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2Kth Order Weighted Maxw ell-Boltzmann Distribution / Prior Distribution / Loss Function and Bayesian estimation

Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Nuzhat Ahad, S.P.Ahmad, J.A.Reshi

The objective of the study is to use Bayesian techniques to estimate the scale parameter of the 2Kth order weighted Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution(KWMBD). This involved using various prior assumptions such as extended Jeffrey’s, Hartigan’s , Inverse-gamma and Inverse-exponential, as well as different loss functions including squared error loss function (SELF), precautionary loss function (PLF), Al Bayyati’s loss function (ALBF), and Stein’s Loss Function (SLF).The maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is also obtained. We compared the performances of MLE and bayesian estimation under each prior and its associated loss functions. And demonstrated the effectiveness of Bayesian estimation through simulation studies and analyzing real-life datasets.

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*N uzhat A had; 2S.P.A hmad; 3*J.A.R eshi •

1,2 Department of Statistics,Univ ersity of Kashmir , Srinagar , India 3* Department of Statistics, Govt. Degr ee College Pulw ama, Srinagar , India 1nuzhatahad01@gmail.com, 2spr vz@y ahoo.com, 3*reshija vaid19@gmail.com


The objective of the study is to use Bayesian techniques to estimate the scale parameter of the 2Kth order weighted Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution(KWMBD). This involved using various prior assumptions such as extended Jeffrey's, Hartigan's , Inverse-gamma and Inverse-exponential, as well as different loss functions including squared error loss function (SELF), precautionary loss function (PLF), Al Bayyati's loss function (ALBF), and Stein's Loss Function (SLF).The maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is also obtained. We compared the performances of MLE and bayesian estimation under each prior and its associated loss functions. And demonstrated the effectiveness of Bayesian estimation through simulation studies and analyzing real-life datasets.

Keywords: 2Kth Order Weighted Maxw ell-Boltzmann Distribution, Prior Distribution, Loss Function and Bayesian estimation.

1. Introduction

The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, characterizes the probability distribution of speeds for particles in a gas at various temperatur es. It provides a statistical frame work for understanding the distribution of kinetic energies among particles, which makes it vital for modeling physical systems and predicting their behavior. Because of its practical significance, scientists and engineers closely examine the Maxw ell-Boltzmann distribution to attain a deeper understanding of various scientific phenomena and to create precise models of complex systems. Tyagi and Bhattachar ya [15] were the first to explore the Maxwell distribution as a lifetime model, and introduced considerations of Bayesian and minimum variance unbiased estimation methods for deter mining its parameters and reliability function. Chatur vedi and Rani [6] deriv ed classical and Bayesian estimators for the Maxw ell distribution by extending it with an additional parameter . Various Statisticians and Mathematicians have carried out the Bayesian paradigm of Maxw ell-Boltzmann distribution by using loss functions and prior distributions, See, Spiring and Yeung [14] , Rasheed [11] , Reshi[13] , and Ahmad and Tripathi[1] .

The 2Kth order weighted maxw ell-Boltzmann distribution (KWMBD) is a flexible, symmetric continuous univariate probability distribution suitable for modelling datasets of decreasing-increasing, increasing and constant behaviour. The probability density functio n (pdf) of KWMBD is given by:

f (x)

x2(k+i) a-(3+2k) e-2?

x > 0, a > 0, k G R.

2k+ 2 r(k + 3 )

And, the corresponding cummulativ e distribution function (cdf) of KWMBD is given by:



1 -

(k + 2 ),2&) r(k + 2 )

x > 0, a > 0, k G R.


~T 10

~T 12

~T 10

Figure 1: Probability density plot and cumulative distribution plot of KWMBD for different combinations of parameters.

