Научная статья на тему 'Assess students’ knowledge database formation'

Assess students’ knowledge database formation Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
Database / MySQL / PHP programming language / База данных / MySQL / язык программирования PHP / Ma'lumotlar bazasi / MySQL / PHP dasturlash til

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Эзозбек Тохиров, Эзоза Хакимова

This article aims to develop a database of student knowledge assessment using modern software tools that are user-friendly and understandable based on demand and supply. Also, the task of this database is to create a convenient environment for evaluating students’ knowledge and obtaining the necessary information.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Assess students’ knowledge database formation»


tdshkent davlat «Актуальные вопросы развития инновационно-


Ташкентский гесул; ровен™ информационных ТвХНОЛОГИИ НЭ транспорте» АВРИИТТ-2022

транспортный университет -г г -i г г

1-Республиканская научно-техническая конференция (Ташкент, 21-22 ноября 2022 года)


Tokhirov Ezozbek,

Associated professor, Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

etokhirov@yahoo.com Xakimova Ezoza,

Master student, Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan DOI: https://doi.org/10.47689/978-9943-7818-0- 1-v2-pp18-21

Abstract: This article aims to develop a database of student knowledge assessment using modern software tools that are user-friendly and understandable based on demand and supply. Also, the task of this database is to create a convenient environment for evaluating students' knowledge and obtaining the necessary information.

Keywords: Database, MySQL, PHP programming language.


Currently, attention to the IT sector is growing in our country. Especially after the coronavirus pandemic, this has increased significantly. The number of people who are interested in programming and those who start learning it is increasing. The number of educational centers providing education in various areas of IT is increasing. The number of specialists in the IT market is also increasing accordingly.

Among higher education institutions and professors, there are many difficulties and time wasted in assessing students' knowledge. This database was developed to find a solution to such problems, and users can access the database through special logins and passwords given by the admin to teachers and students. In the database, teachers place information about their subjects and tests for intermediate evaluations and final evaluations, thereby saving time. Based on the acquired knowledge and test results, the students are automatically evaluated in the database and the results are obtained.

Main Body

Creating an infological model of the database

The first step in creating this project is to create an info model. The goal of information modeling is to provide a natural way for people to describe and collect information that can be formed in a database. Therefore, an effort is made to build an infological model of data in accordance with natural language. Below is the SQL query structure of the info model.

Creating an infographic model:

1. STUDENT (student_id, group_id, name, level_section, data_updated);

2. USERS (user_id, name, user_type, username, password, status, data_updated);

3. GROUP (group_id, name);

4. SUBJECTS (subject_id, title, data_updated, user_id);

5. QUESTIONS (id, question, q_id, data_updated);


«Актуальные вопросы развития инновационно-



ташкенгсиий/мдамтмниый информационных технологии на транспорте» АВРИИТТ-2022

гранспортный униаерсиг* " ~ ~ г г

1-Республиканская научно-техническая конференция

(Ташкент, 21-22 ноября 2022 года)


iArenyA t»W cp*ce

6. QUESTION_OPTIONS (id, option_text, question_id, is_right, data_updated);

7. QUIZ_STUDENT_LIST (id, quiz_id, student_id, data_updated);

8. QUIZ_LIST (quiz_id, title, quiz_options, user_id, data_updated);

9. ANSWERS (id, student_id, quiz_id, question_id, option_id, is_right, data_updated);

10. HISTORY (id, quiz_id, student_id, score, total_score, data_updated);


ground ~:e5ei name varchar(64)



quest or varchar[128) —

qjd ir:ege'

da;a__ odate" d3:e:ine


id integer

it_ с integer

qu i id neger

quest onjd integer

option_ d ir:e=e'

is_ight integer

data_u :>dfted oaze: me


studentjd integer

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evel_5ect on varchar(128)


qUESTIONOrnONS d "eger

optior_tex: varchar^64)

question Jd nteger

rig"; integer

data_updated datetirne


.:ei_L iteger

na ne varchar(128)

userjtype iri^ge'

usernane varchar(54i

password varthar[64)

level_^ec:ic:r var:-ar[128)


data_updated datetirne


qu d student, с score

tota _score data_. adatec

integer ntege r ntege' i neger integer cd'.i'. me

SUBJECTS i- Djeci_ic Title


user d

nteger varchar(123] date; Tie -tege'


uiz_id stL dertjd с ata_updated


"tege' ~;ege r ntege' cd'.i'. me

QLEZJST quiz_ с title




ntege r varchar(64) irt^gs' irtege' cate; me

Figure 1. ER-diagram of the student knowledge assessment database.

