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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Balachenkov Dmitry Anatolyevich, Gasanenko Elena Aleksandrovna, Shakhmaeva Ksenia Evgenievna

The article touches upon the problem of a bachelor's personality self-organization formation by means of autonomous activity. It is specified that the student's autonomous activity should be the basis of the educational process. The main levels of students' autonomous activity are highlighted and described. The characteristic features of the concepts "autonomnity" and "autonomous activity" are revealed. The requirements necessary for effective performance of autonomous activity are given. Particular attention is paid to the proper organization of autonomous activity of bachelors to form an active subject of learning activities. The method of the project as one of the innovative methods of organizing autonomous activity in the learning process is analyzed. The important role of the teacher in the formation of students' motivation for successful implementation of autonomous activity is substantiated. It is established that autonomous activity as a multilateral and multifunctional activity of educational, personal and social significance.

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3. Колесниченко К.В. Профессионально важные качества личности наставника молодых специалистов: автореферат дис. ... кандидата психологических наук: 19.00.03. - Санкт-Петербург, 2013

4. Круглова И.В. Наставничество как условие профессионального становления молодого учителя автореферат дис. ... кандидата педагогических наук: 13.00.08. - Москва, 2007

5. Мануйлов Ю.С. Средовой подход в воспитании. - 2-е изд., перераб. - М.: Н. Новгород: Изд-во Волго-Вятской академии государственной службы, 2002 - 157 с.


UDC 378.172

postgraduate student Balachenkov Dmitry Anatolyevich

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education

"Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University" (Magnitogorsk);

сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences Gasanenko Elena Aleksandrovna

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education

"Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University" (Magnitogorsk);

сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences Shakhmaeva Ksenia Evgenievna

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education

"Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University" (Magnitogorsk)


Аннотация. В статье затрагивается проблема формирования самоорганизации личности бакалавра посредством автономной работы. Уточняется, что автономная работа студента должна стать частью образовательного процесса. Выделяются и описываются главные уровни автономной работы студентов. Раскрываются характерные особенности понятий «автономный» и «автономная работа». Приводятся требования, необходимы для результативного выполнения данного вида работы. Особое внимание уделяется правильной организации автономной работы студентов-бакалавров для формирования активного субъекта учебной деятельности. Анализируется метод проекта как одного из инновационных методов организации автономной работы как средство самоорганизации личности студентов-бакалавров в учебном процессе. Обосновывается важная роль преподавателя в формировании мотивации студентов к успешной реализации автономной работы. Установлено, что автономная работа как многосторонняя и полифункциональная учебная деятельность является эффективным средством самоорганизации личности студентов-бакалавров.

Ключевые слова: автономная деятельность, самоорганизация, бакалавр, студент технического вуза.

Annotation. The article touches upon the problem of a bachelor's personality self-organization formation by means of autonomous activity. It is specified that the student's autonomous activity should be the basis of the educational process. The main levels of students' autonomous activity are highlighted and described. The characteristic features of the concepts "autonomnity" and "autonomous activity" are revealed. The requirements necessary for effective performance of autonomous activity are given. Particular attention is paid to the proper organization of autonomous activity of bachelors to form an active subject of learning activities. The method of the project as one of the innovative methods of organizing autonomous activity in the learning process is analyzed. The important role of the teacher in the formation of students' motivation for successful implementation of autonomous activity is substantiated. It is established that autonomous activity as a multilateral and multifunctional activity of educational, personal and social significance.

Keywords: autonomous activity, self-organization, bachelor, technical university student.

Introduction. Nowadays modern Russian society dictates new conditions of higher school student training, regardless of specialization and nature of future activity, every graduate of a technical university should possess theoretical and practical knowledge, professional competences, as well as should accumulate practical experience in accordance with the future profession, also a higher school student should develop his/her creative patent and form competences related to research activity for solving social and cultural problems. It should be noted that regardless of the sphere of future activity bachelors should possess both general professional and general cultural competences of activity. The last two components are developed both in the process of classroom and autonomous work of students.

In higher education the teacher organizes the cognitive activity of students, and the student himself carries out the process of cognition. Autonomous work completes the tasks of all types of educational work. After all, no knowledge that is not supported by autonomous activity can become a true human asset. In addition, this type of work teaches autonomous work and gives not only a set of skills and abilities, but also develops character traits that play an important role in the structure of the personality of a modern specialist of higher qualification.

The purpose of the article. The purpose of the article is to analyze and solve the improvement of the bachelor students' autonomous work organization, contributing to the deepening and improvement of knowledge, the formation of interest in the cognitive activity of students, the mastery of the techniques of the cognitive process and the development of cognitive abilities.