2. Methodological Procedure

Bayesian appr oach utilizes prior beliefs, obser ved data, and a loss function to make decision in a structur ed manner, and is consider ed mor e reliable for estimating distribution parameters Compar ed to the classical appr oach, especially when the prior distribution accurately repr esents the parameter 's random behavior. In Bayesian analysis, parameters are treated as uncertain variables, allowing prior knowledge to be incorporated into the analysis. This prior information is typically described using a probability distribution known as the prior distribution. Friesl and Hurt[7] noted that employing Bayesian theory is a viable approach for incorporating prior information into the model, potentially improving the inference process and reflects the parameter's behavior. However, there are no strict rules for choosing one prior over another, frequently , prior distributions are selected based on an individual's subjectiv e knowledge and beliefs . When sufficient information about the parameter is available, informative priors are preferred; otherwise, non-infor mativ e priors, such as the unifor m prior, are used. Aslam [4] demonstrated the application of prior predictiv e distribution for determining the prior density. In this study, we assume the parameter a follows an extension of Jeffrey's prior proposed by Al-Kutobi[3] and a2 follows a inverse-gamma prior and are given by:

2.1. Extension of Jeffrey's prior

The prior, known as extension of Jeffrey's prior is given by:

g(a) = [I(a)]ci; ci e R+




where, I (a) = -nE{ J'^ logf (x)} is fisher-infor mation matrix. Thus, the resulting extension of Jeffrey's-prior for KWMBD will be:


c1 e R+ (3)

2.2. Inverse-gamma prior

The density of parameter a2 on assuming it to follow Gamma (ft, A) distribution is given by:

g(a2) = rAf) (a2e-A (4)

2.3. Loss functions

The idea of loss functions had been introduced first by Laplace, and later during the mid-20th century it was reintroduced by Weiss[ 16] . Loss function, serves as a measur e of the discrepancy betw een obser ved data and the values predicted by a statistical model. Decisions in Bayesian inference, apart from relying on experimental data, are not entirely controlled by the loss function. Moreover, the relationship between the loss function and the posterior probability is significant. The choice of a loss function depends on the specific characteristics of the data and the goals of the analysis. Han[9] pointed out that, in Bayesian analysis choosing the right loss function and prior distribution is essential for making accurate statistical inferences. The Bayesian estimator is dir ectly impacted by the choice of loss function, while the parameters of the prior density function may be affected by hyper parameters. Various symmetric and asymmetric loss functions have been demonstrated to be effective in research conducted by Zellner [17] , Reshi [12] , and Ahmad [2] , among others. In this study, we have explor ed squar ed error, precautionar y, Al-Bayyati's, and Stein's loss functions to enhance the comparison of Baye's estimators. And are given by:

2.3.1. Squared error loss function

The squar ed error loss function is given by:

lsq(a, a) = c(a - a)2; c e R+ (5)

2.3.2. Precautionar y loss function

The Precautionar y loss function is giv en by:

c(a — a)2

lpr (a, a) = ——;—— (6)

^ a

2.3.3. Al-Bayy ati's loss function

The Al-Bayy ati's loss function is given by:

lAl(a, a) = ac2 (a - a)2; c2 e R+ (7)

2.3.4. Stein's loss function

The Stein's loss function is giv en by:

lSt(a, a) = - - log ( -) - 1 (8)

a \oi J




Nuzhat Ahad, S.P.Ahmad, J.A. Reshi


3. Parametric Estimation of KWMBD

In this section, we discuss the various estimation methods for KWMB Distribution.

3.1. Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Let x1, x2, x3,..., xn be a random sample of size n from kth Order Weighted Maxw ell-Boltzmann Distribution. Therefore the maximum likelihood estimator(MLE) of a is:


a = \ -t-t—\ (9)

y n(2k + 3)

3.2. Baye's Estimator under Extension of Jeffrey's Prior

The Joint Probability Density Function of x and given a is given by:

E x

n x2(k+1)a-n(3+2k)e^ i=1

L(x|a) = ^-—n-— (10)

