Научная статья на тему 'Archetypal principles behind political space realignment'

Archetypal principles behind political space realignment Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
political space / political party / fractal archetype / cultural archetype / dynamic network / strategic planning / політичний простір / політична партія / фрактальний ар- хетип / культурний архетип / динамічна мережа / стратегічне планування

Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Plakhtiy Taras Oleksiiovych

Based on our archetypal model of interaction of political party members, we have provided a rationale for and developed a strategy for their activation, involving a willful and conscious choice and introduction by leaders of an integrated set of organizational instruments for streamlining the activity of party units that can ensure direct management of recurrent situations and contexts of competitive interaction in order to prevent initiation and maintenance of interpersonal and intergroup conflicts within such units. Implementation of this strategy is based on launching and using a natural, biologically determined source of activation of political party members, supported by neurohumoral reactions in their brain aimed to carry out the ranking process in competitive interaction situations that coherently occur and transform into situations of cooperation within the framework of an integrated set of organizational tools introduced by leaders. Analysis of the main components of the proposed version of such a set (namely, our method of conflictless teamwork of large groups of people in a dynamic network in combination with strategic planning as a well-known methodology of activity) based on the three basic principles of social psychology attests to its potential to activate party members in the process of their collective activity in the framework of party units. In our opinion, by opting for the recommended integrated set of organizational tools, politicians will help political parties to generate their internal moral code and to spread it outward in the absence or weakening of an external moral code, similarly to the Protestant one, for instance, which to a large extent governed the making of the modern Western world. By creating the initial “crystal” of a new social construction based on the proposed variant of such a set politicians will be able to establish a new generation of political parties through its multiplication, self-propagation and self-dissemination among elite groups, and subsequently to restructure the majority of other organizations following this model in order to overcome the growing social complexity, which over time will lead to realignment of the political space at both national and global levels.

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На основі розробленої архетипної моделі взаємодії членів політичних партій обґрунтовано та вироблено стратегію їх активації, що полягає у вольовому й усвідомленому виборі та запровадженні лідерами інтегрованого комплексу організаційних інструментів для впорядкування діяльності партійних підрозділів, який забезпечує системне управління ситуаціями та контекстами конкурентної взаємодії, що періодично відтворюються, з метою унеможливити ініціювання та підтримку в них міжособистісних та міжгрупових конфліктів. Реалізація такої стратегії ґрунтується на запуску та використанні природного, біологічно обумовленого джерела активації членів підрозділів політичних партій, що підтримується нейрогуморальними реакціями в їх мозку для здійснення процесу ранжування в ситуаціях конкурентної взаємодії, які впорядковано виникають і переходять у ситуації співпраці в межах запровадженого лідерами інтегрованого комплексу організаційних інструментів. Аналіз основних складових запропонованого нами варіанта такого комплексу, а саме — розробленої нами методики безконфліктної колективної діяльності великих груп людей в динамічній мережі у поєднанні з відомою методологією діяльності — стратегічним плануванням, з точки зору трьох базових принципів соціальної психології засвідчив їх потенційну здатність активувати членів партії у процесі колективної діяльності в складі партійних підрозділів. На нашу думку, вибір політиками рекомендованого інтегрованого комплексу організаційних інструментів приведе політичні партії до здатності формувати внутрішню етику й поширювати її назовні в умовах відсутності або послаблення зовнішньої етики, наприклад протестантської, яка великою мірою обумовила становлення сучасного Західного світу. Створення політиками початкового “кристалу” нової соціальної структури на основі запропонованого варіанта такого комплексу дасть можливість збудувати політичну партію нового покоління в результаті його мультиплікації, самовідтворення і самопоширення в середовищі елітних груп, а пізніше — реструктурувати за цим зразком більшість інших організацій з метою подолання зростаючої соціальної складності, що за деякий час зумовить реструктуризацію політичного простору як національного, так і глобального рівня.

Текст научной работы на тему «Archetypal principles behind political space realignment»

UDC 329.001(100)

Plakhtiy Taras Oleksiiovych,

independent researcher, 79014, Lviv, Trakt Glynianiskyi, 36-B, tel.: +38 (050) 317 37 01, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-1339-7441

Плахтш Тарас Олексшович,

незалежний долдник, 79014, Львiв, Тракт Глинянський, 36-Б , тел.: +38 (050) 317 3701, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-1339-7441

Плахтий Тарас Алексеевич,

независимый исследователь, 79014, Львов, Тракт Глинянский, 36-Б, тел.: +38 (050) 31737 01, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1339-7441 DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i14.115


Abstract. Based on our archetypal model of interaction of political party members, we have provided a rationale for and developed a strategy for their activation, involving a willful and conscious choice and introduction by leaders of an integrated set of organizational instruments for streamlining the activity of party units that can ensure direct management of recurrent situations and contexts of competitive interaction in order to prevent initiation and maintenance of interpersonal and intergroup conflicts within such units.

