunities to meet market needs lead to increasing fishery resource utilization. Uncontrolled resource exploitation threatens the sustainability of fishery resources. Solutions that can be done to overcome uncontrolled resource exploitation are to lower the effort rate and increase the fishing productivity. Fishing productivity can be improved with the development and innovation of fishing gears and accurate information on hairtail fishing and spawning seasons and zones.
Hairtail fish, waters, international market, utilization rate.
The waters of Kebumen Regency are included in the Fishing Management Area (WPP) 573. According to Decree of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Number 47 of 2016, some fishery resources in WPP 573 are over-exploited, such as reef fish, penaeid shrimp, crab, and squid with utilization rates of 136%, 136%, 105%, and 140% respectively. Meanwhile, the other resources are fully-exploited, such as small pelagic fish, big pelagic fish, demersal fish, lobster, and swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) with utilization rates of 91%, 73%, 96%, 54%, and 64%.
There are 10 dominant demersal fish species caught in WPP 573, covering hairtail (23.2%), red snapper (16%), ornate ponyfish (12.8%), seabass/ barramundi (9.9%), pompano (9.8%), threadfin bream (9.3%), croaker (6.3%), black pomfret (4.9%), sea catfish (4.8%), goatfish (3.3%) (Fisheries Research Center, 2014). Of the ten fish species, hairtail fish is the most dominant fish caught by 23.2%.
The international market opportunities for hairtail fish resources are large enough. The value of Indonesian hairtail fish export to the world experienced an increase of 128% during 2011 - 2015. From 2014 to 2015, the hairtail fish export value increased from US $12 million to US $27.5 million. The main destinations of Indonesian hairtail fish export are Vietnam, China, and Korea (the Ministry of Trade, 2016)
Several studies on the utilization of hairtail fish resources in southern Java Island (WPP 573) have shown a great opportunity for the improvement of hairtail fish utilization. Dian Putri Utami et al. (2012) stated that the fishing effort of hairtail fish in Parigi Waters, Ciamis Regency can still be increased up to 13,312 trips per year.
The magnitude of the international market potential leads to increased fishing efforts. On the other side, increased uncontrolled fishing efforts are feared to threaten the sustainability of hairtail fish resources. This research aimed to analyze the CPUE, MSY, MEY, OAE and utilization rate of hairtail fish resources in the Waters of Kebumen Regency. Actual information on the utilization status of hairtail fish resources in the Waters of Kebumen Regency is expected to be used as inputs in determining sustainable hairtail fishing management strategies in Kebumen Regency
The materials referred to in this research covered all fishing efforts to bring the hairtail fish catch landedin all Fish Auction Place (TPI) in Kebumen Regency during 2008-2017. The fishing gears used by fishermen in Kebumen Regency to catch hairtail fish were Drift Gillnet, Fixed Gillnet, Hook and line, and Beach Net. The type of boats used by these fishermen was gross tonnage (GT) with a temple motor driveof 15 horsepower (HP). The location of this research was the waters of Kebumen Regency.
This research was conducted using a descriptivemethod with a case study. Descriptive method is a method of studying the status of a group of men, objects, conditions, systems of thought or a class of thought in the present with the aim to obtain a systematic, factual, and accurate description and relationship between the investigated phenomena (Nazir, 2009).
Data used in this research consisted of primary and secondary data. The primary data were obtained directly from the community or fishermen through a questionnaire method reinforced and supported by observations and interviews. Meanwhile, the secondary data were collected from the literature of related institutions, in this case referring to the Office of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Kebumen Regency and the Office of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Central Java Province.
In this research, the data analysis was conducted in the following steps:
Calculating Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE). According to Nojja et al (2014), the value of CPUE is calculated to determine the abundance and utilization rate of fishery resources in certain areas. The hairtail fish CPUE of each fishing gear is calculated using the following formula:
Catch CPUEt = ■ *
Where: CPUEt: Catch Per Unit Effort in yeart (kg/ trip); Catcht: Production in year t (kg); Effort.t: Fishing Effort in year t (trip).
