Section 4. History of Education
Lichman Lada, Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine, PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor, E-mail: [email protected]
Authenticity Frame as Innovative Resource to Build Up Foreign Linguistic Competence
Abstract: The paper deals with the issues of improving scientific and pedagogical technologies for building foreign linguistic competence.There are pointed out subjects pertaining to searching innovative educational resources, in particular, cognitive linguistics. The cognitive language education research tools and technologies are noted to considerably influence the further development of a competence-based foreign language training.
Keywords: frame, authenticity, foreign linguistic competence, cognitive map, epistemophilia, competence-centered educational paradigm.
Introduction. The concept of foreign language competence is instrumental in the competence approach terminological system. Meanwhile, numerous research works in this sphere (R. Barthes [1], J. D. Culler [3], J. Ortega y Gasset [8] and others) reveal that the semantic content of a core concept in the competence-based pedagogy is rather notional; since the monograph "The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment" [2] has been published, the range of polar interpretations significantly expands, respectively, it is accumulated a contradictory experience based on the learning to use competence model in foreign language pedagogy. Terminological diffusion and practices manifold are trends vitiating the foreign language competence ideologeme. To be sure, a competence-based approach to mastering foreign languages does not rise to the cultural and economic needs for the growth of a bilingual/multilingual area.
The preliminary analysis suggests that the competence-based approach, aimed at modeling the West European pedagogy of the 21st century, is contradictory, and some of the contradictions are the essential ones. There are: 1) terminological amorphousness causing difficulties in identifying the key objects; 2) the heterogeneity of self-contained practices of learning, teaching
and assessment; 3) an internal conceptual, structuring and pedagogical discontinuity, which certainly dilutes the crux of the competence-oriented paradigm; 4) the competence-based approach ideologists' under-estima-tion of the civilizational gap value while implementing the competence ideology in a particular socio-cultural environment (for example, in the countries of Eastern and Western Europe); 5) the unjustified ignorance of proto-competence sources, the experience determining the appearance and formation of a great number ofpeda-gogical innovations, in particular, a competency model;
6) the limited conceptosphere of "human competence";
7) as the result, there is an incomplete picture concerning the tools and mechanisms revealing the authenticity of the person within the scope of foreign language competence components.
The designated aspects require to resolve the totality of the problems as well as overcome complex conflicts associated with the study and revitalization of the genetically predetermined, in a point of fact, exclusive, cognitive resources with the view of intensifying the foreign language teaching.
Objective. The article deals with a model for determining the basic cognitive elements, considered as an innovative resource for building foreign linguistic competence.
Authenticity Frame as Innovative Resource to Build Up Foreign Linguistic Competence
Theoretical framework and research methods.
The methodological framework of the study is comprised by writings in cognitive psychology, didactics and discourse theory, that refers to applying the methods of discourse analysis, the dialogue of cultures, genetic and anthropological methods.
According to the cognitive linguistics and psychology traditions, mental structures maintaining the integrity of practices [6], which schematize experience [5, P. 20-32], but which cannot be directly realized are called frames. In T. van Dijk's view, a frame is out of the context, i. e, it is the element of individual social memory, which characterizes the type of thinking and modifies information perception [4].
It must be assumed that the frame is not so much the "analytic forests" of personality [6], as, according to R. Barthes, "the anagram of the body" [1]. It is physical-ity, broadly defined (the person as a text), that should be regarded as the web of meanings, knowledge, concepts which are experience categorization. In this context, "the anagram of the body", or a set of frames as human conceptual pillars, is commonly referred to as the individual's cognitive map. Such an interpretation of the frame nature is the key to understanding the goals and objectives of cognitive pedagogy.
Results. While substantiating the concepts of authenticity frames we consider the categories of "frame" and "authenticity" to be seamlessly correlated. Frame, as a repository of genetic, social, historical and cultural memory (man as a repository of culture — R. Barthes) [9, P. 220], represents the uniqueness of human authenticity.
In view of the above we think of the authenticity concept, taken in close proximity to the category of the frame, as being one of the high-potential terminological system of cognitive pedagogy, in particular, with regard to foreign languages teaching. The cognitive pedagogy origin is associated with the traditions of existential psychology and philosophy. In addition, the ideas of cognitive psychology and cognitive pedagogy are relevant to the core competences, presented by the Council of Europe. The monograph "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment" [2] points out the existential competence as part of the general ones which includes the views and attitudes, motivation, values, beliefs, cognitive style, personality traits.
From there the existential competence, as it pertains to determining the typology of cognition and personality characteristics, should be considered in conjunction with the conceptual sphere of authenticity frames.
At the same time, the interpreted categories, such as "existential competence", "foreign linguistic communicative competence", "frame", "authenticity" are hardly verified, i. e. they are proved by the scientific practice to be beyond logical unification. These categories are multi-faceted in its notional content, polysemantic. Suffice it to say the key term "competence" is construed as in multitudinous and versatile manner, so in the contradictory one, that does not push the academic community closer to understanding the essence of the competence approach in itself.
Nevertheless, to use cognitive tools and techniques for the purposes of foreign languages learning and teaching is deemed promising, as it offers exciting possibilities for optimizing the educational process.
In this paper, it is crucially important to focus on a method of immanent activation of authenticity frames. The method relies on communicators' cognitive maps (a teacher — a student). The cognitive map of an individual is reported to present the individually distinctive structure of frames and concepts, the so-called cognitions. The cognitions are knowledge, skills, attitudes, memory images, reflections, reactions, properties of psychomotor, genetically determined beliefs, etc. The drafted cognitive map of the communicators (one of which acts more as a recipient (a student), and the other one generates the information (a teacher)), updates the organization and management of the educational process, it determines the choice of teaching methods. The strategies for drawing the cognitive map can vary from the rational and logical strategies to the non-trivial ones (e. g, the so-called "black box" strategy). Obviously, constructing the designated map is a tremendous challenge. However, despite the difficulties in performing the learning and teaching "map" inquiries one should proceed from the psychology and neuroscience data to begin with. In point of fact, the manifestation of the individual human consciousness, or rather the cerebration in his verbal organization, in its communication and receptive skills is always extraordinary, unique. Therefore, it is submitted that the teacher can use psychotherapeutic tools and techniques taken into account the characteristics of verbal thinking. For example, to determine the cognitive structure of a student it is advisable to administer the Rosenzweig Picture Frustration Study as a projective technique for identifying the individual features [10, P. 137]. In accordance with the Rosenzweig's theory, the frustration results from overcoming life obstacles, in solving challenges, for example, while studying one or more foreign languages. Against the backdrop of over-
coming language difficulties there can be applied a method when students are shown drawings with speech difficulties common to the students. The student's response can vary in such aspects as: emphasizing a frustrating factor, self-defense, the need for resolving the situation, etc. Subsequently, the obtained data are entered in the individual cognitive map and then used while preparing for the individual work.
Besides, when identifying cognitions as structural slots of the student's authenticity frame, it is important to rely on the idea that cognitions are largely derived from
genetic topographic history of the individual. Indeed, as B. Dimitrova notes, linguistic forms, rhythms, mental specificity, intonation originality of peoples depend on the geographical features of the living area [11]. Let us remark here that this point of view is not new, as it dates back to the antiquity, but its full expression was explicated in the works of W. von Humboldt [7].
Conclusions. Therefore, the well-defined strategy of building foreign linguistic competence involves employing cognitive linguistics innovative resources by creating an individual psycholinguistic cognitive map.
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