Implementation of this strategy is based on launching and using a natural, biologically determined source of activation of political party members, supported by neurohumoral reactions in their brain aimed to carry out the ranking process in competitive interaction situations that coherently occur and transform into situations of cooperation within the framework of an integrated set of organizational tools introduced by leaders.

Analysis of the main components of the proposed version of such a set (namely, our method of conflictless teamwork of large groups of people in a dynamic network in combination with strategic planning as a well-known methodology of activity) based on the three basic principles of social psychology attests to its potential to activate party members in the process of their collective activity in the framework of party units.

In our opinion, by opting for the recommended integrated set of organizational tools, politicians will help political parties to generate their internal moral code

and to spread it outward in the absence or weakening of an external moral code, similarly to the Protestant one, for instance, which to a large extent governed the making of the modern Western world.

By creating the initial "crystal" of a new social construction based on the proposed variant of such a set politicians will be able to establish a new generation of political parties through its multiplication, self-propagation and self-dissemination among elite groups, and subsequently to restructure the majority of other organizations following this model in order to overcome the growing social complexity, which over time will lead to realignment of the political space at both national and global levels.

Keywords: political space, political party, fractal archetype, cultural archetype, dynamic network, strategic planning.


Анотащя. На 0CH0Bi розроблено! архетипно! моделi взаемоди члешв пол^ тичних партш обгрунтовано та вироблено стратепю !х активаци, що полягае у вольовому й усввдомленому виборi та запровадженнi лiдерами штегрова-ного комплексу оргашзацшних iнструментiв для впорядкування дiяльностi партiйних пiдроздiлiв, який забезпечуе системне управлшня ситуацiями та контекстами конкурентно! взаемодп, що перiодично вiдтворюються, з метою унеможливити шщшвання та пiдтримку в них мiжособистiсних та мiж-групових конфлiктiв.

Реалiзацiя тако! стратегi'i грунтуеться на запуску та використанш природного, бюлопчно обумовленого джерела активацi'i членiв шдроздшв пол^ тичних партiй, що шдтримуеться нейрогуморальними реакцiями в !х мозку для здшснення процесу ранжування в ситуащях конкурентно! взаемодi!', якi впорядковано виникають i переходять у ситуацп спiвпрацi в межах запро-вадженого лщерами iнтегрованого комплексу органiзацiйних шструменпв.

Аналiз основних складових запропонованого нами варiанта такого комплексу, а саме — розроблено! нами методики безконфлштно! колективно! д^ яльностi великих груп людей в динамiчнiй мережi у поеднаннi з вiдомою методолопею дiяльностi — стратегiчним плануванням, з точки зору трьох базових принцишв сощально! психологi! засвiдчив !х потенцшну здатнiсть активувати членiв партi! у процес колективно! дiяльностi в складi партш-них пiдроздiлiв.

На нашу думку, вибiр полiтиками рекомендованого штегрованого комплексу органiзацiйних iнструментiв приведе полгтичш партi! до здатностi формувати внутршню етику й поширювати !! назовнi в умовах вiдсутностi або послаблення зовшшньо! етики, наприклад протестантсько!, яка великою мiрою обумовила становлення сучасного Захщного свiту.

Створення политиками початкового "кристалу" ново! соцiально! структу-ри на основi запропонованого варiанта такого комплексу дасть можливiсть збудувати полггичну партiю нового поколiння в результатi його мультипл^

каци, самоввдтворення i самопоширення в середовишд елiтних груп, а тзш-ше — реструктурувати за цим зразком бшьшють iнших органiзацiй з метою подолання зростаючо! сощально! складностi, що за деякий час зумовить ре-структуризацш полiтичного простору як нащонального, так i глобального рiвня.

Ключовi слова: полiтичний простiр, полiтична парпя, фрактальний архетип, культурний архетип, динамiчна мережа, стратегiчне планування.