The presentation of the main material of the article. This important problem can hardly be solved only by transferring knowledge in a ready-made form from teacher to student. It is necessary to motivate the undergraduate student so that he or she would move from a passive participant in the educational process to a new level of knowledge acquisition, namely, to become an active participant in the educational process who can formulate a problem, analyze ways to solve it, find the best result and prove its correctness. The ongoing reform of higher education is related to the transition from the paradigm of learning to the paradigm of education. In this regard, it should be recognized that students' autonomous activity is not just an important form of the educational process, but should become its foundation.T here are several forms of students' autonomous activities represented in table 1.

Table 1

№ Students' autonomous activities Characteristics

1. Repetition according to the pattern - this form assumes the involvement of students in activities based on imitation or work according to a model, this type of activity contributes to the qualitative assimilation of the passed material, but does not allow the student to go beyond the task

2. Obtaining new information and consolidation of knowledge - this form is necessary for the successful promotion of work in the educational process, students not only accumulate the acquired knowledge, but also combine them depending on the tasks set

3. Problem situation analysis - this form of activity involves a deep analysis of the problem under study, in which the student needs to fully disclose the essence of the problem, its origins and solutions

4. Research and creation - this form of activity involves a deep analysis of the problem under study, in which the student needs to fully disclose the essence of the problem, its origins and solutions

5. Design and project - this form of activity is a key type of development of the professional and personal potential of a bachelor student, it is the design process that a student needs to put into practice theoretical knowledge and skills

The educational paradigm of modern society requires new approaches to the aqutonomic of bachelor students' activity. Such activity should undoubtedly be one of the components of the learning process and activities of a bachelor student. It is this component of the educational process that forms the necessary general cultural and professional competencies without the direct participation of the teacher in the process of students' autonomous activity [10].

The concept of "autonomous activity" is considered in Holec H. work where he concideres it as the students' ability to take responsibility for their activities during the educational process with regard to all types of educational activities. The student has the skills of autonomous activity if he is able to establish and correctly formulate the goal of his activity, determine the content and sequence of work on the goal, is able to make the right choice of the methods and techniques used, and also independently manages the process of mastering and can adequately assess the result [5].

In our study, autonomous activity refers to the planned work of students, performed according to the assignment and with the methodological guidance of the teacher, but without his direct participation.

Higher education students differ from those receiving secondary education, among other things, the degree of their autonomous activity. Students' autonomous activity along with the classroom activities is an essential part of the educational process. This form of work is intended not only for mastering the discipline, it is also important for the autonomous activity skills formation in general, in educational, scientific, professional activities. It also forms the ability to take responsibility, solve a problem independently, find a way out of any situation. In a higher education, the teacher only organizes the cognitive activity of students, and the student himself carries out cognition. Autonomous activity completes the tasks of all types of educational activities. In addition, this type of work fosters independence not only as a set of skills and abilities, but also as a character trait, which plays an essential role in the personality structure of a modern highly qualified specialist.

The types and forms of autonomous work within the framework of the educational process are determined by the existing forms of student learning activities, which include lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes. With properly organized autonomous activity, students fully form the skills of independent planning of the educational process, setting the goal of their activities, choosing ways to achieve the goal; knows how to work in a team to achieve a common goal. Thus, autonomous activity becomes one of the main elements of the educational process. For autonomous activity to be effective, its implementation must meet a number of requirements. These include the following:

- strong motivation to obtain new information;

- ability to solve heuristic problems;

- workflow management skills;

- time management as a prerequisite for performing research work on time;

- distribution of support counseling activity forms;

- criteria and indicators for assessing the work performed.

Successful mastering by students of the skills of autonomous activity is possible only with direct monitoring by the teacher, who contributes to the formation of students' readiness for autonomous activity through a strong motivational message. It is known that the teacher's ability to correctly and correctly explain to students what role the educational process plays in their autonomous activities, the importance and relevance of the goal set for them, the need to master competencies for future professional activities, depends on the degree of students' interest in performing autonomous activities, is equally important. both for the learning process and for the future career of the student.

The teacher takes over the monitoring of students, identifies weaknesses, monitors students' readiness for autonomous activities. If a group of students is not completely ready for such activity, does not have strong motivation, does not understand the importance of autonomous activity, in this case it is necessary to adjust the process of students' autonomous activity mastering [1].

