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Biosystems Diversity
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ISSN 2519-8513 (Print) ISSN 2520-2529 (Online) Biosyst. Divers., 2021, 29(2), 160-179 doi: 10.15421/012121

Received 09.04.2021 Received in revised form

12.05.2(221 Accepted 14.(5.2021

Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Gagarin av., 72 Dnipro, 49(10, Ukraine. Tel.: +38-095-779-99-94. E-mail:

boriss. baranovski@ukr. net M G. Kholodny Institute

Biodiversity of the Regional Landscape Park Samara Plavni within the first large reservoir in Europe

B. A. Baranovski*, I. A. Ivanko*, V. J. Gasso*, O. L. Ponomarenko*, D. V. Dubyna**, N. O. Roshchyna***, L. O. Karmyzova*, J. L. Poleva***, V. V. Nikolaieva*

*Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine

**M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine ***Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Baranovski, B. A., Ivanko, I A., Gasso, V. J., Ponomarenko, O. L., Dubyna, D. V., Roshchyna, N. O., Karmyzova, L. O., Poleva, J. L., & Nikolaieva, V. V. (2021). Biodiversity of the Regional Landscape Park Samara Plavni within the first large reservoir in Europe. Biosystems Diversity, 29(2), 160-179. doi:10.15421/012121

The creation of reservoirs in river valleys for the accumulation of fresh water has been and remains an important issue around the world. This process has both positive and negative consequences for people and nature. Significant changes in the regime of rivers and their valleys, flooding of meadows and forests, flooding of soils and changes in the composition of flora and fauna of adjacent territories are taking place. In this article, we consider the restoration of the biodiversity of a site of disturbed lands after the creation of one of the first large reservoirs in Europe - the Dnieper (Zaporozhe) on the River Dnieper, which has existed since 1933. The territory of the Samara floodplains was formed on the floodplain of the mouth of the Samara River, as a result of which the territories of various forest, meadow and bog biotopes were flooded. For almost 90 years, new biotopes have been developing, and populations of plant and animal species, especially waterfowl, have been renewed and enriched. In the conditions of climate change and anthropogenic pressure, the existence of this territory has fallen into question. To control the conservation of biodiversity, it is necessary to apply various management methods, one of which is creation of nature reserves. The article presents the results of a complex of scientific studies that were carried out during the zoning of the regional park Samara Plavni to improve the management of the protection of water areas and river banks. We have investigated: hydrological features, species diversity of the flora and coenotic diversity of the vegetation, fauna of aquatic invertebrates, and terrestrial vertebrates. Zoning of the Regional Landscape Park was based on the composition of stable components of ecosystems. When applying the protected regime in different zones, conditions will be created for the preservation of habitats of species, including those protected in Europe: higher plants (Senecio borysthenicus (DC.) Andrz. ex Czern., Tragopogon borystenicus Artemcz.), reptiles (Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758), Vipera renardi (Christoph, 1861)), birds (Aythya ferina (Linnaeus, 1758), Vanellus vanellus (Linnaeus, 1758), Haematopus ostralegus Linnaeus, 1758, Numerous arquata (Linnaeus, 1758), Alcedo atthis (Linnaeus, 1758), Lanius excubitor (Linnaeus, 1758)), mammals (Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758)). Such changes would increase the implementation of the reproductive potential of all species without exception in the studied ecosystems.

Keywords: biodiversity conservation; protected areas; reservoirs of Europe; flora; fauna; zoning of nature reserves.

the restoration was the creation of a Regional Landscape Park in these lands. A complex of scientific research of the territory has been carried out. It included the study of the hydrological features of the territory, identification of species diversity of flora, the diversity of vegetation cover, fauna of aquatic invertebrates (zoobenthos), and terrestrial vertebrates. Zoning of the Regional Landscape Park was conducted according to the composition of stable components of the ecosystem: flora of vascular plants, zoobenthos, batracofauna, herpetofauna). The examined water area was the Samara Bay, located at the confluence of the Samara River and the Dnieper River, where near-water flooded territories developed as a result of the flooding of the estuarine part of the floodplain of the Samara River during the creation of the first large reservoir in Europe - the Dnieper (Zaporozhye). The floodplain complex of the Samara River, like the floodplain landscapes of Europe in general (Schindler et al., 2016), is characterized by a high species diversity (Brygadyrenko, 2015, 2016; Didur et al., 2019). The Zaporozhye Reservoir was created in 19311934. The flooding of the Samara River floodplain led to the development of floodplains in the area of about 5 thousand hectares. Gradually, conditions were created here for the restoration of old biotypes and development of new biotopes. Until now, in the previously flooded areas of the floodplain, there has been a restoration of the species composition and an increase in biodiversity.

ofSciences ofUkraine, Tereshchenkivska st., 2, Kyiv, 01004, Ukraine. Tel.: +38-067-851-37-12. E-mail: ddub@ukr. net

Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Serhii Efremov st., 25, Dnipro, 49600, Ukraine. Tel.: +38-097-774-43-27. E-mail:

botanik roshchyna@gmail. com


In Europe, since the late 19th century, legislation has been used to protect species and habitats. Since then, the nature conservation movement has been actively developing and the expansion of protected areas has taken place. After all, the creation nature reserves is an effective tool for the natural restoration of species (Musakwa et al., 2020; Thieme et al., 2020). Conservation and monitoring of biodiversity in protected areas, the importance of zoning of such areas are subjects of debate around the world (Becken et al., 2014; Hulber et al., 2017). In addition, reducing the rate of biodiversity loss has been the major objective of the Convention on Biological Diversity over the last 20 years (Perrings et al., 2010).

Human intervention in natural processes leads to unpredictable consequences. It is especially difficult to calculate all the consequences of such global changes as the flooding of a reservoir. The creation of reservoirs causes significant changes in the hydrological regime of rivers and their valleys: flooding of meadows, forests, flooding of soils and changes in the vegetation of territories (Chakraborty, 2021). Now it is important to determine how to reach a compromise between human water demand and the protection of river ecosystems (Kang et al., 2019). In this paper, we analyze the consequences and results of the restoration of disturbed lands after the creation of one of the first reservoirs in Europe. One of results of

Materials and methods

The study area belongs to the regional Samara reach of the reservoir (Baranovsky, 2000), where the river and the lake conditions have combined. This has provided an increase in biodiversity. Within the framework of the Samara Plavni Regional Landscape Park, 2 hydrological sections are separated for the zoning of the Zaporozhye (Dnieper) Reservoir (Ba-ranovsky, 2000). On the upper Novomoskovsky section (above the No-voselovsky bridge), the Samara River bed with its additional reservoirs is fooded. A Hoodplain-Hooded complex was formed here, which united the waters of the branches and tributaries of the Samara River, swamps and meadows, floodplain forests. The lower Novoselovsky area (below the Novoselovsky bridge) is a completely submerged Hooded complex.

By geographic regionalization, the basin of the Samara River is located in the territory of the South-West of the East European Plain, in the steppe zone, in the subzone of the Northern Steppe, Orel-Samara and Za-porozhye-Gulyaypol regions of the Dnieper lowland of the Left-Bank-Dnieper north-steppe province. The water area of the Samara Plavni Regional Landscape Park has the length of 9.7 km and is located in the section 13.6 to 23.3 km Hom the former mouth of the Samara River. The Samara River, a left tributary of the Dnieper River, Hows through the territory of Donetsk, Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk regions. The elevation of the source is 186.0 m above sea level. The mouth of the river is located within the city of Dnipro (Ust-Samara bridge), at 51.2 m elevation. The coordinates of the mouth are 48°27'21" N and 35°06'58" E. The length of the river is 324.0 km, and the basin area is 22,600 km2. According to the hydrobotanical zoning of the Zaporozhye (Dneprovsky) Reservoir (Bara-novsky, 2000), the water area and territory of the regional landscape park belong to the Novomoskovsky and Novoselovsky sections of the Samara reach. The Novomoskovsky area is an area where shallow waters alternate with wooded islands (mainly groves).

The territory of the Samara Plavni Regional Landscape Park is located in the backwater zone of the Zaporozhye (Dnieper) Reservoir. At a certain period, the water levels in the water area of the park corresponded to the water levels in the reservoir. Due to daily fluctuations in the water level in the reservoir, variable water exchange currents and change in the direction of currents in the Samara Bay are observed several times a day. In this regard, in most rivers and canals, the water regime is stagnant and low-Howing. The Samara River and its tributaries: Samarchuk, Podpol-naya, Peschanka and Solyonaya, flow through the park. The floodplain system includes a large number of branches and ducts. Their total length is 34.7 km. The Samara River is navigable from its mouth to the city of Novomoskovsk, including within the framework of the Regional Landscape Park waterway along the river. The Samara is included in the list of 'The most important inland waterways of international importance". The navigation channel is regularly cleared along the waterway to ensure the safety of navigation.

The composition and changes in the diversity of flora and fauna in this territory and water area have been studied by scientists since 1980 (Baranovsky, 2000) with regular expedition trips: three trips per year (May, July, October) and a detailed survey of the territory and the water area in 2020 at 12 plots (three plots for each of the four allocated zones of the park). To study the fora of vascular plants in the water areas and the territory of the reserve, a complex of traditional field and cameral methods was applied. The methodological approach was based on the methods of Bel'gard (1950), on the ecomorphic analysis of forest communities and typological principles of the organization of forests in the steppe zone. When studying the fora of vascular plants, we used the methods of collection, herbarization and identification of species and analysis of the collections of the Herbarium of the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. The species of vascular plants were identified according to the Flora of the European part of the RSFSR (1974-1989) and the Flora of Eastern Europe (1996-2004) using a Citoval microscope (Carl Zeiss Jena). Species names are given according to modern Ukrainian nomenclature publications (Mosyakin & Fedoronchuk, 1999).

Bioecomorphic characteristics (bioecological certification) of species were compiled according to Bel'gard (1950) and additions made by his followers and the results of their own research. Biomorphs and ecomorphs are given in tabular form using abbreviated symbols: biomorphs (one-,

two-, perennials) heliomorphs (relation to light) hygromorphs (relation to the aquatic environment) tropomorphs (relation to trophicity) cenomorphs (growth in certain phytocenoses). The names biomorph and ecomorph are presented according to the ecomorph system of Bel'gard (1950). In the process of ecomorphic analysis of the flora, species that had been found in different biotopes were given identification of complex ecomorphs (for example, HalPalPr), where the latter is considered the main one - Pr). The analysis of the adventive fraction was carried out according to the literature data (Richardson, 2000; Baranovski et al., 2016; Karmyzova & Baranovsky, 2020). The vegetation cover was investigated according to the generally accepted methods. The analysis of tree and shrub vegetation was carried out according to the typology of Bel'gard (1950).

To characterize the biodiversity of the water areas and territories of the Samara Plavni Regional Landscape Park, studies of the species composition of fora were carried out in various biotopes and ecotones (border areas between two biotopes) according to the European EUNIS system (Didukh et al., 2011). This classification has a hierarchical structure, which makes it possible to generalize information at different levels, reflects ecosystems from natural to artificial, has a successful coding and other features. According to the main biotopes: aquatic biotopes (C), bog bio-topes (D), herbaceous biotopes (E), forest biotopes (G), semi-natural bio-topes (I) and artificial biotopes (J) with subordinate categories of hygro-morphs and cenomorphs are distributed as follows (Table 1).

Table 1

Correspondence of hygromorphs and cenomorphs to the main biotopes of the Samara Plavni Regional Landscape Park

Biotopes (according to 1he EUNIS system)

Main Ecomorphs hygromorphs cenomafphs

C1 Shallow stagnant water bodies Pl, Hel, Hy Aq, Pal

C2 Shallow waters of flowing water bodies Hy, Hel, Pl Aq

C3.2 The banks ofreservoirs covered with high helophytes Hel Pal, Pr

D Wetlands biotopes Hel, Hg Pal, Aq

E12G Sandy steppes X, Ms Ps, St

E2 Mesotrophic meadows Ms Pr

E3 Hygrophytic meadows Hg Pr, Pal

G1 Deciduous forests Ms, X Sil, Ru

G3 Coniferous forests X, Ms Sil, Ru

F9.35 River banks' thickets ofinvasive shrubs Hg Ru, Sil

I1.22 Garden plots Ms Cu, Sil, Ru

J2 Scattered building Ms Ru, Cu, Sil

For qualitative evaluation, zoobenthos was sampled using a net, mainly in the thickets of higher aquatic vegetation. An Ekman-Burge model bottom bucket with the area of 1/40 m2 was used for quantitative sampling. Samples were taken twice, the content of the bottom bucket was poured into a large container, from which the organisms were successively washed from the soil, transferred to laboratory glassware, and immediately fixated in 40% formalin. Further qualitative and quantitative analyses of the samples were carried out in the laboratory. The species identification was carried out according to the identification keys. The species identification and distribution of amphibians and reptiles was carried out using the standard methods of route counting and traps (McDiarmid et al., 2012; Graete! et al., 2013; Ali et al., 2018). The species composition of birds was determined visually using optical instruments, according to singing, and existing nests (Tomialojc, 1976, 1980; Kuchynska, 2005). The study of mammals was carried out by traces and visually, murine rodents and small insectivoIes - using traps (Hoffmann et al., 2010; Torre et al., 2018; Green et al., 2020). According to the zoning of the Samara Plavni Regional Landscape Park, the following parts are distinguished: a reserved zone, a recreational zone, a zone of regulated recreation and an economic zone. The reserved zone has two subzones: the upper one - in the Novomoskovsk area; the lower one is in the Novoselovsky site), the recreational zone occupies the main part of the regional landscape park, the regulated recreation zone is located in the Novomoskovsky site, the economic zone is also located in two sites (Fig. 1).


Floristic diversity. The list of flora of vascular plants of the Samara Plavni Regional Landscape Park contains 626 species belonging to 90

families. Ecomorphic analysis shows that hemicryptophytes predominate among climamorphs; perennials predominate among biomorphs; sciohe-liophytes predominate among heliomorphs; mesotrophs predominate among trophomorphs; mesophytes and hygrophytes predominate among hygromorphs. Among the cenomorphs, most species are represented by meadow (233) and forest (206) species. The ruderal flora includes

251 species, including 140 adventive and 5 invasive species. The rare fraction comprises 70 species. Two of them are included in the European Red List, and 15 species are included in the Red Book of Ukraine (Table 2). All of them are included in the list of rare species of vascular plants in Dnepropetrovsk region. Most of them grow in protected and recreational areas.