(2k+ *) (F (k + 3))n

The posterior probability density function of a for given data x is given by:

n1 (a|x) « L(x|a)g(a)

n1(a|x) «

E x2

n x2(k+1)a-n(3+2k)e^ , 1 '__1_

2k+ 2)" (r (k + 3))n a2C1

E x2 =1

n (a|x) = ka-n(3+2k)-2c1 e ^ wher e k is nor malising constant independent of a and is giv en by:

E x2


k-1 = J a-n(3+2k)-2c1 e^da


-n(3+2k)-2c1 +1

vi I 1 V 2

E x2\ 2 r (n(3+2k)+2C1 -1

i=1 J_

-n(3+2k)-2c1 +3

2 2

Therefore, the posterior probability density function is:


E x:

-n(3+2k)-2c, +3 ,, _ i=1

2 ( 2) 1 a-n(3+2k)-2c1 e^^ , ,

n1 (a|X) = --n(3+2k)-2c1 +1--(11)

E 2 r ^n(3+2k)+2c1 -1

3.2.1. Baye's Estimator under squared error loss function

The Risk Function Under SELF is given by:

R(sq,ej)(&) = j c(& — a)2 n1 (a\x)da

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E x


E x2 r (n(3+2k)+2ci —2

R(sq ej) (&) = c& + -p—.--r — 2&c\

(sq,e')K ' (n(3 + 2k) + 2c1 — 3) \

now, the Baye's estimator is obtained by solving


and, is giv en by:


n(3+2k)+2c1 — 1 2

d &

& (ejsq) = \

E xj r f n(3+2k)+2ci —2


n(3+2k)+2ct — 1


3.2.2. Baye's Estimator under precautionar y Loss function

The Risk Function Under PLF is given by:

(& — a)2

R(pre,ej) (a) = J c & a n1 (a\x)da


E x


R(preej)( &) = c & + c - ,-i-=T-T — 2c\

(pre,ej)y > &(n(3 + 2k) + 2c1 — 3) \

now, the Baye's estimator is obtained by solving

d(R( pre, ej)( & ))

and, is giv en by:

E x2 r (n(3+2k)+2ct —2

i=1 V 2

n(3+2k)+2ct — 1 2

d &

( pre,ej) =

E x2 i= 1

(n(3 + 2k) + 2c1 - 3)

3.2.3. Baye's Estimator under Al-Bayyati's loss function

The Risk Function Under Al-Bayyati's loss function is given by:

\alb,ej)( &) = '


(Etxf) c2 2 ( Lx2 \

i=1 + i=1

2 2

R(alb,ej)(&) = J of2 (& — a)2n1 (a\x)da

\ /

V /

(n(3 + 2k) + 2c1 — c2 — 3)

- 2&

c2 +1

/ n „ \

f Lx2^



\ /





n(3+2k)+2c, —c2 —2 s n(3+2k)+2ci —c2 — 1s















now, the Baye's estimator is obtained by solving

d(R(alb,ej)(a ))


and, is given by:

(albej) = \

£ r( n(3+2k)+2cl-C2-2






3.2.4. Baye's Estimator under combination of Stein's loss function

The Risk Function Under SLF is given by:


R(ste,ej)(a) = / (a " l0g (" ^ (a|X)da

R(ste,ej)(a ) =

- r f n(3+2k)+2c1

2 M 2 , , ,A.

--^—r;-^— log(a) - m — 1

2 r( n(3+2k)+2q -1 ^ '

£ x


wher e, m is constant of integration.

Now, the Baye's estimator is obtained by solving

d(R(ste,ej)(a ))


and, is giv en by:

\ste,ej) = ^

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£ X2 r (n(3+2k)+2q -1

i=1 y_2_

2 r (n(3+2k)+2q

3.3. Baye's Estimator under Inverse-Gamma Prior

The Joint Probability Density Function of x and given a2 is given by:

£ x?

