Научная статья на тему 'Audition influence on the development of communicative competence of students'

Audition influence on the development of communicative competence of students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Chepiga Elvira Nikolaevna

In the article the problem of audition as a means of speech activity is analysed. The author notes the increased interest of scholars and practitioners to the method of teaching. It is known the audition to be the most difficult means of speech forming abilities providing the successful process of communicative pupils’ competence. It gives the possibility to teach pupils to listen to the speaker attentively, to cultivate the proper habits of hearing the phonetic structure of sentence.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Audition influence on the development of communicative competence of students»

электронный научный журнал «apriori. cерия: гуманитарные науки»


№ 6 2014

УДК 36:24=161.2


Chepiga Elvira Nikolaevna

senior teacher

Donbass State Pedagogical University, Slavyansk (Ukraine) author@apriori-journal. ru

Abstract. In the article the problem of audition as a means of speech activity is analysed. The author notes the increased interest of scholars and practitioners to the method of teaching. It is known the audition to be the most difficult means of speech forming abilities providing the successful process of communicative pupils' competence. It gives the possibility to teach pupils to listen to the speaker attentively, to cultivate the proper habits of hearing the phonetic structure of sentence.

Key words: audition; speech ability; method of teaching; communicative pupils' competence; phonetic structure.


Чепига Эльвира Николаевна

старший преподаватель Донбасский государственный педагогический университет


Аннотация. В статье рассматривается аудирование как одна из актуальных тем в современной методике обучения английскому языка на начальном этапе. Аудирование позволяет ученикам внимательно слушать говорящего, понимать фонетические структуры и интонацию речи и воспитывает культуру слушания. Сделан вывод о том, что уровень коммуникативной компетентности учеников во многом зависит от умелого использования аудирования учителем.

Ключевые слова: аудирование; речевая деятельность; метод обучения; коммуникативная компетентность; фонетическая структура.

Audition influence on students communicative competence forming is one of the most relevant topics in modern methods of teaching English. Since audition is impossible without verbal communication. It should be noted that it was initially laid the foundations of language skills and knowledge that allows us to use the most effective means to learn foreign language. Underestimation of listening can negatively affect on speech students training. But audition study as a means of speech activity in the methods of teaching is not sufficient one the form audition is used in the methodical literature recently [1]. It is the opposite of the term «hearing» If «hearing» refers to the acoustic per-

ception of the scale, the concept of audition involves the process of perception and understanding of language while listening.

It is known that audition is a very difficult type of vocal activity. And that the modern graduating students of schools do not own this ability practically. Although the task of understanding the content of text by means of audition is included for entering the universities on the faculties of foreign languages.

The sufficient capture of audition doesn't only allow the type of vocal activity but also stimulates the independent watching of films and telecasts in English language, taking into account the circumstance that now we have possibility to listen and to watch such TV channels, as CNN, VVS, NVS and many others.

That manner of speaking and audition is the basic types of vocal activity in socializing with the transmitters of foreign language. From here the importance and actuality of audition studies is obvious [2].

The term «audition», came into literature thanks to the American psychologist Braunom, which means understanding perceived by ear. Audition has to occupy an important place on the initial stage. It gives the possibility to realize not only practical but educational and creative aims.

This type of vocal activity allows to teach students to listen attentively heard language, to form the ability to foresee the semantic maintenance and of sounds, and thus educate the culture of listening not only foreign but also native language. Moreover the audition serves as the important means of communicative speech activity forming. It enables to seize the voice side of language which is studied, it phoneme composition and intonation: rhythm, accent, melodic. At the same time audition facilitates a capture of broadcasting, reading and writing [3].

Audition is not the easy type of vocal activity. Difficulties of audition are connected with the linguistic form of report, its content with information generators and individual features of students.