Fig. 1. Zoning of the Samara Plavni Regional Landscape Park: the red line - the boundaries of the Samara Plavni Regional Landscape Park, red - the reserved zone, green - the zone of regulated recreation, yellow - the zone of stationary recreation, blue - the economic zone

Table 2

List of llora of vascular plants of the Samara Plavni Regional Landscape Park by zoning

Families Species Clima-morphs Bio-morphs Helio-morphs Tropho-morphs Hygro-morphs Ceno-morphs Protected zone Recreational zone Stationary recreation zone Economic zone Rare, adventive, type)

Equisetaceae Equisetum arvense L. G Per ScHe MsTr HgMs RuSilPr + + + +

Equisetaceae E fluviatile L. HKr Per ScHe MsTr HelHg AqPal + - - - RLD 3

Equisetaceae E. hyemale L. Ch sFr ScHe MsTr HgMs PrSil + - - - RLD 3

Dryopteriaceae Dryopteris carthusiana H. P. Fuchs. HKr Per ScHe MsTr Ms Sil + - - - RLD 3

Dryopteriaceae D. flix-mas (L.) Schott HKr Per HeSc OgMsTr Ms Sil + - - - RLD 3

Salviniaceae Salvinia rations (L.) All. T Ann ScHe MsTr Pl er Aq + + + + RBU U, RLD 3

Thelypteridaceae Thefypteris palustris Schott G Per HeSc MsTr Hg SilPal + + - - RLD 2

Pinaceae Pinus pallasiana D. Don Ph Arb ScHe OgMsTr XMs Sil - + + + -

Pinaceae P. sylvestris L. Ph Arb ScHe OgMsTr X-Hg Sil + + + - -

Alismataceae Alisma gramineum Lej. HKr Per He MsTr HelHg PalAq + + - - -

Alismataceae A lanceolatum With. HKr Per He MgTr HelHg PalAq + + - - -

Alismataceae A. plantago-aquatica L. HKr Per ScHe MsTr HgHel PalAq + + + + -

Alismataceae Sagittaria sagittfolia L. HKr Per ScHe MsTr HgHy PalAq + - - - -

Alliaceae Allium angulosum L. G Per ScHe MsTr HgMs Pr + - - - -

Alliaceae A flavescens Bess. G Per He MsTr MsX PsPtSt + + + - -

Alliaceae A paczoskianum Tuzs. G Per He MsTr MsX PsSt - + + - -

Alliaceae A waldscheinii G. Don fit G Per He MsTr XMs StPr + + + + -

Araceae Acorus calamus L. HKr Per He MsTr HgHel PalAq + + - - RLD3,Adv

Asparagaceae Asparagus officinalis L. HKr Per ScHe MgTr XMs PrSt + + + - -

Butomaceae Butomus umbellatus L. HKr Per He MsTr HgHel PalAq + + + - -

Convallariaceae Convallaria majalis L. G Per HeSc MsTr HgMs Sil + + - - RLD 3

Convallariaceae Polygonatum midtißorum (L.) All. G Per Sc MgTr Ms Sil + + + - -

Convallariaceae P. odoratum (Mill.) Druce G Per ScHe OgTr Ms Sil + - - - RLD 3

Cyperaceae Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla HKr Per He AlkMgTr HelHg AqPal + + + + -

Cyperaceae Carex acuta L. HKr Per He MsTr HelHg AqPal + + + + -

Cyperaceae C. acutformis Ehrh. HKr Per ScHe MsTr Hg SilPal + - - - -

Cyperaceae C. bueckii Wimm. HKr Per He AlkMgTr HgMs PalPr + + - - RLD 4

Cyperaceae C. dstans L. HKr Per He AlkMgTr HgMs PrHal - + - - -

Cyperaceae C. dsticha Huds. HKr Per He MsTr HsMs PalPr + - - - -

Cyperaceae C. ligerica J.Gay. HKr Per He OgTr Ms Ps + + + + -

Cyperaceae C. melanostachya Bieb. ex Willd. HKr Per ScHe AlkMgTr Ms PalPrSil + + + + -

Clima-morphs Bio-morphs Helio-morphs Tropho-morphs Hygro-morphs Ceno-morphs Protected zone Recreational zone Stationa recreatio zone

HKr Per ScHe MgTr Ms Sil + - -

HKr Per ScHe MgTr HgMs HalSilPr + + +

HKr Per He MgTr XMs StPr + + +

HKr Per HeSc OgMsTr Hg SilPal + - -

HKr Per He MsTr Hg Pal + + +

HKr Per HeSc MgTr XMs PrSil + - -

HKr Per He MsTr MsHg PrPal + + +

HKr Per He MsTr MsHg PalPr + + +

T Ann He OgMsTr Hg PsPal + + -

T Ann He OgMsTr Hg PalPs + - -

HKr Per He MgTr Hg PrPal + + +

G Per He OgTr HgMs PrPs + + +

HKr Per He MsTr HelHg AqPal + + +

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HKr Per HeSc MsTr Hg SilPal + - -

HKr Per He AlkMsTr Hg Pal + + -

G Per He MsTr MsX PtSt - + -

G Per He MsTr XMs SMnSt + + -

G Per HeSc MsTr Ms PrSil + - -

G Per He AlkMsTr MsX HalPrSt + + -

G Per ScHe MsTr Ms Sil + - -

G Per ScHe MsTr XMs StSil + + -

G Per HeSc MgTr Ms Sil + - -

Hd Per HeSc OgMsTr Hy r RuAq + + +

Hd Per ScHe MsTr Pl er Aq + + +

Hd Per ScHe MsTr Pl r Aq + + -

Hd Per HeSc MsTr Hy r RuAq + + -

G Per He AlkMsTr MsX PrSt + + -

G Per ScHe MsTr XMs Pr + + -

HKr Per He AlkMsTr XMs HalPr - + -

G Per He MsTr Hg Pal + + +

HKr Per He OgMsTr MsHg PalPr + + -

HKr Per He MgTr HgMs Pr + + -

T Ann ScHe OgMsTr MsHg PsPr + + -

HKr Per He MgTr MsHg PalPr + + +

Hel Per He MsTr Hg Pal + + +

HKr Per He AlkMsTr HgMs HalPr + + +

HKr Per He MsTr MsHg Pr + + -

HKr Per He AlkTr MsHg PalHalPr + + +

HKr Per He MgTr MsHg HalPalPr + + -

Hel Per ScHe MsTr Pl er Aq + + -

Hel Per ScHe MsTr Pl er Aq + + +

Hel Per HeSc MsTr Hy er Aq + + +

Hel Per He MsTr Pl er Aq + + -

Hel Per He MsTr Pl er Aq + + +

G Per He AlkMgTr Ms Pr + + -

G Per ScHe MgTr Ms RuSil + + +

G Per HeSc MsTr Ms Sil + + -

G Per He MgTr XMs RuSt + +

G Per HeSc MgTr Ms StSil + + +

T Ann HeSc MsTr Hy r Aq + + -

T Ann HeSc MsTr Hy r Aq + + +

G Per He MgTr MsHg PrPal + + -

G Per ScHe OgMsTr MsHg PalPr + + -

G Per He MsTr HgMs PalPr + + -

G Per He AlkMsTr MsHg PrPal + + -

G Per HeSc MsTr Ms SilPr + + -

T Ann He OgMsTr MsX PsPtRu - - -

HKr Per He MsTr X St - + +

HKr Per ScHe MsTr Ms SilPr + + -

HKr Per ScHe OgMsTr Hg PrPal + + +

T Ann He OgTr HgHel PrPal + + -

G Per He AlkMgTr HgMs HalPalPr + + +

T Ann He OgTr HgMs PalPr + + -

HKr Per He MgTr HgMs Pr + + +

T Ann ScHe MsTr MsX PrStRu - - +

T Ann ScHe OgMgTr MsX PsRu + + +

T Ann ScHe OgTr XMs RuPs - + +

T Ann He MsTr MsX Ru - - +

HKr Per ScHe AlkMsTr HgMs PalPr + + -

HKr Per Sc MgTr Ms Sil + - -


Rare, adventive,


Hyacintaceae Hyacintaceae





























Liliaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae


Orchidaceae Orchidaceae Orchidaceae Orchidaceae


Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae

C. muricata L. C. otrubae Podp. C. praecox Schreb. C. pseudocyperus L. C. riparia Curtis C. spicata Huds. C. vesicaria L. C. vulpina L. Cyperus fuscus L. C. glomeratus L.

Eleocharis palustris (L.) Roem. et Schult. Scirpoides holoschoenus (L.) Sojak Scirpus lacustris L. S. sylvaticus L.

S. tabernaemontani C. C. Gmel. Hyacinthella leucophaea (C.Koch) Schur Muscari neglectum Guss. Ornithogalum bouscheanum (Kunlh) Aschers.

O fschieranum Krasch.

0.fmbriatum Willd. Scilla bifolia L.

S. sibirica Haw. Elodea canadensis Michx. Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L. Stratiotes aloides L. Vallisneria spirals L.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Crocus reticulatus Stev. ex Adam.

Gladiolus tenuis Bieb.

Iris habphila Pall.

1. pseudacorus L. Juncus articulatus L. J. atratus Krook

J. bufonius L. J. compressus Jacq. J. effusus L. J. gerardii Loisel. J. inflexus L. Triglochin maritimum L. T. palustre L. Lemna gibba L. L. minor L. L. trisulca L.

Spirodelapolirrhyza (L.) Schleid. Woffa arrhiza (L.) Hcrkel ex Wimm. Fritülaria mekagroides Patrin ex Schult et Schult.

Gagea erubscens (Bess.) Schult. et Schult.

G. lutea (L.) Ker-Gawl.

G. pusilla (F.W.Schmidt) Schult. et Schult.

Tulpa quercetorum Klokov et Zoz

Caulinia minor (All.) Coss. et Germ. Najas marina L.

Dactylorhisa incarnata L. Eppactis palustris (L.) Crantz Orchis coriophora L.

O. militaris L.

Aegihps cilindrica Hcst Agropyron pecttinatum (Bieb.) Beaux Agrosttis gigantea Roth. A stobni/era L. Ahpecurus aequalis SoboL A arundinaceus Poir. A. geniculatus L. A. pratensis L.

Anisantha sterilis (L.) Nevski A tectorum (L.) Nevski Apera spica-venti (L.) P. Beauv. Avena fatua L.

Beckmania erucformis (L.) Hcst. Brachypodum sylvaticum (Huds.) P. Beauv.











Adv Adv Adv Adv

Families Species Clima-morphs Bio-morphs Helio-morphs Tropho-morphs Hygro-morphs Ceno-morphs Protected zone Recreational zone Stationary recreation zone Economic zone Rare, adventive, type

Poaceae Bromopsis inermis (Leys.) Holub G Per He OgMgTr XMs RuPrSt + + + +

Poaceae B. riparia (Rehm.) Holub G Per He OgTr MsX PrSt + + + + -

Poaceae Bromus hordeaceus L. T Ann ScHe MsTr XMs Ru - - + + -

Poaceae B. squarrosus L. T Ann ScHe OgMgTr MsX RuPsSt - + + + Adv

Poaceae Calamagrostis canescens (Web.) Roth HKr Per ScHe MsTr MsHg SilPrPal + + + + -

Poaceae C. epigeios (L.) Roth G Per ScHe OgMsTr Ms PsSilPr + + + + -

Poaceae Cenchrus longispinus (Hack.) Fernald T Ann He OgTr MsX PsRu - - + - Adv

Poaceae Dactylis glomerata L. HKr Per ScHe OgMsTr Ms SilPr + + + + -

Poaceae Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. T Ann He OgMsTr Ms PsRu + + + + Adv

Poaceae Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) P. Beauv. T Ann He OgMgTr MsHg Ru + + + + Adv

MsX- SilStPr

Poaceae Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski G Per ScHe MsTr MsHg Ru + + + + -

Poaceae Eragrostis minor Host T Ann He OgMsTr MsX PsRu + + + + Adv

Poaceae E. pilosa (L.) P. Beauv. T Ann He OgTr MsX RuPtPs + - - - Adv

Poaceae Festuca beckeri (Hack) Trautv. HKr Per He OgTr X StSilPs - + + - -

Poaceae F. gigantea (L.) Vill. HKr Per Sc MgTr HgMs Sil + + - - -

Poaceae F. pratensis Huds. HKr Per ScHe MsTr HgMs Pr + + - - -

Poaceae F. regeliana Pavl. HKr Per He AlkTr MsHg HalPr + + + + -

Poaceae F. valesiaca Gaudin. HKr Per He MgTr X St - + + - -

Poaceae Glyceria maxima (C. Hartm.) Holub. HKr Per He MsTr HgHel PalAq + + - - -

Poaceae G. notata (Chevall.) HKr Per He MsTr Hg PrPal + - - - -

Poaceae Hierochloe odorata (L.) P. Beauv. G Per ScHe OgMsTr XMs SilStPr + + - - -

Poaceae Hordeum murinum L. T Ann He MsTr MsX RuPsSt - - + + Adv

Poaceae Koeleria sabuletorum (Domin) Klokov HKr Per He OgTr MsX PsSt - + + - -

Poaceae Leersia orizoides (L.) Sw. G Per HeSc OgMsTr HelHg PrPal + - - - RLD 3

Poaceae Lolium perenne L. HKr Per He MgTr XMs RuPr + + + + -

Poaceae Melica altissima L. HKr Per ScHe MsTr XMs SMr + - - - -

Poaceae Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench HKr Per ScHe OgTr Hg SilPrPal + - - - RLD 2

Poaceae Phalaroides arundinacea (L.) Rauschert HKr Per ScHe MgTr MsHg PrPal + + + - -

Poaceae Phleum pratense L. HKr Per He MgTr Ms Pr + + - - -

Poaceae Phragmtes australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. HKr Per ScHe MsTr Hel PalAq + + + + -

Poaceae Poa angustfolia L. HKr Per ScHe MsMgTr MsX SilPrSt + + + + -

Poaceae P. annua L. T Ann HeSc MsTr Ms RuSilPr + + + + -

Poaceae P. bulbosa L. HKr Per He OgMsTr MsX RuSilSt + + + + -

Poaceae P. compressa L. HKr Per ScHe OgMsTr MsX RuSt + + + + -

Poaceae P. nemoralis L. HKr Per ScHe MsTr XMs Sil + + - - -

Poaceae P. palustris L. HKr Per He MsTr MsHg PalPr + + + - -

Poaceae P. pratensis L. G Per He MsTr Ms Pr + + + + -

Poaceae P. sylvicola Guss. HKr Per HeSc MgTr HgMs SilPalPr + - - - -

Poaceae P. trivialis L. HKr Per He MsTr HgMs SilPalPr + - - - -

Poaceae Puccinella distans (Jacq.) Parl. HKr Per He AlkMsTr XMs RuHalPr - + - - -

Poaceae Sclerochloa dura (L.) P. Beauv. T Ann He MsTr XMs StRu - - - + Adv

Poaceae Secale sylvestre Host T Ann He OgTr MsX StRuPs - + + + -

Poaceae Setaria glauca (L.) P. Beauv. T Ann He MsTr XMs PsRu - + + + Adv

Poaceae S. verticillata (L.) H. B. T Ann ScHe MgTr Ms Ru - - + + Adv

Poaceae S. viridis (L.) P. Beauv. T Ann He OgMsTr XMs PsRu + + + + Adv

Poaceae Stipa capillata L. HKr Per He MsTr X PtSt - + + + RBU U, RLD 3

Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton berchtoldii Fieb. HKr Per HeSc MsTr Hy r Aq + + + + -

Potamogetonaceae P. compressus L. HKr Per HeSc MsTr Hy r Aq + + - - -

Potamogetonaceae P. crispus L. HKr Per HeSc MsTr Hy r Aq + + + + -

Potamogetonaceae P. gramineus L. HKr Per ScHe MsTr PlHy r Aq + + - - RLD 3

Potamogetonaceae P. lucens L. HKr Per HeSc MsTr Hy r Aq + + - - -

Potamogetonaceae P. pectinatus L. HKr Per HeSc MsTr Hy r Aq + + + + -

Potamogetonaceae P. perfoliatus L. HKr Per HeSc MsTr Hy r Aq + + + + -

Sparganiaceae Sparganium erectum L. HKr Per He MsTr Hel PalAq + + - - -

Sparganiaceae S. minimum Wallr. HKr Per HeSc MsTr Hel PalAq + - - - RLD 4

Typhaceae Typha angustfolia L. HKr Per He MsTr Hel PalAq + + + + -

Typhaceae T.latfolia L. HKr Per He MgTr Hel PalAq + + + + -

Typhaceae T. laxmannii Lepech. HKr Per He AlkMsTr Hel PalAq + + + + -

Zannicheliaceae Zannichelia palustris L. HKr Per HeSc AlkMsTr Hy r Aq + + - - -

Aceraceae Acer campestre L. Ph Arb ScHe MgMsTr XMs SMnSil + + - - -

Aceraceae A. negundo L. Ph Arb He Og-MgTr MsX-HgMs SilCuRu + + + + Adv, Inv

Aceraceae A platanoides L. Ph Arb HeSc MgMsTr Ms Sil + + - - -

Aceraceae A. tataricum L. Ph ArbFr ScHe Og-MgTr MsX-HgMs SilSMn + + + + -

Adoxaceae Adoxa moschatellina L. HKr Per HeSc MsTr Ms Sil + - - - RLD 4

Amaranthaceae Amaranthus albus L. T Ann He MsTr MsX Ru - + + + Adv

Amaranthaceae A blitoides S. Wats. T Ann He MsTr MsX Ru - + + + Adv

Amaranthaceae A retrofexuss L. T Ann He MsTr MsX Ru + + + + Adv

Anacardiaceae Cotinus coggygria Scop. Ph Fr ScHe Og-MgTr MsX SMnCu - + + + Adv

Anacardiaceae Rhus typhina L. Ph Arb He MsTr MsX SilCu - - + + Adv

Apiaceae Aegopodium podagraria L. G Per HeSc MgTr Ms Sil + - - - -

Apiaceae Aethusa cynapium L. HKr Ann ScHe MsTr XMs SilRu + + - - Adv

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Apiaceae Antriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoflm. T Ann HeSc MsTr XMs SilRu + + - - -

Apiaceae A sylvestris (L.) Hoflm. HKr Per HeSc MsTr Ms RuSil + + + + -

Apiaceae Chaerophylluum bulbosum L. HKr Bien ScHe OgTr Ms PrSil + + - - -

Apiaceae C. prescotii DC. G Bien ScHe MgTr Ms (Pr)SilRu + + - - -

Apiaceae C. temulum L. HKr Bien HeSc MsTr Ms RuSil + + + + -

Families Species Clima-morphs Bio-morphs Helio-morphs Tropho-morphs Hygro-morphs Ceno-morphs Protected zone Recre-atonal zone Stationary recreation zone Economic zone Rare, adventive, types

