Научная статья на тему 'Basic criteria for assessing the prospects of types of multi-storey residential buildings of mass development'

Basic criteria for assessing the prospects of types of multi-storey residential buildings of mass development Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Kapanov Anuar, Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich

In modern practice used different methods for classifying homes. At the same time, there is no clear idea of what urban planning, architectural and spatial, environmental and functional planning parameters a particular class of home should have. The study of this issue has significant prospects.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Basic criteria for assessing the prospects of types of multi-storey residential buildings of mass development»



1 2 Kapanov A. , Samoilov K.I.

1Kapanov Anuar - Master of Architecture;

2Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich - Grand PhD in (Architecture sciences), KAZAKH NATIONAL RESEARCH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER K.I. SATBAYEV


Abstract: in modern practice used different methods for classifying homes. At the same time, there is no clear idea of what urban planning, architectural and spatial, environmental and functional planning parameters a particular class of home should have. The study of this issue has significant prospects.

Keywords: urban dwelling, residential building, comfort criteria.

UDC 721 (574)

Prospect in the assessment of housing under construction implies, first of all, compliance with the requirements of not only today, but also tomorrow. Thus, a residential building located in an ecologically safe zone, built from modern materials and equipped with innovative technologies with a high degree of probability can be considered promising. A comprehensive, integrated approach to the formation of mass housing development is expressed in determining the main criteria for future housing, including various and interrelated aspects. This is due to the fact that various forms of rental and private housing, integrated into the commercial residential complex, form a housing development. Therefore, in this matter, as in no other, maximum awareness of the object of study and the ultimate specificity are required. According to Jane Jacobs, "in relation to urban dwellings, it is impossible to come to anything useful either mentally or in practice, if we consider them abstractly - as a "housing stock ". Residential buildings in a big city, both existing and designed, are specific buildings, always involved in various specific processes - such as generation or self-destruction in all their diversity" [1].

In modern practice, among experts and ordinary people, different ways of classifying homes are used, which use various criteria and parameters: urban planning, architectural planning, historical and chronological (by the period of construction), structural (by the type of structures used), demographic (by the type of residents families), etc. At the same time, it can be stated that against the background of the almost universally accepted division of modern multi-family housing into mass, superior comfort and elite - there is no clear idea of what urban planning, architectural-spatial, environmental and functional-planning parameters a particular class should have dwellings. The absence of a unified classification system made it impossible to practically apply all the developed classifications [2].

Ideally, the mass development of urban space with affordable housing should not only reflect the socio-economic situation of residents, but also create conditions for improving their housing opportunities. According to the famous Chilean architect A.Aravena: "The layout of the city is the most important tool to overcome social inequality. A successful layout allows you to get away from "degrading indulgence." The secret of success here, as in other types of architectural design, is in the synthesis of contradictory elements and in the realization that ultimately cities should be built so that there is a balance between the rights and duties of people [3]. We believe that such a balance between the interests of the city, the desires of people and the natural environment should be taken into account in relation to each residential complex and specific building.

This article proposes to take into account three main approaches to assessing the prospects of multi-storey residential buildings of mass development: spatial, functional and socio-economic. They can also act as basic criteria in assessing the conformity of the mass housing being built, according to the requirements of today.

Volumetric and spatial criteria

Since the compositional and functional relations of a residential building are in a complex relationship with the city, its parameters should be linked to the general compositional technique adopted for planning a given district or city section. One of the decisive factors when choosing a type of house is its number of storeys. Its definition in the urban environment is due to two important conditions: compositional, for example, the need for a silhouette solution, and economic, requiring a high density of housing stock on this site, since land in the city intended for construction is expensive. In conditions of increased seismicity or high fire hazard, the opposite requirement often arises - the need to reduce the number of storeys.

Volumetric and spatial criteria impose certain requirements when choosing the number of storeys, the planning structure of a residential building, section and apartment, as well as when deciding the first floors. Of these requirements, the following can be distinguished:

- the presence of a dynamic and flexible planning structure of the residential complex, which solves a number of problems: the organization of a comfortable environment for living; creation of a developed public service sector; maintaining the architectural integrity of the building;

- analysis of local climatic features in order to create the most favorable sanitary conditions. At the same time, it is necessary to form a developed landscaping system that includes all the elements of sections of public institutions, residential buildings, sports, pedestrian alleys, interconnected into a single system, which helps to improve the microclimate;

- rational use of the territory (which is determined by the optimal density of the housing stock), the economics of the construction and operation of buildings, engineering equipment and landscaping elements;

- creating or maintaining favorable environmental conditions: the relationship of landscaping with the nature of the relief; the right choice of type-house, its shape, height, plastic.

Within the same task is the preservation and use of favorable climatic conditions, which can be done using planning techniques that protect the territory and houses from adverse winds, or, conversely, capture air flows that contribute to airing.

Functional criteria

The functional criteria of urban models of multi-storey residential complexes are expressed by the introduction of non-residential funds in residential buildings to accommodate places of employment and service facilities. Integrated development makes it possible to more globally solve the problems of the district and the city as a whole, aligns living conditions for different segments of the city's population.

A multi-storey residential complex should be created as a single planning unit, the structure of which is determined by: the system of necessary daily maintenance (kindergartens, schools, catering, trade, sports, household services); the convenience of transport and pedestrian links with places of employment, community centers and recreation areas; favorable living conditions and recreation of the population (the formation of places for economic purposes and recreation of all age categories of the population). These may include:

- parking;

- public spaces: recreation areas and sports grounds;

- office spaces;

- trade spaces: services, cultural, entertainment and educational institutions;

- courtyard spaces open or closed;

- landscaping spaces: parks, lawns.