It is necessary to take into account the general level of education of the students' group and assess the ability and readiness of each individual student in the group for autonomous activity. The teacher warns students of possible difficulties, guides students 'educational activities and corrects the students' knowledge to achieve maximum readiness for autonomous activity. The requirements presented by the teacher must correspond to the level of the students' knowledge, this approach will ensure the stable assimilation of the educational material both within the framework of the classroom and autonomous extracurricular activities of students. When preparing for classes, it is necessary to take into account that autonomous activity includes several processes: the process of reproduction according to a model or a reproductive and creative or creative process. In accordance with the above processes, it is possible to distinguish several levels of students' autonomous activity.

Reproductive (training) level (the purpose of this type of work is to consolidate knowledge, develop skills).

Reconstructive level (at this level, abstracts are performed, the topics of which are indicated in the educational and methodological complexes).

The creative level is due to the need for a personal approach on the part of the student. At this level, support from the teacher is not needed, the student himself analyzes the problem situation that has arisen, looks for ways to solve it with the information he has received earlier. This level involves a number of works performed by students in the framework of autonomous activities [6].

The creative level requires students to have the skills of project activity, since design and creative work, coursework and qualification work are carried out here. Project activity in this case is a necessary way to realize the creative abilities of students. The creative potential of students is revealed in the process of working on a project, when analyzing a problem situation or a creative task; setting the goal of the project, identifying the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project, its tasks and methods of implementation [9].

Project activity, as a rule, arouses great interest from students of a technical university, since this type of activity reveals on the positive side the personal qualities of students, fascinates with its originality and novelty of activity. Project activity within the framework of student autonomy ensures the comprehensive development of the student's personality, motivates him to further successful project, creative and educational activities [3].

Autonomous activity of students is carried out with pedagogical support from the teacher; the process of activity itself and the results can be presented by students in various forms in written, oral or mixed. Students provide various types of projects, reports, presentations, products of their creative activity or by demonstrating the possession of acquired general cultural and professional competencies. Also, as monitoring of activities, other forms of control can be used at lectures, practical classes, seminars and student conferences.

A distinctive feature of autonomous activity as a means of self-organization of the personality of bachelor students in the educational process is that it is aimed at the formation of a deep layer of knowledge and the development of creative potential in bachelor students. With the introduction of autonomous activity in the educational process, due to the reduction of the hours of classroom studies, the volume of bachelor students' autonomous activity has significantly increased. This approach to the educational process opens up new opportunities for both the student and the teacher. Autonomous activity turns the teacher into a mentor and organizer of students' creative project activities [2].

Note that the autonomous activity of bachelor students as part of the self-organization of the individual is accompanied by pedagogical control by the teacher. in this regard, the teacher's activities change, in addition to the main course of practical and lecture classes, the teacher is engaged in consulting. Such activities are necessary for students to successfully master the skills of self-organization in the process of bachelor students' autonomous work at each stage of the educational process.

Students' design and creative activity is one of the autonomous activity learning forms, aimed at solving academic and scientific problems, creative and research tasks. The tasks that are carried out by students mainly are on the basis of pedagogical methods and techniques.

There is a stong social need for research and creative activity of students for the personal and professional readiness formation, the level of training. The project activity of bachelor students contributes to the development of interest in the studied material, develops their abilities and the need for creative acquisition of knowledge, which is very important for a future professional in any kind of activity. The process of creative and project activities in the educational environment contributes to the formation of the necessary qualities for the self-organization of the bachelor students activities [12].

Project activity is a multi-component structure, each element of that is interconnected and manifests itself in a wide variety of forms and means. It is aimed at developing self-organization among bachelor students, their ability to work autonomously at all stages of project activity; in this context, it is assumed that not only competencies of a narrowly professional orientation are formed, but also general cultural competencies that contribute to broadening the horizons of a bachelor student, form his logical thinking, form the skills of solving various problems not only in the usual ways, but also the ability to find their own most rational ways of solving non-standard problems. When introducing design and creative technology, teachers use both traditional and modern forms and methods of teaching, which contribute to the development of research and creative activity of students.

The design and creative activity of students is a response to the demand of modern higher education, when a young specialist is required not only professional skills and abilities, but also so-called soft skills, which are formed using various forms, methods, training and education tools. Such methods and means encourage bachelor students to independent and research and creative activity in the educational process. Such an innovative method of organizing the autonomous activity of bachelor students is the so-called project method.