Apiaceae Cicuta virosa L. Hel Per HeSc MsTr Hg Pal + - - -

Apiaceae Cenolophium denudatum (Hornem) Tutin HKr Per He MgTr HgMs Pr + + - - -

Apiaceae Conium macuhtum L. HKr Bien He MsTr Ms Ru - - - + -

Apiaceae Daucus carota L. HKr Per ScHe Og-MgTr XMs Ru + + + + -

Apiaceae Eryngium campestre L. G Per He MsTr X RuSt - + + + -

Apiaceae E planum L. HKr Per ScHe Og-MsTr XMs StPr + + - - -

Apiaceae Heracleum sibiricum L. HKr Bien ScHe MsTr Ms SilPr + + + + -

Apiaceae Oenanthe aquatica (L.) Poir. HKr Per ScHe MsTr Hg Pal + + + + -

Apiaceae Pastinaca sylvestris Mill. HKr Bien ScHe MsTr Ms SilPr + - - - -

Apiaceae Peucedanum oreoselinum (L.) Moench. HKr Per HeSc OgTr XMs SilPs - + - - -

Apiaceae Seseli libanotís DC. HKr Per He MsTr XMs RuSt - + + + -

Apiaceae Sium latfolium L. HKr Per ScHe MsTr Hg Pal + + + - -

Apiaceae S. sisaroideum DC. HKr Per He MsTr Hg Pal + + - - -

Apiaceae Torlisjaponjca (Houtt.) DC. T Bien ScHe MsTr XMs RuSil + + - - -

Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia clematitis L. G Per HeSc MsTr HgMs RuPrSil + + - - -

Aristolochiaceae Asarum europaeum L. G Per Sc MgTr Ms Sil + - - - RLD 3

Asclepiadaceae Asclepias syriaca L. G Per He MsTr XMs Ru - - - + Adv

Asclepiadaceae Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Medik HKr Per ScHe MsTr MsX StSMnSil + + - - -

Asclepiadaceae V. scandens Sommier et Levier HKr Per ScHe MsTr Ms Sil + - - - RLD 4

Asteraceae Achillea collina J. Becker ex Rchb. HKr Per He MsTr XMs StPr + + - - -

Asteraceae A micrantha Willd. HKr Per ScHe OgTr MsX SilPs - + - - -

Asteraceae A. nobilis L. HKr Per He MsTr MsX PrRuSt - + - - -

Asteraceae A submillefolium Klok. et Krytzka HKr Per ScHe MsTr XMs SilPrSt + + + + -

Asteraceae Ambrosia aremisfolia L. T Ann ScHe OgMgTr X Ru - + + + Adv

Asteraceae Anthemis cotula L. T Ann He MsTr XMs Ru + + + + Adv

Asteraceae A. ruthenica Bieb. T Ann ScHe OgTr X RuSt - + + + -

Asteraceae A. subtinctoria Dobrocz. HKr Ann ScHe MsOgTr MsX RuSt - + - - -

Asteraceae Arctium lappa L. HKr Bien ScHe MgTr Ms SilRu + + + + -

Asteraceae A nemorosum Lej. HKr Bien HeSc MgTr Ms RuSil + - - - -

Asteraceae A. minus (Hill.) Bernh. HKr Bien ScHe MgTr Ms Ru + + - - -

Asteraceae A. tomentosum Mill. HKr Bien He MgTr Ms Ru + + - - -

Asteraceae Artemisia abrotanum L. Ch Fr He OgMsTr HgMs PalPr + - - - -

Asteraceae A. absinthium L. HKr Per He MsTr XMs Ru + + + + Adv

Asteraceae A. austriaca Jacq. Ch Per He MsTr X RuSt - + + + -

Asteraceae A. campestris L. HKr Per He OgMsTr X SilPsSt - + + - -

Asteraceae A vulgaris L. HKr Per ScHe MgTr Ms PrRu + + + + -

Asteraceae Aster bessarabicus Bernh. ex Rchb. HKr Per ScHe MgTr MsX SilSt + - - - RLD 3

Asteraceae A novae-angliae L. HKr Per ScHe MgTr Ms Cul - - - + Adv

Asteraceae A salignus Willd. HKr Per He MsTr Ms Cul - - - + Adv

Asteraceae Bidens tripartita L. T Ann ScHe MsTr HgMs PalPr + + + + -

Asteraceae Calendula officinalis L. T Ann ScHe MsTr Ms Cul - - - + Adv

Asteraceae Carduus acanthoides L. HKr Bien He MsTr MsX PrStRu + + + + -

Asteraceae C. crispus L. HKr Bien ScHe MsTr Ms SilRu + + - - -

Asteraceae C. nutans L. HKr Bien He MgTr MsX StRu - + - - Adv

Asteraceae Centaurea cyanus L. HKr Bien He MsTr MsX Ru - - - + Adv

Asteraceae C. diffusa Lam. HKr Bien He MsTr X StRu - + + + Adv

Asteraceae C. jacea L. HKr Per ScHe MgTr Ms Pr + + - - -

Asteraceae C. scabiosa L. HKr Per ScHe MgTr MsX StRu - + + - -

Asteraceae C. trichocephala M Bieb. HKr Per ScHe MsTr XMs PrSt + + - - -

Asteraceae Chondrillajuncea L. HKr Per He OgTr MsX RuStPs - + + + -

Asteraceae Cichorium inthybus L. HKr Per He MsTr MsX RuStPr + + + + Adv

Asteraceae Cirsium canum (L.) All. HKr Per He AlkTr Ms PrHal + + - - -

Asteraceae C. incanum (S. G. Gmel.) Fisch. G Per He MgTr MsHg RuPr + + + + -

Asteraceae C. setosum (Willd.) Bess. G Per He MsTr MsX Ru + + + + -

Asteraceae C. ucrainicum Bess. HKr Bien He OgMsTr X RuSt + + + + -

Asteraceae C. vulgare (Savit) Ten. HKr Bien ScHe MgTr XMs Ru + + + + -

Asteraceae Coniza canadensis (L.) Cronq. HKr Bien ScHe OgMgTr MsX Ru + + + + Adv

Asteraceae Crepis rhoedifolia M Bieb. T Ann He MsTr MsX StRu - + + + -

Asteraceae C. tectorum L. HKr Bien He OgMsTr MsX PsStRu + + + + -

Asteraceae Echinops sphaerocephalus L. HKr Per ScHe MsTr X RuPrSt + - - - -

Asteraceae Erigeron acris L. HKr Bien ScHe MsTr MsX RuPrSt + + + + -

Asteraceae E. podolicus Bess. HKr Bien He OgMsTr XMs StPr + + + + -

Asteraceae Eupatorium cannabinum L. HKr Per ScHe MgTr HgMs SilPr + + - - -

Asteraceae Filago arvensis L. T Ann ScHe OgMsTr MsX PsStRu + + - - -

Asteraceae Galinsoga parvfora Cav. T Ann ScHe MsTr Ms Ru - - - + Adv

Asteraceae Grindelia sq^arrosa (Pursh) Dunal HKr Per He Og-MgTr MsX Ru - - - + Adv

Asteraceae Helianthus annuus L. T Ann He MgTr XMs Cu - - - + Adv

Asteraceae H. tuberosus L. G Per He MgTr XMs Cu - - - + Adv

Asteraceae Helishrysum arenarium (L.) Moench. HKr Per He OgTr MsX StPs + + + + -

Asteraceae Heliopsis scabra Dunal. G Per ScHe MsTr XMs Cu - - - + Adv

Asteraceae Hieracium umbellatum L. HKr Per ScHe OgTr MsX StPs + + + + -

Asteraceae Inula britanica L. HKr Per He MsTr Ms RuPr + + - - -

Asteraceae I. germanica L. G Per He MgTr XMs StPr + + - - -

Asteraceae I. helenium L. HKr Per He MgTr HgMs Pr + - - - RLD 3

Asteraceae I. salicina L. G Per ScHe OgTr XMs PrSMn + - - - -

Asteraceae Iva xanthifolia Nutt. T Ann ScHe OgMgTr XMs Ru - + + + Adv

Asteraceae Jurinea longfolia DC. HKr Рer He OgTr MsX StPs + - - - RLD 2

Asteraceae Lactuca chaxii Vill T Bien HeSc MgTr Ms Sil + - - - -

Asteraceae L. serriola Torner HKr Bien He MsTr XMs Ru + + + + Adv

Asteraceae L tatarica (L.) C. A Mey. G Per He MsTr XMs HalRu + + + + -

Clima-morphs Bio-morphs Helio-morphs Tropho-morphs Hygro-morphs Ceno-morphs Protected zone Recreational zone Stationary recreation zone Economic zone Rare, adventive, typs

T Ann HeSc MgTr XMs RuSil + + - -

HKr Per ScHe MsTr Ms RuPr + + - - -

T Ann He MsTr MsX Ru + + + + Adv

T Ann He MsTr MsX Ru + + + + Adv

HKr Bien He MsTr MsX Ru - + + + Adv

G Per ScHe OgTr MsHg Ps + - - - Adv

HKr Bien ScHe MsTr MsX Ru - - + + Adv

HKr Per He MsTr MsX RuSt + + + + -

HKr Per ScHe OgMsTr MsX SilPsSt - + + + -

HKr Per He MsTr HgMs RuPr + + - - -

HKr Per He OgMsTr XMs PsSilPr + + - - -

T Ann He AlkMsTr MsHg RuPr + + - - -

T Ann He MsTr Ms Cul - - - + Adv

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HKr Per He AlkTr X-Ms HalStPr - + - - -

HKr Per He AlkTr Ms HalPr - + - - -

HKr Per ScHe OgTr XMs Ps - - - - ERL R, RLD 3

HKr Per He MsTr MsX SMnPrSt + + - - -

T Ann ScHe Og-MgTr XMs Ru - + + + -

T Ann He MsTr Ms Ru - + + + Adv

HKr Per ScHe MsTr Ms SMnPr + - - - -

HKr Per ScHe MsTr XMs RuCul - - - + Adv

G Per He MgTr XMs PrRu - + + + Adv

T Ann He MsTr XMs Ru - + + + Adv

HKr Per He MsTr MsHg Pal + - - - -

T Ann He MgTr MsX Cul - - - + Adv

HKr Per He OgMgTr MsX StRuPr + + + - -

HKr Per ScHe MsTr Ms RuPr + + + + -

HKr Bien He OgTr MsX PsSt + - - - RLD 0, ERL I

HKr Bien He MsTr MsX SMnRuSt + + + - -

HKr Bien He MgTr MsX Ru + + + - Adv

HKr Bien He Alk MsHg PalPrH + + - - -

G Per He MsTr MsHg RuPr + + + - -


T Ann He Og-MgTr MsHg Ru + + + + Adv

T Ann He MsTr HgMs-XMs Ru + + + + Adv

nPh Fr HeSc OgMgTr Ms SilCu - - - + Adv

Ph Arb ScHe MgTr Hg PalSil + - - - RLD 3

Ph Arb ScHe MsOgTr Hg Sil - - - + -

HKr Per HeSc MsMgTr Ms Sil + - - - RLD 3

HKr Bien ScHe OgTr MsX RuSilPs + + + - Adv

T Ann ScHe MsTr XMs Ru - + + + -

HKr Ann ScHe MsTr MsX Ru + + + - Adv

G Ann He OgTr XMs Ru - + + + Adv

HKr Bien He OgMsTr MsX RuSt - - - + Adv

T Ann He MsTr MsX Ru - + + + Adv

HKr Ann ScHe MsTr MsX PalPr + + - - -

HKr Per He MsTr MsX Ru - - + + -

HKr Per ScHe MsTr MsHg SilPr + - - - -

HKr Per ScHe MsTr Hg PrPal + + - - -

HKr Ann ScHe MsTr MsX RuSil + + - - -

HKr Per HeSc MsTr Ms Sil + - - - -

HKr Per ScHe MgTr MsHg PalPr + + - - -

HKr Per HeSc MsTr XMs RuSil + + - - -

T Ann He MsTr MsX RuSt - + + + -

HKr Ann He OgTr XMs PsRu - + - - Adv

HKr Ann ScHe MgTr HgMs PalPr + - - - -

HKr Ann ScHe MsMgTr Ms PrRu + + - - -

HKr Bien ScHe Og-MgTr XMs Ru + + + + -

HKr Bien ScHe OgMgTr XMs Ru + + - - -

T Ann He MsTr XMs SilRu + + - - Adv

T Ann He MsTr XMs Ru + + + + Adv

G Per He MsTr MsX Ru - - - + Adv

T Ann He MsTr MsX Ru + + + + Adv

T Ann He MsTr XMs Ru - + + + Adv

HKr Ann He MsTr MsX PtRu - + + + Adv

HKr Per He MsTr MsX Ru - + + - Adv

T Ann He MsTr XMs Ru + + - - -

T Ann He OgMsTr XMs RuPsSt - + + - -

HKr Bien He MsTr Ms Ru - + + - Adv

HKr Bien He MsTr X RuSt - + + + -

HKr Bien He MsMgTr MsX PrSt + - - - RLD 3

HKr Bien HeSc MsMgTr Ms Sil + - - - Adv

HKr Per He Og-MgTr Ms PrH + - - - -

HKr Ann He MsTr MsX Ru - - - + Adv

T Ann He MsTr XMs PrStRu - + + + Adv

G Per HeSc MgTr HyHg AqPal + + - - -

Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae


Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae


Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae














Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae

Lapsana communis L. Leontodon autumnalis L. Lepidotheca suaveolens (Pursh) Nutt. Matricaria recutita L. Onopordum acanthium L. Petasites spurius (Retz.) Rchb. Phalacroloma annuum (L.) Dumort. Picris hieracioides L. Pilcsella echioides (Lumn.) F. Schultz. et Sc P. floribunda (Wimmer et Grab.) Fr. P. officinarum F.Schultz. et Sch. Pulicaria vulgaris Gaertn. Rutbeckia hirta L. Scorzonera laciniata L. S. parvfora Jacq.

Senecio borysthenicus (DC.) Andrz. ex Czern.

S. jacobaea L. S. vernalis Waldst. et Kit. S. vulgaris L. Serratula coronata L. Solidago canadensis L. Sonchus arvensis L. S. oleraceus L. S. palustris L. Tagetes patula L. Tanacetum vulgare L.

Tragopogon borystenicus Artemcz. T. major Jacq.

Tripleurospermum inodorum (L.) Sch. Tripolium pannonicum (Jacq.) Dobrocz. Tussilagofarfara L.

Xantium albinum (Widd.) H. Scholtz

X. strumarium L.

Mahonia aquifolium Nutt. Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaerthn. Betulapubescens Ehrh. Aegonychonpurpuecaeruleum (L.) Hfolub Anchusa officinalis L Asperugo procumbens L. Buglossoides arvensis (L.) I M. Jchnst. Cynoglossum officinale L. Lappula squarrosa (Retz.) Dumort. Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill M. laxa Lehm. (M. caespitosa K. P. Suchultz) M. micrantha Pall.ex Lehm. M. nemorosa Besser M. scorpioides L. M. sparsfora J.C. Mikan ex Pohl Pulmonaria obscura Dumort. Symphytum officinale L. Alliaria petiolata (Bieb.) Cavara et Grande HKr Alyssum desertorum Stapf. Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Barbarea stricta Andrz. B. vulgaris R. Br. B. incana (L.) DC. Bunias orientalis L. Camelina microcarpa Andrcz. Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. Cardaria draba (L.) Desv. Chorispora tenella (Pall.) DC. Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb et Plantl Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC.

D. tenuifolia (L.) DC. Draba nemorosa L. Erophila verna (L.) Bess. Erysimum cheiranthoides L.

E. diffusum Ehrh Hesperidium tristis (L.) G. Beck Hesperis sibirica L. Lepidium latißlium L. L. ruderale L.

Microhlaspi perfoliata (L.) F. K. Meyer Rorippa amphibia (L.) Bess.

