Научная статья на тему 'Architectural and socio-urban planning methods for spatial adaptation of people with disabilities in the urban environment'

Architectural and socio-urban planning methods for spatial adaptation of people with disabilities in the urban environment Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Kustaubayeva Manar Mukhtarovna, Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich, Balykbaev Bayzhan Tuleukhanovich

A detailed analysis of the life activity of people with disabilities, degrees of activity, and health status is considered. The main categories of mobility are highlighted: house-plot city. These categories are open-ended and can cover both larger and smaller spatial characteristics.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Architectural and socio-urban planning methods for spatial adaptation of people with disabilities in the urban environment»

3. Надеева И.А. «Перспективы развития энергоэффективных многофункциональных комплексов в крупных городах Казахстана // научный журнал Вестник КазГАСА №2 (48) секции Архитектура. Алматы: Изд. дом КазГАСА «Строительство и Архитектура», 2013.

4. Концепция городов-спутников в Алматинской области. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://baseinvest.kz/project/view/98/ (дата обращения: 13.02.2020).

5. Города-спутники 4G City. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.g4rity.kz/rn/partners, http://www.g4tity.kz/m/aboutproject/ (дата обращения: 13.02.2020).

6. К 2017 году в Астане построят город под куполом EXPO-2017. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://baursak.info/?p=118509/ (дата обращения: 13.02.2020).


URBAN ENVIRONMENT Kustaubayeva M.M.1, Samoilov K.I.2, Balykbaev B.T.3

1Kustaubayeva Manar Mukhtarovna - Bachelor of Arts (Architecture), postgraduate Student;

2Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich - Doctor of sciences (Architecture), Professor;


Abstract: a detailed analysis of the life activity ofpeople with disabilities, degrees of activity, and health status is considered. The main categories of mobility are highlighted: house-plot - city. These categories are open-ended and can cover both larger and smaller spatial characteristics. Keywords: barrier-free environment, accessible environment, people with disabilities, urban environment.

To date, the formation of a barrier-free environment has become part of the regulatory framework for architectural and construction design [1, 2]. There are many ways to differentiate a group of people with disabilities. In fact, all sectors related to people with disabilities (social psychology, mediums, etc.) have their own specific classifications. It is clear that the differentiation of all persons with disabilities on the basis of health and disability, the degree of social adaptation does not give a clear picture of their living conditions. It is necessary to define a parameter that characterizes not only the state of the individual, but also the conditions that determine it. Public activity in its pure form does not fully characterize the quality of life.

In order to define a methodology for designing a living environment for all groups of society, it is necessary to define a criterion for assessing the needs of the persons with disabilities in question. In medicine, for example, this criterion is the state of health, sociologists study the degree of adaptation and inclusion of disabled people in society. Architects and urban planners are interested in creating living conditions that take into account the above factors. These aspects should be considered in terms of the ability of urban forces of change to influence the integration of people with disabilities into the urban community. It follows from all this that it is necessary to define a criterion for evaluating groups of people with disabilities from the point of view of developers of urban environments.

The environment is used by people with disabilities, depending on a number of factors. Among them, the main thing is how a person adapts to the environment.

Mobility as a criterion for differentiating people with disabilities. "House-Plot-City" as three categories of adaptation of a person with disabilities to the architectural environment. Ergonomic characteristics of a person with disabilities.

The degree of spatial adaptation of people was first described by L.B. Kogan in 1968 as "mobility" [3]. He sees mobility as a certain state, a property of individuals and groups, which is expressed in the potential readiness to perceive new information, to change the spatial localization. In this particular case, this concept is narrowed to the scope of the social group in question. That is, in this case, mobility is the degree of integration of the social group in question into the life of the urban community. The main goal of the study is to identify ways of such integration. Therefore, mobility will be the main criterion for differentiating people with disabilities in this case. Thus, the degree of mobility is the main criterion that characterizes the living conditions of people with disabilities in this environment. It was noted earlier that the structure of society depends on the socio-demographic factor of urbanization.

Mobility is a criterion that includes evaluating various conditions and behaviors of people with disabilities in an architectural and spatial environment. This assessment determines the main points of the study. We consider mobility as a characteristic of adaptation to the environment, urban or rural. Mobility in this case is an adaptation of the individual to the place of residence. It should be borne in mind that many people with disabilities, when faced with disability, change their place of residence for one reason or another. Many disabled people are forced to move because of unacceptable space conditions, resulting in an alien environment that is not related to their normal conditions. Similarly, it affects the mobility of a person with disabilities even when moving from one area of the city to another. In contrast, people who have lived in familiar conditions all or most of their lives are much more mobile. This aspect also has a purely territorial background. People with disabilities with different degrees of physical mobility have different opportunities to adapt to new conditions. An environment created without taking into account the condition of slow-moving citizens who have changed their usual conditions, in fact, completely excludes the possibility of adapting again and leading a full life.