Аннотация. На базе созданной архетипической модели взаимодействия членов политических партий, обосновано и выработано стратегию их активации, которая заключается в волевом осознанном выборе и внедрении лидерами интегрированного комплекса организационных инструментов для упорядочения деятельности партийных подразделений, который обеспечивает системное управление периодически воспроизводящимися ситуациями и контекстами конкурентного взаимодействия с целью сделать невозможным инициирование и поддержку в их рамках межличностных и межгрупповых конфликтов.

Реализация такой стратегии основывается на запуске и использовании природного, биологически обусловленного источника активации членов подразделений политических партий, который поддерживается нейрогумо-ральными реакциями в их мозгу для осуществления процесса ранжирования в ситуациях конкурентного взаимодействия, которые упорядоченно возникают и переходят в ситуации сотрудничества в пределах введенного лидерами интегрированного комплекса организационных инструментов.

Анализ основных составляющих предложенного нами варианта такого комплекса, а именно — разработанной нами методики бесконфликтной коллективной деятельности больших групп людей в динамической сети в сочетании с известной методологии деятельности — стратегическим планированием, с точки зрения трех базовых принципов социальной психологии показал их потенциальную способность активировать членов партии в процессе коллективной деятельности в составе партийных подразделений.

По нашему мнению, выбор политиками рекомендованного интегрированного комплекса организационных инструментов приведет политические партии к способности формировать внутреннюю этику и распространять ее вовне в условиях отсутствия или ослабления внешней этики, например, протестантской, которая во многом обусловила становление современного Западного мира.

Создание политиками начального "кристалла" новой социальной структуры на основе предложенного нами варианта такого комплекса позволит построить политическую партию нового поколения в результате его мультипликации, самовоспроизведения и самораспространения в среде элитных

групп, а позже — реструктурировать по этому образцу большинство других организаций с целью преодоления растущей социальной сложности, что через некоторое время обусловит реструктуризацию политического пространства как национального, так и глобального уровня.

Ключевые слова: политическое пространство, политическая партия, фрактальный архетип, культурный архетип, динамическая сеть, стратегическое планирование.

Problem statement. Nowadays, many countries display signs of a crisis of political governance, which is due to the growing social complexity and manifests itself as a dysfunction of the entire political space as an integral and dynamic system that includes power, ideologies, elite groups, states, political institutions, nations, large and small electoral groups with their interests, etc. interconnected via mobile networks of communications.

Political parties constitute the central element, the system-building core that maintains the integrity of the political space. They, on the one hand, form and represent the interests of electoral groups within certain ideologies, and, on the other hand, compete for the right to exercise state power in compliance with national constitutions.

Thus, restoration of the capacity of the political space and, hence, settling of today's political crises is directly related to qualitative changes in political parties aimed at bringing their complexity into line with the complexity of the rapidly changing and unpredictable external social environment.

In the "mess" of interconnected and interdependent problems of contemporary political parties, we have identified the issue that seems to be key to the problem of passivation of party mem-

bers resulting in their ever-increasing withdrawal from the elaboration, discussion and adoption of political decisions.

Review of recent research. Passivation of political party members is one of the manifestations of Michels' "iron" law of oligarchy in the process of concentration of the intraparty power in the hands of its governing core, limiting the access of rank-and-file party members to decision-making and decision-taking [1].

Pierre Bourdieu in [2] identified and described the effects of a key mechanism leading to passivation of the members of political organizations — i.e. delegation, whereby one person, so to speak, cedes power to another person. He described it as a complex act of transferring power when the grantor authorizes the agent to sign, act or speak on his behalf, giving him full authority to act for him, which gives rise to political alienation.

In Ukraine, the situation with the activity of political party members is even more complicated due to the fact that at a certain stage of development of the national political system payment was introduced for participating in party events. Studies conducted by social psychologists [3] have shown that rewards for certain behavior can actually reduce its attractiveness and

diminish the likelihood of further engagement in it.

Launching and supporting the reverse process (that is, activation of political party members) is both a managerial and organizational task, since, obviously, it is a matter of exercising certain influence on them in order to change their behavior.

In turn, influencing members of political organizations in order to change their behavior is, in fact, a form of social control. Such forms were comprehensively analyzed in the context of the universal epochal cycle by one of the founders of the Ukrainian School of Archetype Studies, PhD E. Afonin and his colleagues in [4]. According to the paper, all these forms always interact in a complex system and cannot be examined separately. The author argues that the mechanism of social control functions precisely due to the complex interaction between the relevant institution aimed to regulate social relations and moral/ethical standards of self-control of individuals whose decisions produce a significant effect on institutional social control.