Families Species Clima-morphs Bio-morphs Helio-morphs Tropho-morphs Hygro-morphs Ceno-morphs Protected zone Recre-atonal zone Stationary recreation zone Economic zone Rare, adventive, typs

Brassicaceae R. austriaca (Crantz.) Bess. HKr Per He Og-MsTr HgMs RuPalPr + + - -

Brassicaceae Sinapis arvensis L. T Ann He MgTr MsX Ru - + + + Adv

Brassicaceae Sisymbrium altissimum L. HKr Ann He MsTr XMs Ru - - + + Adv

Brassicaceae S. loeselii L. HKr Ann He OgMsTr MsX Ru - + + + Adv

Brassicaceae S. polymorphum (Murray) Roth HKr Ann ScHe MsTr MsX RuSMnSt - + + + Adv

Brassicaceae Syrenia cana (Pall.et Mitt.) Neilr. HKr Bien He OgTr MsX Ps + - - - RLD 3

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Brassicaceae Thlaspi arvense L. T Ann He MsTr MsX Ru - + + + Adv

Brassicaceae Turritis glabra L. HKr Ann ScHe MsTr Ms RuSMn + + - - -

Caesalpiniaceae Gleditschia triacanthos L. Ph Arb He MsTr MsX SilCu - + + + Adv

Campanulaceae Campanula bononiensis L. HKr Per ScHe MsTr MsX RuStSil + + - - -

Campanulaceae C. glomerata L. HKr Per ScHe MsTr XMs StPrSil + - - - RLD 3

Campanulaceae C. persicifolia L. HKr Per HeSc MsTr Ms PsSil + - - - RLD 2

Campanulaceae C. rapunculoides L. HKr Per ScHe MsTr XMs StPrSil + - - - -

Campanulaceae C. rapunculus L. HKr Bien ScHe MsTr Ms SMnPr + - - - -

Campanulaceae C. sibirica L. HKr Bien He MsTr MsX RuPrSt + + - - -

Campanulaceae C. trachelium L. HKr Per HeSc MsTr Ms SMnSil + - - - RLD 3

Cannabaceae Cannabis ruderalis Janisch. T Ann He MsTr MsX Ru - - - + Adv

Cannabaceae Humulus lupulus L. G Per HeSc MsTr XMs-Hg RuSil + + + + -

Caprifoliaceae Lonicera tatarica L. nPh Fr ScHe MsTr MsX SMnCu - - + + Adv

Caprifoliaceae Sambucus nigra L. nPh Fr ScHe MgMsTr Ms RuSil + + + + -

Caprifoliaceae Viburnum opulus L. nPh Fr HeSc MgTr Ms Sil - - - + -

Caryophyllaceae Alsine media L. HKr Ann ScHe MsMgTr HgMs SilRu + + + + -

Caryophyllaceae Arenaria uraensis Pall. ex Spreng. HKr Ann He OgMsTr MsX PsStRu + + - - -

Caryophyllaceae Cerastium holosteoides Fries HKr Per ScHe MgMsTr Ms SMnPr + - - - -

Caryophyllaceae Coronariafbs-cuculi (L.) Four HKr Per ScHe MsTr MsHg SMnPalPr + - - - RLD 2

Caryophyllaceae Cucubalus baccifer L. HKr Per HeSc MgTr HgMs PrSil + - - - -

Caryophyllaceae Dianthus campestris Bieb. HKr Per ScHe OgMsTr XMs PsStSMn + + - - -

Caryophyllaceae D. laevigatus (Grun.) Klokov HKr Per He OgTr MsX Ps + - - - -

Caryophyllaceae D. platyodon Klokov HKr Per He OgTr MsX SilPs + + - - -

Caryophyllaceae D. stenocalyx Juz. HKr Per ScHe MgMsTr Ms SMnPr + - - - -

Caryophyllaceae Dichodon viscidum (M Bieb.) Holub T Ann He AlkTr HgMs HalPr + + - - -

Caryophyllaceae Elisantae viscosa (L.) Rupr HKr Ann He MsTr XMs PsPtSt + - - - -

Caryophyllaceae Eremogone longfolia (M Bieb.) Fenzl HKr Per He OgMsTr MsX HalSt + + - - RLD 2

Caryophyllaceae Gypsophila paniculata L. HKr Per He OgMsTr MsX PsSt + + - - -

Caryophyllaceae Herniariapolygama J. Gay T Ann He MsOgTr MsX RuPs + + - - -

Caryophyllaceae Holosteum umbellatum L. T Ann He OgMsTr XMs RuPtSt + + - - -

Caryophyllaceae Melandrium album (Mill.) Garcke HKr Bien ScHe MsTr MsX RuSMnPr + + + - -

Caryophyllaceae Moeringia trinervia (L.) Clairv. HKr Ann HeSc OgMsTr HgMs Sil + - - - -

Caryophyllaceae Myosoton aquaticum (L.) Moench HKr Per ScHe Og-MsTr HgMs PalPr + + + + -

Caryophyllaceae Oberna behen (L.) Ikonn. HKr Per ScHe MsTr XMs RuSMnPr + + - - -

Caryophyllaceae Otites borysthenica (Grun.) Klokov HKr Per He MsOgTr XMs StPs + + - - -

Caryophyllaceae Psammophiliella muralis (L.) Ikonn. T Ann He MsTr Ms RuPrSt + + - - -

Caryophyllaceae Saponaria officinalis L. HKr Per ScHe OgMsTr Ms RuSMnPr + + + - Adv

Caryophyllaceae Silene chbranfaa (Willd.) Ehrh. HKr Per ScHe OgMsTr XMs PsSilSt + - - - -

Caryophyllaceae S. dichotoma Ehrh. HKr Ann He MsTr XMs StRu + + + - -

Caryophyllaceae Stellaria graminea L. HKr Per ScHe OgMsTr Ms SMnPr + + - - -

Caryophyllaceae S. holostea L. HKr Per HeSc MsTr Ms Sil + + - - -

Caryophyllaceae Steris viscaria (L.) Raf. HKr Per ScHe OgMsTr XMs PrSMn + - - - -

Celastraceae Euonymus europaea L. nPh Fr HeSc MsTr Ms SMnSil + + - - -

Celastraceae E. verrucosa Scop. nPh Fr HeSc MsTr Ms SMnSil + - - - -

Ceratophyllaceae Ceratophyllum demersum L. HKr Per Sc AlkMgTr Hy er Aq + + + + -

Ceratophyllaceae C. submersum L. HKr Per Sc MgTr Hy er Aq + - - - -

Chenopodiaceae Atriplexpatula L. T Ann He MsTr XMs Ru - - + + -

Chenopodiaceae A.sagittata Borkh T Ann He AlkMsTr MsHg RuHalPr + + + - Adv

Chenopodiaceae A. tatarica L. T Ann He MsTr MsX RuHal - + + + Adv

Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium album L. T Ann ScHe MsTr MsX Ru + + + + -

Chenopodiaceae C. hybridum L. T Ann HeSc MsTr XMs SilRu + - - - Adv

Chenopodiaceae C. polyspermum L. T Ann HeSc OgMsTr XMs RuSMnPs + + + - Adv

Chenopodiaceae C. urbicum L. T Ann He MsTr Ms Ru - - + + -

Chenopodiaceae Corispermum marschallii Stev. T Ann He OgMsTr HgMs Ps + + - - -

Chenopodiaceae Kochia laniflora (S. G. Gmel.) Borb T Ann ScHe OgTr MsX RuSilPs - + + - Adv

Chenopodiaceae Polycnemum arvense L. T Ann ScHe OgMsTr X RuPsSt - + - - Adv

Clusiaceae Hypericum perforatum L. HKr Per ScHe OgMsTr Ms SMnPr + + - - -

Convolvulaceae Calystegia sepium (L.) R Br. HKr Per ScHe MsTr MsHg PrPal + + + - -

Convolvulaceae Convolvulus arvensis L. G Per ScHe MsTr MsX Ru + + + + -

Cornaceae Swida sanquinea (L.) Opiz. Ph Arb HeSc MsTr Ms Sil + - - - -

Crassulaceae Hylotelephium polonicum (Bloki) Holub G Per ScHe MsOgTr XMs SilPsPt + + - - -

Cuscutaceae Cuscuta europaea L. T Ann He Par HgMs PrSil + + - - -

Cuscutaceae C. lupuliformis Krock T Ann He Par Ms SilRu + + - - -

Dipsacaceae Knautia arvensis (L.) Coult. HKr Per He MsTr XMs PrSMn + - - - -

Dipsacaceae Scabiosa ochroleuca L. HKr Per ScHe MsTr MsX PsPrSt + + - - -

Elaeagnaceae Elaeagnus angustifolia L. Ph FrArb He AlkMsTr X-HgMs SMnPrRu + + + + Adv, Inv

Elaeagnaceae Hippophae rhamnoides L. Ph ArbFr He OgMsTr Ms RuCu - + - - Adv

Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia palustris L. HKr Per He MgTr MsHg PalPr + + - - -

Euphorbiaceae E. seguieriana Nesk. HKr Per He MsOgTr MsX PtStPs + + - - -

Euphorbiaceae E. semivillosa Prokh. HKr Per ScHe MsTr Ms PrSMn + + - - -

Euphorbiaceae E. virgata Wald. et Kit. HKr Per ScHe MsTr Ms RuPr + + + - -

Fabaceae Ammorphajrulicosa L. nPh Fr ScHe OgMsTr MsX-Hg CuRuSil - + + - Adv, Inv

Fabaceae Astragalus cicer L. HKr Per ScHe MsTr XMs RuStPr + + - - -

Fabaceae A. glycyphyllos L. HKr Per HeSc MgTr Ms Sil + - - - -

Clima-morphs Bio-morphs Helio-morphs Tropho-morphs Hygro-morphs Ceno-morphs Protected zone Recreational zone Stationary recreation zone Economic zone Rare, adventive, typs

HKr Per He OgTr MsX StPtPs + + - -

Ph FrArb ScHe MsTr MsX SilCu + - - - Adv

nPh Fr ScHe OgMsTr MsX SKPtSt + - - - -

nPh Fr ScHe MsOgTr XMs PtPäSMn + + - - -

HKr Per He MgTr Ms SMnPr + + - - -

HKr Per ScHe MsTr Ms SilSMn + - - - -

G Per He MsMgTr MsX RuPrSt + + - - Adv

HKr Per He MgMsTr XMs StPr + + - - -

HKr Ann He MsMgTr Ms RuSMnPr + + + - -

HKr Bien He MsTr MsX RuPrSt + + + - -

HKr Bien He MsTr XMs RuStPr + + + - -

Ph Arb He Og-MgTr X-Ms CuSil + + + + Adv

HKr Per He MsTr XMs StSMnPr + + - - -

HKr Per He MgTr XMs SilStPr + + - - -

T Ann He MsTr MsX RuPsSt + + - - -

G Per ScHe MgTr XMs SilPr + + + - -

HKr Per HeSc MgTr XMs SilPr + + - - -

HKr Per He MgTr HgMs RuSilPr + + + - -

HKr Per He MgTr HgMs RuPr + + + + -

T Ann He MsMgTr XMs RuPr - + - - Adv

HKr Per He MsTr HgMs PrSt + + - - -

T Ann ScHe MsTr MsX RuSilSt + + - - Adv

HKr Per He MsTr Ms Sil + - - - -

T Ann ScHe MgTr XMs RuPr + + - - Adv


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Ph Arb ScHe Og-MgTr MsHg Sil + + + + -

G Per ScHe MgTr Ms Sil + - - - RLD 2

G Per ScHe MgTr Ms Sil + - - - RLD 2

G Per ScHe MgTr Ms Sil + - - - -

T Ann ScHe MsTr MsX Ru + + + + Adv

HKr Ann ScHe OgMsTr XMs StPr + + - - -

T Ann ScHe OgMsTr XMs RuSilPtSt + + - - -

HKr Per ScHe AlkTr HgMs PalHalPr - + - - -

T Ann ScHe OgMsTr XMs RuSil + - - - -

HKr Per ScHe MsTr MsHg PrPal + + - - RLD 1

HKr Per HeSc MsTr Ms PrSMn + + - - RLD 4

T Ann He MsTr MsX Ru + + + - Adv

T Ann ScHe OgMsTr XMs PtSil + - - - -

G Per ScHe OgTr XMs PsSil + - - - -

nPh Fr ScHe MsTr Ms SilSMrCu - - + + Adv

HKr Per ScHe MsTr Hyr Aq + + + + -

Ph Arb He MsMgTr Ms SilCu - - + + Adv

G Per ScHe MsTr XMs RuPrSil + + - - -

HKr Per ScHe MsTr Ms Ru + + + + Adv

HKr Per ScHe OgTr Ms PrSil + + - - RLD 3

HKr Ann ScHe MsTr XMs RuiPtSMn + - - - -

HKr Per ScHe MsTr XMs SilSMn + - - - -

HKr Ann ScHe OgMsTr MsX StSilRu + - - - Adv

T Ann ScHe OgMsTr Ms RuPsSil + + - - -

HKr Per HeSc MsTr Ms RuPrSil + + - - -

HKr Ann He OgMsTr XMs Ru + + + - Adv

HKr Ann ScHe MsTr XMs Ru - + + - Adv

HKr Per ScHe MgTr XMs SMnRu + + - - Adv

HKr Per ScHe MsTr MsX Ru + + + - -

HKr Per ScHe MgTr MsHg PrPal + + + + -

HKr Per ScHe MgTr MsHg PrPal + + - - -

HKr Per ScHe MsTr HgMs RuPrSil + + - - -

HKr Per ScHe MsTr Hg PalAq + + + - -

HKr Per ScHe MsTr XMs RuStSil + + - - Adv

HKr Per ScHe MgTr MsX StSMnPr + - - - -

HKr Per He MgTr Ms RuPrSil + - - - -

HKr Per He MsTr MsX SMnPtSt + + - - -

HKr Per ScHe MsTr MsX PrStRu + + - - -

G Per ScHe MgTr Hg PrPal + + - - -

HKr Per ScHe MgTr HgMs PalPr + - - - -

G Per ScHe MgTr Hg PrPal + + - - -

HKr Per HeSc MgTr Ms Sil + - - - -

HKr Per ScHe MgTr HgMs PalPr + + - - -

Ch Per ScHe OgTr MsX SMnPs + + - - -

HKr Per ScHe MgTr Hy er Aq + - - - RLD3

nPh Fr ScHe Par HgMs Sil + + - - -

HKr Per He MgTr MsHg PrAqPal + + - - -

HKr Per He MgTr MsHg AqPalPr + + - - -

HKr Ann ScHe MsTr MsHg PsPalPr + + - - -

HKr Per He AlkMgTr Ms HalPalPr + + - - Adv

HKr Per ScHe MgTr MsX RuStPr + + - - -

T Ann ScHe MsTr XMs Ru + + + + Adv

Ph Arb He MsTr Ms CuSilRu + + + + Adv

HKr Per He MsTr Pl r Aq + + - - RLD 3

Fabaceae Fabaceae


Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae












































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A. varius S. G. Gmel. Caragana arborescens Lam. Chamecytisus ruthenicus (Fisch.ex Wol.) Klaskov

Genista tinctoria L. Lathyrus pratensis L. L. sylvestris L. L. tuberosus L. Lotus ucrainicus Klokov Medicago lupulina L. Melilotus albus Medik. M. officinalis (L.) M. Robiniapseudacacia L. Securigera varia L. Trifolium alpestre L. T. arvense L. T. medium L. T. montanum L. T. pratense L. T. repens L.

Vicia angustifolia Reichard V. cracca L.

V. hirsuta (L.)S. F. Grag V. pisiformis L. V. tetrasperma (L.) Schreb.

Quercus robur L.

Corydalis cava (L.) Schweigg. et Korte

C. marschalliana Pers.

C. solida (L.) Clairv.

Fumaria schleicheri Soy.-Willem.

Centaurium erythraea Rafn.

Erodium cicutarium (L.) L. Her.

Geranium collinum Steph.

G. divaricatum Ehrh.

G. palustre L.

G. pratense L.

G. pusillum L.

G. robertianum L.

G. sanguineum L.

Ribes aureum Pursh

Myriophyllum spicatum L.

Juglans regia L.

Ajuga genevensis L.

Ballota nigra L.

Betonica officinalis L.

Chaiturus marrubiastrum (L.) Reichenb.

Clinopodium vulgare L.

Dracocephalum thymiforum L.

Galeopsis tetrahit L.

Glechoma hederacea L.

Lamium amplexicaule L.

L. purpureum L.

Leonurus cardiaca L.

L. villosus Desf. ex DUv.

Lycopus europaeus L.

L. exaltatus L. fil.

Mentha arvensis L.

M. aquatica L.

Nepeta cataria L.

Prunella vulgaris L.

Salvia nemorosa L.

S verticilhta L.

Scutellaria gderculata L.

S. hastifolia L.

Stachys palustris L.

S. sylvatica L.

Teucrium scordium L.

Thymus pallasianus Heinr. Braun

Utricuhria vulgaris L.

Viscum album L.

Lythrum salicaria L.

L. virgatum L.

Peplis portula L.

Althaea officinalis L.

Lavatera thuringiaca L.

Malvapusilla Smith

Morus alba L.

