Научная статья на тему 'Between theory and practice'

Between theory and practice Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским технологиям, автор научной работы — Almyasheva O.U., Tatybaev I.D., Iskakova D.A.

This article describes an important topic of training students in the learning process, to work on the new equipment and machines. As highly skilled workers are needed by all enterprises and factories.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Between theory and practice»

ISSN 1680-9165. №1-2, 2014 r.

UDC 72

O. U. Almyasheva1, I. D. Tatybaev1, D. A. Iskakova2

1students, 2 senior teacher, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar


This article describes an important topic of training students in the learning process, to work on the new equipment and machines. As highly skilled workers are needed by all enterprises and factories.

Department of Pavlodar State University «Engineering and Standardization» has testing laboratories which equipped with modern facilities such as Microscope MIS11, BMI, IZO2 and other.

Double microscope MIS-11 serves for measuring the height profile of the surfaces in the range of from 0.8 micron to 62.5 microns, i.e. determines the class of surface cleanliness from 3 to 9 inclusive, according to GOST 2789-45. Besides using a microscope IIA-11 profile measurements can be carried out flat (namely, washers, plates, etc.) and the outer cylindrical surfaces (shafts, rollers, bushings (diameter) axis.

Figure 1 - The microscope MIS-11

Microscope MIS-11 has a massive cast iron base on which the column is with a rectangular thread. By column moves with the nut 12 brackets 15. Fixing bracket in position with the screw provided with the hand wheel 13. There are guides on the bracket «dovetail», which moves in the vertical direction 1. This is performed by shifting of the rack gear, driven by a hand wheel 3 is rigidly mounted on the axle tube. Precise focusing of the microscope

within 2-2.5 mm made using Meyer mechanism driven hand wheel 8. Microscope in a tube top set with a lamp holder that illuminates the gap. Microscope can be tilted by a screw 11. Ring 4 is intended to focus the slit image on the object of observation. Cartridge with a lamp can be moved along the axis of the tube and fixed in position with a screw. Based on the microscope table is mounted, which by means of micrometric screws 25 can be moved in two mutually perpendicular directions. Move the sliders going on ball guides. Movement is determined by counting the micro-drums. On the top plate 10 is set prism table on which are placed the measured cylindrical parts. Furthermore, the measurement table can rotate around a vertical axis, and fixed with screws 14. Also for measuring surfaces of different cleanliness classes to the device attached four pairs of interchangeable lenses: 6-7, 28, 29 and 30. All lenses designed for the length ofthe tube «infinity». Principle ofoperation microscope MIS-11 is as follows, if the gap is projected onto the illuminated surface 1 having P2 step height h, then the slit image on the surface of P1 takes the position S1, and P2 on the step - position S2. In sight of the observation tube slit image is similar to that shown in Fig. 3b. The b value S2'' image shift with respect to the image S1 'is a measure of the step height h.

Big Tool Microscope of the BMI-1 model. It is designed for the measurement of angular and linear dimensions of parts, to determine the distance between the centers of the holes, the basic parameters such as external threads, thread pitch, the average diameter, measuring half the angle of the thread profile differential method, as well as templates, shaped cutters, cutting dies, flat holes details, such as buildings, etc.

Instrumental microscope has a base 1, which set measuring table 2, 3-hour, 4 ocular tube head and body 6, 7 illuminator. Measuring table device can be moved in two

Figure 2 - The microscope BMI-1

ISSN 1680-9165. №1-2, 2014 г.

mutually perpendicular directions by means of the micro- (in the longitudinal direction of the micro-13 in the transverse direction the micro-14).

For fixing part having center holes, apply details with 18 centers, which are mounted on the top plate of the measuring table so that the axial center line parallel to the longitudinal direction of the table. Position of the centers fixed with screws 19. Central microscope situated in a tube 4, is rigidly connected to the bracket 16 having a guide.