On the initial stage, when main skills of audition are formed, it is needed to take away pictures connected with acquaintance of the linguistic material. Gradually the students acquire the ability to guess the value of new words, to understand maintenance of the phrase or text in a whole, in spite of presence of unknown elements. Speaking about difficulties of linguistic form, it is necessary to diminish the length of suggestions the amount of words in it must be 5-6. The students memorize easier simple sentences worse the difficult ones. Therefore at the beginning of studies it is recommended to use short simple sentences. Words sounding like the words of the mother tongue but have the different value also present some difficulties of audition, although interlingual interference at lexical level is rather fewer. Phonetic difficulties are considered the basic ones.

Desire to understand the maintenance, to get information make the students to mobilize attention, memory and psychological activity and become a means in overcoming the difficulties. Efficiency of audition studies depends on the personal interest of student to understand the maintenance of speech. The results of researches testify that students better understand and memorize much in texts content with the interesting plot of story. Consequently, main requirement to maintenance of texts for audition is a richness of content and curiosity. These texts must be simple enough and accessible for students. The name of text facilitates the understanding of maintenance, if it removes the main idea. It is sometimes expedient to give a short entry before the audition which will help students to be orientated. It is necessary to mark that the richness text content won't be overloaded by the information. One of main principles of text selection is its easiness. They must contain the information already known for students. It facilitates the understanding of the text maintenance in a whole and plays a large role in its perception by ear.

The rapid rate of given information always embarrasses the students understanding of texts. The optimum rate for ear is a that coincides with the rate of the own speech. On the initial stage as a rule it is very slow.

The progress of audition depends on the students necessity to recognize something new to display interest to the theme content. System of exercises is needed to overcoming the audition difficulties.

Practical foreign language learning is possible only when using it as a means of communication, during which information is exchanged in that language. The lesson has a very great potential to use foreign language as a means of communication of teacher and students. Philologist Rogova said that if the teacher often speaks foreign language, constantly accompanying his speech translated into their native language, it doesn't not promote to the formation of oral communication of students skills [4]. Knowing that teacher translates told sentence the students won't make effort to understand speech of teacher's foreign language. Perhaps a teacher does not believe in the strength and capabilities of their students. This lack of confidence is passed and to the children. They consider foreign language, as the subject that has no practical use for them.

A teacher has to attain the students understanding not only the general value of the expression used but also its separate parts. Exactness of students audition understanding must be systematically checked up. It is not enough to be satisfied with one positive reaction on separate orders, it is necessary from time to time to translate the sentences.

As a dialogue teacher-student is one of the main means to involve students in conversation, it is very important to carry out mane lexical exercises to avoid mistakes.

The most frequent group of mistakes is connected with the weak command of usage the word combinations and phraseological units in teacher's speech.

The exercises carried out at initial and middle level of students forming speech activity are in general named linguistic or preparatory. The teachers usually divide them into lexical, grammatical and phonetic.

Before beginning to listen to the text the teacher has to give previous instruction, create motivation, mobilizing students for active work.

Instruction includes formulation of task, the ways of its fulfillment, orientation, difficulties and forms of verification. In the process of control it is desirable to organize linguistic students cooperation in pairs and groups.

H.V. Elukhina considers the audition as a means of «Snow ball» and intensification of teaching process [5, p. 143]. The sufficiency audition is also provided by game, because it activates the mental ability and allows to do educational process more interesting.

Список использованных источников

1. Бим И.Л., Каменецкая Н.П. О преподавании иностранных языков на современном этап // ИЯШ. 1995. № 3. С. 41-44.

2. Карп'юк О.Д. Комуыкативно орieнтоване навчання // Англмська мова в початковш школк 2007. № 1(26). С. 23-28.

3. Ляховицкий М.В., Кошман И.М. Методика преподавания иностранного языка. М., 1981.

4. Рогова Г.В. Методика обучения иностранному языку на начальном этапе. М., 2000. С. 25.

5. Елухина Н.В. Интенсификация обучения аудированию на начальном этапе // Иностранные языки в школе. 1986. № 5. С. 33.

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