Application of the database of student knowledge assessment in practice

Below we can see the database we created:

user_id name - user_type username

31 Abdullayev Eldor 2 eidor_abdullayev

S3 Shukurov Farrux Doniyorovich 1 shukurov_farrn>:

30 Xakimov Shoyadbek 2 xakimov_sh

Figure 2. System user identification request window in PHP MyAdmen environment.

The window of the list of users from the system, that is, the data of the "Users" table, is given in Figure 2. In this window, users are sorted by id.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.


tdshkent davlat «Актуальные вопросы развития инновационно-


ташкентский гесул; рственчый информационных технологии на транспорте» АВРИИТТ-2022

транспортный университет -г г -т г г

1-Республиканская научно-техническая конференция (Ташкент, 21-22 ноября 2022 года)

id quiz_id userjd score total_score date_updated student level_section title

S 28 35 6 10 2022-05-31 22:04:53 КОМ IL О VA FARAN GIZ AKMAL JONO VN A AT-33 Web texnologlyalar

7 28 37 6 10 2022-05-31 22:04:00 NABIYEV КОМ IL ULIJGBEKOVICH AT-33 Web texnologiyalari

14 28 38 4 10 2022-05-31 22:45:52 NIGMATULLAEVDAVRONBEK DILSHOD O'G'LI AT-33 Web texnologiyalari

15 28 62 5 10 2022-05-31 22:46:28 SHAKAROVA NODIRAIBROHIM QIZI AT-34 Web texnologlyalarl

13 28 54 6 10 2022-05-31 22:43:30 SHOMURODOV SHAXOBIDDIN ASOMIDDIN O'G'LI AT-34 Web texnologlyalarl

1G 28 55 9 10 2022-05-31 22:47:22 TOSH M AM ATOV JASURB EKABDULLAOG'LI AT-34 Web texnologlyalarl

17 28 57 4 10 2022-D5-31 22:4B:C1 UMIRZAQOV TEMURBEKOMONQUL O'G'LI AT-34 Web texnologiyalari

11 28 58 4 10 2022-05-31 22:42:03 VASIYEV NODIRJON DILSHOD O'G'LI AT-34 Web texnologlyalarl

9 28 59 8 10 2022-05-31 22:20:49 XOLMUROTOV ELBEKJON XUSNIDIN O'G'LI AT-34 Web texnologlyalarl

Figure 3. PHP MyAdmen environment student web technology test result request window.

In this window, the results were obtained based on the tests that the students worked on.


The future role of this database is that it will create great opportunities and ease in the assessment and monitoring of students' knowledge from any point in real time by connecting to artificial intelligence in the formation of the database.


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«Актуальные вопросы развития инновационно-



ташкенгсиий/мдамтмниый информационных технологии на транспорте» АВРИИТТ-2022

транспортный униаерсиг* " ~ ~ г г

1-Республиканская научно-техническая конференция

(Ташкент, 21-22 ноября 2022 года)

7. Aliev R., Tokhirov E., Aliev М., Tashmetov K. Research the Length of the Braking Distance for Speed and High Speed Trains on Railway Sections // International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering. Volume 9, No.5, September - October 2020, DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.30534/ijatcse/2020/126952020 (Scopus; IF=9.84).

8. Aliev R., Tokhirov E., Aliev М. Methodology for Determining the Optimal Values of Resistance at the Ends of the Jointless Track Circuit with Considering Twofold Shunting// International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, Volume 8. No. 9, September 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30534/ijeter /2020/25892020 (Scopus; IF=6.99).

9. Tokhirov E. Security Improvement Techniques at Railway Crossings of Uzbekistan // Интеллектуальный технологии на транспорте №1, 2020, ISSN 2413-2527. Петербургский государственный университет путей сообщения Императора Александра 1. http://itt-pgups.ru/issue/viewIssue/194/86 (05.00.00; №110).

10. Aliev R., Tokhirov E., Aliev М. Model Microprocessor Device of Four-Wire Scheme of the Direction Change. German International Journal of Modern Science. №11 2021.vol. 1. 30-32. DOI:10.24412/2701-8369-2021-11-1-30-32 (40 ResearchGate).

11. Aliev R., Tokhirov E. Analysis and scientific methodological recommendations for reducing the delay on railway crossings. Interactive science. - 2021. - № 5 (60). DOI 10.21661/r-554252 (40 ResearchGate).

12. Tokhirov E., Aliev R., Aliev М. Devices to improve safety at level crossings // Технические науки: проблемы и решения: сб. ст. по материалам XLI Международной научно-практической конференции «Технические науки: проблемы и решения». - № 10(38). - М., Изд. «Интернаука», Москва-2020.

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