BASIS OF TRANSLATION FROM ENGLISH INTO UZBEK Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
English / Uzbek / translation / literature / schools

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Saidxodjaeva D.N.

The article is devoted features of translations from English into Uzbek and school of translations, role of the English in Uzbek literature.

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UDK 81-25

Saidxodjaeva D.N.

teacher school №230 Yashnobod region Uzbekistan, Tashkent


Annotation: The article is devoted features of translations from English into Uzbek and school of translations, role of the English in Uzbek literature.

Key words: English, Uzbek, translation, literature, schools.

The history of the development of the Uzbek school of translation has its own specificity and originality. This originality is characterized by a wide development in the Middle Ages of translations from Eastern languages, mainly from Arabic, the presence of bilingual dictionaries; beginning from the second half of the XIX century translations directly from Western languages, and finally, a rather wide development of translations of artistic and scientific literature from the Russian language, including translations from other world literature languages, through the Russian language.

The role of these translations of Russian literature, or through the Russian language, world literature was very influential on the development of Uzbek culture in General. In this cultural and literary interchange and interpenetration, the Russian language played the role of a bridge connecting the Uzbek reader with world culture and literature.

The Uzbek translation school of the last century was actually based on translations from the Russian language in its main structure and practice. Consequently, English-language literature was also translated through the Russian language. There was practically no school of translation directly from English. The above-mentioned specifics of the Uzbek school of translation are based on the following factors: first, the Uzbek school of translation was formed in the Middle ages and was one of the opportunities for the broad development of the Islamic religion and culture. One of the characteristics of that time was the availability of translators and bilingual, and explanatory dictionaries.

Secondly, the process of development of the Uzbek translation school has always been associated with the growth of national consciousness and the manifestation of ideas for the revival of national greatness, with the growth of the educational movement. Uzbek enlighteners sought to acquaint the reader with the greatest and immortal works included in the Golden Fund of world literature. Therefore, it is during the period of enlightenment that the first attempts to translate from Russian and other languages, including English, appear. Third, the most developed period of the Uzbek school of translation is in the second half of the last century. It was during this period that the main principles, methodology,

and main directions of the Uzbek translation school and Uzbek transleology were formed as a scientific discipline. On the literary scene has entered a number of translators. Also, many poets and writers were engaged in translation activities. During this period, research was carried out on the peculiarities of literary translation, such transleologists as G.Salamov, S.Mamadzhanov, G.Hodjaev, N.Vladimirova, K.Juraev, N.Kamilov, S.Meliev, S.Azimov, Sh.Atabaev, S.Achilov, B.Ermatov, H.Ismailov, M. Bakaeva, N.Atajanov, K.Musaev.

It was during this period that hundreds of translations of world literary works by dozens of translators, writers and poets, such as Usman Nasir, Sanjar Siddik, Jumaniyaz Sharipov, Ninel Vladimirova, Mirzakalon Ismaili (more than 200 works of classics of Russian and Western literature), Gulnara Gafurova, Askad Mukhtar, Gafur Gulam (Shekispir, "Othello"), M. Sheikhzade (Shekispir, "Hamlet", "Romeo and Juliet", "King Lear"), Uygun (Shekispir, "Julius Caesar"), Komil Yashen (Shekispir, "Anthony and Cleopatra"), Jamal Kamal (Shekispir, "Richardlll"), Muhammad Ali (Ramayana), Kadir Mirmukhamedov (J.Bokacho, "Decameron"), Erkin Vakhidov (Gyote, "Faust"), Abdulla Aripov (Dante, "The Divine Comedy"), Sh. Shamuhamedov (Firdousi, "Shahname" and Classics Persian literature). In 1980-1990 was translated into the Uzbek language the tragedy of Christopher Marlowe "Amir Temur Timur". During the same period, the works of more than thirty representatives of English and American literature, writers and poets were translated into Uzbek. However, the main feature of these translations was that they were not direct translations from English, but were indirect translations through the Russian language. During the years of independence (after 1991), the Uzbek school of translation has undergone significant transformations. The practice of direct translations of world literature has increased. Fourth, the features of the Uzbek translation school today are the tradition of direct translations into Uzbek from all world languages, including English. Moreover, the translations go mostly in one direction - they are translated into Uzbek. But there is no active movement from Uzbek to English yet. Another feature of today's practice is the development, along with fiction, of translations of internationally significant and recognized by readers in the world (2) literature on socio-political, historical, philosophical, scientific, technical and natural disciplines, including (3) direct translation of film materials.

Today, there are all opportunities for the wide development of the school of translation into and from Uzbek, and most importantly, it is not difficult to acquire original works of art. The tradition of direct translations from English to Uzbek begins in the 30s of the last century. Then, in the 80s of the last century, the tradition of direct translations into Uzbek from English resumed. Thus, the history of translation from English to Uzbek has revealed the unique aspects of the Uzbek national tradition of language translations. Today in the Uzbek translatology started a new, promising, full of possibilities period.

The main features of this period are influenced by factors such as the expansion of literary, cultural, scientific communication with foreign countries, opportunities for learning foreign languages, the ability for many people to travel

abroad to improve their language skills, especially English language, an abundance of the necessary school supplies and dictionaries, the use of the Internet and telecommunications, organization in many universities live communication with native speakers, and many others. However, these broad opportunities are not enough. As long as the higher education system does not effectively train specialists aimed at artistic and scientific translation, the shortcomings in translations from Uzbek to English and from English to Uzbek will continue to be felt.

The history of direct translations from English to Uzbek can be divided into the following stages:

1. The first stage transfers in the period of the national enlightenment (the end of XIX century and beginning of XX century). Translations from English during this period are based on the desire to introduce progressive and educational ideas, the desire to promote the most famous works of world literature.

2. Indirect and direct translations from English made during the former Soviet period. (1924-1991). During this period, the most famous works of English literature were translated. Behind this activity lies the desire, first of all, to familiarize the reader with progressive literature. It was supported and encouraged financially. But this movement did not develop naturally, but was carried out on the basis of certain intentions of the national policy of the Soviet period of the country's development. This was a difficult period in the development of the translation school.

3. Translation of works of English literature in the years of independence (1991-2011). A special feature of this period is the increased social need for direct translations of works from English. But in these translations, changes were made in the issues of objective preservation of the essence of the original work. However, the issue of reviewing translations imbued with the ideology of the totalitarian system is also at stake.in other words, they must be freed from censorship amendments and gross interference with the text. Step by step, the national translation school is beginning to recover. Above, we purposefully used such a term as English-language literature. Because English-language literature covers the literary works of countries in England, the United States, Australia and other countries, including India. Thus, based on a scientific study of the main features of works translated from English into Uzbek, we can come to the following conclusions:

First, the creation of the Uzbek school of national translations became possible only during the period of independence. Therefore, in this period, instead of indirect translations through the Russian language, it was difficult, but still established a tradition of direct translations from foreign languages.

Secondly, during the period of independence, the national translation school created an opportunity to free translations from ideological requirements and censorship.

Third, it was during these years that a creative environment and opportunities were created for the restructuring of Uzbek transleology on a

national basis and the formation of criteria for transleology based on modern requirements.

Sources used:

1. Rakhimov, S. P. Peculiarities of translating from English into Uzbek language / / Young scientist. - 2011. - № 8 (31). - Vol. 2. - P. 31-33.

2. Гулямова Д. Драматургия Шекспира на узбекском языке (Некоторые вопросы истории и теории перевода). АКД. Ташкент, 197I.

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