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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mukhpulova R., Tuzelbaeva D.

The article discusses the organization of distance learning at school during the quarantine period. Remote technologies that were used in the classroom were a necessary measure, but on the other hand, they require development, on the other hand, they can only serve as an additional educational technology in school education.

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http://www.vavilon.ru/texts/krivulin3.html. Дата обращения: 16.05.14

4. Кригер 2007 — Кригер, И. То самое электричество. По следам XIII Российского Фестиваля верлибра. — М., АРГО-РИСК, 2007. — Режим доступа:

http://www.vaviloaru/metatext/electrichestvo/kriger.h №1. Дата обращения: 27.07.14

5. Крит-халтура 1923 — Крит-халтура // Леф. — 1923. — № 4. — С. 22-26

6. Леф. Леф к бою 1923 — Леф. Леф к бою!.. // Леф. — 1923. — № 3. — С. 3

7. Львовский 1996 — Львовский, С. Белый шум. Стихи. — М., АРГО-РИСК, 1996. — Режим

доступа: URL:

http://www.vavilon.ru/texts/lvovsky1.html. Дата обращения: 11.09.13

8. Львовский 2002 — Львовский, С. Три месяца второго года: Стихи, проза, переводы. — М.: АРГО-РИСК; Тверь: Колонна, 2002. — Режим доступа: http://www.vavilon.ru/texts/lvovsky9-1.html Дата обращения: 30.03.14

9. Лямкина 2011 — Лямкина, Л. Лето Великих Перебрасываний // Полутона. — Режим доступа: http://polutona.ru/?show=1103153157. Дата обращения: 15.02.12.



Mukhpulova R.,

UIB master degree student #57 school Tuzelbaeva D.

UIB teacher


The article discusses the organization of distance learning at school during the quarantine period. Remote technologies that were used in the classroom were a necessary measure, but on the other hand, they require development, on the other hand, they can only serve as an additional educational technology in school education.

Keywords: distance learning, teacher, pupil, school

In recent years, the education system of developed countries has undergone significant structural changes, which are due to the overall impact of scientific and technological progress on the development of society. Currently, a colossal transformation of the education system is taking place abroad due to the introduction of new technologies and the informatization of society. This is due to the fact that widespread traditional curricula can be implemented using distance learning technologies.

The widespread use of distance learning can be presented either as a natural demand of consumers, or as a dictate of the time itself. Distance education turns out to be not just a lucky find of providers who used modern information technologies to meet consumer demand, but a national priority - a reliable tool for the policy of educational expansion, used as a political resource. The state of emergency in Kazakhstan was introduced on March 16, 2020, its terms were extended twice, and this regime was in effect until May 11. Restrictive measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection in different volumes and borders of regions continued to operate until the end of 2020 and were extended for several months in 2021. In the first days of quarantine, measures were taken to organize the completion of the third quarter in schools and the transition to distance learning with the start of the fourth quarter of the 2019/20 academic year. The regulatory framework for these measures was the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 14 "On strengthening restrictive

measures to prevent the coronavirus infection COVID-19 in educational organizations during the pandemic."

The next step was the transition to distance learning from the beginning of the fourth quarter. It should be noted right away that a more precise definition is officially used - "organization of training using distance learning technologies", since distance learning is not a legally defined form of education. The transition to this form of education was carried out in all educational organizations, except for remote small-scale schools (with the number of students from 5 to 80), in which traditional education continued. Distance learning was introduced through 1) Internet platforms, 2) TV lessons, 3) a pre-prepared lesson plan on paper (via post offices or courier). The asynchronous version of distance learning was mainly used. Synchronous online learning has been implemented, according to experts, only in 20% of schools, mostly private. The duration of the lessons was set at 30 minutes, TV lessons - 10 minutes. To organize the broadcast of video lessons, various streaming platforms were used: bilimland.kz, daryn.online.kz, etc., as well as TV channels.

For the elementary school, at the request of the parents, there were so-called duty classes in the amount of no more than 15 students. It was in such classes that, in agreement with parents and teachers, a small number of children were tested offline.

In schools with duty classes, computer rooms were prepared with responsible coordinators who noted the level of digital literacy of second-grade students. To reduce the number of contacts, the children completed the

tasks on their own. During the quarantine period in the 4th quarter.