The business sector makes use of a range of approaches to cope with the problem of activation of employees, which have been developed by different authors within the framework of Organization and Management Theory. For instance, one of them (I. Adizes) argues that to perform actions that make it possible to tackle a number of problems faced by the organization in real time managers of business organizations must have the necessary scope of managerial energy [5] According to the author, the sources of this energy include authority, power and influence.

Thus, the task of activating political party members comes down to finding alternative sources of managerial energy that could compensate party leaders for the lack of its main source available to managers of business corporations — i.e. power as an ability to punish and reward employees by changing the amount of their remuneration.

In our opinion, it is reasonable to look for alternative sources of managerial energy and develop strategies for their use within the framework of archetype management. The key premises of this discipline were presented by O. Donchenko, another founder of the Ukrainian school of Archetype Studies, in her paper [6].

Introducing the concept and describing the organizing principles of the fractal archetype of psychosocial evolution in her work [7], O. Donchenko argues that these principles make up a sort of ordering matrix imposed on chaos in a way that makes it possible for any content to find its place. The author describes the following components of the fractal archetype: the totalitarian (totemic) type of the social life order, the authoritarian type of the social life order, the liberal life order, and the democratic life order.

The authors of work [8] represent the components of the fractal archetype as defined in [7] as the cultural archetypes of consolidation, confrontation, competition and cooperation, with their levels of activation being interdependent with the dominant type of the organizational culture of each society at any stage of its historical development.

It is impossible to solve the problem of activation of political party members in practice without the ability to suc-

cessfully predict or at least explain their behavior within political organizations, which makes us turn to modern social psychology, namely, to its three basic principles, which were analyzed in detail by L. Ross and R. Nisbett in their paper [9]: a powerful determining influence of the immediate social situation on the human behavior; influence of subjective interpretation on the behavior; dependence of behavior on the state of the individual's mind and the social group as tension systems.

In our opinion, it is impossible to find mechanisms for activation of political party members without taking into account their genetically determined behavioral acts studied within Human Ethology as part of a broader field of study — i.e. Biopolitics.

A. Oleksin, one of its representatives, in [10] notes that Biopolitics examines social behavior as a complex intermesh of its two forms: 1) agonistic, which includes forms of behavior associated with conflicts between living organisms, such as aggression, isolation, subordination (as a set of forms of behavior aimed at stopping another person's aggression); 2) non-agonistic (loyal, "friendly"), which includes affiliation, co-operation, as well as social relief and imitation.

Aggression as an agonistic form of behavior is manifested as a result of activation of living organisms due to a sum of neurohumoral reactions in their brain developing under the influence of their perception of relevant external factors, in particular, the presence of one or a certain number of other living organisms.

It should be noted that aggression and subordination clearly correlate

with group effects studied within the framework of social psychology - i.e. social facilitation and social inhibition. The former is associated with intensification of the individual's activity when working in a group, and the latter implies inhibition of his activity in the presence of other people.

Analyzing non-agonistic forms of behavior, A. Oleksin relies on the study of P. Corning [11], who argues that the main trend of the biological evolution consists in development of increasingly more complex systems due to unification of formerly independent parts. Each advancing biosocial system is larger than the sum of its parts, that is, it acquires new properties that are not characteristic of its components if considered separately. P. Corning is convinced that evolution aims at increasingly more harmonized and effective cooperation between individuals within such systems.

The latter statement is in line with the shift of the organizational paradigm from uni-minded systems (biological model) to multi-minded systems (social model) described by J. Garajedaghi in [12]. Therefore, we can assume that the emergence of a new generation of political organizations is impossible without developing and introducing alternative ways of activation of their members as regards the methods used in existing political parties.

Objective statement: based on archetypal approach to develop and substantiate a strategy of activating new generation political party members as a prerequisite for restructuring of the political space, and to devise organizational tools for its implementation in practice.

Discussion of main findings. When developing the fractal model of societal mind in [13], we treated it as a complex integral system whose key components include the field of the conscious, the middle unconscious and the collective unconscious, continuously interacting within the framework of the archetypal mechanisms of its operation that we described.

To develop an effective strategy for activating political party members, we will use the main approaches of our previous research and offer an archetypal model of the process of their interaction within party units (Scheme).

It is based on the inter-transitions between the three components of the mind — the field of the conscious, the middle unconscious and the collective unconscious.