" 2(k+1), 2N -n(3+2k) i=V

n x^ '(a2) 2 e 2a2 L(x|a2 ) = i=1

(2k+ k) " (F (k + 3))n

The posterior probability density function of a2 for given data x is given by:

n2(a2|x) « L(x|a2)g(a2)

n x2(k+1)(a2e^2

(3+2k) i=

£ x2

n2(a2|x) a


(2k+^n (F (k + f))n r(ß)

Xß (a2)-ß-1 e-a2

f 2\ \ it 2\-n(3+2k)-2ß-2 n2(a |x) = k(a ) 2 e

£ x2 \








wher e k is nor malising constant independent of a and is giv en by:


" -n(3+2k)-2ß-2

(a2) 2 e V

E x2 \



n(3+2k)+2ß 2

E x2

n(3+2k)+2ß 2

+ A

Therefore, the posterior probability density function is:


nx2 N — + A

( 2)


E x2 \




2 J


3.3.1. Baye's Estimator under squar ed error loss function

The Risk Function Under SELF is given by:


R(sqigp)(1x2 )= c( a2 — a. 2 )2 n (a2\x)d( a2)

E xi2

^ + A

E xi2

+ A

R(sq,igp)( a2 ) c( & ) + ( n(3+2k)+2ß-2 \ (n(3+2k)+2ß-4 \ ^ C ( n(3+2k)+2ß-2

now, the Baye's estimator is obtained by solving

R(sq,igp)( )

d( a.2)

and, is giv en by:

t(sq>igp) \

E x2

+ A

(n(3 + 2k) + 2ß - 2)



3.3.2. Baye's Estimator under precautionar y Loss function

The Risk Function Under PLF is given by:

R(pre,igp)(a )

(a2 - a2)2

-n2 (a 2 lx)da2

E x2

+ A

E x2

+ A

R(pre,igp)( a2 ) c0i + c . ( (n(3+2k)+2ß-2)(n(3+2k)+2ß-4) \ 2 ( n(3+2k)+2ß


















now, the Baye's estimator is obtained by solving

d(R(pre,igp)(a2 ))

and, is giv en by:


a ( pre,igp)

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E x2

+ Л

y/(n(3 + 2k) + 2ß - 2)(n(3 + 2k) + 2ß - 4))


3.3.3. Baye's Estimator under Al-Bayyati's loss function

The Risk Function Under Al-Bayyati's loss function is given by:


R(alb,igp)(a2) = I (a2 )c2 (a2 - a2 )2 n (a2 |x)da2


R(alb,igp) (a2) = (a2)4 I Ц

E x2 \ 2 Г( n(3+2k)+2ß-2c2 ^ I E

n(3+2k)+2ß \

+ I + Л I


n(3+2k)+2ß \

) i E x2 V2+1 r(

^-2S2 I + Л I A

n(3+2k)+2ß-2c2 -2

n(3+2k)+2ß \

now, the Baye's estimator is obtained by solving

d(R(qlb,igP)(a2 ))


and, is giv en by:

i(alb,igp) \

E x2

+ Л

(n(3 + 2k) + 2ß - 2)


3.3.4. Baye's Estimator under combination of Stein's loss function

The Risk Function Under SLF is given by:

R(s,igp)(a2) = ^ - % ^ - 1 (a2 |x)da2

, . (n(3 + 2k) + 2ß) , ,яЧ R(s,igp) (a2 ) = a2 \ „ ,-^ - log(a) - m - 1


E X2

+ Л

wher e, m is constant of integration.

No w, the Baye's estimator is obtained by solving

d(R(s,igp)(a2 ))


and, is giv en by:

i(ste,igp) \

E x?

+ Л

(n(3 + 2k) + 2 ß)
















Table 1: Baye's Estimation under Hartigan's Prior Distribution and Different Combinations of Loss Functions.

Prior Loss Function Baye's Estimator

Hartigan's (i.e.c1 = 3/2) Squar ed-err or

Precautionar y

Al-Bayy ati's


Table 2: Baye's Estimation under Inverse-Exponential Prior Distributions and Different Combinations of Loss Functions.

