BASIC CONCEPTS OF COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
conceptualization / concept / typology / language functions / language interpretation / functional typology / концептуализация / концепт / типология / функции языка / интерпретация языка / функциональная типология

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — F.R. Batyrshina, Kurbanbek Kyzy Sairagul, A.A. Omorova

Problems and tasks of cognitive linguistics are discussed in this article. The aim of the article is to reveal the essence of cognitive linguistics and the concept as its basic concept, as well as to study linguistic processes, linguistic units and categories, etc., in their relation to remembering, imagining, perceiving and thinking. The article also raises the urgent problem of the study of the heterogeneity of the content of concepts, which is largely responsible for the diversity of their linguistic representations. This problem is considered in the context of the realisation of the three main functions of language: cognitive, communicative and interpretive.

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В данной статье рассматриваются проблемы и задачи когнитивной лингвистики. Целью статьи является раскрытие сущности когнитивной лингвистики и концепции как ее основного понятия, а также изучение языковых процессов, языковых единиц и категорий и т.д. в их связи с запоминанием, воображением, восприятием и мышлением. В статье также поднимается актуальная проблема изучения неоднородности содержания концептов, которая во многом обусловливает разнообразие их языковых репрезентаций. Данная проблема рассматривается в контексте реализации трех основных функций языка: когнитивной, коммуникативной и интерпретативной.



F.R. Batyrshina1, Senior Lecturer Kurbanbek kyzy Sairagul1, Lecture A.A. Omorova2, Lecture 1Osh State University

2Vocational College of the Kyrgyz-Uzbek University (Kyrgyzstan, Osh)


Abstract. Problems and tasks of cognitive linguistics are discussed in this article. The aim of the article is to reveal the essence of cognitive linguistics and the concept as its basic concept, as well as to study linguistic processes, linguistic units and categories, etc., in their relation to remembering, imagining, perceiving and thinking. The article also raises the urgent problem of the study of the heterogeneity of the content of concepts, which is largely responsible for the diversity of their linguistic representations. This problem is considered in the context of the realisation of the three main functions of language: cognitive, communicative and interpretive.

Keywords: conceptualization, concept, typology, language functions, language interpretation, functional typology.

The world around us is an array of individual objects of living and non-living nature with their individual qualities and appearances, which our consciousness characterises in the form of certain mental images: concepts and categories. The uniqueness of human language is its participation in these general processes of conceptualisation and categorisation by giving concrete names to concepts and categories of objects and phenomena. On the other hand, by naming various specific properties of typical objects and their variants, language also conveys their own diversity and individuality. It has to do with the principle of unity in diversity, and with the heterogeneous nature of the concepts that are transmitted in the experience of interacting with the environment. Interpreting, as the third main function of language, makes it possible to generate almost infinite new meanings.

In this respect, it remains relevant to discuss the problems of conceptualization and the typology of knowledge, more precisely the units of knowledge that form the basis for the formation of linguistic units and meanings. From this perspective, it is still relevant to discuss the problems of conceptualizing the world and the typology of knowledge, more precisely their units, which are the basis for the formation of linguistic units and their significance.

All human cognitive activity (cognition) can be seen as an evolving ability to navigate the world, and this activity involves the need to identify and distinguish objects: concepts arise to perform such operations. To discriminate a concept, it is necessary to discriminate certain features, to discriminate object actions with objects, to discriminate their final goals, and to evaluate such actions. However, with knowledge of the role of all these factors, cognitive scientists still cannot answer the question of how concepts arise, except by pointing to the process of meaning formation in the most general form [1].

In cognitive linguistics, it is of paramount importance to study the nature of concepts. Any attempt at an understanding of the nature of the concept leads to the realisation of the fact of the existence of a number of related concepts and terms. First of all, there is a concept, a notion and a meaning.

One of the most difficult and controversial problems in contemporary theoretical linguistics is the problem of their differentiation. This is due to the fact that it is only on the basis of indirect signs that it is possible to assess the properties and nature of a concept, since the analysis of the concept takes into account the essence of the content plan, which is not available to the researcher in direct perception.

