Научная статья на тему 'Basalt and its applications that may radically change civil engineering'

Basalt and its applications that may radically change civil engineering Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Galishnikova V.V., Okolnikova G.E., Shamseldin M.A., Natete Sandrine, Yen Kunno

The new trend now a days is to find an alternative substance instead of consuming one material for a specific application, for instance, most of the buildings and constructions are built with steel reinforced concrete, so it became a matter of concern now to find a partial or total substitution for the low carbon steel to be used as a reinforced material, and thus we could reduce extract raw iron, and preserve it from consumption. The basalt made materials is one of that solutions due to its outstanding properties whether physical, chemical, thermal or mechanical properties.

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Новая тенденция в наши дни найти альтернативный материал для использования в железобетонных конструкциях, из которых возводится большинство зданий и сооружений. Проблема заключается в поиске частичной или полной замены низкоуглеродистой стали, которая применяется в качестве армирования конструкций. Это позволит снизить металлоемкость железобетонных конструкций.

Текст научной работы на тему «Basalt and its applications that may radically change civil engineering»

УДК 69


V. V. Galishnikova, G. E. Okolnikova, M.A. Shamseldin, Natete Sandrine, Yen Kunno Peoples' friendship university of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia Department of Civil Engineering


The new trend now a days is to find an alternative substance instead of consuming one material for a specific application, for instance, most of the buildings and constructions are built with steel reinforced concrete, so it became a matter of concern now to find a partial or total substitution for the low carbon steel to be used as a reinforced material, and thus we could reduce extract raw iron, and preserve it from consumption. The basalt made materials is one of that solutions due to its outstanding properties whether physical, chemical, thermal or mechanical properties. Such as, which also the main important properties, it possesses high resistance to corrosion in both acidic and alkaline environment that we can say it almost will not corrode, as well as it has high hardness, 8.5 by Mohs scale, moreover, it properly function in a high thermal range that varies from -2600C to +960° C, in addition to low thermal conductivity 0.031 — 0.038 w / ( m * k ), beside it is a cheap material compared with other materials that has the same properties. In this paper we would like to consider the prospects of using composite materials in some areas of construction, namely: basalt fibers and basalt rods, in the field of civil engineering. As well as the use of basalt geo-grid for road construction.


basalt, basalt fibers, geogrid, basalt

applications, thermal properties,

physical properties and mechanical


История статьи:

Дата поступления в редакцию:


Дата принятия к печати: 13.04.19

1. Introduction:

The rapid increase of the world population now a days drives us to construct more constructions for different purposes, such as: residential buildings, commercial buildings, industry buildings, infra structure, etc, where it is expected that there will be an increase in world population by one billion in 2030[1]. As a result of this enormous growth, we have to diversify the materials that are used in the process of manufacturing and construction. As known, the most valuable material in construction is carbon steel, where statistics showed that 50% steel manufacturing is used in constructing[2].

So if we find an alternative or, at least, partial substitution for steel in construction engineering field, it will significantly conserve the iron and considerably reduce its consumption. One of the best alternative to steel is the Basalt made materials, and this attributes to basalt's various specification, where basalt has excellent thermal, physical, chemical and mechanical properties.

The most important feature for basalt, which make it a great substitution for steel in some applications, it has high resistance to corrosion in both acidic and alkaline environment, in addition to high hardness (8.5 by Mohs Scale ), those two features beside other mechanical features could help a lot in the civil engineering field. Where we could use basalt rebar as a steel rein-forcement, and also we could use the basalt as an aggregate in concrete which will provide the concrete with more resistance to abrasion.

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2. Properties of basalt:

Basalt is a very hard fine grained igneous rock from a volcanic origin [3] , which has a dark color, this dark color is related to the iron compounds inside. In this work I would like to focus on the properties that could serve in the civil engineering life.

2.1. Physical properties

Basalt is a well-known material with its dark brown color. And since it is can be melted, it could be reman-ufactured in different lengths and diameters as required. Its density is 2750 Kg/m3. And its coefficient of friction lay between ( 0.42 — 0.5 ) which subsequently while provide a good bonding strength between it and the matrix [4]. Basalt rocks have high hardness, where it has (8.5 by Mohs scale) just before corundum and diamond on the scale, and that hardness will provide the matrix with high resistance to abrasion.