Calculating Fishing Power Index (FPI). The highest value of CPUE is the standard CPUE. Each fishing gear has different capabilities in catching hairtail fish, so it needs to be standardized. Standardization of fishing gears will result in the value of Fishing Power Index (FPI). The fishing gear with the highest FPI value can be used as the standard or reference. In general, the fishing gear with the highest CPUE value has FPI value of 1. The FPI value of other fishing gears can be calculated by dividing the CPUE value of the fishing gear with the standard CPUE of the fishing gear. The formula mathematically is presented as follows:
CPUEs = — Es
FPIs =-
CPUEi = — Ei
CPUEs: Catch Per Unit Effort of Standard Fishing Gear;
CPUEi: Catch Per Unit Effort of Fishing Gear Type I;
Cs: Total Catch of Standard Fishing Gear;
Ci: Total Catch of Standard Fishing Gear Type I;
Es: Total Effort of Standard Fishing Gear;
Ei: Total Effort of Fishing Gear Type I;
FPIs: Fishing Power Index of Standard Fishing Gear;
FPli: Fishing Power Index of Fishing Gear Type i.
Calculating MSY, MEY, and OAE. Hairtail fish potential can be predicted by analyzing the catch and fishing effort. According to Spare and Venema (1999), one of the methods that can be used to predict the potential of this resource is Schaefer's production surplus model. The Gordon-Schaefer model-based bioeconomic analysis was developed by Schaefer using the logistic growth function developed by Gordon. There are three conditions of equilibrium in the Gordon-Schaefer model, covering MSY, MEY, and OAE (Dian Wijayanto, 2008). The detailed formula is presented in the following table:
Table 1 - Gordon-Schaefer Equilibrium Formula
Catch (C) a2/4b aEMEY- b(EMEY) aEoAE- b(EoAE)2
Effort (E) a/2b (pa-c)/(2pb) (pa-c)/(pb)
Total Revenue (TR) Cmsy*P Cmey*P Coae*P
Total Cost (TC) c*Emsy c*Cmey C*CoAE
Profit TRmsy- TCmsy TRmey- TCmey TRoAE- TCoAE
Source: Wijayanto, 2008.
Utilization Rate. Utilization rate is used to determine the utilization status of resources. The formula of utilization rate is as follows:
TPc = -J— x 100%
TPc = Utilization Rate (%);
Ci = Catch in year i (kg);
Cmsy = Sustainable Maximum Catch (kg).
Meanwhile, the Effort Rate is determined using the formula as follows:
TPE = x 100%
TPe = Effort Rate (%);
Ei = Effort in year i (kg);
EMSY = Sustainable Maximum Effort (kg).
The highest production of hairtail fish was 569.1 tons in 2012 while the lowest production of hairtail fish was 125.7 tons in 2010. As seen in Table 2 below, the hairtail fish production was dominantly caught using Drift Gillnet.
As presented in Table 2, the average production of hairtail fish per year during 2008 -2017 was 308.04 tons. Of the total average production per year, 266.62 tons of the hairtail fish production was caught using Drift Gilnett. Moreover, the average production of hairtail fish caught using Beach net amounted to 21.65 tons per year while that caught using Fixed Gillnet (Set Net) was 13.16 tons per year. The rest 6.61 tons (per year) were caught using Hook and line. Overall, the production of hairtail fish in Kebumen Regency Waters highly fluctuated. The highest production was 569.1 tons in 2012 and the lowest production amounted to 125.7 tons in 2010.
Table 2 - Production of Hairtail Fish in Kebumen Regency Waters During 2008- 2017
Production (ton) Amount (ton)
No Year Drift Gillnet Fixed Gillnet/ Set Net Hook and line Beach-Net
1 2008 356.1 60.1 416.2
2 2009 146.9 8.2 112.1 267.2
3 2010 54.5 23.7 47.5 125.7
4 2011 165.5 3.2 4.2 38.2 211.1
5 2012 535.9 10.3 4.2 18.7 569.1
6 2013 305.4 5.4 34.6 345.4
7 2014 298.1 7.3 15.2 320.6
8 2015 425.3 10.6 7.9 443.8
9 2016 193.9 1.4 195.3
10 2017 184.6 1.4 186.0
Total 2,666.2 131.6 66.1 216.5 3,080.4
Average 266.62 13.16 6.61 21.65 308.04
Source: Research (2018).