Upon that, we will take it for granted that the collective unconscious developed under the influence of the natural need to ensure fulfillment of the biological goal of the human life — i.e. survival as both the ability to self-reproduce in time and expansion in space within the framework of the ecosystem (a system of a higher level). This is the way the modern Biopolitics interprets the aim of the vital activity of populations [10], the modern Organizational Theory [12] suggests the same interpretation of one-mind organizational systems (biological model), which is the overwhelming majority of today's organizations, including political parties.

Let us assume that that this goal is attained simultaneously via two mutually conditioned ways, one of them being natural selection of the fittest

Archetypal model of interaction among political party members

individuals for admission to the reproduction process through the ranking mechanism, and the other involves stepping up the efficiency of the entire population through mechanisms of collective action [10]. It is obvious that the former way is primary, and hence more energy-intense (that is, the body produces more energy to fulfil it). The latter way is secondary, it is attributable to the social nature of biological organisms that developed in the process of their evolution and aims to provide the most favorable conditions for implementation of the first way. At the same time, these two ways steer in opposite directions, since the former involves singling out, separation of the individuals fittest for reproduction, and the latter implies unification of all individuals in the community to improve the viability of the entire population. Thus, implementation of the second way requires additional energy to suppress the ranking processes in the already ranked community. This energy is produced by its leader in order to control the activity of others (his subordinates) in the process of their interaction.

Thus, the formation and development of the human unconscious and, consequently, of the societal mind subject to the need to attain the biological goal of the population (i.e. survival) determined the structure of its fractal archetype and the tendencies of its change to establish the best correlation of the above ways to fulfil this goal at different stages of the development of the human population — i.e. society.

We will assume that the middle unconscious consists of sets of coherent ideas (social standards as represented in religion, ideology, etc.) acquired by po-

pulation members in the process of their socialization, habitual (organizational) practices and personal experience of interaction on their basis in the process of vital activity of these members. They, together with current psycho-emotional condition and conscious needs, make up a conceptual filter that uses resonance mechanisms to connect physical interaction situations (reflected and realized in the field of the conscious) with the relevant cultural archetypes of the collective unconscious and activates them; and on the other hand, this filter triggers systemic physical reproduction of the same typical interaction conditions attributable to it [14].

In Figure, the collective unconscious is divided into four parts to represent the fractal archetype components in terms of [8], that is, the cultural archetypes of consolidation, confrontation, competition, and co-operation. This division is extended to the middle unconscious and on the field of the conscious to reflect their areas corresponding to the above cultural archetypes.

Thus, each interaction situation depends on the conceptual filter and, at the same time, it relies on this filter to activate the relevant cultural archetype of the unconscious in the interaction participants, triggering the corresponding values and behavioral models that become conscious and provide the basis for the participants' choice of one of the possible behavioral responses to this situation. The cultural archetype thus activated launches the corresponding neurohumoral reactions at the biological level. These reactions provide energy for the physical performance of the chosen type of behavior in the given situation.

At the same time, as we demonstrated in [13], along with the activation of one of the cultural archetypes through the conceptual filter, the interaction situation that became conscious (depending on the degree of its strength and intensity) can directly and immediately trigger other cultural archetypes, and foreground their respective values and behavioral models to influence the participants' choice of interaction behavior options in physical terms.

For example, when an interpersonal conflict is unfolding between members of the primary unit of a political party, its ideology, as part of the conceptual filter, should help to settle the conflict based on the set of values of the behavioral models of the cultural archetype of co-operation. However, in practice, this situation directly and instantly activates the cultural archetype of confrontation, which gears its inherent values and behavioral models and, in most cases, leads to an escalation of the conflict as a result of the interaction participants' choice of their respective behavioral strategies at each stage of the conflict development.

In our opinion, this is due to the direct influence of the super-system goal of the vital activity of the population — i.e. survival — on the structure of the collective unconscious of the interaction participants, which manifests itself in the shift of the activation of its components (cultural archetypes) in the context of competitive interaction. That is, when such an interaction situation directly or indirectly (through a conceptual filter) triggers the cultural archetype of competition, its contexts rapidly shift toward activation of one of the cultural

archetypes — that of confrontation or co-operation. At the same time, the activation of the cultural archetype of confrontation is much more likely than that of cooperation due to the neurohumoral reactions in the brain of the interaction participants since these reactions provide energy to support ranking as a mechanism of natural selection in the process of reproduction.