Prior Loss Function Baye's Estimator

Inverse-Exponential (i.e.ß = 1) Squar ed-err or

Precautionar y

Al-Bayy ati's


3.4. Simulation Study

We conducted simulation studies using R softw are, generated samples of sizes n=10, 50, and 100 to observe the effect of small, medium, and large samples on the estimators of scale parameter a of the 2kth order weighted Maxwell Boltzmann distribution. Each process is replicated 500 times to examine the perfor mance of the MLEs and Bayesian estimators under different priors such as the extension of Jeffrey's prior, Hartigan's prior, inverse-Gamma prior, and inverse-exponential prior, across different loss functions in terms of average estimates, biases, variances, and mean squar ed errors by considering different parameter combinations.The results are presented in the tables below:

I £ x2 n(3+2k) + 1 ^ 2 n(3+2k)+T^

h x2


1 £ x2 ^ n(3+2k)-c2 + 1 2 n(3+2k)-c2 + 1

/ £ x2 n(3+2k)+2-n V n(3+2k)+3^

£ x2

-+k i


2 f=x2 ) 2 +A)

yj (n(3+2k))(n(3+2k)—2))

\ i = x2 ^ 2 I EL +Ai


i = x2 \ 21 ^



Table 3: Average estimate, Bias, Variance and Mean Squared Error under Extension of Jeffrey's prior.

n a k C1 C2 Criterion amle asq apre âalb âste

10 3 -0.5 2 5 Estimate 2.97912 2.87293 2.90732 3.27915 2.80839

Bias -0.02088 -0.12707 -0.09268 0.27915 -0.19161

Variance 0.23825 0.22157 0.22691 0.28866 0.21173

MSE 0.23869 0.23772 0.23549 0.36658 0.24844

50 3 -0.5 2 5 Estimate 3.00890 2.98656 2.99396 3.06295 2.97196

Bias 0.00890 -0.01344 -0.00604 0.06295 -0.02804

Variance 0.04693 0.04624 0.04647 0.04864 0.04579

MSE 0.04701 0.04642 0.04645 0.05260 0.04658

100 3 -0.5 2 5 Estimat e 3.00411 2.99291 2.99663 3.03075 2.98551

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Bias 0.00411 -0.00709 -0.00337 0.03075 -0.01449

Variance 0.02164 0.02148 0.02153 0.02203 0.02137

MSE 0.02166 0.02153 0.02154 0.02297 0.02158

10 4 0.1 1.2 3 Estimate 3.96513 3.94644 3.97758 4.14350 3.88675

Bias -0.03487 -0.05356 -0.02242 0.14350 -0.11325

Variance 0.25397 0.25158 0.25557 0.27733 0.24403

MSE 0.25518 0.25445 0.25620 0.29792 0.25685

50 4 0.1 1.2 3 Estimate 4.00312 3.99937 4.00563 4.03732 3.98695

Bias 0.00312 -0.00063 0.00563 0.03732 -0.01305

Variance 0.05165 0.05155 0.05172 0.05254 0.05123

MSE 0.05166 0.05155 0.05175 0.05393 0.05140

100 4 0.1 1.2 3 Estimate 3.99978 3.99790 4.00103 4.01676 3.99168

Bias -0.00022 -0.00210 0.00103 0.01676 -0.00832

Variance 0.02381 0.02379 0.02382 0.02401 0.02371

MSE 0.02381 0.02379 0.02382 0.02429 0.02378

Table 4: Average estimate, Bias, Variance and Mean Squared Error under Hartigan's prior.

