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Ключевые слова
Environment design / society / materialization / literature / interpretation.

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Artashes Melikyan, Elyanora Markaryan, Tatevik Paytyan, Ani Atsharyan

The key conditions of the relationship between the parallel provisions of environment design and the "Divine Comedy" and the environmental design in the context of aesthetic planning and literature materialization, are aimed to raise the importance of design activities at the qualitative development of public relations. Historical and psychological aspects of structure of humanitarian norms, as well as conceptual design as a platform for raising important issues are presented as a subject of comprehensive research. An attempt was made to define the design boundaries of the environmental design and to consider the features of their transformation; in the context of expanding borders and their disappearance

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ARTASHES MELIKYAN PhD in Architecture, Professor, Dean of the Design Faculty of National University of Architecture

and Construction of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia


Lecturer of the Chair of Interior and Exterior Design, National University of Architecture and

Construction of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia


PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor, Assistant of the Chair of Interior and Exterior Design, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia


PhD in Art, Associate Professor of the Design Chair, National University of Architecture and

Construction of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia

Abstract. The key conditions of the relationship between the parallel provisions of environment design and the "Divine Comedy" and the environmental design in the context of aesthetic planning and literature materialization, are aimed to raise the importance of design activities at the qualitative development of public relations. Historical and psychological aspects of structure of humanitarian norms, as well as conceptual design as a platform for raising important issues are presented as a subject of comprehensive research. An attempt was made to define the design boundaries of the environmental design and to consider the features of their transformation; in the context of expanding borders and their disappearance.

Keywords: Environment design, society, materialization, literature, interpretation.


The environment design has helped to solve the problems and issues raised by society from the earliest times of human existence. Its subordination to the general growth tendency of modern society and individual is revealed in the obvious diversity of creative directions of design, pushing the boundaries of one-dimensionality into an environment of universal dialogue, which allows to stimulate new activities and choices of interpretation. A choice in favor of openness to the design creation, in which multiple meaning and dialogue operate at the level of removing authorial pressure and developing the capacity for self-expression in modern individual.

Environmental design is characterized by its ability to respond quickly to the needs of society due to its mobility and sensitivity. These skills give the design spere priority in social decision making.

Modern design, in fact, excludes the alternative and limitations of what design can be created from or what can be considered as design in general. However, being in a state of uncertainty, it continues to perform a number of important social functions. The environmental design organizes the material, spatial conditions of a person, creating functional and aesthetic surroundings for individual, social and professional use.

Nowadays, design is an active participant of modern society transformation, so there is an opportunity to use it to materialize key theoretical ideas about the existence of society and life.

Materials and Methods

The call of study the environment design in the system of social values is due to the objective need to understand the various problems arising from intensive development of modern individual, which reflects humanitarian values and spiritual turn of modern civilization, self-consciousness and philosophy.

The transformation of design activities in the context of changing the cultural paradigm expands its sphere of influence, penetrating different spheres of human life. The role of environmental design in public reality becomes more significant. It goes beyond the scopes of organizing and shaping of human spatial environment and claims to be a guide to certain values.

At present, environmental design cannot be observed without analysing and taking into account the socio-cultural situation in the world, which has been significantly sharpened by the problems of civilization. The values of modern society towards life and individual seem to have changed, and individual gradually loses its control over social processes, and as a result it leads to deep problems. The system of value attitudes disappears and a completely new paradigm of information culture is formed. In such situation, the design of the environment, as a design action for the harmonization of human life, plays a special role, expressing its artistic-figurative and functional features and capabilities [1, pp. 25-94].

The analysis of the significance, possibilities and forms of design cannot be realized without the active involvement of philosophical, social and cultural studies. The ability to take a general, integrated approach to design makes design a successful example for other areas. The comprehensive approach to the study of design by art historians, psychologists, anthropologists, economists, sociologists, physicists, and other fields broadens the boundaries of design phenomenon and its penetration into all aspects of human life.

In post-industrial society century, the transformations take place not only in structural changes of information technologies, but also in the layers of worldview and conceptual approaches. Design shapes taste, style and meets person's basic communicational needs through its ability to create a dialogue environment.

Results and Discussion

Human-made spatial and artistic culture allows to acquire certain image, type of thinking, human psychological structures, to create a socio-cultural ideal in accordance with the requirements of time. In addition, it helps to create a personal space, as well as help to build new relationships in a changing socio-cultural environment, allowing people to reconstruct and adapt to new conditions. At the same time, human acts as both: a culture and its creator. This factor is significant in reproduction and, consequently, in upbringing, formation and shaping of personality. The design of environment, with its elements, reflects and shapes the continuous transformation of historical continuity, memory, objective world, creative human ideology, spirituality and traditions [2, pp. 28-38].

In this sense, literary and art education, through decorative-applied arts and environmental design, is a necessary component of the modern socio-cultural process and can be considered as a methgod of creation and mastering culture as one of the aspects of individual self-development. The balance between the demand for high intellectual work and the reinterpretation of "life and human nature" is able to influence a significant change in the values of society.

The subject of research is the condition for the materialization of valuable cognitive - cultural literary thought in the fields of subject, spatial and artistic culture, as a part [3, pp. 24-33].

Below the educational and cognitive ideology of the medieval theorist, philosopher, politician and writer Dante Alighieri's "Divine Comedy" in historical and modern socio-cultural continuity as a process of emphasizing the objective world, human self-consciousness and humanity (pic.1).

Pic. 1. The educational and cognitive ideology of the medieval theorist, philosopher, politician

and writer Dante Alighieri's "Divine Comedy"

The versatility of the ideology of creation in his written work, Dante addressed humanity with a message of humanity and for the first time put forward this idea as a way to achieve conscious happiness and harmony. Despite its non-orthodoxy, this work became an important precedent, which was followed not only in the field of literature, but also in various areas of civilization, philosophy, psychology etc.