The aim of the project methodology is to develop self-educational activity of students, the formation of key cultural and professional competencies. Bachelor students need not only to assimilate the knowledge offered by teachers, but to learn to independently acquire this knowledge and be able to use this knowledge to solve professional practical problems. The project method changes the role of the teacher; from a source of ready-made knowledge, it turns into an organizer of the creative, cognitive and research activities of its students. In the process of working on the project, the teacher must reorient his teaching and educational activities and the work of bachelor students to a variety of autonomous student activities.

Project activities, depending on the goal, can be carried out individually, i.e. autonomously and in pairs or groups. In the case of autonomous execution of the project, the student has a number of advantages, he himself controls such factors, the time frame of the project, the priorities of the research work, group work enhances the motivation factor, each member of the group is endowed with a role depending on which he also performs autonomously a number of tasks assigned to him, such an approach to self-organization of the activity of bachelor students increases the efficiency of search and cognitive activity due to mutual control.

In terms of content and form, the design and creative work of students is more diverse than traditional educational activities, and the topics can vary depending on the wishes of the students.

The autonomous activity of students at the university plays a large role in the formation of the personality of a future specialist, contributes not only to the development of skills and abilities to work both with educational literature and with other sources recommended by teachers in educational and methodological complexes, but also gives students the opportunity to achieve high results in creative activity.

Conclusions. Summarizing the above, we come to the conclusion that the issues of goal-setting become of paramount importance in independent learning activities. This approach to the consideration of the essence of autonomous activity allows us to approach it from the position of autonomous activity of the student, which includes newly formed operations or implementation of formed earlier operations in relation to new material, i.e. transfer of operations.

Autonomous activity, considered as an activity, is a multifaceted, multifunctional phenomenon. It has not only educational but also personal and social value. In the activity-based definition, autonomous activity is an activity organized by a student himself due to his internal cognitive motives, at the most convenient, rational time from his point of view, controlled by the student in the process and by the result of the activity on the basis of teacherTs mediated system control.


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UDC 378.2

senior teacher Banartseva Arina Vladimirovna

Samara State Technical University (Samara); candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor Kaplina Liidmila Yurievna

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education (Samara)



Аннотация. Целью исследования является теоретическое обоснование эффективности психолого-педагогических условий формирования готовности студентов к самообразованию. Для того чтобы ответить на вопросы о готовности студентов к самообразованию, каким навыкам и умениям самообразовательной деятельности следует обучать, мы провели исследование и сравнение компонентов готовности, необходимых для самообразования студентов. Анализ теоретических подходов позволил нам определить самообразование как сложное системное явление и выделить следующие компоненты готовности студентов к самообразованию: когнитивный, рефлексивно-деятельностный и мотивационный. Научная новизна исследования заключается в описании специально организованных психолого-педагогических условий, способствующих формированию или дальнейшему развитию компонентов готовности к самообразованию студентов.

Ключевые слова: самообразование, готовность, когнитивный, рефлексивно-деятельностный и мотивационный компоненты, психолого-педагогические условия.

Annotation. The purpose of the research is to theoretically substantiate the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of students' readiness for self-education. In order to answer the questions about the students' readiness for self-education, which skills and abilities of self-educational activity should be taught, we conducted a study and comparison of the components of readiness that are necessary for self-education of students. The analysis of theoretical approaches helped us to determine self-education as a complex systemic phenomenon and to single out the following components of students' readiness for self-education: cognitive, reflexive-activity and motivational. The scientific novelty of the research is to describe specially organized psychological and pedagogical conditions which contribute to the formation or further development of the components of readiness for students' self-education.

Keywords: self-education, readiness, cognitive, reflexive-activity and motivational components, psychological and pedagogical conditions.

Introduction. Today, an indisputable fact is the increase in the importance of education and especially self-education as a necessary condition for adaptation and competitiveness of an individual in the labor market. Self-education is an important factor in self-creation, self-improvement of an individual in the professional and outside the professional sphere. It has a high individual and social value.

The strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 defines the key requirements for the process of training a qualified, competitive specialist: he must be fluent in innovative technologies, be ready to constantly grow professionally, have the ability to transform acquired knowledge in the professional sphere, have critical thinking, form and develop skills for self-education.

The permanent growth of these requirements affects not only the organization of the educational process, but also the students' assimilation of the knowledge system and the formation of professional competencies.

The relevance (актуальность) of the research topic is due to the following existing contradictions between, on the one hand, the need of society for specialists who are able to adapt to continuously changing social and professional conditions, who are ready for self-education, the need to improve the quality of training of future specialists to a level at which they will act as subjects of educational activity solving professional problems, and, on the other hand, the lack of adequate systems for planning and organizing self-educational activities in the process of studying at a university.

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