Научная статья на тему 'Asian persimmon (Diospyros kaki L. ) stability to hydrothermic factors of Russia''s damp subtropics'

Asian persimmon (Diospyros kaki L. ) stability to hydrothermic factors of Russia''s damp subtropics Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Omarov М., Belous О., Omarova Z.

In the presented article physiological characteristics of different varieties of eastern persimmon were studied. A characteristics determination was performed of a water regime and leaves catalase activity. Varietal characteristics revealed in the culture sustainability. In drought time 'Seedles' and 'Hostinskij' varieties showed higher resistance to moisture, the peculiarity of the brand 'Sееdles', shows the largest water-holding capacity within leaf tissues and high coefficient of stability. High resistance to this class of plants to water shortage is accompanied by some inhibition of the enzyme catalase, farmer's mostly popular 'Hachia' variety characterized by minimum water-holding capacity of leaf and low coefficient of stability. In varieties 'Hachia' and 'ZenjiMaru' increased activity of the enzyme in combination with the low water content and water-holding capacity, confirming their poor resistance to hydrothermal factors. As a result of studying the water regime of the variety divided into 4 groups. Research revealed the enzymatic activity of the low variability index of all varieties, which makes it possible to use this characteristic for the diagnosis of culture stability. Correlation analysis revealed the existence of an inverse relationship between increased water-holding capacity and air temperature, as well as, a direct correlation between hydrothermal stressors and an increase in the enzyme activity. Complex use of physiological and biochemical parameters related to water status and enzyme activity will allow in the future to diagnose the state of culture in the early stages of exposure to stressors.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Asian persimmon (Diospyros kaki L. ) stability to hydrothermic factors of Russia''s damp subtropics»

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34. 148 Пиковский Ю.И., Геннадиев А.Н., Чернянский С.С., Сахаров Г.Н. Проблема диагностики и нормирования загрязнения почв нефтью и нефтепродуктами.// Почвоведение, 2003, № 9, с. 1132- 1140.

35. 149 Полянская Л.М., Звягинцев Д.Г. Содержание и структура микробной биомассы, как показатель экологического состояния почв.// Почвоведение, 2005, №6, с.706-714.

36. 160 Терехова В. А. Значение микологических исследований для контроля качества почв // Почвоведение, 2007, № 5, с.643-648.

37. 170 Фатеев А.И., Мирошниченко Н.Н., Панасенко Е.В., Христенко С.И. Изменение агро-

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41. Muradov P.Z., Gakhramanova F.Kh., Bakhshaliyeva K.F., Bakhshiyeva G.R., Alkishiyeva K.S. Changes in the species composition for fungi distributed at the natural and anthropogenically disturbed cenosis.// Ciencia e Tecnica. Vitivinicola(iSi indexsed), 2016, №6, s. 27-31

42. Muradov P.Z., Guliyeva N.N., Bakhshaliyeva K.F., Azadova A.A., Akhmedova F.R.,Hashimova P.M. Enzymatic activity of mikromycetes isolated from thermal waters of Azerbaijan.// Ciencia e Tecnica vitivinicola(Portugal), 2016, vol 31, № 11, p.17-22.



Omarov M.

Dr.Agric.Sci., Chief Scientist at Department southern and subtropical fruit crops, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Russian Research Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Crops "

Belous O.

Dr.B.Sci., Chief Scientist at Plants Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Physiology Laboratory, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Russian Research Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Crops "

Professor, Sochi Institute of Design, Business and Low

Omarova Z.

PhD.Agric.Sci., senior researcher at Department southern and subtropical fruit crops, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Russian Research Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Crops "


In the presented article physiological characteristics of different varieties of eastern persimmon were studied. A characteristics determination was performed of a water regime and leaves catalase activity. Varietal characteristics revealed in the culture sustainability. In drought time 'Seedles' and 'Hostinskij' varieties showed higher resistance to moisture, the peculiarity of the brand 'Seedles', shows the largest water-holding capacity within leaf tissues and high coefficient of stability. High resistance to this class of plants to water shortage is accompanied by some inhibition of the enzyme catalase, farmer's mostly popular 'Hachia' variety characterized by minimum water-holding capacity of leaf and low coefficient of stability. In varieties 'Hachia' and 'Zenji-Maru' increased activity of the enzyme in combination with the low water content and water-holding capacity, confirming their poor resistance to hydrothermal factors. As a result of studying the water regime of the variety divided into 4 groups. Research revealed the enzymatic activity of the low variability index of all varieties, which makes it possible to use this characteristic for the diagnosis of culture stability. Correlation analysis revealed the existence of an inverse relationship between increased water-holding capacity and air temperature, as well as, a direct correlation between hydrothermal stressors and an increase in the enzyme activity. Complex use of physiological and biochemical parameters related to water status and enzyme activity will allow in the future to diagnose the state of culture in the early stages of exposure to stressors.