In the 2019/20 academic year, schoolchildren mastered the use of a computer for educational purposes. Therefore, there were no difficulties with the organization and testing of most children in this form of testing. With the start of restrictive measures, children who did not have technical equipment were given laptops at the school. Group chats were created in the WhatsApp mobile application, through which the teacher sent assignments and could discuss all organizational issues. Over time, the Online Mektep educational platform was developed. On this platform, children could download assignments attached by the teacher in a particular subject, watch video lessons and complete assignments to reinforce the topic. Each lesson in Online Mektep is made according to the adaptive learning algorithm and has 3 levels and 9 sublevels of tasks. All lessons are developed by teachers of Naz-arbayev Intellectual schools. If the student has not fully mastered the material, he can return to the lesson and review it in the record. Video communication, well organized on Online Mektep, allows you to directly ask questions to the teacher.

You can also ask questions to the teacher using a convenient chat. In addition, the Kundelik.kz platform was actively used. "Kundelik (Kundelik)" [2] is a Ka-zakhstani IT company that develops a unified electronic educational environment for teachers, students, parents, administrations of educational organizations, as well as for representatives of education authorities.

To select technologies and technical capabilities of the Internet in Kazakhstan, before the start of the fourth quarter, trial lessons were held for all grades of schools. As a result, it was decided to abandon synchronous online learning, since the networks could not withstand the loads, just as the Zoom program, which was chosen as the main platform, could not withstand them. For work, the user receives an identifier and uses it to conduct meetings. Many educators preferred to use this platform to conduct lessons in real time. Positive aspects of distance learning. The age of technology requires the ability to use a computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, and other electronic devices, which, of course, have become an important part of the life of a modern person. The remote system helps students and teachers develop this skill. By completing assignments and attending online lessons, children learn how to work on a computer. At the same time, they remember the location of the letters on the keyboard, which develops memory, attention and fine motor skills.

Teachers in distance learning, first of all, lacked "live" contact with students. His absence was shackling: it was more difficult for them to keep track of the presence and involvement of students, it was more difficult to build discussions and discussion of problematic issues. The volume of pedagogical work has in-

creased due to the preparation of online lessons, distribution of educational materials and checking homework. However, according to the judgment of teachers, distance learning is a technology that is applicable in the school. Over the past period, teachers have significantly improved their skills in working on a computer, with computer programs. Having considered the positive and negative aspects of distance learning, we can say that much in this process depends on the attitude of teachers, students and parents towards it. If students want to gain new knowledge and skills, and teachers and parents want to help them achieve this, then distance learning in the current conditions will become a tool for comfortable conscious learning and will not have a negative impact on the result.

Big data, reflecting the specific results of the so-called "Generation Z" schoolchildren, is of particular interest in the new social realities, in the context of the transformation of education, since external factors (informatization, digitalization) form characteristic features (a sense of one's own cyberspace, Internet addiction, reduced concentration, clip thinking, etc.) of this generation and background events (economic downturn, startup boom, pandemic, online communication) are unique. The educational environment must unequivocally respond to the challenges of the time, to the peculiarities of learning "digital children". To do this, it is necessary to create an up-to-date, adequate and effective system of measures for the upbringing, training and socialization of the younger generation. A year ago, no one could have imagined that for almost a whole year, schoolchildren in the Republic of Kazakhstan would study remotely. In any case, the current situation in the world has given us a lot of experience. And now we can be sure that, no matter what the circumstances, children will always be able to receive a quality education, even at home.

Summing up, it should be said that distance learning is a convenient and useful technology. But it is advisable to receive school education in this format only if, for some reason, the traditional option of education - in the classroom - is not available to pupils.


1. Distance learning with Online Mektep. URL:https://edu-

kz.com/helpfulinformation/distancionnoe-obuchenie-s-online-mektep (date of access: 03/01/2021).

2. Ibragimov I. M. Information technologies and means of distance learning / I.M. Ibragimov; ed. Kovshova A. N. - M .: ACADEMA, 2005. - 336 p.

3. Ivshina G. V. Information technologies in education: training, education, management / G. V. Ivshina, Sh. Z. Shigapov, Galimyanov A. F. - Kazan: RIC "School", 2005. - 204 p.;

4. Polat E.S. Petrov A.E. Distance learning: what should it be? // Pedagogy. - 1999. -№7. FROM. 29-34.

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