It should also be noted that, in our analysis, we will only consider the aspect of the cultural archetype of consolidation that is the most common in modern society and is interconnected with the agonistic mode of behavior — the individual's (self)-isolation, alienation, loss of social ties with the initial group in order to avoid confrontation with the aggressive leader of the group or candidates for leadership in the process of ranking.

Let us examine the dynamics of interaction of political party members within the framework of the proposed archetypal model.

When creating a political party, the members of the initiative group find themselves in competitive interaction situation 1, where they within the process of natural group dynamics compete for the highest positions in the status hierarchy. Freshmen to an existing political party unit also shift to the same situation 1 from consolidation situation 3 — they immediately begin to compete with its other members, trying to push some of them down the hierarchy. It should be noted that the recurrence of such interaction situations is due to the influence of the conceptual filter, in particular the organizational practices internalized and preserved in the middle unconscious, i.e. the practices that

emerged in the process of historical development of each society and make up an integral part of its societal mind.

At the same time, competitive interaction situation 1 relies on resonance mechanisms to activate certain components of conceptual filter 1' interrelated with the corresponding section 1'' of the cultural archetype of competition of the collective unconscious, and due to the activation of these components the corresponding values and possible behavioral models are made conscious within the framework of this situation.

Part of the conceptual filter associated with the social standards enshrined in the process of socialization of individuals in the format of religious principles, ideological formulas, and legal regulations identifies an opponent fellow party man as a "friend" and encourages to treat him as a partner and build a relationship with him within the values and behavioral models of the corresponding area 3'' of the cultural archetype of cooperation (transition 1' ^ 3' ^ 3).

However, already in the first stages of the interaction, due to the above-mentioned shift of the activation of the fractal archetype components, situation of competitive interaction 1 and thereby activated area 1'' of the cultural archetype of competition under the influence of the super-system biological goal of the population's vital activity triggers energy-intense area 2'' of the cultural archetype of confrontation in order to generate energy for ranking. This results in an instantaneous direct transition 1 ^ 2".

In turn, area 2'' of the cultural archetype of confrontation gears the corresponding component of concep-

tual filter 2' in the middle unconscious, which immediately or through several successive interactions results in perceiving situation of competitive interaction 1 as situation of confrontation 2. Thus, the above succession of transitions results in the shift 1 ^ 2.

As a result of the conflict that accompanies this transition, the status of interaction participants is determined and they move from the positions of competitive interaction to the position of dominance-subordination accompanied by activation of leaders and passivation of subordinates all the way down to formal or informal (by sabotaging their party duties) withdrawal of the latter from the organization. Thus, the subordinates' avoidance of further interaction with their leaders comes with their social inhibition and spawns the transition 2 ^ 4, whereby the passivated political organization members pass to the situation of alienation 4 involving activation of the corresponding components 4' of the conceptual filter and area 4'' of the cultural archetype of consolidation, which results in their (self-) isolation and loss of social ties with their unit of the party organization.

However, if the ideological component of the conceptual filter is sufficiently powerful and supports the activity of low-status members above a certain energy threshold necessary to move to situation 4, they will stay in the party and its leaders will force them to turn to cooperation situation 3 resonating with the corresponding component 3' of the conceptual filter that gears area 3'' of the cultural archetype of cooperation. Its activation brings to the consciousness of the members of the

ranked political party units the values and behavioral models corresponding to this archetype and forces them to cooperate holding them in cooperation situation 3 until the leadership and/or ideological control weakens or completely disappears.

However, in the course of their joint activity in cooperation situation 3, the members of the ranked political party units keep finding themselves in competitive interaction situation 1. This, among other things, may be due to the need to approve one of the various solution options proposed by different party members or due to the need to choose one of the several ways to implement it. Further, the above-described transition from competitive interaction situation 1 to confrontation situation 2 takes place. Frequent repetition of such transitions can actuate area 2'' of the cultural archetype of confrontation to a level where the energy released in the neurohormonal reactions that accompany these transitions will be powerful enough to overcome the leadership and/or ideological coercion of the ranked party unit members to cooperation.

Therefore, further either the above described transition 2 ^ 4 takes place or the participants return to the cooperation situation (transition 2 ^ 3) due to an increase in the required level of ideological and/or leadership coercion.

If the transition 2 ^ 4 is performed by organized groups of party members with their own micro-leaders, the parent organization fractionizes into several parts. In Ukrainian realities, as we have shown in [14], the process of fragmentation of national elite groups has escalated to catastrophic proportions.

