Научная статья на тему 'Assessment of the development level of railways in economic and geographical areas of Uzbekistan'

Assessment of the development level of railways in economic and geographical areas of Uzbekistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Usmanov Zakir Karimovich

In this article, the development level of rail transport and the factors influencing its development have been examined, and research proposals and recommendations to address existing disparities in socio-economic development in the economic and geographical areas have been developed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Assessment of the development level of railways in economic and geographical areas of Uzbekistan»

Section 3. Geography

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-16-11.12-24-25

Usmanov Zakir Karimovich, Junior scientist, Scientific research center «Scientific bases and problems of development of the economy of Uzbekistan», Tashkent State University of Economics,

E-mail: uzk.com@mail.ru

Assessment of the development level of railways in economic and geographical areas of Uzbekistan

Abstract: In this article, the development level of rail transport and the factors influencing its development have been examined, and research proposals and recommendations to address existing disparities in socio-economic development in the economic and geographical areas have been developed.

Keywords: economic-geographical area, rail transport, infrastructure, supply, length, density, cargo transportation, passenger transportation, disparities.

Introduction. Sustainable economic development, the formation ofa unified socio-economic area, the improvement ofthe territorial structure of the productive forces in our country largely depends on the advanced development of transport infrastructure [1], including rail transport, since the conveyance cost of goods and passengers on rail transport, compared with other modes of transport, is significantly lower. In particular, the cost value of freight by rail is 3-5 times cheaper than road transport, 12-15 times - on air transport [2]. The structure of the rail transport and its infrastructure includes linear and nodal elements, locomotives and wagons, but railway transportation is divided into goods and passenger transportation [3].

Goals and objectives. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the development level of railway transport under the conditions of modernization of the economy by the example of the economic and geographical areas of Uzbekistan, the development of proposals and recommendations to address existing disparities in socio-economic development among the economic and geographical areas. Based on the set goals, the following tasks were performed: the length and density of railways on economic and geographical areas were explored; the dynamics of the conveyance of goods and passengers was analyzed; as well as the disparities between the economic and geographical areas were identified; scientific recommen-

dations and proposals to improve railway transport was developed. The study used the methods of geographical, comparative analysis, statistical, mathematical and historical methods.

Main part. All the economic and geographic areas of Uzbekistan (hereinafter EGA) are covered by rail transport. For the years of independence constructed, railway lines as Navoi-Nukus-Uchkuduk-Sul-tanuizdag and Tashguzar-Boysun-Kumkurgan are of great importance. In 2016, the railway with the length of 124 km was introduced into operation. Angren-Pap, connecting the Fergana valley with the other territory of Uzbekistan, can be regarded as the final stage ofthe formation of a country's unified transport network [4]. It should be emphasized that all of them have both meridional and latitudinal directions.

In 2015, the length of railways for general use made up 4,237.5 km. and for the period 1991-2015, this figure had increased by 120.0%. Mean density indicators of railways for 10,000 km2 made up 94.4 km/km2 [5]. This figure is much lower than the ones of developed countries. In particular, the railway density is 9 times lower than in Japan, 12.5 times - Germany [6].

As studies show, there are significant disparities on the length and density of the railways between the EGA. Along the length of the railways, Zarafshan (24.1%) and lower Amu Darya (23.2%) are leaders, EGA (Table 1).

Assessment of the development level of railways in economic and geographical areas of Uzbekistan

Table 1. - Indicators of the railway transport development in Uzbekistan and EGA (2015)

Economic-geographical areas: The length of railways The density of railways, 10000 km2/km Freight Transportation of passengers

km % thousand, ton % thousand, per. %

Uzbekistan 4237,5 100,0 94,4 67209,9 100,0 20125,5 100,0

Tashkent 364,4 8,6 23,3 20423,0 30,4 10983,0 54,6

Ferghana 564,7 13,4 30,5 8487,7 12,6 785,0 3,9

Zarafshan 1022,2 24,1 6,1 23580,1 35,1 830,6 4,1

Southern 861,4 20,3 17,7 7710,5 11,5 1035,1 5,1

Mirzachul 441,6 10,4 17,3 4408,2 6,5 5496,3 27,3

Lower Amu Darya 983,0 23,2 5,7 2600,4 3,9 995,5 4,9

Table was done by the author on the basis of statistical data of the State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan.