Nuphar lutea (L.) Smith

Clima-morphs Bio-morphs Helio-morphs Tropho-morphs Hygro-morphs Ceno-morphs Protected zone Recre-atonal zone Stationary recreation zone Economic zone Rare, adventive, typ®

HKr Per ScHe MsTr Pl r Aq + + - - RLD 2


Ph Arb ScHe MsMgTr MsHg Sil + + + + -

Ph Fr ScHe MsTr MsX-Ms PtSil - + + + Adv

nPh Fr ScHe MsTr MsX Cu - - - + Adv

HKr Per He MgTr MsHg PrPal + + - - -

HKr Per ScHe MgTr HgMs PalPr + - - - -

HKr Bien ScHe OgMsTr XMs PsRu + + + - Adv

TG Per He Par XMs Ru + + - - Adv

G Per He Par MsX RuPs + + - - Adv

HKr Per HeSc MsMgTr Ms RuSil + + + + -

T Ann He OgTr MsX RuPs + + + - -

HKr Per He MgTr Ms RuPr + + + + -

HKr Per He MgTr MsX RuSilPrSt + + - - -

T Ann He OgTr MsXX RuPs + + + - -

HKr Per ScHe MsTr Ms PrSMn + + - - -

T Ann ScHe MsTr XMs Ru + + - - Adv

HKr Per ScHe MsTr PlrHg AqPal + + - - -

T Ann ScHe MsTr HgMs RüäMPr + + - - -

T Ann He OgTr HgMs PalPsPr + + - - -

T Ann He OgAlkTr HgMs PalPr + + - - -

T Ann He MsTr Ms RuPr + + - - -

T Ann He OgTr Ms SilPs + + + - -

T Ann ScHe MsTr MsX Ru + + + + -

G Per He MgTr XMs SMnPr + - - - -

HKr Per ScHe OgMsTr Ms PrSMnPs - + + - -

HKr Per ScHe MsTr XMs RuPrSMn + + + + -

HKr Per He MsTr Ms RuPr + + + + -

HKr Per He MsTr Hg AqPal + + - - -

T Ann ScHe MsTr XMs Ru - + + + Adv

HKr Per ScHe MgTr HgMs SilPr + + - - -

HKr Per ScHe MgTr MsHg Pal + + - - -

G Per HeSc MgTr Ms Sil + - - - RLD 3

HKr Per HeSc MgTr Hy r Aq + + + + -

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HKr Per HeSc MgTr Hy r Aq - + - - -

G Per HeSc MgTr Ms Sil + + + + -

G Per ScHe MsMgTr XMs PrSt + + - - -

HKr Per ScHe MsTr MsHg PrPal + - - - RLD 3

HKr Per ScHe MsMgTr XMs StSMnPr + + - - -

HKr Per ScHe MgTr HgMs PalPr + + + - -

T Ann ScHe MsMgTr HgMs PrPal + + + - -

HKr Per ScHe MsMgTr Hg PalPr + + - - -

nPh Per HeSc Og-MgTr Ms-Hg SMnSil + - - - -

nPh Per ScHe MgMsTr XMs SilSMn + - - - -

HKr Per ScHe MgMsTr XMs SMnSt + + + - -

Ph Arb He OgMsTr MsX RuSilCu - + + + Adv

Ph Arb ScHe MsMgTr Ms SilCu - - + + -

Ph ArbFr ScHe MsTr XMs CuSMn - + + + Adv

Ph Arb ScHe MgTr XMs RuCu - - + + Adv

Ph Fr ScHe MsTr MsX SMnSil + + - - -

Ph ArbFr ScHe MsTr MsX SMnPtSt

G Per HeSc MgTr MsHg SMnPalPr + - - - -

HKr Per ScHe MsTr XMs StSMn + - - - -

HKr Per ScHe OgMsTr Ms RuSil + + + + -

Ph Arb ScHe MsTr Ms RuCul - - + + Adv

HKr Per He AlkMgTr MsHg Pr + + + - -

HKr Per He MsTr MsX SilPrStRu + + + + -

HKr Per ScHe OgMsTr XMs PtStPs + - - - -

HKr Per He MsTr HgMs SMnPr + + - - -

HKr Ann He MsMgTr Ms PrRu + + - - -

Ph Fr ScHe MsTr MsX SMnCu - - - + Adv

Ph Fr ScHe MsTr MsX SMnSt + + + + -

Ph Arb ScHe MgMsTr MsX StSMnSil + + + + -

nPh Fr ScHe MsTr X-Ms RuSMnSt + + + + -

nPh Fr ScHe MsT Ms RuSil + + + - -

T Ann ScHe MgTr XMs SilRu + + + - -

HKr Per ScHe MsTr XMs SilPr + + + - -

HKr Per ScHe MgTr MsHg PalPr + + - - -

HKr Per HeSc MgTr Ms SilPr + + - - -

HKr Per HeSc MsTr HgMs SMnPr + - - - -

HKr Per He MsTr Ms Pr + + - - -

HKr Per HeSc MsTr MsHg PrSilPal + + - - RLD 4

HKr Per ScHe MsTr XMs PsSilSt + + - - -

Ph Arb He OgMsTr XMs-Hg Sil + + + + -

Ph Arb He OgMsTr XMs-Hg Sil + + + + -

Ph Arb ScHe OgMsTr HgMs Sil + + - - -

Ph Fr ScHe OgTr HgMs SilSMnPs + + + - -

Ph Arb ScHe Og-MgTr XMs-Hg Sil + + + + -

Ph Fr ScHe MgMsTr MsHg SilPal + - - - -

Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea alba L.

Oleaceae Fraxinus excelsior L.

Oleaceae Ligustrum vulgare L.

Oleaceae Syringa vulgaris L.

Onagraceae Epilobium hirsutum L.

Onagraceae E. roseum Schreb.

Onagraceae Oenothera biennis L.

Orobanchaceae Orobanche cumana Wallr.

Orobanchaceae Pheliplanche arenaria (Borkh.) Walp.

Papaveraceae Chelidonium majus L.

Plantago arenaria Waldst. et Kit. P. major L. P. media L. P. scabra Moench.

Polygalaceae Polygala comosa Schruhr

Polygonaceae Falopia convolvulus (L.) A. Love

Polygonaceae Persicaria amphybia (L.) Delarbre

Polygonaceae P. hydropiper L.

Polygonaceae P. lapathifolia (L.) Delarbe

p l P. lapathifolia (L.) Delarbe subsp. andrze-

jowskiana (Klokov) Sojak

Polygonaceae P. maculosa S. F. Gray

Polygonaceae Polygonum arenarium Waldst. et Kit.

Polygonaceae P. aviculare L.

Polygonaceae Rumex acetosa L.

Polygonaceae R.acetosella L.

Polygonaceae R confertus Willd.

Polygonaceae R.crispus L.

Polygonaceae R hydrotopatum Huds.

Portulacaceae Portulaca oleracea L.

Primulaceae Lysimachia nummularia L.

Primulaceae L. vulgaris L.

Ranunculaceae Anemone ranunculoides (L.) Holub

Ranunculaceae Batrachium circinatum (Sibth.) Spach

Ranunculaceae B. trichophyllum (Chaix) Bosch

Ranunculaceae Ficaria verna Huds.

Ranunculaceae Ranunculus illiricus L.

Ranunculaceae R. lingua L.

Ranunculaceae R. polyanthemos L.

Ranunculaceae R. repens L.

Ranunculaceae R. sceleratus L.

Ranunculaceae Thalictrum flavum L.

Rhamnacaceae Frangula alnus Mill.

Rhamnacaceae Rhamnus catartica L.

Rosaceae Agrimonia eupatoria L.

Rosaceae Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.

Rosaceae Cerasus avium (L.) Moench

Rosaceae C. mahaleb (L.) Mill.

Rosaceae C. vulgaris Mill.

Rosaceae Crataegus fallacina Klokov

Rosaceae C. leiomonogyna Klokov

Rosaceae Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim.

Rosaceae Fragaria viridis Duch.

Rosaceae Geum urbanum L.

Rosaceae Malus domestica Borkh.

Rosaceae Potentilla anserina L.

Rosaceae P. argentea L.

Rosaceae P. incana P. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Rosaceae P. reptans L.

Rosaceae P. supina L.

Rosaceae Prunus domestica L.

Rosaceae P. stepposa Kotov

Rosaceae Pyrus communis L.

Rosaceae Rosa canina L.

Rosaceae Rubus caesius L.

Rubiaceae Galium aparine L.

Rubiaceae G. mollugo L.

Rubiaceae G. palustre L.

Rubiaceae G. physocarpum Ledeb.

Rubiaceae G. rivale (Sibth.et Smirn) Griseb.

Rubiaceae G. rubioides L.

Rubiaceae G. uliginosum L.

Rubiaceae G. verum L.

Salicaceae Populus alba L.

Salicaceae P.nigra L.

Salicaceae P. tremula L.

Salicaceae Salix acutifolia Willd.

Salicaceae S. alba L.

Salicaceae S. cinerea L.

Families Species Clima-morphs Bio-morphs Helio-morphs Tropho-morphs Hygro-morphs Ceno-morphs Protected zone Recre-atonal zone Stationary recreation zone Economic zone Rare, adventive, typ®

Salicaceae S. fragilis L. Ph Arb He MsTr XMs-MsHg SilPr + + + + Adv

Salicaceae S. pentandra L. Ph Fr HeSc MsTr MsHg PalSil + + - - -

Salicaceae S. triandra L. Ph Fr He MgTr Ms-Hg SilPr + + + + -

Salicaceae S. vinogradovii A. Skvorts. Ph Fr He OgMsTr HgMs SilPr + + - - -

Scrophulariaceae Euphrasia pectinata Ten. T Ann ScHe MsTr X SilSt + + + + -

Scrophulariaceae Gratiola officinalis L. HKr Per ScHe Og-MgTr Ms PsPr + + - - -

Scrophulariaceae Linaria dulcis Klok. G Per He OgTr MsX SilPs + + - - -

Scrophulariaceae L. vulgaris Mill. G Per ScHe MsTr MsX SMriPtRu + + + - -

Scrophulariaceae Melampyrum cristatum L. T Ann ScHe MsTr OgMs SilPsPr + + - - RLD 3

Scrophulariaceae M. nemorosum L. T Ann ScHe OgMsTr Ms PsPrSil + - - - RLD 3

Scrophulariaceae Odontines vulgaris Moench T Ann ScHe MsTr MsX RuStPr + + + - -

Scrophulariaceae Rhinanthus verndis (NZing.) Schischket Serg. T Ann He MsTr Ms RuSMnPr + + - - -

Scrophulariaceae Scrophularia nodosa L. HKr Per HeSc MsMgTr Ms PiSMnSl + + - - -

Scrophulariaceae Verbascum densiflorum Bertot HKr Bien He MsMgTr XMs RuPsSMn + + - - -

Scrophulariaceae V. lychnitis L. HKr Bien ScHe OgMsTr MsX RuSMn + + - - -

Scrophulariaceae Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. HKr Per He MsTr HelHg AqPal + - - - -

Scrophulariaceae V. arvenss L. HKr Ann He MsTr MsX StRu + + - - Adv

Scrophulariaceae V. chamaedrys L. HKr Per ScHe MsTr Ms PrSMn + + - - -

Scrophulariaceae V. dillenii Crantz HKr Bien ScHe OgTr MsX Sil + + + - -

Scrophulariaceae V. longifolia L. HKr Per ScHe MgTr HgMs SilPr + - - - -

Scrophulariaceae V. persica Poir. T Ann He MsTr XMs Ru - + - - Adv

Scrophulariaceae V. scutellata L. HKr Per He Og-MgTr MsHg PalPr + - - - RLD 2

Scrophulariaceae V. spuria L. HKr Per ScHe Og-MgTr XMs StSMn + + - - -

Scrophulariaceae V. teucrium L. HKr Per ScHe OgMsTr XMs StSMn + + - - -

Scrophulariaceae V. verna L. HKr Bien He MsTr MsX PrStRu + + - - -

Simarubaceae Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle Ph Arb ScHe OgMsTr X-Ms SilCuRu - - - + Adv, Inv

Solanaceae Datura stramonium L. T Ann He MgTr Ms Ru - - + + Adv

Solanaceae Hyoscyamus niger L. HKr Bien He MsTr MsX Ru - - + + Adv

Solanaceae Lycium barbatum L. nPh Fr He OgMsTr MsX CuRu - - - + Adv

Solanaceae Lycopersicon esculenthum Mill. T Ann He MgTr Ms RuCu - + + + Adv

Solanaceae Solanum dulcamara L. Ch Per ScHe OgMsTr MsHg SilPal + + - - -

Solanaceae S. nigrum L. T Ann He MsTr Ms Ru - + + + Adv

Tiliaceae Tilia cordata Mill. Ph Arb ScHe MsMgTr Ms Sil + - - - -

Ulmaceae Ulmus laevis Pall. Ph Arb HeSc Og-MgTr XMs-MsHg Sil + + - - -

Ulmaceae U. minor Mill. Ph Arb ScHe MsTr MsX SilSMn + + - - -

Ulmaceae U. pumila L. Ph Arb ScHe OgMsTr MsX SäCuRu + + + + Adv, Inv

Ulmaceae U. suberosa Moench Ph Arb ScHe MsTr X SMn + - - - -

Urticaceae Urtica diocica L. G Per He-Sc MsMgTr XMs-MsHg SilRu + + + + -

Urticaceae U. galeopsifolia Wierzb. ex Opiz HKr Per HeSc MgTr Ms-Hg PalSil + + - - -

Valerianaceae Valeriana officinalis L. HKr Per ScHe MgTr HgMs SMnPr + - - - RLD 3

Valerianaceae V. stolonifera Czern. HKr Per ScHe MsMgTr XMs-HgMs PiSMnSl + - - - RLD 3

Valerianaceae Valerianella carinata Loisel. T Ann He MsOgTr Ms RuPtPs + + - - -

Violaceae Viola ambigua Walldst. et Kit. HKr Per ScHe MsTr MsX SMnPtSt + + + - -

Violaceae V. arvenss Murray HKr Per ScHe OgMsTr Ms SilPsRu + - - - Adv

Violaceae V. canina L. HKr Per ScHe MsTr Ms PrSil + + - - -

Violaceae V. hirta L. HKr Per ScHe MsMgTr MsX-Ms StSil + + - - -

Violaceae V. lavrencoana Klokov T Ann ScHe OgTr XMs RuSilPs + + - - -

Violaceae V. matutina Klokov HKr Ann ScHe MsTr XMs RuSMnPr + + - - -

Violaceae V. mirabilis L. HKr Per HeSc MsMgTr Ms Sil + + - - -

Violaceae V. odorata L. HKr Per HeSc MsMgTr Ms RuSil + + - - -

Violaceae V. rupestris F. W. Schmidt HKr Ann ScHe OgMsTr XMs PtSilPs + + - - -

Violaceae V. suavis M. Bieb. HKr Per HeSc MsTr HgMs PrSil + + - - -

Violaceae V. tricolor L. HKr Ann ScHe MsTr MsX RuSMnPr + + - - -

Vitaceae Partenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. nPh Fr ScHe MsTr Ms SilCulRu - - + + Adv, Inv

Vitaceae Vits labrusca L. nPh Fr ScHe MsTr Ms SilCulRu - - - + Adv

Vitaceae V. vinifera C. C. Gmel. nPh Fr ScHe MsTr Ms SilCulRu - - - + Adv

Notes: Ann (Annuus) - annuals, Bien (Biennis) - biennials, Per (Perennis) - perennials, SFr (Suffiutex) - shrub, Fr (Frutex) - shrub, Arb (Arbor) - tree; climamcrphs: Ph -phanercphyte, HKr - hemicryptophyte, Kr - cryptcphyte, G - gecphyte, T - thercphyte; heliomorphs: He (Heliophiton) - helicphyte (light lovers), Sc (Sciophiton) - sciophyte (shade-bearing); tropomcrphs: OgTr (Oligotrcph) - oligotrcph (plant of nutrient-poor soils), MsTr (Mesotrcph) - mesotroph (medium-rich soils), MgTr (Megatroph) - mega-trcph (plant of nutrient-rich soils); hygromorphs: Hy (Hydatophytcn) - hydatophyte (submerged), Pl (Pleistcphytcn) - pleistophyte (with floating leaves), Hel (Helophyton) -helophyte (air-water), Hg (Hygrophyton) - hygrophyte (humid habitats), Ms (Mesophytcn) - mesophyte (habitats of average moisture), X (Xerophyton) - xerophyte (dry habitats); cenomophs: Aq (Aqant) - aquant (aquatic), Pal (Paludosus) - paludant (marsh), Pr (Pratensis) - pratant (meadow), Sil (Silvaticus) - sylvant (forest), St (Stepposus) -stepant (steppe), SMn (Margosilvaticus) - sylvomargoant (forest species), Ps (Psammophyton) - psamophant (type of sandy soils), Pt (Petrcphytcn) - petrant (type of stony soils), Ru (Ruderatus) - ruderant (weedy), Hal (Halophyton) - halophant (a type of saline soils and reservoirs with high mineralization), Cu (Cultus) - a cultivator (a species that is cultivated); others: Par (Parasitus) - parasite, r (Radicatus) - rooted, er (Eradicatus) - unrooted, Adv - adventive species, Inv - invasive species. RLD - Red List of Dniprcpe-trovsk Region (0 - extinct (a species about Which there is no data on existence in the wild for about 50 years), 1 - endangered, 2 - vulnerable, 3 - rare, 4 - undefined (not enough infbrmaticn about the species or status it needs to be clarified), RBU - Red Data Book of Ukraine (E - endangered, B - vulnerable, R - rare, U - undefined. ERL - European Red List (R - rare, I - undefined).