Hairtail Fish Production 2008 -2017
c t a
600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Source: Research (2018)
Figure 1 - Histogram of Hairtail Fish Production in Kebumen Regency Waters Within the Period
of 2008-2017
CPUE (Catch per Unit Effort). CPUE can be used to determine the abundance and utilization rate of a fishery resource (Rahmawati et al., 2013). Based on observations during this research, there were four fishing gears used to catch hairtail fish, namely Drift Gillnet, Fixed Gillnet (Set Net), Beach Net, and Hook and line. During 2008 - 2017, not all the fishing gears were applied throughout the years. In 2008, 2016, and 2017, the production of hairtail fish came from the application of drift gillnet and fixed gillnet. In 2009 and 2010, three fishing gears were applied to catch hairtail fish, covering drift gillnet, fixed gillnet, and beach net. As for the production of hairtail fish in 2011 and 2012, it was obtained with the use of the four fishing gears. Meanwhile, in 2013, 2014 and 2015, the production of hairtail fish was yielded from the application of drift gillnet, fixed gillnet (set net), and hook and line. The fishing gears that were always used for catching hairtail fish were drift gillnet and fixed gillnet. Table 3 shows that the production, number of trips, CPUE, FPI and Standard Effort of Hairtail Fish Catching in Kebumen Regency during 2008 - 2017.
Table 3 - Production, Trip, CPUE, FPI, and Utilization Effort of Hairtail Fish in Kebumen Regency
Waters during 2008-2017
Year Fishing Gear Type Number of Trips Production (kg) CPUE (kg/Trip) FPI Standard Effort (Trip)
2008 Drift Gillnet Fixed Gillnet Total 36,476 29,494 65,970 356,124 60,076 416,200 9.76 2.04 1.0000 0.2086 36,476 6,153 42,629
2009 Drift Gillnet 2,461 146,900 59.69 1.0000 2,461
Fixed Gillnet Beach net Total 1,326 2,550 6,337 8,200 112,100 267,200 6.18 43.96 0.1036 137 1,878 4,476
2010 Drift Gillnet Fixed Gillnet Beach net Total 9,875 7,642 9,957 27,474 54,500 23,700 47,500 125,700 5.52 3.10 4.77 1.0000 0.5619 0.8644 9,875 4,294 8,607 22,776
2011 Drift Gillnet Fixed Gillnet Hook and line Beach net Total 2,461 1,326 1,262 2,550 7,599 165,500 3,210 4,200 38,200 211,110 67.25 2.42 3.33 14.98 1.0000 0.0360 0.0495 0.2228 2,461 48 62 568 3,139
2012 Drift Gillnet Fixed Gillnet Hook and line Beach net Total 9,875 7,642 4,222 9,957 31,696 535,900 10,321 4,200 18,700 569,121 54.27 1.35 0.99 1.88 1.0000 0.0249 0.0183 0.0346 9,875 190 77 345 10,487
2013 Drift Gillnet Fixed Gillnet 50,863 3,542 305,400 5,400 6.00 1.52 0.5997 0.1523 30,505 539
Hook and line Total 3,456 57,861 34,600 345,400 10.01 1.0000 3,456 34,500
2014 Drift Gillnet Fixed Gillnet Hook and line Total 46,860 6,138 611 53,609 298,100 7,310 15,200 320,610 6.36 1.19 24.88 0.2557 0.0479 1.0000 11,983 294 611 12,888
2015 Drift Gillnet Fixed Gillnet Hook and line Total 37,240 4,552 1,549 43,341 425,342 10,564 7,910 443,817 11. 42 2.32 5.11 1.0000 0.2032 0.4471 37,240 925 693 38,857
2016 Drift Gillnet Fixed Gillnet Total 13,745 2,013 15,758 193,931 1,421 195,352 14. 11 0.71 1.0000 0.0500 13,745 101 13,846
2017 Drift Gillnet Fixed Gillnet Total 39,721 1,005 40,726 184,567 1,421 185,988 4.65 1.41 1.0000 0.3043 39,721 306 40,027
Source: Research (2018).