In addition, Southern EGA has a relatively large extent indicators of railways (20.3%). Fergana and Mirzachul EGA constitute for 13.4% and 10.4% respectively the proportion of Tashkent EGA is less than 10%. Over the past 15 years, the length of railways in the lower Amu Darya EGA increased by 155.5% , in the Southern EGA-by 126.5%. Also, in the Zarafshan and Mirzachul EGA the length of railways increased by 116.1% and 113.4% respectively. During the analyzed period (2000-2015) the length of railways in the Fergana EGA increased by only 7.7%.

Figures for density of railways on EGA have different levels, which is having an impact on the social and economic development of each EGA. The biggest indicator ofthe density ofrailways among the EGA is the Ferghana EGA, accounting for 30.5 km / km2. Besides, Tashkent EGA (23.3 km/km2) also has great proportions. The lowest rates of density of railways were seen in the Zarafshan (6.1 km / km2) and the lower Amu Darya EGA (5.7 km/km2). In the Southern and Mirzachul EGA, the density of railways is relatively high (17,7-17,3 km/km2). A high level of density of railways in the Ferghana and Tashkent EGA can be explained by the small data area ofEGA, and vice versa the low density of railways in the Zarafshan and lower Amu D arya EGA is due to the presence of a large area in EGA.

Analysis of the goods conveyance in EGA show that by the conclusions of 2015 more than a third of transported goods (35.1%) accounted for Zarafshan EGA (Table 1). In addition, the Tashkent EGA has 30.4% of transported goods, the proportions in the Fergana and Southern EGA are respectively 12.6% and 11.5%. The quantity of Mirzachul and lower Amu Darya EGA together makes up just over 10%. The high level of freight in the Zarafshan and Tashkent EGA is due to the high level of industrial development and overall the socio-economic level of these EGAs.

In 2015, 20,125.5 thousand passengers, more than 54% of passengers, accounted for the Tashkent EGA, were totally transported by the railway transport. The proportion of the Mirzachul EGA accounts for 27% of passengers. The proportion of the other EGAs in the transportation of passengers is relatively low. This fact is explained by the high social and economic level of the Tashkent EGA,

as well as the beneficial economic and geographical position of this EGA, which is a kind of "gateway" of foreign economic relations of the whole country.

Over the period from 2005 to 2015, passenger transportation by rail in Uzbekistan increased and made up 133.0%. In the Mirzachul EGA, there was a 3.8 times increase. In the Tashkent and Ferghana EGA, the increase in the transportation of passengers constituted for 131.2% -165.8% respectively. The increase in the rate of passenger growth in these areas was due to the quality improvement in this area, as well as this form of transport has become more competitive in the price than road transport.

Conclusion. In conclusion, it can be said that the emergence of disparities in terms of extent and density of railways, the transportation of goods and passengers in the context of EGA is due to the influence of natural and geographical, transport and geographic and socio-economic factors such as the area, with the advantageous or disadvantageous transport and geographical location, as well as the level of industrial development and socio-economic development of the EGA data. It should be emphasized that the impact of natural and geographical factors is impossible to overcome, the transport and geographical location and socio-economic development can be improved. On this basis of this, the elimination of disparities in the development ofEGA, the improvement ofrailway infrastructure should be implemented taking into account the effect of the above factors.

On the basis of the investigations, in the context of EGA, we offer the realization of the following problems and solutions:

- the construction of new railway lines in the EGA, connecting with international highways, which allows to access a go to the neighboring countries. This approach allows to improve transport and geographical position ofEGA, which in turn will form the basis for sustainable socio-economic development of EGA;

- in EGA with a small and relatively small occupied territory, it is appropriate to consider the development of small and medium industry enterprises, which does not require the transportation of bulk goods over long distances;

- in EGA with a large occupied area, it is appropriate to increase the length and density of railways, to develop the construction of large enterprises and growth points.


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