n a k C1 C2 Criterion amle a asq a apre aalb aste

10 3 -0.5 1.5 5 Estimate 2.98117 2.94416 2.98117 3.38551 2.87491

Bias -0.01883 -0.05584 -0.01883 0.38551 -0.12509

Variance 0.20672 0.20162 0.20672 0.26660 0.19225

MSE 0.20708 0.20474 0.20708 0.41521 0.20789

50 3 -0.5 1.5 5 Estimate 2.99573 2.98825 2.99573 3.06548 2.97350

Bias -0.00427 -0.01175 -0.00427 0.06548 -0.02650

Variance 0.04357 0.04335 0.04357 0.04562 0.04292

MSE 0.04359 0.04349 0.04359 0.04991 0.04363

100 3 -0.5 1.5 5 Estimat e 2.99912 2.99537 2.99912 3.03344 2.98793

Bias -0.00088 -0.00463 -0.00088 0.03344 -0.01207

Variance 0.02168 0.02163 0.02168 0.02218 0.02152

MSE 0.02168 0.02165 0.02168 0.02330 0.02167

10 4 0.1 1.5 3 Estimate 3.96310 3.93226 3.96310 4.12731 3.87314

Bias -0.03690 -0.06774 -0.03690 0.12731 -0.12686

Variance 0.25001 0.24614 0.25001 0.27116 0.23879

MSE 0.25137 0.25073 0.25137 0.28737 0.25489

50 4 0.1 1.5 3 Estimate 3.99271 3.98647 3.99271 4.02426 3.97411

Bias -0.00729 -0.01353 -0.00729 0.02426 -0.02589

Variance 0.04954 0.04939 0.04954 0.05033 0.04908

MSE 0.04959 0.04957 0.04959 0.05092 0.04975

100 4 0.1 1.5 3 Estimate 4.00132 3.99819 4.00132 4.01704 3.99197

Bias 0.00132 -0.00181 0.00132 0.01704 -0.00803

Variance 0.02222 0.02219 0.02222 0.02240 0.02212

MSE 0.02222 0.02219 0.02222 0.02269 0.02218

amle = Estimate under maximum likelihood estimation, asq = Bayes estimate under squar ed error loss function, apre= Bayes estimate under precautionar y loss function, aaib = Bayes estimate under Al-Bayyati's loss function, aste= Bayes estimate under Stein's loss function.

Table 5: Average estimate, Bias, Variance and Mean Squared Error under Inverse-Gamma prior.

n a k P A c2 Criterion ¿mle asq a pre ¿alb ¿ste

10 3 -0.5 1.5 3.5 5 Estimate 2.96815 2.95500 3.02987 4.08292 2.82360

Bias -0.03185 -0.04500 0.02987 1.08292 -0.17640

Variance 0.22183 0.20296 0.21337 0.38746 0.18531

MSE 0.22284 0.20498 0.21426 1.56018 0.21642

50 3 -0.5 1.5 3.5 5 Estimate 3.01586 3.01248 3.02758 3.17368 2.98309

Bias 0.01586 0.01248 0.02758 0.17368 -0.01691

Variance 0.04434 0.04357 0.04400 0.04835 0.04272

MSE 0.04459 0.04372 0.04476 0.07852 0.04301

100 3 -0.5 1.5 3.5 5 Estimate 3.00761 3.00593 3.01346 3.08362 2.99109

Bias 0.00761 0.00593 0.01346 0.08362 -0.00891

Variance 0.02039 0.02021 0.02031 0.02127 0.02001

MSE 0.02045 0.02024 0.02049 0.02826 0.02009

10 4 0.1 1.2 3 3 Estimate 3.96991 3.96910 4.03283 4.39706 3.85199

Bias -0.03009 -0.03090 0.03283 0.39706 -0.14801

Variance 0.24080 0.23493 0.24254 0.28833 0.22127

MSE 0.24171 0.23589 0.24361 0.44598 0.24318

50 4 0.1 1.2 3 3 Estimate 3.97652 3.97628 3.98878 4.05281 3.95172

Bias -0.02348 -0.02372 -0.01122 0.05281 -0.04828

Variance 0.05037 0.05013 0.05044 0.05207 0.04951

MSE 0.05092 0.05069 0.05056 0.05486 0.05184

100 4 0.1 1.2 3 3 Estimate 4.00210 4.00195 4.00822 4.03995 3.98952

Bias 0.00210 0.00195 0.00822 0.03995 -0.01048

Variance 0.02531 0.02525 0.02533 0.02573 0.02509

MSE 0.02531 0.02525 0.02534 0.02733 0.02520

Table 6: Average estimate, Bias, Variance and Mean Squared Error under Inverse-Exponential prior.