Characteristics of social activity characterize the individual mobility in the following way. The territorial component of communication between people with disabilities is of interest. It is necessary to know whether the disabled person communicates with relatives and friends, how often this communication occurs. It is especially important to know how these communication centers are spatially connected to each other. Continuing work is also important for assessing mobility by social activity. Here, activities play an important role in evaluation. There are several options. The work can be permanent or random. People with disabilities can either work in their main profession, or change their profession depending on their state of health or, importantly, on the location of their workplace. Many disabled people are forced to leave their former place of work because of its territorial inaccessibility. Intellectual classes remain relevant to all groups of society. This activity does not require much physical activity. In this case, the most important role is played by housing and its surroundings within the boundaries of the residential group. It is necessary, as in other cases, to assess housing conditions. Whether all utilities are available or partial. It is possible that a person with disabilities lives in an apartment or house without amenities. To assess an individual's mobility based on the criteria of social activity, it is important how well it is adapted to these conditions. Therefore, mobility is directly dependent on housing conditions.

The characteristic of physical activity is also an important point in determining the criterion of mobility. Accordingly, it is necessary to have all environmental and housing conditions in order to prolong and maintain this activity. A person's mobility is characterized by whether he or she is walking or exercising. How often these classes are held and where. Are conditions necessary for this? I wonder if a person does housework, does he serve himself fully or partially? Whether there are special terms and conditions of placement for service providers with incomplete service or without services.

The socio-spatial characteristics of mobility are divided into two interrelated parts. The first is evaluated on the basis of marital status, adaptation to a single place of residence. It matters whether a person with disabilities lives in the same apartment with a spouse, children or grandchildren, neighbors, or lives alone. In the latter case, it is important how long a person lives alone and how well they are adapted to it.

To solve the problems of integrating people with disabilities into the urban community and registering their level of social activity at an above-average level, it is necessary to take into account mobile groups, that is, groups of people who are able to live independently of each other, while at the same time being useful for society for as long as possible.

It is not only about the motor activity of the person himself, but also about the conditions that contribute to the maintenance of this activity. Often, a person with disabilities who is able to self-serve is forced to lead a less active lifestyle because they are in a poor space. In this sense, the situation in rural areas is no easier than in the city.

Thus, the interested group should be divided into categories of mobility that characterize the degree of integration of each person into the urban community. When studying and developing the principles of barrier-free space for people with disabilities, it is necessary first of all to take into account the environmental and spatial characteristics of the activities of people with disabilities, identifying possible obstacles to the expansion of this activity. These categories are defined in accordance with the above principle. In this case, it is necessary to proceed from the scale of the space acquired by this person.

For architects, spatial criteria are fundamental, as it is a tool by which an architect can influence the problem of a barrier-free environment for all social groups.

Therefore, in our opinion, the main categories of mobility for architects and urban planners are defined by spaces that limit human life. Therefore, three categories were defined that contained the component parts. These categories are House; Site; City. For each person, a step-by-step transition from one category to another is possible, starting with the "City" category and ending with the "Home" category. The reverse movement is possible only in very rare cases, thanks to the unique means of medical rehabilitation. Inconsistent movement is also possible. As a result of special circumstances, such as health conditions or family problems, a person passes through the "land" category, falling immediately into the "Home" category. Therefore, the study should start with the category whose representatives had the greatest opportunity. The "City" mobility category is typical for the older age group, which has almost unlimited opportunities. They can explore new spaces, living in their usual conditions.

When considering the "Plot" category, you must first identify a significant difference between the situation in the city and the village. In rural areas, in particular in houses with a plot of land. The line between the "Plot" and "House" categories is erased. The lives of older people are the same both in the house and on the site, which, of course, can not but affect the increase in activity.

The situation with urban residents is more complicated. Here, only a few have the opportunity to have their own plot near the place of residence. . The understudy performing the role of the site is the yard. Important in this case is the importance of a closed residential group, where from a psychological point of view the yard becomes a territory belonging to one or a group of people who take care of its improvement.

In this case, in rural areas, the plot can also be a source of additional income and food. This is important for expanding self-service opportunities, physical activity, and long-term prospects. "Plot" is a category of mobility that characterizes a person as seeking to lead an active lifestyle, work, and participate in public life. Therefore, it is necessary to note the need to take into account the need of people in the land plot for the extension of an active lifestyle when creating a barrier-free environment. In the case of suburban gifts, it is appropriate to raise the question of whether a person belongs to the "plot" category only if the person cannot use it independently, without the help of relatives.

Subjects belonging to the "site" category can be described as moderately included in the communication that is provided to them at the expense of ultra-high, excessive emotional and physical costs. This level corresponds to either a moderately reduced self-service volume or higher time costs during the day. The need to adapt to overcome architectural and construction barriers arises situationally, and the need for help from another person is periodically detected. There is no specific type of leisure or tendency to engage in activities that impair performance.