2.2. Chemical properties

The most important properties that grabbed the attention of any engineer is, its high resistance to corrosion in both acidic and alkaline environment, good weathering resistance and alkali resistance compared with the glass fibers. [5]

2.3. Thermal properties

Basalt properly functions with a thermal range -2600 C to +7600 C, and also in some cases it's properties could be modified and the application temperature could be up to +9600 C for many hours without physical damage, in addition to a high melting point about +14500 C. It has so low thermal conductivity within the range ( 0.35-0.59) w/(m*k) (watts per meter-kelvin), which is about 100 times lower than steel's thermal conductivity, which leads to an outstanding performance in heat isolation.[4]

2.4. Mechanical properties

Basalt has a high tensile strength around 1200 MPa, when compared with its density (2750 kg/m3) we get specific tenacity (1790 KN.m/Kg) , which is higher many times than that in the carbon steel (46.4 KN.m/Kg). Also has a compressive strength about (420 Mpa). It has also Low tensile elastic modulus of elasticity ( 52-57 )GPa , actually this is a drawback in basalt made materials. [6]

3. Application of basalt made materials:

(K. Linthout , H. Paulick. ...etc) have proved, using petrographic analysis and XRF analsis for major and trace elements, that the using of basalt in construction life is not a new idea, it has been used since the Romans ages, where basalt rocks were used in its natural form in pavements and constructing. [7]

Basalt rocks can be crushed into small parts and used as an aggregate, or it could be melted into different shapes and different diameters and lengths.

Fig.l Basalt fibers [8] Fig. 2: Basalt rebars[8]

As foregoing, it could be concluded that basalt has many useful properties, which can be used not only in building and civil engineering life, such as: rebars as shown in figure (1)[8], fibers as shown in figure (2), fitting pipes, internal or external heat and sound insulation, shells, tanks, fire protection structures and geogrids, but also basalt can be used in other engineering fields such as: automotive, ships and boats, wind turbine blades, sporting goods and many other ap-plications.[9] 3.1. Basalt mesh.

Basalt gird is also known by mesh, The manufacture of basalt geogrids requires melting the crushed basalt rock at high temperature around 1,500 °C, then the molten rocks is then extruded through small nozzles to produce continuous filaments of basalt fibers, these fibers are subsequently woven in two directions as shown in figure 3 [8]. The mesh could have biaxial or uniaxial properties. Biaxial mesh means that it has the same properties in the both directions, whereas uniaxial mesh means that it has primary properties in the one direction and the other direction has property just enough to maintain the primary fibers in its direction.

Fig. 3 : Basalt mesh [8]

Due to the high resistance to alkali environment, light weight and the good coefficient of friction that provides good bonding between it and the surrounded matrix, basalt mesh has a various application in civil engineering field, such as : tie reinforcement, strengthen columns [10], ma-sonry works , plaster layer reinforcement , increase the abrasion resistance of the floor and as geogrid reinforcement.

3.1.1. Basalt geogrid.

It's known that the soil has so low tensile strength that could be totally neglected and considered as zero tensile strength, so in order to compensate this drawback of soils we can use geogrid, mesh, as a soil reinforcement. In addition, it increases the load bearing capacity of the subgrade soil, where it Receive the concentrated normal stresses that occurred by the vehicles wheel load, and to redistribute them in the two direction of the geogrid. And thus by increasing the load capacity, a subsequent increase in the overall stability of the road, transport capacity of the road, and a raise in lifespan of the operational period. [11]

4. Conclusion:

The outstanding properties of the basalt make it a versatile material, where it possesses a high resistance to corrosion in either acidic or alkaline environment, high hardness (8.5 by Mohs scale), as it could properly function to several hours in a temperature up to +960 ° C without any physical damage, as well as it has an incredible high tensile strength (1200 MPa). All this features besides its cheap price, allure engineers, and forced them to think how they can exploit as possible these properties in engineering life, where now we can see the basalt is used in the manufacture of rebars for concrete reinforcement, fibers, shells, sound and thermal insulation, fire protection structures and geogrids.