Aquatic vegetation. The shallow waters are taken over by large thickets of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. They occupy up to 90% of the water area and are often bordered by ribbon-like phytocenoses of Typha angustifolia L. and other aerial-aquatic plants and submerged vegetation. Areas with the the depth of more than 2 m and the water areas

between them are occupied by groups of Ceratophyllum demersum L., often with layers of free-floating plants: Lemma minor L., Spirodela po-lirrhyza (L.) Schleid., Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L. Numerous branches of the Samara and its tributaries (Samarchuk and Peschanka) have submerged vegetation with a predominance of more rheophilic species: Po-

tamogeton perfoliatus L., P. crispus L., P. pectinatus L. There is a clear advantage of the thickets of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud., which make up about 80% of the overgrown water area. The Novose-lovsky site is located just below, in the area near Novoselovka, and covers the water area with a more significant level of flooding, where there are rare wooded islands, and where there are thickets of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudand Typha angustifolia L. which alternate with water areas partially occupied by a cenosis of submerged plants (mainly by phytocenoses of Ceratophyllum sp. and P.pectinatus L.).

Meadow and meadow-bog vegetation is represented by complexes of associations of mesophytes and hygrophytes. Mesophytic vegetation is represented mainly by associations with the predominance ofPoa praten-sis L. and Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski with the participation of such species as Trifolium repens L., Taraxacum officinale L., Urtica diocica L., Anthrscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm., Arctium lappa L., Achillea submillefo-lium Klok. et Krytzca and others. In the economic zone, in the herbage of meadows, a more significant percentage is occupied by ruderal and ruder-al-adventive species: Bidens tripartita L., Ambrosia artemisifolia L., Xan-thium strumarium L., X. albinum (Widd.) H. Scholtz, Artemisia absinthium L., Iva xanthifolia Nutt There are also semi-natural groups of spontaneously natural origin comprising Elaeagnus angustifolia L. On the plots used for hayfields, xerophytization of meadows was observed, accompanied by a change in mesophilic forbs by weeds and resistant species: Tanacetum vulgare L., Cirsium ucrainicum L., Carduus crispus L., C. acanthoides L., Artemisia vulgaris L., Lactuca serriola Torner, Berte-roa incana (L.) DC., Chenopodium album L., etc. In areas of the flood-plain with increased soil mineralization, among meadow vegetation, there were groups with predominating Festuca regeliana Pavl. and Carex distans L. These cenoses include: Juncus gerardi Loisel., Althea officinalis L., Scorzonera parviflora Jacq., Triglochin maritimum L. and others. On wet and swampy meadows, the groups of creeping bent Agrostis stolonifera L., Poa palustris L., Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla dominate with hygrophilic species such as Lycopus europaeus L., Ranunculus repens L., R. sceleratus L., Rumex crispus L., Carex vulpina L., Eleo-charis palustris (L.) Roem. et Schult, Potentilla anserina L., Heracleum sibiricum L., Symphytum officinale L., Atriplex nitens Schkuhr, Mentha aquatica L. In the Samara valley, where water bodies were gradually swamped and overgrown with air-aquatic vegetation, swamps have developed in the floodplain. Most of them are dominated by Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. including such wetland species as Alisma plantago-aquatica L. With., Oenanthe aquatca (L.) Poir.), Sium latifo-lium L., Butomus umbellatus L., etc.

Trees and shrubs of the Samara Plavni Regional Landscape Park are represented by natural forest complexes, semi-natural groupings of spontaneous natural origin and man-made plantations. Natural oak forest com-

Table 3

plexes are localized in floodplain habitats and belong to short-lived forest types. They are represented by a fairly wide range of short-lived forests in Hooded habitats: pure oak forests, birch bark oak forests, birch-ash oak forests, elm-ash oak forests, linden oak forests. Natural tree and shrub vegetation is localized exclusively in the protected area in its northern part along the river. From the lower limit of the city of Novomoskovsk to the village of Peschanka, the Samara is represented mainly by the Querceta roburi groupings. Natural oak forests are of a derived type and have a mosaic pattern of spatial distribution. They are distinguished by one-, two-tiered low-growing stands. The floristic structure of the stand of natural oak forests of the Samara floodplain in the territory of the Samara Plavni Regional Landscape Park consists of typical short-lived tree species: Qu-ercus robur L. (completely dominates in the species composition of natural oak forests), Ulmus minor Mill., Ulmus laevis Pall., Fraxinus excelsior L., Acer tataricum L. (in arboreal and bush form), less often Tilia cordata Mill., Pyrus communis L., Acer campestre L., Acerplatanoides L., Ulmus suberosa Moench (singly). Populus alba L., Populus nigra L., and Salix alba L. are added to fresh and wet locations of the oak forest complex as local fragments of associations. Sometimes, under the canopy of natural oak forests, especially in the flooded areas of the Samara floodplains, groups of the adventive species Elaeagnus angustifolia L. wedge in. The shrub undergrowth in the natural oak forests is represented by the following native species: Euonymus europaea L., E. verrucosa Scop., Rham-nus cathartica L., Swida sanquinea (L.), Crataegus leiomonogyna Klok, Crataegus fallacina Klok., Sambucus nigra L., Rubus caesius L. Ceno-populations of Vincetoxicum scandens Somm. et Levier., which is included in the Red List of Dnepropetrovsk region. Acer negundo L., Morus alba L. and Elaeagnus angustifolia L. belong to the adventive fraction of natural oak forests. The composition of artificial plantations in the territory of the Samara Plavni Regional Landscape Park, including the recreational zones, contains the following species: Robinia pseudacacia L., Ulmus minor Mill., Quercus robur L., Ulmuspumila L., Acer negundo L., Populus nigra L., Fraxinus excelsior L., Pinus sylvestris L. (young specimens planted by local residents), Rhus typhina L., Hippophae rham-noides L. A significant number of them are involved in the processes of spontaneous growth in the territory due to seed undergrowth and vegetative growth. The dendroflora of the regulated recreation and economic zones is also enriched with fruit and ornamental species.

Aquatic invertebrates. The fauna of zoobenthos in the Samara Plavni Regional Landscape Park includes 151 species (Table 3). They include 4 species from the Red Book of Ukraine (2009) and the Red List of Dnepropetrovsk Oblast (2011). Among the various groups of benthos, phytophilic (96 species) and pelophilic (51 species) dominate. Lithophilic, psamophilic and polytopic are represented by several species (Table 3).

Dark by zones

Zones ofthe Regional Landscape Park

Families Species Environmental -groups reserved recreational stationary recreation economic rare, adventive, species

Aeshnidae Aeshna grandis Linnaeus, 1758 P + + + + -

Aeshnidae A. viridis Evarsmanm, 1836 Ph + + + - -

Aeshnidae Anax imperator Leach, 1815 Ph + - - - RBU

Ampharetidae Hyparia invalida (Grube, 1860) P + + + - -

Asellidae Asellus aquaticus (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + + + + -

Astacidae Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823 Ph + + - - -

Baetidae Baetis rhodani (Pictet,1843) Ph + + + - -

Baetidae Cloeon dipterum (Linnaeus, 1761) Ph + + + + -

Baetidae C. simile Eaton, 1870 Ph + + - - -

Bithyniidae Bithynia leachi (Sheppard, 1823) Ph + + + - -

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Bithyniidae B. tentaculata (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + + + + -

Caenidae Caenis horaria (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + + + + -

Caenidae C. macrura Stephens, 1836 Ph + + + - -

Calopterygidae Agrion virgo (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + + - - -

Cardiidae Monodacna colorata (Eichwald, 1829) P + + - - -

Ceratopogonidae Bezzia sp. P + - + + -

Ceratopogonidae Ceratopogon sp. P + - - - -

Ceratopogonidae Culicoides (Monoculicoides) riethi Kiefer, 1914 Ph + + + - -

Chaoboridae Chaoborus sp. P + + + + -

Gmrncmidae Ablabesmyia monilis (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + + - - -

Families Species Environmental groups reserved zones of the Regional Landscape Park stationary recreational economic recreation rare, adventive, species

Gmrncmidae Chironomus plumosus (Linnaeus, 1758) P + + + + -

Gmrncmidae Corynoneura celeripes Winnertz, 1852 P + - - - -

Gmrncmidae Cricotopus algarum (Kieffer, 1911) Ph + - - - -

Gmrncmidae C. sylvestris (Fabricius, 1794) Ph + - - - -

Gmrncmidae Cryptochironomus defectus (Kieffer, 1913) P + + + - -

Gmrncmidae Endochironomus albipennis (Meigen, 1830) P + + - - -

Gmrncmidae Synendotendipes dispar (Meigen, 1830) P + + + + -

Gmrncmidae Endochironomus tendens (Fabricius, 1775) Ph + + + - -

Gmrncmidae Glyptotendpes cauliginellus (Kieffer, 1913) Ph + + + + -

Gmrncmidae Dcrotendipes nervosus (Staeger, 1839) P + + + + -

Gmrncmidae Microtendipes chloris (Meigen, 1818) P + + - - -

Gmrncmidae Tanypus punctipennis Meigen, 1818 P + + + - -

Gmrncmidae Polypedilum nubeculosum (Meigen, 1804) P + + + + -

Gmrncmidae P. scalaenum (Schrank, 1803) P + + - - -

Gmrncmidae Psectrocladius psilopterus (Kieffer, 1906) Ph + + + + -

Gmrncmidae Procladius choreus (Meigen, 1804) P + + + + -

Gmrncmidae Tanytarsus gregarius Kieffer, 1909 P + - - + -

Gmrncmidae Cladotanytarsus mancus (Walker, 1856) P + + + - -

Coenagricnidae Coenagrion pulchellum Vander Linden, 1825 Ph + + - - -

Coenagricnidae Ischnura elegans Vander Linden, 1820 Ph + + - - -

Corixidae Sigara striata (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + + - - -

Corophiidae Corophium curvispinum G. O. Sars, 1895 P + + + - -

Crambidae Parapoynx stratiotata (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + + - - -

Cristatellidae Cristatella mucedo Cuvier, 1798 Ph + - - - -

Culicidae Anopheles sp. Ph + + + + -

Dreissenidae Dreissena bugensis Andrusov, 1897 L + + + + -

Dreissenidae D. polymorpha (Pallas, 1771) P + + + - -

Dytiscidae Cybister lateralimarginalis (De Geer, 1774) Ph + + - - -

Dytiscidae Dytiscus marginalis Linnaeus, 1758 Ph + + + - -

Dytiscidae Laccophilus hyalinus (De Geer, 1774) Ph + + + - -

Ecnomidae Ecnomus tenellus (Rambur, 1842) Ph + + + + -

Ephemeridae Ephemera vulgata Linnaeus, 1758 Ph + + - - -

Gammaridae Echinogammarus ischnus (Stebbing, 1899) Ph + - - - -

Gammaridae E. warpachowskyi Sars, 1897 Ph + + - - -

Gammaridae Dikerogammarus haemobaphes (Eichwald, 1841) P, Ps + + + - -

Gammaridae D. villosus (Sowinsky, 1894) P, Ps + + + - -

Gammaridae Obesogammarus crassus (Sars, 1894) Ph + + - - -

Gammaridae Gammarus pulex (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + - - - -

Gammaridae Euxinia maeoticus (Sovinskij, 1894) Ph + + - - -

Gammaridae Obesogammarus obesus (Sars, 1894) Ph + + - - -

Gammaridae Pontogammarus robustoides (Sars, 1894) Ph + + - - -

Gerridae Aquarius paludum (Fabricius, 1794) Ph + + - - -

Glossiphoniidae Batracobdellapaludosa (Carena, 1824) Ph + - - - -

Glossiphoniidae Glossiphonia complanata (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + + - + -

Glossiphoniidae Helobdella stagnalis (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + - - - -

Gomphidae Gomphus vulgatissimus Linnaeus, 1758 Ph + + - - -

Gyrinidae Gyrinus marinus Gyllenhal, 1808 Ph + + - - -

Haliplidae Haliplus fkmcollis Sturm, 1834 Ph + + - - -

Haliplidae H. fluviatilis Aube, 1836 Ph + + + - -

Haliplidae H. rufcollis (De Geer, 1774) Ph + + + - -

Heptageniidae Heptagenia sulphurea (Müller, 1776) Ph + + - - -

Hirudinidae Hirudo medicinalis Linnaeus, 1758 Ph + - - - RBU

Hydridae Hydra vulgaris Pallas, 1766 P + + - - -

Hydrobiidae Lithoglyphus naticoides (C. Pfeiffer, 1828) Ph + + + + -

Hydrodromidae Hydrodroma despiciens (Muller, 1776) Ph + + + - -

Hydrophilidae Berosus luridus (Linnaeus, 1760) Ph + + - - -

Hydrophilidae Enochrus quadripunctatus (Herbst, 1797) Ph + + + - -

Hydrophilidae Hydrobius fuscipes (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + - - - -

Hydrophilidae Hydrous piceus (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + + - - -

Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche ornatula McLachlan, 1878 Ph + + + - -

Hydroptilidae Agraylea multipunctata Curtis, 1834 Ph + + - - -

Janiridae Jaera sarsi Valcanov, 1936 L + + - - RBU

Leptoceridae Athripsodes cinereus (Curtis, 1834) Ph + + + - -

Leptoceridae Triaenodes bicolor (Curtis, 1834) Ph + + - - -

Libellulidae Libellula depressa Linnaeus, 1758 P + + + + -

Limnesiidae Limnesia maculata (Muller, 1776) Ph + + - - -

Lumbriculidae Lumbriculus variegatus (Müller, 1774) P + + + + -

Lymnaeidae Limnaea stagnalis (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + + + + -

Lymnaeidae Omphiscola glabra (O. F. Müller, 1774) Ph + + - - -

Lymnaeidae Radix auricularia (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + + + + -

Lymnaeidae R. balthica (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + + + - -

Lymnaeidae Stagnicola palustris (O. F. Müller, 1774) Ph + + - - -

Melanopsidae Fagotia esperi (A. Ferussac, 1823) Ph + + - - -

Mesoveliidae Mesoveliafurcata Mulsant & Rey, 1852 Ph + + - - -

Molannidae Molanna angustata Curtis, 1834 Ph + + - - -

Environmental groups

Zones ofthe Regional Landscape Park

reserved recreational

stationary recreation

rare, adventive, species

Mysidae Katamysis warpachowskyi Sars, 1893 P, Ph + - - - RBU, Adv

Mysidae Limnomysis benedeni Czerniavsky, 1882 Ph + + + - -

Mysidae Paramysis lacustris (Czerniavsky, 1882) Ph + + - - -

Naididae Ophidonais serpentina (O. F. Müller, 1773) P + + - - -

Naididae Stylaria lacustris (Linnaeus, 1767) Ph + + + + -

Naididae Uncinais uncinata (Orsted, 1842) P + + + - -

Naucoridae Ilyocoris cimicoides (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + + + + -

Nepidae Ranatra linearis (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + + + + -

Nepoidea Nepa cinerea Linnaeus, 1758 Ph + + + - -

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Neritidae Theodoxus ffuviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758) L + + + - -

Notonecta Notonecta glauca Linnaeus, 1758 Ph + + + + -

Oligoneuriidae Oligoneuriella rhenana (Imhoff, 1852) Ph + + - - -

Phryganeidae Phryganea grandis Linnaeus, 1758 Ph + + + - -

Physidae Physella acuta (Draparnaud, 1805) Ph + + - - -

Pionidae Piona coccinea (Koch, 1836) Ph + + + - -

Piscicolidae Piscicola geometra (Linnaeus, 1761) Ph + + - - -

Planorbidae Ancylusfluviatilis O. F. Müller, 1774 Ph + + - - -

Planorbidae Planorbarius corneus (Linnaeus, 1758) P, Ph + + + + -

Planorbidae Planorbis planorbis (Linnaeus, 1758) Poly + + + + -

Platycnemididae Platycnemis pennipes Pallas, 1771 Ph + + - - -

Pleidae Plea atomaria (Pallas, 1771) Ph + + + - -

Plumatellidae Plumatellafungosa (Pallas, 1768) Ph + + - - -

Polycentropodidae Cyrnus favvidus McLachlan, 1864 Ph + + + + -

Polycentropodidae Neureclipsis bimaculata (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + + + + -

Polycentropodidae Polycentropus fflavomaculatus (Pictet, 1834) Ph + + + - -

Pseudocumatidae Pseudocuma cercarioides Sars, 1894 Ph + + + - -

Sialidae Sialis lutaria (Linnaeus, 1758) P + + - - -

Sisyridae Sisyrafuscata (Fabricius, 1793) Ph + + - - -

Sphaeriidae Pisidium amnicum (O. F. Müller, 1774) Ps + + - - -

Sphaeriidae P. casertanum (Poli, 1791) Ps + + - - -

Sphaeriidae P. supinum Schmidt, 1850 P + + - - -

Sphaeriidae Sphaerium corneum (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + + + - -

Spongillidae Spongilla lacustris (Linnaeus, 1758) P + + - - -

Stratiomyidae Stratiomys sp. Ph + + + + -

Syrphidae Eristalis sp. Ph + + + + -

Tabanidae Tabanus sp. Ph + + + + -

Tubifcidae limnodrilus claparedeanus Ratzel, 1869 P + + - - -

Tubifcidae L. hoffmeisteri Claparede, 1862 P + + - - -

Tubifcidae Tubifex tubifex (Müller, 1774) P + + + + -

Unionidae Anodonta anatina (Linnaeus, 1758) P, Ps + + - - -

Unionidae A cygnea (Linnaeus, 1758) P, Ps + + + - -

Unionidae Unio pictorum (Linnaeus, 1758) Poly + + + - -

Unionidae U. tumidus Philipsson, 1788 P, Ps + + + - -

Valvatidae Valvata piscinalis (O. F. Müller, 1774) P + + + - -

Valvatidae V. naticina Menke, 1845 Ph + + - - -

Viviparidae Viviparus viviparus (Linnaeus, 1758) Ph + + + + -

Notes: Ph - phytophilic, P - pelophilic, Ps - psamophilic, L - lithophilic, Poly - polytropic, RBU - Red bock ofUkraine.