"This poem is not just a beauty; it has a proximate problem and assumes a direct function to take mankind out of extreme misery and to bring them to conscious happiness." Dante's posthumous letter where he explains why he wrote the poem.

People nowadays do not view literature as evidence of life experience. Dante seems to invite the reader to follow him, he acts as a guide who leads to happiness.

Assessing the work already done in theoretical and practical terms, it became clear that the literature on research is relevant and in demand, as the structures of human relations, society and humanity always need to be improved and improved, both theoretically and practically. This article can help not only to bring together the perspectives and approaches, but also to develop scientifically justified new proposals and solutions in the field of environmental design based on the results of their analysis within the scopes of humanitarian centre. It can not only enrich and expand the horizons of knowledge, values on the principles of balancing life and individual consciousness, but also, using design as a lever to make transitions from the literary world to an associative-pictorial material environment [4, pp. 3-6].

The problem of interpreting a literary work is to reproduce its meaning. The meaning of the interpreted work is revealed and turned into a natural dialogue, which is produced by the act of communication, during the dialogue of materialized thought and the creative perception of the visitor (pw.2).

Pic.2 The dialogue of materialized thought and the creative perception of the visitor

The objectification of writing is called to realize, to materialize the semantic potential of text, based on the observer's personal experience, perception of mental, emotional world. This is the fundamental difference between material interpretation and oral analysis. It presupposes the presence of a ready-made meaning fully embodied in the artistic structure, which the analyst can see clearly, avoiding possible errors of perception. The shift of interest from theoretical analysis to material interpretation is one of the characteristic tendencies of literature and oral thought [5, pp. 34-94].

The growing role of the meaning of written speech creates the need to interpret and differentiate it variously. In the field of foreign literature study, this need can be met by the proposed method of three-dimensional cultural interpretation, which therefore implies the transfer of creation to another semantic field of culture. We can clarify the concept of "interpretation of literary work through another culture" based on M. M. Bakhtin's opinion. [1, p. 28].

The peculiarity of this study is the search for architectural-design solutions that will help the optimal organization of the associative-pictorial environment, which will not only create conditions for the transfer and mastery of knowledge, theories and the writer's philosophy, but also contribute to individual development and socialization (pic.3).

Pic.3 Materialization Example of 5th Circle of Hell - Anger

The methodological basis of the work should be an integrated systemic and structural approach, which will allow to consider the main features of the research object in interconnectedness [6, p. 10].

The environmental design for the materialization of literary thought offers a variety of options. In the chosen example, the work aims to directly affect the emotional, inner world of a person, so its expression from an aesthetic point of view in an associative-pictorial environment can make the viewer logically criticize and analyse what they see, especially when the original book itself is full of indirect conceptual metaphors. Thus, the environment designed on the basis of conceptual metaphor will allow the individual to make the final perception through subjective imagination and consciousness.

Conceptual metaphor (or cognitive metaphor) offers the perception of one idea from the cognitive domain of the other field. According to modern cognitology, alledory is one of the basic abilities of thought, a method for a person to learn, structure and explain themselves and the world around them. The basic principle of this theory is that the metaphor is based on thought, not language. hence the term "conceptual metaphor".

Conceptual metaphors have the potential to create a new, alternative reality. George Lakoff and Mark Johnson support the assertion of metaphor's ability to create a "new reality" with that kind of logical reasoning, because the greater part of life can be interpreted in an allegorical meaning, as the reality around us is partly allegorical, too. Thus, allegory plays a significant role in creation of a new or alternative reality.

Metaphor is basically a method of thinking about the world, which is translated orally, in writing, and spatially [7, pp. 129-171].

Pic. 4 Materialization of literary thought

In the field of environmental design, conceptual metaphor can be a method with a wide range of possibilities in the aspect of the materialization of literary thought. It can also be a stimulus for the development of human associative-pictorial perception and consciousness processes (pic. 4). The philosophy of the associative-pictorial environmental design is based on the human sensory world, in particular, sight / imagination /, touch, hearing, smell (pic.5).


Pic.5 The human sensory world

Written thought can be expressed figuratively in the environment, using a number of elements, but the presentation of the idea of the chosen topic by the formation of geometric shapes will make it possible to emphasize that the author's noble and hard-to-reach theories refer to even the simplest and purest forms. The expression of metaphor through familiar geometric elements can facilitate the process of associative-pictorial perception of the observer. Parallel sound accompaniment and

combination of aromas associated with the theme will allow to create a complete description of the literary thought [8, p. 277, 9, pp. 120-124].

If the design of a metaphorically expressed environment becomes a part of the conceptual system and forms the basis of the proposed environmental reality, this method can change the whole system of perception and all that arises from the inability to imagine. The absence of systematic and comprehensive research in the field of design of such centres makes this topic up-to-date, demanded and unique in its kind.

The presented recommendations and research conclusions can be used for materialization of multi-genre literature in the context of modern centres design. The research results can also be used in other theoretical studies with similar problems, as well as in the development of proposals for the formation of a material-literary world, both in the structure of educational organizations and independent individual centres [10, pp. 140-153].


The environmental design is not limited, it is full of the ability to embody any idea. Today, cultural development processes are interconnected, and environmental design, as an important system of displaying and presenting culture, is expanding and enriching by the realization of new experiments, interaction of ideas and phenomena. At conceptual level, the materialization of literature in a figurative or direct context will allow us to enter the world of important but unspoken ideas and bring them to today's reality, sharpening their role for modern society.


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