Recently, the word "concept" has begun to become actively used in the scientific community. A concept is a unit for the description of a picture of the world - a mental unit which is the repository of linguistic and cultural knowledge, ideas and judgements [2]. In cognitive science, a concept is seen as a mental unit that is constantly changing: all the new background concepts can enter its sphere, the standard set of situations can change, and a single component in the content becomes even more mobile. The realisation of the concept is in the word sign and in the language as a whole. In this case, the core of the concept is the aggregate linguistic and linguistic semantics of words.

By conceptualisation we understand the cognitive process of selection and understanding of objects, events, their relations and characteristics, and the fixing of the results of cognition in the form of units of knowledge -concepts. Accordingly, the units of conceptual content assigned by a person for the purpose of their further transfer in linguistic form or further accumulation of knowledge about the world are concepts as the results of this cognitive process.

The existence of concepts in the language of any nation attracts attention because the data researched can help to study the culture of the nation itself and its history. Until now, this question has received little attention. In cognitive linguistics, studying the nature of concepts has become of paramount importance. The study of the nature of concept in cognitive linguistics is of paramount importance in the study of the nature of concept in cognitive linguistics.

First of all, it is a concept, which means to understand and to mean. One of the most difficult and controversial problems in theoretical linguistics today is how to distinguish between them. This is due to the fact that, when analysing a concept, we are dealing with units of the content map that are not available to the researcher in direct perception; we can only judge their properties and nature on the basis of indirect data. Cognitive linguistics is one of the new cognitive sciences, the object of which is to study the nature and essence of knowledge and cognition, the results of perceiving reality and human cognitive activity,

accumulated in the form of meaningful information brought into a certain system [3].

Cognitive linguistics focuses on linguistic knowledge. Cognitive science has four varieties:

- Describing and explaining the mechanisms linking stimulus and of the human "thinking machine" between stimulus and response, input and output;

- Studying the phenomena of man's inner mental nature;

- Emphasising the subject as the source, the initiator of what it acts;

- Studying the peculiarities of cognitive processes as compared with affects.

Cognitive science studies not only observed actions, but also mental representations (internal representations, models), symbols and person's strategies that generate knowledge-based actions. The cognitive world of a person is studied through his behaviour and activities, which take place with the active participation of language, which forms the linguistic-thinking basis of any human activity. It forms his motives, attitudes, and predicts the outcome [4].

Thus, the need to study language in terms of its participation in human cognitive activity was identified in the second half of the XX century. Information obtained in the course of cognitive activity reaches a person through various channels, but cognitive linguistics considers only that part of it which is reflected and fixed in linguistic forms.

That's why cognitive linguistics aims to understand how the processes of perceiving, categorising, classifying and understanding the world are carried out, how knowledge is accumulated, and which systems provide different types of information activity. Language provides the most natural access to consciousness and the process of thinking, since «the structures of consciousness can only be known thanks to language, which enables us to report about these structures and describe them in any natural language» [5].

The emergence of a number of new disciplines, which showed the inadequacy of the approach to the language system that ignored the active nature of language and its involvement in the processes of human and social life, was the turning point in the conscious-

ness of many modern linguists. Among these disciplines that emerged at the interface with linguistics were psycholinguistics, ethnolin-guistics, sociolinguistics, cognitive linguistics and linguoculturology.

The content typology of the concepts classifies the knowledge units according to thematic areas (linguistic, dialectal, legal, economic, medical, agricultural, emotional, etc. concepts) and according to their field of application: scientific, literary, professional, slang, everyday, individual author, etc. Similar methods are used to analyse these concepts. Structurally, these concepts are a repetition of the above types, and their analysis is carried out with similar methods.

In the context of a differentiated approach to the process of conceptualization, concepts can differ in their purpose, object, and hence in the results and methods of analysis, and in terms of the study of conceptual support for all three major linguistic functions: cognitive, communicative, and interpretive.

Conceptualisation serves two purposes:

1. Strategic, which consists in accumulating knowledge about the world, its objects, events, properties, about man himself as subject and object of knowledge, by identifying new conceptual characteristics of this or that entity in the process of all human life activity.