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1. "world population prospects," vol. ESA/P/WP/2, p. 1, 2017.

2. worldsteel.org, "STEEL IN BUILDINGS AND INFRASTRUCTURE | worldsteel," www.worldsteel.org, 2018. [Online]. Available: https://www.worldsteel.org/steel-by-topic/steel-markets/buildings-and-infrastructure.html. [Accessed: 14-Dec-2018].

3. D. Jerram and N. Petford, The Field Description of Igneous Rocks, vol. 91. 2017.

4. K. Singha, "A Short Review on Basalt Fiber," Int. J. Text. Sci., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 19-28, 2012.

5. J. Il Choi and B. Y. Lee, "Bonding properties of basalt fiber and strength reduction according to fiber orientation," Materials (Basel)., vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 6719-6727, 2015.

6. D. N. Subramanian, "Sustainability of RCC Structures Using Basalt Composite Rebars," vol. 1, no. September, pp. 156-164, 2010.

7. K. Linthout, H. Pautick, and J. R. Wijbrans, "Provenance of basalt blocks from Roman sites in Vleuten-De Meern (the Netherlands) traced to the Tertiary Siebengebirge (Germany): A geoarchaeological quest using petrological and geochemical methods," Geol. en Mijnbouw/Netherlands J. Geosci., vol. 88, no. 1, pp. 55-74, 2009.

8. V. Pandurang Kumbhar, "An Overview: Basalt Rock Fibers-New Construction Material," Acta Eng. Int. Aufau Period. Acta Eng Intl, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 11-18, 2014.

9. H. Jamshaid, "Basalt Fiber and its Applications," J. Text. Eng. Fash. Technol., vol. 1, no. 6, pp. 254-255, 2017.

10. A. Parvin and D. Brighton, "FRP composites strengthening of concrete columns under various loading conditions," Polymers (Basel)., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 1040-1056, 2014.

11. B. R. Christopher and G. Synthetics, "A Design Workshop GEOGRIDS IN ROADWAY AND PAVEMENT SYSTEMS Geogrids in Roadway and Pavement Systems," Int. J., 2010.

Просьба ссылаться на эту статью следующим образом:

Galishnikova V. V, Okolnikova G. E., Shamseldin M. A., Natete Sandrine, Yen Kunno. Basalt and its applications that may radically change civil engineering. — Системные технологии. — 2019. — № 31. — С. 5—8.


Галишникова В. В., Окольникова Г.Э., Шамсельдин М. А., Натете Сандрин, Йен Кунно Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН), Москва, Россия Департамент строительства

Аннотация Ключевые слова:

Новая тенденция в наши дни — найти альтернативный материал для базальт, базальтовые волокна, геосетка, использования в железобетонных конструкциях, из которых возво- применение базальта, термические свой-дится большинство зданий и сооружений. Проблема заключается в ства, физические свойства и механиче-поиске частичной или полной замены низкоуглеродистой стали, ко- ские свойства торая применяется в качестве армирования конструкций. Это позво- Date of receipt in edition: 11.04.19 лит снизить металлоемкость железобетонных конструкций. Date of acceptance for printing: 13.04.19

Материалы на основе базальтовых волокон являются одним из решений этого вопроса, благодаря своим уникальным свойствам: физическим, химическим, термическим или механическим. Например, базальтовое волокно обладает высокой коррозионной стойкостью как в кислой, так и в щелочной среде, можно сказать, что оно почти не подвержено коррозии, и имеет высокую твердость, 8,5 по шкале Мооса. Более того, базальтовое волокно хорошо работает в условиях высоких температур, диапазон использования волокна варьируется от -2600C до +9600C. Еще одним достоинством базальтового волокна является низкая теплопроводность 0,031 — 0,038 Вт / (м * К). Кроме того, это сравнительно недорогой материал. В этой статье мы хотели бы рассмотреть перспективность использования композитных материалов в некоторых областях строительства, а именно: базальтовых волокон и базальтовых стержней, в сфере гражданского строительства. А также использования базальтовой геосетки для дорожного строительства.

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