n a k P A c2 Criterion ¿mle & sq ¿pre ¿alb ¿ste

10 3 -0.5 1 3.5 5 Estimate 2.93546 2.99603 3.07599 4.23702 2.85660

Bias -0.06454 -0.00397 0.07599 1.23702 -0.14340

Variance 0.22744 0.21819 0.23000 0.43639 0.19836

MSE 0.23161 0.21821 0.23577 1.96661 0.21892

50 3 -0.5 1 3.5 5 Estimate 2.98571 2.99747 3.01265 3.15961 2.96794

Bias -0.01429 -0.00253 0.01265 0.15961 -0.03206

Variance 0.04084 0.04052 0.04093 0.04502 0.03973

MSE 0.04105 0.04053 0.04109 0.07050 0.04076

100 3 -0.5 1 3.5 5 Estimate 2.99384 2.9997 3.00724 3.07762 2.98481

Bias -0.00616 -0.0003 0.00724 0.07762 -0.01519

Variance 0.02369 0.0236 0.02372 0.02484 0.02336

MSE 0.02373 0.0236 0.02377 0.03087 0.02360

10 4 0.1 1 3 3 Estimate 3.96977 3.99370 4.05866 4.43061 3.87445

Bias -0.03023 -0.00630 0.05866 0.43061 -0.12555

Variance 0.25840 0.25532 0.26369 0.31424 0.24030

MSE 0.25931 0.25536 0.26713 0.49966 0.25606

50 4 0.1 1 3 3 Estimate 3.99208 3.99679 4.00938 4.07391 3.97204

Bias -0.00792 -0.00321 0.00938 0.07391 -0.02796

Variance 0.05112 0.05100 0.05132 0.05298 0.05037

MSE 0.05118 0.05101 0.05140 0.05845 0.05115

100 4 0.1 1 3 3 Estimate 3.99707 3.99942 4.00569 4.03745 3.98698

Bias -0.00293 -0.00058 0.00569 0.03745 -0.01302

Variance 0.02562 0.02559 0.02567 0.02608 0.02543

MSE 0.02563 0.02559 0.02570 0.02749 0.02560

From the results of simulation tables 3,4,5, and 6 , conclusions are drawn regarding the performance and behavior of the estimators under different priors, which are summarized below.

• The performances of the Bayesian and MLEs become better when the sample size increases.

• It has been obser ved that Bayesian estimation, outperfor ms MLE estimation.

• In terms of MSE,in most cases the bayesian estimation under squar ed error loss function gives smaller MSEs as compar ed to other loss functions.

3.5. Fitting of real life data-set

For illustrativ e purposes, we analyze three different types of real datasets. The dataset I consists of tensile strength measur ements (in GPA) from 69 carbon fibers tested under tension at gauge lengths of 20mm. These measur ements were initially reported by Bader and Priest [5] . The datasets II consists of an accelerated life test conducted on 59 conductors, with failur e times measur ed in hours. Reported first by Johnston[ 10] . The dataset III comprises times betw een arrivals of 25 customers at a facility and reported first Grubbs[ 8] . Our objective is to evaluate and contrast the perfor mance of KWMBD estimates using mle and baysian estimation.