The number of trips from 2008 to 2017 very fluctuated. The smallest number of trips was 6,337 trips in 2009 while the largest number of trips was 65,970 trips in 2008. After standardization, the smallest number of standard trips was 3,139 trips in 2011 and the largest one was 42,629 trips in 2008. The lowest value of standard CPUE reached 4.65 kg/ trip in 2017 and the highest value was 67.25 kg/ trip in 2011.
Various studies have shown a negative correlation between CPUE and Effort. Patria, et al. (2014) stated that there is a negative correlation between the CPUE and Effort of shrimp catching in Cilacap Regency. This indicates that the higher effort of shrimp catching will decrease the CPUE value.
Table 4 - Correlation between Effort and CPUE
Year Total Production (kg) Standard Effort (trip) Standard CPUE (kg/trip)
2008 416.2 42,629 9.76
2009 267.2 4,476 59.69
2010 125.7 22,776 5.52
2011 211.1 3,139 67.25
2012 569.1 10,487 54.27
2013 345.4 34,500 10.01
2014 320.6 12,888 24.88
2015 443.8 38,857 11.42
2016 195.3 13,846 14.11
2017 186.0 40,027 4.65
Source: Research (2018).
Correlation between CPUE and Effort. Figure 2 below shows that the correlation between the CPUE and Effort was negative. It means that every increase in the fishing effort would decrease the catch per unit effort (CPUE). Based on the graph of the correlation between the CPUE and Effort of hairtail fish in Kebumen Regency Waters during 2008 -2017, the linear equation obtained was y = 55.15 - 0.001x with R2 = 0.666, meaning that the intercept value (a) was 55.15 and the slope value (b) was 0.001. This equation shows that:
• Any addition of 1 trip of Effort would cause the CPUE value to decrease by 0.001 kg/ trip and any reduction of 1 trip of Effort would increase the CPUE value by 0.001 kg/ trip;
• The determination coefficient (R2) of 0.666 or 66.6% indicates that the 66.6% of the CPUE value was influenced by the Effort value while the rest 33.4% was influenced by other factors;
• The correlation coefficient (R) of 0.82 indicates a close correlation between the CPUE and Effort.
ip) 50
1— 40
E 30
cl o 20
y = -0,0013x + 55,153 —R2 = 0,6666
10000 20000 30000
Effort (Trip)
Source: Research (2018)
Figure 2 - Correlation Between CPUE and Effort of Hairtail Fish Within the Period of 2008-2017
MSY, MEY, and OAE. MSY is a reference for fishery resources management in an area that is still likely to be improved.By knowing MSY, the utilization rate of fishery resources will be maintained so that the resource stock will always be available at a safe level. According to Widodo and Suadi (2006), MSY is the highest or maximum catch that can be yielded year by year by a fishery resource.
800000 700000 — 600000 i? 500000 -g 400000 ■Jo 300000 ° 200000 100000 0
Effort (trip) MSY ■ actual condition
Source: Research (2018)
Figure 3 - MSY Curve of Hairtail Fishin Kebumen Regency Waters Within the Period of 2008-2017
Based on the Schaefer model, the optimum effort (Emsy) of hairtail fish resources in Kebumen Regency Waters was 27,575 trips/ year. Meanwhile, the sustainable or maximum catch (CMSY) was 760,380 kg/ year. Viewed from the resulted sustainable catch value, it can be said that the actual catches of hairtail fish in Kebumen Regency Waters within the period of 2008 - 2017 have not reached the maximum catch (Cmsy) but the efforts made have exceeded the maximum effort (EMSY).
Table 5 - Calculation Results of MSY, MEY, andOAE of Hairtail Fish in Kebumen Regency Waters
within the Period 2008 - 2017
Catch (C) 760.380 kg/year 648.311 kg/year 719.388 kg/year
Effort (E) 27.575 trip/year 16.988 trip/year 33.977 trip/year
Total Revenue (TR) IDR 19.304.543.308 Rp. 16.459.337.395 Rp. 18.263.845.552
Total Cost (TC) IDR 14.822.334.600 Rp. 9.131.922.776 Rp. 182.63.845.552
Profit (n) IDR 4.482.208.708 Rp. 7.327.414.620 Rp. 0
Source: Research Results (2018).