The above situation is further exacerbated due to discrepancies between the available and habitual organizational cultures, which prevents deification of leaders, reducing their total managerial power in the sense of [5] by eliminating its charismatic component in the absence of their other — the most essential — component available for managers of business companies — i. e. the power to encourage and punish by changing the amount of wages.

The described archetypal model of interaction among political party members makes it possible to identify three different strategies for their activation.

The first strategy (transition 2 ^ 3) involves an increase in the managerial energy of leaders by strengthening its sources — i.e. charisma (by using spin doctors to create the necessary image), status (by boosting the significance of their position in an administrative way) and power (by obtaining levers for provision of negative or positive incentives to party members). Implementation of this strategy in the Ukrainian political space is a challenging task because of the obstructions to the deification of political leaders due to the discrepancy between the actual hierarchical organizational culture and habitual horizontal organizational culture (we described it in [14]) and because of the inability to legally and — most importantly — sufficiently stimulate rank-and-file party members.

The second strategy (1' ^ 3' transition) consists in strengthening the mythological (ideological) component of the conceptual filter by creating a new powerful national idea, an exciting picture of the future, a convincing new ideology, etc. The energy of these com-

ponents should be enough to ideologically activate party members, which, on the one hand, will prevent them from (self-) isolation under conditions of domination/subordination, and, on the other hand, will ensure long-term ideological compulsion to cooperation in ranked political party units, despite occasional situations of competitive interaction.

This strategy is difficult to implement in the information society, when ever-growing flows of information disperse the attention of political party members and prevent them from concentrating on ideologemes aimed to harmonize and synchronize team work within their framework. This makes it impossible to ideologically compel members of ranked political organization units to cooperate in the information society. During teamwork, these units recurrently find themselves in situations of competitive interaction due to the above-mentioned shift of the activation of fractal archetype constituents under the influence of the corresponding area of the cultural archetype of confrontation geared by this situation itself.

The third strategy (transition 1^3) implies that political party leaders make a willful and deliberate choice and introduce an integrated set of organizational tools for streamlining the activity of party units ensuring systemic management of the recurrent situations and contexts of competitive interaction in order to prevent initiation and maintenance of interpersonal and intergroup conflicts within these units.

When this strategy is implemented in political parties, recurrent competi-

tive interaction situation 1 will activate interaction participants (i.e. it will fill them with energy through neurohumoral reactions in the brain aimed to initiate and support conflicts within the biologically determined process of ranking) due to the sequence of transitions 1 ^ 1' ^ 1" ^ 2", block up their transition 2" ^ 2' ^ 2 to a confrontation situation, and prevent its development due to incapability to initiate and support interpersonal and intergroup conflicts. This will make it possible to hold members of political party units in cooperation situation 3 for a long time with continuous stimulation of their activity during regular transitions into competitive interaction situation 1 involving activation of the cultural archetype of confrontation 2'' and return to 3 because of the inability to clash in the process of their teamwork.

The third strategy will ensure a purposeful change in the structure of the fractal archetype by strengthening its component — that is, the cultural archetype of cooperation — in target communities (political parties), which in some time will influence the fractal archetype of the entire society and, hence, realign its political space.

Thus, implementation of the third strategy is based on launching and using a natural, biologically determined source of activation of political party members, supported by neurohumoral reactions in their brain aimed to carry out the ranking process in competitive interaction situations that coherently occur and transform into situations of cooperation within the framework of an integrated set of organizational tools introduced by leaders.

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In fact, such a set of organizational tools should ensure regular levelling of the statuses of organization members, thereby restarting the ranking process in each new cycle of interaction and, as a result, triggering the biological mechanisms for their activation to initiate and support this process. At the same time, this set should make it impossible to generate interpersonal and intergroup conflicts, keeping them at the initial stage when a small, but sufficient, amount of energy to support the activity of organization members is released. This would make it possible to maintain the tension of their minds at a certain level for a long time, regularly discharging it through practical teamwork aimed at attaining jointly set goals.

Continued teamwork without interpersonal and intergroup conflicts will increase the field of trust within the organization and help generate the matching organizational component of the conceptual filter represented in a certain integral set of standards within the framework of a new organizational culture, which, in its turn, in some time will itself encourage reproduction of the given interaction situations among party members without any additional deliberate efforts on the part of the leaders, as well as will prevent the leaders from overt or covert struggle for absolute power.