The modern batracofauna (Amphibia) of the area of the Samara Plavni, which was studied, includes one species of amphibian of the Cau-data group and five amphibian species of the Anura group. These species represent three different ecological groups (complexes): wetland (river, lake and wetland ecosystems), meadow and forest (artificial forest belts, Table 4). The herpetofauna (Reptilia) of the studied site was characterized by the presence of both hygrophilic reptile species and meso and xerophil-ic species. In total, 7 species of reptiles belonging to five ecological complexes were noted: wetland (river, lake and wetland ecosystems), meadow, forest (forest belts, artificial forest plantations), edge and steppe (Table 4). This accounts for 64.0% of 11 species of Dnepropetrovsk region. Of these species, three (almost 43%) are included in the Red Book of Ukraine and are protected at the state level. Four species (57%) are protected at the regional level.

Avifauna. The Regional Landscape Park Samara Plavni is one of the richest natural complexes in ornithological terms. Its avifauna is composed of 210 species (Table 5). Of the 210 species recorded in the Regional Landscape Park Samara Plavni, 31 species (14.7%) are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. More than half of the latter are birds of the wetland complex (18 species - 8.5%). Another 24.3%o of the species composition is included in the Red Book of Dnepropetrovsk region. In general, the avifauna of the Samara foodplains is represented by six ecological complexes (Table 6): wetland, forest, edge, steppe, synanthropic, meadow.

The dominant group of avifauna species in the study area, comprising 42.4%o of the total species composition, belongs to the wetland complex.

Birds associated with forest habitats make up the second important group - 24.7%o. The third group in terms of representation and importance is made up of forest species of birds - 18.6%o of the total species composition. Other groups of birds do not reach the subdominant level and their share in the species composition is less than 10.0%o: steppe species - 7.6%, synanthropic species associated with human dwellings - 3.8%, meadow habitat species - 2.9%o of the total species composition. According to the status of residence, the most numerous group of species is nesting birds (45.2%o). If we also take into account the sedentary species (16.3%) and those that feed in the study area, but do not nest in it (5.2%), then the summer population of the study area makes up 66.7%o of the total species composition.

The theriofauna of the areas of the Samara floodplains, which were studied, includes 31 species of mammals belonging to 6 orders and 12 families and represent four ecological groups (complexes): wetland (river, lake and wetland ecosystems), meadow, steppe and forest (Table 7). The Rodentia fauna (11 species) is characterized by the largest number of species. The second place in terms of the number of species number belongs to Insectivora - 6 species from 3 families. Carnivora has 6 species from 2 families. Chiroptera is represented by five species. The smallest number of species was seen for Lagomorpha - 1 species.

Table 4

Distribution of amphibian and reptile species (stable components of ecosystems) of the Samaia Plavni Regional Landscape Park by zones

■ Ecological groups Zones of 1he Regional Landscape Park

or ecological complex reserved recreational stationary recreation economic rare, adventive, species

Salamandridae Lissotriton vulgaris (Linnaeus, 1758) SilAqPal + + + - BC 3; RLD

Bombinatcridae Bombina bombina (Linnaeus, 1761) SilAqPal + + + - BC 2; RLD

Hylidae Hyla orientalis Bedriaga, 1890 AqPal + + + - BC 2; RLD

Pelobatidae Pelobates vespertinus (Pallas, 1771) SilStPr - + + - BC 2; RLD

Bufonidae Bufotes viridis (Laurenti, 1768) SilStPr + + + + BC 2; RLD

Ranidae Pelophybx ridibundus Pallas, 1771 SilAqPal + + + + BC 3

Emydidae Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPalSil + + + - BC 2; RLD

Lacertidae Lacerta agilis (Linnaeus, 1758) SilStPrMar + + + + BC 2

Colubridae Natrix nattrix (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal + + + + BC 3

Colubridae Natrix tessellata (Laurenti, 1768) AqPal + + - - BC 3

Colubridae Elaphe sauromates Pallas, 1811 StMar - + - - BC 2 RBU RLD

Colubridae Coronella austriaca Laurenti, 1768 SilMar + + + - BC 2 RBU RLD

Viperidae Vipera renardi Christoph, 1861 SilStPrMar - + + - BC 2 RBU RLD

Notes: Sil - species that occurs in forests, fcrest belts, St - in steppes, Pi - in meadows, Mar - at fcrest edges, Aq-Pal - in aquatic and wetland ecosystems; conservation status: KKU - the species is included in the Red Book of Ukraine, RLD - the species is included in the Red List of Dnepropetrovsk Cblast; BC ap - protected by the Berne Convention, contained in the corresponding Appendix 2 or 3.

Table 5

Species composition of the avifauna of the Regional Landscape Park Samarskie Plavni

Families Latin Name Ecological Complex Residence Status RBU RLD BC

Accipitridae Accipiter gentilis (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Ass - - +

Accipitridae A nisus (Linnaeus, 1758) SilMn Migr, Hib - - +

Accipitridae Aquila clanga Pallas, 1811 Sil Acc + + +

Accipitridae A pomarina C. L. Brehm, 1831 Sil Acc + + +

Accipitridae A chrysaetos (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Migr, Hib + + +

Accipitridae Buteo lagopus (Pontoppidan, 1763) St Hib - - +

Accipitridae B. rufinus (Cretzschmar, 1827) Sil T, Migr + + +

Accipitridae B. buteo (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Nest - - +

Accipitridae Circus cyaneus (Linnaeus, 1766) St Migr + + +

Accipitridae C. pygargus (Linnaeus, 1758) St Migr + + +

Accipitridae C. aeruginosas (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Accipitridae Hieraaetus pennatus (Gmelin, 1788) Sil T, Migr + + +

Accipitridae Haliaetus albicilla (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Ass + + +

Accipitridae Milvus migrans (Boddaerl, 1783) Sil T, Migr + + +

Accipitridae Pernis apivorus (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Migr - + +

Aegithalidae Aegithalos caudatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Ass - - +

Alaudidae Alauda arvensis Linnaeus, 1758 St Nest - - +

Alaudidae Calandrella cinerea (Gmelin, 1789) St Migr - - +

Alaudidae Eremophila alpestris (Linnaeus, 1758) St Hib - - +

Alaudidae Galerida cristata (Linnaeus, 1758) St Ass - - +

Alaudidae Lullula arborea (Linnaeus, 1758) SilMn Nest - - +

Alaudidae Melanocorypha calandra (Linnaeus, 1766) St Migr - - +

Alcedinidae Alcedo atthis (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Anatidae Anas platyrhynchos Linnaeus, 1758 AqPal Nest - - +

Anatidae A crecca Linnaeus, 1758 AqPal Nest - - +

Anatidae A strepera Linnaeus, 1758 AqPal Nest + + +

Anatidae A penelope Linnaeus, 1758 AqPal Migr - - +

Anatidae A acuta Linnaeus, 1758 AqPal Migr - + +

Anatidae A querquedula Linnaeus, 1758 AqPal Nest - - +

Anatidae A clypeata Linnaeus, 1758 AqPal Migr - + +

Anatidae Anser anser (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Anatidae A albifrons (Scopoli 1769) AqPal Migr - - +

Anatidae A. fabalis (Latham, 1787) AqPal Migr - - +

Anatidae Aythyaferina (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Anatidae A. fuligula (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Migr - - +

Anatidae A marila (Linnaeus, 1761) AqPal Migr - - +

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Anatidae Bucephala clangula (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Migr + + +

Anatidae Cygnus olor (Gmelin, 1789) AqPal Nest - - +

Anatidae C. cygnus (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Migr - + +

Anatidae C. bewickii Yarrell, 1830 AqPal Acc + + -

Anatidae Netta rufina (Pallas, 1773) AqPal Nest + + +

Anatidae Mergus abellus Linnaeus, 1758 AqPal Migr - + +

Anatidae M. merganser Linnaeus, 1758 AqPal Migr - - +

Anatidae Rufibrenta ruficollis (Pallas, 1769) AqPal Migr + + +

Anatidae Tadornaferruginea (Pallas, 1764) AqPal T + + +

Ardeidae Ardea cinerea Linnaeus, 1758 AqPal Nest - - +

Ardeidae A purpurea Linnaeus, 1766 AqPal Nest - - +

Ardeidae Ardeola ralloides (Scopoli, 1769) AqPal Nest + + +

Ardeidae Botaurus stellaris (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Ardeidae Ciconia ciconia (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Ardeidae Egretta alba (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Ardeidae E. garzetta (Linnaeus, 1766) AqPal Nest - - +

Ardeidae Ixobrychus minutus (Linnaeus, 1766) AqPal Nest - - +

Ardeidae Nycticorax nycticorax (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Families Latin Name Ecological Complex Residence Status RBU RLD BC

Ardeidae Platalea leucorodia Linnaeus, 1758 AqPal Acc + + +

Apodidae Apus apus (Linnaeus, 1758) Syn T, Migr - - +

Bombycillidae Bombycilla garrulus (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Hib - - +

Caprimulgidae Caprimulgus europaeus Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Nest - - +

Certhiidae Certhiafamiliaris Linnaeus, 1758 Sil Ass - - +

Charadriidae Charadrius dubius Scopoli, 1786 AqPal Nest - - +

Charadriidae Himantopus hmantopus (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Migr + + +

Charadriidae Vanellus vanellus (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Columbidae Columbapalumbus Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Nest - - +

Columbidae C. oenas Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Migr + + +

Columbidae C. liva Gmelin, 1789 Syn Ass - - +

Columbidae Streptopelia decaocto (Frivaldszky, 1838) SilMn Nest - - +

Columbidae S. turtur (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Nest - - +

Coraciidae Coracias garrulus Linnaeus, 1758 St M + + +

Corvidae Corvus monedula Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Ass - - -

Corvidae C. fugilegus Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Ass - - -

Corvidae C. cornx Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Ass - - -

Corvidae C. corax Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Ass - - +

Corvidae Garrulus glandarius (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Ass - - +

Corvidae Pica pica (Linnaeus, 1758) SilMn Ass - - -

Cuculidae Cuculus canorus Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Nest - - +

Falconidae Falco subbuteo Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Nest - + +

Falconidae F. columbarius Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Hib - - +

Falconidae F. vespertinus Linnaeus, 1766 SilMn Migr - + +

Falconidae F. tinnunculus Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Nest - - +

Emberizidae Emberiza calandra Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Nest - - +

Emberizidae E. citrinella Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Ass - - +

Emberizidae E. schoeniclus (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Emberizidae E. hortulana Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Nest - - +

Emberizidae Plectrophaenax nivalis (Linnaeus, 1758) SilMn Hib - - +

Fringillidae Acanthis camabina (Linnaeus, 1758) SilMn Ass - - +

Fringillidae A. flammea (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Hib - - +

Fringillidae Carduelis carduelis (Linnaeus, 1758) SilMn Ass - - +

Fringillidae Chloris chloris (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Ass - - +

Fringillidae Coccothraustes coccothraustes (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Ass - - +

Fringillidae Fringilla coelebs Linnaeus, 1758 Sil Nest - - +

Fringillidae F. montifringilla Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Migr, Hib - - +

Fringillidae Loxia curvirostra Linnaeus, 1758 Sil Acc - - +

Fringillidae Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Migr, Hib - - +

Fringillidae Spinus spinus (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Hib - - +

Gaviidae Gavia stellata (Pcntoppidan, 1763) AqPal Migr - + +

Gaviidae G. arctica (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Migr - + +

Gruidae Grus grus (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Migr + + +

Haematopodidae Haematopus ostralegus Linnaeus, 1758 AqPal Migr + + +

Hirundinidae Riparia riparia (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Hirundinidae Hirundo rustica Linnaeus, 1758 Syn Nest - - +

Hirundinidae Delichon urbica (Linnaeus, 1758) Syn Nest - - +

Laridae Chlidonias niger (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Laridae C. leucopterus (Temminck, 1815) AqPal Nest - - +

Laridae C. hybrida (Pallas, 1811) AqPal Nest - - +

Laridae Hydraprogne caspia (Pallas, 1770) AqPal Acc + + +

Laniidae Lanius collurio Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Nest - - +

Laniidae L. minor Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Nest - - +

Laniidae L. excubitor Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Migr, Hib + + +

Laridae Larus ridibundus Linnaeus, 1766 AqPal Nest - - +

Laridae L. cachinnans Pallas, 1811 AqPal Nest - - -

Laridae L. canus Linnaeus, 1758 AqPal Acc - - +

Laridae Sterna hirundo Linnaeus, 1758 AqPal Nest - - +

Laridae S. albifrons Pallas, 1764 AqPal T, Migr + + +

Meropidae Merops apiaster Linnaeus, 1758 St Migr - - +

Motacillidae Anthus campestris (Linnaeus, 1758) SilMn Migr - + +

Motacillidae A trivialis (Linnaeus, 1758) SilMn Nest - - +

Motacillidae A.s pratensis (Linnaeus, 1758) SilMn Migr - - +

Motacillidae A cervinus (Pallas, 1811) SilMn Migr - - -

Motacillidae Motacillaflava Linnaeus, 1758 St Nest - - +

Motacillidae M. citreola Pallas, 1776 Pr Nest - - +

Motacillidae M. cinerea Tunstall, 1771 Pr Migr, Hib - - +

Motacillidae M. alba Linnaeus, 1758 Pr Nest - - +

Muscicapidae Ficedula albicollis (Temminck, 1815) Sil Nest - - +

Muscicapidae F. parva (Bechstein, 1794) Sil Nest - + +

Muscicapidae Muscicapa striata (Pallas, 1764) SilMn Nest - - +

Muscicapidae Saxicola rubetra (Linnaeus, 1758) St Nest - - +

Muscicapidae S. torquata (Linnaeus, 1766) St Nest - - +

Muscicapidae Oenanthe oenanthe (Linnaeus, 1758) St Nest - - +

Muscicapidae Phoenicurus phoenicurus (Linnaeus, 1758) Syn Nest - - +

Muscicapidae P. ochruros (S.G.Gmelin, 1774) Syn Nest - - +

Muscicapidae Erithacus rubecula (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Nest - - +

Muscicapidae Luscinia luscinia (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Nest - - +

Muscicapidae L. svecica (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Muscicapidae Turduspilaris Linnaeus, 1758 Sil Ass - - +

Muscicapidae T. merula Linnaeus, 1758 Sil Ass - - +

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Families Latin Name Ecological Complex Residence Status RBU RLD BC

Muscicapidae T.s iliacus Linnaeus, 1766 Sil Migr - - +

Muscicapidae T. philomelos C.L.Brehm, 1831 Sil Nest - - +

Muscicapidae T. viscivorus Linnaeus, 1758 Sil М - + +

Criolidae Orioluus oriolus Linnaeus, 1758 Sil Nest - - +

Pandionidae Pandion haliaeetus (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal T, Migr + + +

Paradoxornlthldae Panurus biarmicus (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Ass - - +

Paridae Remiz pendulinus (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Paridae Parus palustris Linnaeus, 1758 Sil Ass - - +

Paridae P. ater Linnaeus, 1758 Sil Migr, Hib - - +

Paridae P. caeruleus Linnaeus, 1758 Sil Ass - - +

Paridae P. major Linnaeus, 1758 Sil Ass - - +

Passeridae Passer domesticus (Linnaeus, 1758) Syn Ass - - -

Passeridae P. montanus (Linnaeus, 1758) Syn Ass - - -

Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax carbo (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Phalacrocoracidae Ph. pygmaeus (Pallas, 1773) AqPal Acc + + -

Phasianidae Perdixperdix (Linnaeus, 1758) St Ass - - +

Phasianidae Coturnix coturnix (Linnaeus, 1758) St Nest - - +

Phasianidae Phasianus colchicus Linnaeus, 1758 SilMn Ass - - +

Picidae Jynx torquilla Linnaeus, 1758 Sil Nest - - +

Picidae Picus canus Gmelin, 1788 Sil Nest - - +

Picidae Dendrocopos major (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Ass - - +