Bracket can be shifted in the direction of the rack with handles 8 rack gear and secured at the desired height lock 9. Precise focus by turning the knurled ring on the lens 15. Before measurement of the thread stand microscope is tilted at an angle of ascent of the thread. The inclination provided with the hand wheel 17. Tilt angle is determined by the scale marked on the sleeve hand wheel. Scale value 30. Ocular head 7 is designed to perform linear and angular measurements. Dashed mesh observed in the eyepiece of the microscope 10 central and degree and minute scale - in the field of view measuring indicator goniometric eyepiece 5. Rotation angle measuring scales by using the flywheel 12. In order to obtain a controlled large image parts and facilitate operation by the BMI can be installed projecting device 20. Lighting degree scale in the reference is sent from the microscope light source placed under ocular head through the window mirror.

BMI-1 microscope sizing can produce readings on the digital display of the digital measuring indicator, just by comparing the measured contour with the contour drawn on the drawing. Availability of equipment in laboratories allows students to become familiar with the equipment, learn how to use them to their destination. All this helps students to be prepared to work in factories with modern equipment.


1 Муслина, Г. Р., Правиков, Ю. М. Измерение и контроль геометрических параметров деталей машин и приборов. - 2007.

2 Дугин-Боровский, И. В., Иванов, А. Г. Основы взаимозаменяемости и технические измерения. - 1966.

3 Тартаковский, Д. Ф., Ястребов, А. С. Метрология, стандартизация и технические средства измерений: Учеб. для вузов. - М. : Высш. шк., 2001.

Material received on 26.03.14.

О. Ю. Альмяшева, И. Д. Татыбаев, Д. А. Искакова Теория мен практиканыц байланысы

С. ТораЙFыров атындаFы Павлодар мемлекетлк университет^ Павлодар к.

Материал 26.03.14 баспаFа тYстi.

О. Ю. Альмяшева, И. Д. Татыбаев, Д. А. Искакова Связь теории и практики

Павлодарский государственный университет имени С. Торайгырова, г. Павлодар. Материал поступил в редакцию 26.03.14.

Бул мацалада оцу ydepici кезтде cmydeHmmepdi жаца жабдыцтарда жэне 6ideKmepde жумысца дайындау мацызды тацырыбы царалган. Ойткеш жогары 6mrnmi жумыскерлер барлыц кэсторындарда жэне зауыттарда керек.

В данной статье рассмотрена важная тема подготовки студентов в процессе обучения, к работе на новом оборудовании и станках. Поскольку высококвалифицированные работники нужны на всех предприятиях и заводах.

УДК 004.9:669

С. С. Акушев, Е. Ю. Златина, К. С. Декскаймер, О. Оманик, В. В. Мантач, П. О. Быков

Павлодарский государственный университет имени С. Торайгырова, г. Павлодар.


В статье представлена эффективность практического применения CAD/CAE системы APM WinMachine при проектировании металлургического оборудования.

APM WinMachine - CAD/CAE система автоматизированного расчета и проектирования механического оборудования и конструкций в области машиностроения, разработанная с учетом последних достижений в вычислительной математике, области численных методов и программирования, а также теоретических и экспериментальных инженерных решений. Эта система в полном объеме учитывает требования государственных стандартов и правил, относящихся как к оформлению конструкторской документации, так и к расчетным алгоритмам.

Включает в себя несколько модулей. Модуль APM Structure3D является базовым расчетным ядром системы APM WinMachine. Он обладает широкими возможностями для создания моделей конструкций, выполнения необходимых расчетов и визуализации полученных результатов. Использование этих возможностей позволяет сократить сроки проектирования и снизить материалоемкость объекта, а также уменьшить стоимость проектных работ. С помощью APM Structure3D могут выполняться следующие виды расчетов:

- расчет напряженно-деформированного состояния (статический расчет);

- расчет усталостной прочности при циклическом нагружении;

- проверка несущей способности стержневых элементов по СНиП с автоматизированным подбором поперечных сечений;

- расчет коэффициента запаса и формы потери устойчивости;

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