Keywords: eastern (Asian) persimmon, hydrothermal stressors, water-holding capacity, catalase, coefficient of drought resistance


Among the subtropical fruit crops, persimmon, by area, crop productivity and frost resistance has a leading position. It is cultivated on an industrial scale in many farms of Krasnodar region (Witkowski, 2003; Omarov, 2012).

Persimmon belongs to the family Ebony (Ebena-ceae). The genus Diospyros consists of more than 450 species (Du XY, 2009). In the subtropical zone of Russia there are three types: persimmon Caucasian (Diospyros lotus L.), persimmon Virginian (Diospyros virginiana L.) and eastern or Asian persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.). Industrial value has only the eastern persimmon (Omarov and Besedina, 2012).

Asian persimmon is by no coincidence as one of the most valuable species. Its fruits possess an excellent taste, very nutritious and healthy. It is known that the taste of the fruits, including the eastern persimmon, depend on the contents of certain chemical constituents, such as sugars, acids, vitamins, etc. (Bargan-dzhiya et al., 1976. Gabibov, 2012; Omarov, 1999 and etc.). Thus, the fresh fruit of persimmon contains up to 25%, and dried - up to 62% monosaccharide. In addition, the persimmon is rich in protein (0.33 - 1.18%), organic acids such as citric acid (0.41-0.92%), as well as vitamins A and C, (the average content of greater than 90 mg / 100 g) (Masood Sadiq Butta at al., 2015;. Senica at al., 2016). The composition of the pulp includes such important mineral elements such as iron, aluminum, copper, magnesium, potassium, etc. (Sapiev et al., 1997; Witkowski, 2003; Chentsova, 2008; Altuntas E. at al., 2011). Fruits contain about 50% (by total weight) pectin. Astringency and medicinal value of persimmon fruit due to their content of phenolic compounds. Immature persimmon fruits are rich in tannins (up 25%), the content of which, as ripening gradually decreases (Harebava, 1948 Omarov and Omarova, 2004, 2008).

Due to taste and nutritional qualities, Asian persimmon fruit widely used not only fresh, but also in dried form, as well as for the preparation of pastes, jams, syrups, etc.

The Black Sea coast of Krasnodar region is one of the most favorable regions of Russia for the cultivation of high-value food in respect of subtropical fruit crops. However, in spite of the unique natural and climatic potential of the region, the yield of fruit crops is low due to the negative impact of stress factors. The most common subtropical culture in Russia is the eastern persimmon and it should be promoted in other climatic zones with relevant environmental conditions for its commercial cultivation (Omarov and Sapiev, 1999; Omarov et al., 2012).

In the subtropics of Russian Krasnodar region, eastern persimmon was first imported from Sukhumi in 1898. In the 1930s, as the F.M. Zorin noted (Omarov et al., 2012), on the Sochi Experimental Station had 9 varieties. Delivery of varieties continued in the future.

Its assortment were poorly studied despite the fact that, the culture known in Russia since 1889. Newly introduced varieties has still not received a clear economic and biological evaluation, even in

places most of its distribution. Primary, cultivar studies of existing varieties not conducted systematically, and new untested varieties have long been in the region are not involved. In addition, often found that varieties selected and recommended in some areas are automatically embedded in the other areas without the necessary diagnostic monitoring. As a result, environment areas do not correspond to the biological requirements varieties used, which leads to yield losses and reduction in fruit quality. One of the stressors humid subtropical of Russia is the high temperature in the summer period when there is insufficient water supply. The negative impact of these factors on the persimmon plants leads to uneven growth of fetuses and their non-simultaneous ripening, reduce palatabil-ity and reduce the storability. In addition, it increased to harvesting fruit abscission persimmon, which is reflected in the value of the crop.

In this regard, relevant is the study of adaptive capacity of the eastern persimmon that involves a complex physiological and biochemical research. The importance of a research is the study of the liability of the reactions underlying the adaptability of the eastern persimmon and identifies correlative links between the major abiotic stressors humid subtropics of Russia and the functional state of plants.

The purposes of a research was to allocate the indicators characterizing, the adaptive potential of culture in the subtropics, and study the effect of stressors on hydrothermal persimmon fundamental processes for the isolation of high-yielding varieties, which differ, a good quality performance and increased resistance to the limiting conditions of the zone.


2.1 Plants materials

Studies were carried out for three years from 2012 to 2015. Objects of research were 7 regionalized varieties ('Hiakume', 'Hachia', 'Zenji-Maru', 'Seed-les', 'Djiro', 'Fuyu' and 'Hostinskiy') and 2 hybrid (№39 and №99) eastern persimmon, grown in the garden collector All-Russian Research Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Crops (Sochi, Russia).