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Table 7: Average estimate,Mean Squared Error, AIC, BICfor posterior distribution under different priors for dataset I.

criterion MLE Ex-Jeffreys Prior Hartigan's Prior I-Gamma Prior I- Exponential Prior

Estimate 2.5001 2.4390 2.4911 2.4144 2.4819

MSE 0.2440 0.2418 0.24320 0.2430 0.2426

AIC 228.6145 197.1729 198.5274 196.5776 198.2806

BIC 230.8486 199.4070 200.7615 198.8117 200.5147

Table 8: Estimates and MSEfor Extension of Jeffrey's and Inverse-Gamma Priors with different loss functions for dataset I.

ftmle priors ftpre ftalb äste

Estimate MSE Estimate MSE Estimate MSE Estimate MSE Estimate MSE

2.5001 0.2440 EX-Jeffrey's Prior 2.4390 0.2418 2.4475 0.2417 2.4911 0.2432 2.4224 0.2424

I-Gamma Prior 2.4391 0.2418 2.456 0.2416 2.5460 0.2506 2.4064 0.2436

Table 9: Average estimate,Mean Squared Error, AIC, BICfor posterior distribution under different priors for dataset II.

criterion MLE Ex-Jeffreys Prior Hartegan's Prior I-Gamma Prior I- Exponential Prior

Estimate 7.16117 6.957312 7.129853 6.855565 7.077978

MSE 2.59377 2.561495 2.583413 2.576478 2.570564

AIC 319.9468 246.6048 247.7058 246.1869 247.3245

BIC 322.0243 248.6823 249.7833 248.2644 249.4021

Table 10: Estimates and MSE for Extension of Jeffrey's and Inverse-Gamma Priors with different loss functions for dataset II.

priors ftpre ftalb äste

Estimate MSE Estimate MSE Estimate MSE Estimate MSE Estimate MSE

7.1612 2.5938 EX-Jeffrey's Prior 6.9577 2.5615 6.9858 2.5610 7.2538 2.6359 6.9027 2.5670

I-Gamma Prior 6.9370 2.5628 6.9931 2.5612 7.5631 2.9010 6.8294 2.5837

Table 11: Average estimate,Mean Squared Error, AIC, BICfor posterior distribution under different priors for dataset III.

criterion MLE Ex-Jeffreys Prior Hartegan's Prior I-Gamma Prior I- Exponential Prior

Estimate 4.0405 3.9242 4.0003 3.8025 3.9433

MSE 0.6053 0.6015 0.6010 0.6264 0.6003

AIC 108.1082 85.9577 86.3621 85.4566 86.0532

BIC 109.3270 87.1765 87.5810 86.6755 87.2721

Table 12: Estimates and MSE for Extension of Jeffrey's and Inverse-Gamma Priors with different loss functions for dataset III.

<*mle priors a asq apre aalb &ste

Estimate MSE Estimate MSE Estimate MSE Estimate MSE Estimate MSE

4.0405 0.6054 EX-Jeffrey's Prior I-Gamma Prior 3.9242 3.9070 0.6015 0.6032 3.9621 3.9829 0.5998 0.6001 4.0811 4.2331 0.6131 0.6713 3.8522 3.7699 0.6126 0.6381

The results of tables 7 , 8 ,9 ,10 ,11 and 12 demonstrate that the estimation of parameters for KWMBD under both priors ( Extension of Jeffrey's and Inverse Gamma prior) and precautionar y and squar e error loss function is better compar ed to the other three loss functions consider ed and mle estimation, owing to its lower Mean Squared Error (MSE).

4. Conclusion

We compar ed estimation methods for the scale parameter a of the 2kth order weighted Maxw ell-Boltzmann distribution, utilizing both Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) and Bayesian Estimation under various loss functions and prior distributions. This comparison is based on the simulated data and real-life datasets. Results of simulated data reveal that as the sample size increases, MSE decreases. and the Bayesian Estimation outperfor ms Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE). Furthermore, results from the real-life datasets demonstrate that the estimation of parameters of KWMBD under both prior distributions and precautionar y loss function and squar e error loss function yields better perfor mance, with smaller MSE compar ed to other estimators.

Conflict of interest: The authors confirm that they have no conflicts of interest to disclose regar ding the publication of this paper .

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