Table 3 shows that the use of Drift Gillnet resulted in the highest average CPUE value. Therefore, this fishing gear was further analyzed for its economic profit. After determining the average economic profit, it was obtained that the price of hairtail fish was IDR 25,388 per kg and the price per trip was IDR 537,528.00. The economic profit under MSY condition was IDR 4,482,208,708.00. Meanwhile, under MEY condition, it was obtained that the maximum catch (Cmey) was 648,311 kg/ year with the effort (Emey) of 16,988 trips/ year, resulting in the economic profit of IDR 7,327,411,620.00. Furthermore, under OAE condition, the maximum catch (COAE) was 719,388 kg/ year with the effort (Eoae) of 33,977 trips/ year, The graph of the MSY, MEY, OAE, TR, TC and Profit resultsis presented in Figure 4 below.
30,000.000.000 25,000.000,000
(2 15,000.000.000 10.000,000,000
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 Effort (trip) Source: Research Results (2018)
Figure 4 - MSY, MEY, OAE, TR, TC andProfit Curves of Hairtail Fish in Kebumen Regency Waters
within the Period of 2008 - 2017
Utilization Rate. The utilization rate of hairtail fish for the last 10 years has very fluctuated. The average value of TPCfrom 2008 to 2017 was 40.51%. The highest TPCvalue occurred in 2012 amounted to 74.85% while the lowest TPCvalue was 16.53% in 2010. The average value of TPEwas 127.06%. The highest TPE valuewas 239.24% in 2008 while the lowest TPE value was 22.98% in 2009.
Within the period of 2008 - 2017, the utilization rate (TPC) was still below 100%. However, the production can still be improved. In contrast, the average effort rate (TPE) was more than 100%. Until 2011, there had been an attempt to lower the effort rate per year, but the effort went back up to an effort rate of more than 100% in 2012. TPEvalues that exceed
EMsYcan threaten resource sustainability. Reduction of TPE value and increase in fishing gear effectiveness can be one solution that can be done to increase the production of hairtail fish by still concerning on the resource preservation.
Table 6 - Utilization Rate of Hairtail Fish in Kebumen Regency during 2008-2017
Year Production (kg) Cmsy (kg) TPc (%) Effort (trip) Emsy (trip) TPe (%)
2008 416,200 760,380 54.74 65,970 27,575 239.24
2009 267,200 760,380 35.14 6,337 27,575 22.98
2010 125,700 760,380 16.53 27,474 27,575 99.63
2011 211,110 760,380 27.76 7,599 27,575 27.56
2012 569,121 760,380 74.85 31,696 27,575 114.94
2013 345,400 760,380 45.42 57,861 27,575 209.83
2014 320,610 760,380 42.16 53,609 27,575 194.41
2015 443,816 760,380 58.37 43,341 27,575 157.17
2016 195,351 760,380 25.69 15,758 27,575 57.15
2017 185,988 760,380 24.46 40,726 27,575 147.69
Rata-rata 40.51 127.06
Source: Research Results (2018).
<u ro c <u o
(Û cl
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
■ Utilization rate ■ Effort rate Source: Research Results (2018)
Figure 5 - Utilization Rate of Hairtail Fish in Kebumen Regency Waters Within the Period
of 2008-2017
The results of this research have led us to conclude that:
• The CMSYvalue was 760,308 kg/ year and the EMSYvalue was 25,575 trips/ year with the economic profit of IDR 4,482,208,708.00;
• The CMEY value was 648,311 kg/ year and the Emey value was 16,988 trips/ year with the economic profit of IDR 7,327,414,620.00;
• The COAE value was 719,388 kg/ year and the EOAE value was 33,977 trips/ year;
• The average TPC value was 40.51% per year and the TPE value was 127.06% per year. Both of these values indicate that the resource utilization is not effective because the effort rate is more than 100% yet the production is still far below 100%.
Taken together, the results of this research would seem to suggest that:
• There should be a limitation for the fishing effort rate per year by limiting the number of trips per year;
• There should be development and innovation of hairtail fishing gears so that the fishing effectiveness can increase;
• There should be precise and accurate information about fishing seasons and zones so as to increase the fishing productivity per year.
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