Picidae D. syriacus (Hemprich et Ehrenberg, 1833) Sil Ass - - +

Picidae D. medius (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Nest - + +

Picidae D. minor (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Ass - - +

Podicipedidae Podiceps ruficollis (Pallas, 1764) AqPal Nest - + +

Podicipedidae P. rigricollis CLBrehm, 1831 AqPal Nest - + +

Podicipedidae P. cristatus (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Prunellidae Prunella modularis (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Migr - - +

Rallidae Rallus aquaticus Linnaeus, 1758 AqPal Nest - - +

Rallidae Porzanaporzana (Linnaeus, 1766) AqPal Nest - - +

Rallidae P. parva (Scopoli, 1769) AqPal Nest - - +

Rallidae Crex crex (Linnaeus, 1758) Pr Nest - + +

Rallidae Gallinula chloropus (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Rallidae Fulica atra Linnaeus, 1758 AqPal Nest - - +

Regulidae Regulus regulus (Linnaeus, 1758) SilMn Migr, Hib - - +

Scolopacidae Tringa ochropus Linnaeus, 1758 AqPal T, Migr - - +

Scolopacidae T. glareola Linnaeus, 1758 AqPal T, Migr - - +

Scolopacidae T. nebularia (Gunnerus, 1767) AqPal T, Migr - - +

Scolopacidae T. totanus (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Scolopacidae T. erythropus (Pallas, 1764) AqPal Migr - - +

Scolopacidae T. stagnatilis (Bechstein, 1803) AqPal Migr + + +

Scolopacidae Actitis hypoleucos (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Migr - - +

Scolopacidae Phylomachus pugnax (Linnaeus, 1758) Pr Migr - - +

Scolopacidae Calidris minuta (Leisler, 1812) AqPal Migr - - +

Scolopacidae C. temmnckii (Leisler, 1812) AqPal Migr - - +

Scolopacidae Calidris alpina (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Migr - - +

Scolopacidae Lymnocryptes minimus (Bronnich, 1764) AqPal Migr - - +

Scolopacidae Gallinagp gallinagp (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Migr - - +

Scolopacidae Scolopax rusticola Linnaeus, 1758 Pr Migr - - +

Scolopacidae Numenius arquata (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Migr + + +

Scolopacidae Limosa limosa (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal T, Migr - + +

Sittidae Sitta europaea Linnaeus, 1758 Sil Ass - - +

Stercorariidae Stercorariusparasiticus (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Acc - - +

Strigidae Asio otus (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Ass - - +

Strigidae A flammeus (Pontoppidan, 1763) Sil Ass + + +

Sùigidae Otus scops (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Nest + + +

Sùigidae Athene noctua (Scopoli, 1769) Sil Ass - + +

Sturnidae Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus, 1758 Sil Nest - - +

Sylviidae Locustella luscinoides (Savi, 1824) AqPal Nest - - +

Sylviidae L fluviatilis (Wolf 1810) AqPal Nest - + +

Sylviidae Acrocephalus schoenobaenus (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Sylviidae A agricola (Jerdon, 1845) AqPal Nest - + +

Sylviidae A palustris (Bechstein, 1798) AqPal Acc - - +

Sylviidae A scirpaceus (Hermann, 1804) AqPal Nest - - +

Sylviidae A ar■urdiraceus (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal Nest - - +

Sylviidae Hippolais icterina (Vieillot, 1817) Sil Nest - - +

Sylviidae Sylvia nisoria (Bechstein, 1795) SilMn Nest - - +

Sylviidae S. atricapilla (Linnaeus, 1758) SilMn Nest - - +

Sylviidae S. borin (Boddaert, 1783) SilMn Nest - - +

Sylviidae S. communis Latham, 1787 SilMn Nest - - +

Sylviidae S. curruca (Linnaeus, 1758) SilMn Nest - - +

Sylviidae Phylloscopus trochilus (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil Migr - - +

Sylviidae P. collybita (Vieillot, 1817) Sil Nest - - +

Sylviidae P. sibilatrix (Bechstein, 1793) Sil Nest - - +

Troglodytidae Troglodytes troglodytes (Linnaeus, 1758) SilMn Migr - - +

Notes: ecological complex: AqPal (aqa-paludosus) - wetland, Sil (silvaticus) - fcrest, Pr (pratensis) - meadow, Syn (synanthropus) - synanthropus, St - steppe, SilMn - forest edge; residence status: Nest - breeding migratory, Migr - migratory, T - feeds in summer, but does not nest in the study area, Hib (hibetnans) - wintering, Ass (assiduus) -sedentary, Acc (accidentales) - migratory, accidental; status in the Red Data Book of Ukraine and the region: Ne - disappearing, E - missing, R - rare, Vu - vulnerable; BC -listed in the annexes ofthe Berne Convention.

Table 6

The ratio of the species composition of ecological complexes and groups of birds by status of residence (%)

Ecological complexes Nesting migratory species Feeding but do notnest Feed, migrate Wintering Accidental Migratory Migrants, wintering Sedentary Total

Wetland 22.4 0.5 2.8 - 3.3 12.5 - 0.9 42.4

Forest 8.1 - 1.4 1.4 1.4 2.4 1.4 8.6 24.7

Meadow 1.4 - - - - 0.9 0.6 - 2.9

Synanthropic 1.9 - 0.5 - - - - 1.4 3.8

Steppe 2.9 - - 0.9 - 2.9 - 0.9 7.6

Marginal 8.5 - - 0.9 - 2.9 1.9 4.4 18.6

Together 45.2 0.5 4.7 32 4.7 21.6 3.9 162 100.0

Table 7

Species composition of the mammalian fauna of the Samara floodplain

Family Latin name ofthe species Ecological complex Conservation status

Talpidae Talpa europaea Linnaeus, 1758 PrSil -

Erinaceidae Erinaceus roumaricus Barrett-Hamilton, 1900 StPrSil BC 3

Sorecidae Sorex araneus Linnaeus, 1758 StPrSilSin BC 3

Sorecidae S. minutus (Linnaeus, 1758) SilPr RLD, BC 3

Sorecidae Crocidura leucodon (Hermann, 1780) StAqPal RBU, RLD, BC 3

Sorecidae C. suaveolens (Pallas, 1811) StSilSin RLD, BC 3

Vespertilionidae Eptesicus serotinus Schreber, 1774 PrSilStSin BC 2

Vespertilionidae Myotis daubentonii (Kuh, 1817) SilAqPal RBU, RLD, BC 2

Vespertilionidae Nyctalus noctula (Schreber, 1774) Sil RBU, RLD, BC 2

Vespertilionidae Plecotus auritus (Linnaeus, 1758) SilSin RBU, RLD, BC 2

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Vespertilionidae Vespertilio murinus Linnaeus, 1758 SilSin RBU, RLD, BC 2

Canidae Vulpes vulpes Linnaeus (1758) StPrSil -

Canidae Nyctereutes procyonoides Gray (1834) SilAqPal -

Mustelidae Martes martes Linnaeus (1758) PrSilStSin BC 3

Mustelidae M. foina (Erxleben, 1777) G. Fischerde Waldheim, 1817 SilSin BC 3

Mustelidae Mustela (Putorius) putorius (Linnaeus, 1758) Sil RLD, BC 2

Mustelidae Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal RBU, RLD, BC 2

Leporidae Lepus europaeus Pallas (1778) StPr BC 2

Gliridae Dryomys nitedula Pallas, 1778 Sil BC 3

Muridae Apodemus agrarius Pallas (1778) StSin -

Muridae Mus musculus Linnaeus (1758) StPrSilSin -

Muridae Sylvaemus favicollis (Melchor, 1834) PrSilSin -

Muridae S. sylvafeus(Linnaeus, 1758) PrSilSin -

Muridae Micromys minutus(Pallas, 1771) PrSilSin -

Muridae Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout (1769) SilPrSin -

Cricetidae Myodes glareolus (Schreber, 1780) Sil -

Cricetidae Microtus arvalis (s. lato) (Pallas, 1778) PrSilSin -

Cricetidae Arrvicola amphibius (Linnaeus, 1758) AqPal -

Cricetidae Ondatra zibethicus (Linnaeus, 1766) AqPal -

Suidae Sus scrofa (Linnaeus, 1758) SilStPr -

Cervidae Capreolus capreolus (Linnaeus, 1758) SilPr BC 3

Notes: Ph - phytophilic, P - pelophilic, Ps - psamophilic, L - lipophilic, Poly - polyopic; Sil - a species, found in forests, forest belts, St - in steppes, Pr - in meadows, Mar - at forest edges, Aq-Pal - in aquatic and wetland ecosystems; conservation status: RBU - the species is included in the Red Book of Ukraine, RLD - the species is included in the Red List of Dnepropetrovsk Oblast; BC ap - protected by the Berne Convention, contained in the corresponding Appendix 2 cr 3.


Creation of nature reserves in reservoirs is used as a tool for biodiversity conservation in many countries. According to international studies, almost 20.0% of existing large dams occur within protected areas. In more than two thirds of these cases, dams were constructed before the creation of protected areas in the past 70-300 years (Thieme et al., 2020). In our case, the Landscape Regional Park was created 70 years after the creation of the reservoir. The impact of protected area management actions is rarely assessed. The main reasons for this finding are a lack of financial resources, gaps in managerial capacity, or poor understanding of how to counter threats (Adams et al., 2015). Therefore, the presented studies are important not only for the zoning of the territory, but also for further analysis of the dynamics of biodiversity. The zoning of protected areas is also important because parts of the reservoir often become recreation areas for water and other types of tourist activities.

The creation of the Zaporozhye Reservoir caused significant changes in the hydrological regime of the valley: meadows and floodplains of forests were flooded, which led, first of all, to a change in the vegetation of the territory. Researchers in other countries also focus on this (Chakrabor-ty, 2021). Over 70 years, a new floodplain and flooded complex have developed. Some plant species were lost due to flooding, while others recovered their populations. Today, the analysis of the flora of the regional landscape park indicates its significant richness, systematic and ecomor-phic diversity despite anthropogenic transformation. The anthropogenic

transformation of the territory of the regional landscape park is evidenced by the large amount of ruderal flora. Its amount significantly predominates in the regulated recreation zone, and especially in the economic zone.

The difference between the vegetation cover of shallow waters from other parts of the park lies in the prevalence of scattered centers of overgrowth and the spread of phytocenoses, rare for the area of Potamogeton lucens L. According to the known gradations of the degree of overgrowth of water bodies, the territory of the floodplains is highly overgrown (the degree of overgrowth is more than 40%o). Natural oak forests (birch-ash oak forests, elm-ash oak forests, linden oak forests) are common in the Samara riverbed zone, which is associated with a lighter texture of the soil and a deeper standing of groundwater. These natural oak forests are distinguished by significant cenotic condition and species diversity and are the most valuable dendrological objects of the park. Increase in moisture in edaphotopes downstream of the Samara River is seen in the increase in mesophilic and hygromesophilic tree, shrub and herbaceous species. In addition to the leading hydrological factor, the state of forests is influenced by the recreational load, which can be estimated as average. Also it is important that green zones near the megapolis are able to absorb pollutants and keep them from entering groundwater (buffer tank for heavy metals) (Didur et al., 2019) this is important in the manifestation ofhuman health potential.

According to international studies, invertebrates make up the bulk of the diversity of freshwater animals, both systematically and functionally, but they are underrepresented in assessments of the effectiveness of pro-

tected areas with a strong bias towards vertebrate monitoring (Acreman et al., 2020). Also, benthos is one of the stable elements of ecosystems.

All six amphibian species found in the study area make up 60% of the species composition of the batrachofauna of Dnepropetrovsk region (Bu-lakhov et al., 2007). All amphibian species have a permanent residence status in their biotopes. The noted 7 species of reptiles make up 58.3% of the species diversity of the herpetofauna of Dnepropetrovsk region, which is due to the relatively high area of the site itself and the presence of various locations with suitable ecological conditions for these species. The study area is characterized by the presence of species in need of protection. All species of reptiles living in this area have a conservation status: all 7 species are protected by the Bern Convention. Of these, three species (almost 43%) are included in the Red Book of Ukraine and are protected at the state level. Four species (57%o) are included in the Red Book of Dnipropetrovsk region and are protected at the regional level. All reptile species have a permanent residence status. Dice snake N. tessellata has expanded its range in the region over the recent decades (Yermolenko et al., 2016) and inhabited the studied area. The conservation of this territory will lead to an increase in the number of species due to decrease in the disturbance tactor and the preservation of natural biotopes. In addition, preconditions for increasing biological diversity and monitoring of it will appear, the importance of which cannot be overestimated (Sigwart et al., 2018).

The diversity in the biotopes of the Regional Landscape Park, and a large area allow 210 species of birds to live there. Because of the flooded area, the dominant group of avifauna species belongs to the wetland complex. Habitat monitoring and the importance of protected areas inhabited mainly by wintering species of aquatic birds has been studied and confirmed by scientists from different countries (Musilová et al., 2018; Gaget et al., 2020; Pavón-Jordán et al., 2020). In the same territories, the composition of migrants can change every few years (Ponomarenko, 2005; Bulakhov et al., 2009, 2013). The share of synanthropic species is rather low and corresponds to the natural areas of the region. This indicates a low level of transformation of the studied territory and its relative preservation. In areas subject to high anthropogenic load, the proportion of synanthropic species in the species composition reaches 7-9%o. Within the study area, there are both wide deep-water areas and shallow and aquatic ecosystems that are rich in macrophytic vegetation. Therefore, on the one hand, there are species associated with large water surfaces (some species of anseri-formes, loons and others), and on the other hand, types of water bodies that overgrow (anseriformes, herons) and species characteristic of thickets of higher aquatic vegetation (some herons, rails).

The second most important is the forest ecological complex of birds. The birds of this complex also have a fairly diverse and large territorial base. Their main habitats are floodplain forests. The forests of the study area are diverse, among them there are both dense-crowned and semi-openwork species. This leads to the fact that the forest complex even includes quite specialized species. The main basis of habitation for birds of the marginal ornithocomplexes (18.5%o) is the thickets of various shrubs along the banks. They create favourable conditions for the birds of the forest. The habitat of steppe birds comprises river banks and insular areas with remaining steppe biotopes. However, the proportion of steppe birds in the species composition is relatively small (7.6%). Meadow birds are represented by a very small share - 2.8%o of the total species composition due to the small area of integral meadows and their fragmented nature. In addition, most of these species in the study area are migrants and do not stay for a long time in the studied ecosystems. The large percentage of nesting birds indicates that the territory has a sufficiently high reproductive potential for birds and is a place for them to feed in the summer.

The main bases of residence for synanthropic species are human settlements. One-story and low-rise buildings prevail in the area, as well as various options for nursery gardens for household plots. All this creates conditions for the habitation of synanthropic birds and explains their presence in the avifauna in the study area.

The sites of the Regional Landscape Park are valuable for migratory birds. Migrants of all groups make up more than 75.2%o of the total species composition. More than half of all migrants are types of the wetland complex. In winter, the avifauna is represented by sedentary species, and those that are found all year round. The share of such species in the avifauna is not very significant and the basis for such a phenomenon is the state of the

topical diversity in the studied territory. In general, the indicators of avifauna protection are relatively high and are not inferior to those of the natural reserves of the region. The presence of species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and the list of the Berne Convention requires taking into account the interests of preserving natural environments.

The territory is characterized by the presence of 17 mammal species (55% of the mammalian species composition of the oblast), which are protected by the Berne Convention. Nine species (29%o) are included in the Red Book of Dnipropetrovsk region and are protected at the regional level. Six species (19%) are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and are protected at the state level (Bulakhov & Pakhomov, 2006).


Within the framework of the Samara Plavni Regional Landscape Park, a floodplain-flooded complex has developed, which united forest floodplain forests, branches and tributaries of the Samara River, meadows, wetlands and the water area of the flooded complex. Due to the variety of biotopes presented, the territory has significant biodiversity and a large number of rare species that are protected in the region, the country, and Europe. According to the zoning of the Samara Plavni Regional Landscape Park, the following zones have been identified: a reserved zone, a recreational zone, a regulated recreation zone and an economic zone. The protected area has a high level of biodiversity. The recreational zone occupies the main part of the regional landscape park and is slightly inferior to the protected zone in terms of the richness of plant and animal species. Zoning of the Samara Plavni Regional Landscape Park is of great importance for optimizing the ecological balance of territories and water areas and protecting flora and fauna. With the application of the reserve regime, the disturbance factor will decrease, conditions will be created for the preservation of the habitats of mammals, including those protected by the state. Such changes will increase the implementation of the reproductive potential of all species without exception in the ecosystems studied.

To maintain the aquatic ecosystems of the Samara Plavni Regional Landscape Park in the conditions favourable for aquatic biocenoses, it is necessary to develop and implement measures (not prohibited by law) to restore their hydrological state, disturbed as a result of anthropogenic impact, first of all - clearing silted, swampy channels and mechanical mowing of reed beds.


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