2. Tactical, the purpose of which consists in assigning units of knowledge using linguistic means for their subsequent transmission to the addressee in the process of verbal communication. A concrete object, a living being, an event, its separate characteristic or the speaker's attitude towards it is the object of conceptualisation in this interpretation. A unit of individual knowledge (concept-sense) is the result of this process. A particular linguistic unit in the form of a single word, a combination of words, a simple or complex sentence, a whole text or discourse that conveys the given meaning is the object of linguistic analysis in this approach.

Thematic concepts are constructs of thought, units of theoretical knowledge that are representative of the whole of the collective experience of knowledge of the world. These kinds of terms can be used as a base for category building. Studying them involves analysing the corresponding conceptual-

thematic area, its structure and content: MAN, NATURE, ANIMAL, PLANT, ART, etc.

There is also a distinction to be made between the concepts of representation, semiotics and interpretation.

Concepts of representation are functionally related to the representation of the world and to the collective knowledge of the world in all the diversity of its manifestations. For example: house, table, book, dog, etc.

To the number of semiotic concepts should be assigned individual concepts - meanings formed and transmitted in the processes of communication. Generally, they can be verbal or nonverbal. Verbal (linguistic), more precisely verbalised, concepts can also be represented by phonetic, lexical, grammatical (morphological and syntactic), textual and discursive means, have a metaphorical (bathing in money) or metonymic (Peter's time) character.

A term of interpretation is a unit of new knowledge created on the basis of the interpretation of collective knowledge about the world within the framework of a single conceptual system of a single human being. For example: mine - not mine, absence, inconsistency, almost, like, approximately, etc. [6].

The mutual overlapping of the features of the different types and subtypes within the proposed system of concept typology is a natural reflection of the diversity of how cognitive and linguistic structures relate to each other. It shows that, as in any other linguistic classification, there are and can be no rigid boundaries between the selected types. This is due to the fact that each linguistic unit is doubly signified in the language system and in speech, and is therefore polyfunctional, just as its conceptual basis is itself polyfunctional. To conclude, it is necessary to emphasise that developing these or those typologies of concepts in linguistics is not an end in itself. The main purpose is to reveal the differences in the way the world is conceptualized in language, the heterogeneous nature of the conceptual content that underlies the formation of multiple meanings transmitted by language form, and that determines the use of different methods and techniques for studying them.


1. Evans V. The Meaning of Time: Polysemy, the Lexicon and Conceptual Structure // J. Linguistics 41. Cambridge University Press, 2005. - P. 33-75.

2. Zulpukarov K.Z. Word as a medium of linguo-ethno-cultural concepts // Vestnik of the Kyrgyz National University named after Y. Balasagyn. - 2014. - P. 246-254.

3. Kubryakova E.S. Language and knowledge. - M.: 2001. - 32 p.

4. Lee, David. 2002. Cognitive Linguistics: an introduction. - Oxford: Oxford University Press.

5. Ungerer, Friederich and Schmid, Hans-Jürgen. 1996. An introduction to cognitive linguistics.

6. Langacker, Ronald W. 1987-1991. Foundations of cognitive grammar. 2 vols. Stanford, CA: Stanford Univ. Press.


Ф.Р. Батыршина1, старший преподаватель Курбанбек кызы Сайрагул1, преподаватель А.А. Оморова2, преподаватель 1Ошский государственный университет

2Профессиональный колледж Кыргызско-Узбекского университета (Кыргызстан, г. Ош)

Аннотация. В данной статье рассматриваются проблемы и задачи когнитивной лингвистики. Целью статьи является раскрытие сущности когнитивной лингвистики и концепции как ее основного понятия, а также изучение языковых процессов, языковых единиц и категорий и т.д. в их связи с запоминанием, воображением, восприятием и мышлением. В статье также поднимается актуальная проблема изучения неоднородности содержания концептов, которая во многом обусловливает разнообразие их языковых репрезентаций. Данная проблема рассматривается в контексте реализации трех основных функций языка: когнитивной, коммуникативной и интерпретативной.

Ключевые слова: концептуализация, концепт, типология, функции языка, интерпретация языка, функциональная типология.

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