2.2 Laboratory experiments

Selection leaves were conducted for three years according to the following scheme: samples were collected every week for the most intense dry growing season (in terms of the Black Sea coast of Krasnodar region this June - August) in the amount of 52-60 units; three-time repetition.

Laboratory tests conducted in the laboratory of biotechnology, plant physiology and biochemistry of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Crops using classical methods for determining the physiological and biochemical parameters.

We determined at leaves: water retention capacity -by wilting of leaves tissue, given the loss of water leaves of 4 hours (Kouchnirenko, 1984) ; catalase activity - gas-ometrical method, which is based on records of O2 volume of released when exposed to H2O2 aqueous extracts of plant tissues containing the enzyme (Ermakov, 1987), the water content of the leaf tissue - the method of drying the

leaves in an oven at a temperature of 105 ° C to constant weight (Baslavskaya and Tubetskova, 1964); an overall assessment of heat- and- drought resistance coefficient counted on the stability of the T2 / T1, where T1 - the leaves thickness in the optimal period and T2 - the thickness of the leaf after exposure to stressors (Kouchnirenko, 1984).

Statistical processing of the data was performed using STATGRAPHICS Centurion XV software: Pearson correlation coefficient, least significant difference (LSD) (P < 0.05), and cluster analysis by K-means methods was calculated.

2.3. Climatic conditions

In the subtropical zone of Krasnodar region, in the summer under the influence of environment stress

factors - extremely high temperature (usually above 30 °C) and long periods of drought, subtropical fruit crops provided enough moisture. In result there is the cell dehydration, decreased uptake of nutrients from the soil activity, there is a loss of harvest and lowering crop quality. Thus, the average annual rainfall in the conditions of the Black Sea coast of Krasnodar region is about 1534 mm, which is sufficient to ensure the moisture of subtropical crops. However, the distribution of rainfall during the growing season uneven. The main amount of rain falls are in the autumn-winter periods, while in the summer months (June-August) is observed every year dry period of varying duration (from several weeks to several months) (Table 1).

Table 1

Hydrothermal conditions within the study period

Indicators Month

June July August

Air temperature, 0C: average per month 20.7 ± 0.9 23.6 ± 0.8 24.5 ± 1.8

maximum 27.4 ± 2.3 32.4 ± 0.0 30.3 ± 2.5

Rainfall, mm:

average per month perennial V% for years of research 169.9 89 3 74.7 97 25 76.8 106 113

Soil moisture within a layer 50-100 cm, %

average rep month 20.3 20.8 12.0


Annually recurring drought causes the decrease in the intensity of plant growth processes, which leads to a sharp decrease in productivity and fruit quality deterioration. Therefore, one way to stabilize the horticulture industry is the selection of varieties that are under moisture deficit, would not reduce these indicators.

In this association it is appropriate to evaluate the heat-and-drought stability within studied varieties of persimmon which are recognized by laboratory and field methods, for example, by wilting of the leaves. As it is known, water-holding capacity is higher, the smaller the loss of water in the leaves for a certain time. Changes in the water regime leaves occurring in the process of wilting made it possible to estimate the degree of resistance experienced persimmon varieties to dehydration (Figure 1).

Data analysis showed that in dry conditions and varieties of 'Seedles' and 'Hostinskiy' showed higher resistance to the lack of moisture.

Based on cluster analysis of results (K-means methods) we conducted a grouping of studied culti-vars on their water-holding capacity:

1. The varieties with high water loss of the original content in the leaves - 'Fuyu' (17.6%);

2. Varieties with the loss of water in the range of 15-16%, these include: 'Hiakume', 'D'jiro' and 'Ha-chia';

3. Varieties and hybrids with the loss of water in the range 13-14% ('Zenji-Maru' and hybrids №39 and


4. The varieties with relatively low water loss (11.8-12.1%) - 'Seedles' and 'Hostinskiy'.

When generalizing the results of assessment, of persimmon varieties resistance to the lack of moisture and high temperatures, it was important to select varieties that exhibit favorable water regime leaves that accurately describe their heat-and-drought. In this case, a larger value for the adaptive capacity of plants is the ability of cell structures and whole leaf tissue to retain the water necessary for optimum metabolic flow.