Socio-economic criteria

Socio-demographic prerequisites for the formation of multi-storey residential buildings are one of the most important. This is also facilitated by the predominant nature of "urban" professions, entertainment, leisure and, finally, certain features of life and life in a multi-story building. These living conditions affect the sociological characteristics of the population of a big city. A high level of education, culture and familiarization with technological progress encourage the city dweller to an active lifestyle, which, in turn, affects the organization of his

home. A necessary condition for home comfort is its correspondence to the socio -demographic structure and lifestyle established in society.

Therefore, the socio-economic aspect of this type of development is one of the solutions to the problems of social segregation and spatial mobility of the population. Among the space-planning factors, the type of development and number of storeys affect the success of integration. This also includes the aesthetic appeal and national identity of mass development. The functionality of a multi-storey residential building or complex is determined by the presence of a compositional plan in creating a unified system due to urban planning features that realizes the human needs for work, life and leisure. In the home there has always been a correlation of many different functions. Therefore, multifunctionality (place of residence, work, leisure, sleep, etc.) is one of the most important principles of organizing a living environment.

Unfortunately, during the construction of new residential complexes in Kazakhstan, there is a division of housing for different groups of citizens, which leads to a polarization of the housing stock. That is, socio-economic criteria in a market economy are the most difficult to fulfill, which is associated primarily with economic factors. Residential complexes of different quality, but uniform in composition, appear. The uniform composition of apartments provides, as a rule, the same type of property, which complicates the resettlement of families with different demographic, property and national composition. One of the solutions to this situation may be a model of mixed residential development, as an effective means of aligning living conditions and cultural priorities for various segments of the population. At its core, the urban planning principles of mixed housing development boil down to the integration of housing of various forms of ownership in the structure of a commercial residential complex, the free access of various segments of the population to a full range of services, a combination of various types of housing within a single house, block or residential complex.

The following provisions can be attributed to promising urban planning principles in terms of socio-economic criteria:

- with the integrated development of the territory, integration of housing of various forms of ownership into the structure of a commercial residential complex is necessary;

- the integration of private and rental housing is most organically solved in mixed-type buildings, as this creates the conditions for uniting people with different income levels and lifestyles;

- mixed development involves a variety of functional organization, which provides access for various segments of the population to the full range of services;

- different degrees of well-being and cultural priorities of social groups suggest their level of security and spatial isolation, which should be taken into account in activities to organize a safe environment;

- a combination of various types of housing.

To satisfy a wide range of consumers, it is necessary to provide for different types of housing within the same house, quarter and urban complex, to provide families with a choice of different demographic composition and income level. Variability of resettlement is most possible when building mixed floors.

The appearance and quality of building materials of private and rental housing houses should create an integrated urban environment, the characteristic features of which are unity and diversity. The unity of facade solutions should be applied in mixed residential development as part of a quarter or urban complex with integrated development of the territory. It is especially important to take into account the real possibilities of both the developer and the potential resident, without falling into taste extremes: from asceticism to eccentricity. One of the most famous architects in the world, David Chipperfield, very accurately expressed a conceptual approach to urban development: "An exotic sight is required from architecture. But life is not a continuous holiday, it consists of everyday life. And this routine needs to be given a new meaning" [4].

From the point of view of private developers, new housing construction of different forms of ownership is more conveniently divided territorially, providing wealthy users with a more comfortable urban environment. But for urban development, such a segregation of urban space is a


negative prospect, since it leads not only to a decrease in the quality of the urban environment, but also to social tension.

Currently, there is a fairly wide variety of types of accommodation of residential buildings in the development system, despite such limiting factors as: climatic conditions of the construction site, living standards, differences in social classes. In Kazakhstan at the moment, the set of typologies for the placement of residential buildings in the structure of quarterly development is quite limited. Thus, a study of this nature and orientation would be rather difficult to conduct, relying on examples of exclusively domestic housing. At present, in Kazakhstan, priority is given to a quantitative change in mass residential construction, and the question of a qualitative change, which is necessary, remains open.

Doctor of Architecture B.U. Kuspangaliev in his monograph "Architecture of the urban housing of Kazakhstan" notes a number of patterns that will have to be faced in the near future. "The development of construction equipment naturally raises the question of determining the ratio of unified, standard, short-run and individual elements in the designs and equipment of urban housing. Moreover, the "finality" criterion has significant differences for the apartments and houses of varying degrees of comfort that make up the housing market. Moreover, if for municipal housing provided to socially protected groups of the population, an important role is played by the possibility of reducing overall costs and accelerating the construction time through the use of standard design and planning solutions, which by the way is also characteristic of the so-called "cheap" housing on the market, then with increasing the welfare of the customer significantly increases its requirements for the individualization of the parameters of the purchased housing, entailing its significant rise in price, this expands the range of short-run and indie idualnyh design-planning decisions that must be mastered in the arsenal designers and builders. This aspect looks similar for the engineering equipment of the urban dwelling, as well as its furniture and household appliances" [5].

The need for a balance of various aspects of life inevitably leads to the implementation of unconventional projects that can use all means and goals in the formation of a new living space: the quality of housing itself; reasonable prices; new designs; the organization of such a space, which will guarantee harmonious coexistence between different social groups, special attention to the environment. A completely natural and justified interest in such design conditions allows a new generation of architects to fully express their attitude and views in an absolutely free form and practically without being limited to anything. Today the main idea of housing design is based on this.


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