In our opinion, Ukrainian political parties can implement this strategy on condition that their leaders become aware of the existing organizational problems and their nature, have political will to change, and make the right choice of the relevant organizational tools for conflictless work of large

groups of people. It is important that these tools should be able to eliminate the incongruity between the actual hierarchical and habitual horizontal organizational cultures by bringing them together through a series of replacements aimed at assigning each of them its intrinsic functions.

In [15], we presented our variant of such an integrated set of organizational tools — i.e. a dynamic network as a variable structure of political organizations that harmonizes and maintains con-flictless interaction of all its members through their cyclic restructuring into small groups of different functional designation based on a certain algorithm that ensures elaboration, approval and taking of collective decisions by its participants from "equal-to-equal" position, and their execution in a set of temporary hierarchical design, executive and process groups headed by executives-in-charge. The methodology of work in a dynamic network includes three integral components — the method of brainstorming, the method of work in cross-groups and project management.

This technique relies on and partially covers all three principles of modern Social Psychology [9], which makes it possible to predict the behavior of political party members interacting within its framework.

According to the first principle, it allows for systematic, long-term reproduction of given same-type interaction situations and their contexts in which party members are involved during teamwork. These situations rather rigidly determine the behavior and, to a certain extent, activate the interaction participants due to the neurohumoral

reactions in their brain that provide for the launch and maintenance of the ranking process. However, this activity within the framework of the proposed methodology is not aimed at specific action because it lacks appropriate channel factors. Therefore, it needs to be complemented with collective action planning tools that could systematically formulate and distribute in space and time channels of individual and collective activity of political party members and units.

According to the second principle, this methodology relies on multichannel, orderly and accelerated exchange of information between members of a large group to achieve the identical subjective interpretation of the interaction situation and its contexts by all interaction participants. However, our methodology does not allow for systematic interpretation and regular updating of the established interpretation of situations outside the organization if not complemented with special analytical tools.

According to the third principle, the methodology presented makes it possible to keep a horizontally structured party unit in a quasi-stable tension state by maintaining balance between the forces that encourage and inhibit interpersonal and intergroup conflicts, and to use the released energy in a graduated, deliberate and precise manner to fulfil common goals after reorganization of the unit into a hierarchy. However, to implement the third principle, our methodology lacks goal-setting tools for determining a tree of goals that should become the targets for the energy accumulated under conditions of systemic coercion to conflictless in-

teraction of the members of the party unit.

In order to fully cover the three basic principles of social psychology outlined in [9] (i.e. the ones that determine and help to predict the behavior of people), the proposed methodology of conflict-less team work in large groups within a dynamic network must be combined with the well-known methodology of activity — that is, strategic or normative planning widely used in business and public administration. This will make it possible to reconcile the interpretation of the environment within party units, to define the hierarchy of goals, and in a graduated and targeted way to direct the energy accumulated in the process of horizontal interaction through its channels to fulfill these goals.

In our opinion, by opting for the recommended integrated set of organizational tools, politicians will help political parties to generate their internal moral code and to spread it outward in the absence or weakening of an external moral code, similarly to the Protestant one, for instance, which to a large extent governed the making of the modern Western world. This, in some time, will restructure the political space at both the national and global levels.

Conclusions and further research prospects. The strategy of activation of political party members developed and substantiated based on our archetypal model of their interaction implies willful and conscious choice and introduction by the leaders of an integrated set of organizational tools for streamlining the activity of party units that ensures systemic management of recurrent situations and contexts of competitive interaction in order to prevent initiation

and maintenance of interpersonal and intergroup conflicts in such units.

The implementation of this strategy is due to the launch and use of a natural, biologically determined source of activation of political party members supported by neurohumoral reactions in their brain to carry out a ranking process in competitive interaction situations that orderly arise and transform into cooperation situations within the framework of the integrated set of organizational tools introduced by leaders.

Effective and productive activity of the new generation of political parties that will be created on the basis of the proposed strategy of activation of party unit members in some time will help to restructure the political space at both national and global levels.

Further research should substantiate approaches to creation by politicians of the initial social "crystal" on the basis of our proposed integrated set of organizational tools. This "crystal" will serve as a sample of a new social construct, the center of crystallization that will give rise to a new generation political party through its multiplication, self-reproduction and self-distribution among elite groups, and further — across most other organizations in order to overcome the growing social complexity.

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