CÖ %


Ö o


20,0 18,0 16,0 14,0 12,0 10,0 8,0 6,0 4,0 2,0 0,0











Figure 1: Water retention of eastern persimmon leaves, LSD (P < 0.05) = 2.31


In the study of drought-resistant varieties eastern persimmon physiological methods it is important to take into account the peculiarities of their morphological traits, leaf anatomy. Thus, our studies have shown variety of 'Seed-les' characterized by greater resistance to drought. Moreover, the feature of variety 'Seedles', is the low water deficit of leaf tissue (average 7.91 %) and a high stability ratio (T2 / T1 = 0.8) with average values of water content (71.30 %). While grade 'Hachia', which is popular with farmers, do not differ to a good drought resistance. The

leaves of this variety during the whole observation period the large water deficit of leaf tissue (13.24 %) and low stability ratio (T2 / T1 = 0.6) combined with a high hydration (on average about 67.38 %). It involves active transpiration ability of leaves, which leads to high requirements of the class to replenish the water balance. Variability associated with the water regime of plants in all varieties studied averages to 12%. Least significant difference values indicate the differences between the examined and the indicators of one status were significant (Table 2).

Table 2

Characteristics of the water regime of varieties and hybrids of eastern persimmon

Varieties Hydration, % V, % Water deficit, % V, % T2/T1

Hiakume 60.91 ± 8.24 12.18 10.48 ± 0.24 12.53 0.5

Hachia 67.38 ± 6.40 12.11 8.79 ± 0.71 13.24 0.6

Djiro 65.75 ± 3.84 11.84 9.05 ± 1.17 12.09 0.6

Zenji-Maru 68.22 ± 3.26 12.81 8.65 ± 0.51 12.58 0.7

Seedles 71.30 ± 1.99 12.33 7.91 ± 1.32 11.84 0.8

LSD (P < 0.05) 12.83 1.10 NS

NS = not significant at P < 0.05

It is known that exposure to stressors on plants leads to the formation of free radicals or active oxygen of the hydrogen peroxide. The catalase enzyme triggers the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to water molecules and a molecular oxygen molecule binds active oxygen in the cells, allowing them from destruction (Mitcham, E.J at al., 1997; Belous, 2007; 2014). As shown in Figure 2 during the active growing season, which coincides with the intense stress period (June - August), catalase activity ranged

on average between 181.3 mlO2 / g fresh weight in 'Hia-kume' varieties to 62.0 mlO2 / g fresh weight in the leaves 'Seedles' (Figure 2). High resistance of plants is accompanied by some inhibition of the enzyme activity, which is observed in 'Sidles' varieties. Variability in all classes during the study period is low and amounts to 6.48 - 11.33%, which makes it possible to consider this characteristic constant and use it to diagnose a culture of sustainability.

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180,0 I 160,0

,140,0 J



Hiakume Hachia Seedles Zinji-Maru hybrid No 39 Djiro

Figure 2: The catalase activity in leaves of the eastern persimmon, LSD (P < 0.05) = 19.01

The value of the least significant difference suggests significantly (by an average of 3 point) exceeded the indicator of enzymatic activity in variety 'Hiakume' compared to other varieties. As it is known, increased enzymatic activity shows the activity of metabolic processes, which indicates the depressed state of these varieties. In this case, the increase of enzyme activity in leaves 'Hiakume', hybrid and 'Djiro' assumes an active phase of the reaction to stress (Ryndin et al., 2014). Since the catalase is associated with the mechanisms of resistance to stress factors, the

increased activity of this enzyme in combination with low water content and low water-holding capacity varieties 'Hiakume' and 'Djiro', testifies to their low resistance to hydrothermal factors.

We carried out a correlation analysis (identified Pearson correlation coefficient) of the data obtained from the research, revealed the existence of an inverse relationship between the index of water-holding capacity and air temperature (Table 3).

Table 3

The coefficients of pair correlation between hydrothermal factors and physiological characteristics eastern per_simmon_

Indicators Water retention, % Catalase, ml02/g fresh weight

Air temperature, OC -0.70 0.57

Rainfall amount, mm NS 0.55

Soil moisture in the layer 50 - 100 cm, % NS -0.55

NS = not significant at P < 0.05

At the same time, with the amplification of intense stress period are occurs an activity growth within the enzyme, resulting in a direct correlation between the statistical factors.


For the first time in a subtropical Russia, were studied the influence of hydrothermal factors on the adaptability of varieties and hybrids of eastern persimmon. The studies revealed high-quality features of certain varieties, which would be of great importance for sustainable cultivation of persimmon under subtropical climate conditions. It has been shown that the water retention of leaves is an indicator that allows evaluating the effect of temperature on a persimmon plant, that in a condition of a subtropical shows interest for the diagnosis of the functional culture state. The catalase activity was found to be a valuable marker for assessing the functional state of persimmon in further studies.

Thus, the integrated use of physiological and bio-

chemical parameters related to water status, and the enzymatic activity of eastern persimmon will allow in the future to diagnose the state of culture in the early stages of exposure to stressors, as an integral component varietal stability and will use for select the best varieties for cultivation in the humid subtropics of Russia.


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