The level of mobility "plot" corresponds to the average level of social literacy, low physical activity. This level of mobility balances between the edge of "city" and "home". And in order to


increase social adaptation, it is necessary, in addition to active treatment and rehabilitation, to reduce the number of barriers to urban planning that prevent the expansion of the spatial framework of territories that can be included in the life of a person with disabilities. These barriers are often steep descents when leaving the house, unorganized pedestrian walkways on highways.

For people who are limited in their motor abilities within an apartment, room, or even bed, the appropriate criterion for mobility is the "home" criterion. Here you can also name several options for members of this category to stay in a space that restricts their lives, or to share it with people who serve it.

In the life of a disabled person living in a boarding school, only the needs of the biological plan prevail. The life of such a person is limited by the limits of the living room. Minimum life needs are met by the maintenance staff. In the apartment, such a person does not use sanitary facilities, kitchen, and so on. However, the habitat must be initially adapted or reconstructed in accordance with the needs of the person in need and those who serve them.

People who can fully or partially take care of themselves in your house, also belong to the category "house". Such a person contacts the nearest ones. Moves around the apartment with a Walker (frame, reposition), crutches, wheelchairs. Uses the bathroom and kitchen. The household is employed thirty percent of the time. Recreation is done using a TV or radio, often in the bedroom or kitchen. As mentioned above, in rural areas, these functional responsibilities are sometimes supplemented by minimal care of the infield.

The "home" level of mobility is characterized by a significant decrease in the volume of selfservice activities that take up all the productive time, require constant use of adaptation tools or the help of others. These people with disabilities lack or significantly restrict productive or entertainment activities. Motor activity at the level of hypodynamics or adynamics. Urban (spatial) barriers create almost insurmountable obstacles. The level of communication is characterized by the minimum volume and composition of interpersonal communication (loneliness, lack of friendships) [4, P. 32-34], the prevalence of conflicts, passivity, aggression, autism and social isolation in communication.

To develop parametric characteristics of individual spaces for people with disabilities of different mobility categories, it is necessary to take into account the people of each mobility category applicable to the conditions in which they exist and the functions they perform. In this case, both research and design tools will be ergonomic, since one of its tasks is to develop methods for taking into account the human factor when designing new and modernizing old spaces for life, work and leisure.

Unfortunately, the chain "human-environment-functional process" is not permanent for people of different mobility categories. This variability is related to the transition of a person from one mobility category to another. However, let's look at the main ergonomic characteristics that are most relevant for each category separately.

For the "home" mobility category, the parameters of the human body in interaction with the spaces and equipment that are available for its activities are interesting. For people with zero physical activity, who spend most of their time without getting out of bed, the space around the bed, located within the radius of the hand, is important. The functional area around the bed should also take into account the placement of the person serving the recumbent space and the space for the necessary equipment.

The average ergonomic parameters for men and women are not exactly the same, but, nevertheless, the design should take into account the average characteristics, and the reconstruction and repair of premises should be guided by the ergonomic parameters of a particular person.

A person with disabilities who travels around the house in a wheelchair needs a wide range of functional devices and devices. All equipment must be accessible from a sitting position. At the same time, the limits of its reach may vary slightly, taking into account the outstretched arm in a stationary state and the inclination of the torso. The width of the aisle for a person in a wheelchair must be at least 1100 mm.

The height parameters of the equipment suspension are of great importance when moving a person in a wheelchair. The maximum height for a person in a sitting position is 1400 mm.

For people with the "site" and "city" mobility categories who use a wheelchair outside the home, an important parametric indicator is the height of the insurance handrails. This parameter must not exceed 1000 mm.

Also important is the size of such spaces on barrier - free routes-the width of the simultaneous passage of a healthy person and the passage of a person in a wheelchair. The dimensions of the temporary rest areas are located in the immediate vicinity of the bench. The size of the areas in the service areas - retail outlets, automated service systems - vending machines, ATMs, etc., taking into account the height of the suspension and the size of the production. The availability of service facilities in the city structure is also partly determined by the compliance of their equipment with the ergonomic parameters of a person in a wheelchair.

Parameters of zones for people with visual defects play a significant role in the formation of barrier-free routes. When designing, you should consider several options for the movement of the blind. Among these options is the use of a special cane, and the dog is a guide. The width of the aisles and the placement of special handrails and tactile informants are calculated accordingly.

Ergonomic parameters of persons with disabilities should correspond to catering establishments, cultural and entertainment facilities, sports and recreation facilities, residential buildings, and transport infrastructure [5].

Thus, it should be concluded that all elements of the accompanying engineering equipment (ensuring safety, comfortable movement and trade) located inside the barrier-free pedestrian roadway should be developed in accordance with the ergonomic features of the body of people with disabilities.


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